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The Life of James

Spencer Sotelo

James Charles is a good man. He is 22 and he grew up in a trap house on

a farm with his dad in San Francisco, California. ​He really didn’t like the farm, nor

his dad​. He didn't like farming at al,l and his dad would always beat him because

he wasn’t hanging with the boys but rather the girls.

James had a hard life growing up. During his middle school days all the

boys would call him gay and a fag. It was tough but James didn’t care. ​When

high school finally hit, he came out as gay​. He’d do his makeup everyday and try

to look like a girl. James made a lot of girl friends in high school but no guys.

When he got out of high school he found this university that he liked. That

university was the University of Richmond-Spiders. College was good for James.

He started a YouTube channel doing makeup tutorials. He wasn’t really blowing

up though but he kept grinding.

By now he’d been with a lot of guys because there was a lot of gay guys

at Richmond University.​ But one particular guy he was with seemed a little off.

James wasn’t thinking and he woke up and got checked. The tests came back

and James was diagnosed with AIDS. Also the guy told him he was 15.

James became really depressed so he started eating a lot of salt and junk

foods. ​His friend Mike Oxlong took him to see a doctor​. Again, James was

diagnosed with something else. James got diabetes. James started getting

liposuction and he was back to himself again. He was tired of being sad. He
started up his youtube channel again and was going hard but this time he started

to see results.

He was blowing up now. He got so big he dropped out of college because

he didn’t need it anymore. James had 3 million subscribers and was famous now.

James started going all over the world and his channel kept getting bigger and

bigger. He came from being the little gay kid on the farm to the famous youtuber.

James is now living in a mansion with his hubby Tyrone.​ James says “Screw all

the haters” and that’s exactly what he lives by.

In conclusion, James really didn’t need anybody by his side. He could do it

all on his own.​ He never totally gave up on everything for good and now he’s

probably glad he didn’t.​ He had a lot of hate but he loved himself and that’s all he

needed to keep grinding.

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