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Prepared by:
Dr. Rea Corpuz
Pulp Calcification

 may be located

 pulp chamber
 root canals
Pulp Calcification

 Cause

 no clear-cut etiology

 no relation between
inflammation + irritation

• since pulp calcification

can be found in unerupted
Sundell Schematic

Metabolic Hyalinization Vascular
Dysfunction of injured cell Damage

Mineralization Fibrosis Vessel Wall

Pulp Stones

 Three types :

 (1) Denticles

 (2) Pulp stones

 (3) Diffuse linear calcifications

(1) Denticles

 believed to form as a result

of epitheliomesenchymal
interaction within
developing pulp

 form during period of root


 occur in root canal + pulp

chamber adjacent to furcation
areas of multirooted teeth
(2) Pulp Stones

 believed to develop around

central nidus of pulp tissue

 collagen fibril

 ground substance

 formed within coronal portions

of pulp
(2) Pulp Stones

 may arise as part of age-

related or local pathologic

 most develops after tooth

formation is completed

 usually free or attached

 some instances, may be embedded

(3) Diffuse Linear
 doesn’t demonstrate lamellar
organization of pulp stones

 exhibit areas of:

 fine
 fibrillar
 irregular calcification

 may be present in pulp

chamber or canals

 frequency increases with age

(3) Diffuse Linear
 Clinical Significance:

 very little clinical significance

 except insofar as they may

obstruct endodontic treatment
(3) Diffuse Linear
 Clinical Significance:

 discovered on radiograph
only as radioopacity

 may cause pain from

mild pulpal neuralgia to
severe excruciating pain
resembling tic douloureux

• as denticle may impinge

on nerve of pulp
(3) Diffuse Linear
 Clinical Significance:

 difficulty may be encountered

in extirpating pulp
during root canal therapy
(3) Diffuse Linear
 Treatment & Prognosis

 No treatment is required
Resorption of the Teeth

 deciduous teeth are progressively


 result of progressive
resorption of roots

 physiological process arising

from pressure of underlying

 resorption of permanent is
always pathological
Resorption of the Teeth

 Pathology

 pressure is probably main


 resorption is mainly carried

out by osteoclast

 humoral mediators, such

as prostgalndins

• may contribute to resorption

Idiopathic Resorption

 (1) Internal Resorption

 (2) External Resorption

Idiopathic Resorption

 Internal Resorption

 pink spot

 curious + uncommon

 dentin is resorbed from

within the pulp
Idiopathic Resorption

 (1) Internal Resorption

 tends to be localized

 well-defined rounded area

of rediolucency in crown

 can affect any part of teeth

 NO signs until pulp is

opened + allows access to
Idiopathic Resorption

 (1) Internal Resorption

 may be detected by chance

in routine radiograph
Idiopathic Resorption

 (1) Internal Resorption

Idiopathic Resorption

 (1) Internal Resorption

Idiopathic Resorption

 (2) External Resorption

 may be localized or

 unkown cause

 mild degree of inflammation

is often suspected
Idiopathic Resorption

 (2) External Resorption

Idiopathic Resorption

 (2) External Resorption

Heithersay Classification
Idiopathic Resorption

 (2) External Resorption

 usually a limited area of

root is attacked from
external surface near
amelocemental junction

• resorption goes on until

pulp is reached
Idiopathic Resorption

 (2) External Resorption

 often preferentially
destroys root before
penetrating the pulp
Idiopathic Resorption
 (2) External Resorption

 accessible defects may be

amenable to restoration
with mineral trioxide or
other materials

 long term success in infrequent;

Idiopathic Resorption
 (2) External Resorption

 Pathology

• vascular granulation
tissue replaces part
or periodontal ligament
or pulp

• osteoclasts border the

affected dentin or enamel
Idiopathic Resorption
 (2) External Resorption

 Treatment

• usually untreatable

• if a pink spot in an incisor

tooth is noticed at an early

 endodontic treatment should

be carried out before
Idiopathic Resorption
 (2) External Resorption

 Treatment

• resorption of teeth may

result from pressure
exerted by impacted teeth

 indication for removal

of unerupted teeth

Prepared by:
Dr. Rea Corpuz
Diseases of Periapical Tissues

 (1) Periapical Abscess

 (2) Periapical Granuloma

 (3) Radicular Cyst

 (4) Phoenix Abscess

 (5) Condensing Osteitis

(1) Periapical Abscess

 also known as Dento-alveolar

Abscess; Alveolar Abscess

 acute or chronic supporative

process of dental periapical

 usually arises as a result of

(1) Periapical Abscess

 abcess ay develop directly

as an acute apical periodontitis
following an acute pulpitis

 but more commonly it

originates in an area of
chronic infection
(1) Periapical Abscess

 Clinical Feature

 presents features of
acute inflammation of
apical peridontium

 tooth is extremely painful

 slightly extruded from its

(1) Periapical Abscess

 Clinical Feature

 chronic periapical
abscess generally presents
no clinical features

 mild, circumscribed area

of suppuration that shows
little tendency to spread from
local area
(1) Periapical Abscess

 Radiographic Feature

 except for SLIGHT thickening

of periodontal membrane

 no roentgenographic
evidence of its presence

 chronic abscess, developing

in a periapical granuloma

• radioluscent area at apex

(1) Periapical Abscess
(1) Periapical Abscess

 Histopathologic Features

 area of suppuration is
composed chiefly of central
area of disintegrating

 dilation of blood vessels

in periodontal ligament
(1) Periapical Abscess

 Histopathologic Features

 tissue surrounding area

of suppuration contains
serous exudate
(1) Periapical Abscess

 Treatment & Prognosis

 drainage must be

• open pulp chamber

• extract the tooth

(1) Periapical Abscess

 Treatment & Prognosis

 under some circumstances

tooth may be retained

• root canal therapy

(1) Periapical Abscess

 Treatment & Prognosis

 left untreated, spread

of infection

• osteomyelitis
• cellulitis
• bacterimia
• formation of fistulous
tract opening on skin
or oral mucosa
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 also known as Apical


 one of the most common

sequeala of pulpitis

 localized mass of chronic

granulation tissue

 response to infection
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Clinical Features

 1st evidence; spread beyond

confines of tooth pulp

 may be noticeable sensitivity

of involved tooth to

 mild pain when biting or

chewing on solid food
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Clinical Features

 some cases tooth feels

elongated in its socket

 sensitivity is due to

• hyperemia
• edema
• inflammation of apical
periodontal ligament
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Radiographic Features

 earliest evidence,
thickening of ligament at root

 proliferation of granulation

 concomitant resorption of bone

(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Radiographic Features

 appear as a radiolucent
area of variable size
seemingly attached to
root apex

 some cases, well

circumscribed lesion

• definitely demarcated
from surrounding bone
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Histologic Features

 arises as chronic process

from onset

 does not pass through an

acute phase
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Histologic Features

 begins as:

• hyperemia
• edema of periodontal
ligament with infiltration
of chronic inflammatory cells

 chiefly lymphocytes
 plasma cells
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Histologic Features

 inflammation + locally
increased vascularity
of tissue

• induce resorption
of supporting bone
adjacent to this area
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Histologic Features

 as bone is resorbed

• proliferation of fibroblast
+ endothelial cells

• formation of more tiny

vascular channels

• numerous delicate connective

tissue fibrils
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Treatment & Prognosis

 extraction of involved

 under certain conditions,

root canal therapy with or
without subsequent
(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Treatment & Prognosis

(2) Periapical Granuloma

 Treatment & Prognosis

 left untreated, may

undergo transformation
into an apical periodontal

• proliferation of epithelial
rests in the area
(3) Radicular Cyst
 also known as Apical
Periodontal Cyst;
Periapical Cyst;
Root End Cyst

 common

 not inevitable sequela of

periapical granuloma originating
as a result of:

 bacterial infection
 necrosis of dental pulp
 following carious involvement of tooth
(3) Radicular Cyst

 Pathogenesis

 initial reaction leading

to cyst formation

• proliferation of epithelial
rest in the periapical
area involved by granuloma

• epithelial proliferation
follows an irregular pattern of
(3) Radicular Cyst

 Clinical Features

 asymptomatic

 present no clinical evidence

of their presence

 seldom painful or even

sensitive to percussion
(3) Radicular Cyst

 Clinical Features

 represents chronic
inflammatory process

• develops only over

a long period of time
(3) Radicular Cyst

 Radiographic Features

 identical with periapaical


 since the lesion is a chronic

progressive one developing
in a pre-existing granuloma

• cyst may be of greater

size than granuloma
• due to longer duration
(3) Radicular Cyst

 Radiographic Features

 occasionally, exhibits
thin, radioopaque line
around the periphery
of radiolucent area

• indicates reaction of
bone to slowly expanding
(3) Radicular Cyst

 Radiographic Features
(3) Radicular Cyst

 Histologic Features

 epithelium lining apical

periodontal cyst is usually
stratified squamous in
(3) Radicular Cyst

 Treatment & Prognosis

 similar to periapical

• involved tooth may be


• periapical tissue carefully

(3) Radicular Cyst

 Treatment & Prognosis

 under some condition;

• root canal therapy

• with apicoectomy
of cystic lesion
(3) Radicular Cyst
(4) Phoenix Abscess

 localized collection of pus

 surrounded by an area of
inflammed tissue

 hyperemia
 infiltration of leucocytes
(4) Phoenix Abscess
(4) Phoenix Abscess
(4) Phoenix Abscess

 can occur immediately

following root canal treatment

 another cause is due to untreated

necrotic pulp (chronic apical

 result of inadequate debridement

during endodontic procedure
(4) Phoenix Abscess

 Bacteriology

 Staphylococci are frequently

associated with pus formation

• produce enzyme called


• causes fibrin formation

• helps in walling off of lesion

(4) Phoenix Abscess

 Bacteriology

• coagulase promotes
virulence by inhibiting
(4) Phoenix Abscess
 Clinical Features

 when palpated clinically

• superficial abscess is

 offending tooth is carious

+ mobile

 symptoms of acute inflammation

• swelling
• fever
(4) Phoenix Abscess
 Treatment

 repeating endodontic
treatment with improved

 tooth extraction

 antibiotics may be indicated

to control a spreading or
systemic infection
(5) Condensing Osteitis

 also known as Chronic

Focal Sclerosing Osteomyelitis

 unusual reaction of bone

 occuring in instances of
extremely high tissue resistance

 or in cases of low grade infection

(5) Condensing Osteitis

 Clinical Features

 occurs in almost young

person before the age of
20 years old

 commonly affected is
mandibular 1st molar
with large carious lesion
(5) Condensing Osteitis
(5) Condensing Osteitis
(5) Condensing Osteitis

 Clinical Features

 associated with non vital

teeth or teeth undergoing
process of degeneration

 tooth is usually asymptomatic

 some cases, pain or tenderness

• percussion
• palpation
(5) Condensing Osteitis

 Radiographic Features

 well circumscribed
radiopaque mass of
sclerotic bone surrounding

 extending below apex of

one or more roots
(5) Condensing Osteitis

 Histologic Features

 dense mass of bony trabeculae

with little interstitial
marrow tissue
(5) Condensing Osteitis

 Histologic Features

 dense mass of bony trabeculae

with little interstitial
marrow tissue

 chronic inflammatory cells;

plasma cells, lymphocytes
are seen scanty in bone
(5) Condensing Osteitis

 Treatment & Prognosis

 endodontic treatment

 extraction

 surgical removal of sclerotic

should not be attempted
unless symptomatic
 Books
 Cawson, R.A: Cawson’s Essentials of Oral
Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine,
8th Edition
• (page 70-72)
 Ghom, Ali & Mhaske, Shubhangi: Textbook of
Oral Pathology
• (pages 429-433)
 Neville, et. al: Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
3rd Edition
• (pages 127-138)

Shafer, et al: A textbook of Oral Pathology,

3rd Edition

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