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My mom.

Adriana Equihua carries her earbuds. They were a present from her husband, my dad. My
mom had always worn some basic headphones that came with the standard phone. He saw an
opportunity to better her musical experience and bought her AirPods Pro when they came out.
These allow her to travel to a world of emotion separate from ours. Choosing the genre and type
of music is the only step she takes and she is off.
She carries her paints. Similar to her earbuds, these allow her to create a new world, all at
her discretion. She has been painting since she was a little kid. With these tools, she is able to
concentrate her feelings on canvas and let her emotions out. The canvas filled with many
different colors through the brushed strokes, help her place her burdens on it or relive pleasant
She carried her briefcase. Filled with her medical papers, she is able to help her patients
out. She loves her job, it truly is her passion. Having come from a family of doctors, she takes
this hereditary talent and applies it. Not only does she get the job done, but her patients become
her friends in many cases.
She carried her helplessness. Although she was a doctor, she could not save him. She had
helped the first time he had cancer, why could he not pull through for a second time? Although
she is frustrated, she understands that it is a normal part of life, and that he was old and it was his
time to go.
She carried he loneliness. She had always been there for her father, and he had always
been there for her. They were two parts of a whole, and now she is missing a piece.
She carried her contentment. Although this is one of the saddest moments she has ever
experienced, she knows that her father is happier now. He is no longer suffering to live but now
is in eternal rest. She does not have a single regret as to something she did or did not do. She
took every moment she had with him as if it were her last, and in doing so has fulfilled
everything she had with him.
The following weeks were pretty tough, she not only lost her dad but a friend. The
relationship they had was as close as it could be. It was as if she was his right hand in his
kingdom. She is the woman she is today because of all the knowledge that was passed on by him
to her. She became a doctor, and using her gift, nurtured him and took care of him while he got
cancer for the first time in 2003. The second time he got cancer, although she gave everything a
doctor and a daughter could offer, my grandpa passed away.

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