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Sample questions for 2010 HKPU T3 Top-up course

MC Questions

Q1 What is/are the typical design considerations of embedded types of retaining structures for an deep
excavation ?
i. Structural capacity of the wall
ii. Toe and overall stability of the system
iii. Hydraulic cut-off performance
iv. Induced stress changes and movements to the surroundings

a). (i) and (ii) b). (iii) and (iv) c). (i), (ii) and (iii) d). all of the above

Q2 What is/are the typical lateral forces to be carried by an ELS system?

i. Lateral soil pressure
ii. Groundwater pressure
iii. Construction surcharge
iv. Loads from existing adjacent structures

a). (i) and (ii) b). (iii) and (iv) c). (i), (ii) and (iii) d). all of the above

Q3 What is/are the main purpose(s) of pre-loading to a strut during a deep excavation?
i. Increase strut load
ii. Limit wall deflection and hence ground movements
iii. Reduce bending moment for a flexible wall
iv. Reduce the required embedment depth of the wall

a). (i) only b). (ii) and (iii) c). (ii), (iii) and (iv) d). all of the above

Q4 What is sequence of steps usually taken by the designer for an ELS design?
i. Verification of assumptions on site
ii. Desktop study, site investigation and geological modelling
iii. Design analyses
iv. Produce drawing and specifications

a). (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) b). (ii), (iii), (i), (iv) c). (ii), (iii), (iv), (i) d). (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)

Q5 What is/are the typical instrumentation used for projects involving deep excavation ?
i. Ground settlement points
ii. Ground, building and/or utility settlement points
iii. Standpipes and/or piezometers
iv. Inclinometers

a). (i) and (ii) b). (i) and (iii) c). (i), (ii) and (iii) d). all of the above
Sample questions for 2010 HKPU T3 Top-up course
Essay Question

Q1 A site has a footprint of about 40mx40m and located in Mid-levels abutting a natural slope and has
a level difference of around 5m. The groundwater level is about 10m below ground during the dry
season but may rise to about 5m below ground during the wet season. Since there are slopes
features in the vicinity, damming up of the groundwater is a concern.

There are old buildings in the vicinity that are sensitive to vibration. Large diameter end-bearing
bored piles have been adopted as the foundation. The corewall is located closer to the lower side
of the site. A two-level basement, 10m deep as measured at higher side, is going to be built.
Please propose possible embedded retaining walls and shoring systems together with the expected
construction sequence to facilitate the basement construction.

Water table B.L.

Basement envelope

Typical Cross section

1. Sheetpile wall is not preferred due to the usual vibrating or hammering means of
installation. Soldier pile wall or pipe pile wall can be adopted as the temporary
retaining wall. Both types can be installed using ODEX or similar type of
construction technique which shall not induce significant vibration. Soldier pile wall
is more preferred in order not to dam up the groundwater regime in long term
2. Cross-lot temporary steel struts can be adopted. Raking struts can also be used if the
core wall part can be built first. Tie-back is another option if the land beyond the
upper side can be utilized.
3. Bottom-up construction to be adopted for the basement in view of uneven ground
levels across the site and the depth of excavation is not too deep.

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