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Nombre:DAVID SANTIAGO ROJAS Grado: 8-04 Taller: 8..


1 Responde:
¿Por qué es importante el respeto entre personas?
B. ¿Cómo puedes mantener buenas relaciones con los demás?
C. ¿Qué otros hechos impiden una buena relación además de la comunidad?
D. ¿Te consideras una persona de buenas relaciones? ¿Si-No? ¿Por qué?
E. Consulta y copia en este documento el poema DESIDERATA, luego selecciona las tres frases que más llamaron
tu atención y explícalas.

1 Knowing how to respect others is essential, because it represents valuing and tolerating differences and
understanding that they make us grow. We understand out of respect for the act by which one person has
consideration for another and acts taking into account their interests, abilities, preferences, fears or feelings

2 To maintain good relationships with others, it is necessary to practice active listening, which consists of
attending to the speech of other people without interrupting and giving signals to attend to what is said.
Remember that hearing is not the same as listening

3 There are a large number of facts that prevent people from having a good relationship in addition to
communication failures. Some of these factors can be: Lack of respect. Lack of empathy. Cultural problems or

4 Yes, although now people do not enjoy the good times that a person can give you
ex: I do my best to make my friends / acquaintances happy, but they don't care and they ignore me (in my life)

5 ) So you must be at peace with God,

whatever your idea of Him is,

and whatever your jobs and aspirations,

keep peace with your soul

in the bustling confusion of life.

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