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Consider the human being as a unit of consciousness in evolution, different energy

fields or levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, the free flow of energy in
the system, is one of the purposes of Bioenergetics.


Everything is energy with different vibration frequency patterns. The higher the
vibration, the more subtle is the energy, and less noticeable is the human eye. It is
in the Astral Field where the origin of many of the blockages that we suffer in our
lives. We must know that our etheric body is sensitive, among other subtle vibratory
stimuli, to light, color, sound, shapes and figures, electromagnetic fields and mental
images. Therefore it is very susceptible to being influenced.

Our Astral field is blocked with low vibration energies, some are their own but others
are usually external, induced can affect love, relationships, health and work. It
manifests with body aches fatigue bad mood and sadness.

How can I help you?

Cleaning and purification of the Aura

The Aura is an energy field, like a light of different colors that surrounds the human
being. This field is especially sensitive to external influences of the environment, to
the situations that a person lives, directly affecting the physical, mental or
emotional state. When the Aura is dirty it becomes dark and gloomy, and attracts
low vibration energies affecting our health, physical, mental and emotional vitality
I come from a family with a very strong tradition of shamanism and where the
cocnocimeinto is ederitario.

Find this space as a special place of connection between cosmos, nature and man,
helped to understand the biological life and existence to those who need it.

When biological life with existence is unified, it allows us to have a vision beyond
simple biological life and to be able to create ourselves as gods in an evolutionary

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