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My traits and skills that would help me as a university

I think my main skill that would help me at university is my drive and desire to
complete my work. At university, I would be doing a similar course to my college
course, I thoroughly enjoy my course at college which means I will enjoy my
course at university. When I set my mind to something and I have a deadline to
complete it in I will try my hardest to achieve a quality piece of work. Work would
also be my number one priority which means I would be dead set on complete the
work within the time frame I have been given.

Also, I am a very well suited to working by myself or within a team which gives a
range of flexibility depending on the task we have been given. I do however prefer
to work independently. When working independently I feel like I am in control
and I can structure my work within my timetable and deadline. I am less likely to
get stressed and I don’t have to count on anyone else to complete work. At
university being an independent learner is critical and I feel like I am suited to this

Task 2
Pros and Cons of University. What do you feel the pros of
cons of going to university? Create a list including as many
factors as possible.

•You can increase your chance
Of employment

•You can travel abroad and visit some

Amazing places

•Helps develop your social skills

• Helps gain work experience


•To many people can intimidate you to work

•Lack of individual attention

•Time away from family and local area, might be homesick

•Would be leaving with a lot of debt

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