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Todo logro requiere de un plan para alcanzarlo, sin una buena organización de
ideas es imposible conseguir las metas propuestas en la proyección de un
mercado, afortunadamente existen recursos que apoyan y orientan este proceso,
especialmente en inglés.

En este orden de ideas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta

evidencia, consulte el material de formación denominado Expressing opinions
and preferences correspondiente a esta actividad de aprendizaje y
adicionalmente el siguiente material


 Market share projection tips for small business.

 8 steps for the success of a marketing plan.

Luego de estas consultas, realice lo siguiente:

 Elabore en inglés un mapa conceptual del tema visto en el primer material

complementario indicado.

 Realice un resumen en inglés que contenga como mínimo dos párrafos, de

la lectura del segundo material complementario mencionado anteriormente.
Market Share Projection Tips
for Small Businesses

Small businesses should evaluate the current business of the company, the remaining
business should be quantified, and then sales strategies should be exercised.

Market Share Projection is Similar How Can a Company Project its

to a Gap Analysis Future Market Share?

how many units the customer buys Because every market is different, every
in a given time is identified. Then market share projection will involve
that information is used to quantify different approaches and different
your current business and circumstances. However, the basic
determine the remaining business.
approach is to determine how much new
business (units) the company can steal
how is this done? from its competition

1. Determine Market Size

determining the size of the market
is not easy however the
fundamental principle is to
determine the potential of the
market calculated how many units
the customer buys in a given time.

2. Determine Current Business

Relative to Potential Business
it is about understanding how
much customers can actually buy
in a given year.
For example, let's assume a small
business sells parts to a market
that has three large machine
manufacturers. How many
machines are sold in the market in
a given year, and how many of the
company's parts does each
machine need?

3. Determine Current Market Share

Determining current market share
simply involves dividing current
business by total market size

1. Explore: You need to explore the current trends of the industry, the future
expectations, government involvement, major changes, technological
advancement etc. Thus you need to first explore your surroundings to be
sure of the background of the marketing plan.
2. Analyse your customers: Instead of asking questions to others, ask
questions to your own customers and you will get the best answers and the
best advice possible. In fact, not listening to your customers is a sure shot
way to achieve Marketing failure.
3. Analyze your competitor: who are your competitors and what are you doing
to attract customers? At the same time, you need to know which
characteristics among those advertised by competitors are the most
prominent in the minds of customers. It is necessary to know your
customers and your competitors, as well as the market scenario.
4. Analyze yourself: At this stage you need to decide what is your budget, how
many man hours can you dedicate to this campaign, if you have the
capacity to go ATL or not or if there is a need for price promotions. Thus
your overall strategy will depend on where you stand in the market.
5. Prepare your marketing plan: You need to scale down the entire marketing
plan and the best step over here is to hire a marketing consultant / ad
agency as required. At this stage, you decide your long term as well as short
term strategy.
6. Implement: You are ready to implement the plan. However, don’t forget the
contingency plan. Contingency plans are used when your strategy is not
well received in the market. The top brands always have a contingency plan
7. Follow up: You have now implemented the marketing plan. But what is the
reaction of your customers? Are they satisfied with it, or was it a
disappointment to them? Once you have the customer feedback, you can
improvise in your future plan.
8. Explore other opportunities: Your customers do not expect the same
things again and again from you. On the contrary the more varied you keep
it, the better is the response from customers.

These 8 steps are very important when implementing your marketing plan. These
steps are applied in different priority depending on their size. A higher mark can
skip the passage of competition and go to the step of retaining customers
otherwise a lower mark must analyze very carefully each step for the marketing
plan to be successful.The key to the success of marketing depends on good
planning, information and implementation

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