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UNNITHAN Fullstack Developer at Boondockers Welcome

(January 2020 - April 2020)
SYSTEMS DESIGN Automated a newsletter generation pipeline to help hosts
ENGINEERING better market their RV site using Django and PostgreSQL
Further used this stack to build a framework that allows hosts to
transfer subscription credits between each other
(416) - 660 - 8773
Migrated to a newer and efficient Marketing Management API
system, effectively lowering API costs by 44% Upgraded the Django framework from 1.11 to 2.2 Increased overall test coverage by 13% using Selenium

SKILLS Web Developer at Glenforest STEM

(September 2017 - June 2019)
Followed an iterative build cycle to maintain and create the
Programming  / Python,  JavaScript, Glenforest STEM website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
C++, Java, Git Worked with the outreach team to attract potential sponsors
Web-Development / Django, Flask, Increased total website traffic by 4400 views  and helped land
sponsors such as Microsoft and IBM
Node.js, Selenium, HTML5, CSS3
Data-Science / Scikit-Learn, NumPy,
Interests / Machine Learning, Data
Science, Green Energy Solutions
Food Driver
Node.js, Express, MongoDB Atlas
Web Application built with the purpose of increasing the supply
of donations to local Food Banks during the COVID-19 crisis
Follows a 'rideshare' model where donors pick up donations from
University of Waterloo fellow donors on their way to the food bank to reduce the total
B.ASc in Systems Design Engineering number of trips made

Relevant Courses: Breast Cancer Classifier

Data Strucuture and Algorithms, Linear
Scikit-Learn, Pandas, Flask
Systems and Matrices, Intro to Design
Built and deployed a classification model using the Naive Bayes
Glenforest Secondary School algorithm to predict whether breast tumours are malignant or
IB Diploma - 98% benign based on numeric characteristics. Finetuned to an
accuracy of 93.1%

Flask, Twilio API, Bing Maps API
SMS chatbot that sends the user bus route directions from their
Presidents Scholarship of Distinction current location to their requested location

Top 10 Overall DECA Ontario
JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Conducted research on Dr. Mednick's Nap Wheel framework and
mapped optimal napping time based on user behavior
Brainstation Summer Academy Developed a front-end application that allows users to see ideal
Website Competition Winner 2015 nap times from inputed variables

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