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Reading total duration 30 to 41 mins

Rrading Scores
R 45, S 30 to 33, W 10 , L 4 to 5 marks total 90

Differnt categories of MCQ

1. Authors opinion look for the following phrases: the fact is, we must remember,
it must be recognise,,,,,,,
2. Summary of passage interpret and analyse
3. Find best anwere
4. Ture, false, not given ( is a statement which can not be derived from the text,


1. Reading and writing : Fill in the blanks - 4 star ->3 mins per task(MAX)

a. Do not hurry with the task. Take time

b. We will get 5 to 6 task

c. Marks go to reading and writing

d. Skim the general topic

e. Scan carefully when you arrive at the blank

f. Think about the answer before you click the drop down

h. Grammar , context , positive or negative word , collocation

i. Click and match

j. Total score is almost 40 points

k. 10 to 15 % Q based on vocabulary

l. 40 % on grammar and 45 to 50% collocation


1. Immediate or overall context

2. Lexical skills - academic word list

3. Collocation - natural combination of words

4. Positive or negative options

5. Choose the formal and academic words, example (allow and permit) (find and discover)

6. No prepostional phrases

7. Use specific word (example he ... the problem) (2 answer- dignose and identify) ... example
doc will dignose and plubmer will identify



Multiple-choice, choose multiple answer (MCCMA) - 2 stars

1. 2 TO 3 TASKS - (1.30 SEC MAX)

2. Marks for reading

3. There are NEGATIVE marks . + 1 / -1

4. Read the question carefully

5. Skim the response options

6. Understand the main point and the supporting points

7. Guess the meaning of word from context

8. Do not choose an option just becasue it has matching words

9. Work through the options one by one




Re-order paragraphs - 2 stars

1. 2 to 3 task (1.30SEC PER TASK)

2. Read the instruction carefully

3. Know your collocations

4. Subject verb agreement - Singular, plural, time (chronology)

5. Look for repeated words to understand the topics

6. Look for the first sentence , which is a stand alone sentence

7. The first sentence doesn't beginning with a pronoun

8. Look for , and understand the first bit and last bit of the sentence

9. Look for chronolgical order

10. Proof read the content - double check

11. Marks are given in pairs

Extra tips
1. First word in a first sentance – a pre standing sentance- inroduction to a topic
2. A pronoun should follow the noun
3. last pharese of a sentance provide3 a link to the sentance
4. finish taking about one thing before moving to next
5. conclude
6. Extra tips on collocations
7. Verb + noun
8. Verb + Verb
9. Noun + verb
10. Noun + Noun
11. Adjective + Adjective
12. Adjective + Noun
13. Adverb + Adjective Fullu aware, Fast asleep
14. Adverb + Adverb all anong
15. Verb + adverb Arrive on time, Read aloud
16. Phrases, Run out of money
17. Article +adjective+ Noun= Noun phrase= the cold weather
18. Ver+preposition= Aimed at, focused on
list of example
do a favour, do your best , make a mistake, getin, get confuse, give a lift, give a minute,
Adjectives=== great acheivem,e
learn and review from real life example,
learn and review vocabulary in full meaning ful sentence
keep in touch with friends and relatives overseas
put words in group in topics
write a short paragraph
Be alert about, i know and I donot know words
APPOSITIVES: essential clauses

Reading: Fill in the blanks -

1. Make an excersie with I know and I dont know -- Look at the options word below

2. Ignore the ones we dont know

3. Solve the easier one first

4. Think about the grammar, part of speech, perfect tense of the word

5. Look at the words before and after the blank

6. Choose the academic word

7. 4 TO 5 Task (1 min each-MAX)

8 IDK Strategy ( I know and I dont know strategy

Extra tips
Konw differance between formal and informal words FInd/Discover
Know collocation list
Know prepositional phrases
Easy questions first
Basic Grammar
Part of speech
Tenses and voice, SVO
Know the context positive and negetive



Multiple-choice, choose single answer - 2 to 3 task -1 stars


a. Read the q to understand what to do

b. Read the options

c. Read the text carefully

d. Think about the writer's purpose and attitude

g. Guess the meaning of a new word from context

h. Do not choose an option just because it has words that appear in the text

i. The correct answer is the whole idea expressed as SVO (subject verb objective) -
Introuduction ,main body,conclusion ---- Ram writes a letter (sentence is complete)

j. 1.5 min (each-max)

Extra tips




45 to 57 mins

A:- Summarize spoken text (3 star)

1. Total time 10 mins, we need to stop before 10mins (9:59-per task)

2. 2 to 3 task. 3 star
3. Marks goes to listening and writing , also grammar spelling vocabalury
4. Listen 90 percent , write 10 percent
5. Listen carefuly to the key points
6. Take down notes vertically
7. Ignore the small details and small examples
8. Do not hear but listen (understand)
9. Make up the senarion in your mind
10. Write down the notes as phrases
11. Key concepts , ex :- noun , verb , adjectives
12. 50 to 70 words and 6 sentence
13. Do NOT type a word which is new or you do not know the spelling


B- MCCMA (1 star)

1. It has negative markings

2. Choose one
3. Read the questions and skim options before recordings begin
4. Keep your notepad and pen ready
5. Take down the main points
6. Use short forms
7. Ignore the picture and video
8. Listen till the end,because speakers might change what they said or add new information
9. Don't change your first answer
10. Click Next - Are you sure - ok
11. 2 to 3 task
12. Marks goes to only listening


C - LFIB (3 stars)

1. 2 to 3 task
2. Marks goes to listening and writing
3. Skim the text quickly to get an idea
4. Put your cursor on the first blank
5. Use "TAB" to move to the next blank
6. Type answer and move
7. Check and proof read (plural, tenses,spelling check)
8. In the final test, ignore the background sound
9. IF you dont know the word or its spelling , than leave it to avoid marks cut (for spellings marks
are cut)
10. Type the last few letters (ex - ed , ly, t , es)


Highlight correct summary (1 star)

1. 2 to 3 task
2. Marks goes to listening and reading
3. Skim the four summary options before the audio
4. Listen carefully from beigining to end
5. Note down the keyword and phrases
6. Note the difference between each summary
7.Eliminate what wasn't said
8. Eliminate extra information
9. Don't pick randomly as there are good marks in reading
10. Generally, two options are easy to eliminate and two are almost similar
11. Only one has introduction body and conslusion
12. Many words repeated from the audio is a trap


Multiple Choice Choose Single Answer (1 star)

1. 2 to 3 tasks .
2. Marks only to listening scores
3. No Negative Marks
4. Read the prompt carefully (question) before the audio
5. Take notes
6. A picture or video can give additional clues
7. Pay careful attention to the audio
8. Continue listening and taking notes till the ned
9. Eliminate the incorrect ones first (2 options)
10. Matching words from the audio could be a trap
11. Remember only 1 option is correct


Select missing words (1 star)

1. 2 to 3 tasks
2. Marks goes to only listening scrores
3. NO negative marks
4. This task tests your ability to infer(guess) the final words from the points that the speaker
5. Read the intructions to understand the general topic
6. Skim the options
7. Listen carefully from beginning to end
8. Keep an eye on the recording icon
9. Do not spend time worrying about words you haven't understood
10. Understand the general idea and the main points
11. Follow the relationship between ideas (in order of it happens)
12. While listening decide which options are more or less likely
13. Decide a logical end
14. Select immediately
15. If you miss it, leave it


Highlight incorrect words (3 stars)

1. 2 to 3 tasks
2. Marks goes to listening and reading
3. Negative marks
4. Skim the text before the audio
5. Follow the words with the cursor
6. Look out for the following , a different words , homophone (peace,piece) (paper,pepper)
,tenses and number (singular, plural)
7. Click only if you are sure
8. Do not click accidently. Practice with a mouse
9. Dont guess
10. Some background sound is on
11. Audio may be fast
12. Give your 100 % ( marks are very high)


WFD (Write from Dictation) (4 stars)

1. 3 to 5 tasks
2. Marks to listening and writing
3. 3 seconds hear , 5 seconds type , 5 second fix (total 13 to 15 sec per question )
4. To practice - use speech note app , voice pitch analyzer
5. Listen carefully
6. Focus on the meanining
7. Keep saying the sentence in your head and type it into the box
8. Do not type and listen at the same time
9. Clear your mind, let the words sink in
10. Type quickly what you remberer
11. Bulk practice , 50 -80 questions before you sleep
12. IT GIVES MORE THAN 45 MARKS IN PTE ------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.very
13. No negative marks , but there is a huge penalty
14. Check the punctuation ex - "." , "," "?"


Essay :- (2 stars)

1. 20 mins per essay

2. 1 or 2 tasks
3. Marks goes to writing , grammar ,spellings,vocabulary ,written discourse
4. 7 parameters to score essay : 1. Content 2. Form 3. Vocabalurary 4. Spellings 5. grammar 6.
Developement Structure and coherence 7. General linguistic range

Content (Deals with the QS)

Form (200-300 words per essay must)
Developement Structure and coherence (arrange and it should make sense)
General linguistic range (use academic words not bombastic)

P - Plan - TS(topic sentence) and QS - 2 mins

O - Organize - B1 and B2 - 2 mins
W - Write - 10 mins
E - Edit - 2 mins
R - Revise - 2 mins

Tips :-

1. DO NOT USE THE BACKSPACE KEY . Select and overwrite

2. Click next few seconds before 20 mins
3. Type introduction and cloncusion first.
4. Then type B1 and B2 ,by using the given format


B1:- Yes - plan, infrastructure and funds. Eg - PWD department

B2 :- No - Too vast , individual. Eg - population


Introduction :-

Paraphrase the TS (topic sententence )

Paraphrase the QS (question sentence)
Connected to ...... will be explained with relevant examples and a logical conclusion

B1 :- In the begening ,
B2 :- On the otherhand

Conclusion :- In conclusion , on the basis of the above discussion it can be stated that ...



Example Question :-

Environment pollution is too alarming to be managed by individuals(TS). Real change can be

made at the government level(QS). What extent do you agree or disagree?

Now a days , it is seen that it is becoming difficult for people to control the dangerous levels of
environmental pollution.I partly agree that only government can bring down these pollution
levels .Whether it is possible to make a difference in these pollution levels by the government
will be explaimend with the help of relevant examples and a logical conclusion.

In the beginning ,

On the otherhand ,

In conclusion , on the basis of the above discussion it can be stated that environmental pollution
is a huge problem.There is a need of resposbile citizen to also actively take part in reducing
these dangerous pollution levels.Hence I partly agree with the statement that real change in
managing environmental pollution can be made at the government level

>>>>>>>>>EXAMPLE->Can money bring happniess ? What are the factors --- 3 (b1- yes) (b2-
no) (b3- factor)

B1 - Yes - Status, comfort . Eg - Buy materistic things

B2 - No - Peace of mind, skils. Eg Money cannot help us to develop skills (cobler examples)

B3 - Factors - Feeling appreciated, satisfaction

TIPS:- (B1 ,B2 &B3)

1. Write 1 paragraph for each feauture
2. Plan the paragraph carefully as these are the heart of the essay
3. Give 1 example
4. Connect the example to the topic
5. End the paragraph with a mini conclusion

B1 Template :-

In the beginining.... state feauture one (F1)

Exmplain F1 with the help of points in B1 (status,comfort)
For example , ...status
Thus ,.....(postive effect of having money)(mini conclusion)

B2 Template :-

On the otherhand ....state (F2)

Exmplain F2 with the help of points in B2 (Peace of mind, skils)
For instance , ...
Hence ,....(No money effect) (mini conclusion )

B3 Template :-

Furthermore .... state (F3)

Exmplain F3 with the help of points in B3
For instance ,...
Hence ,....(mini conclusion )

In the beginning money help us to buy materialistic things. A wealthy person have enough

In the begining , we will look at how money bring happiness . A wealthy person have enough
money to buy all the things necessary. He can also buy things which gives him comformt. For
example a rich person can afford a car for this daily travel. Thus money brings comfort followed
by happiness

In the beginning, We will look at how money brings happiness. A rich person has money which
brings him status in the society. This status gives him great joy. Moreover, a wealthy person has
enough money to buy all the things necessary. He can also buy things which give him comfort.
For example, rich person has AC installed in his house to keep him comfortable during the hot
summers. Thus, money brings comfort followed by happiness.



Writing - Summarize written text

1. 2 to 3 tasks
2. Marks goes to reading and writing, grammar and vocabulary
3. Marks for content form grammar and vocabulary
4. What to write is content and how to write is other three -(form, grammar and vocabulary)
5. Write 35 to 45 words (form
6. Spot the main idea
7. Find out what happens in the end
8. Spot the connecting ideas-repeated words , adjectives-chief reasons , effectiveness , the
most ,
9. Connectors - FANBOYS, for ,and, nor,but,or,yet,so ; however, ; furthermore, ; moreoever
10.(AVOID THIS) ---- Common errorrs , common mistakes , grammar , spellings , copying full
sentences ,2 fullstops
11. Stop the clock before 10min
12. Practice to write complex sentences , use them wisely
13. Repeated points are important
14. Focus on introduction and conclusion part
15. Write in third person
16. Do not include examples
17. No fullstop , no backspace
example :-

Measuring power

pjone charge


B :- Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers (1 star)

C:- Fill the blanks (3 star)

D:- Highlight the correct summary ( 1 star)

E:- Multiple choice question Single Answer (1 star)

F:- Select missing word (1 star)

G:- Highlight incorrect words (3 star)

H:- Write from dictation (4 star)


1. Parts of speech--------------------done

2. Verbs and tenses - 12

3. Kinds of sentence - 3

4. Preopostion phrases -

5. Linkers and conjuction

6. Use of articles-a , and , the -----------------done


8. Collocation List - PTE

9. Subject , verb and agreement

10. Subject verb object


Verbs and tense



1. Proper,Common,Collective,Abstract.
Noun Phrases

- article+adjective+noun

2. Pronoun - Personal > I , we ,you ,he she (third person)


Grammar - Parts of speech , verb and tenses , singular plural & collocation



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