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Finally, the course will be evaluated at the job behaviour/

inter mediate outcome level to establish the apparent change
in behaviour arising from the participation in the course.

0.4 Participatory Adult Learning Approach

The participatory Adult Learning Approach (PALA) some- PALA is based on the strong belief that adults bring with
times referred to as adult active learning, is a process of train- them a ‘treasure’ of experiences, which has to be tapped as
ing adapted in InWEnt. PALA departure point from tradi- the basis for further learning. Participants, therefore, become
tional teaching comes from the understanding that adults the main subjects and objects of their own learning and the
learning process is different from children. They have a moti- role of the facilitator/trainer is only to facilitate their learning
vation to learn when they are involved in the process. They and create a conducive environment for learning to take place.
have to see the benefits of learning for them to involve them- As a result the whole training has to be participants centred
selves. and the trainer is just playing a catalytic role.

Principles of PALA Interactive training and visualisation because:

• Nobody knows everything • What we hear we forget

• Everybody knows something • What we hear and see, we remember
• Every resource person is a participant and • What we hear , see and say, we understand
• Every participant is a resource person • What we do, we know
• All ideas/contributions are equally important
• Mutual respect amongst all
• Agreeing to disagree is more than welcome

Methods for interactive learning include:

• Lectures are interactive, involves discussions and evaluative

• Different kinds and sizes of work: buzz groups, CU groups,
Mixed CU groups, small groups, triads and individual reflec-
• Games: Simulation games, Role plays, real situation, video
clips and feedback
• Field trips: exposure and reality checks
• Field work: post training and follow up

Group work Visualisation

Groups are the sharing and learning grounds in PALA
• Write legibly that it can be read from the back of the
• Group work task must be introduced in the plenary training room
• Each group has to select a leader or chairperson and a • Print letters
scribe. • Use only key words
• It is also advisable to have a time keeper to always sen- • If using cards use one card one idea
sitize the group to time dimension. - Write only the key words
• The group has to choose a presenter right from the - Use different colours or shapes for different catego-
beginning. ries of issues or functions


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