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Activity Name: Blindfold Challenge Group Members:  nour, omar.n, judy, bilal, ali

Instructions on how the activity / challenge runs: 

There are two teams, and in each team there are an equal number of students(according to the amount of
students given). Two students in each team are blindfolded. The kids with open eyes need to help the
blindfolded kids navigate between checkpoints around the school. Between every checkpoint there is a
challenge. At every checkpoint they are given a riddle and a time limit to the whereabouts of the next
checkpoint. One member of the group goes with the group to guide them if they need basic help, and to
ensure they aren’t cheating. 

Important Rules and Safety Measures:

1. no running on concrete 
2. be careful when guiding the blindfolded person around the school as there are stairs, poles and
many obstacles around the way as we don’t want any injuries 
3. Don’t go too far off route, as we will not be able to trace you down. 
4. The blindfolded student is not allowed to take off their blindfold even to drink water
Equipment List Needed:
cones, blindfolds, 15 tags, stopwatches


*Carpark is out of bounds

Progressions and Regressions (ways to increase/decrease difficulty):
 have 2 people blindfolded in each group
 increase the difficulty of the riddles/challenges in each checkpoint
 switching the person blindfolded to make it easier for everyone to get a chance at different roles
 on the other hand if it’s too simple we could include more area and use more space so that the
students are challenged. 
 There is a challenge between every checkpoint, such as throwing a ball in a hoop, or throwing a

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