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Shivam Trivedi
BA (Hons) Geography,1st Year
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Evening College

I saw a beautiful dream

In which the earth was green.

I saw humanity there

But in reality we don't care.
There is only violence
And all species are in danger
There are screaming for a saviour
To control this behaviour .

Wildlife is up in smoke
Please please don't poach!

Water is now turning into poison

Because of dirty hands of pollution .

The ozone layer is

affected by carbon emission .
The countries are increasing
their mass production
This can cause a great disruption .

For disaster risk reduction ,

Keep environment pristine in every hue.
Otherwise in the future,by loss of lives,
We have to pay the dues .

1.) " Nature has enough to provide for each human need!
But not for human Greed !! "
2.) "There is no disaster that can become a blessing ,
No blessings that can't become a disaster ."
3.) " If you are going to keep the wheels turning ,
The earth is going to keep burning ."
4.) " Become friendly with nature , Disasters will not occur in future ."
5.) " Disasters are divine intervention in disguise. "
6.) " Sometimes it takes a natural disaster to reveal a social disaster ."

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