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Hidden dangers in social networks and how to use it safely

When we talk about social networks, the first dangers we think

of would be cyberbullying, which today is the main problem of social
networks, but also sexual predators, which are beginning to appear
more and more nowadays, due to the ease of pretending to be
someone else or manipulating someone on the internet.
But before we start talking about other dangers that social
networks pose, I think it would be good to highlight some benefits of
the platforms.
Probably the first benefit that many would not have thought of
when they started reading this article, would be that social networks
create and gather friends or relationships. Now many of you may
think that in general on social networks there are only predators and
people who share "hate", but let's not forget that some people have
met and made friends on these platforms or even got married, after
they met on these platforms.
A second benefit would be that social networks are platforms on
which many of us can promote their talents. In recent years, many
artists, especially from the music industry, have been discovered on
social platforms, such as Justin Bieber.
And the third benefit that deserves to be highlighted, would be
that social networks are a place where you can learn things. On these
platforms you can learn about music, photography, math,
programming, but also how to cook or build certain objects and many
other things.
Now that we have said some advantages about social platforms
and how they can be used productively, we must keep in mind that
social platforms are also a big risk.
Probably the biggest danger, especially for children, is that
people who use these platforms may be exposed to inappropriate or
annoying content. Inappropriate content would be adult content. One
study shows that one in teenegers receive sexually explicit messages
or emails and at least one in seven teenegers send such messages. The
study also shows that more than 10 teenegers forward these messages
to other people without their approval. But even more worrying is the
fact that one in twelve young people resent these messages without
the sender's permission.
A second danger would be that when you start using social
networks you start exposing too much of your personal life to the
point where it becomes public.
A third danger would be that the use of social platforms reduces
sleep duration. One study shows that one of ten young people say they
always use social networks during the night. Lack of sleep is directly
connected with loneliness, but also depression during adolescence.
A fourth danger would be that social networks can be a waste of
time if you use them too much. A study shows that 44% of young
people spend more than three hours a day on social networks.
And one last danger would be that in the long run the long-term
use of social networks can lead to depression, anxiety and even
suicidal thoughts.
So, given the dangers and benefits presented above, I think we
can say that it depends on us, and those around us, how we use these
platforms, these having both hidden benefits and dangers.

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