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The bio gas production is done in 3 stages hydrolysis, acidogenesis/acetogenesis,


(C6H10O5)n + nH2O → n(C6H12O6) -Hydrolysis

n(C6H12O6) → n CH3COOH -Acetogenesis/Acidogenesis

3nCH3COOH → nCH4 + CO2 -Methanogenesis

First method: the effect of animal waste for production of biogas

from paper waste
Production of Biogas

Paper waste soaked in a plastic tank of water for a night for partial decomposition by using
aerobic microbes, paper waste alone of 8 Kg was mixed with 27 Kg of water
Paper waste and cow dung was mixed by ratio 1:1, 4 Kg for each material, mixed with 27 Kg of
water. The two slurry was charged to 50L digester by charging ¾ of the digester volume leaving
¼ to collect biogas, stirrer is used to be ensure that the mixtures in homogenous. It done in
temperature range from 26 to 36℃, and the effective temperature is from 32 to 42 ℃ for 45
days. Paper waste alone produce a flammable gas within 24h of charging, even the product gas is
reduced and the flammability also discontinued only to resume after 14 days, the mixture of
paper waste and cow dung produce flammable gas within 6 days but it continued for the period
of the experiment

Figure 1(Daily Biogas Production)

Cow dung recorded that it has good effect for production of biogas because:

 Waste paper is a good stock of feed for biogas production

 Mixing of waste paper mixes with cow dung or any animal waste the ability to ignite gas
for a long time with the passage of the experiment
 Experience shows that animal waste like cow dung is a good start to producing biogas
from poor raw materials such as waste paper
Second method: effect of waste paper on another material
Process description

Water hyacinth is dry using sun for 30 days, then dried in oven at 60℃ for 5 hours, cow dung
was dried with sun for 20 days, then cow dung and water hyacinth grounded to fine parts. The
experiment is done on 5 digesters, each one has a group of waste with different weight.
 Digesters A, B, C, D, E have 5 gm of cow dung, and 5 gm of water hyacinth
 The amount of paper waste different from one to another
 Digester A: no Paper
 Digester B: 4 gm
 Digester C: 8 m
 Digester D: 12 gm
 Digester E: 20 gm
Mix each digester with 250 ml of water and then close it away from the air, the experiment
continued for 62 days. The maximum biogas produced is about 1.11L, its recorded at amount of
paper waste 17.5g, by increasing the amount of paper waste above 17.5g the biogas production
began to decrease

Figure 2(Relation between biogas produced (L) & total solid in 250ml water by percent against waste paper (g)

Biogas produced from cow dung; water hyacinth is found that it increases when it mixed with
paper waste, the maximum amount of biogas produced is 1.11L when the amount of paper waste
is 17.5g. Above 17.5g of paper waste the biogas production start to decrease
The maximum waste paper needed to combine with cow dung is 5g and the water hyacinth is 5g.
The maximum amount of biogas is 17.5g.
Third method
Process description

A 25 digester are fed with the mixture of waste by different percent, each digester is stirred for 2
minutes two times per day, experiment temperature is 30 ℃, and done for 45 days

Figure 3(Composition of Each Digester)

The experiment shows that the digester 13 D13 has the largest amount of biogas production
9280.03 ml, it additionally demonstrates the best blend to create the biggest measure of biogas in
rate, 20% banana stem, 15% cow dung, 25% waste paper, 15% rice bran and 60% saw dust
found in digester 13 D13, the most minimal digester will be digester 21 D21 with blend 5%
banana stem, 15% cow dung, 5% paper waste, 15% rice bran, and 60% saw dust
Figure 4(Biogas Produced from Each Digester)
Forth Method: Methane production from biogas after treatment
Treatment of biogas

Cow dung was collected fresh and dried in the sun for 10 days, each material is dried using air,
then dried in oven for a day at 110℃, then they are grounded. 600g of each sample are loaded to
beakers and mixed with 3000cm3.The experiment done at room temperature. Treatment system
used to separate H2S from biogas using lead acetate forming black precipitate of lead sulphide
H2S + Pb(COOCH3)2 → PbS + 2CH3COOH
After removing H2S the gas passed over 10% NaOH solution to remove CO2
CO2 + 2NaOH → Na2CO3 + H2O

Figure 5(Relation between methane gas found in the biogas in each waste)

Cow dung is the largest waste produce biogas by volume 8545 cm3, this experiment shows
the arrangement of waste according to the production of biogas CD < MH < RH < SD < PW,
also cow dung is the highest producer of biofuel but it only contains 66% of it methane gas.
And the paper is the lowest producer of bio fuel but it contains the largest percent of methane
gas by 72.59%, the arrangement of waste according to the production of methane gas PW <
SD < RH = CD < MH. Even the paper waste has the largest amount of methane gas but in
terms of H2S it’s the worst one because it has H2S by 3.14%, but it has the lowest percent of
CO2 gas by 24.27%. The paper waste produces highest percent of methane gas but it
produces the lowest volume of biogas even all waste in the same weight so we need high
amount of paper to produce high amount of methane gas
This experiment shows that paper waste has highest percent of methane gas followed by saw
dust then cow dung. According to largest volume of biogas, the cow dung is the largest one
produce biogas then millet husk, but in terms of CO2 and H2S, paper waste and saw dust are
the worst because they have high percent of these gases. Paper waste is the best producer of
methane gas
Substrate Total CH4 CH4 CO2 CO2 H2S H2S
3 3 3
Biogas (cm ) (%) (cm ) (%) (cm ) (%)
Cow dung 8545 5639.8 66.00 2830.5 33.00 74.65 1.00
5 0
Millet husk 6525 3790.0 58.08 2657.2 40.72 52.26 1.00
0 0
Rice husk 1386 900.50 64.97 462.12 33.00 22.40 2.00
Saw dust 974 670.00 68.79 288.83 29.65 14.93 1.53
Paper waste 476 345.54 72.59 115.53 24.27 14.93 3.14
Table 1(Composition of biogas)

Substrate % of CH4 % of CO2 % of H2S Total yield

Cow dung 66.00 33.00 1.00 8545
Millet husk 58.08 40.72 1.00 6525
Rice husk 64.97 33.00 2.00 1386
Saw dust 68.79 29.65 1.53 974
Paper waste 72.59 24.27 3.14 476

Table 2(% of methane and contaminant)

Fifth Method: The effect of mechanical treatment on biogas
Process description

The waste paper has been cut using the cutting machine, and pretreated at 105℃ and 550℃.
Waster paper has been mixed with water and treated by mechanical treatment using mechanical
beater for different time 30 and 60 minutes, after treatment 400ml is fed to the bioreactor to start
the digestion. The feedstock/inoculum ratios are 0.3 and 0.7
To avoid present of oxygen in the system nitrogen gas was used to exit the oxygen from the
reactor by injected it for 5 minutes then removed it. Reactors placed in a water bath 37 ℃ to set
the medium temperature, and carried out for 21 days
The methane yield decreased by increasing the feedstock/inoculum ratio in all pretreatment time.
The ideal feedstock/inoculum proportion is 0.3 for all pretreatment times

Figure 6(Methane Production for F/I Ratio 0.3 and 0.7)

Figure 7 (methane yield in different beating time and F/I ratio)

The optimum multiplication time and F / I ratio is 60 and 0.3 minutes, respectively, improving
and increasing methane production by 21%. 30 minutes treatment has not huge impact on the
yield of methane
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Momoh, O.I.Y. and Nwaogazie, L.I., 2007. Effect of waste paper on biogas production from co-digestion
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