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Any student more than 15 minutes late from the start of the class will be considered late
and any 2 days of lateness will be considered an absence.
2. There will be no penalty for up to 2 days of absence. After that there will be marks
subtracted for each day of absence, 1 mark for each day.
3. If a student is absent for medical or other unavoidable reasons (volunteer
work/conference etc) he or she needs to submit an application by email or on paper along
with necessary documentation as proof if he or she wishes to get the attendance mark.
4. Students should take note of the teacher’s consulting hours and visit the teacher
according to that routine. If a student needs to meet the teacher on an urgent basis before
the next available consulting hour, he or she should contact the teacher by email.
5. Performance marks will depend on student’s participation in class and tests, checking if
student achieved 50% marks in attendance/quiz/term exam. The formula is :
Performance (10) = Attendance (2) + Quiz 1 (2) + Quiz (2) + Assignment (2) +Term
exam (2)– Misconduct (cheating etc.).
To get full performance marks, students must at least attend 50% classes and also get
50% marks in the tests they attend. If students get less than 50% in a test they will get 1
mark instead of 2 for that test.
6. Assignments must be handwritten. When submitting assignments students must submit
one hard copy and one soft copy (picture or scan of the hard copy) of the assignment.
Hard copy must be submitted to the teacher in the class and soft copy must be submitted
at the form link shared in VUES.
7. No copying allowed for assignments. Students are allowed to work in groups but each
person should do their own calculations and write their own explanations. Line-by-line
matching between assignments will results in all parties being penalized.
8. No copying or side talk allowed during quizzes. A student trying to engage in such
behavior might have their quiz immediately cancelled, or their quiz might be cancelled
later if copying is found when grading the scripts. Students are advised to not show their
scripts to another because both the person who copied and the person who was copied
from will be penalized.
9. Any student who has history of copying will not be given any bonus whatsoever in
mid/final exams.
10. In the midterm or final term exam, up to 2 bonus marks will be given if necessary to
increase a grade. In the grand total the marks will only be rounded up if needed, more
than 1 marks bonus will not be given.

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