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:: In a GD you have to lead by an example which fundamentally comes from a good

understanding of the topic that is being discussed at that particular
point of time.

:: the more points one is putting in the GD , the more marks that person will fetch
for himself

:: dont think that repetition of points will help at any point !!

:: present as many points as possible

:: if someone is faulting on a fact , you are supposed to correct that person with
decency that is a leadership trait

:: its not necessary that the topic introduced will be debatable , it is possible
that the topic introduced may be
fact - intensive and in that case there will be exchange of facts to a great
intensity , dont go with a mindset
that GDs have a fixed course i.e. the topics decide the very nature of the GD

:: the information quotient required in WAT is far more greater than what you see
in a GD

:: the presentation of the info in WAT is what plays a major role , therefore dont
start just scrabbling on paper as soon as
you see the topic firstly just organise the tpoic in your head like the pros ,
the cons , the body , the conclusion etc

:: the flow of idea should be streamlined and that is why we need to first organise
the topic in our mind very well

:: in an interview 4 fronts are tested - personal questions , academics (good info

on major topics of grads and basic
info on normal topics), general awareness , behavioural test (how you perform
when you are put under stress)

:: PI questions - (refrain from using flowery language)

firstly write down everything good about yourself on a paper
secondly you have to research extensively on course curriculum of
the B-school you are going to and
make links
thirdly search about manangement skills on the google and
identify some of them with yourself and
you need to back them with strong reasons

:: form an SOP and when we talk about an SOP we have to answer 2 questions - WHY

for the first question do a basic reading about all the functions that are being
offered in the B-schools
and read what those particular functions teach you and then you can frame your
answer from that content

you can also talk about any external influence in the pursuance of the MBA
for the second question you have to write the good qualities you have i.e. your
USPs in particular keep this in mind that the answers can't
be general at any cost you should be unique in your answer.

:: newspaper needs to become a daily dose now !!

:: read TIME GD PI magazines from september

:: you have to be rock solid on personal questions and SOP in a week and that's
it ........ just a week !!!

:: create word docs on GA topics

:: you need to amass a lot of GA

:: Work on the scale of PESTEL

:: harvard hand book reading

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