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`TTAT Lesson Plan Template

Date: November 1, 2022 Subject/Grade Level: ELAR/Kindergarten

Teacher: Sadie Ellisor

TEKS Number (Standard): K.5G
Knowledge and Skills Statement: Comprehension skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses
metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly complex texts.
SE: The student is expect to: evaluate details to determine what is most important with adult assistance;

Language Objectives (ELPS): clear, student-friendly statement language processes or skills in one language domain used during the lesson.

Objective/Central Focus (measurable and aligned with the standard)

● By the end of this lesson we will be able to
I can evaluate details to determine important information and the main idea

Formal Assessment (Pre/Post Assessment) (5 – 8 minutes max at the end of the lesson)
(Embed an image of the assessment here)

Questions: (Picture to the right)

1. What is a detail?
2. What is a main idea?
3. What is the title of your book?
4. What is the main idea of your book?

Informal Assessments
What essential question will you pose within the lesson to guide students in thinking about the content? (Check for Understanding)
Why do we need to learn how to evaluate details to determine important information and the main idea
What strategy will you use to engage students in processing the questions? (i.e. Stop and Jots, Turn and Talks)
Students will engage in turn and talks while ensuring they know the procedures
What written and oral feedback will you provide to students to encourage mastery?
“Great job” “I love how hard you are working” “That is a great drawing”
Sub-skills/Related Skills (Consider that students are moving from Basic to Complex):
What are the prerequisite skills necessary to meet the skill/strategy required within the objective?
The ability to draw pictures and know what a detail is

Key Academic Language Materials Needed for the Lesson:

What is the key language demand? What academic language will you Opening: PowerPoint
teach or develop? What are the key vocabulary words and/or symbols?
Language Function: I Do: Expo marker
How to share their drawings
We Do It Together: Anchor chart, sticky notes
Key Language Vocabulary:
Detail You Do It Together: student book, index cards
Main idea
Closing: N/A
Language Syntax:
You Do It Alone: Post assessment
Language Discourse:

Opening/Activating Thinking
Hook: How will you activate student interest and curiosity?
I will have the students take a minute to look at their shirt and pick out the most important detail

Objective: How will you present (unpack) the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way? How will you unpack it and communicate its importance and
highlight the key words in the objective?
I will then have the students read the objective aloud with me. Well then go over new key words (Evaluate, Detail)

Prior Knowledge: How will you connect to previous learning?

I will review what a detail is. The students have learned about these before so this should be a refresher for them

Expectations: How are you setting behavioral and academic (review of the agenda/the plan for the learning) expectations for the lesson?
I will review our classroom mottos before beginning the lesson

✏️Script everything that you will say and do (Must include scripting for each component of HOPE):
Ok, friends, I want you to take a look at your shirt real quick. Think quietly in your brain and pick out something that stands out to you
*give a moment to do this* Alright, what is one thing you noticed, raise your hand. *allow students to share* You, my friends, just
picked out an important detail about your shirt. Today we’re going to evaluate details to determine important information and the
main idea. Evaluate- That's a fancy word huh? Can anyone tell me what evaluate means? *call on student if there is a volunteer*
Yeah, so it basically means you see something and you decide so in this case we're going to read the story and find details and
decide if they're important to the story and the main idea. Does that make sense? Go like this if that makes sense *make a silly face*
Who remembers what a detail is? Raise your hand *give time for student to answer* Yeah, so in today's case it's something that
happens in a story. We're going to learn more about them today! Before we get started, let’s review our classroom mottos for the day
Together: I will always try, I will do my best, I will treat others with respect, I will cooperate. Teacher: Good job! I really want you to try
your best today while we're working! Let's get started
Direct Teach - (Information Needed for Context/Reference)
Thought (Guiding) Questions to Consider:
❏ What is the essential question for the lesson?
❏ How can I find details and use them to support the main idea or key events
❏ What is the crucial information needed for mastery of the objective? (building schema: vocabulary,, videos, article, anchor charts, visuals)
❏ Vocabulary: details and main idea
❏ How will you explain all knowledge/skills required of the objective?

✏️Script everything that you will say and do:

I want my friends to think real quick- how do you think we can find details and use them to support the main idea
or key events? *give time for students to think* Raise your hand and tell me what you think *give time for
students to answer* Those are all really good ideas. So details are very important to a story, a story is basically
a bunch of details all put together to make one big project. But sometimes, some details aren’t important, these
are unnecessary details. We’re going to focus on the important details today. In order to determine what an
important detail is you have to think “what would happen to the story if I took this part out?” would the story still
make sense or would the reader be confused. If the answer is “no” then that is an important detail.

Model (Think Aloud) - (Teacher Demonstrates How to Apply Thinking (based on the objective skill) to an Example)
I DO Thought (Guiding) Questions to Consider:
(Teacher Only) ❏ How will you demonstrate (model) the knowledge/skills required of the objective by using processing steps or processing questions?
Direct Teach & Model ❏ What do you want your students to focus on as you model?
❏ What steps/questions are you going to show/ask the students?
❏ What process/guiding questions are you going to ask to guide the students? .
W- Writing

✏️Script everything that you will say and do (Must include scripting for each component of STQ):
O- Organization
R- Reading
Who remembers this book from last week? It was a good book, huh? Mrs.Ellisor is going to show you exactly
what you need to do when you're trying to evaluate details. I want you to pay attention to the questions I ask
myself. So first I ask myself What happened first? Then I ask myself What happened next? Next I ask myself
What happened at the end? Then I wonder What were the most important things that happened? This is where I
have to figure out if the story would make sense without this information *draw on the board the scene that was
most important* Lastly, friends What was the main idea of the book? What details support that? *give chance for
students to answer* excellent. So can someone tell me something I did to evaluate the details? *give time for
students to answer* Good, I’m glad y'all were paying attention! So we are going to read a book called The Stray
Dog, while I'm reading the book I want y'all to pay attention to the details in the book and any key events that

S - Set the Focus for your model (Focus Statement):

“I want you to pay attention to the questions I ask myself.”

T - Thought Questions that you will ask yourself or Steps that you will follow as you Think Aloud (Process Steps):
● What happened first?
● What happened next?
● What happened at the end?
● What was the most important thing that happened?
● What was the main idea of the book? What details support that?

Q - Questions you will ask to check for comprehension (Step Out Questions)
Tell me something I did to evaluate the details

At this point, (depending on where you are in the unit) consider whether or not a teacher guided example is needed or your students are ready to move to
collaborative work? (T+S)
Thought (Guiding) Questions to Consider:
❏ How will you engage students in thinking about a second example with you?
❏ I will read the book and ask them comprehension questions
❏ What questions or collaborative strategies will you use to engage students to allow for checking for understanding before moving into the “You
Do It Together?”
❏ What is the main idea? What details support that? What is an important event? Why is that event important?

✏️Script everything that you will say and do:

How did y'all like that book? *give time for students to answer* Good, I’m glad y'all liked it! What was the main
idea of that book? *give time for students to answer* Yeah, the dog was a stray but then he found his forever
family! What details from the book support that? *give time for students to answer* Good job! Can someone tell
me what was an important event in this book? *give time for students to answer* Why was that event important?
*give time for students to answer* So now that we have read the book and we have talked about it a little, I’m
going to give you a sticky note and youre going to go back to your desk and I want you to draw an event or a
detail from the book on it. When we're all done, we're going to come back to the carpet and put them on this
anchor chart we have been working on. Got it? Perfect! Tell your neighbor what we're doing. Now when we're
drawing, I only want us to be drawing pictures of details from the book, so are we drawing a picture of us at our
grandma's house? together: No. teacher: No, good! While were working our voice level should be on a one,
We Do It
sound good? Here are your sticky notes, let's get started!
(Teacher and
Differentiation Strategy: Using the SAC (Student Achievement Chart) Non Applicable
W- Writing
Thought (Guiding) Questions to Consider:
I-Inquiry ❏ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
O- Organization
❏ How is your mentor teacher addressing required accommodations/modifications for specific students (based on IEPs/504s/informal and formal
R- Reading observations)?
❏ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

IEPs/504 Number of Supports,

Plans: Students Accommodat
Classification ions,
s/Needs Modifications
, Pertinent
IEP Goals

Example: Example: Example:

ADD 2 Extended
time during
testing, small
group testing

Students with Specific Language Needs

Language Number of Supports,

Needs Students Accommodat

Students with Other Learning Needs including

Advanced or G.T. Students

Language Number of Supports,

Needs Students Accommodat

Thought (Guiding) Questions to Consider:

❏ How will you communicate and model a brief portion of the behavioral expectations?
❏ reviewing what voice level they should be at
❏ How will you ask students to practice skill/content taught in the “I do” part of the lesson so that they have the support of you and other students?
You Do It
❏ they will be asked to identify details in their story just like they watched me do in the I do
❏ How will you group or pair students to practice the skill/content taught?
❏ there will be no pairing due to it being an individualized and personal task
❏ How will you use confirm, specify, question (CSQ) to provide academic feedback?
W- Writing ❏ I will give the students an opportunity to share what they did giving the opportunity to ask questions
O- Organization
R- Reading O - Objective: How does your activity align to your learning objective?
T - Think about:
● Providing a hands-on opportunity for my students to ENGAGE in the new learning in a student-centered way.
● Maintaining students’ attention.
● Allow for meaningful student to student interaction.
I - Impact: What impact will this activity have on student mastery?
❏ it will require students to identify the details and ideas in their book, representing mastery of the TEK

✏️Script everything that you will say and do:

Teacher: So now that you have seen Mrs. Ellisor find key details and the key idea and we did it together for our
book, it is your turn! We are going to independently read for a few minutes. When we are done, we are going to
come back to our table and I am going to pass out an index card. On the index card, you're going to draw an
important detail in your book. Once we’re all done, we're going to put them all on a piece of paper and share.
Does that sound good? *student name* Can you tell me what we're doing? As we are reading, since it is
independent reading, what should our noise level be? Class: zero. Teacher: yes, a zero, good job. I'm going to
set a timer for about 5 minutes of reading. I’m going to be walking around so if you need me just raise your
hand. Alright if you have a red book box, go get your book box and find your spot in the room. If you have a blue
book box, go get your book box and find your spot in the room. *Give 5 minutes to read* Alright friends, come
back to your seats. Do you remember what we were doing? Raise your hand if you can tell me. Good job, here
are your index cards. *Give about 5 minutes to draw* Are we all done? Come to the carpet with your book and
your index card by the end of the song so we can share. (Then I will call on the students individually to share
and bring their index card to the front to place on an anchor chart, asking the students comprehension
questions) Now that everyone has shared, we have this big piece of paper with details from our books. Now if
our friends want to know what some of our books are about, they'll know. It's like a little sneak peak, how cool.

Differentiation Strategy. Using the SAC (Student Achievement Chart) Non Applicable
Thought (Guiding) Questions to Consider:

❏ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?

❏ How is your mentor teacher addressing required accommodations/modifications for specific students (based on IEPs/504s/informal and formal
❏ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
❏ How can you utilize grouping strategies?

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

IEPs/504 Number of Supports,

Plans: Students Accommodat
Classification ions,
s/Needs Modifications
, Pertinent
IEP Goals

Example: Example: Example:

ADD 2 Extended
time during
testing, small
group testing
Students with Specific Language Needs

Language Number of Supports,

Needs Students Accommodat

Students with Other Learning Needs including

Advanced or G.T. Students

Language Number of Supports,

Needs Students Accommodat

Closing Closing the Lesson Out:

Thought (Guiding) Questions to Consider:
How will you close the lesson with a student-centered approach?

Summary - How will you have students summarize their learning? What questions will you ask about the key learning?
I will review how we created 2 anchor charts about details
Objective - How will you revisit the objective in a student centered manner?
I will have students review over the objective in past tense with “we HAVE…” statement
Assessment - How are you measuring the student’s use of academic language within your assessment? How will your assessment assess both “meets” & “exceeds” level students.
In my assessment, students will identify what a detail is, what a main idea is and what the main idea of their book is
Reflect - How does this skill connect to other content areas? What is the significance of what was learned? How will this objective relate to students’ life (real world)?
I will have the students answer what their favorite part of the day was.

✏️Script everything that you will say and do (Must include scripting for each component of SOAR):
OK friends so we did a lot today huh? We read a book and together we came up with some important details in the book, and then
we did it on our own! Do yall realize how much bigger your brain just got?? I see smoke coming out of your ears! Remember how
earlier we said we were going to be able to find details and decide if they're important to the story and the main idea. Do you guys
think we did that? Class: yes. Teacher: I think so! You know how last week, Mrs. Ellisor called you over to the table and asked you
some questions? I’m going to be doing that again later today so we have to remember all the stuff we learned this morning, got it? I
want to see how much your brains grew! So friends, did you have fun this morning? What was your favorite part? Raise your hand if
your favorite part was reading the book together, raise your hand if it was reading by yourself, raise your hand if it was being an
artist. Yeah all of those things were fun huh. Are y'all ready to go to specials? Great, lets line up

Here is where you deliver your post assessment.

Thought (Guiding) Questions to Consider:
❏ How will you communicate clear behavioral/work expectations?
❏ What will you be doing as students are applying the new learning?
❏ How will you ensure that little instructional time is lost when transitioning from the closing to the assessment?

✏️Script everything that you will say and do:

Ok (student name) remember how I asked you a few questions last week and we werent sure what the answers
were? I'm going to ask you those questions again but now, since we learned about it this morning, hopefully
we’ll be able to answer more questions correctly!

Differentiation Strategy Using the SAC, (Student Achievement Chart)

❏ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
❏ How is your mentor teacher addressing required accommodations/modifications for specific students (based on IEPs/504s/informal and formal
❏ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
You Do It Alone
(Post- Assessment)

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

IEPs/504 Number of Supports,

Plans: Students Accommodat
Classification ions,
s/Needs Modifications
, Pertinent
IEP Goals

Example: Example: Example:

ADD 2 Extended
time during
testing, small
group testing
Students with Specific Language Needs

Language Number of Supports,

Needs Students Accommodat

Students with Other Learning Needs including

Advanced or G.T. Students

Language Number of Supports,

Needs Students Accommodat

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