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Background of the Study

A student may learn best by seeing, hearing, being active, or reflecting, to name a
few. Learning styles are typically described by a student's sensory modalities: visual,
auditory and tactile. Learning styles are the various ways that you can both gather and
integrate information. In essence, your preferred technique of learning is the one that
enables you to acquire knowledge and apply it in a particular way. The majority of the
time, a learner's qualities can be seen even at a young age. When Aristotle postulated
that "every child possessed specific talents and skills," the idea of learning styles took
shape, and researchers started creating their own theories. The idea of learning styles
can be traced back to this time period, specifically to 334 BC.

According to Busilaoco et al. (2014), learning styles play a crucial role in how
teachers demonstrate their students' understanding of the material. Rezaeinejad (2015)
conducted a study on learning styles and how they relate to academic success among
Iranian students, and he discovered that by being aware of the students' learning
preferences, teachers can deliver lessons in a way that makes it easier for them to
understand, use a variety of teaching techniques, and help students achieve academic

In the Philippines, Filipino students appear to learn best in the morning. They are
most alert, readily focused, and polite at that time. Filipino kids learn best through visual
and practical means. To comprehend information, they like to see it. They prefer to
learn through visual resources like pictures, graphs, and diagrams. Being tactile
learners, Filipino students learn best when their entire body is active. They look for any
chance to go moving. Role-playing, field trips, building the alphabet physically with
classmates, and physically interacting with the concepts expressed in poetry are all
learning-enhancing activities. The auditory mode is the least preferred by Filipino
students. (Dunn & Milgram).

In the province of New Corella, Davao del Norte, recent studies have highlighted
the limited impact of traditional teaching methods where educators primarily lecture
while students passively listen. This approach seems to be less effective in promoting
student achievement. Emphasizing the importance of accommodating different learning
preferences, experts have found that understanding and incorporating students'
individual learning styles can foster increased engagement and participation. For
instance, some students might learn best visually, using images and diagrams, while
others might excel through auditory means, benefiting from verbal explanations or
discussions. Yet another group might be kinesthetic learners, preferring hands-on
activities to understand concepts better. Furthermore, education methodologies evolve
to suit modern learners, there's a shift towards more adaptable teaching approaches.
Differentiated instruction has emerged as a particularly effective method, especially in
addressing varied learning needs and teaching relevant content tailored to each
student. Empirical data indicates a marked difference in science comprehension levels
of students when contrasting traditional teaching methods with differentiated instruction.
The latter approach generally results in superior performance. It implies that educators
should thoughtfully adjust their teaching techniques to cater to the diverse abilities,
requirements, and interests of students, a process that demands nuanced calibration.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the level of Learning Styles and Academic
Performance of Elementary pupils in Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc. during the S.Y.
2023-2024. Specially, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender; and,

1.3 Grade Level?


2. What is the level of learning styles and academic performance of Elementary

pupils in Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc. in terms of the following:
2.1 Grade 1;
2.2 Grade 2;
2.3 Grade 3;
2.4 Grade 4;
2.5 Grade 5; and,
2.6 Grade 6?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the learning styles and academic
performance of Elementary pupils in Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc. when
grouped according to the following:

3.1 Grade 1;

3.2 Grade 2;

3.3 Grade 3;

3.4 Grade 4;

3.5 Grade 5; and,

3.6 Grade 6?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the learning styles and academic

performance of Elementary pupils in Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc.

Significance of the Study

The finding accumulated by this study may provide significant benefits to the
following groups or individual:

Students. This study helps the pupils to improve their learning styles and academic
performance. Also, it could increase their interest in their learning styles and motivate
learners to develop their learning experiences.

Parents. The knowledge of this study gives vital information for the parents to
guide their student's in developing their learning style preferences.

Teachers. They will be able to understand their learners who have different
learning style preferences. This study could possibly help them to be more effective in
teaching and can provides strategies in helping the Learners.

School. This study may give ideas and help the school to determine the
effectiveness and discover possible and useful strategies to overcome issues on their
learning styles preferences.

Future Researcher. This research serves as guide for the next researcher for their
future study. It will improve their ideas and knowledge and help them more discover
more about this matter.

Definition of terms

The following terms re defined conceptually and operationally.

Learning Styles. Conceptually, learning styles refer to the preferred ways or modes
through which individuals absorb, process, comprehend, and retain information.
Operationally, the benefits of learning styles are that you feel more self-assured, leading
to more productive learning and improved working relationships, now and in the future.

Visual Learning Style. Conceptually, a visual learner is someone who learns better
from images, charts, and other visual aids. Operationally, a visual learning is the
indicator of the independent variable that presented to a learner in a visual format.
Visual learners can utilize graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and other forms of visual
stimulation to effectively interpret information.

Auditory Learning Style. Conceptually, auditory learning is a learning style in which a

person learns through listening. Operationally, auditory learners are the indicator of
independent variable that more likely to absorb and retain information when it is
presented orally.

Tactile Learning Style. Conceptually, it refers to the learning style by learning through
touching or feeling. Operationally, this learning style is the indicator of the independent
variable, entails acquiring knowledge through physical actions.

Academic Performance. Conceptually, academic performance is the measurement of

student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education
officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates,
and results from standardized tests. Operationally, academic performance is the
dependent variable of this study to determine the relationship between learning styles
and academic performance.

Second Grading GWA. Conceptually, this average is calculated by adding the

weighted average of each course subject and dividing it by the total number of credit
hours. Operationally, the second grading GWA is the indicator of the dependent variable
to measure the academic performance of the students.


This chapter presents the related legal basis, review of related literature, review of
related studies, and conceptual framework of the study. The primary goal of this
quantitative research study is to analyze the level of learning styles and academic
performance of Elementary pupils.

Legal Basis

The foundational characteristic and guiding principle of the Philippines' DepEd K to

12 Basic Education Program (2012) provides a credible basis for these scholarly
investigations. The overarching educational framework is fundamentally oriented
towards the welfare of the learner. It emphasizes the holistic development and growth of
the student. When educators cultivate an enriching learning ambiance, pupils are
predisposed to appreciate the learning process, engage in meaningful educational
endeavors, and excel. This is largely attributed to the environment where they feel
valued, esteemed, and safeguarded—even amidst the errors that naturally accompany
the acquisition of new knowledge. Learners are afforded the autonomy to determine the
trajectory of their educational journey, both within the academic setting and in their
broader life experiences.

According to several educational psychologists, learning style plays a pivotal role in

determining a student's performance. Every child assimilates new knowledge uniquely.
From the 1920s onwards, psychologists such as Fernald, Orton, and Montessori
identified three primary cognitive learning styles: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic or

Related Literature

Learning Styles

Individual learning calls for a self-reliant learner capable of effectively utilizing

different learning styles, and personal learning is essential for fostering teamwork and
collaboration abilities, as mentioned (Cimermanová 2018).

The student-centered approach fosters a balanced relationship between educators

and learners, with both actively participating in the learning journey. Though teachers
maintain their authoritative role, they primarily serve as guides and mentors to support
student learning. For optimal results using this method, it's essential for educators to be
mindful of students' individual learning preferences. When students recognize their own
learning styles, they can more readily adapt to this approach (Lathan in 2021).

Visual Learning Style

Visual learning styles emphasize using visual tools like infographics, videos, maps,
and other graphic representations to enhance learning. By adopting this method,
students can more effortlessly understand and assimilate information. Moreover, when
textual content is integrated with visual elements, it has been shown to amplify students'
comprehension and recall, a finding supported by a study conducted (Mayer and Massa

Visual learning methods have been shown to be particularly beneficial for

elementary students. Using visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and images can
enhance students' comprehension and help them retain the content more effectively, as
evidenced by a study conducted (Mayer and Massa 2003).

Effective integration of technology in education begins when educators incorporate

technology in meaningful and relevant ways. Technological tools should complement
the curriculum without overshadowing it, and they should help educators establish a
collaborative learning setting (Ranasinghe and Leisher 2009).

Auditory Learning Style

Listening to stories is crucial for auditory learning. They emphasized the value of
storytelling for auditory learners and claimed that stories offer much more than just
amusement by assisting us in understanding both our own self and the world we live in.
Moreover, stories are essential to communication, and skilled story listeners are more
cognitively focused (Cohen and Wolvin 2011).

Auditory Learning in the Bangladeshi Context: Educational outcomes and the

factors influencing them have been subjects of extensive research. Within the
Bangladeshi context, a study was conducted to discern the prevalence of different
learning styles and their impact on academic achievement. With a sample size of 676
participants, data was collated through the use of BFI and VARK questionnaires,
coupled with an achievement test. A significant finding from this research was the
distinction in learning preferences between genders. While boys exhibited a proclivity
towards multimodal learning styles, girls predominantly showed a preference for
auditory learning. This divergence in learning preferences, particularly the prominence
of auditory learning among girls, can have potential implications for instructional
methodologies and pedagogical strategies (Fleming, N. D. 2001).

Tactile Learning Style

Learners with a kinesthetic style grasp information most effectively through tangible
data representation. Such students thrive when engaging hands-on and learn optimally
by handling things directly. Recognizing these learning preferences can bolster
students' academic self-assurance. Consequently, educators obtain a clearer
understanding of how to integrate these learning styles into their lessons and study
methods (Cherry 2019).

Individuals with a kinesthetic learning style often depend on tactile interactions to

help them retain information. They typically employ their hands as memory aids and can
grasp information simply by holding an object, bypassing the need for a detailed
reading. These learners struggle to stay still when gathering information, often

displaying a preference for physical activity, teamwork, and controlling their body
movements. They can quickly process information by replicating images or words,
learning their pronunciation, or directly understanding the facts (Barefoot et al. 2011).

Individuals with kinesthetic learning tendencies frequently engage with their

environment through touch, move a lot, handle tasks hands-on, display superior body
coordination, and employ all senses - like sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing - during
learning. While they often thrive with experiential and inductive teaching methods,
abstract concepts can pose a challenge for them (Nilson et al. 2010).

Academic Performance

Academic performance gauges a student's accomplishments in their educational

journey, with educators frequently using test results, graduation statistics, and in-class
performance as indicators of student success (Allensworth & Clark, 2020).

Grades are often emphasized when evaluating academic achievement, other

factors like scholarly distinction, impressive test results, achievements in extracurricular
activities, and student leadership should also be taken into account (Williams, 2018).

Over the past thirty years, significant research has been conducted on the most
effective and least effective teaching methods for student success (Meiji's 2018).

Variations in academic success among seniors in the "Top of the Class" program
across different schools were identified. These differences weren't more distinct in elite
institutions, and factors like motivation and creativity played a vital role in enhancing
academic achievement, as observed (Wu and Li 2019).

It used the domain of learning analytics to forecast academic performance and

potential risks, emphasizing the interpretation of data. (Fan and Wang 2018).

Second Grading General Weighted Average

The general weighted average (GWA) is commonly used to gauge academic

performance and is a reliable predictor of academic achievement. Students are often

categorized as high, average, or low achievers based on their GWA. This research aims
to uncover the non-academic elements influencing academic outcomes. Identifying
these factors can guide students towards academic success, making them constructive
contributors top society. The academic progress of students is pivotal in fostering top-
tier graduates who can fostering top-tier graduates who can lead and significantly boost
the nation’s socioeconomic progress. (Ali, et al. 2009)

Related Studies

A strong positive relationship was observed between kinesthetic learning styles and
academic performance. In a similar vein, a significant link between students' learning
approaches and their academic success was identified (Abdul Jawad HR 2018).

Although students might have clear preferences for their mode of information
intake, tailoring instruction to these preferences didn't enhance their learning outcomes.
This aligns with the general view in cognitive science that there's minimal proof backing
the concept of adjusting instruction based on individual learning styles to boost learning
(Husmann and O'Loughlin 2018).

While Collaborative learning was the most prevalent style among Turkish students,
those with a participant learning style showed notably better academic results. Adopting
teaching methods that promote participant-style learning could enhance academic
achievement for these students (Nursen İlçin in 2018).

“Each child possessed unique talents and skills,” Aristotle said, noting that young
children differed from one another. Carl Jung, an observational psychologist, developed
a psychological type theory, which is one of the first learning style theories (Cherry

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Learning Styles
and Academic Performance of Elementary pupils in Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc.
Specifically the independent variable is Learning Styles Preference which the indicators

are visual learning, auditory learning, and tactile learning. Also, the dependent variable
is Academic Performance of Elementary pupils of Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc.
which the indicator is the Second Grading GWA.

Learning Styles is part of the pupil's preferences. Knowing the learning styles of
each pupils will help the teachers to decide the teaching strategies.

The moderator of this is the Age, Gender, and Grade Levels.


Conceptual Framework

Independent Dependent
Learning Styles: Academic Performance of
Elementary pupils in
 Visual Learning Davao Winchester
 Auditory Learning Colleges, Inc. S.Y. 2023-
 Tactile Learning 202

 Second Grading

 Age
 Gender
 Grade Levels

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study



This chapter presents the methodology of the study. The subtopics of this chapter
are the research design, the respondent of the study, the researcher instrument of the
study, the data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data employed conduct
of the study.

Research design

This study used the descriptive correlational research design in order to determine
the relationship between the learning styles and academic performance of Elementary
pupils in Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc. S.Y. 2023-2024.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the Elementary pupils in Davao Winchester
Colleges, Inc. who officially enrolled for the school year 2023-2024.

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents



Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6


Research Instrument

The researcher adopted downloadable scale from web source. The questionnaire
entitled Learning Style Questionnaire from the University of California, Merced Student
Advising and Learning Center will be used to determine the level of Learning Styles of
the Elementary pupils. To evaluate Elementary pupils’ academic performance and
learning preferences of Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc. S.Y. 2023-2024, the
researcher will request and collect the data needed from their respective advisers.

Table 2

Scale in the Level of Learning Styles of Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc. S.Y.

Often Sometimes Seldom

1. I can remember best by listening to a lecture that

includes information, explanation and discussions.

2. I prefer to see information written on the board and

supplemented by visual aids and assigned readings.

3. I like to write things down or take notes for visual


4. I prefer to use posters, models, or actual practices

and other activities in class.

5. I require explanations of diagram, graphs, or visual


6. I enjoy working with my hands or making things.

7. I am skillful with and enjoy developing making

graphs and charts.

8. I can tell if sounds match when presented with pairs

of sounds.

9. I can remember best by writing things down several


10. I can easily understand and follow directions on a


11. I do best in academic subjects by listening to

lectures and tapes.

12. I play with coins on keys in my pocket.

13. I learn to spell better by repeating words out loud

than by writing the words on paper.

14. I can understand a news article better by reading

about it in the newspaper or online rather than by
listening to a report about it on the radio or Internet.

15. I chew gum and listening music while studying.

16. I think the best way to remember something is to

picture it in my mind.

17. I learn the spelling of words by "finger spelling"


18. I would rather listen to a good lecture or speech

than read about the same material.

19. I am good at working and solving jigsaw puzzles

and mazes.

20. I grip objects in my hands during learning periods.

21. I prefer listening to the news or the radio or online

rather than reading about it in a newspaper or in the

22. I prefer obtaining information and interesting

subject by reading about it.

23. I feel very comfortable touching others, hugging,

handshaking, etc.

24. I follow oral directions better than written ones.



Complete the table below by assigning to the following point values for each questions:

Often= 5 points Sometimes= 3 Seldom=1

Then add the points in each column to obtain your learning preferences score under
each heading.

Visual Auditory Tactile

No. No. No.

Points Points Points

Visual Preference Score: Auditory Preference Score: Tactile Preference Score:

Table 3

Scale in the level of learning styles in Elementary pupils in Davao Winchester

Colleges, Inc. S.Y. 2023-2024.

Scale Descriptive Equivalent Descriptive Interpretation

90% and Outstanding The learning styles and academic

above performance in Elementary pupils of Davao
Winchester Colleges, Inc. is Very Proficient.

85%-89% Very Satisfactory The learning styles and academic

performance in Elementary pupils of Davao
Winchester Colleges, Inc. is Proficient.

80%-84% Satisfactory The learning styles and academic

performance in Elementary pupils of Davao
Winchester Colleges, Inc. is Less Proficient.

75%-79% Fairly Satisfactory The learning styles and academic

performance in Elementary pupils of Davao
Winchester Colleges, Inc. is Least Proficient.

Below 75% Did not meet The learning styles and academic
expectations performance in Elementary pupils of Davao
Winchester Colleges, Inc. is Not Proficient.

Data Gathering Procedure

This study will be conducted in elementary pupils of Davao Winchester College,

Inc. the researchers will ask an approval to the school principal by handing a letter.
Upon approval, the researcher will ask a permission to the adviser and approach the
respondents properly and the data gathered will be encoded and tabulated, and will be
submitted to the statistician for further analysis and interpretation.

The researcher will ask an approval to the school principal by handing a letter.
Upon approval, the researcher will ask the advisers if they can have the Second
Grading General Weighted Average of the pupils through registrar.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

In this study, frequency, percentage, mean, and test for significance of Rho were
the method used for analyzing the data.

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of respondent's male and female

Percentage. This was used to determine the percent of the respondents.

Mean. This was used to determine the correlation between learning styles and
academic performance of Elementary pupils in Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc.

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. This will be to determine the

correlation between Learning Styles and Academic Performance of Elementary pupils of
Davao Winchester Colleges, Inc.

Test of significance of Rho. This was used to determine the relationship between the
learning style and academic performance of Elementary pupils in Davao Winchester
Colleges, Inc.


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COLLEGE STUDENTS: Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 20, Issue

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