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23 JANUARY 2019
11th grade

All subjects are compulsory.

All answers must be written on the answer sheet.
There will be 10 points granted.
Allotted time: 60 minutes.

I. Translate into Romanian the excerpt below. (30 points)

”Ever since I was an adolescent, I had enjoyed writing novellas, short stories, and even
fantastic “novels” [...]. I started writing on a Sunday; I had a whole free day and a whole free
night ahead of me. I still remember the beginning and the end of that story; I was in the
laboratory (during that year I was engrossed in chemistry, and I had made a small lab of my own
in the attic), and I don’t know how I happened to fall asleep ― but, of course, the reader was
unaware of the fact; I had not imparted it to him.”

”What a pity. I don’t know much myself. If he had got on this tram, I should have asked
him. I like to start a conversation with educated people. These young people, my dear sir, must
have been students. Eminent students. I was waiting with them at the tram stop, and I listened to
them. They were talking about a certain colonel Lawrence and his adventures in Araby. What a
memory, too! They recited whole pages from the colonel’s book by heart!”
(Mircea Eliade: fragmente din În curte la Dionis, 1977)

II. Translate into Romanian the following sentences. (15 points)

1. What were you doing when I called you up and you did not want to talk to me?
2. I did not know you would come back, because I had thought you had left for good.
3. He admitted he always made tea or coffee when he had nothing else to do.
4. He announced that the king was making laws for his subjects, and must not be disturbed
till he had finished.
5. The Dane answered that he would be received by the Prime Minister.

III. Translate into English the excerpt below. (30 points)

"Veneam în ziua aceea cu braţul plin cu flori... Nu mă aşteptase... Nu dorisem decât să
retrăiesc o clipă... ceva din trecut şi mă supuneam acestui demers cum primeşti un singur pahar
de vin, ştiind că mai multe nu ai putea suporta... Dar servitorul mi-a remis un bilet când am
sunat. Un plic odios, de un albastru pal, aproape alb. Parcă un gând otrăvit mi s-a împrăştiat în
sânge şi mi-a uscat pielea. Nu ştiam ce să răspund, nici n-am citit biletul, pentru că acum
conţinutul lui mi-era indiferent.
Altădată mă adânceam în cercetarea motivelor, cum ai căuta izvorul apei [...] subterane,
într-o grotă. Mi-era acum o milă imensă de bucuria mea şi de florile pe care le aveam în braţe."
(Camil Petrescu - "Patul lui Procust")
IV. Translate into English the following sentences. (15 points)
1. Ursoaica fusese vânată pentru blana ei minunată.
2. O să dea voie cuiva tigrul şi tigroaica să se apropie de puii lor?
3. Când va fi cumpărat pentru fermă un câine ciobănesc?
4. Zarzavagiul spera că o să sape toată ziua în grădină duminică.
5. Oricine aduce ghete noi la reparat e precis trăsnit.

23rd JANUARY 2019
9th grade

I. Translate into Romanian the excerpt below. (30 points)

Încă din adolescenţă mi-a plăcut să scriu nuvele, povestiri şi chiar „romane” fantastice [...].
M-am apucat să scriu într-o duminică; aveam toată ziua şi noaptea libere în faţa mea. Îmi
amintesc încă începutul şi sfârşitul povestirii: mă aflam în laborator (în acel an eram pasionat de
chimie şi îmi alcătuisem un mic laborator în pod) şi nu ştiu datorită cărei împrejurări am adormit
– dar, evident, cititorul nu ştia asta; nu i-o spusesem.

Păcat. Nici eu nu prea ştiu mare lucru. Dacă s-ar fi urcat în tramvaiul ăsta, l-aş fi întrebat. Îmi
place să intru în vorbă cu oameni culţi. Tinerii aceştia, domnul meu, erau, desigur, studenţi.
Studenţi eminenţi. Aşteptam cu ei în staţie şi i-am ascultat. Vorbeau despre un anume colonel
Lawrence şi de aventurile lui în Arabia. Şi ce memorie! Recitau pe dinafară pagini întregi din
cartea colonelului!
II. Translate into Romanian the following sentences. (15 points)
1. Ce făceai când te-am sunat şi n-ai vrut să vorbeşti cu mine?
2. Nu ştiam că ai să te întorci, fiindcă crezusem că ai plecat de tot.
3. A recunoscut că face întotdeauna ceai sau cafea când n-are altceva de făcut.
4. A anunţat că regele face legi pentru supuşii lui şi nu trebuie deranjat până nu va
5. Danezul răspunse că va fi primit de primul-ministru

III. Translate into English the excerpt below. (30 points)

" I was coming that day with my arms full of flowers... He had not waited for me... I had just
wished to experience a lost moment again... something from my past, and I was obeying this
impulse as you accept “just one” glass of wine, knowing you could not handle more... But the
servant gave me a note when I rang the bell. A hateful, light blue, almost white envelope. A
poisoned thought seemed to run all over my body and make my skin go dry. I did not know what
to answer, I did not even read the note, because its content was indifferent to me now.
There was a time when I used to look deeply into motives, following the spring of a subterranean
river [...] deep inside a grotto. Now I only felt an immense pity for my joy and the flowers I was
carrying." Camil Petrescu - "Patul lui Procust"

IV. Translate into English the following sentences. (15 points)

1. The she-bear had been hunted for its splendid fur.
2. Will the tiger and the tigress allow anyone to come near their cubs?
3. When will a sheepdog be bought for the farm?
4. The greengrocer hoped he would be digging in his garden all day on Sunday.
5. Whoever has new boots repaired must be crazy

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