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Tammy Oladapo

IR 1 /10 CC/ 2
October 24th, 2019
● Secure advisor
● Find new sources on other psychotherapies
● Complete 2 classroom presentations
● Improve speech (no manilla folder)
Throughout the past two weeks, I’ve more actively searched for an advisor, found new

scholarly sources, completed and presented my marketing speech, and further

developed my topic. Although I was comparing CBT with all other treatments for

psychosis, I realized that didn’t make sense since I was comparing psychotherapy with

medication treatment and I was more interested in psychotherapy anyways. Instead I

focused on comparing CBT with other psychotherapies such as SCIT. I’ve also more

actively searched for advisors, which helped me further develop my topic. Presenting

my marketing speech the first time helped me become more familiar with what to

expect, and I was able to greatly improve my speech for the smart speaking conference.

The first classroom presentation, I felt like I was put on the spot and as a result of that I

was unprepared and nervous, tripping over many of my words and skipping my entire

conclusion. As a presenter, I’m good at writing an interesting script and projecting, but

I’m not as good at presenting the information, often feeling as if I need to fall back to my

notes. However I was able to fix my issues by altering my presentation to contain words

that I can say, practicing it more, and overall being much more prepared and confident

in myself.was much better than my classroom, with me looking at my notes much less

and overall sounding more confident in my content. My smart speaking presentation I

would still like to improve on memorizing some of my script, particularly for the intro and
conclusion, along with adding more content to the body and getting away from using the

manilla folder.In the next two weeks I hope to complete at least 2 classroom

presentations, find an advisor (that says yes), and improve my speech and speaking


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