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What does this statement means to you?

“If you make listening and observation your occupation, you will gain much more
than you can by talk.”

-Robert Baden-Powell

Listen to the unsaid words, observed quietly, read the unspoken words between the
lines. This kind of listening in an art in itself. We all known that listening is one the
most important thing that we must do and apply. Listening is our ability to received,
attend to, interpret and respond to verbal and non verbal messages. Being active
listener is our demonstration of mindfulness and an act of being fully present.
Observation is also important for what we can see and hear. We need to especially
the importance of one thing to cope/get information, by listening is the best way to
do. After we listen and observed we knows a lot and we gain knowledge from them
to cooperate, to share others what we have learned from our own experiences. We
gain some ideas, strategy, catching up knowledge and so on, while we listened first
and observed before we act and complain. This will means to me, if the person
knows how to listen and observe, it will surely be a leader and successful someday.
As an individual of a future mentor, how will you developed your learners five macro

Listening- as a future mentor, I will use some tips to help the learners listening skills.
As a teacher I will teach my students on how to be come an active listener, by
becoming active listener themselves. Through modeling active listening to my
students he/she is able to see the value and importance of being an active listener.
First maintain eye contact, on this tips focusing my eyes to the learners can also
helps improve concentration. Don’t Interrupting me while I’m reading or discussing, I
will avoid some guessing or assuming where his/her thoughts are going. After that I
ask some questions or I will give assessment for what they have learned from me.

Speaking- for me as a future mentor, I will do my part to ensure that today’s students
have the tools and support they need to succeed. I encourage them to speak and
listen to music audio to developed their better speech. I will give a topic or situations
and ask them to script out a typical interactions in that particular situation. And I will
assign roles to the learners so that they can practice speaking well.

Reading- in reading skills I allow learners/students to highlights and underline

valuable information as what they read. I teach my students to take down notes of
some unfamiliar words to search in dictionary, to help them stay focused and
improve their comprehension. I used some text books that is fit to their age, level and
knowledge. And also I will set reading goals have each student set their own reading
goals. This way can help them to take an actions in building reading skills and
students will be more mindful of how they improving.

Writing- I have a regularly assign brief writing exercises in my class. Writing is a skill
that everyone can work on to improve communication skills and understanding of
how language works. Creating journal is a great way to enhance our capabilities and
express their thoughts and ideas while also working on improving learners writi g
skills. I think connecting to their interest are also important, by this plan learners
she/he interest to write about their likes/favorites.

Viewing- from this skills, it is not new for everyone, on this skills I’ll provide/prepare
some important or educational movies/shows and appropriate to their age and level.
Like for examples watching documentary, it help students get the most from
documentaries, news, watching for fun as an activity, have students answer the
bullet questions about their favorite television shows. Then as our routine being a
teacher, I gave them task to write a paragraph that can share there analysis. And
this are some effective strategy as I know this time, for teaching student how to view
media, through the process step by step for improving their viewing skills.

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