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The floor area of my room is quite small requiring my bed and other minimal things to fit in.

Hence, as
shown on the direction in Annex “B” attached in this report, at estimated of 0.53m towards north is my

Activity No. 2: WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND?

1. What are the things you find it easy and difficult while doing your activity?
- Holding your phone as compass while following the directions as listed per items of the
activity is quite easy while I found it difficult to plot on the paper and established directions
since the scale must be considered to fit each thing and other that are needed to distinguish
in tracing the map. Furthermore, the determination of specific location of things are also
difficult as it must be accurately plotted in your map while maintaining the scale so as not to
overdraw and to provide clear presentation for the sake of the reader/user.

2. After doing the activity, which is easier for you to use: left, right, up, and down or North, East,
West and South?
- When it comes for an accurate presentation of the route or directions from one point to
another; North, East, West and South is better compared to plotting directional routes using
Left, Right, Up and Down. However, it is far easier to use directional routes using left, Right,
Up and Down since these can be done without using any gadgets or equipment unlike the
other in which a compass is essential.

3. Not just time that can be determined using the sun as a dial but also an estimated location of
things without using any compass. Navigation can be possible using the sun, as it was always
said that the easiest way to determine the East side is to know where the sun rises while the
West side is where the sun set. Henceforth, the determination of the two (2) directions lead to
an idea where do North and South directions are. Also, a constellation (group of star) can also be
possible for navigation but limited in the night time only. The fix location of stars in the skies
provides clues and directions you are heading to.

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