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2_Suns 531 LP 1RM TM 1RM TM Units
Squat 100 90 Deadlift 100 90 lb
Bench Press 100 90 OHP 100 90

Bench 60 x8 70 x6 75 x4 75 x4 75 x4 70 x5 70
OHP 45 x6 55 x5 65 x3 65 x5 65 x7 65 x4 65

Squat 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Sumo Dead 45 x5 55 x5 65 x3 65 x5 65 x7 65 x4 65

Bench 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x5 70 x3 70
CGBP 35 x6 45 x5 55 x3 55 x5 55 x7 55 x4 55

Deadlift 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Front Squat 30 x5 40 x5 50 x3 50 x5 50 x7 50 x4 50

Enter your 1 rep maxes (1RM) at the top to get your first training maxes (TM). Increase TM based on your perform
Each week, increase your training max if you were able to complete all the reps. 0 no increase
You will have to manually enter your new TM, which will overwrite the formula. 3-4 add 5 - 10 lb
Assistance work is done like bodybuilding, and can be changed to fit your needs.

Extra Options Monday Bench Difficulty CGBP Difficulty

revised -2.5% revised -10%
Units Precision
lb 5

assistance: chest, arms and back

x6 65 x7 60 x8+
x6 65 x8

assistance: legs and abs

x5 65 x5 60 x5+
x6 65 x8

assistance: arms and misc.

x5 65 x3 60 x5+
x6 55 x8

assistance: back and abs

x3 65 x3 60 x3+
x6 50 x8

TM based on your performance in the 1+ sets.

1-2 add 5 lb
>5 add 10 - 15 lb
2_Suns 531 LP 1RM TM 1RM TM Units
Squat 100 90 Deadlift 100 90 lb
Bench Press 100 90 OHP 100 90

Bench 60 x8 70 x6 75 x4 75 x4 75 x4 70 x5 70
OHP 45 x6 55 x5 65 x3 65 x5 65 x7 65 x4 65

Squat 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Sumo Dead 45 x5 55 x5 65 x3 65 x5 65 x7 65 x4 65

OHP 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Incline Bench 35 x6 45 x5 55 x3 55 x5 55 x7 55 x4 55

Deadlift 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Front Squat 30 x5 40 x5 50 x3 50 x5 50 x7 50 x4 50

Bench 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x5 70 x3 70
CGBP 35 x6 45 x5 55 x3 55 x5 55 x7 55 x4 55

Enter your 1 rep maxes (1RM) at the top to get your first training maxes (TM). Increase TM based on your perfo
Each week, increase your training max if you were able to complete all the reps. 0 no increase
You will have to manually enter your new TM, which will overwrite the formula. 3 - 4 add 5 - 10 lb
Assistance work is done like bodybuilding, and can be changed to fit your needs.
Units Precision
lb 5

assistance: chest, arms and back

x6 65 x7 60 x8+
x6 65 x8

assistance: legs and abs

x5 65 x5 60 x5+
x6 65 x8

assistance: shoulders and chest

x5 65 x5 60 x5+
x6 55 x8

assistance: back and abs

x3 65 x3 60 x3+
x6 50 x8

assistance: arms and misc.

x5 65 x3 60 x5+
x6 55 x8

TM based on your performance in the 1+ sets.

1 - 2 add 5 lb
>5 add 10 - 15 lb
2_Suns 531 LP 1RM TM 1RM TM Units
Squat 100 90 Deadlift 100 90 lb
Bench Press 100 90 OHP 100 90

Bench 60 x8 70 x6 75 x4 75 x4 75 x4 70 x5 70
OHP 45 x6 55 x5 65 x3 65 x5 65 x7 65 x4 65

Squat 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Sumo Dead 45 x5 55 x5 65 x3 65 x5 65 x7 65 x4 65

OHP 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Incline Bench 35 x6 45 x5 55 x3 55 x5 55 x7 55 x4 55

Deadlift 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Front Squat 30 x5 40 x5 50 x3 50 x5 50 x7 50 x4 50

Bench 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x5 70 x3 70
CGBP 35 x6 45 x5 55 x3 55 x5 55 x7 55 x4 55

Squat 65 x3 65 x3 65 x3 65 x3 65 x3 65 x3 65
Sumo Dead 50 x3 50 x3 50 x3 50 x3 50 x3 50 x3

Enter your 1 rep maxes (1RM) at the top to get your first training maxes (TM). Increase TM based on your perfo
Each week, increase your training max if you were able to complete all the reps. 0 no increase
You will have to manually enter your new TM, which will overwrite the formula. 3 - 4 add 5 - 10 lb
Assistance work is done like bodybuilding, and can be changed to fit your needs.
Units Precision
lb 5

assistance: chest, arms and back

x6 65 x7 60 x8+
x6 65 x8

assistance: legs and abs

x5 65 x5 60 x5+
x6 65 x8

assistance: shoulders and chest

x5 65 x5 60 x5+
x6 55 x8

assistance: back and abs

x3 65 x3 60 x3+
x6 50 x8

assistance: arms and misc.

x5 65 x3 60 x5+
x6 55 x8

assistance: upper back and legs

x3 65 x3

TM based on your performance in the 1+ sets.

1 - 2 add 5 lb
>5 add 10 - 15 lb
2_Suns 531 LP 1RM TM 1RM TM Units
Squat 100 90 Deadlift 100 90 lb
Bench Press 100 90 OHP 100 90

Bench 60 x8 70 x6 75 x4 75 x4 75 x4 70 x5 70
OHP 45 x6 55 x5 65 x3 65 x5 65 x7 65 x4 65

Deadlift 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Front Squat 30 x5 40 x5 50 x3 50 x5 50 x7 50 x4 50

OHP 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Incline Bench 35 x6 45 x5 55 x3 55 x5 55 x7 55 x4 55

Squat 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x3 70 x3 70
Sumo Dead 45 x5 55 x5 65 x3 65 x5 65 x7 65 x4 65

Bench 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+ 80 x3 75 x5 70 x3 70
CGBP 35 x6 45 x5 55 x3 55 x5 55 x7 55 x4 55

Deadlift 65 x3 65 x3 65 x3 65 x3 65 x3 65 x3 65
Front Squat 50 x3 50 x3 50 x3 50 x3 50 x3 50 x3

Enter your 1 rep maxes (1RM) at the top to get your first training maxes (TM). Increase TM based on your perfo
Each week, increase your training max if you were able to complete all the reps. 0 no increase
You will have to manually enter your new TM, which will overwrite the formula. 3 - 4 add 5 - 10 lb
Assistance work is done like bodybuilding, and can be changed to fit your needs.
Units Precision
lb 5

assistance: chest, arms and back

x6 65 x7 60 x8+
x6 65 x8

assistance: back and abs

x3 65 x3 60 x3+
x6 50 x8

assistance: shoulders and chest

x5 65 x5 60 x5+
x6 55 x8

assistance: legs and abs

x5 65 x5 60 x5+
x6 65 x8

assistance: arms and misc.

x5 65 x3 60 x5+
x6 55 x8

assistance: upper back and legs

x3 65 x3

TM based on your performance in the 1+ sets.

1 - 2 add 5 lb
>5 add 10 - 15 lb

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