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Legal Studies Academy 


Morgan Templeton 
Senior Project Proposal 
A. Summary
I have decided to research the abuse of solitary confinement by the Federal Bureau of

Prisons as well as by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Though most people have an

idea of what solitary confinement is and generally agree that the conditions that ICE

detainees are kept in are inhumane, most people aren’t aware that ICE uses solitary

confinement. I have selected this topic because of the recent influx of people detained by ICE

and because of the psychological and physical damages that occur as a result of being placed

in solitary. For my ethics project, I researched solitary confinement in prisons and discovered

that the UN has classified being kept in solitary for more than 15 days amounts to being

tortured. After discovering this, as well as the extent of the negative psychological and

physical effects, I was, and still am, completely shocked and disgusted that the solitary

confinement is still often used in the United States.

My research will hopefully answer the following questions:

● How often is solitary confinement used by ICE?

● Why are detainees placed in solitary, and for how long?

● How many of those that are placed in solitary confinement suffer from mental

health issues?

● What are some ways that people are fighting against the use of solitary


● What rules and regulations are in place to protect the rights of those detained and

specifically those that are held in solitary confinement?

● What are the cost differences between prisons and detention centers that use

solitary versus those that do not?

● What are the guidelines that the detention centers and federal prisons must follow

regarding solitary confinement?

● What are the differences in ICE solitary and solitary in regular prisons?

For my project, which may take place during the second semester of school at Old

Donation School because they have an available auditorium, I will, with the help of my advisor,

Mr. Gary Hodges, hold a seminar to raise awareness for the detrimental effects that are caused by

solitary confinement. This seminar will include information about who is held in solitary and

why, as well as some of the effects that are caused by solitary. It will also include information

about different organizations that are fighting to end ICE’s use of solitary confinement. This

seminar will hopefully include presentations by members of organizations fighting against the

abuse of solitary confinement and previous detainees or inmates who had been kept in solitary. It

will also include a model of a solitary confinement cell, that I will create, to show how small the

area these detainees are kept in and a visual example of the physical effects of solitary

confinement. The goal of my project will be to raise awareness for the issue and to inspire the

audience to look into the different organizations. I will measure whether my goal is met through

the use of a survey which will ask the audience questions regarding the seminar and also inquire

whether they will look into the various organizations and try to help.

New skills, Enhanced skills, Areas of growth

New Skills -

● Organizing an event

● Advertising
● Writing a legal research paper

Enhanced Skills -

● Research

● Public speaking

● Creativity

● Problem solving

Areas of Growth -

● Time management

● Networking

A. Marketing Plan/ Audience

My target audience for my project will be members of law enforcement, those interested

in a career in law enforcement as well as Criminal Justice and Psychology students. It is

important to raise awareness for this issue amongst members of law enforcement because they

are the ones who will have the most impact on the effort to create change. It will benefit those

who attend because they will learn about the issue of solitary confinement, specifically the abuse

by ICE, as well as different ways to help. I will ensure that my intended audience attends the

event by marketing to local law enforcement as well as students who attend the Legal Studies

Academy and rising freshman who may have an interest in attending. The marketing strategies I

will use include posters, social media posts, e-mails, and word-of-mouth, I will also ask the
Criminal Justice and Psychology teacher at FC, Mr. Winn, if it would be possible for him to offer

extra credit for attendance.

B. Project Steps

Preliminary Steps Midway Steps Later Steps Follow Up Total

Secure venue, Gather materials, Practice Project clean up,

meet with my create a model of presentation, thank you letters,
advisor, reach out a solitary confirm analyze the survey
to possible confinement cell, attendance of results
presenters create QR code presenters,
for people to use marketing
to donate to,
script, meet with
advisor, continue
with presenters,

5 hours 6 hours 6 hours 2 hours 20 hours

C. Project Documentation

● Photo documentation

● Screenshots of texts pertaining to the project

● Screenshots of relevant emails

● Copies of flyers distributed

● Phone logs of conversations

● Interview notes
● Social media posts

● Receipts from any materials bought

● Drafts of the presentation

● Rough drafts of cell model

D. Project Justification

This project will be beneficial due to the education that those who attend will receive and

the money raised for the organization. The issue of solitary confinement is especially

prevalent in today’s society due to the increase of people detained by ICE and the influx

of incarceration rates in the United States. Though I have done various projects on

solitary confinement in the past, I have not yet researched the abuse of solitary

confinement by ICE. I will also do more research on the benefits of prohibiting the use of

solitary and explore other alternatives. It will be challenging because of the networking

involved to ask presenters to come as well as securing a venue and marketing to law

enforcement. Another challenge will be the construction of the model cell and

development of the visual aids.

E. Project-Paper Connection

My paper will focus on not only the effects of solitary confinement but also the reasons

why people are placed in solitary, the cost of it, and alternative solutions. My

presentation will inform the audience of these and hopefully inspire them to create

change. It will also raise money for the organization to fight against solitary. Though
most people are aware that solitary confinement has negative psychological effects, my

presentation will expand on these effects but also its cost, why solitary is used, and

inform about solitary in relation to ICE

F. Academic Honesty

I understand that any academic dishonesty by me on any part of the project/paper will

result in failure of the Senior Project and forfeiture of the Legal Studies Seal on my High

School diploma.

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