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ITECH 5500

Assignment 2
“Big Enterprise Registration Data Imputation: Supporting
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Industries in China”
The article finds the way to calculate big data that also includes the location and time to
qualitatively interpret visualize and analyse the industries’ patterns over a period of time and
space. In order to calculate multiple data, the application may behave abnormal because of
incompetency and confusion occurred while calculating. The ambiguity increases when deal with
the large number of data to be calculated. To solve this issue, High Performance Computing
(HPC) helps resolve this issue but few researches have shown that imputation method is good for
measuring or registering the data in the environment of computing (Yang, Huang, Li, Liu, & Hu,
2016). This paper mainly focuses on calculating big data on the basis of “Apache Spark” and
also the “bare-metal” computing system to impute the registration data of enterprise. Moreover,
according to it is based on “HPC-based imputation framework” and makes “spatiotemporal”
distribution possible for the Chinese industries (Li, Zhang, Chen, & Yu, 2015; Parr, 2014).

The second article has provided the solution for calculating big data with the help of Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) system. It helps in integrating the “big data” and process into one
single database because “big data” is not only big in its size and volume rather it’s also big in the
structure and velocity to deal with. According to Al-Mashari, M., Al-Mudimigh, A., & Zairi, M.
(2003), it is a “hub that stores, shares, and circulates data from within the different departments
and business functions and ERP systems are one of the most adopted IT systems by
organizations” (p. 358). Another important aspect of selecting ERP as a framework is that it not
is cost-effective but a technical approach to integrate the functions of business properly and in
the views of Beheshti (2006), it “harmonize the information stream with the material flow of
goods or services” (p. 187).

In the same way, article 3 has come up with the more detailed solution and the title itself shows
its framework: “Incorporating Big Data Analytics into Enterprise Information Systems”. To deal
with large data, it seems like digging a gold mine of 21st century. Z. Sun, K. Strang & J.
Yearwood (2014) states that “big data and its emerging technologies including big data analytics
have been making not only big changes in the way the business operates but also traditional data
analytics and business analytics become new big opportunities for academicians and enterprise
CEOs” (p. 7). And EIS has been developed to enhance the efficiency of corporate sector. It also
aims to incorporate big data analytics into EIS by advising a conceptual model named “BABES”
that enables big data analytics into EIS. It helps to expedite the research development with the
help of EIS and also be beneficial for business analytics and the intelligent agents. Moreover, K.
G. Laudon and K. C. Laudon (2012) found that “Enterprise information systems (EIS) have been
implemented or adopted in many firms in general and Fortune 500 companies in particular, and
achieved performance excellence and enhanced decision making over the past few decades” (p.

Therefore, among other frameworks, it has been proved that EIS system is the best to measure
big data and is good for the productivity and efficiency of the organization. Also, it is the best
tool to measure the accuracy and precision of data and not to get confused between large
calculations. Furthermore, it’s a technical and quantitative approach to calculate data and help
the organizations with greater accuracy and is a valid source to measure data.
Yang, C., Yu, M., Hu, F., Jiang, Y., & Li, Y. (2016). Utilizing cloud computing to address big
geospatial data challenges. Computers environment & urban systems.

Li, J., Zhang, W., Chen, H., & Yu, J. (2015). The spatial distribution of industries in transitional
China: A study of Beijing. Habitat International, 49, 33 –44.

Al-Mashari, M., Al-Mudimigh, A., & Zairi, M. (2003). Enterprise resource planning: A
taxonomy of critical factors. European Journal of Operational Research, 146(2), 352-

Beheshti, H. M. (2006). What managers should know about ERP/ERP II. Management Research
News, 29(4), 184-193.

Z. Sun and G. Finnie (2010). Intelligent Techniques in E-Commerce: A Case-based Reasoning

Perspective, Heidelberg Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2004.

K. Laudon and J. Laudon (2102). Management Information Systems-Managing the Dgital Firm,
Boston: Person.

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