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15 Things You CAN Control in LIFE

1. Your Time and Focus

“Success in life is the result of how well one
manages the same 24hr. in the day we all got”
2. The Expectations for your life
“Reality is Negotiable”
3. How many hours do you put in everyday
“Success doesn’t happen to you, you build it
every single day”
4. When or if you decide to quit
5. Your Education
6. Who your friends are
“Your circle should decrease in size but increase
in value”
7. Who you as a human being
8. How kind you are to others
9. Your health
10. How much to earn
It depends on >> How good you are at what
you do
>> How high is the demand
for what you can deliver
>> How valuable your work is
to the market
>> How easy is it to replace
Things you need to do >> Be better at what you
>> Be in an industry that
is growing
>> Increase the value
you are delivering
>> Be hard to replace
11. Where you live
12. How you present yourself to the world
“People treat you the way you treat yourself”
13. How much sleep you get
“When you are sleeping you are being alive,
but you’re not really living!”
“Cutting down sleep is encouraged for those
who really know what they have to do
during the day”
14. Your close environment
15. If you are happy or not
“Happiness is a choice”
16. You can control the future

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