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Taking on this role improves vocabulary, grammar, critical listening skills and evaluation skills
The Grammarian plays an important role in helping all club members improve their grammar and vocabulary. As
Grammarian you:

 Introduce new words to meeting participants and monitor language and grammar usage
 Write down the language and grammar usage of all speakers, noting incomplete sentences,
mispronunciation, grammatical mistakes, non-sequiturs, malapropisms, etc. Example: "One in five
children wear glasses" should be"one in five children wears glasses."
 At the end of the meeting, give your complete report when called on.
 Optional: Introduce a "Word of the Day" that helps meeting participants increase their vocabulary;
Display the word, part of speech, and a brief definition with a visual aid and prepare a sentence
showcasing how the word should be used. Note who uses this word or any derivatives thereof correctly
or incorrectly during the meeting.

Below is a detailed description of how you can carry out your role within the session:

1. Before the Meeting: The Toastmaster or Vice-president of Education may ask you to confirm your role in
the Toastmasters Bogota whatsapp group. Please answer back if you can carry out the role for the next
meeting. If you are not at the whatsapp group, please contact the vice-president of Education so you can be
included. Information on all officer roles is included in an alternative file in the Google Drive Toastmasters
Bogota Toolbox. The Grammarian also has to prepare the word or idiom of the day. Choose a word or idiom
to enrich the clubs vocabulary. Prepare a visual aid where the word is clearly written for everyone in the
room. Remember to read the chapter that will be evaluated in your leadership manual for this role.
2. At the Meeting: Before the meeting starts, ready the material you are going to use to carry your role (pen
and paper). The Toastmaster, Vice-president of Education or General Evaluator should talk to you to be
sure you are ready to carry out your role. Remember to exchange your leadership manual with another
member if you are being evaluated in this role.
3. When introduced by the General Evaluator (note: in some clubs the Toastmaster is the one in charge of
introducing all of the evaluation team. In our club we manage this differently, but be aware of this if you ever
go to any other club) present yourself and explain what your role is about. Then mention and explain the
word or idiom of the day and place your visual aid where everyone can see (normally people bring tape to
paste it on the wall). When finished give control of the session back to the general evaluator.
4. Write down the language and grammar usage of all speakers, noting incomplete sentences,
mispronunciation, grammatical mistakes, non-sequiturs, malapropisms, etc. The grammarian is also allowed
to highlight good usage of the language. If you feel the speaker used interesting vocabulary in his speech,
as the grammarian you are allowed mention it in your report.
5. Evaluate the language usage for the following roles:
a. Speaker #1, #2 and #3
b. Table topics participants
c. Speech Evaluator #1, #2 and #3
d. Grammarian Report
e. Ah Counter Report
f. General Evaluator Report (This happens after you give your report, nonetheless register the time)
6. When the General Evaluator Calls you again, give your report and then give control of the session back to
the General Evaluator.
7. Because you have limited time for feedback and since English is not the first language for most participants,
during your report focus on the 3 speakers of the day. If your time runs out say that if anyone else wants
their feedback you would be happy to do discuss it after the session ends.
Additional notes: Some people might feel intimidated because they might evaluate members who have a
much higher English level. Do not worry; we are all here to learn. It’s okay to not find any mistakes, or to
correct something that wasn’t really wrong in the first place. Just try your best and you will do fine.

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