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Drump up business= thúc đẩy kinh doanh

Dally with sb/st đùa giỡn vs sb /st

Dangle about sb/st theo đuổi sb/st

Debar sb from doing st= prevent

Debate on/about st tranh luận về
In deference to sb vì lòg tôn trọg ai

Cut sb up= upset sb làm ai lo lắg buồn bực

Desist from doing st ngừng làm gì

Pass the buck: to blame someone or make them responsible for a
problem that you do not want to deal with (idiom)

1. Mildly surprised: khá ngạc nhiên

2. Downright rude: hết sức bất lịch sự

3. Seek a divorce: sắp lí hôn

4. Slightly different: hơi khác

5. Spotlessly clean: sạch không một vết bẩn

6. Blatantly obvious: rõ ràng 1c hiển nhiên

7. Dead easy: cực dễ

8. Faintly ridiculous: khá vô lí

9. Wildly inaccurate: thật sự k chính xác

10. Thoroughly ashamed: vô cùng xấu hổ

A bit much= a bit too much (more than reasonable)

A bite at the cherry= a good opportunity that isn’t available to


A cat has nine lives= seem to get away with dangerous things

A cat in gloves catches no mice= you can’t get what you need if you’re
are too careful

A cat nap= short sleep during the day

A cold day in July= when pigs fly

A cut above= slightly better than

A cut below- inferior to

pay tribute/homage to = praise for = put the back for = in honor of ~ be

remembered for ~ pay a compliment on sb >< tell sb off = criticize for =
pour scorn on

enforce a law ~ bring a law ~ lay down rule ~ pass a law ~ enact a law
~introduce a law ~establish rule

foregone= predictable
chew tobacco = hút thuốc


by common consent= everybody agrees

launch product and win a contract= tung ra sản phẩm và giành được
hợp đồng

cold call= gọi điện quảng cáo

have a web presence= có 1 trang web riêng

cash flow

small traders often have short-term cash-flow problems

niche market = thị trường ngách

cut-throat competition= cạnh tranh khốc liệt

strut into the gym

balanced in your tall stiletto boots


Ask him for a date straight-out

Play coy

Overkill on the flirtation

Rummage through a bin behind the desk

My bait.

One-on-one awkward conversation

Peer out your windshield with blurry eyes

Cough out a curse with one’s name in it

Screech to a halt


Don’t rub my eyes

Button on the fob

Stumble over a crack in the sidewalk

Claw around on the cold ground

Groan and cough again

Squint through swollen eyes

Come into view


Croak out the next word

Go head on up

Choking wheeze

Fell in a grate

Claw my skin off

Sinuses are so clogged

A sob bubble up your throat

Twist your arm

Drape your arm over his shoulder

Bridal carry
This is mortifying!

Deposit sb on your feet

Tape mittens on to you

Keep hands at your sides

Press A square of fabric into your hand

Strip, leave your clothes in a heap on the floor

Guttural moan

A loud thump

Muffled voice filters through the wood

Squint at the bottles lining the shelf

Rid yourself of any lingering motes of cat dander

Tentative knock sounds from the bathroom door

Crinkling paper bag

Measuring cup

Chug down its contents

One giant hive

Hop out

Swat at the water knob

Risk a face plant

Gather your nerve

Pitch you forward

Tumble onto the floor in a screaming bundle of plastic

Clutches of shower curtain


Swing your keys around one’s fingers

The collar of his tank top creases

Head home

Be out of one’s hair

Yawn so wide that your jaw cracks

Murmur right into your ear

Nuzzle into his shoulder

Lull you closer toward sleep

A grunt underneath you

Take in the tousled hair framing his dark eyes

At the fond smile teasing at the edge of his slilps

Sheets rustle

Roll onto one’s back only to find Ava in a sprawl of limbs

Clad in one’s shirt

Violate my bubbles

Hop off the bed

Trudge up the flight of stairs

Angsting so much over giving back his clothes and saying thank you

Pep talk

Hot rush through one’s veins isn’t anticipation

Swing open the door

Stagger back from the realization

Struck speechless at your new revelation

Prickly awareness

Laundered clothes in the other..

By the time January rolls around,

Wave a spatula in front of your face

Tag along with sb for dinner at your place

Look smug as she stirs the pasta sauce. You sputter

Shovel st into one’s mouth

Biennial lay

(have sex)

Throw my starving libido a bone

The contender

Grapple inside for the little string

Overhead light

The jar of maraschino cherries

Prop the door open

Be down to just a few

Reach the string

You bolt towards the center

Encasing you in complete darkness


Rapid puffs

Grope in the air

Stacked on a shelf

Collapse against the cold floor

Light spills into the room

Blink to life

Brush away the hair that has plastered itself to your forehead
Meet sb with his soft and gentle eyes

His body Cast a shadow over you

Crash into

Amid broken shot glasses




A real head case


Contradict sb



Pound on the door

Bend over

Charge out the door

Blare through the speakers

Convert your tips into larger bills


Avert your gaze


Your face heats up

Battered iphone

Rummage through your purse

Seizure of all our valuables

Hold it out to sb

Wrench my hands back quickly

Suppress your nervousness

Drag a guy out by the throat

Inspect your phone to delay facing him

Instinctively tug your shorts down

Hang onto your phone

Hone in on your mouth

Call over his shoulders

Theres a lot of creeps out there

His pace dwindling as he nears


Bashing heads like tree nuts

A ball-busting comedian

Give a zebra’s ass

Yell after sb

Eyes fixate on one’s black military pants

Irk me

The lot

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