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Rescheduling vs.

Cancelling lessons

Rescheduling vs. cancelling your lessons

Attendance rate (AR)

● What does attendance rate mean?
AR is the percentage of scheduled lessons which you, the tutor, attend. A tutor's attendance rate will be
reduced for not attending any lesson, or for cancelling the first lesson with a student. Cancellations of
later lessons by either the tutor (or the student) will result in a short-term reduction, which will be removed
as soon as the next lesson with the student is confirmed

● Where can I check my current attendance rate?

You can check your current Attendance Rate on the Statistics Page in the Tutor Dashboard

● What factors will make my attendance rate decrease?

- If you don’t show up for any scheduled lesson, that will make your AR decrease permanently.
- If you cancel a 1st lesson that will make the AR decrease permanently.
- If a later lesson is cancelled, by tutor or student, the AR will decrease temporarily, until you have your next
confirmed lesson with that student. Rescheduling a 1st lesson or a later lesson has NO IMPACT on your

Attendance rate policy

Statistics page
Rescheduling vs. cancelling your lessons

Let’s talk about the 1st lesson

● Cancelling or not showing up to the first lesson has the highest negative impact on my attendance rate.
Could you explain why?

Yes, we know that when a tutor doesn’t show up for the 1st lesson with the student then 82% of the time,
that student will not have any lessons with that tutor and they’re highly likely to leave Preply, so not only is
it bad for that specific tutor it’s also reduces the opportunities that are available for other tutors on the
platform too.

● What about if my student needs to cancel the first lesson? What’s the impact on my attendance rate? Do
you have any advice to give to our tutors?
Yes, if your student needs to cancel a 1st lesson then they can do that within the Preply interface
on their MyLesons page and, if they’re struggling with that, then our Customer Support team will
always be happy to help them. This will have no impact on your AR as a tutor

However, if you cancel a lesson we’re unable to tell that you did that on behalf of your student,
and your AR will be reduced. So, my advice in this situation would be to either reschedule the
lesson for the student or ask the student to contact customer support to cancel the lesson.
Rescheduling vs. cancelling your lessons

Let’s talk about the 1st lesson

● What about if I need to reschedule the first lesson? Would this has a negative impact on my attendance

No, rescheduling a 1st lesson (or any lesson for that matter) will never negatively impact your AR.

● So, to summarise, when absolutely necessary, why should tutors always reschedule the first lesson,
rather than cancelling?

When absolutely necessary you should always reschedule rather than cancelling a first lesson so
your AR is not reduced.
Rescheduling vs. cancelling your lessons

Let’s talk about the following lessons with the same student
● Would cancelling a lesson with an existing student affect my attendance rate?

Cancelling a lesson with an existing student will reduce your AR in the short term but as soon as you have
another confirmed lesson with that student this reduction will be removed.

● I heard that when students cancel or reschedule lessons themselves, it has a negative impact on my AR.
Is this true?

If a student cancels a lesson then your AR will be reduced until you have another confirmed lesson with
that student.

If a student reschedules a lesson then your AR will not be impacted.

Rescheduling vs. cancelling your lessons

Let’s talk about my profile visibility

● Does my attendance rate have a direct impact with my profile ranking?

Yes, attendance rate has a direct impact on your profile ranking. We want to provide the best experience to
students on Preply and show them tutors who are most likely to show up to the lessons that have been
scheduled and give them a great experience.

● Could I get to the top of the search pages with a 100% attendance rate?

Showing up to class is a very important factor in providing a great teaching experience to your students,
but not the only one. Attendance Rate is only 1 factor that we take into consideration within the Search
Algorithm. So, no, you couldn’t get to the top of the search results just with a 100% AR, but it’s definitely an
important factor that we take into consideration

● What is the main consequence for not showing up to lessons?

If you don’t attend and cancel your lessons, your tutor profile will be hidden from the search results, which
means that your profile will not be visible to new students. You will be able to communicate and have
lessons with your existing students only.
Thank you

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