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Seen in L O^DOZ^, fune 30. ^

164^. interpreted. "


of the now imminent Conjun&ion

of Jupiter and Mars, 26 /«/>, 1*544. the

Effc&s vv!i ich cither here or in feme
neere Counties from thence - • >,
may be expc&cd.

By IVilL LtUy* /.

Impritnttmr John Book sr.

Jluyinr Lo n po.N»
Printed for ST. V. and are to be fold by J*S, jn
1 :
LUtie tirittAkii, • i 644.
To i\)t Redder.
Have plainly delivered fo much as my eyes obferved,
at what time thofc admired apparitions in the ayrc
amazed the beholders here in London, and when the
cjuarters ot Heaven fccmcd to affront each other with
their darting fire- bals, the South againft the Weft, the
Weft againft the North, each one againft another j its
wfote as 1 obferved it j others in fome places might fee more, Lhavc
coilfcr'd with fomc that in cft'.d favv the fame things 1 did. As they
were no nfnall fights, fo qucftionkfle no ufnall or ordinary unions will
liiccctj.d. 1 heir tranfem (ions in the ayre from one quarter to another,
fhewes the generality of what is fignilicd thereby; My difcourfe of
the Conjundion, is to fiipply what I promifed in my Annuall Prcdi-
dlion, but did not then pcrf'ormc : I have omitted fomc judgements,
becaufe I would avoidc all exceptions: fliould I write the whole
truth, I Riigl|t be deemed partinll; I fcriotifly publifli to the world, I
am a friend to Monarchy j but I hold it my native duty to adhere in
purfe, parjj.and perfon to the now honourable Parliament at fVtJlmn.
tttr) the worthy Members thereof having for our good rhefe three
ycarcs and more fpent their private fortunes, and weakned their
healths, purpofcly to reduce our Common, wealth to its right temper;
and to free me, thee* and the whole Kingdotnc from an approaching
flavery : Asthc Lord livcth, fhould my/udgement in point of Art be
demanded; Whether it were bed for his Majefty to comctq_his^y?-
minfier Parliament yea,or no: My anfwer fhould be, it were the only
mcancs to make himftlfe and pofterity happy : and this I doc certain-
ly know by the general!; fate of this Kingdomc, by the fcvcrallCoi)"
jumftions and Edipfes paft and to come, and«hy my five ycarcs hard
ftudieto difccrnc the event of thefe times: The world will know
licrcaftcrBI fpcakcno.t invainc, andblcfled ftiall that man bethat gi-
vcth his Majcflie this advifc, and rcduceth him to have a right apprc-
henfwn ofthcadionsand good intentions of this Parliament towards
him and his. The Gonjundion gives me fome hopes, but my faith is
wcake. What is wanting in man, 1 hope Cod will fupply, and mira-
ciiloufly.confound thofc lurking'crtenaicsofours, that were preparing
mifchiefc againft us. Reader, thon flialt luddenly heareofftrangcakc*
rations, rr Joyce and be gjad, and pray for his Majcftics returne. for
Co doth
WHHm Lilly

Nobles, Knights and Burgcflfes that

luvcabfcntcd tlicmfelves from our

Parlimm at WcUm'mUcr,

Od ijonlj .ible to difcemc upon VthAt pretence! you fep.irA.

ted from our '/'Ar/inmcut At fVcilminftcfy und adhered to
that meeting of Oxford to the pcrpetuall infimie of your
fefves and pojlcrititt • of Whom I heartily Voifhyon W'oti/d
be mindful/, and that ye Would rcturnc hither to London,
While yet there is mercy and compajjion remaining. 'lie-
leeve mc, I fee an hideous for we ready to fall upon yon ; / fee the t cares of
jour Wives, of your children,of your friends lamenting your loft and for-
lomc Conditions. Let the rmferable example of the (Ji farejtieffe of Ncw-
t'tfle detcrre yots from further engagement again it your dcare (fotmrcy
Winch b'ed you tenderly: and the many ISfoblcs anl (Jentlcwsn ftayne and
undone ftnee this (juarrdl. 1 tell yots, your fever all Counties doc cnrfcyou,
and f We are you ha ve forfeited your Honours in running from tVeflminfter,
to Which place they foot you; unto Oxford, to which place they gave you no
Comtniffton; When in time to come your children Jhall jce your goodly
Olfanft n Houfts a rneere lump of rubbage, and <ukc whofi that ftately
honfc had beene, and have an/were from the barbarous Clovtnc; it was my
Lords, if w.cs Sir rhomis : Who drew his [wordmoil unnaturally aga'wft
the "Parliament of England, and therefore' his houfe is pulled downc and
his pofterity hated? Wdl not thefe Words and that fid oljefl rcntaftroug
heart in pieces ? 1 pray Cjodyou be Wife in tims ; No flattery, no doftre of
fr.tine, no private intercft of my owne, hath induced thefe lines, but my cordi-
a/lrelpeus to fime of you,,from Whom I have receivedfavours ; If I dot
fmv any thing in Art, or if any verity be in (Art; for Gods fake re mem-
in r that you are invited to come and returne to the 'Parliament at jVcftn/in*
ftcr by
Your rtfend nnd F.iitliflj'll Servant,
and wcll-wifticr,

fVilliam Lilly.
{) r

Thofe ftrange fights or apparitions in the

Ay tc,fccnc in Londor, 50. lime laftpaft, 154 4,

being Sunday, 8. AC.

T). 5 0 V. }) > 0 ^.
5/. 24- 3.V. tirl .LI 0.
c?1.10.^5. & S Tj.
0. 1 8.5°. 5).
&. 8.34. a.
^ ? nv.

Was called! info Sotrurfet-yard by ftunc, vvlicrc wc

v A "**1%. F
had pcrfcrt view of what 1 deliver; That fight which
lirft prefented it fTfe to mine eyes, was fane below
the Tcdeptick according to the obferyation of mine
& eye, and fecmcd to appesre over the South-vVeft part
of Kent, and the North-eafi of S/nre/: the sk'ic was
very pale, or foiiKwhat like a duskifh tynn colour, not much at fomc-
times unlike the colour of-the her increafc, ever and anon
flalhcs of lightning appearing faintly and in a very long morion, I
mcanc the lla'hcs extended themfelvcs into n great length, but their
latitude was not vciy much, the llafhcs extended themfelvcs in length
juft Halt and Wefi;; Many times, or after 7. or 8. fcvcrall Halites of
lightning, we did fcnlibly perceive about the middle of the flafii, and
as it were beyond it,or betwixt it and the fixed Hans, a long ycllowifii1
apparition of fomcwhnt in forme and fitape alnioft like to a Serpent,1
incurvating a little at each end, in this falhion ^ .
It fccmcdto be folld and firmc, for 1 faw nodifiipation ordifperfion
of parts at any time, it ever filcwcd it fclfe of an cquall length, neither
greater or fuullcr, nor did it lupvc from the place where full 1 beheld.
it morei orlcflb for one Jnnvrc together, it ftjJl continued indiff.JiM:
and vHiblc once jny.or iUightninKs: it was under or very near orf-e-
mcd lo to that conikljation we oil frrcM.ytrrMint/ft, it* an I nane
winch conlttls of j g.Stansits allocalled /xlcnj tVWr^hcre are live oli
the fourt h magnmidedix of the fifth magnitude,tw o j the lixr; its re-«
prefenti d on the Cdobc lihe a Grownc tntn'd tojilie turvy hct vvixt the
fore-f cote of theSafittark, in the hilt D.'canate of Capricorw, and is
conceiv'd to bc^of the nature of T, and <4, the left Imce of the Sam-
me holding fall one pare of thcCrowtie, and the South end of the
C'cntaurcsbow nn. other part, and the tayle of the Scorpion • they,
who have Globes may be plcafcd to fee thole conitellations how they
hand, and lo lenrne fome knowledge of the ligniheation of tliefe ap-
paritions, they have great South latitude from the iicliptiek j there
did afcend at the South-weft cud of the hery openttigs or ends of
the lightning, cmainc appearance of Stars like hre-balls of a propor-
tionable grcatiKff;, which with great celerity and quick motion al-
ccndcd fotnetimes diredly up towards the Ediptick and above it, 'm
other times in a moreobhque way, they Ihot their bodies Weft warft
over tfc Thames, other from the Weft meeting them. Whileft thda
fiery ejaculations mounted into the ayrc Southward, younjuft know
there was other fuch like appearances Weft-ward, with a (till quiet
and gentle thunder without anyaffiright as if it thundered at a ureat
(fftnncc from London: there was in the Wcftcrpequarters ali'this
while plcntifull fiafhings and lightnings, but it was rather above the
Lcliptickc or lecmcd ib, and ilill thefe fiery darts or fie.7 halls Ihot
upwards towards thofe Stars that arc above the tcliptiquc and have
north latitude, and I doc well remember 1 law thcmaccordini'totlia
fight of mine eye. dart toward the Serpents mouth and Ceron,iSeme>u
D'iomlv, this Corona ScptentrionAlii, or Ari.uUe ccrom, i s repr. lentej
informeofaCrowne, the mouth of the Serpent gaping wide o.>cii
at it, but it fcernes to be guarded by the fpcare of JtrtlophUnx, wliu h
fland up right along by it j it confidsof 8. Stars as Tjcho laith, one of
the fecund magnitude, fourc of the fourth magnitude, pf the lifth one
of thefixttwo, and the head of Artlophihx, and, then to the y. Stat/
vulgarly called Chartet^ums or VrJutm}or.: furious whir-
ling Stars did move towards the North,fox lo.tluiy did,,there wasltift
darting and caftmg this way and, that, way.'.ppy/tiid^.and fn^way.
backward and forcward, and cyciy, vy^y, •:i|)d(to!aJli4iiattr;i'& Ju^jiuv k
A 1
'J , -y and:
and violent motion, as if the Stars had been together by thccarej}
An other thing and moft memorable I mud acquaint you with, vk,
chat upon the opening of one cloud and fMiing ol'thc lightning, thetci
appeared fomc what therein like a Star, which ejaculated his bcairtci!
like the Snnnc, but was in quantity lefle then the Moone and much of
her colour, and this appeared divers times in the South, but aftcra
great ilalh of lightning, either the fame appearance or one like itclavci
infundcr in the middle, and as I conjednred by my ocular obferva.
tion fell in o the Thames nenre the Hoi fe ferry at Lnmbttb. Thcfc un«
nfin 11 aicry lights and forerunners of fomc mifchicfe for moft part,
oid begin Ealferly, and then wheeled towards tlie South, rlicn Weft-
ward and ended in the North, about a 11. of the clock the lame njolu
yet fume lay it lalkd all the whole night, and fccrned to pnffc rcinota
fomewhat and at a dilbnee fioin Ljondon, and to wander over the mid-
land Counties of this Khgdom.*, I meane according to the obferva-
tion of the eye without any inftrumcnt. Whetherhis beins
with the Pleiades that lam: day in longitude, of which influence God
himlelfe maketh mention,did allift in this great difturbance of the hea-
venly regions, or whether the Sun befng that day in con/undioi
with Ihrculcs, and ',M(rctiyy witli Trtftpi, and the Afelti North and
South all impetuous and violent Stars, were the naUirallcaufes of thcfc
monftrous apparations, I cannot decide; but in Aftrology I fay we
can give noother account: Or whether thofc Angels we call Acrialf
tvhich have their habitations in the lower regions of the airc hai
directions from thefiipcriour Intelligences to give us warning of fome
imminent danger in that language wo bed underftand: or "whether
the tutelary Angcll of the Snnlipj Com no a-wealth was will in" to
communicate comfort unto us, if wo could apprehend it, by tcSing
us the 11 or me Ihould be'diiven Northwards, as indeed i-fv-ll out bv
that memorable and miraculou ^rmWdefeate, 2. /«/» follow^.
Whether any of thcfc were the authors and naturall mftruments i
cannot determine, I conceive it the finger ofGod, or Ionic extra
vagant cxcuifion of nature; thcfc unperfea mixt things inccndrcd in
the airc cldoinc chancing without caufc ofadinimtion in our infe-
rtour Orbc and Common-wealth, as all convcrfint in Hiftorics do:
well know: in Oiort, I tell my Countrey what I conceive is in part
meant and intended hereby, craving a favourable conftmaion of the

m»conteaioneaary n0,hl
"Sbllt '"■I'ng'iWf tlw ignoraitf a mem
The Auth&urs jud - emeu t, *
VPon a fuddaine and uncxpcdcd accident, thcdillipation and dii
folving of fome milkrnnis clor- confultation and tnifchicvw
plot againlt our State and Cointnon-wealth is portended ; thedifi
nion and difagrccment of" theProjedors ainongft thctiifelves, and a
this in * forraignc parts as well as in linglaml: A renting in pcccc
or mutinous difturbanccot fome Monarchy ncarc hand, orVome sit,
firian family or Principality,^. A commotion of the meaner fun
of people againlt fome principall man,or Magiftracy : LoiTc to Spline
That we JingUJh with our Armies fliall traversall the in-land Conn
tries of this Ktngdomc,^. This is all I cither can or dare fay
M, I.

7'/a* Pdr/iameutt TiHory in the North, Which hef Att 6, 30. P.M. 2, Inly
1^44• the l:lcvHtion oj the 'Pole being 54, 40, P. the AjccwLwt
ot tk htgimtin? of the Fight being the 25. ?\

GOD only ga ve the vidorv j but let me fee by what naturall caul'ei
heispleafed tomanifeft his will unto us j it will not be unplcs-
fain to the ftudious in Aftrology, if I dilate a little t Thou mud knoy,
at the beginning of our Parliament Ittpiter and OWars were the (imii-
licators of the Honourable Membersof cachHoufe, becaufo7,#7f«a(;
ccndcd at its beginning, and Mart was 'wxTifcct in the afccndant. At
the beginning of this fight you may fee 23;. ? toafcend, thealmoll
degree of the afccndant of the conjunftion of Satnrne and htpiter,
I <?4'. we had for fome time the word, becnufc neither Manor lupi-
ter beheld the afccndant, but When i-y afcended and Man the Lord o!
the afccndant of thisyeare came to behold the nfcendant with a trine,
we beg,an to have the better, but not totally, umill the 24 of ay afcen-
ded, which was about 26 minutes pad eight: a good (igncofviftory,
at what time Jupiter afpciTed the degrees afcending withtrync was
to hive the afcendanr of the ycare.culminatitrg: and (Jlftrcttrj Lordi
of the feventh 1V» and the Sun in the twelfth from Leo: dsalfothq
Moone being diWcrofthc.Sun intheMcdiety difeending; Vet I ami
confident our lofle was more then we know of,bccaufe Sat»r»e is hordl
ofthe fecond.and V is there alfo,but Iconceive it was cfpccially in mo-
"cables as I have read in fome rclator or other t J could inlarge.
\ f, i ^ r- '.> .-/' 'V • /V fi

; /Cl'' A Con/undVion of Itt-

•V* Cs* pher 8l Man the 26.
' /////,1644.!3.42.P.m.
y) for the Meridian of
?A o!)
ad x 2*
*4 4%


•' A)

Y ~ni£

Pagim inter aullcts, difcordia inter noblles.

'"T'HisConjiindlionistliewcakeftandleallof thofc which chance
1 betwixt the three (uperior planets,i'ik, Saturnc^upihrymd, Man-
and is therefore mod i^norantly by f)me vulgar Alfrologcrs tcrmcda
great Conjunelion j it will have more then ordmary figmheation at
this reafun its the firh Conjundftonof thefc two planets Cmcc
that of Sa/nrm and fupttor 16^. as alfo becauic here is ahnolt in t very
Ccmnry fit matter already Itirrcd up for the influence to workcupou.
I01""®11 ambiguous words, or fuch cxpreflious as may oucly cloud
the Icnlc of the Conjundliombut not explain it,and our cominonAftio-
logicall tcrmcs in Art, and will indeavour to give my Countrcy-mcn
of that arc pUinemcn, downe right dealing men, the trup
fenfe of this heavenly pofition, which in clfedf fpeakes thus muclit
That, high and mighty aaions, deliberate Cpunccls, yariotis intend.
CpJ <p
mcnts, arc at prefcnt in Confnltation^nd licrcaFrcr more to be as wcU
in EtigUndtb beyond the Sea j this hath very great (ignification of the
ellates,artaircs,fortunes, Kingdoines, Subjeds of Kings and Princes;
this forcftiews what the Nobility and Gentry fliall trurt unfo,w«. loflc
oflifeand fortunes: and the Clergic both at home in SngUnd, and
beyond Seas find moft true,f/«. great diviiion both in their private
and publike affaires: this intimates very many treaties with excellent
words in fcvcrall places of Enroye j and yet in the mcane time
men leavying, Armcs providing, money borrowing, Lcgcrdcmainc
under hand, friends corrupted, and all thcfc provifions to be ready in
foptcmbtrox Olhber if things hit right,die a longer time muft bcre-
q ired. I (inda moft treacherous plot is cunningly hatching and co-
vertly managed againd EngLvid, and fome other Chriftian Common-
wealths, and that the Europcian Monarches doe generally intend in
their ievcrall territories a Parley, what courfc every one may take
for his own and Allies fafegnard, all begin to be afraid. Work enough
at home, 1 fay. The Souldicr, the Gentleman, and fome Nobles arc
alltoConlultand meet in Councell, they nnanimoufly fecmc to de-
lire peace and to be at Unity; but a fecrct cunning hand, a device
thcydreamc not of, impedites all their confukations, and craftily
over-rules their confults,(b that at onetime they looletheir labours, &
immediately after their lands,&c.the ju(t reward of thofc whodclcrt
their Countrey. Our Courtiers in arc like to goctogether by
thcearcsamongft themldves. Oh thcuncxpcdcd trcafon, treachery,
and unlucky failings that this figure portends to the Kings of Europe,
and what infinite fuffercrs they fhallbeby mcancs of the policies and
underhand fubtiltics of thcirbofomc favourites, who no fooncr receive
a fccret from their Makers lips, but as fpeedily convay the fenfeofthat
fjcrct to their Mailers enemies. St he eft certijftmmt.
The Dragons tailcfo necrc the degree culminating, and lupiter
fo poorc in cffcntiallfortitudes, fo miferably afflided by AEin, Saturnc
being Retrograde in his fall, and in that lioufe rcprcfcnting their
friends, Correfpondents, Allies, and Aflikants, Coutifcls,Confulta-
tions.&c. this oncly, were there no more, might terrific Kings, and
affigiit Princes and great ones: forit'plainly telsthem, thcyiliall
find nothing but falfencffe,backfliding, ddayes, politique ends, difco-
very of their fecrcts, in tbofc kindes of men before named, and on
vvhom they fliall fo much relye: Could I but remove Stuurne out of
11 the
% (I0)
the clcvcntMiottlc in this figure, or ifcould havo beenmon
elongated from the Dragons tayle in the worlds figure; peace woulc
inllantly follow \x\ KngUnd, and quictnclfe in all ormoO Kingdoms
offu ope. But SAtumc is a flow and mclancholly mifchicvous Pla-
net, and LMcrcury is ilic and wary, politiquc and pcrjurious: fo thai
long it will be ere Princes be wife and difecrning, and lift out the trca-
fons and knaveries of thcfc their old Saturnine Counfellours and nira-
ble wittcd Secretaries,fitoboth whofc counfcls arc equally pernicious
The Moonc and Atmnry arc in reception, Luna is p^u/ztj.viz. the
people, under that notion I comprehend thofe that take part witli
them, nay, they, viz, our principall members fitting in Parliament fig-
nilied in this figure by the Moonc, Mercury, VeimMc. begin to fore.
fee much,perhaps fomc grand dcvif^it troubles them not j the Moonc
applies to LMerctiric,** ifnothing rhnuld be aAcd without more then
ordinary care and advice: UMercury carries the light to Itmter, and
the fame day InpitcranA f'enui arc in a friendly Trync, a wonderfull
good afpeft if^od give hisblelling; a MilHvc really and rdigioufly
penned,and gravely confultcd on is fent by Fenus, who trnnsferrcs it to
Jupiter, and he is Lord of theRoyall houle, and Teww is Lady of the
fit: vi<, ofMcflcngcrsand HmbalTadours. Bur alas Jupiter is almoll
otitoiTaunu and now in the tcrmesofthc infortuncs, that is in the
dutches offuch as will undo him; iftwodegrccs give two months,
whxt will fomc body doc in September or Ottober ! 1 nnnediately after
this Conjunaion, it is intimated, our State hath frequent mcctinas
for fome good defgne or other, the afpeds (hew very many conliilta'
turns, and many debates and a longing defire to accommodation, fomc
interruption I fearc,piid I am certaine we fhnll find, becaufc the Sun
is now in Leone, a proud ftatcjy and wilfull fignc,and Jupiter hz jsina
fixed lignc, Mars corrupting Inpittrt iudgemenf, perhaps too much
Handing on tcrmcs (the wicked advice of Saturne intcrpofine and
the obft mate wilhilneflc of fomc State Courtiers coad/utiiw) may lire-
judicc our bell of expeftations and frullnrc the hopes of a btcfled peace
However its opportune for our unwearied honourable Members of
both Houfes to treat all tAuaufl and till the latter end of September the
face of Heaven being fairo, amicable and promiliug them much honour
thcieby,&c, I well fore-fee if we in bngUnd treat, thty in b'olonia
and SwabLmd and cfpccially in Ireland, will be wondrous bufie in
their Councels, each of thcfc Nations is hammering upon fome great
(l:li nny thing I fee, when fupito- is trunflatcd out of
Iriih may ftand upon their own Guards. Its in agitation what part of
Germw) to enter or fall on by fomc in the world. May not fpmc he-
{liteenemy approach Buvwa, or fomc fi uightcr be in C^titlon'm, or
fomc irruption into Norway. What willyofiy if tlicniountanousjf^-
/.(Hwifcanddilturbe? VVillitnotbcnewcs.if during the Filfiftsof
this Con/'.indlioi), or the latter end o( September or in Otlober the
French Nation receive a brufli: and 'Denmark. 4 remarkable difafter,
and the Imperials fnull comfort, if a pitchc held be fought. Many
Towncs, CalUcs and Forts doe immediately after this Conjtin&ion
f irrender by treaty to our States of Sngland; fomc towns iu the North,
and fomc in the Well, otherf! South weft parts of En^lwi: 0 i(e<?jt%
Cp'vos Prweipes, lixccllent Kings and Princes (totiits Enropxjoi all
Ifirope, rcjeet the advife of Saturne, and let not Mercury have the
Privjlcdge to write yourlettcrs, and then you may expedta bldling iu
your Common-wealths: lohn thou honourable King of Porting, fuf-
f:r not Saturnc to be a CounfeUjur with thee; untill he is admitted,
1 conceive, thou th,dt flouriih: But if I tell not the world who Satnrne
fcp fiy nothing; he is in tranfmarinc parts a leftiite, or lew: in England
a lefuite or Scttartft: there's Morj in OIL where the Jcliiitc or J efui-
tod Ciounfellors auvifej or where they come in the privates of Princes:
ondnsfor/PA^v/r/whorepr fents Kings Secretaries, find me one in
Ikirope, who hath not a J futte cither attending in houfliold, or afli-
f ing in Counfdl; if the Quadrature of Sat/one md Mercury out of
two Cardmall fignes, make not my conje&ure and predidion pood,
let a Novice in Adrnlo^ic whip me, &c.—We Eu^lifi pay
dcarc for their la'candalfonowrcfidencc in Sttglmd, lb have miny
Princes of Europe; folia all France, andfoin time the provident FfoL
Ln.ler Pi PI lament that i .'.rpentine genoration, if not hcedfully prcvch-
tcd; lb fhonld the Pope that now is, if he had not as much Art as wit.
Jove is peregrine out of all efientiall dignities, and Mars the foiil-
dicr inful ts over the decaying Nobility and Gentry: the Clergy and
Epifcopall may go to wrack,nor doth the Lawyct thrive,or doth leat^
Ding idvance: the Conj'undhon is avcrlc to all thefe metis qualtties.&c.
Tnat which I meanc of the Jefutte, I alfo intend the fame judge-
ment of the right Seftariji, the firebrand and incendiary of ihc Protc-
ifantRcJi gion; it may be doubted whether Jefuite or Settarift is more
knave and molt dcltruftivc to any Common- wealth they itihabitr.
B 2 Slt'gHft
the i x .the Sun fuff.Tflth EcUpfe, th 2 figure whereof follow-
eth inlcrtccl^ccaulc it hath great relation to this prefent Conjunftion.

if* Eclipfc of the Sun a r.

ft) Jtyuft, 16^. £ i7i
1 rv® TM.

Vshv '' J &
XX' q?

The very degree of the fourth houfein the Conjunftionall figure is

r-"" cclipicd
r and very
J nacr
V , the now
, degree
0 afccndiog.Ifany great
now inadion
in adion andbulie
and buhc have the <5.8.o.or
<5.8.p.or 10.
1 o. of rir^afcendine
in their Nativities, let him, her, or them cither make his, her, or their
laft will and tc(lamcnt,or commit their honour,if they arc of that qua-
lity,to duftjor their peribus to anhoneft ftrong Caftle commonly cal-
led a prifon. The Mid heaven of this Eclipticall Schcamc is the verv
degree of this prefent Conjundion of Inftur and Mars, Admiran U
prcnHHcio evtntura Anglh& AHqmbtu Repjoml>Hs ftr Imc co»]HnBiomi
& Ec/ipJjj HArmni<im: Verily I may pronounce fonie vtondcrfull
things to happen to Bh/JamA, and fome other Regions by the harmony
of this Conjundion with the Eclipfe. And although I am not ignorant
of tbat in Vtolome^ viz. Nihil nocent Eclipfesinijiu regioniluu irtquihsM
nonvidtntftr. via, Eclipicshurt nothing at all tboic regions, wln-icm
they are not vifible: Yet cannot I confeiu unto him, or allow that his;
judgement tor true, cither in particular mensNativities, or n the:
general!, accidents of the world; having found the contrary in my
pra&ifs and experience : For as in every Edips either Solar <*r /.«-
nor, there is privation of light morcor Idle, fb doubtlcde (if Eclip-
fes work any thing, which all or muff of the Learned confeflethry
doc) there can be no Eclips whtthcvft^unmeimov/upriiterranean,
but it fhnll operate more or kite, more violently andconlpicuoufly it
it be above the earth, withklTcftitre and more obfcurely if it be not:
vifible, I meanc upon thofe Countries fub/cd to the fignc and quarter
of Heaven afflided: At the time of this Eclips CWercurj dilpofeth
the twoLuminaricg : Ce^reswot,ti ; & in hutmm ncgotiji
cclcriwem, indnj}riam & CAlidmtem ad ea qua Agendafunt: fed cum
prope ftlutn volvatur, ventos tkt Inordimtos, tcnitrua, fulmim, hiatM*
urramotHi & futynra; In this Ecli[)S LMercurj prxnotcsfuddainc:
motions, celerity, paincfulnefle, craft, policy and fiibtilty in agitating;
humane affaires, and managing metis adions; let us in England be-
ware of nuiflling and /ugling, of packing and crafty fiyc pretences,fos:
Mncurj tells us all this; but being nearethe Sun bcamcs, and foto
combullion, he ftirs up fuddaine winds, thunders, lightning, opening;
of the earth in many places, earth-quakes (this you muft undcrftand
in Countries ufnally fiibjed to earth-quakes) fire breaking out of the
Cloudes: My private fancy or judgement is, bccaufc UMercmy be-
ing Lord of the Afcendant and partly of the tenth houfc, and he is
combuft and afflidcd by the Sunne Lord ofthe twelfth Iioufc, it doth
prcmonftratc the Captivity of fame King, Prince or Commandci:
or Commanders in cnicfc of Armies, Cities, Towncs and Caftlcs,
or of fomc eminent pcrfon and pcrfons: The day of the Eclips
ftiall no fooner come but theeffeds of this Eclips ftiall immediately
fiiew themfeJves, becaufe it is in the afcendant and in conjundion of
the nimble Mercury, wh»iB exceeding fwift sn his motion, and will
inforcc the adions depending of the Eclips and conjundion to ope-
rate like a furious whirlcwind : fo that it may fceme, there will be rrc-
qucnt Mcfiages, multiplicity of negotiation^ plentifiill eniifiion of'di-
rcdory Letters to this Country,to that City,to this State,to this King,
to this Embafiadour, that Agent, all this Enropmn part of the world
B 3 in
in confultation wliat to doc: No State of Europi without fc are, tcr-
tour and miftru'd ; doubtfull which way tofteerc acourie^ or with
what Ih incc or Nation to make league,all in fufpcncc where the cloud
ofthefe impending misfortunes Hiallfall; its good to be wifc.andhcii
very pmJent and'torclwing that can defend hisown territory either
from internall iufurreilion or exterior invafion,specially now and uit-
till 1647. Nor doe 1 fee any re.ion to adhcarc to Ptolmty, who will
have thofe places cfpccially pallive which arc under the fame trygon
ortriphcity wherein the Hclipsfalleth, as for example, bccaufc mis
Jiclips is m vp ancarthly iigne, fome would fay, I'ttr/s in Francemuft
begin the dance, and therefore all thofe that have either ayortf af.
tending in their Natives iiatt'd filter by theeffjeb of this bclips, fit
this his divifion of th: cff.cls by f-Vvfall cpuirant;; upon fevcrall
Countries fampanlU juflly finds fault : I fhonld rather conceive
that thufe Couutrycs and men fuoject and borne under X being the
oppofitc fignc to the (igne of the Eclips; and thofe in quadrate, vk,
Sapjttarm and Gemini thallhavc pnncipall lliarc in the effrefs goad
01 ill of thisfalar f.dips; wha; Countrycs thole are, you may rcadc
in every common Aim mack. This hclips tells our Parliament that
they (lull get into their cuftody and polVcilion many of their prin-
cipal! enemies, but they muft then take care to keepe them: doth
not Mercury difpolc both of the Sun andMaoue, and is not he in
his own houfe with the Dragons head j I like not Satxrne in the ninth
hotd'e, will fame novell dilutes orfcdariesanfc in Religion, or will
fmnc untrully Agents (hew us good horfemanhiip, and fb dtfturbc
our Parliamentary Patriots: But now againc I rcturne to the purfuit«
oftheConjuntTionallinnuenc:, from which I have cafually but not
improperly deviated, tor I well know the two Luminnncscither put
tbrward or retard any of thefe Conjiindlions.for God placed them foe
lights, that is to give us under Handing cfpccially in heavenly j'udge-
. mcnts by their fcitc.placc and being: Some, and they no fmall Clcrkes
avertc, with whom 1 freely joyne iffuc lovie & Martiii*
Tauro, (kftnrilionen) £ivita turn, mortem i]Htrt4nd<m magnatttm, plmi/is
tnului, corrtijcutianci & toniiruaji^nijicat; viz, the meeting of7«-
pWand Miirt inTatirtu, foretells the deft rudioh of fome Cjdcsand
Towncs, the death ofcertaineNoblc-men, muchraine thefcafonof
the ycarcconlidered, lightning and thundr: Mfanaz.ciiff]*, A'/Wj,
deConjudt, tdlsus, ^jindo I/Wars lovi conptn^hur, figmficat Find,
('!) _
tjitod homines mmitm exercthmn excrcltHS cJ* betLi, &
in/b gentium & rnnltitudimm cmfirum &<tdventHm bttbonnm
v, (jmbufdam CliPMtibKt, & cmjiiam qHmtndm beftiarhm, & mortem
regti in ill a revolttihne.
When Mars is in conjun&ion with Inpiter, lie hath this very figni-
rication,that men ihall too much fet their hearts upon wars, there (hall
be many infurrc&ions, aboundancc of complaints, caufosand Law-
jfuitcs, an appearance of many Froggs and Toades in fotm Regions,
Icarcity of Lome manner ofCattle> it mud be here of great beads, bc-
caufc Inpiter is Lord of the (ixt houfo and is afllitflcd by Aiarf, and they
are both fuperiour Planets,alfofomedangerousdifcnfcsamongft them,
and in conclufion death is portended to fomc King ere lupitcr and
Mm-s finilh their Revolution, which will beg. Novemb. i<5^5 But
me thinks I hcarein the Heavens a muttering as if fomc barbarous
Souldicrs (liould be intended from the South-eaft tocomeandafilid
us« were it not good to have an eye to that part of Heaven; Its rather
feared,then hoped it will be fo.
But fith the Con jun&ion is almoft in gem!fit, erit mmU mors in ho.
mnibw, there will be too great a deftru&ion of man-kind ere this Re-
volution be complcatcd; I find one confidcration very remarkcable,
vi*.. the three fuperiour Planets all above the earth; Oricntall, all of"
ithem by pofiturc in the eleventh houfc; I fiiall tell you inrcfpctflof
cflentiall dignities they are very weakcandimbccill, and of no great
fortitude, they in that rcprcfent avail company of workmen but no
materials to goc forward with the building, thevtellus ofthedidi-
ning ellatc of the fuprcame V'xcroycofmcn, the uncertainty of the
fortunes and lives of Kings,Princes,Qucenes and Nobles: Ifithc well
confidered^hat the Mooncis Lady ofthealccndant, and partly difpo-
fitrix of the Conjunction it fclfe, it dircdleth us excellently for fin-
ding out the intention of the Scbeamc : Now if the mcdicty afcen-
ding according to Halj and gttido be the reprcfentativc quarters of
Heaven for our State, as molt certnineitis, the figure being cx.tttly
corrected for the Meridian of London, and all the Planets in thdr L-
verall motions fitted thereunto; then I fiy, it abfolutely cxprclf^th, a
great and notorious d:f:.?tioii of many Noble-men, Gentlemen,men,
Conntrycs andTownes from his Majclt/, and a further defrtingof
him of'func mm of greater quality, then wascvident in thefimra
twmdi bnjus ami. It doth portend our Parliament (liould meet with
\lv J
fbmc good ttorc of rich trcafurc, or acquifition of fame moncycs thqf
expefted not, fame Countries and Towncs, Caftlcs,^. Itlhcwet
corruption in iomc principall Earle, or Baron, or General), or Camp
Olficcr, it fticwcs tailings in the Jriflt and fVc/cb, tmpovcrirtimcnt,
or mutinies cither in Paris or fomo Countries in France, andfome
linttcrnc Countries from us, it (hevves much unwillingnctfein many
of his Majeftics friends to doe him further ferviccj and that in the
Courtiers conlultations there is no agreement, no alfuredncfle; ittcli
his Majclly tlicrc's treafon where hclcaft fufpeds it: fomc great per*
Ions mud fulfer by death, either by beheading or otherwifcr. offooN.
limbiifliidours (ignilicd byOlfars Lord partly of the fifth thatlhdl
addrcfle thcn.ijlvis to hisMajefly in upon thettyncofFmi
and /npittrt\t not the latter end of this Inly Monctli.
It tells cur State they lliall have the proferedfricndfhipof many
men: a black or a red mans fricndlbip they may fiilpeft; let thcoi
trulf according to knowledge: its laboured to corrupt fomc of their
O (fleet's. I n regard lupiter is Lord of the (ixt houfc and in afilidion
of uUats, it may denote fnddaine violent Levers proceeding from
blood overheated, grides and confumption of the lungs more then
nft;a!ly,but not any Epidcmicall difcafe, the Plague or the like, perhaps
the I rcnch pox willbcadivein Oflokr.
During tnc Rctrogradation of Jupiter and his being in tbclattcr de-
grees of Taurus which will be f rom the fccond weeke in Septmhir
untill 24. March next, it will goc hard wirluhc Nobility, Ucntry,
Clergy, Lawyers and Phifitians, I doubt this Schcamc pointsont one
principall Phihtian for a fttong enemy of the Parliaments. The y.M*
vtmber tv. xt the Sun and /npitcr in z6,tS and i6.Mercury come to op-
polition, it will queftion fame great pcrfon. The 11. of'Decembtr,
1645. / ftpircr and So/come tooppofuion,and the 18. of the fame lupi*
tcr and Murs'm the laft degrees of Hand The 1 <5.of April,1646,
A/arjand Jupiter come to a fqinrc, Jupiter in the firft of Cancer, Mart
inthefirftof Jries; off goes tome bodies head, if fiich proteiTionsbe
then in pradifes. The third of Afovemi. 1646. Jupiter and Afar* meet
againc in the eighth of tQ, a violent but Kingly figncrt hat con jnndioft
may produce fomc more able pen,mine at tlieprdcnt being dulled.


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