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Unit 1: About the Academic Reading Module

Activity 1.1
Answers will vary.

Activity 1. 2
1. pressure 2. activities

3. combat 4. seawater

5. NG 6. T
7. F 8. V

9. ii 10. i

11. iii 12. [shire of] Harvey

13. groundwater 14. waste heat

15. lower temperatures 16. C

17. GL 18. TP

Unit 2: The Skills You Need

Activity 2.1
1. Andre Ash 2. Paul Gamblin
Appendix 1 Answer Key 269

3. Colin Yates I+. Jim Dodds

5. The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility

1. 0.6-1.5 ° C 2. 2.2-5 ° C

3. More than 100 I+. By 2070

5. 28 6. 67

7. More than 12,000 8. Nearly 50 per cent

9. 8 per cent 10. 12 per cent

11. 10-20 per cent 12. 80 per cent

Activity 2.2
1. b. (solar energy). a. (to explain a 2. c. [the Internet and privacy). c. (to give
problem) an opinion)

3. a. (in a magazine about business). c. (why people buy)

Activity 2.3
A. eminent
Part of speech: adjective
Approximate meaning:successful, well known, well regarded

B. exacerbate
Part of speech:verb
Approximate meaning: make something worse

C. nocturnal
Part of speech: adjective
Approximate meaning:active at night

D. aroma
Part of speech: noun
Approximate meaning: smell, scent
270 IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading & Writing - Academic

E. jeopardy
Part of speech: noun
Approximate meaning: danger, risk

F. revere
Part ofspeech:verb
Approximate meaning: worship, look up to a great deal

Unit 3: Multiple-choice Questions

Activity 3.1
1. Paragraph 3 2. Paragraph 1

3. Paragraph 5 4. Paragraph 2

5. C 6. 8

7. A 8. 8

Activity 3.2
1. D 2. A

3. A 4. C
5. A 6. D

Unit 4: True/False/Not Given Questions

Activity 4.1
1. True [220 million years ago; yes] 2. False [freshwater turtles; there are

3. · True [critically endangered; yes] 4. False [motor vehicles; yes; new


5. False [at the bottom of lakes and 6. Not given [hundreds; we don't know]
rivers; yes; no]

7. False [yes; no] 8. Not given [no; no; no]

Appendix 1 Answer Key 271

Activity 4.2
1. Not given (we know the Magdalen Islands are in Quebec, but we don't know where
Cape Breton Island is)

2. False (the six largest are connected)

3. True

4. False (they noticed the decrease since the 1990s)

5. Not given (we know it was less than a full year, but not exactly how long)

6. True

7. False (it's an average - some islands would lose more or less)

8. False (only one was swept away)

Unit 5: Yes/No/Not Given Questions

Activity 5.1
1. a No
b Not given
C Yes

2. a Yes
b No
C Not given

3. a No
b Yes
C Not given

4. a Yes
b Not given
C No

Activity 5.2
1. Yes 2. Yes
3. No 4. Not given

5. Not given 6. Not given

7. Yes 8. No
272 IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading & Writing - Academic

Unit 6: Short Answer Questions

Activity 6.1

Text outline (b)

Short answer question Answer located in Relevant text in the Two or three word
paragraph no. paragraph answer
1 What is incorrectly 1 that sleep needs
... decline with age
believed about the decline with age.
sleeping needs of an
elderly person?
2 What happens to total 2 total sleep time tends
. .. remain constant
sleep time when sleep to remain constant
pattern changes?
3 What conditions 4 ... can be attributed to physical and
increase sleep physical and psychiatric psychiatric
disorders among the illnesses
4 People may suffer 5 Insomnia may be chronic chronic, acute
with one of the two or acute and is ...
� of conditions of
sleeplessness. What
are they?
5 In general, what 6 people with poor
... poor health/chronic
conditions cause people health or chronic medical medical conditions
to suffer with more conditions have more
sleep problems? sleep problems.

Activity 6.2
1. sunrise and sunset 2. summer

3. winter solstice 4. twice

5. South Pole

Unit 7: Sentence Completion Questions

Activity 7 .1
(Predictions for missing information will vary.)

1. Paragraph 1; geophysical imaging 2. Paragraph 2; three metres

Appendix l Answer Key 273

3. Paragraph 2; farmers and 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3; ground-

small-holders penetrating radar

5. Paragraph 4; monuments 6. Paragraph 5; excavation data

7. Paragraph 6; data-processing systems 8. Paragraph 7; funding

Activity 7 .2
1. a Mars-sized body 2. orbit

3. thicker 4. global magma ocean

5. asteroids and comets 6. subsurface magma

7. potassium and phosphorus 8. rock samples

Unit 8: Diagram/Flow Chart Completion Questions

Activity 8.1
The description is in one paragraph (paragraph E).


1. sunlight 2. negative

3. positive 4. pairs

5. positively doped silicon 6. the depletion zone or space-charge


1. sunlight 2. negatively charged electrons

3. electron-hole pairs 4. depletion zone/space-charge region

5. positively charged holes 6. positively doped silicon

Activity 8.2
1. rubber and polyester 2. iron ore

3. wood pulp 4. vulcanised

5. 50,000 km 6. option
274 IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading & Writing - Academic

7. energy 8. outweighed

9. recycling

Unit 9: Table/Note Completion Questions

Activity 9 .1
1. 10 2. year

3. how many people died; no 4. the cause of the shipwreck (noun only);
verb+ noun

5. noun 6. adjective

7. type of ship 8. the name of the ship (then read

surrounding information)

1. 1945 2. more than 4000

3. Soviet torpedoes 4. oil tanker

5. hit [an] iceberg 6. lifeboats

7. evacuation 8. passengers

9. poorly mapped 10. hospital ship

Activity 9. 2
1. thyroid 2. metabolic process

3. hormones 4. 7 per cent

5. identify 6. treatable

7. [small] dose 8. women

9. men 10. 50

Unit 10: Summary Completion Questions

Activity 10 .1
1. past participle verb 2. noun
Appendix 1 Answer Key 275

3. adjective 4. noun

5. noun 6. noun

7. past tense verb 8. adjective

9. noun 10. noun

Noun . ·. Adjective _ - . . Verb · ·

majority new forced
bush most gave
end Aboriginal appeared
viewpoints past (can be an adjective) enabled
past European introduced
cinema traditional
mining (past participle verbs can often
camera also be adjectives)

1. introduced 2. end

3. Aboriginal 4. majority

5. camera 6. viewpoints

7. enabled 8. traditional
9. mining 10. past

Activity 10.2
1. rebel 2. gangs

3. proportion 4. business

5. buying 6. commute

7. gene 8. liberating

9. bond
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Unit 11: Matching Headings Questions

Activity 11.1
Section A
A report reveals an inequity: MAIN IDEA
WA's growing population: DETAIL

Section B:
Only a third of revenue returned: DETAIL
A breakdown of the numbers: MAIN IDEA

Section C:
Why the government should invest more: MAIN IDEA
How much Canberra receives in taxes and fees: DETAIL

Section D:
Projected changes in funding and expenditure: MAIN IDEA
The end of a key program: DETAIL

Section E:
Funding affected by political relations: DETAIL
Sources of funding: MAIN IDEA

Section F:
The proportion of funding WA receives: DETAIL
An engine of economic growth now and in the future: MAIN IDEA

Activity 11. 2
A. vi (Language and Health) B. ix (Words of Meaning and Style)

C. x (A Few Words Used Often) D. vii (Neurological Differences)

E. i (How Different Kinds of People Use F. viii (Ways of Writing)


G. iii {Potential Uses of this Knowledge)

Appendix 1 Answer Key 277

Unit 12: Matching Features Questions

Activity 12.1
1. E 2. A
3. C 4. 8
5. A 6. D

7. F

Activity 12.2
1. D 2. A
3. D 4. C

5. C 6. 8
7. D 8. A

Unit 13: Matching Sentence Endings Questions

Activity 13.1
1. Amnesty 2. court/ten million

3. police officer/Douglas Turner 4. demonstrations

5. tased/multiple 6. Taser manual

7. Taser/ argued

Sentence endings
1. D 2. F

3. A 4. G

5. C 6. H

7. E
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Activity 13.2
1. D 2. J

3. G 4. A
5. E 6.

7. H 8. B

Unit 14: Academic Reading Practice Tests

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 1
1. D 2. C

3. A 4. 8

5. E 6. crystalline matter

7. (yearly) pilgrimages 8. chemical composition

9. high speed 10. sophisticated equipment

11. True 12. Not given

13. False 14. D

15. C 16. B
17. D 18. D

19. C 20. D

21. B 22. double-edged sword

23. a clean feed 24. illegal and inappropriate

25. Law enforcement agencies 26. a blank cheque

27. ii 28. i
29. vii 30. vi

31. iv 32. D

33. A 34. B

35. A 36. D
Appendix 1 Answer Key 279

37. True 38. False

39. False 40. Not given

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 2

1. E 2. C

3. G 4. B

5. D 6. endorsed [the] conclusion

7. commercial purposes 8. [the] temperature dropped

9. vapour and clouds 10. F

11. B 12. E

13. D 14. True

15. Not given 16. Not given

17. False 18. B

19. D 20. E

21. C 22. A

23. G 24. D

25. A 26. E

27. G 28. C

29. B 30. D

31. E 32. A

33. C 34. D

35. B 36. B

37. E 38. D

39. C 40. A

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 3

1. B 2. C

3. D 4. D
280 IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading & Writing - Academic

5. D 6. Yes

7. No 8. Not given

9. scientific ways 10. population pressure

11. social institutions 12. modern weapons

13. towards society 14. D

15. A 16. G

17. F 18. 8

19. we all live 20. small minority of

21. profits high 22. wages low

23. run more smoothly 24. more privileged background

25. survive and flourish 26. compete for necessities

27. VI 28.

29. VIII 30. 111

31. V 32. VII

33. External influences/ External factors/ 34. Consumer connectivity

External reasons

35. Safety concerns 36. Congestion

37. Market types 38. Internal influences/ Internal factors/

Internal reasons

39. Economics 40. Energy issues

IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 4

1. E 2. A

3. D 4. 8

5. C 6. 8 (in any order)

7. C (in any order) 8. E (in any order)

9. Yes 10. Not given

11. Yes 12. False

Appendix 1 Answer Key 281

13. Not given 14. X

15. vii 16. vi

17. 18. ii

19. IV 20. ix

21. B 22. H

23. I 24. E

25. F 26. A

27. altruism 28. their mother/ the queen

29. temporal polyethism 30. nectar (and) pollen

31. nectar 32. eggs

33. protein 34. low, dark

35. lays 36. False

37. False 38. True

39. False 40. Not given

Unit 1: About Academic Writing Task 1

Quiz 1
1. False. Examiners focus on the good points of your work, not the bad points. If you can
use a wide range of grammar to clearly explain yourself, you can get a good mark, even
if you make some mistakes.

2. True. Punctuation counts towards your mark for Grammatical Range and Accuracy.
3. False. You must write in connected sentences that are organised into paragraphs.
282 IELTS Preparation and Practice Reading & Writing - Academic

4. False. It is better to use a wide range of vocabulary and make some mistakes.
5. True. If you write less than 150 words, you will lose marks.

Quiz 2
1. You will lose marks.

2. Nothing. You don't gain marks. You don't lose marks.

3. No. Any copied language is ignored by the examiner. You are just wasting your time.

4. It means you must find information in an image and convert it to words.

5. No. Task 1 does not ask you to do that. You will not get a good mark.

6. 20 minutes.

7. No. Only mention the important data, such as a minimum and a maximum, or a date
when an important change happened.

8. No. You need to write in connected sentences, to describe the relationships in the data.
For example, the sequence of events, or cause and effect relationships.

Unit 2: Task achievement

Activity 2.1
1. d 2. C

3. a 4. b

Activity 2. 2
1. True 2. True

3. True 4. True

5. False 6. True

7. True 8. True

9. Not given
Appendix 1 Answer Key 283

Activity 2.3

Activity 2.4

G- 3

Activity 2.5
1. B 2. D
3. A ,. C

Activity 2.6
Main features
1. Most certificate students were very happy with their course.

2. Most diploma students were unhappy or very unhappy with their course, with almost
the same proportion in each category.

3. Certificate students tend to be younger than diploma students.

Overview: Answers will vary.

Activity 2. 7
Main features
1. The permanent exhibition space is much bigger.

2. The visiting exhibition space is slightly smaller and has moved.

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