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Gastrointestinal Study Guide

Normal GI Function

 Understand the concept of nutrition, metabolism, and bowel elimination.

 Understand the anatomic & physiologic overview of the GI System
 Gerontology considerations and age-related changes in the GI system 
 Understand abnormal GI functions 
 dyspepsia
 Constipations  ( know the interventions and medications)
 Diarrhea (complications ) 
 Physical Assessment – includes assessment of the mouth, abdomen, & rectum
o Order of physical assessment – inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation
 Know the following diagnostic used - to rule out, and of diagnose various states of GI conditions
o Understand Lab profile
o Upper GI radiographic x-ray
o Cholangiogram
o CT scan
o Endoscopy
o Colonoscopy
o Ultrasound
o Liver biopsy

Oral Cavity

 Understand the following conditions and how to care for patients with:
 Tooth Decay 
  Interventions
o Oral cancers 
o Interventions  (Surgical and Non-surgical)


 Know the assessment finding, interventions, medications

 Hiatal hernia


 Understand the following conditions, treatment and nursing management

 Gastritis
 Peptic Ulcer Disease
o Medical Management for initial  pylori 
 Gastric Cancers
o The use of a nasogastric tube and peg tube

Small and Large Intestin

 Understand the following conditions, treatment and nursing management ,
 Colorectal Cancer 
o Symptoms of
o Risk factors
o Diagnostics
 Understand the following conditions, treatment and nursing management
 Inflammatory Intestinal Disorders
 Peritonitis– interventions and treatments
 Appendicitis– general information
o Nsg Management
o Potential Complications and Nursing Interventions after Appendectomy
 Diverticular Disease– clinical only
 Ulcerative Colitis– interventions and the use of TPN
 Ileostomy– clinical only
 Understand how to care for a colostomy

GI Conditions

 Understand the following conditions assessment, treatment , and nursing and medical management  
 Liver Cirrhosis
o Complications 
o Ascites 
o Obstructive jaundice 
o Esophageal varicies 
o Hepatic encephalophaty –treatment/ medications
o Alcoholic Hepatitis/ End stage Liver Disease
o Liver Assessment 
o Liver biopsy –how care 
o Concept map of cirrhosis 
 Hepatitis 
o Types  
o The prevention of spreading the disease 
 Cholecystitis 
o Risk factors and triggers
o Symptoms
o Diagnostic tests /procedures
o Surgical management and post op care

 Nutrition and Obesity

o Understand -BMI and Nutrition guidelines 
o Understand the following concepts and how to care for patients with: 
o Malnutrition 
o Obesity
o Bariatric 
o Surgical procedures and Post op care 

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