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Learning Activities and Instructional Materials and Tools

Appropriate Leaning Activities

Different types of learning activities
1. Introductory Activities – Start of the SY or every new lesson
2. Developmental Activities
a. Data gathering activity – readily made available for gathering information
b. Organizing and summarizing activities – Impromptu activities
c. Application activities – application of the concepts
d. Creative and Expressive activities – imagination and expression of one’s feelings,
thoughts and ideas about the insights required.
e. Concluding Activities – wrap up, summary in outline form

Different Types of Instructional Materials and Tools

1. Realia and representations of realia – tangible/visible things
2. Sound and Visual resources – audio-visual experiencess
a. Video tapes – demonstrate, explain, record, and replay data
b. Video cassettes – collect, store and reuse. Handy and less expensive
c. Video discs – larger storage capacity
d. Video games – microcomputer
3. Microcomputer resources – practical applications like data processing and filing
4. Pictures and Pictorial representations – Two dimensional materials
a. Flat picture – universal language
5. Symbolic and Graphics representation – variety of visual forms
6. Projectors, viewers, players, recorders – enlarged on a viewing screen
a. Projector – projects images of transparencies on a screen
b. Players and recorders – auditory materials through pure listening
c. Player – Playback device
d. Recorder – Registers sound or visual images
7. Media Resources
a. Electronic Media – Information exchange
b. Print Media – all available materials in newspapers, journals, and magazines
c. Broadcast Media – derived from radio broadcast and television programs
Educational television – brief, engaging episodes
Instructional television – special teaching purposes

Principles in the selection of Materials

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