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Script for Daily Routine during Quarantine vlog

The blinding lights that pierces my eyes every morning complemented by the noises by
the neighborhood usually wakes me up every morning. My daily routine starts @ 8 to 8:30 in
the morning. I usually look first for my phone and check my social media accounts. After
checking, I make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath. Taking a bath
usually comes with singing in the shower. Haha. I always dry my hair in front of the electric fan
for an hour, not because I have a long hair but I enjoy the nice breeze brought by the fan.
At exactly 9 in the morning, my cousin always knocks at my door to have our breakfast.
Our usual breakfast would be eggs and fried rice but today we have……. Accompanied by a cup
of coffee which my grandmother always makes me. As we eat our breakfast, we make sure that
we have a little chit-chat once in a while. Since my cousin always makes our breakfast, I take
turn on doing the dishes. I find myself towards my room to play with my phone, typically, I play
this online game called “Mobile Legends”.
When I’m done and tired of losing the game, I will grab my Anatomy book to study since
we didn’t have our Midterms examination on the prescribed dates. As I try to read and study, I
feel nothing but anxiety for everyone because of this pandemic and feel sorry for the frontliners
especially my cousins who work on a hospital.
Hours have passed and it’s time for lunch. I don’t usually take my lunch the usual time
because I am still full. I usually at around 2 PM or 3. After I eat my lunch, I typically go and lay
on my bed again until I fall asleep. At 5 PM, my cousins always join me for a dance workout.
Normally, our dance workout will for 30 minutes to 1 hour. At 8 in the evening, I usually eat my
dinner while watching videos on Youtube. As the time progress and if I feel good on reading my
book, I always spent my 2 hours reading but sometimes I’m just reading it without really
understanding it. I continue watching videos on youtube until I ran out of internet connection.
After that’s the time when I lay in my bed thinking of happy thoughts and fall asleep. And that is
how my day usually works during the quarantine period. Thanks for watching. See you again on
the next video. Bye!

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