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Neurological Sciences


Imaging the migrainous brain: the present and the future

Bruno Colombo 1 & Roberta Messina 1 & Maria Assunta Rocca 1 & Massimo Filippi 1

# Fondazione Società Italiana di Neurologia 2019

In the last 20 years, we observed significant improvements in the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the evaluation of
patients affected by migraine. Before these technological advances, knowledge of the pathogenesis of migraine was particularly
based on clinical assessment. Complementary to clinical evaluation, conventional MRI provides both specific information for
differential diagnosis (particularly if cortical or subcortical lesions are detected in the migrainous brain) and unsurpassable
opportunities in migraine research. However, the correlations between brain structural and functional alterations and both the
clinical manifestation of the disease and the individual history of the patient remains uncertain. Both quantitative and functional
MR-based techniques have a great potential to better provide insights into human brain structures and possible links between
brain areas and complex brain networks that could be involved in the pathophysiology of migraine. Morphometric and functional
MRI approaches are contributing to better elucidate the mechanisms that underlie the pain mechanisms and functional adaptation
in migraine patients. All these information support the view of migraine as a complex brain disorder involving different cortical
and subcortical areas.

Keywords Migraine . Diagnosis . Structural MRI . Functional MRI

Introduction and historical background of human anatomy was a human finger published in 1975 [3].
MRI gave, in fact, the opportunity to create images by use of
Forty-five years ago, Sir Peter Mansfield (along with postdoc the nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon.
fellow P.K. Grannell in Nottingham) and Paul C. Lauterbur The 2003 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was
(Professor of Chemistry in New York) independently studied awarded to Lauterbur and Mansfield for their studies which
the technique that later became known as magnetic resonance led to the development of MRI, one of the greatest innovations
imaging (MRI) [1, 2]. They devised a method to encode the in diagnostic medicine. This technology has become an in-
nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation information in an ob- valuable research and clinical tool, particularly because of its
ject spatially and to reproduce it as an image, defining a third non-invasive capability. MRI plays a pivotal role in the diag-
dimension directly. The immediate practical application in- nosis and prognosis of many neurological diseases. The intro-
volves imaging the distribution of hydrogen nuclei (protons). duction of this technique has completely revolutionized the
The image brightness (or intensity) in a given region is usually diagnostic process of inflammatory, degenerative, and cere-
dependent (weighted) jointly on the spin density and the re- brovascular diseases. However, the proliferation of MRI scan-
laxation times, with their relative importance determined by ners in the more wealthy countries has sometimes led to their
the particular technique employed. Neither of these papers overuse and to misinterpretation of the images.
received a great deal of attention at that time. Subsequent The use of MRI to study patients with migraine varies
works focused on technological improvements, such as the widely in the clinical settings. MRI examinations are often
experiment to enable imaging of live animals. The first image obtained in migraine patients because of fear of missing seri-
ous underlying diseases (e.g., stroke, tumors, infections), es-
pecially in patients with migraine with aura. Its use is manda-
tory in the differential diagnosis of acute headache versus
* Bruno Colombo symptomatic headache. However, in patients suffering of
non-acute headache, the use of MRI should be indicated only
1 in patients with atypical headache patterns, a history of sei-
Department of Neurology, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele,
Vita-salute University, Via Olgettina 48, 20100 Milan, Italy zures, and/or focal neurological symptoms or signs [4].
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MRI techniques can provide insights into human brain inflammatory diseases (LES, Sjogren’s disease, Behcet’s dis-
structures and possible links between brain anatomy and brain ease, polyarthritis nodosa), granulomatous diseases
network activities that could be involved in pathophysiology (neurosarcoidosis, Wegener granulomatosis), vascular diseases
of migraine. The extensive application of conventional and (prothrombotic states, CADASIL, mitochondrial encephalopa-
advanced MRI techniques to the study of patients affected thies), infectious diseases (neuroborreliosis, Whipple’s disease,
by migraine, both in the course of an acute attack and during PML), deficiency diseases (B12 deficiency), hereditary dis-
the interictal phase, has contributed to improve the under- eases (leukodystrophies). The differential diagnosis can be a
standing of the pathophysiology of this condition and to elu- real challenge, considering that in some patients affected by
cidate novel mechanisms which might become a target of migraine, the distribution of lesions may even mimic some or
future therapeutic interventions. Neuroimaging techniques fall all neuroradiological features of multiple sclerosis (MS) [11]. In
broadly into two categories examining either brain anatomy fact, MRI features suggestive of MS are described as scattered
(structure) or function. In particular, modern morphometric WM lesions, hyperintense on T2, and proton-density scans. In
techniques such as voxel-based, surface-based morphometry, this specific differential diagnosis, some important features are
and diffusion tensor imaging revealed widespread gray matter to be considered [12]. In MS, lesions are large (more than 3 mm
(GM) and white matter (WM) structural abnormalities in cor- in size), multiple, and ovoid shaped in specific locations such as
tical and subcortical areas and WM tracts involved in multi- periventricular (98% of patients), infratentorial, brainstem,
sensory processing, including pain [5, 6]. juxtacortical, and corpus callosum (best seen on sagittal scan,
Functional MRI (fMRI) studies have largely provided new lesions pointing away, and moth-eaten appearance). In MS,
insights into functional organization of different pain process- lesions tend to involve the deep rather than the more peripheral
ing networks in migraine patients. Blood oxygenation level– WM, although focal lesions are common enough in the periph-
dependent (BOLD) fMRI is entirely non-invasive, no radio- ery. Moreover, it is unusual to see basal ganglia (25%) or inter-
active tracers are needed and a good spatial and temporal nal capsule lesions (10%). Spinal cord is frequently involved,
resolution is obtained. Functional connectivity (FC) fMRI da- particularly in cervical and thoracic regions. Spinal cord lesions
ta provide information about the interplay between different usually involve less than 50% of cross-sectional diameter, le-
brain areas. Their application in studying migraine patients sions are less than two segments in length and are located in
has shed light on the mechanisms responsible for initiation lateral, posterior, and anterior columns. Unlike the brain,
and propagation of migraine attacks and has disclosed the asymptomatic spinal cord areas of high signal are very uncom-
activity of cortical and subcortical regions during the different mon as an incidental finding with increasing age. A previous
phases of headache [7]. In recent years, various alterations MRI study of tissue damage in the cervical cord of patients with
regarding resting-state (RS) FC were discovered, especially migraine showed that migraineurs do not have macro and mi-
in pain-related regions and networks showing altered func- croscopic tissue abnormalities in the cervical cord if compared
tional connectivity in migraine [8]. Whether such alterations with MS patients [13]. MRI scanning of the cervical cord in
represent a predisposing trait or the consequence of the recur- patients with migraine and hyperintense WM lesions of un-
rence of headache attacks is still a matter of debate. known etiology may be a useful investigation to facilitate the
Admittedly, these findings might represent a balance between diagnostic workout. Another aspect investigated in migraine
an intrinsic predisposition and disease-related processes. This patients is whether the presence of focal lesions in the cerebral
review will discuss the potential of the use of MRI techniques cortex might have a role in the diagnostic process, particularly
in the context of the current knowledge of migraine. in the differential diagnosis with MS. A pivotal study showed
that, if compared with MS patients, no cortical lesions were
identified in migraine patients using double inversion recovery
Differential diagnosis based on MRI (DIR) imaging [14]. By suppressing the signal from both WM
and cerebrospinal fluid, DIR sequences allow a better in vivo
Seminal MRI studies on migraine patients reported an increased detection of cortical lesions. The results of this study support
risk to present diffuse signal abnormalities in brain WM, espe- the notion that DIR sequences should be used in the diagnostic
cially in subjects affected by migraine with aura [9]. In partic- workup of patients presenting with brain WM lesions and the
ular, different MRI structural alterations are described such as presence of cortical lesions should alert physician to a possible
infra-tentorial T2-hyperintense lesions, silent posterior circula- diagnosis of MS. New imaging features, such as the recently
tion territory infarcts, and supra-tentorial deep WM lesions described Bcentral venous sign,^ may help the clinician to dif-
[10]. A common source of difficulty in differential diagnosis ferentiate migraine from MS [15]. In particular, the presence of
is the presence of small areas of high signal in the cerebral WM the Bcentral venous sign^ on combined T2*-weighted and
of subjects affected by many other neurological disturbances. FLAIR images acquired with gadolinium contrast on a 3
Admittedly, many diseases of the CNS that result in WM le- Tesla has demonstrated specificity for MS in a number of pop-
sions seen by MRI are often erroneously diagnosed: ulation, differentiating MS people from migraine patients. A
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central vein exhibits the following properties on T2*-weighted

images: appears as a thin hypointense line or small hypointense
dot, is positioned centrally in the lesion, has a small apparent
diameter (< 2 mm), and runs entirely or partially through the
lesion. In particular, the venocentric distribution of lesions ex-
ists in all MS clinical phenotypes, with prevalence in
periventricular and deep WM lesions. On the other hand, a
central vein is absent from most of the lesions in patients affect-
ed by migraine, as confirmed in a recent study [16].

Structural imaging

Quantitative non-invasive MRI techniques provided new in-

sights in WM and GM structural alterations. Whether such
abnormalities represent a predisposing migrainous trait or
are the direct consequence of the recurrence of migraine at-
tacks is still an intriguing and debatable argument. The appli-
cation of Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) demonstrated
that patients affected by migraine might have structural brain
abnormalities that extend beyond lesions usually detectable
with conventional MRI sequences. Specific findings were de-
tected in patients affected by migraine both with and without
WM hyperintensities: in particular, decreased GM volume Fig. 1 Brain regions showing decreased gray matter volume in several
density has been detected in several temporal, frontal, and frontal and temporal areas in migraine patients compared to controls.
parietal areas, whereas an increased volume was detected in (Reproduced from Rocca et al., Stroke 2006, with permission)
periaqueductal gray (PAG) and dorsolateral pons (Fig. 1) [17].
Interestingly, the increased GM volume in dorsal pons paral-
lels to the location activated in seminal positron emission to- the frontotemporal lobes and lower volume in cerebellum
mography studies [18, 19]. The strict anatomical (quadrangular lobule) at baseline. At follow-up, patients de-
colocalization of functional and structural abnormalities has veloped an increased volume of frontotemporoparietal re-
supported a potential role of the dorsal pons as migraine gions, which was more evident in patients with higher attack
Bgenerator.^ In a seminal study, brain volumetric changes frequency and longer disease duration at baseline (Fig. 2).
were investigated in a pediatric migraine cohort. Results Patients with an increased attack frequency at follow-up ex-
showed reduced GM volume in frontotemporal areas but perienced both increased and decreased volume of nociceptive
greater putamen volume when compared with age-matched regions. Another interesting finding was that the level of pain
non-migraine controls. Volume in the putamen correlated with intensity, baseline disease duration, and number of migraine
the duration of the disease. The presence of such abnormalities attacks could influence GM volume changes of cortical visual
early in the disease course suggests that brain alterations may areas. These data support the notion that the brain of patients
represent a phenotypic biomarker of migraine [20, 21]. affected by migraine can be remodeled over time, suggesting
Surface-based morphometric found increased cortical thick- that cellular and molecular mechanisms can occur in response
ness of motion-processing visual areas both in patients affect- to patient’s disease severity [25]. Diffusion weight (DW) MRI
ed by migraine with and without aura. These structural chang- is a structural MRI technique that allows to study specific
es were particularly evident in V3A area, most likely involved parameters reflecting the microscopic organization of brain
as a source of spreading changes involved in visual aura. It is WM tracts. This technique allows to analyze the so-called
speculated that these structural changes may be due to brain normal-appearing WM in order to detect occult brain damages
plasticity or account for the brain hyperexcitability in migraine and to evaluate if this damage extends beyond visible WM
patients [22–24]. In order to better understand the dynamics of hyperintensities. In a pivotal study, a selective change of dif-
these abnormalities, a recent longitudinal study was planned fusivity measures of the visual pathways was detected in pa-
to map modifications of GM volume in a cohort of patients tients affected by migraine using tractography based on diffu-
affected by migraine in over 4 years of observation. The re- sion tensor MRI [26]. In another study, brain microstructural
sults of this study showed that, if compared to controls, pa- alterations were detected in right frontal WM although not
tients with migraine showed higher GM volume of regions of correlated with disease duration and attack frequencies [27].
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Fig. 2 Brain areas showing gray matter volume modifications over matter volume. Abbreviation: GM, gray matter. (Reproduced from
4 years in patients with migraine compared to controls. a Regions of Messina et al., Neurology 2018, with permission)
increased gray matter volume and b and regions of decreased gray

Functional imaging regions may have a specific role in migraine course, a dys-
function of brain networks seems more likely [29]. Among
Functional imaging techniques can be divided into two dis- different brain networks, a sort of putative driver of migraine
tinct categories: task-based or task-free analysis. The first is attacks lies in the hypothalamus-brainstem connectivity par-
the measure of brain responses to a specific action or stimulus, ticularly in the link to the spinal trigeminal nuclei and the
the second is the analysis of the FC of the brain at rest (RS trigeminovascular system, as well as the Bmigraine generator^
fMRI). Over the past 15 years, the number of RS studies in in the dorsal rostral pons. There is also evidence of an abnor-
migraine patients has increased. This technique allows identi- mal functional organization in networks relevant for emotion-
fying intrinsic brain activity and connectivity by scanning a al, cognitive, and attentional aspect of pain during a migraine
migrainous brain Btask-free^ with three major approaches. attack. In particular, functional reorganization of brain areas
The first is based on independent component analysis, where involved in pain and multisensory processing such as the hip-
group differences can be determined without a previous ana- pocampus, cingulate cortex, PAG, and cerebellum was de-
tomical hypothesis to identify specific network of interest (da- scribed, as well as in cognitive and limbic networks that can
ta-driven approach). The second approach is a region-of- have some influence on pain experience and integration in
interest analysis, whereas connectivity of particular migraine patients. Moreover, abnormal connectivity between
predetermined areas is examined based on specific anatomical the posterior thalamus (where the ascending pain pathway
knowledge in a sort of hypothesis-driven approach. Finally, converges) and pain encoding and modulating cortical areas
another data-driven method (regional homogeneity) gives the was reported [30–34]. In recent works, fMRI techniques were
possibility to evaluate low-frequency BOLD fluctuations to utilized to evaluate the neural basis of pain perception in mi-
characterize regional homogeneity and relative connectivity graine patients by using different specific nociceptive stimuli.
in neighboring voxels. These specific techniques can focus These techniques gave the possibility to explore the functional
on changes in neuronal activity, giving insights into functional organization of the pain matrix, comprising the cingulate cor-
organization of pain-processing networks [28]. A large num- tex (representing the emotional response to pain), thalamus,
ber of studies showed different alterations regarding RS FC in insula, primary and secondary somatosensory cortices
patients affected by migraine, particularly in pain-related re- (representing the discriminative aspects of pain perception),
gions such as the PAG area and insular cortex. Altered con- and prefrontal cortex [24]. Admittedly, the perception of pain
nectivity was detected in various networks, depending on sex, emerges from the dynamic flow and integration of informa-
disease duration, or chronification: in particular, the default tion, and fMRI may give us reliable information about brain
mode network, executive control salience (a core network that mechanisms that are related to anticipation, expectation, and
includes limbic and paralimbic regions) and visual networks expression of migrainous pain. It is reasonable that, in the next
are involved. All these data confirm that although single brain future, fMRI will provide information about the flow of earlier
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