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What connections did you notice between the CBT model and the models of post-traumatic

● Both the CBT Model and models of post traumatic growth focus on reappraisal of the
event, shifting the narrative from negative to a more positive outlook.
● Most, Post-Traumatic models of growth talk about a change in narrative and positive
feelings associated with growth and strength
● Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is proven to increase PTG, specifically in domains of
‘personal strength’ and new possibilities.

What are the key similarities and key differences between CBT and NET?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

● Focuses on identifying main cognitive themes around traumatic event and re-processing
the event to reverse maintaining factors contributing to symptoms and can be used to
PTSD and treat anxiety disorders, affective disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders
● Main aspects of treatment include appraisal, memory and maintaining behaviours and
cognitive strategies
● Treatment includes processing the traumatic event and changing the appraisal of the
event; reducing intrusive memories by re-assessing threatening information and updating
memory of the event with relevant assessed information and finally reducing the
maintaining behaviours and cognitive strategies i.e suppression, rumination about
perceived ability, avoidant behaviours, excessive compulsive behaviours around event
and fostering an interest in activities enjoyed before occurrence of event and increased
daily activities and physical activities

Narrative Exposure Therapy

● Core belief: problem is distinct from individual; focuses on externalising blame
● Developed particularly for victims of organised crime and individuals who have
experienced multiple traumatic events
● Can be delivered by non-mental health professionals
● Lower success rate as inadequate treatment, brief exposure, incomplete habituation and
insufficient reconstruction can increase anxiety
● Emphasises on narrating all traumatic events from birth to present in order to embed
experiences with a changed narrative in the autobiographical context
● Mostly used as a part of a package of other psychological treatments

Similarities b/w CBT and NET

● NET based on theories and implications underlying CBT
● Emphasis on changed narrative and appraisal of traumatic event/s
● Both treatment plans focus on prolonged exposure to memories of traumatic event

What are the strengths of NET from a cross-cultural perspective?

● Higher transferability of intervention across cultures
● Since oral storytelling in common to multiple cultures, NET has higher tolerability and is
culturally accepted in a wider range of communities
● NET allows for lay counsellors from local areas to deliver treatment after short training,
facilitating comfort and familiarity in the client towards the therapist, particularly in
conflict ridden areas

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