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27/2/2018 Go For It: 6 Habits of Successful Women - Lauren Conrad

Go For It: 6 Habits of Successful Women

Posted by Alex Taylor June 17th, 2013

Hello lovely LC readers! As a young woman in today’s workplace, I have learned that
navigating one’s career is something that comes with experience and cultivating good
habits. In light of this, I thought I would share 6 habits that I learned from
the incredible people I’ve had the honor of working with, which have served me well
(and kept me sane)… I hope you find them as helpful as I have in paving my career

Make check lists.

Being an excellent multitasker is a must in this day and age. Between all of the various technologies
and people that have instant access to you throughout the day, it’s important to maintain some sort of
order in your work life. One of the most important things I do to keep myself organized is to make two
separate checklists: The first lists all of the things that I need to have done at the end of the day. The
second lists everything I need to accomplish over the course of a week; these items are usually not
too urgent. It may seem redundant, but I rewrite my daily to-do list each day so I know exactly what I
need to prioritize and I can update it as needed.
Oreo cookie it.
No matter your profession, at one point or another you will need to give someone feedback or bad
news. I learned that the best way to communicate these types of difficult conversations is to “Oreo
cookie it.” First, give them something good (and be honest), then provide your feedback in a
constructive way, lastly end it on a positive note. Not only are people more receptive to this type
of criticism, but it will help maintain a positive and trusting relationship.
Manners matter.
No one displays the success of on-point office manners better than Lauren herself. All dealings in the
business world—no matter how informal the situation might seem—require grace, kindness
and thoughtfulness. The bottom line? Make a habit of saying please and thank you.
Exercise the two Ps.
Be prompt and proactive. These are two habits that will always serve you well in the workplace.
Bite your lip.
I was very fortunate to have an amazing boss and mentor at my previous job who taught me one of
the most important lessons of my career: It’s okay to be wrong (even if you’re right) if it means you
can maintain a relationship. So when you feel like you need to have the last word, make a habit of
holding your tongue! Over time you learn to relish how good it feels to be the bigger person and
people will come to respect you for that level of self control.
Walk it out.
This might seem odd but I am a firm believer in not only being mentally sharp while on the clock, but
physically as well. Since I am a morning person, I typically kickstart my day with a morning sweat
session. The endorphins make me feel good and the physical activity really gets my wheels turning…
Even if you can’t work out regularly, make a habit of taking two 10 minute walking breaks during the
day (around the LC offices, we call it “walking the block“). It’s amazing what fresh air and a little 1/2
27/2/2018 Go For It: 6 Habits of Successful Women - Lauren Conrad

sunshine can do! And between you and me, I always come up with my best ideas during my little
midday walks.

Last but certainly not least, don’t forget to lean in, stay positive, dress for success, stay
on top of your industry (read, read, read!), and most importantly make time for

Go get ’em ladies!

Do you have a career question for me? Leave it in the comments below.

Also, I would love to hear about your greatest obstacles in the workplace (or even
at your internship). Tell me below! I’ll do my best to reply in the comment section.

Xx Alex

P.S. If you haven’t already, be sure to follow Lauren on Google+!

P.P.S. If you’re still looking for a job, check out this post on interview etiquette along with
this blog about what to wear to a job interview! #MustReads 2/2

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