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Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing this letter of behalf of John Doe. I feel would be a good fit for your
institution. John is not only a dedicated football player, but he has also dedicated himself to
community service experiences, has maintained good grades and has challenged himself with
rigorous coursework. Ultimately, John is the type of young man that your institution seeks.
Throughout his four years here at Conard High School, John has shown his dedication to
the Conard football team. John played the offensive line for all four years for the team. I mention
John being on the football team not to discuss the extracurricular activities that he participants in,
but to show the commitment and dedication that he has; two incredibly strong personality traits.
Playing football at Conard is a yearlong endeavor with both participation in the season itself and
the off season commitments that is required of the individuals involved. Being on the Conard
football team takes quite a bit of effort on behalf of the student involved, which John has shown
for four consecutive years.
John has also participated in a number of community service events as part of his football
team. During his football career here at Conard, John participated with the West Hartford Youth
Football league. At this type of event, he would assist the coaches with helping the children with
a myriad of activities related to football. Furthermore, he was also able to give back to his
community. He did this by moving people who were homeless into a new living community.
These community service commitments say a lot about the type of person John is and the type of
person you would like to have on your college campus.
Above all else, John has done well on his studies here. It is important to note that The
US News and World Report recently ranked Conard High School among the top 1% of all
high schools in the United States and one of the top comprehensive public high schools in
the State of Connecticut. This year, John has challenged himself by taking Pre-Calculus,
Physics and AP Psychology. I firmly believe that John has challenged himself this year in
preparation for the collegiate level and has proven thus far to be successful.
I think it is clear to see that John has dedication. He is a stand up young gentleman who is
preparing himself for college and life post high school. As you can see by John’s devotion to
football, his commitment to community service as well as his by ability to challenge himself,
John is a suitable student for your institution. No matter what John chooses to do in life or the
path that he chooses to lead, if he maintains the characteristics that he currently has, I believe
that he will flourish wherever his future takes him.
Chelsea Rodriguez
Conard High School Counseling Intern

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