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Why some people have a fetish with feet?

One of the only things that I couldn’t understand or imagine it’s why people have a
fetish with feet. Some years ago I met people who said that they couldn’t have any
girlfriend or boyfriend if those people had ugly feet. Years later I met one friend of
mine, and she told me that she hate feet and when someone tried to touch her
feet she started to cry. But another incredible thing about feet is that some people
have sexual fetish with feet! But I won’t to describe that on this writtin. For those
conversations I started to think about why feet are so important or relevant if
they’re only a part of our bodies.

I think that some people maybe like feet because they look like mini enlarged
hands with shorted fingers. Or maybe they love them because are something so
important for humans and has been developing a strange love with them.

This it’s a kind of Taboo and there isn’t enough information about this, but in 2007
a doctor called Dulcinea Pitagora published in the International Journal of
Impotence Research a study about this fetish. 47% of the people who participated
in the study had this fetish. But also anothers researchers mention that Sigmund
Freud noted the interest in the feet and attributed it to the notion that we relate
the feet to the penis. When we are kids we’re learning and discovering everthing
and we’re estimulated by all around us like through of our senses. Freud said that
on this age we can be envolved for a sound, image, shape or a smell and that could
linked us for all our lives.

For me now this has a logical explanation and it has sense. I’m not one of that
person who like feet. Feet are not ugly or beautiful, they are just feet. But this is a
question that I ever had for year and now I know why some people like this.

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