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Circulating File


A compilation of Extracts
from the Edgar Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by

Edgar Cayce Foundation
1971, 1993-2007
All Rights Reserved

These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced

in any form without permission in writing from the
Edgar Cayce Foundation
215 67th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Printed in U.S.A.

There are in truth no incurable conditions…. 3744-2

This Circulating File consists of an overview and a selection of the Edgar Cayce psychic readings
on asthma. The information is not intended for self-diagnosis nor self-treatment. Please consult a
qualified health care professional before following any advice contained within this file.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Contents: Pages:
A. Introduction to the Cayce Readings on Health and Healing 5
B. Overview on Asthma by William McGarey, M.D. 8
C. Case Studies from the Edgar Cayce Readings:
1. Reading # 85-1, adult woman 12
2. Reading # 90-1, adult man 16
3. Readings # 304-2, 3, 68-year-old man 20
4. Reading # 527-1, adult man 28
5. Reading # 595-1, adult man 33
6. Reading # 656-1, teenage boy 38
7. Readings # 674-1, 2, 11-year-old boy 42
8. Reading # 861-1, adult man 49
9. Reading # 1047-1, adult man 53
10. Reading # 1413-1, 20-year-old woman 57
11. Reading # 1529-1, 62-year-old man 63
12. Reading # 1867-1, 8-year-old girl 71
13. Reading # 2245-1, adult woman 76
14. Reading # 2424-1, 51-year-old man 79
15. Readings # 2755-1, 2, 8-year-old boy 83
16. Readings # 3053-1, 4, 11-year-old girl 89
17. Reading # 3453-1, 33-year-old woman 98
18. Reading # 3485-1, 51-year-old man 102
19. Reading # 3738-1, 10-year-old boy 105
20. Reading # 3776-12, 70-year-old woman 108
21. Reading # 3906-1, 12-year-old boy 111
22. Reading # 4527-2, adult man 116
23. Reading # 5192-1, 12-year-old boy 118
24. Reading # 5360-1, 56-year-old man 122
D. Reports by Members/Non-Members 126
E. “Asthma Case Studies” from the Meridian Institute 128
F. Case Profile on Asthma from the A.R.E. Clinic 132
G. Asthma and Buteyko Breathing 135
H. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins * :
1. Atomidine (electrified iodine)
2. Asthma: Research Bulletin
3. Bronchitis, Vol. 1 & 2
4. “Healing Series” of Circulating Files

Circulating Files & Research Bulletins are available from A.R.E. membership services at
(800) 333-4499 or:

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


The Edgar Cayce Readings Indexed under “Asthma”

25-6 1047-1 3180-1 4229-1

45-1 thru 6 1061-1 3211-3 4252-1
85-1 1101-4 3224-3 4281-17
90-1 1109-1 3261-1 4351-1
90-2 1268-1 3290-1 4393-1
112-1 1413-1, 2, 3 3330-1 4527-1, 2
161-1, 2, 3, 5 1529-1 3331-1 4588-1
165-10 1536-1, 2, 3 3359-1 4728-1
227-1 1787-1 3400-1 4740-1, 2
227-2 1794-3 3404-1 4810-2
304-1 thru 4 1867-1 3453-1, 2 4996-1
304-7, 8 2040-1, 2 3485-1 5004-1
304-11 thru 14 2102-1, 2, 3 3537-1 5027-1
304-17, 24, 25 2235-1, 2 3542-1 5167-1
304-31, 35 2245-1 3634-1, 2 5192-1
304-38 thru 43 2350-1 3661-1 5236-1
304-45, 47, 48 2424-1 3738-1 5292-1
394-10 2542-2, 5 3776-1, 2, 12 5360-1
409-33 2667-2 3838-1 5410-1
501-1 2742-1 3863-1 5445-1
527-1, 2 2755-1, 2 3906-1 5460-1
572-1 2782-1 3995-1, 2 5468-1
595-1 2812-1 4027-1 5556-1, 2
656-1 2872-1 4029-1, 2 5616-1
674-1, 2 2977-1 4048-1 5618-12, 13
861-1 2977-2 4051-1 5630-1
911-1 3046-1, 2 4055-1 5639-1, 2
928-1 3053-1, 2, 4 4150-1 5682-1, 2
978-1 3127-1, 2 4153-1 5687-1

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Introduction to the Cayce Readings on

Health and Healing
No matter what illness or ailment concerns us, certain basic principles about
health and healing are relevant. These are the premises upon which all of the Cayce
health information rests. For those who would like to make a more careful study of these
basic principles, the recommended Circulating File is entitled “Principles of Healing.”
Here, in essence, are the ideas found in that file. They may prove to be very useful to
your more in-depth study of the specific ailment that requires healing for you.

The first fundamental idea about healing requires that we maintain a creative
balance between two principles:

1. All healing comes from the infinite -- that is, from attunement and harmony
with our spiritual source. The infinite is just as accessible and available in the visible,
physical world as it is in the invisible realm.
2. At the same time, each person must take responsibility for his or her own
healing process. No one can simply sit back and wait passively for healing to occur.

This second principle -- the need for self-responsibility -- can take many forms.
For example, healing requires attunement, and no one knows better than ourselves
exactly what has gotten us out of attunement in the past. Often, if we’ll look closely at
our lives, we can see (without needing a gifted medical clairvoyant such as Edgar Cayce)
what’s causing our illness.
To illustrate self-responsibility further, the human body has a marvelous, innate
drive to heal itself, but we’ve got to do our part to help. A broken bone will naturally try
to mend; however, the fracture needs to be set properly for the healing to be complete and
Another important principle relates to energy medicine, a new field for which
Edgar Cayce was a pioneer. His readings consistently speak of the roles played by
vibrations or vibratory forces -- right down to the level of individual atoms. According to
Cayce, there is a type of consciousness that exists in each atom. Although most of the
passages about the atomic physics of healing seem rather esoteric, it might be easier to
follow the analogy of the attunement of a stringed musical instrument. A violin or piano
that is out of tune makes sour, discordant music -- symbolic of disease or illness. Just as
a skilled musician can bring the instrument back into attunement, we experience healing
when our vibrations -- right down to the atomic level -- are adjusted in a correct manner.
In essence, all healing is the changing of vibrations from within.
Balance among body, mind, and spirit is another key to Cayce’s philosophy of
healing. For healing to be complete and lasting, we must recognize and meet the needs of
each of these three levels. Virtually no illness or disease can be treated successfully at
only one of these three levels.
What’s more, Cayce affirms that the human body will naturally stay healthy --
and even rejuvenate itself -- if a kind of internal balance can be maintained. “Dis-ease”
starts when one part of the body draws energy from another part. One portion of an
organism may become overcharged with the creative life force, while another portion

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


becomes undernourished. The result is a gradual disintegration of the body and the onset
of illness.
The opposite of this sort of disintegration is rejuvenation. The readings assert that
we are continuously rebuilding our bodies. Within any seven-year period, each cell is
replaced. If we’ll allow it, our bodies will transform any problem and resuscitate any
condition. But our ingrained habits usually block this healing potential -- the habits of
action and, even more potent, the habits of mind.
What role do drugs and medicine play in the healing process? Cayce’s
philosophy clearly sees a place for them, but warns of misunderstanding how they work
and of expecting more of them than is possible. Any healing method attempts to create
an experience of oneness, in hopes of then stimulating a similar response in the body.
For some people in some situations, a drug may be the best way to accomplish this -- just
as in other cases, surgery may be the best way to stimulate healing. Medicines can be a
practical application of the one life force. Occasionally they must be very potent in their
reactions in order to get the patient through an acute illness. But Cayce from time to time
encouraged people to consider the herbal formulas he recommended to be tonics and
stimulants, rather than medicines.
The dangerous side of medicines is their potential to diminish the body’s own
healing work. This is what Cayce alluded to when he warned about “palliatives” that
deceive the soul with half truths and temporary relief. It’s also what he meant when he
warned that we shouldn’t come to rely on any condition outside of ourselves that could
be assimilated by the body inwardly. All of this is to say, take the medications prescribed
by the physician you trust. But keep in mind this thought: what those chemicals can do is
temporarily -- and somewhat artificially -- give your body an experience of greater
oneness. Healing that really takes hold and lasts must come from changing one’s inner
consciousness and vibration. That happens most effectively from consistent and
persistent human effort (i.e., engaging one’s desires, purposes, and will) -- something that
pills all too easily allow us to skip.
Cayce’s healing philosophy includes other insights that can help us avoid
misunderstanding. For example, one principle states that the best treatment procedures
sometimes cause a temporary worsening of conditions. If we didn’t recognize this
possibility, we might give up just before the benefits begin to appear. A closely related
principle states that when a body is re-establishing its attunement, it tends to be more
sensitive. Again, if we misunderstand that heightened sensitivity, we might not see the
good that is slowly being effected.
The mind is a focus of other healing principles. The unconscious mind plays a
role in many illnesses and diseases. One example of this is the karmic factor in health
problems. Memories from previous incarnations, stored in the soul mind, can trigger
problems in the body. Of course, we shouldn’t go so far as to suppose that every health
challenge has past-life roots; nevertheless, the perspective of reincarnation can help us
understand what we could possibly be dealing with as we seek healing.
The familiar Cayce axiom, “Mind is the builder,” leads us to wonder exactly
which attitudes and emotions best foster healing. The readings emphasize several:

* Self-acceptance. As we rid ourselves of self-condemnation, we make room for

healing forces to enter.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


* Optimism and hope. We’re encouraged to expect healing.

* Patience. It’s much easier and quicker to destroy health than it is to rebuild it.
We need to be willing to patiently invest whatever time is required.

Alongside these specific attitudes and emotions, we’re invited to use the creative
potential of visualization to stimulate our own healing. The mind’s image-making
capacity can be directed in such a way that we “see” the healing transformation taking
place. This is not something that’s accomplished in a single visualization session. Like
all the Cayce health-promoting approaches, it requires persistence and works best in
conjunction with other healing methods.
Perhaps the most important principle of the mind’s relationship to healing
concerns purposefulness. A person can experience temporarily an outer healing -- that is,
in the physical body only -- yet still be spiritually sick. What cures the soul? A
commitment to a purposeful life. Not just any purpose, but instead one that reflects care
for other people.
On occasion a reading from Cayce would pose this question to the person who
was ill: What would you do with your life if you were healed? The position of Cayce’s
psychic source was simply this: Why correct the physical condition unless there’s also
going to be an inner correction? People who are looking for both inner and outer healing
are the best candidates for restored health and vitality. In Cayce’s philosophy, healing
should equip us to be more useful to others.
With this ideal of service in mind, we might also wonder just how we can be
channels of healing to others. What principles govern our efforts to be healers to those
for whom we have concern? One principle is based on the spiritual connections that exist
between all people. It states that as we bring the experience of oneness into our own
consciousness, it can profoundly help someone else experience oneness, attunement, and
healing. Cayce’s way of putting it was, “...raising the Christ Consciousness in self to
such an extent as it may flow out of self to him thou would direct it to.” (281-7)
For this to be most effective, the recipient must desire such help and have
requested healing prayer. Of course, we can always pray for someone, even if that
individual hasn’t asked us. But it’s important that we not assume we know what’s needed
in any person’s life. For one who hasn’t specifically asked for prayer, we can simply
offer prayers of protection and blessing, rather than try to direct healing energies to that
person or for a specific condition.
In summary, the Cayce readings remind us that our natural state is wholeness and
health. An innate wisdom within ourselves knows what’s needed for healing. We should
expect to get well, and we should be willing to do our part to make it possible.

Mark Thurston, Ph.D.

Education Department

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Overview on Asthma
Physician’s Reference Notebook

1. Physiological Considerations
Asthma, a sometimes explosively sudden constriction of the bronchial passages of
the lung causing great respiratory distress, has its origin in neurologic stimuli. These are
touched off or released either from lesions that occur as adhesions in the bronchi and the
larynx or as pressures exerted on autonomic ganglia and their connections with the
cerebrospinal system either with or without spinal subluxations. These pressures exist
most commonly in the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth dorsal especially, although other
areas are often involved. Sometimes the first four dorsals may be the originating cause of
asthmatic attacks and sometimes those associated with the fourth and fifth cervical. In the
latter case, circulatory disturbances with associated lymphatic abnormalities may be
expected, causing allergic symptoms through the nose and throat which have been called
hay fever. The allergy comes about from lesions in the ganglia areas creating the ability
within the tissues to become sensitive to substances in the external environment of the
As indicated, there have been pressures in head and neck and face. These becoming
sensitive to the activities of principles about it, the atmosphere, the home environ, the
general activities all have their bearing upon the body. It is in a manner, to be sure, an
escape from self, but something had better be done about the condition now, else we may
have those periods when it will be greater to combat. 3053-1

The asthmatic attacks come about as a reflex spasm at times from the throat and
lungs or bronchi, or from the ganglia themselves, as an overloading of impulses bringing
about a spastic condition of the bronchial tree.
These lesions which occur in the larynx and bronchi may be brought into being
through previous episodes of pleurisy or acute infection, or through pressure from the
ganglia themselves which already have been disturbed. During gestation and in the
manner of presentation at birth, certain hindrances prevented segments of ganglia in the
lumbar, sacral and in the ninth dorsal from assuming a normal position. Thus this
individual had the physical beginnings of asthma at birth. The lack of proper impulse
coming from these various autonomic control centers created spasms, or acute asthmatic
attacks, and cut off the clarification and purification of the blood through oxidation of a
normal nature in the lungs. This, in turn, prevented a normal development of the child.
The cell vitality and production were decreased in the bloodstream and the liver; the
pancreas and the lymphatic areas of assimilation – Peyer’s patches – were affected. Other
changes within the body, of course, would come into being through these resultant
In case [5004] asthma began when he was just a boy after a severe bout with the
flu when he was delirious with fever. Lesions were formed here in the bronchi and in the
larynx as a result of the infection. In still another case, [5360], injury caused a lesion
which in turn created disturbing conditions in the bronchial tree. When that part of the
body tried to seal itself off, inflammation came about with adhesions developing in the
bronchi and the larynx. These, in addition to causing the bouts of asthma, also disturbed
the assimilation and the elimination of the body.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Associated conditions, not too often causing the primary asthmatic lesions but
often the result of such, include disturbances in the coordination between the superficial
and the deep circulation; incoordination of the elimination systems; imbalance of the
glandular system; and in case [755] the lesions in the lacteals, the Peyer’s patches, which
developed an irritation in the nervous system with a reaction which was almost epileptic
in its nature. It can be seen that the various systems of function within the body are
closely related, and disease syndromes may have their origin in manners that may be only
finely differentiated.
Occasionally there will be sensory symptoms associated with the asthma such as
dizziness or visual or auditory symptoms of various natures. These have their origin in
the same centers of control in the ganglia, bursae where associations of a neurological
nature are made between the cerebrospinal and the autonomic nervous system. At these
areas the sensory organs are also in close contact; “for there are those connections
through the ganglia in the first, second and third dorsal, that connect directly to the
organs of the sensory system.” (3053-1)
II. Rationale of Therapy
In approaching therapy, we should remember that the body has a capability of
normal function:
Thus, we would administer those activities which would bring a normal reaction
through these portions, stimulating them to an activity from the body itself, rather than the
body becoming dependent upon supplies that are robbing portions of the system to produce
activity in other portions, or the system receiving elements or chemical reactions being
supplied without arousing the activity of the system itself for a more normal condition.

Asthma, when viewed as a condition which has its origin and basis in the nervous
system, should then be approached in therapy with the objective of removing the
stimulatory factors in the nervous system and correcting those adjunctive, correlated, and
resultant imbalances that may prevent a return to normal function.
Since pressures are present in the dorsal and sometimes the cervical ganglia, these
should be relieved osteopathically and treatments should be continued long enough to
allow continuance of normal nerve function. The eliminations should be restored to
normal, and assimilation should be balanced with the elimination. The deep and
superficial circulation, which is often disturbed, should be restored to a balance of
coordination. The glands of the body should be brought to a balance, and the resistance of
the body should be stimulated through the improvement of assimilation and function of
the Peyer’s patch area of the intestines.
Irritation of an external nature to the respiratory tree should be eliminated so that
the other factors involved might be brought to a more normal condition. Dietary
adjustments should be made as a portion of the attempt to balance the assimilations of the
These factors, applied in a therapeutic regimen, must be done with patience and
persistence. The advice given to [1867] was “as we find – these conditions may be
entirely eliminated. It will require patience, persistence, care, and those precautions as to
the diet….” (1867-1)

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen

Generally, therapy for the asthmatic should be designed to correct the pressures
which exist in the various autonomic ganglia segments. Correct the subluxations that may
be present. These osteopathic adjustments should be both specific and general and should
be done in a cyclic fashion. Dietary precautions should be begun at once, and cleansing
of the intestinal tract likewise. Glandular balance should be achieved with Atomidine.
Acute attacks and concurrent symptoms should be controlled specifically.
Osteopathic adjustments vary according to the conditions found, of course. Stress
should always be placed on correcting subluxations while balancing the lumbar axis with
the cervical and the ninth dorsal. The balancing or coordinating is not a simple thing but
apparently has much to do with correction of various incoordinations within the body
Diet should be adjusted in all cases. Occasionally, as in case [3053], there will be
a deficiency of the acid-forming cells and structures functioning within the body (which
may be associated with adrenal deficiency). In these cases an acid-forming diet
principally should be suggested. More commonly, however, the elements of a good diet
for the asthmatic would be those of severe restriction of sweets (honey allowed only once
a day); no white bread, potatoes, tomatoes, dried beans, or rice. All fruits, vegetables, and
nuts generally are desirable. Fowl or fish are preferable for protein.
Colonics, where possible, should be given weekly for two or three weeks, then
perhaps once monthly; enemas, if colonics are not available.
Atomidine can be given in a series. In case [1413] it was given one drop daily for
five days in half a glass of water, then stopped for three days; then two drops daily for
five days; then stopped for three days; then one drop daily for five days with a rest, and
then two drops with the rest; so continued in this manner.
An interesting therapeutic effect is seen in case [1867]. This eight-year-old was
directed to use Calcios, enough to spread on a whole wheat wafer, and take it daily. This
would apparently stimulate the hormone activity or the ability of the body to keep the
balance between the red blood cells and the leucocytes on the one hand, and the
lymphocytes on the other hand. Also, it would eliminate a tendency for inflammation by
stimulating the Peyer’s patches to work more completely and thus produce resistance to
infection. How this is accomplished specifically is not described.
Acute attacks of asthma are controlled in various ways, although it is implied here
that as other factors in the therapy are begun, attacks will become progressively less
severe. Calcidin, one to five drops in five ounces of warm water, sipped every 15 to 20
minutes, is one suggestion. Atomidine, six drops in a tablespoon of water sipped once
every six hours, is another suggestion. In several places special inhalants are suggested to
be used in a wide-mouth bottle. The inhalant can be prepared as follows: To four ounces
of grain alcohol, add in the order named:
Oil of eucalyptus, 20 minims
Rectified oil of turpentine, 5 minims
Compound tincture of benzoin, 15 minims

Bowels should not only be cleansed at the outset of therapy, but daily bowel
movements should be continued. Change of climate was suggested occasionally to give
the individual less irritating atmospheric conditions.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Should we not attempt to awaken the inner forces to God’s presence? “For, all
healing comes from the one source. And whether there is the application of foods,
exercise, medicine, or even the knife, it is to bring the consciousness of the forces within
the body that aid in reproducing themselves-the awareness of creative or God forces.”

William A. McGarey, M.D.

Edgar Cayce readings referenced:

674-1, 2 2350-1 3863-1
755-1 2755-1 5236-1
1413-1, 3 3053-1, 2 5360-1
1467-18 3127-1 5381-1 Supplement
1867-1 3542-1

Calcidin: Caplet

Vitamins, Minerals & Antioxidant

CaPO4 dibasic + Lactic acid + Vit. C + Vit. D3 Tablet

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed Par. 6, R1

Diet: Eliminations Par. 16--19

: Sugar: Honey Par. 16

Electrotherapy: Mercury Quartz: Lesions Par. 18, 19

Eliminations: Poor: Heart Par. 5

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 19


Injuries: Accidents: Asthma Par. 6, R1

Lesions: Asthma Par. 6--10, 18

Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 18, 19

Prescriptions: Calcidin: Asthma Par. 18

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 3/19/25 Son’s request, via Mr. [257], indicated his mother was suffering from angina
pectoris [?].


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 322 Grafton Avenue, Dayton,
Ohio, this 26th day of March, 1925, accordance with request made by her son, Mr. [...].
Edgar Cayce; Linden Shroyer, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time of Reading 11: 15 A. M. Dayton Time. ..., N.Y.
1. LS: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time. You will diagnose the case thoroughly, giving
the cause of the existing conditions, also the treatment for the cure and relief for this
2. EC: Now we find in many respects the body is very good. There are those specific
abnormal conditions that affect the system, and these may be corrected with assistance
and care and attention to those conditions that produce same, are the suggestions as given
but carried out in whole and not just in part.
3. These conditions, as we see, are of a specific nature, yet produce conditions that are of
the changeable nature in the body. Hence the system has become affected throughout
and more than one portion of body is involved in the conditions.
4. Now these are the conditions as we find them in this body, Mrs. [85], we are speaking
of. First:
5. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this is very good in many ways, yet there are times when
the overcharge in the system of refused forces, or of used conditions in system, where the
plethora is produced, and when it is produced in the lungs proper through the excess of
circulation as is caused through these, that the blood becomes surcharged and the
eliminating centers taxed beyond their normal capacity. Under such conditions there
becomes other organs involved, as we see, through the liver, the whole hepatic
circulation, and the kidneys more (the kidneys) by those properties as taken for the relief
of this condition than of the organic conditions of organs themselves. Hence we see the
sympathetic system in the nerve supply becomes involved, and the organs themselves
through the overtaxed sympathetic condition show their relations to the condition as is
produced in system under such strain.
6. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, in the cerebrospinal nerves, we find in the region of the
4th, 5th and 6th dorsal there has been at times back a lesion produced by subluxation of
one of the dorsals themselves. The subluxation has in part been alleviated. While the
strangulation to the sympathetic nerves of the secondary cardiac have not been relieved,
this produces the choking as is produced in the bronchials and larynx, and the asthmatic
condition as produced in lungs proper. This then becomes reflexly to the bronchials,
throat and lungs. At such times we find the blood surcharged. As given, at such times
we find the other organs of the system become involved before or after through their
cycle of functioning, as is produced by the overtaxed condition in the system.
7. In the functioning of the nerve portions of the body from this, we have times when the
breathing in the lungs becomes of a strangulated nature, producing the inability of the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


correct vibrations in their functioning. Hence the blood becomes choked, fullness of
flesh to face, the spasms of asthmatic conditions being produced under such strain.
are very good.
9. Organs of the sensory system under the strain of a sympathetic condition as produced
in the cerebrospinal centers that connect directly to the auditory, to the vocal, to the brain
forces themselves proper, and the sensory system becomes involved wholly under such
conditions, as is illustrated in the condition as is produced in the nostrils proper at such
10. The bronchials, throat and larynx show the effect of the plethora, conduced by the
action of the condition in the dorsal region, and the lungs themselves show the effect, not
of an organic condition, but of a specific condition produced in the deflected circulation
of rebuilding forces and of the blood supply through secondary cardiac forces in the
11. Heart’s action at such times becomes above normal. Under the pressure or strain of
those conditions taken for relief of such conditions becomes abnormal, or above the
12. Digestive system spasmodic in its action, as is produced by the retraction as is
indicated in the system through such conditions, bringing then the congestion in liver,
and as we shall see, necessary then that the diet of the body be taken care of in the
condition to be met.
13. Hepatic circulation cold in a nominal way, yet overstrain is produced in the kidneys
in attempting to alleviate the condition as is produced by this overtaxation.
14. The care, the attention in many ways, as has been given the body, the condition as is
care of colds, congestion, drafts, of such conditions, are beneficial to the body and assist.
15. Then, to bring the normal condition to this body, we would find as in these:
16. First, as for the diet, let those be little of sweets, save as would be found in honey and
honeycomb of the better nature. That is, as that produced by sweet clover, buckwheat, or
such natures.
17. As to the diet in cereals, those that are of a pre-digested nature, or as much of the
rough foods as possible, taking fats of meats rather than of the lean or fleshy portions.
Not in large quantities, but that the assimilations may be better corrected in the system,
and a great deal of the vegetable forces, but only of those that grow above the ground.
18. Correct by deep manipulation that lesion as is formed in the dorsal region, applying at
the same time those direct rays of mercury lights to the body, that we may relax the
congested portion and give the proper incentive for nerve nutriment and tissue to perform
their normal functioning through this portion of the body, taking at the time that stresses
are brought to the system through the action of this subluxation, those properties as
would be found in five to ten grain tablets of Calcidin, preferable that these be dissolved
before they are taken in the system. Well that these be taken at least two each day,
preferably in the evenings, when the congestion shows or the spasmodic conditions occur
from the condition in bronchials and larynx, until the congestion is removed in lumbar
regions, and in the dorsal regions, these may be taken one five grain tablet dissolved
every hour until relieved through the respiratory system through the action of the calcium
and iodine as is absorbed by the system to relieve the condition.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


19. Do this, being persistent, being consistent in the diet, in the action of the system, in
removing the congestion and in the applying of the rays as is necessary to rejuvenate
those of the so long-remained tissue that has been congested. When these are done we
will remove and cause the normal forces in this body, Mrs. [85].
20. We are through.


R1. 3/28/25 Mr. [257]’s letter: “Mr. [...] received a reading from you for his mother
today which was truly very wonderful. It checks absolutely and he tells me that his
mother had an accident five years ago in which the top of her spine was injured, just
below the neck. Your giving out all this without having seen her and without having any
knowledge of the case makes it very wonderful indeed. Of course, I am never surprised
at these things. I am merely gratified in seeing that you always hit the condition as is...”

R2. 4/6/25 EC’s answer to Mr. [257]: “I’m glad to know that it checks with the
condition. This, of course, is not unusual, but is always gratifying to know.”

R3. 7/12/67 Note by Wm. A. McGarey, M.D.: “Case 85-1 which is listed as asthma and
angina pectoris probably is not truly an angina in spite of the information in the
background material.”

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





Debilitation: General Par. 5, 6

Diet: Asthma Par. 8, 11-A

Doctors: Wilson, James: M.D. Par. R2

Exercise: Asthma Par. 14-A

Heart: Thrombosis: Coronary: Tendencies Par. 10, 11-A


Lesions: Asthma Par. 4, 5, 11-A

Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 9, 10, 11-A

Prescriptions: Calcidin: Asthma Par. 10, 12-A, 13-A

Rest: Not Recommended Par. 14-A

Sedation: After Effects Par. 2, 4, 5, 11-A, 12-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 6/17/26 Nephew [900]’s letter: “You recall a recent interpretation [900-240, Par. 9-
A, 10-A] that told of the coming of the death of my Uncle [90], who lives in ..., Mo.
I wired to find out about him and he wrote back that his asthma was bothering him
terribly among other things, and had him down to 128 lbs. He was a man tall and broad
who weighed about 175 to 190 lbs. So you see the correlation. Now I am writing him to
tell him of the readings and if he wants one will certainly let you know at once.”
B2. 6/24/26 Nephew [900]’s letter: “Also please find enclosed letter from my Uncle [90]
requesting a physical for himself and wife [92]. Of course he knows not what it is all
about, as I have not seen him in years. He lives in ..., Mo., and as you see will be ... at the
hours specified... As the reading on my dream seemed to indicate death soon I would say
there was little time to lose. Of course his is the option of whether he will follow the
advice given or not, but he seems anxious for it and we may but render what service we
may. I understand his health is very poor, in spite of his being about, for his is a chronic
suffering of long standing. I Don’t know what is wrong with his wife [92], but she is
evidently not well.”


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 29th day of June, 1926, in accordance with request made by his nephew,
Mr. [900].
Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Dr. T. B. House.
Time of Reading ... Store, 12: 20 Noon Eastern Standard Time.
..., Mo.
1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time. You will diagnose the case thoroughly, giving
the cause of the existing conditions, also the treatment for the cure and relief of this body,
and you will answer any questions regarding this body that I may ask you.
2. EC: Now, as we find there are specific conditions that produce abnormal conditions in
the functioning of the organism of the body. We find also there is the effect of conditions
as have been brought about by application of conditions for the relief of abnormalities in
the body, where the effects rather than the cause have been treated.
3. Now, these are conditions as we find them in this body, [90], we are speaking of.
4. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find abnormal in the pressure, produced both by
the trouble as has been caused by the application of properties for the system and by
reflex conditions of those conditions in the body that really produce the trouble, see?
This condition is, as we see, in the dorsal region - 4th, 5th, 6th dorsal.
5. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, this we find the greater trouble in the body, for with the
impinioned nerves the condition becomes exaggerated to such an extent as to produce
lesion that affects the respiratory system - this hard breathing, this shortness of breath,
this tendency to feel that the diaphragm pushes upward, this irritation in throat, in the
nasal cavities, produced by an over stimulation through these impinioned centers in the
system attempting to adjust themselves, producing this spasmodic condition in the lungs,

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


bronchials and larynx, this tendency for phlegm to rise in the throat, this stooping of the
shoulders, this tendency for the depletion in the general system, by that sedative as is to
relax overtaxing the heart and FORCING the circulation through other channels, brings
about the condition in heart’s action, see? and the blood pressure.
6. The general system throughout under this strain of debilitation, the digestion at times
attacked through this same condition, see?
7. Now, to overcome these, we would three conditions observe.
8. First, do not take sweets or stimulants to ANY excess in the body - that is, tea or
coffee, or any of that nature. Not things with too much sugar, for this tends to irritate this
9. Correct by at least thirty-six to forty-two (36 to 42) adjustments (it will take that many,
so that these will remain in their place), osteopathically given, adjustments and
manipulations with it, applying heat, that the adjustments may not overtax the system in
this dorsal region. We will relieve this strain.
10. To assist the lungs, the bronchials, the larynx, to overcome that asthmatic condition as
appears from time to time, use tablets (5 grains) Calcidin, see? Let these dissolve and
swallow same, as they dissolve in the mouth, see? or this may be dissolved and taken as a
dose, or it may be taken internally, see? This will reduce the irritation. These may be
taken every few hours, when it’s necessary, but, as the manipulation and the adjustments
are made, these may be gradually reduced, as the diet is kept with same, and we will
build the system, else, if these corrections are not made, we MAY find such depressions
in the heart’s action as to produce acute conditions in the heart’s action, or in the lung and
heart’s action, through the coronary artery, see? Do, then, as we have given. Ready for
11. (Q) Is there any organic trouble with the heart?
(A) Purely the reflex condition as is seen from this pressure produced through the
secondary cardiac plexus, and through cardiac plexus proper, and with sedative
overcharging the blood supply, through hypogastric and through the arterial circulation,
see? Not an organic - rather the effects of conditions, though it may become organic, is
this kept up, for this reduction, see? in the body, resistance, the vitality being run low, is
the effect of the system trying to adjust itself and of those conditions applied to the body
to adjust heart’s action and to overcome the asthmatic condition. The sedatives for the
lungs increase the heart’s action, and that as has been given for the heart’s action has
been detrimental in the REBUILDING centers in blood supply and through the whole
system, for, as we see how that with segmentations in the dorsal region, as given - 5th,
6th, 7th, 4th, 3rd, see? this affects directly the heart’s action through the pulmonaries,
producing irritations from the first segmentation in the 5th and 6th vertebra to the lungs,
and to the bronchials, see? Then, with the stimulation of circulation, and the relaxing of
the lung proper, through inhalation and through the taking of properties to overcome this,
we draw up, as it were, the diaphragm, in attempting to pump the blood through, see?
Now, when we relax these conditions, we must diet the body so that this condition will
not be crowded into the system. Keep eliminations open, liver acting well. Do not
overload the kidneys, for sugars will, you see. So will stimulants as coffee and tea, etc.,
see? These may be taken in moderation. No heavy meats, but rather that of whole wheat,
cereal, fruits, such as those, see? and it will take, as is given, thirty-six to forty-two (36

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


to 42) such adjustments, which should be given every other day at least until these are
12. (Q) Should this sedative be withdrawn?
(A) There are times when portions will be necessary, but this as is given, of the
Calcidin and iodine, is to take the place for the lungs, which will not necessitate so much.
The sedative is only being used as that to open the lung cells, see? so the body can get its
13. (Q) How often should he take this Calcidin?
(A) Whenever necessary, or the irritations is such - that is, not under three to four
hours apart, see? unless its very severe, when of course two may be taken at once.
14. (Q) Had the body better be quiet, or should it take moderate exercise?
(A) Take the exercise. Keep about the regular business. Let the body sit down - it
would die! because the strength and resistance is keeping going.
Do, then, as we have given, for the better conditions of this body, [90], we are
speaking of.
15. We are through for the present.


R1. 7/8/26 Nephew [900]’s letter: “[90] was delighted with the reading and he wrote me
asking me the cost, as many others who read his were surprised and wanted readings. I
wrote back it cost as much as the individual could possibly afford to give, and that they
should send in their applications. His wife [92] at ... wants one. She is a good talker -
would pay to give her one soon. We may raise some money [for the ‘work’]; not from
[90] because he has none, but through him and his salesmanship efforts.”

R2. 8/5/26 Wife’s [92] letter: “[90] does not feel well this morning. He has been advised
by Dr. Wilson (who gave him a thorough examination and found his heart bad) to leave
..., Mo. as soon as he can locate in other climate and his brothers wish it very much too.
He has written to Phoenix, Ariz., and also Baird, Texas.”

R3. 8/9/26 Nephew [900]’s letter: “The information on [90] according to his wife is none
too encouraging.”

R4. 9/22/26 Nephew [900]’s letter: “I want my Uncle [90] to have a reading as I had a
dream sometime ago that he could die at any time or in any one of his asthmatic attacks.”

R5. 9/24/26 See 90-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Chiropractic: Not Recommended Par. 6


Liver: Torpid Par. 3

Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 6

Physiology & Anatomy: Asthma Par. 2

: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 2

Prescriptions: Calcidin: Asthma Par. 7, 8

: Whiskey: Digestion Par. 10

Rest: Lesions Par. 6

Spleen: Engorged Par. 3

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. On 3/24/21 he obtained 304-1 for a long standing asthmatic condition but particularly
for a spinal injury, lower lumbar region, causing suffering.


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce in Selma, Alabama, this 26th day of June,
1922, in accordance with request made by self - Mr. [304].
Edgar Cayce; (?), Conductor; (?), Steno. Mr. [304].
Time of Reading Unknown.
1. EC: Yes, here we have the body here. We have had it before you see. Now, there are
a great many changes in the body since last we have had it here - some are better, some
are not so good. There has been a disintegration of the component parts throughout the
system that have not received relief in any form as yet. They have to do with organic
conditions and have to do with the functioning of the organs. Now, these are the
conditions as we find in this body, [304] of whom we are speaking, here in this room.
2. First we begin with the head and go over the whole system. We find the body or the
brain forces in this body are very well balanced. The action of the brain forces over the
body are very good, controlling much of the locomotor conditions throughout the system,
yet failing to have perfect accord between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal system at its
junction, or the entrance of the brain forces, so we find at the second cervical where the
entrance of connection comes between the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic systems, a
lesion formed, also the vertebrae itself pulled out of plumb, or place as it were, causing
much of the condition through the throat and larynx, and causing it to be easily
susceptible to congestion in other portions of the body, taking on the condition
sympathetically. The cerebro-spinal system, or brain forces in their action to eliminate
through suggestion, find it impossible to act in unison with the action of the sympathetic
forces on account of the lesion preventing a normal flow of the circulation by action of
the muscular forces, so that the proper incentive is not carried to the suggestive forces, or
its active principle within the system. This does not act from its proper place or through
the sensory organs, that is, it does not affect the eye, the sense of smell or taste, yet at
times all feel the effect, especially just after this dizziness that appears once in awhile
within the body. All feel the effects, but reflexly. The sensory system attempts to
establish itself in connection with the cerebro-spinal forces, with the forces from the
sympathetic system acting independently. The suggestive forces, or brain or mental
forces, act through the cerebro-spinal forces, but their incentive must be only through the
ganglion where the sympathetic comes in connection and acts in accord with it. The
forces to enliven come through the sympathetic nervous system, yet it must have its
incentive and its first force from the brain powers. We have it well defined and shown in
this body here. In the throat and larynx and the upper portion of the lungs we find a
condition produced by an old condition that existed in this body. The congestion as has
been caused time back, years ago, has left its marks and lesions and scars by improper
coagulation of the forces in the body so that this becomes easily inflamed, giving off too
much lymph, or it calls into action too much lymph and throws it off in different forms in
the system - it comes off here through the form of spittle. We have produced from this a

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


lack of rebuilding forces or hemoglobin in the blood. The system attempts to produce
more of the warriors in the system, calling from the blood supplying properties or forces
needed to add to the cellular forces in the plasmatic cells for rebuilding portions of the
body. Nature, that is the spiritual forces in the body, attempt through the sympathetic
forces to carry, and is being forced to carry, this secretion of these portions of the body
making a drain on the blood supplying forces. The body does not take enough
nourishment into the system to produce the proper incentive to the building forces. The
blood requires component parts to rebuild these forces. There is as we find at the fourth
dorsal the effect of this condition, produced by this overtaxed condition in the system.
The digestive tract at present we find impaired through the amount of secretions forced
off through this channel that should be carried out through the capillary circulation and
the emunctories in their action over the system - hence, the lack of appetite and the
proper incentive to supply to the system the component parts for rebuilding portions of
the body.
3. The spleen is enlarged, or engorged rather than enlarged at present - this causes the
pain around the diaphragm, though reflexly. The overtaxed condition of the brain forces
shows itself through the spleen in its action. The liver at present is torpid. This is
produced by the lesion that has been formed and is at present present in the system at the
eleventh and twelfth dorsals. This acts through the ganglion of the solar plexus centers
reflecting towards the right - and comes in conjunction with the ganglion through the
secondary cardiac plexus just under the breast bone here to the left side or opposite the
gall duct. We find this condition is more in the body since the last time we have had it.
The action here has been to repress the action of the kidneys and to repress the action of
the secretive glands to produce the proper digestive function of the intestines and through
the colon. This is better than we had it before. This also shows itself reflexly where the
condition first appeared, which was at the third and fourth lumbar, and shows itself
reflexly in the conditions at the lower dorsals rather than those of the lumbar.
4. The asthmatic condition existing in the lungs we have had before, but shows more
congestion at present than when we had it before. The entire body has taken on a
different shape as it were, that is, instead of being broad chested, it is round at present.
This is not good and it represses the lung forces and represses the air in the lungs,
producing the asthmatic condition as was produced here before.
5. The action of the kidneys is better. The action of the locomotor system is better. The
properties to furnish bone structure in the system is not as good. There is a lack of
building forces in the system.
6. To assist this body at the present time to regain its equilibrium, that is it will never be
perfectly well again, but to assist it to gain its equilibrium, it should have perfect rest,
preferably it should be out of doors and should rest from three to five weeks - just rest.
With the exercise of the mind over body and with exercise or manipulation of all of the
muscular forces of the body to keep up the proper incentive to all of the forces that come
at the lesions that have been formed - this exercise should be given through osteopathic
treatment. Would chiropractic treatment be the same? We have given you what to do.
Osteopathic treatment is needed, not chiropractic. If we had wanted this we would have
given it. The body does not need adjustment, what it needs is relaxation of the muscular
forces, as we have given, so that the supplying blood cells and nerve forces passing
through this which nature provides are relaxed so that the proper secretions and

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


excretions will give that which is needed to rebuild. Chiropractic treatment is

adjustment, not relaxation of the muscular forces.
7. Take into the system to assist the condition through the larynx and action of the blood
forces through the lungs this -
8. Calcidin - 1 tablet - only one needed. [When needed]
9. This is iodine and salt. This will add saline to the blood forces. This is only medicine
needed to be given in the system.
10. Stimulation to the action of the juices may be given by taking alcohol in the system.
A little of this would be good, but too much harmful. We find this kind of stimulant in
whiskey and brandy, but whiskey is better as brandy will act with the kidneys. Very,
very small quantities of this should be given and rest. Do that and we will bring
equilibrium to the body here.


R1. 7/20/22 His brother, Mr. [244], wrote: “[304] is improving right along.”

R2. 8/4/22 Mr. [304] referred his brother for 244-1.

R3. 4/2/23 He obtained Ck. Physical Rdg. 304-3.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



: Cured Par. 3--5, R5

Attitudes & Emotions: Worry Par. 11-A, 12-A

Diet: Minerals: Lime Par. 9

Exercise: Breathing Par. 8

Hypertension: Tendencies Par. 2

Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Asthma Par. 3--5, R5

: Balsam of Pine, White: Par. 3--5, R5
: Benzosol: Par. 3--5, R5
: Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 3--5, R5
: Pine, White, Oil Of: Par. 3--5, R5

Injuries: After Effects Par. 10-A

: Strains: After Effects: Cured Par. 7, R4

Muscles: Sprains Par. 6, 10-A

Osteopathy: Muscles: Sprains Par. 6, 10-A

Physiotherapy: Massage: Salt & Vinegar, Apple:

Knees Par. 7, R4

Prophecy: Personal: Confirmed Par. 13-A--15-A, R1

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. Previous rdgs. had been obtained for bronchitis, chronic asthma, also for results of
back injury years ago. Mr. [304] had been a heavy drinker in years past, over a period of
30 yrs.


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce in San Saba, Texas, this 2nd day of April,
Edgar Cayce; (?), Conductor; Fay Autry (?), Steno.
Time of Reading 12: 30 P. M. ..., Ala.
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see. Now there are a
great many changes in the body since we had it before. There are many abnormal
conditions in the body - some are better than when we last had it, others are exaggerated,
and there are some abnormal conditions that have been aggravated by the condition in the
system. Some are brought to bear from within and some are from without.
2. Now, these are conditions to be corrected at the present time: The condition through
the lungs, larynx and bronchials is aggravated rather from within than from without. The
effect of particles of foods or stimulus in the digestive system has worked a hardship on
the properties inhaled in the lungs, larynx and bronchials and makes an aggravated
condition there at times, though the whole condition is bettered than when we had this
before but with the stimulation through the diet and stimulus to the pneumogastric with
the changes in the circulation to the secondary cardiac forces and that to the lungs and
bronchials, become overtaxed, producing a choking, full, achy sensation, for the
circulation does not relieve or get away, as it were, from the local position fast enough,
hence the higher blood pressure, the fuller heart action caused.
3. The inhalant should be kept up, but we would renew the properties as taken and give
them in this manner and form at the present time:
4. To 4 ounces of grain alcohol, we would add:
Eucalyptus Oil............15 minims,
Benzosol...................5 minims,
Balsam of White Pine or White Pine Oil.........10 minims.
5. This is to be inhaled into the bronchials or mouth and into the system three to four
times each day or when necessary to prevent the tickling sensation or the spasmodic
condition occurring at times in the bronchials.
6. The condition through the left side and just above the hips where we had strained
muscles and ligaments about the lumbars, needs massage, not only with the vibrations or
by exercise of the body, but two to three adjustments by the Osteopath or Chiropractor
with the osteopathic movements.
7. The ligaments about the knee we would massage well with almost a saturated solution
of pure apple vinegar and common table salt, preferably the very heavy salt than that
carrying too much of the chalk [calx?]* or ingredients to prevent sticking. We rather
prefer the baser or common salt for this purpose, see.
8. The vibrations and the exercises for the body are good and, as often as possible, the
body should take same with the suggestion to self or self control over the physical

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


conditions, especially, the exercise that will expand the lungs, raising the body at the
same time to tiptoes as much as possible, arms extended at right angle from the body.
9. The diet should not be of one particular thing but changed and regulated as needs be -
as much lime for the system as is possible, just so it agrees with the body, but all
vegetables and properties carrying as much of lime as possible. Fruits, especially apples,
pears or grape fruit is of assistance in producing assimilation throughout this system. Do
10. (Q) This body received a fall some weeks ago. Where was it injured most?
(A) The knee cap and the strain to the body where we have given adjustments should
be made, the upper lumbar region and to the right side, see. The pains are more in the
left. The strains to the lungs are more from indiscreet diet and of stimulation, see, in the
stomach than from the fall.
11. (Q) What is this body worried about most, at present?
(A) The condition of affairs with those associated with him [son [294], etc?] in the
work present in hand. This, we see, is working itself out gradually. The body should
handle the situation only to care for the present outlook, for condition are adjusting
themselves and will bring about the normal and the better circumstances all around, see.
The changes that are to come are set and the financial change will be the better for all
concerned. Follow along the lines as are outlined and all will be well. Give the correct
advice by word and precept and will, and good will come of the condition.
12. (Q) Do you mean that this body should not worry and should wait and let things come
as they will?
(A) They are coming and they will set. Worrying will not change them, see.
13. (Q) How or what forces will bring about this change?
(A) The forces as are commonly called circumstances and conditions in every day life
and business, see. The operations of the business are to be handled by the propositions
that have been made to this body, [304], we are speaking of, see, eventually. The forces
will work well with the betterment and for all concerned. Do that.
14. (Q) Will [294], [304]’s son, help bring about this change?
(A) We haven’t him here. We see only the moral support is necessary just at the
present. Other forces must be decreed after a time, though, as we have given, will be
forthcoming when necessary, see.
15. (Q) Will the [294] Art Company be sold at auction?
(A) It will be taken over, as we have given here, by the forces that have been set in
motion, you see.
16. (Q) Have you anything else to say relative to this body?
(A) Follow the lines as we have given both for the physical effect and for the
conditions as arise. Do that. We are through.


R1. GD’s note: In the fall of 1923 the [294] Art Co. was taken over, as indicated; NOT
sold at auction.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


R2. 3/24/24 He obtained his next Ck. Physical Rdg., 304-4, for chronic asthma and

R3. 4/24/24 He obtained Life Rdg. 304-5.

R4. 7/19/68 Letter from Mrs. Ann Milano to Dr. H. J. Reilly [See complete letter in re
other ailments under 243-29, Par. R4]:
“I must also say a word about Cayce remedy 304-3 (Salt & vinegar massage), of 4/2/23,
which helped my daughter heal a sprained hand. She was able to move it after an
application. This after nothing helped for a year.”

R5. 8/26/68 Letter from Mary E. Roach, R.N., 50 W. 77th St., N.Y., N.Y., 10024: “To
Whom it May Concern: I suggested the Cayce formula inhalant in 304-3 to Mrs. Smith, a
friend of mine, whose 6 yr. old daughter suffered severely from bronchial asthma since
birth. This has been given to her daughter since November 1964 and the child has not
had one single attack up to this date, states Mrs. Smith, not even a cold.”

* [calx (kalks) [L.]. 1. Lime or chalk. 2. [BNA]. The heel. 3. Any residue obtained by
calcination. 4. Lime or calcium oxide, CaO; quick-lime: alkaline, caustic, and escharotic.
c. chlora’ta, c. chlorina’ta, chlorinated lime; a white, pasty substance: used as a bleaching
agent and disinfectant; also and alterative, antiseptic, and stimulent. c. sulfura’ta, a
mixture of at least 60 percent of calcium sulfide with a variable proportion of calcium
sulfate and carbon. It is useful in skin and pustular diseases, and as a depilatory.]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





Blood: Corpuscles: Red: Deficient Par. 3

: White: Excessive Par. 3, 6

Diet: Appetite Par. 12

: Asthma Par. 19--24
: Menu: Asthma Par. 19--24
: Blood-Building Par. 19--24
: Minerals: Iodine Par. 9
: Potassium Par. 9

Environment: Altitude: Asthma Par. 10

Glands: Thyroid: Anemia Par. 9

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 14, 28-A

Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Asthma Par. 15, 16

: Balsam, Canadian: Par. 15, 16
: Creosote, Rectified: Par. 15, 16
: Eucalyptol, Oil Of: Par. 15, 16
: Tolu In Solution: Par. 15, 16
: Turp, Rectified Oil Of: Par. 15, 16

: Lateral: Asthma Par. 4, 5

Osteopathy: Asthma Par. 17, 25, 26

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Asthma Par. 25

Prophecy: Prognosis: Asthma Par. 28-A


Vocational Guidance: Economics Par. 7, 29-A

Work: E.C.: Readings: Physical: Not Followed Par. R1

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. He came for the reading with his young cousin [[...] son of Mrs. [394]], with the
cousin’s friend, Mr. [391], saying that his principal problem was asthma.


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home in Pinewood on Lake Drive, Va.
Beach, Va., this 23rd day of May, 1932, in accordance with request made by self Mr.
[527], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.,
recommended by Mr. [391].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [527] and [...] [son
of [391]], Mr. [391] and L. B. Cayce.
Time of Reading ... Bldg., 10: 00 A. M. Eastern Standard Time.
Washington, D.C.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [527], and those conditions that surround and affect
the body. Now, we find there are specific conditions that disturb the physical functioning
of the body. These, as we find, are affecting and are affected by conditions that cause at
times distresses to the respiratory system, the circulation, and the general replenishing
conditions of the body.
2. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, [527], we are speaking
of, present in this room:
3. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY - This we find rather low in the red blood count and high in
the white and the leukocyte, yet not that wholly produced from anemia, though anemia in
some phases is produced by the system attempting to adjust itself against those conditions
that arise in the respiratory system, to produce sufficient coagulation to keep normalcy -
and from the breaking of tissue in the membranes of the system in portions, as we shall
4. IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM - Here we find what may be termed the basic or first
cause of conditions, though these have been builded for some periods - until the system
has set up other outlets - which has caused more of the specifics, as may be termed, that
are not of the nature other than effects from the first cause in the disorders of the body.
The nerve plexus, then, we find in the upper dorsal and through the cervical area, show
there are impingements of such proportions, and such conditions in the form of lateral
lesions, that the affectation to the bronchi and to the upper portions of lungs themselves
has produced spasmodic effects that make for the affecting of the respiratory system
itself. These have formed also in portions of the cardiac area; that is, in the 3rd and 4th
dorsal area, lesions that make for the rising of phlegm through the muco-membrane
circulation in the thorax and the bronchi, and produce this of the spasmodic effect, either
from cold, heat, or from certain character of foods that may affect the circulation and thus
produce the same character, though not always the same kind of spasmodic or heavy
breathing, or the choking up of the bronchi and the upper portion of the lung.
5. These, then, as we see, are EFFECTS from subluxations in the cerebrospinal system,
and having produced lesions have also made for the thickening of tissue along the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


bronchi, the thorax and the trachea, that makes for the pressure when the reactions are in
the system, making the spasmodic reactions in the respiratory system.
6. This condition also is affecting, and affected by, the circulation; taking from the
system the replenishing forces to create in the system sufficient of the white blood and
leukocyte to meet the necessary discharge that is created in the muco-membranes of the
lung, bronchi and throat. Also the effect is from the nervous system, in the manner in
which the digestion takes place. Hence we have complications produced, that are of the
nature as indicated, and as will be indicated in the effects produced in the organs
7. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS - In brain forces, good; one of an
analytical turn of mind. An association in financial institutions, as those of finance
corporations or such, would be the type of work or association best suited for the turn of
the mind, or those that deal with that which has to do with such associations.
8. In the sympathetic system, as affects those of the nasal cavity, the hearing, the eyes -
these are oftentimes found to show inflammation, though it is a reflex action rather than
organic disturbance of the organs of the sympathetic. These are produced by the system
attempting to meet the conditions that are produced in the system, and calling upon the
various portions of system for the aid to affected conditions produce irritation in eye,
drumming in ear at times, burning at times in throat and bronchi, filling or choking of the
nasal cavity or passages, and at times soreness produced in the soft tissue of face; throat
becomes full at times. These are, as seen, reflex; NOT of specific conditions other than
reflex FROM the disorders in the cerebrospinal, the nervous system, the affectation in
asthmatic forces, as produced in bronchi, trachea, throat and upper portion of lungs.
9. As to the action of the thyroids: Here we find, this is at times full - that is, the
functioning of the thyroid, on account of the lack of elements in the system that are being
used up to meet the needs in other portions of the system, and there is an over-activity of
potashes in the system. Hence any foods that are of an exceptional potash content become
aggravating soon to the system, and a lack of iodine in the system is the basis for these
conditions that are produced there. These, to be understood, are but secondary
conditions, yet must be considered will there be brought for the body that which will be
of a permanent relief, that will aid the body in ridding itself of these conditions that cause
disorders in the present.
10. The throat, bronchi, lungs, larynx, show the effect, as has been indicated, of being oft
irritated, of the thickening of the membrane and muscular forces along the various
portions of the trachea, bronchi, and the opening as it were - of the lung area, in the upper
portions especially, so that the breathing is often in the upper portion rather than the
lower portion of the lungs. Hence atmospheric pressures affect the body very readily,
both through the thickening of the tissue along the bronchi and trachea area, as well as in
the lung area itself. This makes for too great a pressure on the circulatory system in a
high altitude, and in too low an altitude a pressure on the membranes of the head, throat
and upper portion of the body, and limpness, would be a result. Poisons would soon
affect the system, poisons from the system itself.
11. In the heart’s action - these, as we find, under the conditions, are very good. There
are found that certain elements affect the heart’s action often, that relieve the pressure in
the throat, bronchi and upper lung - but these will be depressing or overactive to the
heart’s action. No organic disorder; sympathetic wholly.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


12. The digestive system, as there is a lacking of elements in the system, shows quite a
variation in the effects that are often produced there. At times there is an unusual
appetite; at others often desiring to eat but very little is needed to satisfy. This produced
by the system attempting to take from the elements those necessary conditions that are
needed for the replenishing or rebuilding to the system.
13. The liver, spleen, hepatic circulation - as there are often many drosses in system, and
the necessary clarification of the blood supply to replenish the system, the liver and
spleen are somewhat abnormal in their size, but organically and functionally are very
good, as is also the kidneys in their functioning - though at times these, from the effects
of that which will act upon the respiratory system, are caused to function more than
ordinary of a normal condition, but organically - as yet - little or no disorder, other than
functional that comes occasionally.
14. Then, in meeting the needs of the conditions in the present, as we find - this will
require patience and persistence on the part of the body, will there be brought other than
temporary relief. Because there is temporary relief there should not be the slacking of the
applications necessary for the correction of the conditions, and the same is true that - that
which will aid, would it be over done, will be harmful to the final outcome of the
disorder. So, persistency and consistency taken at the present time, the condition may be
rid entirely from the body - though effects, of course, or tendencies, would remain - and
with precautions, though, these may be gradually eliminated from the body.
15. First we would begin as this: Use as an inhalant, that will relieve the pressure in the
bronchi and lungs, this - prepared in this manner:
16. To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol, add:
Eucalyptol (Oil of)..........20 minims,
Rectified Creosote............5 minims,
Canadian Balsam..............10 minims,
Rectified Oil of Turp........10 minims,
Tolu in solution.............30 minims.
Keep this in an 8 ounce container, preferably with a glass cork or stopper. Do not drink,
but inhale the fumes from same. Shake the solution together and inhale deep into the
throat and bronchi, from the open bottle, see?
17. Then we would begin with manipulations, osteopathically, given, to correct those
pressures that exist in the upper dorsal and cervical area. Take these in periods, or relays.
Twice or three times a week take a treatment. One each week should be an adjustment,
the other two general treatments. Take thirteen to fifteen treatments. Then rest for a week
to ten days. Then take another course of thirteen to fifteen treatments, see? Then rest a
week to ten days. Then take another.
18. Then we would give further instructions for corrections.
19. We would be mindful that the diet is such as to build more blood, nerve and tissue.
These would be, then, well in this line: Of course, these may be altered to suit the
conditions or the surroundings, as the body changes about.
20. Mornings - citrus fruit juices, with coddled egg or fruit and cereal, though do not take
the fruit and cereal AND fruit juices at the same meal. Only the yolk of the egg should
be taken, see? Coffee, tea or milk.
21. In the middle of the morning take a malted milk with raw egg - only the yolk taken in

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


22. Noons - preferably green vegetables, as spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, carrots,
peas, beets. These may be taken with oil or mayonnaise, or a dressing that is palatable to
the body.
23. In the middle of the afternoon we would take a DRIED milk; not the same as that
taken in the morning, but one that will add to the system and be not only filling but
satisfying to the body.
24. Evenings - those of liver, tripe, pig knuckle, blood pudding, cooked vegetables - but
keep to all of those that grow above the ground, not under the ground, for the evening.
Raw meats, or the like. Also there may be taken meat juices, sea foods and the like -
these are well for the body.
25. After the second course of osteopathic treatments, begin with Atomidine (or iodine in
solution - non-poisonous for the system), three minims twice each day until this has been
taken for at least twenty-six days.
26. When the third course of treatments has been completed, we would give further
27. Ready for questions.
28. (Q) Will this treatment, if followed, cure the asthma?
(A) We have given that it will! It will, if the body will be consistent and persistent!
This will require time maybe eight to ten months - but it’s worth it!
29. (Q) For what vocation am I best fitted?
(A) That which has been outlined, we would find, in an analytical mind, which has to
deal with financing.
30. We are through for the present.
[5/23/32 GD’s note: He seemed pleased and interested; said he would do his best to carry
out the instructions.]


R1. 3/22/34 Letter: “...Perhaps you’ll recall the writer having been given a reading by
you about two years ago. At that time, I truthfully didn’t follow your instructions very
carefully, because of complicating events. However, I would like to get another reading
at his time, with the hope that you may have some helpful suggestions. Do you believe
Florida climate would eventually prove beneficial for my asthma? I have been down here
since October 13th; expect to leave here about April 10th for the east. How do you think
Arizona would be? Do you believe I am very susceptible to TB? Would you advise me
to continue in the hotel advertising business in the east or south? Will I ever have an
opportunity to join my father in the business he now conducts? (mercantile business) I
am primarily interested in eliminating my asthma, and naturally want to be successful in

R2. 4/9/34 See 527-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Air: Exercise: Asthma Par. 25


Chiropractic: Asthma Par. 17, 21

Diet: Asthma Par. 19

Electrotherapy: Vibrator Par. 18

Feet: Wet: Warnings Par. 23


Glands: Salivary: Digestion Par. 19

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 8

Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Asthma Par. 11--13

: Benzoin, Tincture of: Par. 11--13
: Creosote, Rectified: Par. 11--13
: Eucalyptol: Par. 11--13
: Tolu In Solution: Par. 11--13
: Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 11--13

Prescriptions: Apple Brandy: Asthma Par. 15

: Atomidine: Par. 21
: Calcidin: Par. 14
: Rock Candy: Par. 15

Prophecy: Personal: Longevity Par. 9

Sedation: After Effects Par. 4

Work: E.C.: Membership: Literature Par. R2

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 5/31/34 “I am writing to you as I am afflicted and believe you can help me. As I am
just a poor man, if you do help me and I get able to work I will pay you some to keep the
good work going on.”
B2. 6/20/34 He verified appointment, saying: “The trouble is shortness of breath and it is
worse in wet weather that it is in dry weather, and the doctors say it is bronchial asthma.”


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Virginia, this 25th day of June, 1934, in accordance with request made by the self
- Mr. [595] new Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mildred Davis and L. B.
Time of Reading At his home in 11: 00 to 11: 30 A. M. Eastern
Standard Time. ..., Alabama.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [595] of ..., Alabama.
2. As we find, there are disorders in the physical functioning of this body. These have to
do with the activity in the respiratory system, as produced from an adhesion or stricture
that has occurred in times back in the body - and the effects this has produced, or does
produce upon the functioning system.
3. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, [595] we are speaking
4. First, in the BLOOD SUPPLY, here we find the effects of drosses in a system,
produced much by the sedative activities that are used at times and the impairing of the
functioning of organs through the necessity of using such expectorants. And the effects
these have upon the system are to produce drosses that affect organs in their functioning;
not wholly as toxic forces, but they do become toxic at times and disturb the activity of
the liver and of the whole hepatic circulation, disturbing and irritating the inclination that
already exists in kidneys and their functioning.
5. As to the elements of the blood supply, these conditions allow the forming of
impoverishment in some directions and a slowed circulation in others, and a metabolism
that is not good; an engorgement in the heart, though not organic disorder.
6. As to the NERVE SYSTEM, here we find what may be termed the cause or the seat of
the disorder. In times back - seventeen, sixteen, seventeen (this winter) - there was a
distress that was brought on by a germ, or “flu”, or deep cold, that with a subluxation
already existent which made a tendency in the direction produced a slowing of the
circulation through the bronchi and through the larynx. This, then, through the slowed
circulation, tended to make for a plethora there, when there were almost those reactions
of a form of pneumonia, or inflammation of the lung itself; but the high temperature, the
slow blood supply, formed a lesion or a clot, or a thickening of the tissue in the bronchi
itself. Hence we have with excess of heat, or with a pressure from even disagreeing
properties for digestion, or that requiring the circulation to be drawn to other portions of
the body, that which produces spasmodic asthmatic conditions in the bronchi itself. This

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


makes for a filling of the tubes and a shortening of the breath, and slowing still farther the
circulation through the lungs in the lower portions (and upper portion on the right side),
and - causing the distresses and the deep circulation in attempting to fill - makes for a
breath that makes for panting, requiring that something will allow the passages for the air
into the lungs to be excited to such an extent as to reduce this plethora or fullness that is
caused there.
7. This disturbance in the blood supply naturally involves the organs of digestion, of
assimilation, and - as indicated - especially the hepatic circulation.
8. Then, as to the activities that we find would be the most beneficial, we find that it will
be necessary to use palliative measures or those things that will meet the emergencies that
arise at times in the general condition of the body; yet there may also be those
applications which - if used consistently and persistently - will gradually remove the
9. And while the condition has been of sufficient length or period as to disturb the system
in the manner indicated, we find that there IS sufficient vitality in the body to rebuild and
- with the proper adjustments, precautions and additions to the system - aid in creating a
balance in the body; so that we should, at least for great periods, be free entirely of the
disorder and gradually build up the strength and vitality for the body, for at least a period
of fifteen to twenty-odd years in the present experience in the earth.
10. Then, these things that will be given first are rather as palliatives, and would be
continued through those periods when it is necessary that these be taken for the
alleviation of the distresses. And with those proper corrections which we will indicate,
we would find that we will bring the much nearer normal conditions to this body of [595]
we are speaking of.
11. When there is an asthmatic spasmodic reaction, we will find that the inhalation of
properties combined in this manner would be MOST beneficial:
12. To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol, add - in this order and quantity:
Eucalyptol, Oil of..............20 minims,
Rectified Creosote...............3 minims,
Tincture of Benzoin.............15 minims,
Rectified Oil of Turp...........10 minims,
Tincture of Tolu in solution....20 minims.
13. Keep this in a container at least twice the size of the quantity, or a 6 to 8 ounce
container with a glass cork, you see. Inhale the fumes, when this solution is shaken
together, deep into the lungs and bronchi 2, 3, 4 times each day. Of course, this - as any
condition - might be overdone, but take 3 to 4 deep inhalations whenever it is necessary -
3 to 4 times a day.
14. We would also take at such periods a grain Calcidin tablet, which will alleviate the
lung activity and make for better conditions in the system.
15. Also at times, not always - but when the condition especially is bad in the evenings,
or when there is damp weather, or when there is the tendency or the approach of storms
or the like - we would use the pure APPLE brandy; not Apple Jack nor cider, but
BRANDY - apple brandy. A small quantity of it. Or, to 4 to 6 ounces of same add 1/2
ounce of Rock Candy. Shake this together until it is dissolved. Do not take at a dose
more than a teaspoonful, or a good swallow - which would be 2 teaspoonsful. Never
more than that much, and let it go down VERY slowly, see?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


16. Now, as to the CORRECTIVE measures that will alleviate the condition:
17. There should be about ten or twelve chiropractic adjustments made in the
cerebrospinal system, especially in the 3rd and 4th dorsal center; and make the
adjustment from the RIGHT side. Necessary, of course, that a little massage be given
through the cervical area at such an adjustment.
18. After these treatments; that is, several months afterwards, or until the condition
begins to improve; we would use the electrically driven vibrator, using the cup applicator
directly on the body over the whole of the cerebrospinal system. Then take the ball or the
little hard applicator and apply from the 9th dorsal to the base of the brain on either side
of the cerebrospinal system itself. Go down on the one side, then go down on the other;
but let these come FROM the head toward the central portion of the body, bearing rather
hard - or making a DEEP vibration, see?
19. Be mindful with the diet, that there are not those things that will tend to make for
irritation to the respiratory system or the bronchi itself; that is, never too much of the
tuberous nature of vegetables, and no hog meat - save there may be taken a little crisp
bacon of mornings at times, but NO hog meat! If meat at all is to be taken, it would be
principally fish, fowl, mutton or the like. Never fried meats. If beef is to be taken, let it
rather be in the form of the juices of same - that is, with stews and the like, see? More of
the leafy vegetables, and not too much of those that are of the too great quantity of starch;
though corn may be taken in moderation, especially the roasting ears if they are BOILED
- not fried, but boiled! Then the corn may be cut off the cob and prepared in that manner
for the body, or it may be eaten off the cob. But the mastication of the food for this body
should be the greater principle. Chew any mouthful of food at least fourteen times. Even
in drinking water, CHEW it - or masticate it at least three or four times. That is, sip it -
let the activity of the glands in the mouth mingle well with the water; not gulping it but
sipping it gently.
20. And this will bring very great relief to the body.
21. With the end of the chiropractic adjustments given in the area specifically as outlined,
also begin taking Atomidine; never more than three minims in a glass of water, and sip
this water as well as all the other that is taken. This dosage may be taken twice each day,
before the morning meal and just before retiring.
22. Ready for questions.
23. Follow these instructions, using those first as we have given for the palliative
measures; then those for the corrective measures that may allow the body to overcome
these conditions.
24. Be very mindful that the body does not get the feet wet, in cold, bad weather; or that
it does not get OVERHEATED while these applications are being made.
25. Exercise in the open as much as practical and possible for the body, but be mindful
that the corrections are made. And because the palliative measures relieve or ease the
body, don’t stop the other treatments, but be sure to have the CORRECTIVE measures
made also.
26. We are through for the present.

(Enclosed was a letter to Druggist. The apple brandy combined with the Rock Candy
might also be obtained from the same druggist. If not, it may be gotten from our druggist
here. The Calcidin one grain tablets you should not have any trouble securing also.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Enclosed was a letter to the chiropractor. The vibrator treatments which should follow
the chiropractic adjustments may be given by someone in the home; if you haven’t
already an electrically driven vibrator you may get one from an electrical supply or drug
house, or borrow one. If you have any trouble getting any of these ingredients or
treatments, let us know; for we are anxious to see you get ALL the treatments outlined,
TO THE LETTER, for that is the way you’ll get results. GD.
Also was enclosed a booklet explaining the Atomidine, which was not to be begun until
after the chiropractic treatments were completed.)


R1. 6/26/34 Letter to Mr. [595]:
Dear Mr. [595]:
The information gotten in your reading has been forwarded. I hope you have found it not
only interesting but will find it very much worth while in your experience; which I
believe - from experience - you will, with following the suggestions made. The reading
of itself, of course, can do little good unless you make personal application of the
suggestions given. I do not think you will find it hard to follow the outline given. I’m
sure you will be able to get a good chiropractor to make the adjustments for you, and I
believe - if he is a good one - he will locate the trouble and find that it is in accord with
the reading. At least, that has been our experience.
The first portion of the treatment suggested is to give you relief; while the other - when
followed consistently and persistently - is to remove the cause. Of course, if you have
had this for a great number of years, you will for a long time have such tendencies - but it
should be removed entirely if you keep up the treatments. You will know whether the
information in the reading coincides with your own feelings and experience or not.
Know that we will want to keep in touch with you from week to week, to know just how
you get along. It is only by those that cooperate with us that we are able to know just
how much good such information may be in the experience of our members.
Of course, we have contributed this reading thus far. We will expect you, as your means
and your abilities are improved, to contribute according to your means and abilities.
Don’t fail to let us hear from you. With all good wishes and kindest personal regards, I

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Asthma Par. 27

Environment: Arizona: Asthma Par. 15, 28

: Atmosphere: Par. 11--15
: Nervous Systems Par. 3--5
: Carolina: Asthma Par. 15, 28
: Colorado: Par. 15, 28
: New Mexico: Par. 15, 28

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 17

Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Asthma Par. 25, 26

: Balsam of Fir: Par. 25, 26
: Benzoin, Tincture of: Par. 25, 26
: Benzosol: Par. 25, 26
: Eucalyptus, Oil of: Par. 25, 26
: Tolu in Solution: Par. 25, 26
: Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 25, 26

Osteopathy: Asthma Par. 15, 19

Physiotherapy: Packs: Onion: Asthma Par. 21

Prescriptions: Calcidin: Asthma Par. 19, 23

: Citrocarbonate, Upjohn’s: Par. 24
: Syrup, Squill: Par. 22

Sedation: Asthma Par. 11


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. Mother and friend, Mrs. [1834], were present yesterday afternoon [9/9/34] at Group
#1 reading 262-71, and the mother requested the physical rdg. for her son, saying he had
a severe pain in his right side. We do not have his correct age on file, but somehow I got
the impression that he was in his early teens. GD.


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 10th day of September, 1934, in accordance with request made by the
mother, Mrs. [...], through Study Group #3 of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment,
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mildred Davis and L. B.
Time of Reading 10: 55 to 11: 20 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body and those conditions that disturb the better physical
functionings of this body, [656].
2. Now, as we find, there are very definite effects in the physical forces of the body, and
in this condition - as in most - these effects are the result of disturbances in portions of
the body that have become affected, but are not necessarily the cause of the condition.
3. That the condition is pathological and psychological also is demonstrated by the fact
that under certain atmospheric pressures there are varying effects produced in the body;
and when there is humidity, with the low barometer, we find a great deal greater strain
than when the air or atmosphere is clear, bright and buoyant in its reaction to the nervous
forces of the body.
4. Quite a dissertation might be given upon how the various ganglia along the nervous
system are affected by such pressures in the atmosphere, and how such conditions grow
in a developing body to become more or less of a neurotic nature.
5. Yet these to some would be speculative, or may be found in other sources where great
amount of research and study has been made respecting same.
6. That, then, of most interest to the individual is as to what caused this condition in THIS
body, and what may be done about same!
7. As we find, these conditions-physical exist:
8. In times back there was produced a subluxation in the upper dorsal area, which - with
the deflecting of the nerve impulse - gradually created a tendency for the increasing of
tissue in such measures as to deflect nerve energy at times, and so become susceptible to
atmospheric pressures, cold, congestion; which in turn effects - through the sympathetic
and imaginative forces of the nervous system - the bronchi and lungs, thus producing an
asthmatic condition, or a wheezing and a shortness of breath.
9. In the immediate there has been produced an acute condition by the pleura, especially
in the lower right lung and sympathetically the congestions by the sympathy in the
nervous system, and the circulatory system has made for congestions in the liver and
caecum area; and the whole right side becomes involved in the condition.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


10. Now, we find, making applications of any measure that will relax the nervous system
will bring ease, but merely of a temporary nature; for when there would be again the
tautening of the nerves in the lungs, in the pleura itself, in the bronchials and their
branches, AGAIN we would have this reaction that brings distress to the body.
11. A change in the atmospheric pressures, or in the environs, has been or may be
helpful; where there is a dry and somewhat higher altitude, creating less pressure in all
the external forces of the body itself, that makes for a relieving in the same way and
manner as does the injection of a sedative or hypnotic or any applications that relieve or
take away or produce an indirect activity of these pressures from the subluxation and the
lesion that has exited. Neither, as we have indicated, would make for more than a
temporary relief. To be sure, should the body remain in the higher altitude or
surroundings, less effective to the body would become the atmosphere of the changed
conditions. But these in themselves do not remove the condition, nor produce the
resuscitating measures necessary for the creating of a normal balance in the body.
12. Now, as we find, in this particular body, with the changing elements of the influences
upon the psychic, the mental, the physical, the pathological conditions of the body - IF
the changes in the environs could be COMBINED with the treatments for the correction,
these would be the more IDEAL conditions for bringing about normalcy of a more
permanent nature.
13. Then, in making the applications under the CHANGED environs and under the
present surroundings or environs, each may be given; the more effective would be the
14. Naturally, as we have indicated, EFFECTS here MUST be considered, as well as the
primary or first causes; for they have affected, do affect and will affect the nervous
system (that is, the effects) in such measures as to produce, through the psychopathic
effect, a pathological condition in the body, through the neurotic effect - or through the
nerves of the body itself.
15. Hence, as we find, the better method would be to change the environs to either certain
portions of Carolina, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, or under such environs; where
more sunshine and less atmospheric pressures may be had. And while under such
environs, have osteopathic corrections made in the upper dorsal and cervical area.
16. And while these are being made, use those properties that carry the elements
necessary for their activity with the glands, and thus - through these - to the organs, to
produce and bring about normalcy in their activity.
17. The very nature of the condition is such, and the extent to which it has grown, as to
require time, patience, persistence and consistency on the part of the body itself to bring
PERMANENT reliefs.
18. As to these factors that we find are lacking: Naturally, from suppression, and the
attempt of the body to adjust itself to the needs OF the physical forces under the strain,
certain factors or elements have been used up; and there is the lack of activity on the part
of certain glands, the excess of activity in others, that produces the lack of the proper
coagulation in the circulation - particularly of the lymph and emunctory activity.
19. Such elements have used up much of the iodine activity and content of the body; but
the iodine that is combined with the elements with calcium (chloride) are the more
effective with this body. Hence, with these changes, and with the application of these in
such dosage as to meet the requirements - and keeping the more and more towards that of

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


an alkalin reacting and body-building diet, we would bring corrections to the system.
That would be two to three months of manipulation and adjustment osteopathically, and
during the period take one grain tablet of Calcidin two, three to four times a day - for
periods of four to five days; then deter from same or leave off for a few days, then begin
again and take in the same manner, internally.
20. In the immediate surroundings, and the immediate conditions, for the preparation and
for the relief of the body, we would:
21. Apply onion packs over the right side and the lung and the caecum, and even the liver
area. These would be most effective. These would be large raw onions, but of course
chopped very fine. Enough meal may be mixed together with them to hold the roll
together. Not necessarily warm but tepid - of course - is better. Apply THICK, HEAVY,
directly to body - onion poultices.
22. Take internally small doses of Syrup of Squill; meaning from six to ten drops two to
three times a day. These properties tend to relax without carrying any of the influences
that are of a narcotic or even a hypnotic or sedative nature.
23. The doses of Calcidin, in one grain tablets, would be effective, as given.
24. Keep the eliminations open by taking quantities of those properties that tend to make
for alkalinity in the system, as the active forces in Upjohn’s Citrocarbonate - the
effervescent character.
25. An inhalant that would be excellent to prevent cough, to prevent smothering spells,
would be prepared as follows:
26. To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol, in a 6 ounce container, add:
Oil of Eucalyptus..........20 minims,
Balsam of Fir...............5 minims,
Tincture of Benzoin........10 minims,
Benzosol in solution.......20 minims,
Rectified Oil of Turp.......5 minims,
Tolu in solution...........30 minims.
Keep this preferably in a glass corked container. Shake before inhaling deep into the
lungs, through the mouth - as well as through the nostril.
27. As indicated, keep the foods toward an alkalin reacting diet.
28. Do these; we will find relief in the present surroundings. Of course, CORRECTIONS
may be made here; but these would require longer periods and more of the return of the
29. Ready for questions.
30. We are through for the present.
R1. 3/7/35 See 281-23, Par. 19-A, personal message to [656]’s mother in re A.R.E.
prayer group work.
R2. 2/27/36 Mrs. [1834] and [656]’s mother wrote and signed a letter of appreciation to
Edgar Cayce for his untiring efforts in helping many people - See under 1834-1
R3. 1/18/49 Mother of [656] donated to E.C.F. campaign for funds to prepare the
readings for general use.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Asthma: Spine: Subluxations Par. 22-A, R2

Blood: Corpuscles: White: Deficient Par. 5
Breathing: Asthma Par. 22-A, 25-A
Circulation: Cold Par. 4
Diet: Diabetes Par. 15, 16
: Menu: Diabetes Par. 17--19
Exercise: Breathing: Asthma Par. 25-A
Glands: Diabetes Par. 2, 5
Injuries: Spine: Subluxations Par. 4, 5, 26-A
Kidneys: Urine: Incontinence: Diabetes Par. 5

Nose: Obstruction: Lymph Par. 24-A

Obesity Par. 5

Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 13

Physiology & Anatomy: Diabetes Par. 4, 5, 7, 12

Polycythemia: Spine: Subluxations Par. 5

Prescriptions: Alcohol, Grain: Diabetes Par. 9, 11

: Ambergris: Par. 9
: Burdock Root Essence: Par. 11
: Cinnamon: Par. 9
: Gin, Gordon’s: Par. 9
: Gin, Lachmer’s: Par. 9
: Honey: Par. 9, 11
: Juniper: Par. 9
: Ragweed: Par. 11, 23-A
: Sage, Garden: Par. 9
: Stillingia, Tincture of: Par. 11
: Water, Distilled: Par. 9, 11
Prophecy: Prognosis: Diabetes Par. 14, 20
Psychosomatics: Diabetes Par. 7
Sensations & Symptoms: Lethargy: Diabetes Par. 13
Spine: Subluxations Par. 4

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. Comments subsequent to the reading indicated he had asthma and diabetes.


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Virginia, this 29th day of September, 1934, in accordance with request by the
aunt, Mrs. [540], through Study Group #2 of the Association for Research &
Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [674], Aunt [540],
Cousin [665], Helen Ellington, Mildred Davis and L. B. Cayce.
Time of Reading 10: 40 to 11: 00 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body, [674], present in this room.
2. Now, as we find, there are disturbing conditions in the better physical functioning of
this body. These, as we find, are of the specific nature, and the effects from these disturb
the functioning of glands; and through same there is a disorder in the organic functioning
of organs.
3. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, [674].
4. As we find, in times back there was a subluxation produced in the 7th and 8th dorsal
center, which has made for a pressure in the amount of the impulses that are carried
through the nerve system to the functioning of the liver and the spleen, and has made for
a COLD circulation.
5. These, impulses have produced an excess activity in the pancreas; hence there has been
created through the glands the tendency for turning much into sugar that should not be, so
that starches and sugars add to the avoirdupois of the body excessively and prevent the
functioning in the liver, and an excess functioning in the kidneys and THEIR activity
upon the body; producing in the blood supply a heaviness and an excess in the number of
red blood cells, a deficiency in the white as to the formation of that plasm necessary for
keeping the astringent activity in the coagulations through the system. And this will,
unless altered or changed, gradually grow excessive, affecting all portions of the system.
This we see has been a growth, NOW, for at least twenty-eight months, and the injury
and the effect has been for almost a like period.
6. Then, in meeting the needs of the conditions for this body, we find these combinations
will be as the necessary precautions AND corrections to be made in this body:
7. First, the very nature of the disorders is such that the effects and that condition already
produced in the functioning of organs must be taken into consideration, as well as the
correction of the conditions that cause the trouble primarily. For to prevent the activity of
the pancreas or the kidneys or the bladder or a portion of the spleen in its activity (as has
been done), through astringents, will only relieve temporarily. While the cause still
remains the condition will continue to be produced in the system, and whenever there is a
reversal to a normal desire created - as physical desire in appetite appeased - the
conditions return and are more violent oft than before; hence there has been created or
produced in the pancreas, in the liver, the lacteal ducts, the kidney and this hepatic
circulation, such conditions that the system - attempting to adjust itself - has brought

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


about specific disorders. This is manifested in the languidness of the body at times, the
inability to discern the conditions that should be separated in their activity, the tendency
to have things and ideas and plans to run together, and at other times the inability to
separate things entirely as to their associations and their activities; a dullness, a lack of
alert activity - that arises from depreciation of activities in a normal hepatic circulation.
8. First we would begin, then, with making two characters of preparations; the first as
9. To 32 ounces of distilled water we would add 6 ounces of Dried Garden Sage. Reduce
by slow boiling (preferably in an enamel container with an enamel top; not a tin) to 16
ounces. Strain, and while warm add:
Ambergris (cut in 1 ounce grain alcohol).......15 grains, Strained Honey (in 2 ounces
distilled water)....1 ounce.
Let the Strained Honey in the distilled water come to a boil; not BOIL, but just come
to a boil, before adding to the solution. Also add:
Gin (active principle of same being Juniper; such as Gordon’s Gin or Lachmer’s
[?]).......4 ounces, Cinnamon, preferably in the stick...............3 drams.
Shake the solution together before the dose is taken, which should be half a
teaspoonful before the meals and at bedtime.
10. The second solution would be prepared in this manner:
11. To 16 ounces distilled water we would add 6 ounces of green or dry Ambrosia Weed.
Reduce by slow boiling to 8 ounces. Strain and add:
Strained Honey................................1/2 ounce,
Grain Alcohol...............................1 1/2 ounces,
Tincture of Stillingia........................1/4 ounce,
Essence of Burdock Root.......................1/4 ounce.
Shake this together before the dose is taken, which would be teaspoonful at bedtime for
periods of two or three days; then leave off for the same period and begin again.
12. This is to keep the eliminations, and is as an active force producing with the liver and
the hepatic circulation an increasing of the lymph without disturbing the activities of the
spleen and pancreas secretions.
13. OSTEOPATHICALLY have those adjustments made in the dorsal area as indicated,
that show subluxations. We would also at such treatments COORDINATE the rest of the
system. As we find, preferably, these would be applied - the applications for the
adjustments - about twice each week for three or four weeks. Then rest a period of a
week. Then have the treatments two or three weeks. Then rest a period of a week; then
treat AGAIN for a couple of weeks.
14. And by then, with the other properties, the corrections should be made for the body.
15. Be mindful that the diet is kept without those things that carry quantities of sugar or
starches, that make for an excess activity; or a diet of this kind during the period of these
16. No candies of any kind. No pastries of any kind.
17. Mornings - cereals with fruit, raw or fresh fruit or with stewed fruit. Citrus fruits, but
do not take these at the same meal. Coddled egg; the whole egg may be taken - this,
while carrying an acid in same, if CODDLED - that is, put on with the water boiling and
take it off and let it set for four and a half minutes - it will be alright. Only whole wheat
browned bread.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


18. One meal each day should be, at least, of leafy or raw fresh vegetables. Any of these
may be included; such as spinach, celery, lettuce, turnips, mustard, peppers, tomatoes,
with an oil dressing.
19. Evenings - well-cooked vegetables, with not too large a quantity of meats. Fish,
lamb, fowl may be taken; not beef nor hog meat nor of that nature.
20. Do these and, as we find, we will bring the better and normal conditions for this body.
21. Ready for questions.
22. (Q) What causes the difficult breathing and smothering spells at night?
(A) The heavy circulation. Asthmatic condition, produced by the pressures in the
dorsal areas as we have indicated.
23. (Q) Where may Ambrosia Weed be found?
(A) In most any place where weeds are allowed to grow! It’s Ragweed!
24. (Q) Is there an obstruction in the nose?
(A) With the change in the circulation, the absorption through the head should relieve
this. This is a growth more in the nature of the lymphoid, and not bony.
25. (Q) Is riding bicycle harmful, as this causes shortness of breath?
(A) In moderation, no.
26. (Q) Was the fall on face some years ago the injury referred to?
(A) It aided. The first was in the spinal system; fall on the face only increased that in
the upper dorsal area as indicated.
Do these, and we will bring normal conditions for this body. We are through for the
present. [See 674-1, Par. R1, R2.]
(Druggist later told GD he was not familiar with any gin that sounded like Lachmer’s [?]
but Gordon’s Gin was considered the best.)


R1. 9/29/34 GD’s note: Letters were enclosed to Snyder Pharmacy and Dr. M. L.

R2. 9/29/34 Mrs. [540]’s comments at end of reading indicated that they were all very
impressed with the reading, and that the doctor had diagnosed the case as asthma.

R3. 10/26/34 Aunt’s letter: “I would like to say that my nephew, [674], is showing a
marked improvement. While it was some time before we could get the medicine mixed,
as Mr. Snyder had to send to N.Y. for part of it, we finally did and the results have been
very gratifying. They (the family) are very happy and are trying to the best of their
ability to carry out the reading.”

R4. 1/10/35 A second physical was obtained. See 674-2.

R5. 10/52 Dr. D. H. Fogel told GD he would index this under DIABETES also.

R6. 9/22/94 See Source File Key #674 for Virginian Pilot-Ledger Star article - University
of Pittsburg study may link virus to cause of diabetes says Dr. Massimo Trucco, chief
author of study - re 674-1.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Apparel: Hats Par. 7-A




Diet: Diabetes Par. 8-A, 13-A

Doctors: Richardson, M.L.: D.O. Par. R3

Exercise: Gymnastics Par. 10-A, 12-A

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 2

Humor Par. 7-A

Kidneys: Urine: Incontinence: Spine: Subluxations:

Cured Par. 3, 6-A, Reports

Obesity: Diabetes Par. 8-A

Osteopathy: Diabetes Par. 9-A, 11-A, 12-A

Spine: Subluxations: Diabetes Par. 3, 9-A, 11-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. See 674-1 on 9/29/34.


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 10th day of January, 1935, in accordance with request made by the aunt -
Mrs. [540], and sponsored by Study Group #2 of the Ass’n for Research &
Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [674], aunt [540], Helen
Ellington, Ruth LeNoir, Mildred Davis and L. B. Cayce.
Time of Reading 11: 00 to 11: 10 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here.
2. Now, as we find, while in some respects the conditions have made some
improvements, in others there is not a great deal of change. There has not been as much
consistence in the diet or in the activities of the body, in relation to the general
conditions, as has been indicated. If these would be adhered to, in a manner more in
keeping with that which is to be met, we would find bettered conditions.
3. To be sure, we will find that the corrections in the 9th and 10th dorsal area would
relieve a great deal of the pressure from the kidney - or the activity to the pancrean
reaction; as well as the general conditions in the relationships between the sympathetic
and cerebrospinal responses in the body. These we would do.
4. And follow those that have been given.
5. Ready for questions.
6. (Q) What causes bed wetting?
(A) This pressure, that makes for the overactivity of the kidneys.
7. (Q) Is it harmful for him to go out in cold bareheaded?
(A) Of course, the body can be trained in this respect. And it is the way everyone
should train self to be! It isn’t natural for people to wear hats!
8. (Q) What can he have in his diet?
(A) Those things that will make for the correct body- building without making for an
increase in the avoirdupois. Keep away from sweets and too much starch.
9. (Q) Should he continue osteopathic treatments?
(A) We would continue to have the osteopath, but we would have the osteopath to
make those corrections - and not just give treatments!
10. (Q) Is it good for him to take gym at school?
(A) Very good.
11. (Q) How should the osteopathic treatments be given?
(A) Make those corrections that are necessary here in the area indicated, and not just a
general treatment without respect to the balance of the body on both the axes of the body.
Make the proper balance between the pelvis axis and the atlas axis.
12. (Q) How often should they be given?
(A) Once or twice a week would be sufficient, if properly given; especially if there
are the activities in the gym.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


13. (Q) Should the medicine he has been taking be continued?

(A) This should not be necessary if there is the correct diet adhered to, and the proper
adjustments in the present. These elements are not necessary in the system in the present.
14. (Q) Any further advice for this body?
(A) These we would follow for the better physical conditions of this body.
15. We are through with this reading.


R1. 9/9/39 [674] obtained his Life Rdg. See 674-3.

R2. 9/1/40 [674]’s answer to questionnaire: “Excess functioning of the kidneys and
difficult breathing were some of the symptoms described correctly by the reading. I had
no physician after the reading was given, except the osteopath. I carried out the
treatments as near as possible for four months. There has been much improvement, but
there are still some reoccurrences of the condition in the nose. I think these readings are
very worth while and helpful.”

R3. 9/1/40 Dr. M. L. Richardson’s answer to questionnaire: “The reading did describe
the condition of the patient. My technical diagnosis would be bronchial asthma and
eneuresis. The suggestions for treatment in my opinion were good. The patient followed
directions in the reading under my care from 10/24/34 to 6/27/35. I observed some
genuine relief. Environment and circumstances (domestic) counter best results.

R4. 10/52 Dr. D. H. Fogel told GD that he would index this case under diabetes as well as

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Blood: Oxidization Par. 5

Diet: Asthma Par. 16--19

: Citrus & Cereal Par. 17
: Cooking Utensils: Patapar Paper Par. 19


Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 2, 21

: Purpose Par. 21

Injuries: Accidents: After Effects Par. 7


Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 12, 20

Physiotherapy: Heat: Wet: Relaxation Par. 12

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Asthma Par. 13, 15

: Calcidin: Par. 14, 15

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





This psychic reading given by Edgar Cacye at the David E. Kahn home, 44 West 57th St.,
Apt. 14-W, New York City, this 20th day of March, 1935, in accordance with request
made by the self - Mr. [861], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research &
Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Mr. [2653].
Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [861] and a friend
Mr. Bess.
Time of Reading 2: 25 to 2: 50 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., New York.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [861], present in this room.
2. Now, as we find, there are definite and specific conditions that disturb the body for the
better physical functioning of the body. These, as we find, may be materially aided. And
if there is the consistent and persistent application of those things that may bring about
the correction of the causes of the disturbance, the greater part may be eradicated from
the system.
3. These have to do with the effects of conditions that in their reaction affect the lungs in
their activity, though it is in the BRONCHI that the reactions from the specific conditions
4. Then, these are the conditions as we find them with this body, [861] we are speaking
of, present in this room:
5. First, in the BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find indicates at times that there is a hindrance
in the oxidization or the quantity of oxygen for the purifying or clarifying of the whole
blood system. This tendency makes for the accumulations of drosses or lack of proper
elimination of refuse forces as from used energies in the system, making for those
tendencies in the organs of eliminations and as the activity of the kidneys, the liver and
through the alimentary canal, to be not in a normal way reacting to the general physical
forces of the body.
6. These are affected and, to be sure, are as the conditions that arise AT TIMES; not
7. We find in the NERVOUS SYSTEM as related to the blood supply that which may be
said to be the cause of the existent condition, for the disturbances have been in the body
for some time; and to give the causes is to reach to that in times past when there was an
accident or an injury in the upper dorsal area that makes for, and has made for, a pressure
upon the nerve forces that REGULATE the flow of blood supply and nerve energy
through the brachial and bronchi and upper portion of the lung area. This pressure has
gradually builded into the system until it has become a portion of the body. And the
asthmatic reactions that occur when there is cold, overheat, overtiredness or a reaction to
the system, are the effects of this center in the 3rd and 4th dorsal area of producing a
pressure upon he system in such a manner as to prevent the proper flow of energy, or so
producing in the bronchi itself a filling up, not allowing the air to pass into the lungs in a

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


proper way and manner, making for the heavy breathing, for the change in the respiratory
activity, changing in the heart’s activity.
8. The administrations that have been made at times, that tend to form sedimentary
conditions or to PRODUCE relaxation to the system so that there might be relief from
these, tend to make for this congestion in the organs of elimination, as has been indicated;
producing a slow activity through the hepatic circulation, naturally affecting the pulsation
or heart beat. No organic heart disturbance but a sympathetic or functional disturbance
arises from those conditions that have existed and do arise from the effects of
ministrations that may relieve the congested portions or relax the body sufficient as to
allow the lung area, the bronchi area, to receive sufficient of the oxygen as to purify the
blood stream.
9. The effect, to be sure, from the upper dorsal to the flow of the circulation to the head,
sympathetically has affected, does indicate disturbances in, the sensory organism; making
for fullness in the throat, in the soft tissue of the antrum and the nasal passages, the filling
to the head, and this tendency for the whole of the system to become disturbed by these
reactions in the system.
10. In the functioning of the ORGANS themselves, as indicated, these are rather
sympathetically disturbed save at times. Naturally there has been builded in the soft tissue
of throat and head, those repressions in the lung area, those conditions in the digestive
system that make for disturbing factors; but if there will be the relief of the pressures and
the administrations that would make for a balancing of the elements in the system, we
would find not only relief - but - as has been indicated - a gradual growth, which will
require, of course, some time to not only eradicate the impulses from the trachea and the
bronchi and activities to the lungs themselves, and through the activity with the bronchi
with the esophagus area where sympathetic lesions arise from the improper pulsations
from the flow of nerve and blood energy from those lesions in the 3rd and 4th and
sympathetically in other segments of the cerebro-spinal system.
11. Then, in making the applications for that which would bring the greater relief for this
body, [861] we are speaking of, present in this room:
12. First we would find it helpful to have the osteopathic manipulation and adjustments,
specifically in the area indicated, the upper dorsal, coordinating the cervical AND
lumbar, and - of course - the 9th and 10th dorsal for the solar plexus reaction. BETTER
that there be a relaxing of those areas especially in the upper dorsal by the application of
wet heat before adjustments are made. As we find, in making the adjustments we would
have periods of three to four weeks, then a rest period of leaving them off for a month to
six weeks; and then three to four weeks of treatment again, two to three times a week,
would be the more preferable way or manner to have the applications.
13. During these periods when there are the treatments or manipulations NOT being
given, we would take internally two minims of the Atomidine each day; one minim or
drop before the morning meal and one just before retiring, in half a glass of water. This
would be taken only during those periods when the manipulations are NOT being given,
14. When there are the recurrent conditions of the spasmodic reaction, or the asthmatic
reaction, we would take a grain of Calcidin. Preferably, if these are severe, dissolve five
grains of Calcidin in an ounce of warm water; keep warm, and when there is the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


asthmatic reaction take a little sip of same; a quarter teaspoonful every hour or less until
the body is relaxed.
15. This adding of the calcium AND the iodine in the manner will make for relaxation in
the lung and bronchi area without producing any sediment that will make it hard upon the
eliminating system.
16. In the matter of the diet, be rather particular, rather insistent. Beware of sweets, for
these - too - act upon the mucous membranes that are affected by the pressures from the
congestion in the dorsal area as congestion in reflexly the bronchi and the trachea area.
Beware of white bread. Do not use these in the diet, or too many of white or sweet
potatoes; these make for the accumulations of starches that are hard upon such a
condition. These would be found to be well:
17. Citrus fruit juices or the pulp of same, and cereals - but do not use cereals AND citrus
fruit juices at the same meal, for these produce an acid that is harmful to such reactions in
the system. Have at least once or twice a week the whole wheat or cracked wheat; this
cooked in such a manner that only vitamins are broken without being released; so making
for strength and body building.
18. No fried foods or fried meats or any kind. Fried foods make for too much heaviness
upon the digestive system.
19. Meats if taken would be fish or fowl or lamb. The vegetables that are taken should be
preferably cooked in their OWN juices, as in Patapar paper. This will make a vast
difference in the building of resistance.
20. These must all be worked together; that is, the osteopathic manipulations, the diet, the
general activity. All of these will work together.
21. IF these are consistently and persistently used, we will bring great relief and a very
much less frequent recurrence of the disorder; gradually eliminating same. And we
would have a life of usefulness and activity worth while, but make that activity for
constructive forces for self and those dependent upon self. And who is dependent?
Those thou meetest day by day!
22. Ready for questions.
23. (Q) Outside of the asthmatic condition, what is the general condition of the body?
(A) As indicated, there are many disturbing factors from the reactions for the
applications made that have depreciated or decreased the vitality in the system; as in the
eliminating system, the hepatic circulation and the activity of the glands in the body.
These, though, will all respond to those applications suggested.
24. Do that.
25. We are through for the present.



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Asthma Par. 20--22

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 15

Intestines: Enemas, High: Eliminations Par. 19

Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 18

Prescriptions: Calcidin: Asthma Par. 17

Sedation: Not Recommended Par. 17


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 10/9/35 Letter from sister: “He is suffering acutely from asthma. It is growing
steadily worse and in the last two weeks he has lost 12 pounds. I hope this is not an
indication of the onslaughts of some other deadly disease... Enclosed is his former
request. He wishes to ask what food he should eat and what foods to eliminate from his
diet... He also wishes a Life Reading for his 17 year old daughter, Miss [1043]...”


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 5th day of November, 1935, in accordance with request made by the self
- Mr. [1047], through Active Membership of his sister, Miss [813], in the Ass’n for
Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. L. B. Cayce.
Time of Reading 17 Yost Street, 4: 00 to 4: 20 P. M. Eastern Standard
Time. Johnstown, N.Y.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body, [1047].
2. Now, as we find, there are conditions that disturb the better physical forces of the
body. These, as we find, are effects of specific disturbances that might be eliminated
gradually to a great extent or in their entirety, through very persistent activity and
persistent diet. This, however, would require and does require patience and persistence
on the part of the body, [1047] to eradicate and eliminate the causes from the system.
3. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body:
4. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, there is indicated that there is not only an impoverishment
to the blood supply, and a general drain being drawn upon the system, but there are also
those actions from the lack of the body’s ability - under the existing conditions - to purify
the blood through the areas and through the manner it should NOMINALLY or naturally
respond. Hence we find the strength, the vitality being used up; with greater resistances
being required and less there appears to be to build upon.
5. These conditions in the blood supply indicate also the NATURE of the disturbance, as
indicated through the manner of disturbance preventing the purification of the blood
taking place.
6. IN THE NERVE FORCES OF THE BODY, here we have a complication that is
beginning, owing to this inability of keeping the equilibrium through those areas
specifically from which the organs of the body - as related to the respiratory system -
INVOLVE, and are involved by, activities in the body.
7. To be sure, it may be questioned as to how these activities can be shown in the nerve
forces; yet, as is seen here, these are gradually giving way, so there are periods when a
little provocation makes for a general reaction to the body. And the acidity in the system
is indicated by a disturbed circulation FROM those very forces of the body THROUGH
which there should be the sustaining forces in the system.
8. This, then, is of that nature in the blood supply, in the nerve system, in the organ itself,
of the asthmatic condition. Or there are periods when there is the swelling of the tissue in

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


the throat and in portion of the lungs, when there is caused a very labored breathing - as it
were - from or by the body.
9. These very conditions with the nerve forces also indicate that there are specific centers
which if relieved in a nominal manner would aid in CORRECTING this condition for this
10. IN THE ORGANS OF THE BODY, brain forces are very good; the activities of the
body outside are still very good.
11. There is the inability for the reflexes through the sensory forces and those activities in
the lungs, that makes for DRAINS in the body, as it were, through the bronchi
contraction, or too great a flow of blood necessary. And the general vitality is gradually
slowed, to be sure; and it is gradually being undermined, and undermined in such
measures and manners that unless there are changes very soon, there must be alterations
in some matters in the association and relations for the activities of the body.
12. These, then, as we find, would make for the greater corrections to the system:
13. In the lung forces: Here we find, in the cerebrospinal system there is in the dorsal
area a subluxation that has gradually - through the impulse created there - impoverished
the flow of the blood, or impulse. Not so much the blood; at times this overflows, but
this produces then - by this lack of impulse - a spasmodic reaction of an asthmatic nature,
either from cold or heat, too much sweets or too much of pollen or dust, too much of any
of those influences that will make for an attack upon the sympathetic systems through the
mucous membranes of the throat and nasal passages and to the bronchi and larynx and
14. The activities given in the system to replenish or supply the body have aided other
disturbing factors that upset the digestive forces, upset the natural activity of that relation
between the kidneys and the liver - and these become disturbing factors also. But these
are contributory, or are the effects OF applications that become contributory to the
disturbing forces in these organs themselves.
15. We will find, as indicated then, that this will require patience, persistence and
consistency on the part of the body. Not only in its activities but in its diet and in its
manner of thinking and acting.
16. First, then, we would begin in this manner:
17. Rather than those things used that tend to make for a sedative reaction to some
portion of the system (as to relax the body, either from a narcotic or hypnotic or merely a
sedative), we would keep about the body a vial of the one-grain Calcidin tablets. These
we would take for a few days, until there can be the reaction, about one every four or five
hours. EVERY DAY for a week, and then rest from same three to four days; then take
again. These will be more effective in or with those activities of the lung forces
18. We would begin also almost immediately with taking, about twice a week, the
corrections of that subluxation and that lesion that exists in the upper dorsal and through
the cervical area; that there may be the nearer NORMAL reaction from the nerve forces
and the organs in their activity in the system itself. These we would have given
19. Also, rather than using things as laxatives or cathartics that disturb the body through
producing an activity of the eliminations through the alimentary canal (while we would
not give up these entirely until changes have been wrought), we would use more

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


frequently the high enemas to eliminate the poisons and those accumulations of gas and
those activities from a very much disturbed blood supply to the system and nerve
energies and forces in the body itself. These we would take once a week for the first four
or five of these, and take HIGH enemas or high colonics - cleansing the colon, by means
of a colon tube or the high colonic irrigations.
20. In the matter of the diet, we would beware of sweets except the NATURAL sweets -
or honey. We would abstain from white bread or potatoes. Do not eat bananas, nor
apples - unless they be roasted. Other fruits, and cereals, and things of that kind may be
taken in moderation.
21. We would also have, at least two or three times a day, a malted milk with egg in same
- so long as it agrees with the body. An addition of a little stimulant of apple brandy with
the malted milk and egg would be most helpful to the body; though this may even be
taken twice or three times a day. Use the whole egg - that means the yolk and the white
also; these stirred together and cooked by adding half a teaspoonful of the APPLE
brandy. Not apple jack but apple brandy.
Or it may be re-distilled apple jack, but apple BRANDY is preferable. This then may be
taken with the malted milks. These are BODY-building.
22. In meats, beware of FATS. But the lean meats of fowl or lamb may be taken, or beef
- PROVIDED it is broiled, NOT fried. NO FRIED foods!
23. Do these for sixty days - all the treatments, you see; then we would give further
24. We are through for the present.


R1. 2/6/36 Sister [813]’s letter: “I have not heard from my brother as to whether he has
improved under the advice given in his physical rdg. I know that he started the
treatments as prescribed but have not heard further. His wife has been found to have
cancer and was operated on just before Christmas. This has rather demoralized the
family, as you well know.” [She gave good report on Life Rdg. for niece, [1043].]
R2. 7/9/36 “I am very fond of my sister-in-law and it nearly breaks my heart to see the
condition she is in. If she dies she will leave two lovely young daughters, [1043], 18
years of age, and [...], 15 years old, and a devoted husband, my brother, [1047]. My
brother [1047] is in a serious condition and needs to take care of himself but he is so
worried about his wife that he gives no heed to his own physical condition.”
R3. 10/29/37 Sister [813]’s letter: “[1047]’s wife died in August...
“He began the treatment prescribed but had to stop it due to the serious illness of his wife
and the living conditions at home. It was impossible for him to have the diet outlined for
him. He told me just before I left home this Fall that he was going to try now to follow
the treatment you gave him in the reading but that it had been impossible to do so before.
I hope that he can do this as he is in a really bad shape. I don’t know how successful he
will be however, as there is no one responsible to prepare his meals. The only person at
home now is the younger daughter, [...], sixteen, who is attending high school. If there
had been any sort of position available in my home town I would have stayed with [1047]
this Winter and taken care of him and his family, but business in that section of the
country is bad this season so I had to return to Washington at least for awhile.”

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





Diet: Eczema Par. 20--22

Doctors: Grapes, Nona: N.D. Reports

Doctors Suggested: Woodall, Percy: D.O. Par. 12, 13, Reports



Intestines: Colonics: Toxemia Par. 24, 25

: Enemas: Salt & Soda: Toxemia Par. 25

Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 11--13, 26

Physiotherapy: Applications: Cuticura Ointment:

Eczema Par. 19
: Lavoris: Par. 18
: Powder, Balsam & Zinc: Par. 17

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Asthma Par. 16

: Blood: Humor Par. 15, 16

Sedation: After Effects Par. 24


Work: E.C.: Readings: Missing Par. B1

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 7/6/37 Mother [...]’s letter:
My dear Mr. Cayce;
You will remember me as Mrs. [...] [wife of [3720]], you once gave a reading to [3720],
also my daughter [1413] [No record of earlier readings. GD.], she was then suffering
with Asthma having developed that trouble along with Eczema and Pylitis [Pyelitis?] -
This same daughter is now 20 years old and has been in such a condition with the skin
affection [infection] for the past year that she has been unable to go to college for her
second year’s work - It is concerning this same case that I wish to get in touch with you -
I secured your present address from the [394]’s of ... I am sure you will recall the
location of ..., 15 miles west of ... - It is here we live since my marriage to Mr. [...] -
whom you may even remember.
We have had numbers of skin specialists and doctors of all kinds with [1413] from time
to time, she is so anxious to get back in college and live a normal life that I am appealing
to you for help - I know you will tell me the truth in detail (from past experience with
you) so I am writing to ask you to let me know how a reading can be arranged, cost etc. I
will so appreciate a prompt reply, am enclosing an addressed envelope for this use.
Thanking you, in the name of suffering humanity, I am,
Sincerely, [...]
B2. 7/17/37 Mother [...]’s letter:
My dear Mr. Cayce:
Your reply to my letter concerning [1413] came on the 11th, and I would have replied but
[1413] has been going thru such a siege for the past ten days that I have not been able to
talk to her and I know it necessary or would be much to her advantage to have her in the
right frame of mind concerning this matter - She has had these alternating attacks since
she was a baby - I think she was about 5 years when you gave her the other reading - but
we were never able to get the kind of treatment you suggested, at that time, here and it
was about the time that [3720] [See 3720-1] was having those horrible heart spells and I
could never take her away for the treatments and then he died and I could not afford to go
- In the last two or three years she has been growing worse and now for a year this very
month she has been in an awful fix - she went to Montgomery last August and stayed
there for 5 months under an Allergic specialist - came home Dec 23 clear as you or I was
home about 6 hours and had a date with a young man and he wrecked the car and she was
back in the hospital and in 10 days she was as bad as ever - she is having both Asthma
and Eczema both at the same time now and also trouble with her kidneys - caused of
course by the poison from Eczema or from the same cause of Eczema and Asthma - and
her nites are awful she is 20 years old now and worries about going back to college had
one year in Va. at school 1935-36 naturally that worry is against her condition so I am
appealing to you to see and tell her all that you can.
Give cause and cure of [1413]’s illness -
Will she be able to go back to College this Fall and what effect will studying have on her
Physical condition? Or will returning to college jeopardize her health?


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 21st day of July, 1937, in accordance with request made by the mother -

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Mrs. [...], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.,
recommended by Mrs. [394] and Mrs. [310].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. A Mr. and Mrs.
Edmundson from North Carolina.
Time of Reading 3: 25 to 3: 55 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Alabama.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1413]; this we have had before.
2. Now as we find, while many changes have come in the developments and in the
activities of disturbing forces, these as were first indicated are still a portion of the
complex disturbance that we find with the body in the present.
3. This disturbance while deep-seated, and is primarily a constitutional disturbance, may -
with consistent and concerted effort - be eradicated from the system; both that which
produces the asthmatic condition and the disturbance in the superficial circulation - that is
a part of the asthmatic condition - the eczema.
4. These then are the conditions as we find them with this body, [1413] we are speaking
of; and the attitude of the body and those about same is most conducive to a helpful and
an optimistic experience for all. First:
5. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this, as we find, from the very nature of the disturbances in
many portions of the body, is a humor - and is the lack of proper coordination of the
eliminating systems of the body.
6. And while very aggravating and disturbing to the body, owing to the bodily
appearance, this is much better than were the organs of the system depleted by a dis-
eased and a diseased disturbance that might have been a part of the experience if there
had not been the eruptions and the exhuming of the poisons through the abrasions.
7. But there must be, as was once given, a purifying, a clarifying of the blood stream; as
well as the relieving of the pressures in the cerebrospinal system that produce a
disturbance that makes for the condition in the bronchi and larynx, as to cause the
asthmatic condition in the respiratory system.
8. For these conditions, as has been experienced at times, vary; and that which has been
applied that eases the one (the asthma) works a hardship upon the abrasions in the bodily
forces, or causes an aggravation to the lymph circulation through accumulations of
poisons that would allay those portions of the bronchi and larynx that relieve the
asthmatic reaction.
9. Hence it may be seen from these very conditions that, while these are in the
NERVOUS REACTIONS of the body, it is a mechanical or structural pressure to a great
degree that is the primary cause of the asthmatic condition; and the combination of
disturbance to the glandular system, the accumulations of poisons in the body, the
incoordination of the superficial and the deeper circulation, that aggravate and produce
the abrasions in the superficial circulation.
HELPFUL AND BENEFICIAL, and that will bring the better conditions for this body,
11. First, we would have those adjustments - OSTEOPATHICALLY given - not only in
those areas where the effect is to the secondary and to the direct activity of the cardiac

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


plexus in the upper dorsal and through the cervical, but there must also be in the 9th
dorsal and through the last dorsal and last lumbar and sacral that alignment that relieves
the pressures upon the system.
12. So, there will be required, then, two to three treatments Osteopathically each week for
at least a period of a month to six weeks - in the first series. And we would give
WOODALL - as before - as the correct character of manipulations to be made.
13. After the period of the adjustments of a month to six weeks, rest from same for a
period of two to three weeks; then new adjustments will be made again - but then there
should be further information through these sources as to the character of the adjustments
at THAT period; when they are to be begun again.
14. Also during the whole period we would apply those influences internally that may set
the system to working with those portions of the organism that have been slow and not
developed in their nominal activity; as well as set the organs, the assimilating system, the
eliminating system to coordinate with that produced by a relieved circulation in the
15. Hence we would begin also with small quantities of Atomidine to be taken internally;
one minim each day in half a glass of water before the morning meal, for five days. After
the fifth day, leave off for three days. Then begin again with two minims each day in half
a glass of water before the morning meal, for five days. Leave off three days, then begin
again with one minim for five days. Leave off three days; then take the two minims
again, and so on - throughout the period, until further advice is given.
16. When there is the spasmodic reaction of the asthmatic condition in the respiratory
system, during the period of the manipulations and the taking of the Atomidine as
indicated, we would also take six drops of the Atomidine in a tablespoonful of water -
SIPPED! This may only be done once in six to eight hours, but let the reaction of
IODINE take place in the system; for this iodine (the Atomidine) is to CLEANSE the
system and to make for glandular reaction that has been deterred and submerged, and will
be ready for reaction when there is the release in the cerebrospinal system of nerve
pressures (which will produce at times some very disagreeable experiences in the
asthmatic condition as well as the other disturbances, which are a part of same - but these
pressures must be removed). So when there are the spasmodic reactions that produce the
asthmatic condition, take at such a time six minims of the Atomidine in a tablespoonful
of water; this sipped, not drunk but sipped - and swallow the saliva as produced by the
effect of this in the mouth. Take this large dosage, however, only when there is such an
17. As to applications externally for the irritations, as well as that taken internally, we
would use the Stearate of Zinc - not as a zinc ointment but as a powder - with the Balsam.
18. Where those portions are the most severe, as on parts of the extremity, bathe same
with a very weak antiseptic solution; that is, not an acid but an alkaline - as the Lavoris;
teaspoonful to a cup of water, and used with a tuft of cotton.
19. Then apply Cuticura Ointment on the very serious portions, after the antiseptic
solution has been used.
20. As to the DIET, we would be very precautious: Keep away from sweets, except
honey in the honeycomb may be taken once a day. No white bread, potatoes, tomatoes,
dried beans or rice.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


21. But we would eat all the fruits, nuts and vegetables - green vegetables - as may be
desired; though cooked preferably (the vegetables) in their OWN juices.
22. As to meats, only use fowl or fish. No fried foods.
23. Keep the eliminations a little above normal. Do not let a day pass without full
evacuation from the alimentary canal.
24. Owing to some of those things that have been given as sedatives, there is the
inclination for a slowing through the colon of the eliminations; and poisons arise there,
which at times produce very disturbing conditions, both to the circulation and the blood
stream as well as to the respiratory system.
25. Hence it is well that colonic irrigations, or preferably enemas, be used sufficient to
keep the eliminations a little above normal. Take them body-temperature; not too high
but sufficient to cleanse the colon. A saline solution is preferable; that is, a heaping
teaspoonful of table salt to half a gallon of water; with occasionally a pinch or a quarter
teaspoonful of baking soda added. These should be well dissolved in the water that is
body temperature. A Fountain Syringe is preferable to any force enema apparatus. These
will also make for a relieving when there are the disturbances to the body from or through
the respiratory system.
26. Do these, and when it is the period for the second series of the manipulations and
adjustments osteopathically, we would give further instructions:
27. Ready for questions.
28. (Q) Will she be able to go back to College this fall, and what effect will studying have
on her Physical condition?
(A) This condition had best be cleared from the system first. Hardly by the period of
school term, unless it is late school that begins in the latter portion of September - if these
are begun at once according to the reactions of the body. But at the next period this may
be better given than in the present.
29. We are through with this Reading.


R1. 7/25/37 Mother [...]’s letter:
Dear Mr. Cayce:
Your reading came yesterday, and I am writing to thank you also to ask some questions
rather to get things clear in my mind - I no doubt will seem dumb to you but - I gathered
from the reading that we were [to] drop the treatments here and do only what Dr.
Woodall says - yet the present treatment for adjustments she is having are given so
similar by Dr. Nona Grapes (SAME ONE WHO IS TREATING Mrs. [394]), who is a
Neuropathist also has had Osteopathy and is treating especially from the 9th dorsal thru
the last and has had [1413] on the exact diet you name for 7 months and has used
Cuticura, but not the Atomidine, she has used & is using the Colonic Irrigations you
mention exactly as told by you.
Now please do not think I am questioning you, far be [it] from me to do that but since
so many things we are doing tally with the instructions you give I just wanted to be clear
in my mind before we begin - with Dr. Woodall - Dr. Grapes treats every day and tried to
leave off treatments for every other day treatments and [1413] got worse - so I want to
make clear in my mind if you wanted Dr. Grapes manipulations stopped altogether.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Now to take [1413] to Birmingham three times a week thru the country in car in the
present condition is going to be awfully hard on her - she is [in] the throes of one of the
cycles just now and is sore all over - if I take her there and get a place to stay the diet
proposition will arise, here I prepare every ounce of her food myself - naturally she
would be more comfortable at home where I am to look after her when she is so
miserable leaving all of that out of it we are going to do what you say -
Please give me a little bit more of your time and make this a bit clearer to me -
Thanking you, in the name of suffering humanity, I am, Mrs. [...]

R2. 7/28/37 EC’s letter to Mrs. [...]:

Dear Mrs. [...]
Am just in receipt of yours of 25th, and realize what a quandary you must be in regards
the treatments for [1413].
Miss Grapes has worked with the readings on several occasions and Mrs. [394] is an
example of results. So I do not know what to advise you. Possibly this would be best -
let Miss Grapes continue for a few weeks and if you do not see marked improvements,
then take her to see Dr. Woodall, or after say three weeks, will be glad to check again on
the condition (No cost to you) and see whether the readings advise taking her to Dr.
Woodall again or not. But would be very sure that every thing else is adhered to just as
given in the reading. Show the reading to Miss Grapes, she may have some suggestion to
make, while have never met her personally, have had some correspondence and certainly
think she does excellent work. Can never say why the readings suggest some special
person at times and do not at others.
But think the above is my advise to you, study it over and hope the very best is the
outcome. For the help to [1413] is our whole desire.
Thanks and with all good wishes, and may HIS wisdom guide you ever.
Sincerely [signed] Edgar Cayce

R3. 8/20/37 See 1413-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Arts: Music of Spheres Par. 24

Asthma: Spine: Subluxations: Cured Par. 52-A, R6

Astrology: Ineffectual Par. 4, 5

: Jupiter Par. 11, 15

Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns Par. 18

Bible: Books of: Acts 10: 38 Par. 38

: I Corinthians 3: 6--7 Par. 33, 34, 50-A
: I Corinthians 6: 19 Par. 12
: Galatians 6: 7 Par. 33
: Hebrews 12: 6 Par. 50-A
: John 8: 28 Par. 12
: John 14: 20 Par. 13
: John 14: 23 Par. 13
: John 14: 26 Par. 51-A
: John 21: 15--17 Par. 32
: I John 2: 1 Par. 13
: Luke 6: 12 Par. 9, 10
: Luke 6: 38 Par. 47
: Luke 9: 28 Par. 9, 10
: Luke 10: 1--20 Par. 27--32
: Mark 4: 24 Par. 47
: Mark 6: 46 Par. 9, 10
: Matthew 7: 2 Par. 47
: Matthew 14: 23 Par. 9, 10
: Matthew 21: 24 Par. 51-A
: Matthew 25: 40 Par. 15, 16
: Matthew 25: 45 Par. 15, 16
: Philippians 2: 5 Par. 12
: Characters: Ezra Par. 35--39
: Nehemiah Par. 35--39
: Silvanus: Reincarnation Par. 27--34
Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed Par. R6
: Action & Places Par. 1
Doctors: Pike, John R.: D.O. Par. 52-A

Forces: Creative Par. 11, 12, 15

Human Relations: Counsel Par. 7, 8, 52-A

: Dis-Ease Par. 9, 10, 52-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Ideals Par. 5, 7

Incarnations: Bible: New Testament: Jesus Par. 27--34

: Old Testament Par. 35--39
: Crusades Par. 19--26
: Egypt: Ra Ta Par. 40--44
: England Par. 19--26

Karma: Psychological: Fear Par. 21--24

Life: God Par. 24

Osteopathy: Asthma Par. 52-A, R6

Psychic Development: Healing Par. 9, 10, 52-A

Soul Development: Human Relations Par. 26


Triune: Oneness Par. 25

Vocational Guidance: Ministry Par. 27--34

Will Par. 11

Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:

“Against Such There Is No Law” Par. 32
“Condemn No One” Par. 46, 47
“Kingdom Of Heaven Within” Par. 26
“Know Itself To Be Itself...” Par. 24

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 12/30/37 Mrs. [1516]’s letter: “The greater part of Dr. [1529]’s congregation is
composed of people who have problems. These people cling to him as a personality and
sap his vitality. An asthmatic condition always appears under those conditions, and Dr.
[1529] is literally forced to get away, as at present.”
B2. 1/20/38 Dr. [1529]’s letter verifying new appointment: “Thanks for giving me a
second period. Mrs. [1516]’s letter came, too late for me to join you the first time.
“I think a Life Reading would help me most. I want all the guidance I can get in my
service of many people; principally, being quite psychic, how I can defend myself more
fully and completely from possessive and over-personal souls who ‘cling’. This affects
my health, I believe.
“Any help you may give will be most gratefully received.”

TEXT OF READING 1529-1 M 62 (Teacher - School of Psychology -

Religious preference, “Divine Science”)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 4th day of February, 1938, in accordance with request made by the self -
Dr. [1529], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.,
recommended by Dr. John R. Pike [D.O.].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Born January 13, 1876 in Marengo, Iowa.
Time of Reading 4: 20 to 5: 10 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Minn.
(Life Reading Suggestion)
1. EC: (In going back over years from present - “ - ‘31 - changes in the applications of
tenets - ‘30 - ‘29 - ‘17 - again a change, of a different nature - ‘16, “ - etc., on back to
birth date.)
2. Yes, we have the records here of that entity now called [1529] - an unusual record;
many changes!
3. In giving the interpretation of the records that have been builded in the experience of
this entity in the present, as well as the sojourns in the earth in other environs and the
interims - we find influences that make for urges innate and manifested in either the
mental or the intuitive or emotional nature.
4. So far as the astrological aspects are concerned, from the present entrance and
respecting the present application of self - these would have little to do now with the
5. For the entity has in the present set standards and ideals of a spiritual nature, such that
things material, things that arise from the natures in astrological aspects have become as
null, as void.
6. That these changes have in the physical urge, then, wrought conditions that at times
war with the material body is an experience of the entity.
7. This from man’s viewpoint has not been an easy experience, yet with the ideals, with
the principles, with the policies of the entity - these hardships have become rather
GLORIOUS experiences in the entity’s consciousness of the abiding in at-onement with
the universal consciousness that manifests in the activities and tenets of the one in whom

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


experiences and associations in the material plane have builded innately and manifestedly
those spiritual understandings.
8. These understandings have been such that many another would do well to harken to the
counsels, the lessons of the entity - as it may reason one with another.
9. In the PHYSICAL reactions - the entity has experienced those periods when there was
a submerging of the abilities of the self so as to cause the entity to at times take on the
physical disturbances of others.
10. Hence it becomes necessary and behooves the entity, as He - the Master, to often
separate self from others; and to rededicate and purify self - in thought and in activity -
for the definite urges, definite undertakings that become more and more a part of the
entity’s experience.
11. From an astrological aspect we find Jupiter (though fraught with self, that the entity
has abased) having an influence that the entity must keep - not as a consciousness held,
but as a consciousness of that which has been, which IS the key to all relations of the
individual entity to that of Creative Force or God: “Not my will by Thine, O God, be
done IN and through me, day by day.”
12. And as the entity, the self, meets within the holy temple of thy soul, in thy body - as
ye raise the consciousness of the Creative Forces bearing witness - let that mind be in
thee continuously that was in Him, “Of myself I can do nothing - only as the Father
worketh in and through me,” that He may be glorified in the lives and the hearts of the
children of men.
13. For as ye have an advocate with the Father through the Son, may it ever be as He
gave, “Abide in me, as I abide in the Father,” that the love the Father hath for the children
of men may be shed abroad in their lives day by day.
14. And as this is accomplished, and as self is effaced in thy daily life, may the life of the
Son be in thee a LIVING example known of men - not for THY works but as the Father
worketh in and through thee by the grace offered thee in His Son, Jesus the Christ.
15. Then, there is the influence of the Jupiterian nature that is not only ennobling but
strengthening; making then they efforts with thy fellow men more and more a living thing
in their lives, for the understanding of their relationships to the Creative Forces and their
relationships as one to another. Thus ye manifest that consciousness of His abiding love.
16. And indeed does it become, then, “As ye do it unto the least of these, thy brethren, ye
do it unto thy Maker.”
17. Then as that thought becomes as a living thing more and more manifested in they
daily conversation, in thy daily invocation, more and more will the strength of Him that is
all power, all knowledge, be at thy understanding!
18. As to the appearances in the earth, while these are not so great in numbers (that
influence the entity in the present) they are fraught with those experiences that oft make
for the urges that arise from the emotions - as to thy relationships with thy fellow men, in
these material relationships and activities.
19. Before this, then, we find the entity was in the earth during those periods when the
overzealousness of individuals brought about the banding together of those in thy groups,
thy neighbors, thy fellow men, as ye gathered for the defense of the Holy Land - or in the
20. Then ye in the name Edelemen, from the English land, made the attempts to lead
many in that defense.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


21. Yet as these conditions became fraught with the inconsistencies that followed, they
made for periods of doubts and the attempts to protect the PHYSICAL and supply the
needs of same became a part of the experience.
22. Hence in the present, from those influences of doubts and fears, there is created the
same doubts or fears as to the sincerity of others that gather not with thee to the last jot or
23. And unless the judgements are by material standards these may become again fraught
with fears of lack of the full understanding.
24. Know, O son, that all stand as ONE with Him, who is the Creator and Maker of the
heavens and the earth! and that all those things in nature which are manifestations before
the children of men are ONE in their interpretations, in their understanding! and that Life
itself is a manifestation of God from the minutest creation to man himself! yea, that the
music, the song of the spheres are as One! and Life itself is the manifestation of that
Spirit of Creative Forces that makes each entity, each soul a portion of the Whole yet
WITH the ability - through the gift of the Father - to know itself to be itself yet one with
the Father.
25. Even as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit are one - so are Patience, Time and Space
- so are Body, Mind and Soul one in Man.
26. And it, an entity in self, finds the answer within self; for His kingdom is within. And
as ye manifest same in thy dealings with thy fellow man ye show forth the Lord’s death
till He come again.
27. Before that we find the entity lived during that period when the Master walked in the
earth, and when there were those gatherings about the Disciples and the followers, and
when the Master blessed the Seventy that were to go abroad and teach and minister to
others and preach repentance, that the day of the Lord was at hand.
28. Ye then were among that Seventy, and again on the days or Day of Pentecost ye
rededicated thyself - as Silvanus.
29. And as a teacher and a minister in the churches of lower Asia and the upper portions
of the Palestine land, ye ministered to thy fellow men; and gained and GAINED through
those experiences; bringing encouragement and hope and faith again and again into the
hearts and minds and experiences of those that from the very stumbling forces of life
from the political and social and economic forces became weak and stumbling.
30. And indeed to thee may it be accredited that in Caesarea were those followers first
called Christ-like, or Christ-ians!
31. In thy associations with the Twelve, the bishops, the deacons, ye brought counsel and
32. And so may ye in the present, even as was bidden to thy neighbor, thy brother in the
Lord. “Fed my lambs - feed my sheep.” This is the work of thy hands in the present; and
these directed not by the eye-service of man but to the oneness of purpose of desire to
bring into the hearts of men again and again HOPE, encouragement; and to SOW again
and again the seed that bear the fruits of the Spirit - patience, gentleness, kindness,
brotherly love, longsuffering! For against such there is no law.
33. For it is the law that as ye sow, so shall ye reap. And ye are the sower; but leave what
may be the results to thy Father!
34. For He alone may increase. For unless the souls be quickened by the precept and
example, and the Father calleth, how can they know Him?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


35. Before that we find the entity was in that land when there was again the preparation
for the return of the chosen to the temple and to the Holy City.
36. And the entity with Nehemiah and Ezra came into the activities, in the Holy City,
from the Persian and Chaldean land; and was an aide to Ezra in the intepreting of the
revising of the law as then found.
37. Thus in the present there is the opening of the understanding as to how the
interpretations of tenets are things to be LIVED and not held as tenets or as rote alone!
38. For as ye have learned, it is even as He - who “went about doing good.”
39. The name then was Shes-Beder.
40. Before that we find the entity was in the Egyptian land, during those periods when
there were the settlings of the disputes, or the recalling of the Priest.
41. The entity then was among those who came from the land of the banishment, and
brought with self many of the tenets of worship in that land.
42. Discouragements, disturbances arose when there were the attempts in the application
of those activities of the entity - as Ar-Tel-Jen.
43. In the experiences, though, the entity gained. For as the separations began for the
divisions among the activities, the entity then rose in power to be among those who were
what would be called today the WORKING men, or the tillers of the soil and the
harvesters of the soil; for the preservation of not only the material gains but for the
benefiting of same by culture.
44. Hence we find in the experiences of the entity those things in nature oft carrying
lessons, the imports of that which is a portion of the tenets of the entity.
45. As to the ability of the entity in the present, then, and that to which it may attain, and
46. Hold fast to that thou hast seen, thou hast heard. Keep thy own conscience in such a
way that as ye meet thyself in that ye create and build in the lives and hearts and souls of
men, ye will find NOTHING to condemn!
47. Condemn not, then, as ye would not be condemned. For with what measures ye mete
it is measured again.
48. Call thou upon thy better self in Him, and HE - thy Savior, thy Lord, thy Brother -
will SHOW thee the way! For He is the Way, the Life, the Light of men!
49. Ready for questions.
50. (Q) Shall I stress my own spiritual development, counting as secondary public work
in wider fields?
(A) Stress self-development ever. For until each soul has a PERSONAL experience -
yea, until the Lord, the Master is HIS Master - he does not indeed know.
But sow the seed of the Spirit - leave the increase to the Maker, the Creator of all. For he
whom He calls, whom He loveth, He chasteneth.
51. (Q) Can you see what direction my work should next take to make my life most
significant to others?
(A) Let Him be the guide. For as has been indicated, as ye meet Him in the temple of
thine own consciousness, so may ye be directed.
For He IS thy Lord, He IS thy Master. Let Him guide thee day by day. For He hath
promised that what ye ask, BELIEVING, ye have!
And as He hath said, “I will show you ALL things, even unto the foundations of the
world!” HE is Lord, HE is King!

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


52. (Q) Is the source of my frequent asthmatic attacks purely physical, or partly from
interference from other entities?
(A) As we find, if there would be release given of a physical or mechanical nature
[via osteopathy?] in the upper dorsal area, we would find MUCH of the ability of self
then released so as to throw off this more and more - and not become so SENSITIVE to
indecisions in others.
53. We are through for the present.


R1. 2/9/38 EC wrote Dr. [1529]:
“Am very sorry of the delay but hope you find the information as gotten at least of
interest, and that by a careful study of same gain something that will be worth while from
same. Have to admit that many, when they read information of this nature for the first
time, say it is just a jumble of words, but very few indeed but what haven’t found
something that has proven of real worth after a bit of study of the motivative forces
within their own make-up.
“I’m sure you will be one that will look at it carefully and give me your unbiased opinion
of same. If there are any questions will be glad to try and answer as best as our
experience has given us, and hope you will do just that.
“Want to thank you for your booklet. Would like to know something more of the work
and its members. Would like to be associated with same if would be an acceptable
member of the organization, and would appreciate any data in that direction.
“Hoping to hear from you, and with all good wishes in the Master’s name, “
Sincerely, Edgar Cayce

R2. 3/26/38 Mrs. [1516]’s letter: “I heard from Dr. [1529] the day he received the
reading and have not heard from him since. He is a pretty busy man, they were turning
people away at his eleven o’clock service so he has two services on Sunday morning
now, another one at 9: 45. I thought from his letter he was a little disappointed with the
reading. I was very sorry he switched from the health reading because he thinks of
everyone and their troubles and not his own. I think your suggestion that he is
handicapping his organization by condemnation and suspicion of other people is far away
from the truth, as Mr. [1539] and I see it [GD’s note: Is she referring to EC’s advice on
bottom of page 4? [1529-1, Par. 46, 47?]], and we have been friends 25 years. We think
he is really gullible, but I am hoping he takes the time to digest the reading. I think he
would like a little more of suggestions for the future, evidently he is not sure of his next
move. However, he wrote a very nice letter. He ends his letter saying: ‘I am not
disappointed in the reading particularly, for the chances are that these are the essential
points for growth and that they will lead to the proper guidance and unfoldment which I
doubt whether any person can foresee.’“

R3. 3/3/43 Dr. [1529] acknowledged receiving a copy of THERE IS A RIVER from
Hugh Lynn Cayce, saying he hoped to read it soon and perhaps review it in the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


R4. 4/43 Dr. [1529] wrote HLC reporting on his reading and saying that he had not paid
much attention to it and did not really know what he had until THERE IS A RIVER and
A SEARCH FOR GOD, Book I, came out. Unfortunately, this letter was misplaced
during the war rush. I (GD) think Edgar Cayce passed it around so much that he didn’t
get it back. We had no method of duplicating except to retype.

R5. 11/30/50 Dr. [1529]’s letter to Hugh Lynn Cayce:

MANY MANSIONS is sure to be in every way an epic making book. Like J. P. Rhine’s
“New Frontiers of the Mind” it dares to enter a field of research, which the scientific
minds of our day have held was impossible of scientific investigation.
In this book for the first time, so far as I know, Gina Cerminara has made a genuinely
scientific attempt to set down the facts, with ample proof, which lead her to believe that
the theories of Karma and of Reincarnation may now be considered as scientifically
demonstratable laws. Personally, my mind has always been closed to the much writing
upon these two subjects, believing that the whole field was nebulous and that there was
insufficient evidence to make it worthy of serious consideration.
MANY MANSIONS has opened the doors of my thought to the reasonableness of both
of these principles, and has through the evidence drawn from the Cayce manuscripts,
forced me to see that these principles are not only reasonable, but that the evidence here
presented shows them to be inevitably present in the wider universe around us.
There may be some who will read these thrilling pages, as a few psychologists have read
J. P. Rhine, and still say, “Unproved!” Nevertheless to thousands of honest minds these
carefully documented chapters will open a new world, and show acceptable proof for
believing in the continuity of man’s life, and the reasonableness of the principle of
In addition to the profoundly scientific implications of this volume, the book has a quality
of interestingness quite as compelling as a latest best seller in the field of fiction. [1529]

R6. 12/5/51 Dr. [1529] wrote that he and his wife [GD’s note: He was unmarried at the
time of his reading] were reading again the Cayce books “and they grow upon us,
particularly the latest one... Do you think I would dare to request a copy of the reading
which he gave me so many years ago? I have lost the original copy and would be most
happy to review it and to find what new lessons may come out of it now that the years
have rolled around. I know that it did help me tremendously at the moment and led to my
being entirely free from the difficulties about which I had written.
“I would also be glad to know if the files have the letter which Mr. Cayce wrote to me,
asking to know more about our School, and hazard a guess that perhaps we might have
mutual interests and might be able to serve together. I can’t remember the sentences, but
have had a feeling many times since that they should have rung a bell in my mind and
heart, and that it did not I now have deep regrets that they did not waken me.” [12/11/51
GD’s note: I sent a copy of his Life Reading and a copy of Mr. Cayce’s letter dated

R7. 12/28/52 GD’s note: Dr. [1529] and his wife have been very cooperative in
announcing A.R.E. programs in his area, even introducing speakers for us, during the past

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Acidity: Asthma Par. 12

Air: Exercise: Asthma Par. 23
: Oxygen: Par. 23
: Pines-Sand-Sea: Par. 23, 30-A--32-A
Assimilations: Eliminations: Incoordination:
Asthma Par. 10, 12, 25
Circulation: Impaired: Asthma Par. 9, 12

Cold: Congestion: Acidity Par. 13

Cycles: Treatment Par. 18

Diet: Asthma Par. 20, 22

: Vitamins: Codiron: Asthma Par. 22
Digestion: Indigestion: Catarrh Par. 14
Environment: Canada: Not Recommended Par. 31-A, 34-A
: Climate: Asthma Par. 23, 30-A, 31-A
: Florida Par. 32-A
: Virginia: Virginia Beach Par. 23, 30-A
Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 32-A
Heredity: Influences: Prenatal: Asthma Par. 7, 8
Hormones: Blood: Asthma Par. 16
Inhalants: Pine Oil: Asthma Par. 23, 30-A
Injuries: Birth: After Effects: Asthma Par. 7, 8
Osteopathy: Asthma Par. 17, 18, 28-A, 29-A
Pancreas: Asthma Par. 10
Physiology & Anatomy: Asthma Par. 7--14, 17, 29-A, 34-A
Prescriptions: Calcidin: Asthma Par. 29-A
: Calcios Par. 21
Prophecy: Prognosis: Asthma Par. 16, 26, 29-A, 32-A,
Spine: Subluxations Par. 11, 17, 29-A
Temperature: Fever: Asthma Par. 5, 21
Work: E.C.: Readings: Physical: Not Followed Par. R3, R4

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 22nd day of April, 1939, in accordance with request made by the mother
- Mrs. [...], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.,
recommended by Mrs. [1102].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [1867]’s Mother.
R E A D I N G At home, Time of Reading ... Street, 11: 30 to 12: 00
Noon - Eastern Standard Time. Va. Bch., Va.
1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also
suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions that may be
submitted, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1867].
3. Now as we find, there are disturbing conditions which prevent the normal
developments through portions of the system; affecting in the development the
functioning of organs as related to the respiratory system, the bronchi, larynx; involving,
of course, the natural flow through the lung circulation, the soft tissue in throat, the head,
- and the natural result of same at times easily upsetting the digestive and assimilating
4. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [1867].
5. The blood supply in the present indicates the presence of temperature, as well as some
inflammation through throat and the larynx.
6. In the nervous system, as we find, are the sources or causes of the disturbance.
7. In those periods of gestation, and presentation at birth, there were those portions of the
system hindered in the cerebrospinal portion; especially through the lumbar, the sacral,
and in the 9th dorsal center there were hindrances in the segments assuming their normal
8. These, through the supplying of the nerve energies to portions of the system, produced
a condition where the spasmodic reactions as in the bronchi and lung cause the asthmatic
9. This has hindered a perfect circulation, producing at times such a cutting off of the
clarification through the oxidization of the blood flow through the lungs and the bronchi
as to hinder normal development; producing in those areas such a weakening to the blood
stream itself as to reduce the quantity of the blood cells that should carry even to the
afflicted portions the abundant supply sufficient for the carrying on of the normal
10. This calls for, or produces in the liver and the areas in the digestive system a strain
upon the pancreas, the spleen AND the activity of the lacteal action of assimilation.
11. All of these arise from hindrances in the areas where subluxations in the
cerebrospinal system cause deflection of the conditions, or the impulses for activity.
12. Rarely, then, have the lower lobes of the lungs themselves been expanded sufficiently
to carry the full flow even of the QUANTITY of blood through the body for its

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


purification; thus again causing congestion through those areas in the hepatic circulation,
both upper and lower, as to produce the spasmodic reaction in the bronchi and larynx and
at times the whole of the respiratory system - when there is an unbalancing or an excess
13. At times when inflammation from cold or congestion has extended to the soft tissue
of the palate, as well as to the antrum and portions of the nasal passages, - this then
causes excess acid.
14. And with the dripping, or the exhuming of the inflammation becoming a part of the
gastric flow, it upsets and produces the cycle of indigestion, - or the lack of proper
digestion owing to excess quantities of such fluids through the alimentary canal.
15. All of these have been and are a portion of the conditions as we find with this
developing body, [1867].
16. Now as we find - these conditions may be ENTIRELY eliminated. It will require
patience, persistence, care, and those precautions as to the diet, as to the activities, as to
those properties in the system as will work with that portion of the assimilating system as
well as the activity of the organs of the body to produce not only sufficient but rather a bit
of excess, so that there may be resistances builded, - increasing the quantity as well as
quality of the blood supply, - but keeping the proper balance between the hormones or the
activity of the leucocyte and the red blood and the lymph activity through the system.
17. Those corrective measures that have been made thus far, osteopathically, are
assisting, - but there needs to be, as we find, rather the SPECIFIC centers given more
consideration and not so much of a GENERAL treatment; more of those through the
lumbar, the sacral and to the 9th dorsal need attention; coordinating rather then those
from the cervical to the 6th and 7th dorsal center WITH the corrections in the lumbar,
sacral and coccyx area.
18. These first - the manipulations or osteopathic treatments - should be given rather in a
series; having periods when they are given, and periods when there is rest from same, -
that is: given about six to ten treatments, and then a rest of three to four weeks without
any, then begin again, and these continued in such a way or manner through the whole of
the period from the present until September or October.
19. As these conditions are gradually released in those areas (lumbar, sacral and coccyx),
there may be the supplying through the activity of the assimilating system of those
influences as to keep that normal balance necessary in order that resistance may be built
up, as well as sufficient supply for the developing and development of the growing body.
20. Hence during the period - WITH those diets that have been and are found to be those
that keep the better balance through the system - we would add these:
21. As the necessary elements, and for the assimilating of same in such manners as to
stimulate the circulatory system and eliminate those tendencies for the inflammation - or
temperature - we would give Calcios. These elements may be best found in Calcios; this
given about once each day, the quantity that would be spread (as butter) upon a whole
wheat wafer or the like.
22. Then also we would add the vitamins as may be best found in the compound known
as Codiron; this carrying the correct proportions of the cod liver oil, iron, and the
vitamins A, Ba, - and D and G. These are in the correct proportions for this body to take;
one of such pellets WITH the morning meal and one with the evening meal, see? for the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


23. Then the daily activities: keep in the open air, - sea, sand and pines. These should be
a regular routine for the body when weather permits at all, because the assimilation of the
pine oils, especially during the early spring and summer season, will add materially to the
activities through the respiratory system - as the other applications are made.
24. Understand, - these are to be ALL or none. For one is dependent upon the other.
25. Keep the eliminations near normal. Watch the activities of the kidneys as well as the
alimentary canal, that there are not congestions or disturbance to the organs through these
periods of corrective measures for this body.
26. Do these, - and we should find - by the fall periods - the near to normal conditions
through this body, [1867].
27. Ready for questions.
28. (Q) What osteopath in Norfolk would you recommend for these treatments?
(A) Anyone that would make the corrections according to the suggestions that are
here given.
29. (Q) When the asthmatic attacks come, what should be done to relieve same?
(A) Take Calcidin, - this dissolved in a little water, - one to five grains in an ounce to
two ounces of water - this kept warm and a little bit sipped every fifteen to twenty
minutes - will allay as well as relieve disturbances.
But if these corrections are made AS INDICATED, the attacks should not come.
It is understood, to be sure, that the impulses to the bronchi are received from the
upper dorsal and through the cervical areas of the cerebrospinal system; but these are
SECONDARY! IF those lesions in the coccyx, sacral and to the 9th dorsal are removed,
then those applications for the adjustments through the upper portions will become
almost the NORMAL adjustments in themselves!
30. (Q) Should we take the house at Virginia Beach for a year, or move to Norfolk?
(A) Keep where there is sea, sand and pine! Virginia Beach would be better. There
is no better place, if the body will be kept on the sands and in the pines occasionally, as
has been indicated!
31. (Q) Would the Doctor in Canada benefit her, or is there someone else?
(A) Do these as we have indicated, if we would bring the normal conditions. Why go
to Canada, where the change in the climatic conditions, as well as the other influences,
would NOT be well for the body!
32. (Q) Should we plan to spend the winter in Florida, or two weeks?
(A) If the conditions are carried out as we have indicated - consistently, persistently,
prayerfully - there needs be no consideration of the kind other than that which would be
for the general benefit of the body.
33. (Q) Any further advice?
(A) Do these, if we would bring the better forces for this body.
34. (Q) Does the doctor in Canada really cure asthma?
(A) About one in ten, yes, - where there are the needs for the corrections upon those
portions of the body producing pressures, he relieves. Where these have become those
conditions that are constitutional, and are dependent upon organs’ activity, no.
All of these are taken into consideration with this individual body, [1867] - in that we
have outlined here.
Do THESE, and we will find the relief desired.
35. We are through for the present.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R1. 5/25/39 Report by Gena L. Crews, D.O.: “The reading described [1867]’s asthma
condition perfectly. In my opinion the treatment suggested is proper for her condition.
She has been under my care from May 4th to the present time. Results have been good,
but a severe cold has retarded progress to some extent.”

R2. 3/15/40 Father referred Mr. [2146] for a Physical Reading.

R3. 6/40 Report by IMG: “I called on [1867]’s mother asking for a report. After talking
with her I discovered that she had not followed the reading suggestions longer than a
three months period. The child is still suffering with asthma.”

R4. 5/12/60 GD’s note: Apparently the parents’ attitude was not conducive to sticking to
the strict schedule according to the reading. The father admitted that he did not believe in
the reading, and the mother did not like to “stay put” in one place. They did go to Florida
instead of remaining in Virginia Beach the time specified.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Asthma Par. 6

Electrotherapy: Vibrator: Asthma Par. 5

Eyes: Asthma Par. 8-A

Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Asthma Par. 6, 9-A

: Balsam, Canadian: Par. 6, 9-A
: Benzosol: Par. 6, 9-A
: Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 6, 9-A
: Pine Oil: Par. 6, 9-A

Injuries: Accidents: Asthma Par. 3, 7-A

Lesions: Asthma Par. 3, 4

Osteopathy: Asthma Par. 5

Prophecy: Prognosis: Asthma Par. 6, 9-A, 10-A

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 11th day of April, 1923.
Edgar Cayce; Alf Butler (?), Conductor; Fay Autry (?), Steno. Miss [2245].
Time of Reading 12: 00 Noon. ..., Texas.
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here. (Give special attention to the asthmatic condition).
Now we find there are some abnormal conditions in this body that produce the asthmatic
condition, and we have the effect that this condition has produced within this system.
The affect is to the nerve forces, the functioning of the organs, the lungs themselves and
bronchials and the effect produced in the circulation.
2. Now, these are conditions as we find them in this body, [2245], we are speaking of
here in this room: In the circulation the blood supply we find the body very well
balanced in the circulation, though the effect as produced in the circulation shows the
distress rather of portions of the circulation at times and the effect the circulation
produces on the heart action proper, though not an organic condition, either of blood or
heart action as yet, see.
3. The nervous forces in the system are very good, though the abnormal condition
produced in the body giving the predisposition to the system here we find at the 6th and
8th dorsal the lesion that has caused the change in flow of blood to the lungs proper,
especially, if the body is reclining, see. This lesion we find is of the lateral nature and
was produced by some accident to the body, apparently in a fall or wrench, see.
4. The condition of the organs themselves through the action of the sensory organism we
find from this same strain to the system, they have been affected more than at present, for
with the natural conditions being attempted to be adjusted in the system the body
gradually grew to better use of these organs, as the cycles developed in the system, but
has left the effect to the secondary cardiac plexus that gives the expression to the lungs,
the larynx in the blood flow and causes, with the action of the nerves, the spasmodic
condition of the lungs themselves in their functioning, so that the blood supply in an
entrance to the lungs produces the pressure on the larynx as to give the higher flow of
blood on account of the pressure on the nerves of the cardiac plexus and secondary
5. To give the relief for this condition in this body we would use the electric driven
vibrator along the dorsal and cervical region of the body from the first cervical to the
twelfth dorsal, with especial deep manipulation along the region of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th dorsal on either side, see. This should be taken each evening for five to ten
minutes time. For the local condition of the bronchials and larynx, use this as an
6. To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol, add:
Eucalyptus Oil..............20 minims,
Benzosol.....................5 minims,
Canadian Balsam..............5 minims,
Oil of White Pine............5 minims.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


This is to be shaken well when used and at times, heated so evaporation will take place
faster. The fumes are to be inhaled through the mouth, not taken internally. Do that and
with the vibration we will find we will relieve entirely this condition. Beware of eating
sweets while this is being taken - not meats much at any time and never hog meat or
pork. Do that, [2245] here in this room.
7. (Q) Mr. Cayce, when did [2245] have the fall that caused the asthmatic condition?
(A) The asthmatic condition has been the development from the condition the fall
produced, which was when the body was about five or six years old, you see.
8. (Q) Mr. Cayce, please give special attention to her eyes.
(A) We have given these conditions, see. With the correction of the condition
producing the strain to all of the organs of the sensory system and the relieving of the
pressure causing the condition through the lungs, we will improve all of this condition in
this body, [2245]. Do that as we have given if we would correct this condition.
9. (Q) How often should this body inhale these fumes, Mr. Cayce?
(A) As often as necessary to relieve the condition. When they present themselves, that
is, the condition, inhale the fumes and it will relieve. With the vibrations we will
gradually remove that which will produce the condition, see.
10. (Q) How long will it take her to get permanent relief, if this treatment is followed out
as prescribed, Mr. Cayce?
(A) Three to four moons.
11. (Q) Have you anything further just now to say on this case, Mr. Cayce?
(A) Do that as we have given for this condition.



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Assimilations: Poor Par. 7


Diet: Asthma Par. 18--25

: Citrus & Cereal Par. 20

Doctors Suggested: Richardson, Martyn L.: D.O. Par. 16, R3


Headache Par. 27

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 26


Osteopathy: Asthma Par. 15, 16

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Glands Par. 10--12, 27

: Bismuth, Milk of: Assimilations Par. 14
: Magnesia, Milk Of: Acidity Par. 17
: Pepsin, Elixir Of Lactated: Assimilations Par. 13, 14

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation





This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 31st day of December, 1940, in accordance with request made by the self
- Mr. [2424], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.,
recommended by Mr. [584].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [2424], his wife and
Time of Reading 3: 50 to 4: 10 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia.
1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also
suggestions for help and relief of this body. You will answer the questions, as I ask
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2424].
3. Now as we find, there are disturbing conditions that prevent the better normal
functioning. From the very nature of the disturbances, there may appear to be a great
deal of trouble. This, because of the very nature and source of the disorder, has brought
disturbing factors at various times to many portions of the functioning system.
4. But with the correction of the causes, we will find that most of these will disappear;
and the body will gradually return to a near normal physical functioning.
5. The sources of the disturbance, as we find, are primarily of a glandular nature. Hence
the unbalancing of the metabolism of the system; at times the apparent disorder in the
blood pressure, blood flow, and the organs themselves - as in the respiratory system AND
the assimilating system, as well as organs of the sensory forces have functioned and do
function under distresses.
6. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, [2424] we are speaking
of, present in this room:
7. The blood supply indicates those disturbances of the nature in which there is the
involvement at times of poor assimilation, at others poor distribution of that assimilated;
nervous reactions that bring about conditions in which anxieties are created in the activity
of organs, - as the respiratory system, the activities through the sensory system. The
vision at times becomes disturbing, the hearing at others, the activities of the kidneys and
at others the digestive forces and the liver activity.
8. As we find, SOURCES then are in the glandular system and reflected in the activity of
the organs of the body; as well as specific lesions that have been formed in the cerebro-
spinal system from the activities which have been brought about between the nervous
systems of the body.
9. Hence the needs that preparations be made for the corrective measures to be brought
about, through the application of influences to create first a cleansing of the glands as
related to their activity.
10. Begin first, then, to take one minim (drop) of Atomidine in half a glass of water each
morning, before any meal is taken. Take it in this manner each day for five days.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


11. Then begin with two minims each day for five days.
12. Leave off then, entirely.
13. And begin to take at each meal, while the meal is being eaten, five drops of Elixir of
Lactated Pepsin stirred in a little water. This is to change the activity of the assimilations
through the digestive system.
14. Every fifth day, while the Pepsin is being taken, you see, take also a teaspoonful of
Milk of Bismuth stirred in a full glass of water; this preferably taken of morning.
15. After this has been taken, then on the next day - that is, the sixth day, - begin with
adjustments, osteopathically administered; especially in those centers of the brachial
plexus for the respiratory system, the bronchi, the larynx; and the head and neck as for
the flow to and from the organs of the sensory system, - the eyes, the ears, the nose and
the facial forces; that drainages will be set up.
16. We would administer some sixteen such adjustments; and we would recommend
Richardson. Do not begin these, however, until the system has been first cleansed in the
manner indicated.
17. During the period that the osteopathic treatments are taken, we would also take each
day a small quantity of Milk of Magnesia, - say a teaspoonful to two teaspoonsful. This
is to produce better alkalinity, with better eliminations.
18. Then as to the diet.
19. DO NOT eat hog meat of ANY kind, save a little crisp breakfast bacon if so desired.
20. Have plenty of citrus fruits at ALL times, but do not eat cereals - either dried or
cooked - at the same meal when citrus fruit is taken.
21. Beware of much potatoes, or too much fats of any kind.
22. Use rather fish, fowl and lamb as the meats, but never ANY of these fried; rather
roasted, boiled, broiled, baked or the like - these should be the manners of preparation.
23. Have plenty of leafy vegetables rather than the dried. Tomatoes should be especially
taken, but raw rather than cooked; that is, those canned and eaten just as they are when
taken from the can are preferable, in most cases, to those that are shipped or fresh.
24. Plenty of lettuce and celery.
25. No apples save cooked; these may be prepared in sauce, or roasted, baked or the like.
26. As we find, if these are adhered to - consistently, persistently - they will bring near to
normal forces of this body.
27. Do EACH of these in the ORDER indicated. For, each has its place. To be sure, first
the Atomidine will at times cause the headaches to appear more severe (that have been a
part of the disturbance), more of the burning at times of eyes, and the fullness; but hold to
the manner of administration as indicated, and we will find these will bring the better
28. The periods for the digestive forces being changed with the properties indicated are
necessary also, as the purifying of the glandular forces, BEFORE the adjustments are
made. For, all will then work together for corrective forces for the body.
29. We are through for the present. [See 2424-1, Par R1.]

(Atomidine may be secured from Meredith’s, 17th St., Va. Beach, or Burrow-Martin’s.
See extra sheet [which was enclosed] of directions for Dr. M. L. Richardson.)

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R1. Remarks after Rdg. [2424-1]; feels it covered the condition rather thoroughly; it is
what the doctors call asthma, tho he has it most of the time, especially when taking the
least cold; glands in throat swell and face, breathing difficult, eyes burn, face feels
swollen and sore, etc.

R2. 4/15/41 He referred Mrs. [2479] for a Physical Rdg.

R3. 12/14/42 Case Report:

Virginia, Date of Reading 12/31/40
Case No. 2424-1
Note: As a research organization we are endeavoring to make a thorough study of
psychic information in relation to human ailments. We will deeply appreciate your
cooperation in securing a thorough report on this case.
Name Mr. [2424] ..., Va.
(1) (A) Did the Reading presented to you describe the condition of the patient? (b)
Explain any variation. (c) Give technical diagnosis. (A) Yes. (b) [No response] (c)
Bronchial Asthma. Bronchial cough. Reflex Sub. occipital lobe.
(2) Were the suggestions for treatment in your opinion proper for this condition? Yes.
(3) For what period of time has the patient followed directions given in the Reading
under your care? Took treatment - Jan. 21, 1941 to May 7, 1941.
(4) What results have you observed? Great relief. Although my records have no note of
complete cure.
Date Dec. 14, 1942 Signed M. L. Richardson

R4. 5/9/63 GD’s note: Mr. [2424] lived to be 71 years of age.

R5. 1/29/70 His daughter visited A.R.E. to read Mr. [2424]’s rdg., saying that her son
also has asthma and she thought perhaps the same tr. suggested for her father might help

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Diet: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 15-A

Doctors: Dobbins, Frank P.: D.O. Reports



Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 7

Work: E.C.: Readings: Physical: Impressions Par. 2

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 5/26/42 Father, Mr. [2754], requested help for the child and his friend, Mr. [257]
wrote: “[2754]’s little boy is very, very ill and the doctors do not seem to be getting very
far and he is very much worried over his condition: What caused the first attacks? Has
the climate anything to do with these conditions? Is there anything he is allergic to,
which we can prevent? What doctor in N.Y. is best qualified for treating the conditions
of this body? How can we improve his mental attitude?”


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of May, 1942, in accordance with request
made by the father - Mr. [2754], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research &
Enlightenment, Inc., through Mr. [257].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time of Reading 10: 35 to 10: 45 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., New York.
1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also
suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: While we do not find the body present at this address in the moment, we have
those desires, purposes and conditions as surround same.
3. These conditions, as we find, arise from subluxations existent that were once minor in
their nature, but that have developed so that lesions have formed. These are evidenced in
the condition existent in body in 2nd and 3rd cervical, 6th and 7th dorsal, and also there
is a lesion in the area of the lacteal duct plexus.
4. We find that these cause weaknesses which prevent a normal reaction when
assimilations are taking place through the body.
5. Thus there is a nervous contraction in the body at times, when - from the conditions -
there is almost the loss or lapse of coordinating activities through the body.
6. Those administrations that are at present being made may, or may not, aid in
preventing the recurrent attacks of this loss of control. This will be dependent upon the
manner in which there is the controlling of the appetites of the body, as to food values,
during the periods.
7. But as we find, if there will be those corrections made in the cerebrospinal system,
through the areas indicated, by mechanical (osteopathic) means - AND the applications -
these would make for responses that may eliminate the causes, as well as the sources and
the reactions in the body.
8. These, then, we would do; though - if there is the desire on the part of those who are
responsible for this body and its development - the present administrations may be
carried on until they are convinced that these do not wholly react.
9. But these applications as we have suggested would insure better conditions, if carried
10. Do that.
11. Ready for questions.
12. (Q) When did this condition first start?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) As indicated, this was from a minor mal-adjustment - or that condition which
caused a subluxation first in the area of the 6th and 7th dorsal.
13. (Q) What caused the first attacks?
(A) Just put these together and, as we can find, they come from those conditions
produced by the forming of lesions - as development and changes come about in the
nervous system as related to activities especially of assimilation, that takes place from the
lacteal plexus in the area here in the right side.
14. (Q) When the attacks take place, how can they be stopped promptly?
(A) They may not be stopped promptly. There can be the removal of the SOURCES
of these, and then the applications as now being attempted may have the greater or proper
effect upon the system.
15. (Q) What diet should the body have?
(A) That which is body-building but never too great a quantity of meats or fats.
16. (Q) Has the climatic condition anything to do with these conditions?
(A) It has little or nothing to do with the disturbance.
Do those things as we have suggested, for the better conditions for this body.
17. We are through for the present.


R1. 5/30/42 GD’s note: Mr. [257] told me today that the child is very spoiled, won’t eat -
troubled with asthma.

R2. 6/9/42 Father [2754]’s letter: “I am in receipt of your health reading for my boy,
[2755], and I marvel at the accuracy of your diagnosis in spite of the fact that [2755] was
not home at the time.
“I took him to Dr. Dobbins’, who upon reading your letter immediately told me what the
child was suffering from.
“The boy has asthmatic attacks periodically and Dr. Dobbins is treating him for same.
However, he is having considerable difficulty in making the adjustments, but we hope in
due time they will be affected.
“If you will refer to your files you will find that I signed up as a member many years ago,
at which time I paid the membership fee of $20. I am therefore enclosing herewith check
for $10 to cover this reading.
“I will keep you informed as to the results of the various treatments. Best wishes for your
good work.” [2754]
“P.S. Can I use a chiropractor instead of an osteopath?”

R3. 6/11/42 EC wrote: “Thank you for the report on the young man. It is very strange to
us that at times when one is not found at home, or at the address specified, nothing will
be given and at other times a very good reading will be obtained, as you say was done
“I think, Mr. [2754], it is best to follow the suggestions indicated. While there might be
some chiropractors who might do the work, there is a vast difference, as you doubtless
know, in their treatments as well as in charges. I believe I would have the corrections
made by Dr. Dobbins; there isn’t a better to be had.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


“Will appreciate it if you will let me know how he comes along, and if we can be of
further help know that we are glad to try.”

R4. 7/6/42 Father [2754] wrote: “With reference to my son, [2755], I wish to report that
he has had ten treatments by Dr. Dobbins with apparently no results.
“He gets his attacks every night between the hours of 3 and 7 a.m. notwithstanding. It
seems to me that because these attacks take place at night that there is something in the
room in which he sleeps that brings this on. Is there any way in which you can check on
this and notify me as quickly as possible?
“I know you are interested in your cases, which is the reason why I am writing you and
making this important request.” [2754]
“P.S. This question was one of those that I asked in my original request for a reading, but
was not answered. The question pertained to allergies.”

R5. 7/10/42 EC gave check reading 2755-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Allergies Par. 9-A, 10-A


Clairvoyance of E.C. Par. 2

Doctors: Coulter, George N.:D.O. Par. R2


Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 4, 7

Prescriptions: Benzoin, Compound Tincture of:

Asthma Par. 5

Psychosomatics: Asthma Par. 9-A--11-A

Sedation: Not Recommended Par. 5

Work: E.C.: Readings: Physical: Impressions Par. 2

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. See 2755-1, for asthma.


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 10th day of July, 1942, in accordance with request made by the father -
Mr. [2754], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
R E A D I N G At Pierce Country Time of Reading Day Camp, ..., 3:50
to 4:00 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., N.Y.
1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with further
suggestions for corrective measures; answering the questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: We don't locate the body here - we have the impressions here, from those
suggestions that have been indicated.
3. As we find, while there has been a relaxation in the area of the upper dorsal and
through the cervical, this does not prevent the asthmatic spasms. But neither has there
been the full adherence to just the suggestions indicated.
4. But these should bring bettered conditions for this body, if there will be kept the
osteopathic adjustments in the upper dorsal and through the cervical, AND break up those
lesions as indicated in the lacteal duct area, and stimulate - rather than relax - those
reactions from the lumbar center.
5. When there are the spasms of the asthmatic condition, - then, rather than those things
that have been attempted, which carry more of sedatives, we would give internally three
to five drops of Compound Tincture of Benzoin. This is not habit forming and will aid in
relaxing the body. This may be put in water or taken as is, see?
6. These should help and bring better conditions.
7. But DO break up those lesions and adhesions in the lacteal duct portion of the
abdomen, and stimulate the lumbar as well as those relaxations being made in the dorsal
and cervical areas.
8. Do that.
9. (Q) Since the asthmatic attacks seem to occur every night between the hours of 3 and 7
a.m., is there something in the room in which he sleeps that brings on these attacks?
(A) It is not that sometimes called an allergy. It is more of the mental, but comes from
the associations in the mind rather than physical things.
10. (Q) Is there any particular thing to which he is allergic?
(A) Mostly to himself and his family!
But, as indicated, it is not THINGS that he is allergic to - it's conditions!
11. (Q) What particular warnings should the parents have to guard and guide the body?
(A) As indicated, do these things - and then keep those activities such that there is
constructive thinking on the part of the body.
12. We are through for the present.
R2. 1/14/45 Dr. Geo. N. Coulter's reply to questionnaire in re [2755]: “This individual never came to me
for treatment.”
R3. 12/16/72 Mr. [2755]'s brother, Dr. [...], D.C., requested that a copy of 2755-1 and 2755-2 be sent to
him and to Mr. [2755].

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Allergies: Animals Par. 37-A


Bible: Books Of: II Timothy 1: 12 Par. 15

Dermatitis: Toxemia Par. 11

Diet: Glands Par. 20--24, 37-A

Doctors Suggested: Irvin, C.W.: D.O. Par. 17

Eliminations: General Par. 26--30


Exercise: Swimming Par. 36-A

Glands: Spine: Subluxations Par. 5, 7, 10, 13, 18

Humor Par. 39-A

Ideals: Belief Par. 15

Osteopathy: Relaxation Par. 16

Prescriptions: Alcohol: Eliminations Par. 25--30

: Atomidine: Glands Par. 19
: Figs, Syrup Of: Eliminations Par. 25
: Honey: Par. 25--30
: Pumpkin Seeds: Par. 25--30
: Rochelle Salts: Par. 25--30
: Senna Syrup: Par. 25--30
Psychosomatics: Spine: Subluxations Par. 14, 38-A



Vertigo: Spine: Subluxations Par. 35-A

Work: E.C.: Formulas: Eliminations Par. 26--30

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. Mother indicated the child had suffered severely from asthma since she was 3 years


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of June, 1943, in accordance with request
made by the mother - Mrs. [3407], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research and
Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [3053] and mother,
Time of Reading 3: 30 to 4: 00 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Virginia.
1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also
suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3053].
3. Now as we find, while there are many disturbing conditions with this body, these in the
present are not so serious as they may appear from that as might be given, as to the
dependency of one condition upon another.
4. But these may grow to be some very serious disturbances, unless corrections are made
very soon; that is, within the next year to eighteen months.
5. However, these we find produced by very definite causes, so that the pathological
conditions might easily be determined by one making an examination of the structural
portions of the body and their relationships to the functioning of a developing body AND
the glands of the body.
6. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, [3053] we are speaking
of, present in this room:
7. In the blood supply we find those inclinations for the blood to contain some of these
conditions that should be eliminated through regular channels of either the alimentary
canal or in the activity of the liver and such activities for the elimination of drosses or
poisons, or toxic conditions of the body.
8. This, we find, has been brought on by pressures that exist in the cerebrospinal system;
which has set up definite inclinations, in the activity of glands, functioning organs and
their relationships to the activity of gland forces, and the like.
9. In times back, when the body was much younger than in the present, we find that there
was a pressure produced in the 2nd and 3rd and 4th dorsal center. These are crossed; that
is, one is upon the left side of the body, or of the spinal center, and the other is upon the
right. These have deflected impulses, as of coordinating ganglia that supply impulses to
portions of the trachea and bronchi, in the upper circulation - and as supplies to the first
activity of the duodenum AND the jejunum in their relationships to emptying stomach
and alimentary canal in upper portions.
10. These, as we find, are resultant conditions that are gradually manifesting themselves
with this body. These are the sources of that disturbance physically that causes the
activity to be slowed; so that the accumulations as of lymph or of mucous in the area of

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


the bronchi, larynx, as well as upper portion of lungs, are produced by this slowing of
coordinated activity in the glands of the body - as related to assimilation.
11. Hence we have a tendency towards constipation, as well as poor eliminations
indicated in the superficial circulation, causing those tendencies for disfigurements or
blemishes that occur on face or parts of the body.
12. These, then, are forcing the respiratory and perspiratory system to become
overburdened by these constant stresses. Hence we find the body easily tires out at times.
There is a fullness felt in the throat and bronchi and larynx, that at times extends to the
antrum area, as well as in the activities of the physical forces to the tongue and the
digestive forces through the body.
13. Naturally, with the age of the body and the portions of the glandular force being
affected, these tend to produce disturbance that also contributes to the circulation, owing
to its deflection in those areas affected; which may produce for the body those periods of
a siege of hindrances, as it were, as the body-forces develop.
14. In the activity of the nervous systems at this period, we find that while there is
harmony, unity of activity and purpose, the body may react very well. When there are
resentments, or a misconstruing of purposes and desires of the body, the entity mentally
and physically becomes very much depressed.
15. But know in Whom as well as in what ye believe. It may appear that these are being
minimized, from the necessity of the activities of the physical being, as to the effects that
may be produced in this body.
16. We would add to the activities of the body, then, those chemical forces to create a
balance, in addition to the corrective measures given by a good osteopath. And give the
body the relaxing, not the stimulating character of adjustments or treatments.
17. For this particular body, we would suggest Irvin as the better.
18. When this is done, and there is the use of sufficient of a stimuli in those forms of
stimulations for the glands and the activity of the body, these will naturally bring bettered
conditions in the mental, - and this reacts in the physical forces of the body.
19. Once a month it would be well for this body to take Atomidine. Take one minim
(drop) in half a glass of water each morning before breakfast for five days. Then leave
off until about the same period next month, and so on, see?
20. As to the diet, - keep to those things that are body building, that are purifying and that
keep the glands clear, especially.
21. Sometime each day have some part of the meal consisting of raw, fresh vegetables.
22. Do take a great deal of white potatoes, yellow potatoes, yams, turnips, beets, carrots,
and all those things that grow under the ground. There should be about two of these to
one of those of a leafy nature - for instance, such as cabbage or spinach or the like.
Onions will be well for the body, but don’t try to eat them raw - cook them!
23. As to meats, - have plenty of seafoods at least twice a week, and fowl and lamb
occasionally. These should be the meats.
24. Keep the body well alkalized. Do keep the eliminations well; not by using drugs so
much as by the use of fruits and juices of various kinds.
25. When necessary to take a laxative, use either Syrup of Figs, or a tea made from Senna
Leaves or Senna Pods, or a Syrup of Senna with Honey.
26. Here we may give for the body a very good eliminant, from which might be gathered
that as would be good for children, babies, and grown-ups.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


27. Make a fusion of Senna; that is, in the proportions of six to eight Senna Pods to a pint
of water. Boil this, and steep, but reduce to a three times less the quantity. That is, if the
first quantity is a gallon, reduce it down to at least one quart, see? Let it not boil then, but
just simmer, so as to be strained off. Then, to this quart, add two ounces of Strained
28. Then make a fusion of Pumpkin Seed, these crushed, and prepared in the same
proportions as the above, though only one-third of the quantity would be used, see? To
this add (to the third of a quart, you see) one-half ounce of Rochelle Salts.
29. Then add, for this same quart quantity that was used, one-half pint of Alcohol.
30. You’ll have a good eliminant! This may be used by anyone. The dosage, for an
average adult, would be a teaspoonful - or for this individual, you see. For babies, use
from one minim up to fifteen drops, depending on the age, you see.
31. These, then, we would prepare and give as indicated; and these will bring not only
relief but CORRECT the disturbances that exist.
32. Ready for questions.
33. (Q) What causes my allergy? and why do I have so much mucous all the time?
(A) As indicated, there have been pressures in head and neck and face. These
becoming sensitive to the activities of principles about it, the atmosphere, the home
environ, the general activities all have their bearing upon the body. It is in a manner, to be
sure, an escape from self, but something had better be done about the condition now, else
we may have those periods when it will be greater to combat.
34. (Q) Should I go to any other climate?
(A) If you desire, go to it! but climate here will NOT change the condition, alone -
unless it was a very high altitude.
35. (Q) Is the dizziness caused by eyes?
(A) No, the condition of dizziness is caused by the slowing of circulation to those
portions of the body that affect the ears and eyes, and when these are corrected the
condition will be overcome; for there are those connections through the ganglia in the 1st,
2nd and 3rd dorsal, that connect directly to the organs of the sensory system.
36. (Q) Should I take up swimming?
(A) Very good thing to take up!
37. (Q) Would it harm me to eat eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate, or to have a dog or cat for a
(A) Leave off your dogs and cats, and don’t eat chocolate. And the rest you may do.
Eat only the yolk of the egg, however, not the white.
38. (Q) Was it this physical condition that caused such poor grades last semester?
(A) Well, we can accredit it to this - but it is the general physical condition. For, with
the repressions that have been and are caused through the body, it is naturally harder for
the body to respond as it would if there were not these pressures. Do make the
corrections. And this is a lovely body, with a good mind, and with good activities.
Do that.
39. (Q) What will help me in my school work?
(A) Work!
40. We are through for the present.
R1. 10/20/43 See 3053-2.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed Reports

Cold: Common: Susceptibility Par. 7-A, R3, R5

Cough Par. 10-A

Diet: Acidity & Alkalinity Par. 12-A

: Eliminations Par. 9-A


Injections: Hypodermic: Not Recommended Par. 8-A, 12-A

Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 6-A, R5

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Glands Par. 11-A

: Chloroform: Cough Par. 10-A
: Glyco-Thymoline: Glands Par. 11-A
: Honey: Cough Par. 10-A
: Horehound Syrup: Par. 10-A
: Ipecac Syrup: Par. 10-A
: Kaldak: Cold: Common: Susceptibility Par. 7-A, 8-A, Reports
: Rhubarb, Syrup Of: Cough Par. 10-A



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. See 3053-1, 3053-2, 3053-3.
B2. 12/15/43 A.M. Her mother phoned these questions:
1. Are the corrections now being made properly in 2nd, 3rd and 4th dorsals? If not,
would like detailed suggestions as to what steps to take. 2. What would it be well to take
to build up resistance to colds? 3. Would vitamin B-1 injections hypodermically be wise
also? 4. What diet would help prevent constipation between periods when laxative is
taken? 5. What syrup or lozenges would relieve severe coughing? 6. What foods would
keep the glands clear, as has been recommended? 7. What combinations of foods are
acid-forming for this body? Raw apples or dried prunes? 8. Would a tetanus shot be
advisable at this time? 9. Would it be wise to resume shots to desensitize her to weeds,
grasses and dust?


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 16th day of December, 1943, in accordance with
request made by the mother - Mrs. [3407], Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research
and Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. (Notes read to and
transcribed by Jeanette Fitch.)
Time of Reading 4: 00 to 4: 05 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Virginia.
1. GC: You will give the physical conditions of this body at the present time, with
suggestions for further corrective measures, answering the questions as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before.
3. As we find, as before, some conditions have improved, some have not.
4. We would follow one or the other of the treatments, for the body and those
administering same are not doing themselves or anyone else justice in trying to do so
many different things. We would follow one or the other.
5. Ready for questions.
6. (Q) Are the corrections now being made properly in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dorsals? If
not, would like detailed suggestions as to what steps to take.
(A) They haven’t any of them been made thoroughly. There should be a general,
systematic following with advice given. But the corrections being made, and then other
administrations given, won’t work together. One is working from one principle and the
other from another. These do not work together.
7. (Q) What would it be well to take to build up resistances to colds?
(A) KalDak.
8. (Q) Would vitamin B-1 injections hypodermically be wise also?
(A) Do not take vitamin B-1 as injections! If you care to take B-1 separately, in
addition to the Kal-Dak, do so - but don’t take it as injections for this body! Injections
for this body will ruin it, if it keeps up!
9. (Q) What diet would help prevent constipation between periods when laxative is
(A) Raisins, figs, oatmeal, Maltex, all of those that are eliminating foods.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


10. (Q) What syrup or lozenges would relieve severe coughing?

(A) Make a compound in this manner, to relieve the coughing:
Syrup of Horehound.......................2 ounces,
Syrup of Ipecac.........................10 drops,
(This would make the reaction as from nux vomica.)
Syrup of Rhubarb.......................1/4 ounce,
Honey, and a little water (let this come to boil and skim off the top)....3 ounces,
Chloroform (if this is added it will be helpful)...........................5 drops.
11. (Q) What foods would keep the glands clear, as has been recommended?
(A) It isn’t foods that we need for this, but the chemical reactions. Glyco-Thymoline
as an intestinal antiseptic and Atomidine as a purifier for the glands. Take five to six
drops of Glyco-Thymoline in half a glass of water about three times each week. Take
one drop of Atomidine in half a glass of water before the morning meal, about once a
week for this body - but the same day each week.
12. (Q) What combinations of foods are acid-forming for this body? Raw apples or dried
(A) Raw apples, plums, prunes, starches with meats or with sweets. Keep away from
too much sweets though honey may be taken.
Do these and we will make better conditions, but decide on which you will take.
Don’t mix too many different things with the treatments. Do stay away from injections
for this body.
13. We are through with this reading.


R1. 4/24/44 Mrs. [2454]’s letter: “...Had a letter from [3407] this A.M. too, they are in
..., R.I. ...Said [3053] had completely recovered from her asthma and was able to play as
much as the next without any ill affects and was getting fat...”

R2. 6/18/44 Mother’s letter: “...[3053] is so well up here. No colds since the last of
January (we arrived here in March) [Calif.] and no school days missed the first semester
of her school career thus far that she has not missed. Better grades because of it. Honor
Roll, no less! Our hearts are so full of gratitude to you for bringing it about...”

R3. 12/4/44 Mother’s letter: “...With the enclosed money please send me a large box of
KalDak. [3053] is keeping well and we’re so happy to have her robust and healthy and
able to take part in all the activities that she couldn’t do before. Not a cold since she had
her last check, telling her to stop sugar and take KalDak...”

R4. 12/20/44 Mother’s letter: “...[3053] is very well, doing so nicely on the diet
prescribed in the reading and taking her KalDak, that I shall continue to follow it. She’s
growing rapidly. She likes it out here in California and enjoys the schools...”

R5. 5/15/53 Miss [3053] wrote a “religion term paper” about Edgar Cayce from which
she sent us these extracts:
“The events leading up to my reading are very pertinent, so I shall tell them now.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


My Father has been in the Navy for 30 years this past October and as a result my
family and I have lived in many parts of the U.S. It was when I was 3 years old, having
just moved to San Diego, Calif., that I had my first ‘asthma attack’. Perhaps I would not
have been afflicted with this ailment at such an early age if we had not gone to San
Diego, but we did and the climate there must have had something to do with it, plus other
factors which I will mention later.
We were living very near a doctor who happened to be an osteopath too. The
Doctor gave me a hypodermic injection of some sort, which temporarily relieved my
condition. He also gave me some osteopathic treatments to relax me, since the type of
Asthma I had was of such severity that I could barely breath at all, and my muscles were
very tense trying to get what air I could into my lungs. These details were told me by my
parents, since I couldn’t remember all the facts, being so young at the time.
From that time on the attacks kept getting worse and more frequent. Every time I
would have an attack I would get an injection to try to relieve it, which it did,
temporarily, but the effects from the shots, which were usually adrenaline, or something
similar, were causing me to shake for quite some time after the shot would be given, and
to be very restless and not be able to lie still, etc. The attacks might vary according to the
locality we might be living in at the time, but they continued. They usually would come
if I would exert myself and get over-heated. All this time we were trying to discover
some cure. I had so many ‘allergy tests’ that at one time I had both arms covered with
adhesive and gauze strips to protect the tests made that one day. I had experimental diets
including a milk test that I was on for a week and a half, eating only milk and milk
products. (I was the best on this diet.) As a result of those diet tests I cut out citrus fruits
and chocolate and a few other specific foods. We then moved to ..., Conn. and I was
taking a series of shots as many as three or four times a week. They tried to grow a
culture of my mucous to immunize me against myself. A specific number of cc of blood
was taken out of my arm and injected in my back for the same reason. Still my attacks
continued, a little longer each time.
It was at the point where I would stay up so long trying to breathe, that I would
fall asleep sitting up (since I couldn’t breathe lying down) and I would turn night into
day, from my efforts to move as little as possible. It got to the point where it felt like
there was a tight band around my chest, and it was just as much a problem to get the air
out of my lungs as it was to get it in. These attacks were usually accompanied by a cold
and when ever I had a cold, I was certain to have asthma with it, though I did have some
attacks without a cold.
During our stay in ..., Mother met a woman whose 4 year old son [2542] had the
same sort of ailment I had, with the same accompanying difficulties.
She told mother of a man in Va. Beach who gave readings that told what was
causing the ailment and told what to do about them. At the time Mother was skeptical.
In Jan. of 1943, we moved to ..., Va., where the attacks got even worse (if that
were possible). It was the previous Aug. that Mrs. [2454] had told mother of Mr. Cayce’s
work. I was still taking the series of shots to try to overcome the allergies they thought
were causing the attacks, but the asthmatic condition kept on. Mrs. [2454] urged mother
to just try what Mr. Cayce might say, and finally as a last measure of hope, as so many
people have done, she made an appointment for a reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Mother and I went to Va. Beach and I met Mr. C. for the first time. ...Mother had
been out to the A.R.E. only once or twice before and the only mention of me was that I
was to have a reading and that I had Asthma...
...Mother and I waited for the reading to be typed so we could take a copy of it
with us. When we got home I began following the instructions and though I had a cold
the following week, I didn’t have an asthma attack. I took the osteopathic treatments, and
stopped having the shots... Being a child, and getting disappointed because I couldn’t eat
certain things, I would break my diet, ... When we told the osteopath that the readings
said the corrections were not being made properly he admitted that he had been trying to
trip the readings up...
Perhaps you are wondering what this has to do with my belief in reincarnation. It
was from the Physical Reading that we came to know of the life readings...” [See 3053-3

R6. She reported that she had suffered no asthma attack in years.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed Par. R1

Diet: Asthma Par. 10, 12-A

Doctors: Coulter, George N.: D.O. Par. R1

Eliminations: Poor: Spine: Subluxations Par. 9

Environment: Altitude: Asthma Par. 14-A

: Arizona: Par. 15-A
: North Carolina: Par. 15-A

Inhalants: Benzoin, Compound Tincture Of:

Asthma Par. 8
: Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 8

Osteopathy: Relaxation Par. 6

: Spine: Subluxations Par. 6, 7, 14-A

Pregnancy: Asthma Par. 13-A, B1

Prescriptions: KalDak: Asthma Par. 10


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 9/25/43 She wrote: “Through kind friends I have heard about you... For about 15
yrs. I have had spells every little while. I just can’t get air. The doctors call it asthma.
They say it is incurable. I have a spell just now that has lasted 5 wks., and I am not right
yet. If you think it is better for me to come to you I will come. It is a little hard for me to
come as I have a 20 mo. old baby.”
B2. 10/15/43 “It is about 7 wks. now that this spell has lasted... I have been taking
asthma powder but it doesn’t help much.”
B3. 11/43 She verified appointment submitting questions: “The bad spell starts end of
August until end of Sept., but this year it lasted until middle of Nov.”


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 7th day of December, 1943, in accordance with
request made by the self - Mrs. [3453], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research
and Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. (Notes read to and
transcribed by Jeanette Fitch.) Harmon Bro.
Time of Reading 10: 50 to 11: 05 A. M. Eastern War Time. ..., N.Y.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3453].
2. As we find, there are disturbing conditions that prevent the better physical functioning
of the body. The sources of these are apparently quite at variance to the results or effects
created in the body.
3. We find that there are two definite subluxations in the cerebrospinal system that are the
sources of the disorder.
4. For a long period there has existed a subluxation in the 3rd and 4th dorsal. More
recently a subluxation has existed in the areas of the 10th, 11th, and 12th dorsal with a
lesion in the sacral and 1st coccyx center. With the changes either in physical activity or
cold, or excitement in any form through the vegetative nerve system or sensory impulses,
there is caused a contraction of that which has grown to be a reflex in the upper dorsal
upon the bronchi and larynx.
5. These cause a great deal of trouble with the whole respiratory system. While the
applications that have been made relieve the areas at the time, they tend to cause a
condition with the digestive system and the heart activity that is growing to be
aggravating to the kidneys.
6. As we find, then these need long series of corrective measures osteopathically
administered. These will require that there be first the corrections in the sacral and
coccyx and lower dorsal area, with glandular relaxation during these periods, and there
would be required some fifteen corrections through the cervical. At first these may tend
to aggravate the condition, but if kept up - using the centers through the frontal portion,
as the patches of lymph and emunctory activities at the collar bone on either side of the
throat and neck, at the sternum or just before the edge of stomach, and at the pubic
centers - to relax the body’s activities, we will bring better conditions.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


7. When the first series of corrections have been made, we would then rest a period of
some five to six weeks. Then have a series of corrections especially in the upper dorsal,
then coordinating the cervical and lumbar and sacral with corrections being made in the
upper dorsal.
8. Throughout these periods, when there are those spasmodic reactions of the asthmatic
condition, or the tendency for upsetting the digestive system, use this combination as an
inhalant. Put an equal amount of Compound Tincture of Benzoin and Oil of Eucalyptus
in boiling water, and a cover over the head so that the fumes may be inhaled - preferably
warm fumes or steam fumes, as these would be.
9. Be mindful that good eliminations are kept throughout the period when these
corrections are being made. For as drosses are increased by the manipulations, there will
be greater quantities of disturbances to be eliminated through alimentary canal else there
will be the tendency for the poisons loosed in the system - with the first one or two
treatments, especially if there is a great change in the weather - to cause spasmodic
reactions to be greater through the lung and nasal passages and throat.
10. Keep the body building diet, adding vital energies. As we find, KalDak would be
most helpful here. Take a level teaspoonful once each day, preferably for this body with
milk and cream. This will aid in the digestion as well as adding the necessary elements
for better body building forces.
11. Ready for questions.
12. (Q) Should there be any restrictions in the diet?
(A) Especially refrain from sweets, also from any great quantity of starches at any
one meal. Keep rather the well balanced diet, tending towards green vegetables often.
13. (Q) Would the body condition be helped by having another child?
(A) Not in the present conditions. After the corrections have been made, this might
be helpful - if the proper precautions are taken.
14. (Q) Would it be well to go to the mountains during the period of the spell?
(A) These would be very well, but it is not necessary if the corrections are made. It
would be well for the corrections to be made in an environment where there is a higher
15. (Q) Any suggestions as to place or doctor?
(A) In the mountains of North Carolina or Arizona.
16. We are through with this reading.
(12/7/43 GD’s note: KalDak is distributed by The KalDak Company, Hollister Building,
Lansing, Michigan. It sells for $2.50 a package.)


R1. 12/15/43 She wrote: “I am going to follow your rdg. exactly. I went to Dr. Geo. N.
Coulter, D.O., in N.Y.C. on Tuesday. He said everything is exactly as you said. I am
taking 2 tr. a wk. Everything feels sore after the 1st tr., just as you said it would. I am
thankful for the rdg. I only pray now that this may be the cure, that I won’t get it any

R2. 3/25/44 She wrote: “I would like to have a check rdg. I followed the 1st one exactly.
I had 15 tr. from the D.O. the 1st series, waited 6 wks. and had 2 tr. on the 2nd series, and

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


now I get a bad attack again for 3 days and it isn’t gone yet. I inhaled that Benzoin and
Eucalyptus but it doesn’t help much. I still take that KalDak in milk and cream. I
haven’t eaten any cake or candy, and a little starch food. Why did it come back so bad?
For about 3 mos. I didn’t have any attack. How many more tr. or what else can I do to
prevent an attack?”

R3. 5/29/44 She verified appointment, submitting questions: “What has caused the 4 bad
spells of terrible hard breathing, and what can I do to relieve this? Should osteopathic
treatments be continued? Suggest best manipulation. Should KalDak be continued, if so
in what manner? Would candy or cake be harmful to my condition? Will I ever be

R4. 6/8/44 EC gave her check reading 3453-2.

Excerpt from reading #3453-2, 6/8/44:

EC: Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before. As we find, conditions have
been improved, but with the taking of diet for which the appetite calls (as candy, sugars,
sweets, cakes or any of those properties) these have been brought back again….

And the diets, here are the greater disturbances. Eat more of green, raw vegetables, more
of all characters of greens which may be eaten raw. Not raw apples but cooked apples,
and yellow peaches, plums, some berries but not blackberries….

(Q) Should KalDak be continued?

(A) This is helpful for building up resistance for the body, yes….

(Q) What has caused the four bad spells of hard breathing?
(A) Caused by the diet.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Humor Par. 5

Karma: Physical: Asthma Par. 5

Psychosomatics: Asthma Par. 3, 6

Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:

“Ask Not of Others...Not Do Yourself” Par. 5
“Make A Better...” Par. 7

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 11/25/43 [3485]’s letter to EC:
Mr. Edgar Cayce Virginia Beach, Va.
Dear Mr. Cayce:
My wife and I have just completed reading the book, “There Is a River,” by Thomas
Sugrue, and are so impressed by the remarkable story that we want you to do something
for me.
Briefly, I am the publisher of a small town newspaper. Nine years ago I established the
paper as a daily in a community where a daily had never before been attempted. It has
been an uphill fight all the way, with the publisher filling two to three men’s places most
of the time. Since the war the labor situation has been unusually difficult and the road
increasingly strenuous for me.
I have been a sufferer from asthma since five years old. I have been treated by many
physicians but the decision is always the same, no cure, only temporary relief. To keep
my paper running I had to resort to the hypodermic needle years ago. I have to take daily
injections of morphia and adrenaline chloride to obtain sufficient relief to look after my
business. Recently I have been losing weight, the medicine finally proving almost as bad
as the disease. The trouble is accompanied by respiratory troubles common with asthma.
I have always felt the paper was my mission in life and I do not wish to give it up, so I
am appealing to you for help. I feel confident your remarkable power should be as
beneficial to me as others you have served. I have always felt there should be some
spiritual force beyond the conception of medical science, something that would prove to
this doubting generation that there is a force beyond human understanding available to
those who seek it. Surely it must be God working through you.
I shall be happy to follow whatever direction you will be kind enough to send me, and my
wife is as impressed as I am.
Trusting that you will come to my aid as soon as humanly possible, I am [3485]
B2. 12/21/43 [3485]’s letter to EC:
Dear Mr. Cayce:
I am enclosing list of questions for my physical reading Dec. 27 at 3: 30 P.M. I will be at
my home ... Street, where I have been very ill for the past three weeks.
Describe patient’s condition. Is he capable of treatment and recovery? If so, what
treatment is recommended, where obtainable?
Can it be administered at home satisfactorily and take place of present treatment? Should
patient continue at present to task when able to do so? Will he be able to drop present
treatment without severe after effects?


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 27th day of December, 1943, in accordance with
request made by the self - Mr. [3485], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research
& Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Harmon Bro.
Time of Reading 4: 00 to 4: 05 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., N.C.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time; go over the
body, examine it thoroughly; giving suggestions for help and relief; answering the
questions he has submitted, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes.
3. As we find here, there is a great deal of confusion in the mind of the body - and there
may well be! For those disturbances are of such natures that the very nature and purpose
of the individual entity must be changed, if there would be material help for this body.
4. Under the circumstances we would not alter the administrations that are being made.
While these may not aid a great deal, they must satisfy the body and those about the body
that they don’t know what it is all about!
5. For here we have an individual entity meeting its own self - the conditions in regard to
the movements of the body, the locomotories, the nerve ends, the muscular forces. What
ye demanded of others ye must pay yourself! Every soul should remember not to
demand of others more than ye are willing to give, for ye will pay - and, as most, through
thy gills!
6. Then, when ye have found that these things are not helpful, we may give through these
channels that which may be - if the body first begins to undertake to correct the attitude
toward its fellow man, towards conditions and towards the world.
7. Make the world a better place in which to live. In whom and of what do you as a soul-
entity obtain life and opportunity? What are you doing about it?
8. Consider and be wise.
9. We are through with [3485].



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Astrology: Psychosomatics: Asthma Par. 4

Diet: Asthma Par. 7-A

Digestion: Indigestion: Asthma Par. 3

Eliminations: Poor: Asthma Par. 8-A

Environment: Climate: Asthma Par. 1, 3

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 5


Lesions: Injuries: Birth: Breech Par. 3

Osteopathy: Asthma Par. 6-A

Physiotherapy: Massage: Asthma Par. 6-A, 9-A

Prescriptions: Calcidin: Asthma Par. 4, 10-A, 11-A

Prophecy: Prognosis: Asthma Par. 4, 5

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 12/1/30 Questions submitted by father: “...What can we do about his asthma? Why
has he pains in his knee joints, heels and tips of middle fingers? Why does he constantly
catch colds? Why does he sleep poorly and dream often? What makes him so


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 3rd day of December, 1930, in accordance with request made by his
father, Mr. [...].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time of Reading ... Street, 11: 10 A. M. Eastern Standard Time
..., New York.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body, [3738]. Now, as we find, there are specific conditions as
cause the disorders, both as to the physical conditions and as to the reactions as are
produced in the body. In some respects we find the reactions alter as much by the
altitude or climatic conditions as it [the body] does to the responding to vibratory forces
from medicinal or mechanical application. Hence we may know this is of a nervous, or a
nerve reaction.
2. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [3738]:
3. In times back, in the presentation of the body, there was that hindrance in the nominal
presentation, and in the manner in which the body began its functioning as to the
respiratory system. These, combined, have produced a lesion in the 3rd and 4th dorsal
that has not responded wholly to mechanical applications to the physical body. In this
structural depression there is an impingement that prevents a normal flow of impulse
through the refractory nerves AND muscles in bronchi and lung, so that - with such a
hindrance - there occurs those spasmodic reactions of area in lung that is minus its
normal amount of blood supply, and the RESULTANT condition in lung and bronchi
HINDERING in the manner of intake for the lung area. In the applications made for
same, as seen, these hindrances are in the SYMPATHETIC as WELL as cerebrospinal
tissue or centers. Hence the variation as exists from the varied characterizations of
climatic or surrounding conditions for the body. In MANY of the functioning organs, in
a GENERAL manner, these are near normal - save when after, or just before an attack,
there is the disturbance in pulsation, or circulation, that makes for a stomach disorder, as
WELL as a tendency of the soft tissue in head and throat to give trouble.
4. Then, in meeting the needs of the conditions - we would find, that were the corrections
in the upper dorsal and cervical so aligned as to give a full flow through the system in an
even manner, we would RID the condition in the system. There will be for some moons
the TENDENCY of the body, through sympathetic reactions from astrological influences,
as well as from those as are builded and have been builded in system, to wheeze - or to
have a return - but these, during this period when the complete adjustments are being
made, should be aided with the combining in the system - taken internally - those of
Calcidin, that will add both calcium and iodine to the system in sufficient quantity and

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


manner as to gradually LOSE these impulses and influences in the body. We would take
these regularly, in one two-grain tablet each day, and when a spasm of the reaction
should occur, these we would dissolve in hot water and take - which will be found to
bring relief almost immediately, provided the rest of the system is kept in a nominal
5. In three to six months, with PERSISTENCY, these conditions should be corrected in
this body, [3738]. Ready for questions.
6. (Q) How often should the corrections be made?
(A) In the beginning it will be found these may not be wholly made at one time, but as
these are GRADUALLY brought into alignment these may be made more often. In the
beginning, the massage (OSTEOPATHICALLY) AND corrections should be made; the
massage twice each week and the corrections once each week, THAT making three
treatments each week - Monday’s, Wednesday’s, Saturday’s, see? the Wednesday’s
treatments adjustments, WITH the general massage.
7. (Q) Any advice regarding diet?
(A) Beware of sweets, and make for bone, blood and nerve building materials.
8. (Q) What causes pains in knee joints, heels and tips of middle fingers?
(A) These from a disturbed circulation and POOR elimination, or an
INCOORDINATION in the eliminating forces of the system. Hence the massage and
needle shower and rub are MOST beneficial, but were these corrections and the vibratory
forces set in system as outlined, these would be most staying - and reach the seat or the
cause of the disorder.
9. (Q) Should present masseurs and treatments be discontinued while this treatment is
(A) Well that they be combined in one! This would make for too much being done,
were they made separate - but these may be given at or during these same treatments,
though these would not be necessarily given EACH time the other treatment is given.
This may be judged most by the character of the setting up of DRAINAGES for
coordination of respiratory system, for kidneys and liver, and the alimentary canal.
10. (Q) In giving the Calcidin during the attacks, what should be the dosage and how
(A) Two grain tablet dissolved in HOT water, and it may be given every two hours
until the spasmodic condition has left, but there will be soon response and it will not be
found necessary very often for more than two doses.
11. (Q) The two grains at one dose?
(A) One dose - just said!
12. We are through for the present.


R1. GD’s note: 10/61 [3738]’s father reported to his associate via Mr. [2834] that his son
got excellent results; had taken him to doctors everywhere, no good, but got excellent
results from following the reading - no more asthma at all.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Appliances: Radio-Active: Debilitation:

General Par. 5

Asthma: Cured Par. R3



Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Lungs Par. 5

: Creosote: Par. 5
: Eucalyptol: Par. 5
: Heroin: Par. 5
: Tolu in Solution: Par. 5
: Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 5

Physiotherapy: Packs: Oils, Olive: Colitis:

Tendencies Par. 4

Prescriptions: Gin: Kidneys Par. 6-A

: Pepsin: Colitis: Tendencies Par. 4
: Spirits Frumenti: Debilitation: General Par. 4

Sciatica: Tendencies Par. 3

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. See 3776-11 on 1/3/26 and subsequent Reports.

TEXT OF READING 3776-12 F 70

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia
Beach, Va., this 17th day of February, 1926, in accordance with request made by her
daughter, Miss [243].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time of Reading 11: 00 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Ky.
1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with special
reference to the lungs, kidneys and knees, with suggestions for the relief and
improvement of this body and these conditions. You will answer any questions I might
ask you regarding this.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see.
3. Now, we find there are many different conditions in the body at the present time from
that as we have had here before. Many are for the betterment of the body. Some show an
exaggerated and a weakness of the whole system to give the proper equalization to the
circulation and nerve action. Hence the distress as is caused in the extremities at times,
especially along the branch of the sciatic nerve in the left limb and in the knee and thigh,
and back. This, as we see, the extravagant condition produced, as it were, from lack of
circulation in all portions of the body, and the rubbing, massaging of this portion is
WELL for the body. This SHOULD be done - rubbed, massaged, from the hip to the
toes, see? at least twice each day.
4. The condition as we see in the intestinal tract much improved, yet is far from being
entirely normal, and needs the care and attention necessary, by the diet for the body as
has been outlined, and by the application of those things as have been given for the body.
The applications of the oil (outside, see?), the application to the whole of the intestinal
system of those conditions that produce better assimilation and better digestion - small
quantities, then, as we see, of those properties as were given for the body in Pepsin and
water. A stimulant necessary, as has been given should be taken, see? Spirits Frumenti -
just a little bit, for the alcoholic possibilities of the system are low at present. Hence the
necessity for this stimulation. As for these inhalations, and for the condition as exists in
the lung, we would change or modify these at the present time, see, to this:
5. To 2 ounces of grain alcohol, add:
Eucalyptol.....................15 minims,
Rectified Oil of Turp...........5 minims,
Essence or Tincture of Tolu (in solution)...............30 minims,
Creosote........................1 minim, Heroin (dissolved, see?).....1/60 grain, see?
This to be inhaled (not taken) in the mouth, see? and we will find this will assist,
strengthen the body. Well, too, that occasionally, when the body tired, that that vibration
as has been given for the body should be attached to the body, see? attaching to the wrist
(right wrist) and RIGHT ankle - wrist first, ankle last, see? same side of the body in this
case, see? Do that for the better conditions of this body, [3776].
6. (Q) What is the condition of the kidneys?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) Low in their action, and that’s the necessity of that stimulation in alcoholic forces
for the body. The inhalations will carry some necessary. Some in the system, as has
been given for the body, those as are found in that stimulant as is Gin, see? good for the
body. Should be taken in small quantities - two - three times a day - just a sip, see?
7. We are through with this reading.


R1. 3/25/26 Husband Mr. [304]’s letter: “[3776] is getting along very well; she still
complains quite a lot of her feet hurting her and it’s running up into her limbs, but just as
I said to you, I really think the great majority of that comes from the corns and callous
places on her feet and tired feet as most people of age suffer with and for that reason I
would love for you to go over her case when it is convenient or as soon as you can well
do so and take up that feature... She got bedroom slippers yesterday and has been
wearing them ever since she got them and she hasn’t suffered near so much today, but of
course sore some and gives her pain but not as before...”

R2. 4/10/26 See 3776-13.

R3. 3/35 Son [294] said his mother was practically free of asthma the rest of her life, after
using the inhalants given in her health rdgs., altho she had suffered with asthma all her
life prior to the time of getting rdgs.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation




Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed Par. R4

Home & Marriage: Parenthood: Asthma Par. 7

Karma: Family Relations Par. 3, 7

: Physical: Asthma Par. 3, 7

Osteopathy: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 4, 7

Sin: Commission Par. 7


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 12/2/43 Mother’s letter to EC:
..., Florida
Mr. Edgar Cayce, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Dear Mr. Cayce,
Thank you very much for your letter of November 24th and for the pamphlet “Edgar
Cayce, His Life and His Work”, which we have just received.
Both my husband and myself have read the book with great interest and we feel that we
would like to go further into the matter.
As we wrote in our original letter, our son, [3906] has been ill with Asthma since he was
three years of age. He is now past twelve and after a year of comparative freedom from
attack he has suffered a relapse of great severity culminating in the present attack which
is now in its sixth week.
If thru your powers you would be able to be of some assistance to him, we would be
eternally grateful.
Enclosed please find a check for $20.00 for an Associate Membership in the Association
for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., with an application for a reading for [3906]. We
can understand thoroughly that, with the type of work you do, your appointments must be
terribly piled up. However, we feel that this case has an emergency aspect to it, and we
would appreciate anything you can do to expedite a reading.
Very truly yours, Mrs. [...]
B2. 12/6/43 EC’s letter to [3906]’s mother:
Mrs. [...] ..., Fla.
Dear Mrs. [...]
I have yours of the 2nd, enclosing application for membership and request for reading for
[3609]. I know just how anxious you can be and I know just how aggravating such
conditions can be for a young man. I hope we can help. The first possible period we find
is the afternoon of february 8, 3: 30 to 4: 30 EWT. I do hope that this little delay will not
be to your great disadvantage, and that we may indeed be the means of a real help. If you
accept this period a few days before the time, you will be sure to let us hear from you,
giving us the exact address at which he will be at the hour. Also keep the period in
prayer and meditation, and let us have a list of questions you would like to have asked at
the time.
Thanking you, I am
Sincerely, Edgar Cayce EC/vw
B3. 12/15/43 Mother’s letter to EC:
..., Florida
Mr. Edgar Cayce, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Dear Mr. Cayce,
Thank you for your response to our letter of application. You state that February 8 at 3.30
P.M. is the first available time for a reading for [3906].
You will recall that I spoke with you on the long distance telephone some days back and
at that time you said that you would get the reading in if possible around the first of the
year. I hope you will be able to do this as [3906] is quite ill and we do not know hat to do
for him.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


[3906] will be at this address during that period and the only question we want answered
is what to do for him to get him out of the persistent Asthma attacks and set him on the
road to health so that he can be a normal kid along with the other kids instead of having
to spend his days in bed.
Thank you for any help you may afford him.
Very truly yours, Mrs. [...]
B4. 2/4/44 EC’s letter to [3906]’s mother:
Mrs. [...] ..., Florida
Dear Mrs. [...]
I had an appointment for your son for the afternoon of February 8. Owing to
circumstances of which we have no control, I am having to put this appointment off for a
few weeks. It will be the afternoon of March 20, 3: 30 to 4: 30 E.W.T. I am just having
to take a little rest. Be sure to let us know where the young man will be and give us a
history of the case. Prepare a list of questions to be asked at the time of the reading.
I do hope that we can help.
Sincerely, Edgar Cayce
B5. 3/5/44 Mother’s letter to EC:
..., Florida
Mr. Edgar Cayce, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Dear Mr. Cayce,
I am writing to remind you that we have a reading scheduled with you at 3.30 p.m. on
March 20th.
We are very worried about [3906]’s condition and hope that you will be able to have the
reading at the scheduled time.
[3906] has suffered from Asthma since he was 3 1/2 years of age. He is now twelve and
will be thirteen in September. We have tried many cures but none of them have given
more than temporary relief.
We sincerely hop that you will be able to help this boy so that he can live a normal life.
Thank you for your effort.
Very truly yours, [...]


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 20th day of March, 1944, in accordance with request
made by the mother - Mrs. [...], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research and
Enlightenment, Inc.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. (Notes read to and
transcribed by Jeanette Fitch.) Harmon Bro.
Time of Reading 3: 50 to 4: 00 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Florida.
1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also
suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


3. Here we have truly a pathological condition but a psychological as well as the

physiological, and it extends to karmic reactions also. For one doesn’t press the life out
of others without at times seeming to have same pressed out of self.
4. If these disturbances are corrected pathologically in the early developing years, so that
those pressures apparent in the areas from the 9th dorsal to the 1st cervical are corrected,
we may allay oft those bronchial-asthmatic reactions that take the life and breath from the
5. The administration of other things outside are palliatives and will only bring about or
create conditions that will not change.
6. Of course the hypodermics that may be given for such will relieve but will only
produce stricture that would make for greater and greater disturbance as the body grows
7. It may be corrected osteopathically, it may require even six years - and a week’s
treatment out of each month during the whole six years, but it would be worth it for the
body; provided the spiritual attitude of those responsible for the body, as well as the
body, is set in that way of knowing the sources of forgiveness. For who can forgive sins
save those against whom they are committed? And when one sins, the sin is against the
giver of life, God.
8. Ready for questions.
9. We are through with this reading.


R1. 5/15/47 [3906]’s mother’s letter:
Mrs. [...] ..., Florida
Association For Research and Enlightenment, Virginia Beach, Virginia
We were fortunate in obtaining a reading from Mr. Cayce on Feb. 8, 1943 for our son
[3906]. We have misplaced that reading and are anxious to have it again. Is it possible to
obtain a copy of the reading. If there is a charge for such a copy please advise and we
will send it to you. I would very much appreciate the copy by return mail.
We are also very much interested in knowing what your association is doing with regard
to this work. Would you advise us on this point as well.
Thank you again.
Sincerely, [...]

R2. 5/22/47 HLC’s letter to [3906]’s mother:

Dear Mrs. [...]
We have your letter of May 15th and were delighted to hear from you. Mail which we
addressed to you at 129 N.E. 45th Street was returned to us and we did not know how to
reach you.
The work is going forward under the Association and we are sending you, under separate
cover, some data regarding our present activities, including sample copies of our
periodicals and our publication list and membership form.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


I read your son’s reading with considerable interest. I hope you will give us a report on
his present condition and also let us know if you followed through on any of the
treatments which were recommended.
I am glad to be able to tell you that Dr. D. A. Musselman, General Clinical Laboratory,
300 N.E. 27th Street, Miami, Fla., who has handled several cases on whom readings were
given, would be sympathetic in following the treatments suggested.
We are holding our annual Congress, June 23rd through the 28th. Several doctors who
have had considerable experience with the work will be present and I believe you would
enjoy this series of meetings. One of our recent bulletins gives an outline of this
program, and at a later date, we will mail you a more detailed Congress program. Either
during this period, or at some later date, I hope it will be possible for you to visit us at the
headquarters and see just what we are undertaking in studying and carrying forward the
work which my father began.
A copy of your son’s reading is enclosed.
Sincerely, Hugh Lynn Cayce HLC/dm Encl.

R3. Mr. & Mrs. [...] visited us 10/21/47; talked with HL; said they hadn’t followed the
rdg. till recently but their son’s attacks have stopped; they’re very much interested in
entire work of Ass’n - plan to come to Congress next year.

R4. 7/30/50 Report by friends of parents, Mr. & Mrs. [...] who visited Hdqtrs. & heard
Harmon Bro lecture today: “In 1946 [3906] was sent to school in Arizona, on advice of
physician, as climate would be beneficial to his asthmatic condition. Subsequently,
during vacation in Fla. complained of discomfort in back; parents took him to osteopath
who described some malalignment which apparently coincided with EC reading. O.t.
were taken which did some good to extent that his asthmatic attacks were cured to extent
that he returned to Fla. to live with parents - not necessary for Arizona climate any
[Mr. & Mrs. [...] said [3906]’s mother is quite psychic, using palmistry as means to help
people. They said they would get from her more details, name of D.O. for me, etc. GD]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation






Diet: Asthma Par. 4

Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Asthma Par. 5--7

: Balsam, Canadian: Par. 5--7
: Creosote, Rectified: Par. 5--7
: Eucalyptol: Par. 5--7
: Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 5--7


Physiotherapy: Heat: Wet: Lesions Par. 9

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. See 4527-1.


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 322 Grafton Avenue, Dayton,
Ohio, this 6th day of August, 1924, in accordance with request made by self - [4527].
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce; Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Thomas House and
Hugh Lynn Cayce.
Time of Reading 11: 10 A. M. ..., Ala.
1. EC: Now, we find the physical conditions in this body in some respects are better than
when we had it before. We still have in the upper dorsal region that impingement that
produces the condition of spasmodic contraction through the lungs and bronchials, and
with this contraction or relaxation in the system beyond the normal condition of the body
this trouble or asthmatic condition gives the greater distress through this portion of the
2. The blood supply is still in the anemitized, though not wholly anemic, condition.
3. The rest of the system under this subjugation.
4. We would, to bring the normal forces to this body, further correct these conditions in
the dorsal and cervical region. We would so diet the body that we will not have this
overtaxing in the system. That is, do not use meats, or sugars very little for the system.
Those of the protein, the cereal, the fruits the better for the diet.
5. With the adjustments, which should be made chiropractically, we would find the
change or reaction to the body. With this spasmodic condition, the cough, the
contraction, the deep breathing that is caused, use this as an inhalant, taking it at least
three to four times each day, inhaled through the mouth rather than through nostrils,
though there is some inflammation to be removed from the nasal cavities. This should
contain as this:
6. To four ounces of pure grain alcohol, add:
Eucalyptol..................20 minims,
Rectified Oil of Turp.......15 minims,
Balsam (Canadian Balsam)....15 minims,
Pure Liquid Creosote.........3 minims.
7. Shake well together before inhalations are taken, and keep well corked when not in
8. Do this, as we have given, and we will bring the better conditions, and with persistence
we will remove that from the system that has been and does produce these conditions in
this body of [4527].
9. With the adjustments, it would be better that the body, about those impinioned nerve
centers that the impingement may be relaxed, we would apply wet heat. That is, towels
or cloths soaked in water and heat applied, that this may relax these portions before
adjustments are made.
10. Do that.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Appliances: Wet Cell: Asthma Par. 7, 14-A, 18-A


Diet: Asthma Par. 10

: Minerals: Calcium: Asthma Par. 16-A

Doctors: Dick, Marion: D.O. Par. R1

Education: Schools: Little Outfit School Par. 17-A, 18-A

Environment: Arizona: Asthma Par. 5

Exercise: Air: Asthma Par. 11

Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 9

Heredity: Influences: Prenatal: Asthma Par. 5

Lesions: Asthma Par. 5

Nails: Glands Par. 16-A

Osteopathy: Asthma Par. 6, 8, 18-A

Physiology & Anatomy: Asthma Par. 3--5, 15-A

Spine: Subluxations: Asthma Par. 5

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 7/4/43 Mother’s letter: “I am writing you in the fervent hope that you can help my
11-year old boy. He has had severe asthma for over 6 years, and we have done
everything within our power to help him, and no doctor seems to get at the root of it. We
have had the best specialists in ..., injections, skin-tests, hospital observations, keeping
him there days at a time for tests, and as a last resort, we were told we would lose him if
we did not send him to Arizona for a few years. He has now spent 4 winters in Tucson
and 2 summers in the southwest on a ranch, and except for intervals of relief while out
there, the trouble still exists, and he suffers as much as ever when he has an attack. He
seemed better when he first arrived home in May, but this past week he has had a severe
attack and is still very miserable and gasping for breath. I am very discouraged ... every
possible financial sacrifice, and after all these years, the trouble grips him as much as
B2. 9/19/43 Mother’s letter: “...I have just put my little boy on the plane for Tucson,
Arizona... He returns there for the 5th winter. He has just had the most awful attack of
asthma all during the past 10 days...the little boy has suffered awfully, nothing brought
lasting relief...”


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of June, 1944, in accordance with request
made by the mother - Mrs. [...], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research and
Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by the book, THERE IS A RIVER.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Jeanette Fitch, Stenos.
Time of Reading Set bet. 10: 30 to 11: 30 A. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Pa.
1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also
suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body here [5192].
3. As we find, there are disturbing conditions. These have to do with those activities in
the respiratory system, of the bronchi and trachea, especially as related to the lymph and
emunctory circulation, because of conditions existent in the nerve forces from pressures
in cerebrospinal system.
4. These, produce, then, an overflow under any disturbance from pollen or various forms
of gas or of pressures from atmosphere, and these bring about an asthmatic reaction in
trachea and bronchi.
5. There exists in the brachial center, from a condition existent from the periods of
gestation and presentation a subluxation and a lesion which causes the bronchi and larynx
to become expanded under the conditions which exist.
6. As we find, if the body would be kept under the correct atmospheric pressures, and
thus climatic conditions in such as Arizona, it would bring a varied or bettered condition.
This only from the pressure, but with the corrections osteopathically made of conditions
in the cervicals and the upper dorsal, or through the brachial area of the dorsal centers,

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


there may be corrections that may eliminate the sources, with these changes which we
will indicate.
7. We would add to the body-vibrations, to equalize through same, the use of the Wet
Cell Appliance used as the Radio Active is ordinarily used; that is, the low electrical
vibrations applied both through the small plates, one to the right wrist, the other, the
copper plate, to the left ankle; then the next time applied, or the next day, to the left
wrists and the copper plate to the right ankle. The attachments would be alternated daily
in this manner. These are to be kept for some three to six periods without a change, and
this will necessitate the Appliance being recharged every thirty days.
8. The osteopathic corrections may be in series. For there will be the corrections and the
tendency for same to react in a course of six to twelve months and we should eliminate
the sources of these disturbances; and then may the changes be made for the body as it
may desire.
9. This will require persistence, patience and proper activities.
10. Keep away from too much sweets in the diet.
11. Do have regular exercise in the open.
12. These kept, we will bring better conditions for this body.
13. Ready for questions.
14. (Q) How long should the appliance be kept on?
(A) Thirty minutes each day. Keep plates very clean. There are no solutions used,
the Wet Cell Appliance as the form of a low electrical charge, see?
15. (Q) What should be done for profuse drainage through nose?
(A) We have just been telling you. This is part of the lymph and emunctory
circulation. Because of the position this causes the extra flow of the lymph and thus the
drainage through the nasal passages, and that at times from the bronchi. There are those
at times from all of the activities of the organs in the head as related to circulation.
16. (Q) What causes the deep ridges in thumbnail and what treatments should be
(A) These are the activities of the glandular force, and the addition of those of foods
which carry large quantities of calcium will make for bettered conditions in this direction.
Take often chicken neck, chew it. Cook this well, the feet and those portions of the fowl,
and we will find it will add calcium to the body. Also eat bones of fish, as in canned fish.
Also parsnips and oyster plant; all of these, of course, in their regular season. Wild game
of any kind, but chew the bones of same. All of these will be well for the body.
17. (Q) Would it be advisable to change to another school this fall, where he innately
would be happier?
(A) This should be the choice of the body itself. For, as we find, as to the school
itself, this is very well, but as to the associations or activities, these must be the choices of
the body.
18. (Q) Would he receive the proper academic training and care in the Little Outfit
School, in Arizona - about 70 miles from Tucson?
(A) We haven’t the Little Outfit School but these are in keeping with the body-mind.
Do these things as we have indicated and we will bring bettered conditions for this
body. As indicated, every thirty days do recharge the electrical forces of the Wet Cell
Appliance, see?

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Do have the osteopathic treatments at least once a week for a period of eight to ten
weeks, then leave off for three or four or five, and then again have the osteopathic
adjustments particularly in the brachial centers and throughout the cervicals and head,
coordinating the lower portions with these corrections.
19. We are through with this reading.


R1. 8/7/44 Dr. Marion Dick’s letter to EC: “An osteopath in ... [Fischer, Green, Morris,
Yocum?] consulted me about a case that you had referred to me, a case of asthma

R2. 9/26/49 Questionnaire sent.

R3. 10/17/49 Mother’s reply to questionnaire: “Enclosed please find the data you wish
regarding my son’s asthma. The years roll by so fast that definite data sometimes is
difficult to give; however, I feel confident the blank has been filled out quite completely
and accurately. I am always interested in psychic development, and wish you luck in
your wonderful work...
Asthma. Date of onset, about 5 years old. Duration, still latent, although controlled by
hay-fever shots plus Antihistamine medication. No severe attack of asthma for 3 years
since present treatment. Physicians’ diagnosis: weekly injections for summer pollens,
fall grasses, etc. Treatments outlined by Physical Reading followed a few months. My
son is gradually building up resistance against asthma. He has had no attack for 3 years,
at which time attack was SO SEVERE oxygen was given. He did not respond to the
Edgar Cayce treatment. However, in all fairness, I do not think the treatment was
followed through long enough to pass judgment. At the time of this last severe attack,
doctors took over, and the present medical procedure was started which has proven most
satisfactory. He has lived east 4 years, now, plays foot-ball, all sports; is over 6 feet tall
and weight approximately 160 lbs.”

R4. 4/2/52 Notation by IMG: No record of verbal or written contact on this case since
4/26/50, when [5192]’s mother ordered a copy of “A SEARCH FOR GOD”.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Adhesions: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 2


Eliminations: Poor: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 2, 8, 13-A, 14-A

Heart: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 12-A, B1

Hodgkin’s Disease Par. R3

Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 4--6, 8, 13-A

: Benzoin, Compound Tincture Of: Par. 4--6, 8, 13-A
: Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 4--6, 8, 13-A
: Pine Needles Oil: Par. 4--6, 8, 13-A
: Turp, Rectified Oil Of: Par. 4--6, 8, 13-A

Injuries: Spine: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 2, 11-A

Lesions: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 2

Osteopathy: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 3, 7, 9, 11-A, 14-A

Physiotherapy: Applications: DDD Cream: Pruritus Par. 13-A, R3


Sensations & Symptoms: Cough: Asthma: Bronchial Par. 2, 15-A, B1

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



B1. 4/6/44 Letter: “...Any degree of physical exertion causes phlegm and mucus to
collect in my bronchial passages rendering breathing very difficult. What is the cause of
this condition and what can be done about it? For several years I have been troubled with
an intolerable itching shifting from one place to another all over my body. There is no
apparent external cause. It is more intense when I am hot and sweating. What causes
this and what treatment would you suggest...”
“About a year ago there was a constant dull ache in the left side of my abdomen. An x-
ray picture showed the colon much constricted in places. After taking medicine as
prescribed by my physician the pain ceased. Is any further treatment needed?
“For the last two or three months I have had a persistent irritation and cough in my
bronchials. What should be done about it?
“Within the last few months a half dozen roughened areas have appeared on my skin,
ranging in size from a dime to a quarter or larger. They have no apparent connection
with the itching referred to above. What treatment should be given these areas?
“About six months ago a lymph node on the right side of my neck became rapidly
enlarged and inflamed. It was given an x-ray treatment and became normal in a week or
so. Is any further precaution necessary in connection with it?
“Several years ago an encounter with a bucking horse caused a sacroiliac displacement
that made me very lame for a time. No treatment was given it and gradually the lameness
disappeared. Now I occasionally hurt it again making me lame for some days. What
treatment do you suggest?”


This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic
Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of July, 1944, in accordance with request
made by the self - Mr. [5360], new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research and
Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by the book, THERE IS A RIVER.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Jeanette Fitch, Stenos.
Time of Reading Set bet. 10: 30 to 11: 30 A. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Okla.
1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the
conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also
suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body and those conditions which have long been a part of the
constitutional disturbance to the body. For, as we find, there was, in the early experience
in this plane, an injury which caused a lesion which brought about inflammation first,
later adhesions or strictures in the area of the bronchi and larynx and thus a bronchial
asthmatic, or bronchial condition in which colds, or heat and cold, or undue excitement
may bring on paroxysms of disturbance through the lungs. These, with the nature of the
properties as have been administered from time to time, have caused a disturbance
through the digestive or assimilating system and eliminations.
3. First there should be a series of osteopathic adjustments made, not attempting to make
the complete corrections in the brachial and cervical centers all at once, but gradually

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


stimulating better coordination in those ganglia along the 3rd and 4th dorsal and the 3rd
to the 1st cervical.
4. And then keep inhalants for the body, as would be prepared in this manner:
5. Take a large-mouth, eight ounce bottle and prepare so that there will be two vents in
same, neither of the vents entering into the solution but these able to be corked.
Preferably use glass or some metal or character of such (plastic may be used, so these
may be corked into the bottle). Put first four ounces of pure grain alcohol into this and
then the addition of the ingredients in the order named is very necessary:
Oil of Eucalyptus...................20 drops,
Compound Tincture of Benzoin........30 drops,
Rectified Oil of Turp................5 drops,
Oil of Pine Needles.................10 drops.
6. Shake these together and inhale both through nostrils and through the mouth also. This
is to be inhaled twice each day.
7. Have the corrections osteopathically for at least sixteen in the first series and then
leave them off for a month.
8. But keep up daily the inhaling of the fumes. These will gradually change the whole
combinations of activities of the nerves, the liver and the spleen, and the organs of
eliminations will be materially aided.
9. Then, after five weeks of the first series, take another of about six or eight, rest another
month, then again have a series. These should change the whole condition of the body.
10. Ready for questions.
11. (Q) What treatment would be suggested for the injury to spine in the sacroiliac?
(A) The adjustments which have been indicated.
12. (Q) What causes rapid heartbeat?
(A) The strictures in the brachial centers.
13. (Q) What causes extreme skin irritation and what can be done to relieve this?
(A) This comes from poor eliminations. The fumes which will be inhaled will change
this a great deal but we would use the cream prescription, “DDD” for the irritation on
14. (Q) Any further treatment needed for constricted colon in left side?
(A) None which will not be applied through the series of the adjustments, if these are
taken properly.
15. (Q) What can be done for cough of last three or four weeks?
(A) Do as we have been indicating.
16. We are through with this reading.
(See illustration [which was enclosed] of type bottle to be used for the inhalant. [See
5381-1 Reports.])


R1. 8/15/44 Letter to EC from [5360]’s son: “...My father [...] started immediately
arranging for treatments with our osteopathic physician. Before starting treatments,
however, he went to the hospital and had a chest x-ray taken. Also from the hospital we
can procure electrocardiographic records, basal metabolism and some other records for
the ‘before’ data. We will be glad to cooperate in any ways you might suggest as to
scientifically verifying the ‘after’ condition following the treatments...”

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


R2. 3/10/49 GD requested a report from [5360]’s son.

R3. 3/29/49 [5360]’s report: “...Just subsequent to the reading obtained from Mr. Cayce
and before I had opportunity to take the course of osteopathic treatments prescribed by
him I was examined by Drs. [...] of the ... Memorial Hospital at ... By comparing an x-ray
picture made then with one taken more than two years earlier, they diagnosed my trouble
as Hodgkin’s disease. My thymus was greatly enlarged and they advised x-ray therapy to
reduce it. Four treatments at intervals of one to two months were taken in that series of
treatments. Between the first and second of those treatments I went to ... where a skilled
osteopath, Dr. [...] with offices at ... gave me the course of sixteen treatments that Mr.
Cayce prescribed. He found the area indicated in the reading to be in bad condition but
succeeded in working it out in good shape. He also secured for me the inhalant as
suggested. My health improved very much. The itching almost entirely subsided and my
bronchial trouble cleared up. How much of my improvement was due to the x-ray
therapy and how much to the osteopathic treatment and inhalant, I am unable to say. In
May, 1945 having occasion to take my wife [...] to the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minn., I
was also examined there and the diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease was confirmed by that
clinic. I have since taken osteopathic treatment as conditions seemed to require. I have
not used the inhalant since the first prescription was exhausted. The x-ray therapy has
been continued whenever any enlarged lymph nodes appear or whenever the thymus
becomes again enlarged. Recurrence of intense itching is a fairly good indication that I
need treatment again. In general, by keeping up these treatments when needed, I
maintain pretty good health. I have had no recurrence of bronchial trouble. My blood
pressure is satisfactory and my blood count is good. I have occasional spells of heart
palpitations which sometimes last for several hours but the use of quinidine sulfate pretty
well holds that in check. The DDD suggested in the reading for the itching did not effect
any relief for that. As that discomfort was evidently a symptom of the lymphatic trouble
and not due to any external cause that result is understandable. I appreciated the
opportunity to receive a reading from Mr. Cayce and only regret that his life might not
have been spared longer...”

R4. 4/6/49 GD requested report from osteopath who treated [5360].

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Reports by Members
8/26/68 Letter from Mary E. Roach, R.N., 50 W. 77th St., N.Y., N.Y., 10024:
“To Whom it May Concern: I suggested the Cayce formula inhalant in 304-3 to Mrs.
Smith, a friend of mine, whose 6 yr. old daughter suffered severely from bronchial
asthma since birth. This has been given to her daughter since November 1964 and the
child has not had one single attack up to this date, states Mrs. Smith, not even a cold.”


PORT FOLIO WEEKLY, September 25, 2007

David Armour, then 13, “wheezed all the time and could not do any exercise,” said his
mother, of Glasgow, Scotland, speaking about her son's severe asthma. His complete
recovery, according to a July report in the Scottish Daily Record, is attributed to two
years of dedication in learning to play the bagpipes.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Asthma Case Studies

Meridian Institute, May, 1998

Five individuals participated in a 10-day live-in instructional/treatment program in

April, 1997, in which they were taught the elements of the Edgar Cayce therapies for
asthma. Asthma is a disorder in which the airways of the lungs become either narrowed
or completely blocked, impeding normal breathing. The Cayce perspective is that the
causes of asthma are varied, and include spinal problems (i.e., osteopathic lesions) and
toxicity, often related to the digestive system. The therapeutic approach was a
complementary one, based on the information in the Edgar Cayce readings. The project
explicitly did not require participants to change their current therapies or medications.
The principal therapies included dietary changes, chiropractic adjustments and use of a
hand-held vibrator along the spine, a hydrotherapy/cleansing regimen, and occasional use
of Calcidin (calcium iodate). The participants then returned home to continue these
therapies for six months, submitting daily logs of compliance with the protocol. See the
copy of the home treatment protocol at the end of this report.
Asthma symptoms were evaluated at the beginning of the program and after six
months. A follow-up questionnaire was sent to all participants after one year. Three of the
five people returned for the six month follow-up in October, 1997. Subjects who
followed the protocol consistently (but none completely or perfectly) averaged moderate
to major improvement in asthma symptoms over six months, based on subjective
questionnaires. At the one-year follow-up, four of the five subjects reported moderate to
major improvement in quality of life related to their asthma. The degree of improvement
was clearly related to the degree of compliance with the protocol.
Below are case reports based on the initial questionnaires and the six-month and one-
year follow-up questionnaires. Comments from letters and interviews are included as

AS#1 is a 44-year-old woman, a studio artist. Her asthma began 9 years previously.
Her symptoms at the beginning of the project were the most severe of any of the
participants, and were highly disabling. Although she did not begin the protocol for
several months, and was not able to follow it well, she had major improvements from the
elements that she did follow.
She described her symptoms at the initial program: “Frequent bronchospasms of great
degree of severity. Hospitalized seven times in the last two years.” She was bothered by
the side effects of the steroids she was taking, but the rebound effect was so serious she
was unable to go off them.
For her previous treatments she wrote, “I have tried nearly all asthma medications on
the market in the last eight years.” She was currently on Accolate (1 month), Dexacort (5
months), Proventil inhaler (8 years), and Atrovent inhaler (1 year). In addition, she had
tried chiropractic treatments and acupuncture. She wrote, “Because of the complexity of
my response, I desperately want to try the Cayce remedies. I have tried some of them on
my own, but I need a more comprehensive approach.”

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


AS#1 did not return for the six-month follow-up. During the initial program, AS#1 had
a severe asthma attack that required hospitalization, so she was not able to complete the
program. It was probably a rebound from her attempt to eliminate the use of steroids.
When she returned home, she was unable to comply with most of the treatment protocol,
but she did try Calcidin, the calcium-iodine compound that Cayce recommended for
acute asthma attacks. As the report below indicates, she credits Calcidin for allowing her
to eliminate steroids. Several months into the program, when she began to follow the
Cayce diet, she also had notable improvement.
She did fill out the one-year follow-up questionnaire. She rated her asthma symptoms
as “Much improved,” and her other symptoms as “Much improved.” She also rated her
attitudes/emotions as “Much improved.” She had decreased her asthma medications, and
reported “Much decreased” side effects. On the initial “Asthma Quality of Life”
questionnaire she scored 87 points; on the one-year follow-up she scored 35 points, a 52-
point improvement.
As noted above, for the first several months, the only aspect of the protocol with which
she complied was the use of Calcidin. In the last few months she also worked on her diet.
Her comments at the one-year follow-up:
“Most significant for me has been the use of Calcidin. For years, with the aid of my
pulmonary specialist, I had been trying to eliminate the use of steroids. In spite of
everything we tried, I had been unable to overcome the rebound effects from steroid
withdrawal. I cannot describe the terrible debilitation even the least amount of steroid use
had on my life since my diagnosis of adult onset asthma in 1989.
“My physician switched me to a new, non-steroidal medication in August 1997, but
personally, I feel I still could not have eliminated the use of the steroid without the help
of Calcidin. I took it as often as the sense of “asthma crisis” occurred, several times a day
for a few weeks, then once a day for about another month. I still take it several times a
month on days when my asthma, inexplicably, is worse. I am usually back to my
‘normal’ maintenance regimen within 24 hours.
“Late February 1998, I finally began to experience a sense of normalcy for the first
time in years. I expanded my support group to include friends to help specifically with
the diet. Though I have yet to eat a ‘perfect’ Cayce diet, the effect on my asthma has been
remarkable. The simple reduction of refined sugar products is especially notable in its
“As I make greater recovery, I look forward to including the rest of the
recommendations. I anticipate reducing my medications even more so.
“I cannot thank the Meridian Institute enough. I have my life back.”
A later comment from AS#1: “A ‘little healing’/a big, big deal: I rode my mountain
bike for twenty five minutes last week.”

AS#2 is a 43-year-old man, employed as a welder. He has had asthma since the age of
5. He followed the protocol moderately well, and had moderate improvement.
At the beginning of the project he described his symptoms: “Can’t breathe in at times,
depending on weather, time of year. Severity depends on whether I can go away from
what is causing it.” He complied relatively well with the treatment protocol, and at the
one-year follow-up he reported moderate improvement.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


He also had digestive symptoms, and reported “marked to extreme indigestion” on his
initial symptom questionnaire: “I feel the best when I don’t eat, but the cravings get out
of hand; then I eat out of control. When I eat minimal or a lot my abdomen will swell up
for a couple of hours. Have been redoing fillings in my mouth. It seems to help some.”
Previous treatments included chiropractic. Medications for asthma included Proventil
tablets (18 years), Ventilin inhaler (18 years), Azmacort (2 years), and Serevent (2 years).
During the initial program, the most notable response was of his digestive system to
the cleansing regimen of diet, castor oil packs, and a colonic irrigation. He experienced
substantial relief of his indigestion.
AS#2 did not return for the six-month follow-up. He did fill out the one-year follow-up
questionnaire. He rated his asthma symptoms as “Improved,” and his digestive symptoms
as “Much improved.” He also rated his attitudes/emotions as “Much improved.” On the
initial “Asthma Quality of Life” questionnaire he scored 72 points; on the one-year
follow-up he scored 47 points, a 25-point improvement.
AS#2 complied fairly well with the diet aspect of the protocol, following it “Often.”
He used castor oil packs “A few times/month,” had “Four or more” colonics, and used
the spinal vibrator “Almost every week.” He did not use Calcidin or have massages.
His comments at the one-year follow-up:
“Asthma has improved. It is hard to rate the information we received. But getting a
look at the full circle or complete picture helped me a lot. Getting together with other
asthmatic people to talk and discuss things.”

AS#3 is a 58-year-old woman, and is retired. She followed the protocol moderately
well during the first six months, and reported moderate improvement. She then followed
the protocol less carefully, and her symptoms went back to their initial severity by the
one-year follow-up.
Her asthma began when she was 10 years old. She was free of symptoms from about
18 to 30 years of age, and then for about a month following the death of her husband. She
wrote, “Freedom from asthma started when I left home to go to college and had freedom
to be myself and did not return until I felt psychologically oppressed in my marriage.
Why it returned after the brief freedom from symptoms following the death of my
husband, I haven’t yet fully figured out, but I am sure it has to do with not fully
expressing myself.”
She described her symptoms as, “Shortness of breath, usually worse in morning, or
with exercise. Some wheezing especially if have cold or cough. General tiredness. Have
had acute episodes requiring adrenalin injections, but they are rare. Usual condition is
mild to intermediate. However, the intermediate has been increasing over the last few
At the initial program, she was on the following medications: Theodur (28 years),
Feldene (15 years), Albuterol (28 years), as well as vitamin/mineral supplements. She
also has massages, occasional colonic irrigations, and has had homeopathic, osteopathic,
and chiropractic remedies.
AS#3 returned for the six-month follow-up, and answered the questionnaire for the
one-year follow-up. At the six-month follow up she reported moderate improvement. She

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


“One of the ‘small healings’ I reported for July was climbing to a waterfall (no big deal
except that this waterfall was in the High Sierras where I usually have great trouble
breathing even around a level campground).I am in control of asthma rather than letting
an episode happen and then responding to it. I feel much more energy and much more
ready to go on to new challenges in meeting my soul’s purpose for this lifetime.”
At that time she was following the diet consistently, and used Calcidin alternating with
Atomidine until her supply ran out.
At the 1-year follow up, her compliance with the protocol had decreased. She rated her
asthma symptoms as “About the same,” and her other symptoms as “Improved.” Her
attitudes and emotions were also “Improved.” But AS#3’s asthma symptoms had come
back, she noted that she only followed the diet occasionally, and she said:
“Mostly improved, but recently I’ve had more symptoms than I’ve had for a long time.
I plan to follow diet better and hope that will lead to improvement again.
“You didn’t ask about chiropractic - I have gotten lots of treatments but none made the
degree of difference that Carl Nelson’s did.
“Life events have eroded motivation (I have let them do so), e.g., taking the time to
prepare a proper Cayce meal vs. a quick spaghetti and cheese (a no no!) or eating out. I
need to scale back my activities and take better care of myself.”

AS#4 is a 47-year-old woman, a senior computer systems analyst. She followed only
the diet aspect of the protocol, but reported some improvement.
Her asthma began in 1984, 13 years previously. She described her symptoms as,
“Wheezing, thick mucous, congestion and constriction in throat and bronchi. Must use
the portable nebulizer at least 3x daily if not more. In the last several years (from 1992-
1993) I feel this condition has subtly become worse on a day-to-day basis. Tolerance of
environment and seasonal changes not as good as it used to be. Hospitalized in fall,
At the initial program, she was on the following medications: Aminophylline (generic)
(13 years), Albuterol sulfate inhalation solution (Ventolin) (13 years), Prednisone (1-3
cycles per year), Nasalide (6 months), Serevent (2 puffs/night). She has also used
chiropractic, foot reflexology, and nutritional counseling.
AS#4 returned for the six-month follow-up, and answered the questionnaire for the
one-year follow-up. At the six-month follow up she reported moderate improvement; her
“Asthma Quality of Life” questionnaire had an initial score of 63; this had decreased to
42 at the six-month follow-up, a 21 point improvement. At the one-year follow-up, she
reported a score of 43, one point worse than at six months, but still a substantial
improvement over her initial score.
On the summary questionnaire, however, she rated her asthma symptoms as “About
the same.” Her other symptoms were “Improved,” and her attitudes/emotions were
“Improved.” She reported her asthma as “Less disabling,” and the side effects of her
medicine as “Decreased.”
AS#4’s compliance with the protocol was the poorest of the group. She followed the
diet “Most of the time,” but otherwise did not follow the protocol.
She had no written comments at the one-year follow-up.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


AS#5 is a 66-year-old woman, and is retired. Her asthma began when she was 8 years
old. At both the six-month and one-year follow-ups she reported major improvement.
At the initial program, she described her asthma symptoms as follows: “Father heavy
smoker. Asthma throughout life, no attacks, just unable to pull in/push out, not
emphysemic, chronic asthma. Hay fever but no chest wheezing. Exercise induced
She noted, “Am looking for alternative medication. I am tired of being tired. Have no
family and could use group help. Am reading Foundation for Peace books like A Course
in Miracles. I know group work works because I went for mental health improvement.”
At the initial program she was on the following medications: Ventrolin (10 years),
Azmacort (off and on for 4 years), Proventil in saline for Pulmo-Aide Breathing Machine
(4 years, 7 or 8 times per month, only used in winter months). She had also tried a variety
of other inhalers in the past.
AS#5 returned for the six-month follow-up, and answered the questionnaire for the
one-year follow-up. At the six-month follow up she reported major improvement; her
“Asthma Quality of Life” questionnaire had an initial score of 88; this had decreased to
18 at the six-month follow-up, a 70 point improvement.
At the one-year follow-up, she rated her asthma symptoms as “Much improved,” and
her other symptoms as “Much improved.” Her “Asthma Quality of Life” questionnaire
had a score of 24, slightly but not meaningfully worse than at 6 months, given the large
overall improvement. Her attitudes/emotions were also “Much improved.” Her
medications were “Much decreased,” and the medication side effects were also “Much
Her comments at the one-year follow-up:
“Most asthmatics have a Peak Flow Meter - this gauge helped me ‘see’ my oxygen
progress. Came blowing 25-150, left Virginia blowing 250-300. Running up my full
flight of stairs instead of huffing and puffing. Alkaline diet is hard for certain parts of the
country. Lost 55 pounds, need to lose 40 more. Not gaining, but by spring will have more
choices. No sweets, no beef..Can’t express my thanks enough, the program ‘woke’ me up
from a depressed state of not knowing where to go for help. Sharing Edgar Cayce as
much as possible.”
“My spiritual/meditation from the Cayce teachings decreased my fear of asthma.”

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Case Profile On: Asthma

A.R.E. Clinic, December 1981


A 54-year-old woman with a diagnosis of asthma, peptic ulcer, spastic colon and
migraine headaches achieved significant relief and maintained reduction of symptoms
after three months of Cayce therapy.


Molly was a 54-year-old Registered Nurse, married with no children, when she
came to the A.R.E. Clinic in 1972 seeking treatment for asthma and migraine headaches.
She was unaware of Edgar Cayce's work, but wanted to try acupuncture to see if it would
help. Due to her long-term, debilitating illness, Molly felt unable to continue working as
a nurse, which upset her greatly.


For 25 years she had hay fever, then six years before coming to the Clinic she
developed asthma characterized by wheezing, dyspnea and coughing. She had been
hospitalized five times for breathing difficulties and was taking several medications to
control the symptoms of asthma. She also had a steroid-induced ulcer and a spastic colon,
as side effects of her heavy medication and her high stress level. She took Os Cal, Marax,
Valisone P.B., and S.S.K.I. daily, and added Grifulin 250 mg. and Adrenalin one-fourth
cc. when needed. As a nurse, she was trained to rely specifically on medications and was
careful in her usage.


Dr. Gladys McGarey began a treatment program for Molly. Acupuncture was
used weekly to balance the electrical systems of her body. At Dr. Gladys' urging, Mary
began keeping a diary of her feelings, reactions, dreams and activities as a means of
gaining greater insight into herself and the causes of her stress. As her symptoms abated,
her medications were gradually decreased, and Cayce-recommended treatments were
introduced, allowing her body to detoxify while maintaining balance:

* Acupuncture--weekly treatments provided relief of breathing difficulties and

afforded opportunities for Dr. Gladys to counsel Molly.

* Cayce diet for asthma--to reduce the intake of toxins and increase the alkaline
balance in the body.

* Glyco-Thymoline--taken orally--5 drops in a glass of water taken three times


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


* Atomidine--one drop in a glass of water on Monday, then adding one additional

drop each day until 5 drops are taken on Friday, with none taken on weekends.

* Castor oil drops taken orally--5 drops/day when needed to improve


* Vitamins C and E--to enhance body functioning.

Molly responded well to a structured program which called upon a gradual

reduction of prescription drugs, replacing them with natural remedies. She maintained
regular weekly appointments with Dr. Gladys from 1973 to Spring 1980, a total of seven
years. Since then, her appointments have decreased in frequency, as she has continued to
make improvement.


Molly showed gradual, persistent progress, as she consistently continued Clinic

treatments and followed her home treatment program. She was able to return to work as a
nurse in the Labor and Delivery Unit of a local hospital. As her breathing difficulties
decreased, she gained confidence in the Cayce remedies. Her peptic ulcer and spastic
colon cleared up within the first year of treatment, and her migraine headaches became
At times of heavy stress, Molly had flare-ups of asthma and headaches, but she
kept these under control with Dr. Gladys' care. She was hospitalized once in 1979 for
asthma. In nine years of care at the Clinic, she was hospitalized only once as compared to
five hospitalizations in the two years before starting the Cayce therapies.
She feels good about herself, her work and the care she has received. Her goal is
to achieve six month's duration between Clinic visits. Molly leads a busy, productive life
without pain and discomfort. She is able to maintain a balanced lifestyle in the midst of
stress. She still keeps her diary, and at age 63 is very interested in personal growth.

Report by:
Harvey Grady Director of Research
The A.R.E. Clinic
4018 N. 40th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85018
Telephone (602) 955-0551

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Illustration of type bottle for inhaling fumes into nostrils and throat.

Glass tubes which should be prepared with small stoppers or else use the big plain
stopper when not inhaling.

Air tube Inhaling tube

Rubber or cork stopper, plain, to
be used in bottle when not inhaling.

Bottle, 6 to 8 ounce Liquid, 4 to 6 ounces

Keep all openings tightly corked when not in use, so as to prevent loss of strength of inhalant by

You may have this type bottle prepared by a drug supply house or a high school
chemistry laboratory. Use the inhalant as an antiseptic, and as a reducing agent to the
plethoric condition caused in the passages of nose and throat, for colds and other acute
conditions. When ready to be used, replace the plain stopper with the one with the two
tubes (after shaking the solution well), and then inhale through the nostril, each side,
some 3 to 4 times; not the liquid itself but the fumes that naturally arise if the ingredients
are combined properly. Use the inhalant 3 to 4 times a day, or especially if, in the
morning or evening, there is the tendency for sneezing, for cold, or irritation.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Asthma and Buteyko Breathing

If you, your children, or your grandchildren have asthma, you owe it to yourself
to check out the Buteyko Breathing Method. By using Buteyko's techniques, people with
asthma will likely toss their medications within 6 months. And this is often true with even
severe asthma. Just log onto and get the information you need.
You can also get data on Buteyko method trials from the book, Breathing Free,
by Teresa Hale. I have some experience with Buteyko, and it has all been very good. The
odds that you can break free from debilitating and dangerous asthma drugs are excellent.
And remember that inflammation is one major reason why corticosteroid asthma
drugs like Flovent are prescribed. In the initial stages, when you first start the Buteyko
method, you will need to treat the inflammation nutritionally. The greatest inflammation
reducers are unsaturated fatty acids. I recommend using 6 to 12 Sesame Seed Oil perles,
and a full teaspoon of Blue Ice High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil daily for the first 3 to 4
months. Sesame oil is the supreme anti-inflammatory agent.
You will also need to resolve the allergy part of asthma, as well as meet all the
phytonutrient requirements of an asthma sufferer. To do this, while you are using the
Buteyko Method, be sure to take 6 to 9 Allerplex daily until your asthma is completely
under control. After that you can begin to cut back the dose of all three products. All
products, except the cod liver oil, are produced by Standard Process.
Corticosteroids and other asthma drugs are not the only answer. Be sure to check
out this natural anti-asthma protocol for control over your asthma.

Dr. Bruce West

Health Alert, April 2008, Volume 25, Issue 4
100 Wilson Rd., #110,
Monterey, CA 93940

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


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