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BSBWOR502 Lead & Manage team effectiveness Assessment 1A: Policies & Procedures

Policies & Procedures


To set up policies and procedures for our team meeting


To ensure that all the team members understand about our policies and procedures for the


- Team members are expected to attend all team meetings to which they are
assigned. It is recognized that team members may be unable to attend some meetings due
to conflicts with other commitments or other unforeseen circumstances.
- An attendance rate of at least 80% is acceptable
- During the meeting, staff have the opportunity to contribute to discussion, provide
feedback on relevant events and discuss the progress/concerns about the project.
- Listen to understand what is being said. Do not “pretend” to listen while you are
thinking of how to respond to statements others have made.
- Be respectful to others, as you would expect the same for yourself.
- The agenda is passed to all members at least three days before the meeting to
enable members to suggest agenda items and any preparations to be made.
- Minutes of the meetings and action points of the meetings are recorded. A copy of
the minute is circulated to the team members and retained in the meetings folder.
- Additional meetings may be arranged as necessary.


- Opening the Meeting: the meeting begins after the Chairperson declares the
meeting opened.
- Apologies: The Chairperson states the names of those members who formally
notified that they were unable to attend the meeting.
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting: the Chairperson moves that the minutes of the
previous meeting be accepted or adopted
- Correspondence: letters that have been sent to the meeting are tabled and
debated, if the meeting wishes to do.
- Reports written for the meeting are tabled and debated, if the meeting wishes to do.
BSBWOR502 Lead & Manage team effectiveness Assessment 1A: Policies & Procedures

- Leave 5-10 minutes at the end of the meeting to evaluate the meeting
- At the end of a meeting, review actions and assignments, and set the time for the
next meeting and ask each person if they can make it or not (to get their commitment)
- Clarify that meeting minutes and/or actions will be reported back to members in at
most a week
- Close of Meeting

Relevant Legislations:

Privacy ACT
To sets out rules about how and when we can collect, store, use and give out your
personal information. This includes rules about who can view your personal information, and
where and how it must be stored. Privacy issues can arise in all aspects of life. And you can
make a complaint if your privacy has been breached.

Work Health and Safety ACT

To secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces through the elimination or
minimisation of risks, fair and effective representation, consultation, co-operation and issue
resolution, encouraging employer organisations and unions to play a constructive role,
provision of advice, information, education and training, and effective and appropriate
compliance and enforcement measures, among other matters. Also under the WHS
Act workers and others are to be given the highest level of protection from hazards and
risks as is reasonably practicable.

Discrimination ACT
The purpose of this Act is to combat discrimination and in other ways promote equal
rights and opportunities regardless of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity,
religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.

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