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The success of an organic dairy farm depends on the ability to

look at the farm as a whole, instead of a collection of individual
parts. Organic dairy farming requires a different approach,
because it is not just conventional dairy farming without
antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides. Establishing a
sustainable organic dairy farm is far more than substituting
organically-approved products for synthetic ones. It starts by
looking at the interconnectedness of the whole farm and
maintaining it as a complex and diverse agricultural ecosystem. It
involves a continuous commitment to improving the health of
soils, growing high-quality forages, increasing the vitality of
livestock and, hopefully, improving the quality of life of the farm
To assure long-term success, the farm needs to be treated as a
system where each part affects the others and the farm as a
whole. Within that system, instead of quick fixes to individual
problems as they appear, a whole-systems approach seeks to
develop a management plan that prevents problems before they
arise or allows them to be noticed and addressed early. Many of
the products and materials available for use by organic dairy
farmers to manage herd health, soil fertility, and so forth, are not
fast acting, and they can be expensive. Prevention and a systems
approach will reduce the need for these expensive, and
sometimes ineffective, inputs.
There is no simple recipe for setting up and managing a
successful organic dairy operation; the uniqueness of the farm
family alone assures that there are as many ways as there are
organic dairy farmers. The success of each depends on the way
the farmer manages available natural- and human resources to
meet particular farm, family, and business goals.
The decision to become organic, which involves a transition that
takes several years, needs to be considered within the context of
the farmer's experience and predisposition, the overall goals for
the farm, the farm family's goals, the natural ecology of the land
involved, and an understanding of the organic standards.
Knowing the available organic products, information, and
resources is just a beginning. The ability to effectively manage a
farm requires the technical knowledge of managing and caring for
soils, livestock, and plants. It requires keen observational skills to
notice subtle changes, and the flexibility to adapt to them.
Dairy farmers making the transition to organic production today
have some advantages over farmers who did so five to ten years
ago. They enjoy a wider array of approved health care products,
and more sources of organic seeds and soil amendments. They
have access to knowledgeable veterinarians and soil and crop
advisors, and more organic farmer peers from whom to learn.
There is also improved access to markets for organic fluid milk in
many areas.
Challenges, however, remain for organic dairy farmers and those
transitioning. The pay price for organic milk may not always rise
as fast as the cost of production does. In addition, resources vary
from region to region and in some areas it may be difficult to find
a knowledgeable veterinarian or crop or soil advisor.
Health care is just one area where the whole-systems approach
to organic dairy farming is important. Learning how to effectively
and humanely care for livestock in an organic system requires a
preventive management plan, good observation, and early
intervention. Such attention will save money and time spent
treating sick animals. In general, a farm will experience the fewest
animal health problems if it has good soil health, is able to
produce high-quality forage, offers a balanced ration with
adequate dry matter intake (DMI), provides low-stress housing
and handling, and follows good sanitation and milking procedures.
Unhealthy soils producing poor-quality forages will contribute to
health problems. Incorrectly balanced rations, poor-quality
pastures, and overfeeding or underfeeding set the stage for the
same. The stress of poor ventilation, lack of a dry place for cows
to lay down, overcrowding, poor milking procedures, stray
voltage, or upsetting handling practices can also add to problems.
Most cows can tolerate a few challenges to their health, but if they
are stressed for a long period of time, or by many issues at the
same time, their overall vitality will decline and early symptoms of
health problems will appear. These are issues with which both
organic and nonorganic farms deal, but they require additional
attention if an organic health care management and prevention
system is going to be successful.
Soil health is another area where the whole farm systems
approach is critically important. Healthy soils produce the high-
quality forages that, as the basis of the dairy cow’s diet, allow
livestock to reach their potential as healthy parts of the whole-
farm system. In return, the cattle will produce manure which, if
managed well, will be central to the healthy cycling of nutrients on
the farm. Soil health not only supports healthy livestock, it
provides high-quality forages that cows convert into nutrient-
dense meat and milk that support human health. These are
products which, when sold to a discerning customer, will hopefully
be able to support the farm financially.
These are just a few examples of the interconnectedness of the
whole organic dairy farm system, and how thinking of the farm in
this way can help prevent or solve multiple problems. As you read
the many articles and resources available on this website, keep in
mind how each subject relates to the whole farm and
supports healthy soils, healthy livestock, quality forages,
profitability, and the production of high-quality food for people.

This is an eOrganic article and was reviewed for compliance with

National Organic Program regulations by members of the
eOrganic community. Always check with your organic certification
agency before adopting new practices or using new materials.
For more information, refer to eOrganic's articles on organic

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