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7 ways contaminants get in your

machines, and how to avoid them
If particles are the root cause of most of the wear occurring in machines, organizations should work
to control particle ingression and removal

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lem. Mixed with the lubricant, water

causes rust and corrosion, promotes
7 ways contaminants get in your oil oxidation, contributes to sludge
and varnish formation, and destroys
machines, and how to avoid them the lubricant’s film strength.

If particles are the root cause of most of the wear occurring in machines,
organizations should work to control particle ingression and removal. II. WHERE DOES CONTAMINA-
The two routes of contamination are
I. HOW DO MACHINES FAIL? It stands to reason that if particles ingested (i.e., from the outside), and
Particle Contamination are the root cause of most of the built-in or internally generated (i.e.,
Professor Ernest Rabinowicz spent wear occurring in machines, organi- from the inside). Furthermore, stud-
much of his time at MIT researching zations should work to control par- ies show it costs about 10 times as
machine wear and what he referred ticle ingression and have a method much to remove contaminants than
to as loss of usefulness. Rabinowicz for removal when necessary. it does to exclude it.
found that approximately 50% of
lost equipment usefulness is due Moisture Contamination 1. Ingested ‒ Lack of Initial Oil
to mechanical wear and another Depending on base oil type, addi- Filtering
20% is due to corrosive wear. The tive content, and temperature, all Most new oils are not very clean,
National Research Council of oils will adsorb a certain amount of containing up to 8-16 times the
Canada furthered the understand- water. But when the water content levels of particle contamination and
ing of the cause of mechanical wear increases beyond an oil’s saturation twice the moisture content recom-
by concluding that although several point, water comes out of solu- mended for critical applications.
wear mechanisms exist, 82% of me- tion and either forms an emulsion
chanical wear is caused by particle or settles on the bottom of the oil Perhaps one of the most common
contamination. sump. Either way, water is a prob- misconceptions in maintenance and
reliability is that the new oil we buy
is clean enough for immediate use.
PRIMARY WEAR MECHANISMS The reality is that a new drum of
lubricating oil will typically have
Figure 1. 82% of mechanical wear is caused by particle contamination a particle count of approximately
(i.e., abrasion, erosion, and fatigue).
82% of mechanical wear is caused by 19/16/14 or higher (see Table 1).
particle contamination
That means that every cubic centi-
66% meter of oil in the drum contains
between 2,500 and 5,000 particles
that are at least 4 microns in diam-
12% 8% 8% 4% 2% eter – about 1 billion particles for
the whole drum.

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A Cleanliness Code is great, but why

do these numbers really matter? It
seems like a lot of contaminant, so
surely this should be visible in the
oil? The reality is that 4-, 6-, and
14-micron particles simply cannot
be seen with the naked eye. In fact, Figure 2. Portable filtration units can be used to filter oil that is delivered in drums.
it’s not until particles get as large as
40-50 microns that we can see them
without a microscope. By com- times prior to transferring to critical
parison, a red blood cell is around 8 equipment. The technique used to
microns. To put that into perspec- filter the new oil depends on the oil’s
tive, the life expectancy of your method of delivery. If it comes in
equipment is being compromised by drums, each drum can be filtered us-
red-blood cell sized particles! ing portable compact filtration units
(see Figure 2). If the volume is suf-
Cleanliness requirements for ficiently large, the oil can be filtered
improved reliability and extend- as it is transferred.
ing component life range from an
ISO Particle Count of 15/13/10 to Another popular technique, which
18/16/13 depending on the compo- covers a wider range of storage and
nent type. Very few new oil particle handling issues, involves the use of a
Figure 3. A comprehensive lubricant management
counts meet that criteria. comprehensive lubricant management system can include separate pumps and filters or
each lubricant as well as options such as desic-
system (see Figure 3). These sys-
cant breathers.
The first step in ensuring the cleanli- tems can be configured with a wide
ness of new oil is to filter the oil to range of options, including separate
an acceptable level. Best practice is pumps and filters for each lubricant; to the fluid; fittings and spigots that
to pass the oil through particle and high-quality desiccant breathers to minimize contamination.
water removing filter elements 5-7 prevent subsequent contamination
Systems like these allow staff to eas-
Machine Type Particle Level Target
ily clean new oil, keep it clean, pre-
With servo valves 15/13/11
With proportional valves 16/14/12
vent cross-contamination, and track
Hydraulics Variable volume piston pump 17/15/12 lubricant consumption by product
(1500-2500 psi)
With cartridge valves
type without having to engineer the
or fixed piston pump
process from scratch.
With vane pump 19/16/13
Gearbox 19/16/13
Paper machine 18/14/11 2. Ingested ‒ Improper Storage
Steam turbine 18/14/11 Techniques
Pumps 17/14/12 Once your oil is filtered to the cor-
Table 1. At an ISO code of 19/16/14 or higher, new oil is too dirty for most critical applications. rect level, the battle to keep it that

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way begins immediately. When pre-filter, store, and kit for routine
it comes to a quality Lubrication preventive maintenance tasks. It also
Program, how you store and handle provides a method for usage control.
your lubricants can have detrimen- Keeping oil clean is not difficult
tal effects down the road. Quality if you use the right tools. It cer-
practices are not just about keeping tainly helps to have an enclosed
lubricants clean, but also ensuring storage area with climate control,
the appropriate amounts of appropri- but this setup isn’t always feasible.
ate lubricants are maintained in a Common-sense measures like good
manner that promotes the lubricant’s housekeeping, wiping fittings, using
health while it is in storage. dust covers, and installing desic-
cant breathers on tanks and drums
A custom designed Lubrication Stor- (Figure 5) can go a long way toward
age & Handling Room is the lubri- keeping dirt out of stored lubricants.
cant’s sanctuary from a harsh plant
Figure 5. Desiccant breather installed on a drum.
environment (see Figure 4). The 3. Ingested ‒ Exposure to Ambient
“Lube Room” provides a dedicated Environment During Transfer
storage area where lubricants can be One of the major sources of the oil container into the machine
adequately prepared and maintained contamination ingress is when reservoir. Since by definition this is
for service. This includes a place to the oil is being transferred from occurring out in the plant, open-
ing the oil transfer container or
machine to the ambient operating
environment can cause oil cleanli-
ness levels to exceed your target.

For large reservoirs the best transfer

method is to use fixed plumbing to
pipe the machine reservoirs to the
storage tanks. However, this is only
feasible for very large systems as it is
very expensive and impractical for
small equipment. For other large sys-
tems, or those with a moderate size
reservoir, the best method is usually
to pump oil directly into the sump
from a drum or tote tank using a fil-
ter cart. Portable filter carts are one
of the most versatile and effective
Figure 4. An example of a Lube Room. tools available to lubricant transfers
and decontamination.

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For applications with very small Contaminant Type Damage to Lubricant Damage to Machinery
sumps or those that are located such Cross-contamina- • Oxidation • Varnish/deposits
tion of lubricants
that a filter or top-off cart is im- • Additive loss • Potentially exacerbates
practical, oil transfer containers (see • Viscosity changes all wear mechanisms due
to loss of film strength
Figure 6) are also an option as long • Loss of demulsibility of water and changes in additive
• Increase in air entrainment concentration
as they meet certain criteria. A good
quality oil transfer container should • Premature filter plugging

be plastic, sealable, color-coded or Table 2. The effects of lubricant cross-contamination.

marked for product type, and it
must be cleaned on a regular basis.
It is critical to isolate your oil and from incompatibility from base stock to help identify which cart should be
equipment with a transfer container to base stock, or from issues with the used with a particular lubricant.
that is equipped with quick con- compatibility of the many different
nects so they can be filled without additives found in today’s lubricants. Color-coded lubricant ID tags are an
exposing the container to the outside The severity of the conditions can essential practice for avoiding cross-
environment. The trigger should also range widely, from a slight reduction contamination and are an OSHA
be self-closing so that the container of oil service life all the way to sud- requirement for all liquid containers.
is always sealed when not in use. den catastrophic failure. An ID system should be applied to
all filtration units, tanks, oil transfer
4. Ingested ‒ Incorrect Lubricant To avoid cross-contamination of containers, grease guns, and ap-
Added to Machine fluids, make sure there is a dedicated plication points. Ideally, these labels
Some of the key properties of a lu- filter cart for each type of lubricant should be shape and color coded.
bricant can be expected to be altered in use and avoid the labor intensive Just like how you can recognize the
when mixing incompatible lubri- process of flushing carts to switch label of your favorite soft drink from
cants (see Table 2). These alterations products. Some manufacturers allow across the room, oil labels should
to the lubricant properties may come you to color code your filtration unit be clear and concise so there’s no
mistaking what is contained within
the container or unit.
Figure 6. An oil
transfer container
should fully isolate
5. Ingested ‒ Unprotected Vent Ports
your oil from Today’s options for restricting the
ingression of contaminants are a
far cry from yesterday’s open tube
turndown pipes that did little more
than keep the birds out. Conven-
tional vent ports or breather caps
provide little or no protection. They
are typically rated at 40 microns
and offer no means of capturing
moisture. Retrofitting these ports

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Desiccant breathers combine a drying media with a combination of filters
to prohibit the entry of water and microscopic particulates from entering the
system and remove water contained within a reservoir to prevent conden-
sation. A large variety of sizes, desiccants and options allow you to select
the right solution for your application.

with desiccant breathers will provide Because the amount of particle

24/7 protection against uninvited contamination that can be built
contaminants, both dirt and water. into a system or added during repair
activities can be significant, it is best
As nearly all gearboxes, reservoirs, practice to flush the reservoir prior
and storage tanks are designed to to initial operation. Filter carts can
breathe, allowing only clean, dry be effective tools for flushing systems
air to enter the system is essential to in situations where only mechanical
extending the life of your equip- separation is required (see Figure 7).
ment. Replacing standard breather/ A new hydraulic system or one that
filter caps with a desiccant breather has had components such as pumps,
immediately prevents moisture and motors, or piping replaced is an
moves particle filtration from 40 excellent candidate for flushing.
microns to 3 microns or less.
Hydraulic valve failures upon
6. Built-In or Internally Generated start-up are common when proper
‒ Original Fabrication or Repair flushing procedures are not fol-
Residue lowed. Although hydraulics, as a
Companies often make a false as- machine category, are very sensitive
Figure 7. Filter carts are an extremely versatile
sumption that the reservoirs in the to contamination and require initial filtration solution.

new or repaired equipment they

receive is clean. Unfortunately, that
is often not the case. Paint chips,
• Maximum flowrates do not really apply here — the more turbulence in the
core sand from castings, rubber
fluid the better.
fragments from hoses and seals, lint
from shop towels, rust, and weld • Although filter carts are not typically capable of circulating oil through the
piping in hydraulic or lube oil systems, they can be effectively utilized at the
splatter are examples of the types of
reservoir while using system pumps to circulate oil through piping.
built-in contamination that can end
up in your reservoir. Contaminants • When flushing new hydraulic systems, it is recommended to isolate valves
and other sensitive components with jumpers.
can also invade new and repaired
systems during transport and storage • When flushing a new or repaired system it is helpful to use the minimum al-
lowable oil viscosity to maximize turbulence.
to your plant or through using dirty
oil during testing.

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flushing, you should not overlook oxidation, particle scrubbing, and downtime can total as much as 40%
other lubricated machines, such as viscosity increase to the lubricant. of maintenance dollars spent.
pumps and gearboxes. Any sealed, Although age is inevitable, life can
lubricated component should be be significantly extended by keep- In a seminal study published in 2005,
flushed before or shortly after start- ing your lubricants clean and dry Professor Rabinowicz concluded
up. In fact, offline filtration can be through a combination of exclusion that as much as $5 billion was lost
much more effective at eliminating and extraction practices. each year in the United States alone
run-in debris than changing the oil due to what he referred to as “loss of
at the first scheduled interval. III. THE BOTTOM LINE usefulness.” Even allowing for infla-
Don’t Forget to Test! tion, that number is likely to be even
7. Built-In or Internally Testing the oil in your machines can higher today as equipment is run lon-
Generated ‒ Internally Generated tell you whether your maintenance ger between scheduled maintenance
Particles plan is working as intended. Another and faster to increase throughput.
As machines and oil age they benefit is that a sudden rise in par-
will inevitably begin to wear and ticle levels can be a sign of mechani- Contamination control is the single
degrade. Whenever oil-wetted cal failures (such as misalignment or greatest opportunity for gains in the
components wear, the debris that a broken gear) that haven’t shown up average lube program. Significant
is shed from the machine surfaces yet in vibration analysis, providing gains in machinery reliability can
enters the oil and becomes a con- you with an early warning. be made with minimal investments.
taminant. This wear debris can lead Equipment life can be greatly ex-
to enhanced machine wear unless Although the cost of lubricants tended through proper lubrication
it’s removed by aggressive filtration, typically represents 1-3% of a main- maintenance. In today’s competitive
which is why most experts recog- tenance budget, it would be incor- market, most companies are now
nize that contamination causes rect to make the assumption your realizing that maintaining clean oil
80% of active wear. Over time a lubrication program has little impact is one of the best investments it can
machine will make its own parti- on your overall maintenance budget. make, with contamination at the
cles, causing erosion, abrasion, and However, the truth is that failed com- core of premature machinery failure
fatigue directly to the machine, and ponents and overtime due to machine and diminished lubricant life.

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