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Start time: 1.

00 pm

End time: 2.15 pm

General Test 3
Task 1
You have recently purchased a piece of furniture, but you noticed a problem when it was
delivered to you. Write a letter to the store manager and say

 some information about your purchase

 What problem it is
 what you suggest the manager should do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to make a complaint about the set of dining table that I bought from your First Class
Furniture store yesterday afternoon.
When Upon entering your shop, I was immediately partial to the wooden dining table set with
white oval marble main table and six brown chairs. The original price was $900.00 but I got 50%
off, so it came down to $ 450.00 including 2 years of warranty in the purchasing package. What is
more, I already paid $50.00 for delivery fees due to the fact that my van was not enough space for
carrying it.
I was so content that the expected equipment was punctually transported to my home this morning.
However, my wife and I were so relatively disappointed when we recognized some obvious
scratches on the surface of table and one leg of a chair was shaking and nearly broken apart.
Owing to the fact that all the problems is are absolutely caused by delivery process, I would like to
swap the request a new table set in uniformity with my selected one and I should deserve receiving
free of charge for delivery the new one and I should be free from any additional delivery fee this
[SUGGESTION] I am also enclosing the receipt for your perusal and records. Your assistance in this
matter is greatly appreciated. I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as your
earliest convenience.

 I would appreciate it if you could..

 I would be grateful if you could…
Kind regards,

Task Achievement 7.0

This is a good letter, yet it is better if further
information is provided. Normally, we are
supposed to enclose the receipt, or at least
inform the company of your purchase record
(in the case that it is e-warranty) so that they
can track it down.
Coherence and Cohesion 7.0
A good range of cohesive devices are effectively
Lexical Resource 7.0
A good range of vocabulary is appropriately
Grammatical Range and Accuracy 7.0
A good range of grammatical structures are
handled well.
Overall 7.0
Keep up your good work!
Task 2
Some people think that managers alone should make decisions, while others think that
employees should be involved in the decision-making process too. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.
Making decisions is an extremely significant process that people have to implement during their
work. Should the decision-making tasks merely be performed by the management board or by the
whole working team? The satisfactory answer for this question will be identified after taking both
sides of the matter into consideration.
It is believed that making decisions is the duties and responsibilities of the leaders who are
recruited expected to perform professional and difficulty tasks at higher levels in comparison with
other labourers. [SUGGESTION] Decision making is commonly considered as one of the key
attributes any employees at senior levels should have. In addition, only the managers with
qualified professions and outstanding managing managerial characteristics are able to consider,
select among a variety of options and suggest the best solution. Furthermore, the leading personnel
will have a depth overview about of the company’s issues. If workers at lower positions do not have
an insight into company’s problems, their decision-making involvement will be waste of time and
resources. Since workers at lower positions normally do not hold multi-faceted views about
everything in a company, their decisions can be unilateral and misleading.
On the flip sides, employees and managers should be in equal measure in terms of making decisions
due to the fact that collaboration and teamwork play very important roles in work success. The
more people engage in the decision-making procedures, the more ideas are created and
contributable to the greater benefits of the company. [SUGGESTION] allowing employees to have a
part in the decision-making process paves the way for the emergence of novel ideas. That is why
many companies nowadays insist on organizing brainstorming meeting sessions for all staff before
each company’s event or milestone is launched. What is more, when the important workload is
shared, everyone has an equal opportunity to express their potential capacities giving rise to career

All in all, from an individual perspective, I firmly believe that it is the job of the managers to make
decision regarding key matters of the company. NotwithstandingNevertheless, before coming up
with their final statements, they should set up a meeting to take other staff’s opinions as references.

Task Response 7.0

This essay has a very clear position, yet could
be further developed.
Coherence Cohesion 6.0 (almost 7)
Although the use of cohesive devices is
effective, some parts of the essay hinder
progression. The final sentence of Body 1 is
(However, a more easy-going examiner may
grade 7.0 for this.)
Lexical Resource 7.0
The use of lexical items here is appropriate for
a band 7 essay.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy 7.0
A good range of grammatical structures is
effectively used.
Overall 6.5
 Keep up your good work!
 Read your essay again and check for
any problems that may hinder

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