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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

Entry Test

Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: He _____ a doctor. He’s a nurse.
A aren’t c B isn’t c C not c
1 What _____ next weekend?
A are you going c B are you going to do c C do you do c
2 Have you ever _____ Mexican food?
A eaten c B eat c C ate c
3 This is _____ old film. Have you seen it?
A a c B an c C the c
4 My mum doesn’t like _____ tennis.
A play c B to playing c C playing c
5 They _____ to the radio at the moment.
A ’re listening c B listened c C listen c
6 I _____ to the USA.
A ’ve never been c B am never been c C was never c
7 We _____ to the cinema last night.
A going c B go c C went c
8 I’m five years older _____ my sister.
A that c B than c C more c
9 She _____ to work yesterday because she was ill.
A doesn’t go c B didn’t going c C didn’t go c
10 I _____ at the moment because I’m on holiday.
A ’m not working c B don’t work c C not work c
11 I always _____ a shower before breakfast.
A am having c B have c C has c
12 They _____ burgers. They had fish and chips.
A didn’t have c B don’t have c C didn’t had c
13 Who _____ your favourite singers?
A be c B are c C is c
14 How often _____ to the theatre?
A go you c B do you go c C you go c
15 They _____ early at weekends.
A haven’t got up c B aren’t getting up c C don’t get up c
16 This is _____ book I’ve ever read.
A the best c B the most best c C the better c
17 I often go swimming _____ the weekend.
A in c B for c C at c
18 How _____ bread do you eat?
A lot c B much c C many c
19 What do you want _____ this weekend?
A doing c B do c C to do c
20 _____ there any apples? I’m hungry!
A Are c B Is c C Be c
21 She hardly _____ speaks in class.
A never c B ever c C more c
22 Paul left school _____ 2010.
A in c B on c C at c
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Entry Test
23 That man drives _____. Don’t get in his car!
A dangerous c B danger c C dangerously c
24 _____ your brother speak Spanish?
A Does c B Has c C Is c
25 We _____ to Athens and then we drove to Piraeus.
A flew c B flown c C flied c

Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: He drove the car into the _____.
A kitchen c B bathroom c C garage c
1 I usually _____ a sandwich for lunch.
A have c B drink c C cook c
2 The number after 11 is _____.
A eleven c B twelve c C twenty c
3 She answers the phone and talks to visitors. She’s a _____.
A receptionist c B musician c C builder c
4 My brother always wears _____.
A an umbrella c B a purse c C glasses c
5 The number 100 is _____.
A one thousand c B one hundred c C one million c
6 My uncle’s wife is my _____.
A cousin c B aunt c C niece c
7 I _____ my homework every evening.
A have c B make c C do c
8 Does Jake _____ much exercise?
A do c B make c C play c
9 My friend is a _____. He works in a restaurant.
A journalist c B nurse c C waiter c
10 I can speak _____.
A French c B England c C Germany c
11 A What’s the time?
B Sorry, I don’t have a _____.
A time c B watch c C book c
12 The opposite of full is _____.
A empty c B poor c C ugly c
13 A Where’s Tommy?
B He’s _____ his bike.
A riding c B driving c C playing c
14 A Would you like milk in your coffee?
B No, just _____, please.
A sweets c B cheese c C sugar c
15 In Spain, it’s usually hot in _____.
A winter c B autumn c C summer c
16 The month after June is _____.
A July c B May c C April c
17 She _____ the radio and listened to the news.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

Entry Test
A turned off c B looked for c C turned on c
18 The opposite of safe is _____.
A dangerous c B expensive c C boring c
19 We’ve got a very good shower in the _____.
A kitchen c B bathroom c C living room c
20 I’m waiting _____ the bus. It’s late!
A to c B for c C at c
21 A Mike, this is Alice.
B _____ to meet you, Alice.
A Fine c B Nice c C Well c
22 Can you _____ a photo of us, please?
A take c B make c C do c
23 Liam and Nancy came for lunch. We ate in the _____.
A bedroom c B dining room c C garage c
24 You can buy medicine at a _____.
A post office c B market c C chemist’s c
25 The day after Tuesday is _____.
A Wednesday c B Thursday c C Friday c
Grammar and Vocabulary total 50

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