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Reaction paper about Existentialism

This article is about how I react about the topic "Existentialism".

"Existentialism is a philosophical theory or approach which emplasites the existence of the
individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through
acts of the will.
In this definition of Existentialism, I think that it is all about the study of the existence of each
organism or specie on this world. I think it is all about how we survive and interact as an
individual person. And all of this, maybe it is all part of finding ourselves of who are we and
knowing why we exist.
"Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself. Such is the first principle of existentialism."
--- Jean-Paul Sartre.
In this quote about existentialism, it really makes me think for what I am doing right now to find
myself and what do I did for myself to fulfill the emptiness and find the mystery about my self. I
really do appreciate this study about existence because it will make you think and in this way it
will taught yourself for appreciating why you live and why you exist.
I thought existentialism is about how we grow or how we will survive but existentialism is just a
connection or one of a guide to find yourself. It is about for what you are doing to yourself.
Example, a baby, it doesn't have any moral ability to understand. It doesn't know if it is good or
bad. Then here comes the environment which he/she has been educated and already know what
is good from bad. Then he/she decide for what he will be doing, the right thing or the bad thing
or the bad thing. That is what Jean-Paul going say to us. It is up to us for what we will be doing
and that way we build up our own self, our own uniqueness and our own differences. We
ourselves made ourselves, bad or good it only depends on us and nothing can drag you down. In
the matter of fact, life is a matter of choice.
Life is a choice and choice will cannot be undone. So choose wisely and live more.
Existentialism tells us we exist. We exist because we know that we are existing. So I think the
only existing in this world are us people.
Existentialism is a study of existence and of the way humans find themselves existing in the
world. The concept is that humans exist first and then each individual spends a lifetime changing
their essence or nature. In short, it is philosophy concerned with finding self and the meaning of
life through free will choice and personal responsibility.
The reality is that we ourselves, are still and always searching to find out who and what they are
throughout life as we make choices based on our experiences, beliefs and outlook. We are the
responsible for what are will choose. We will be responsible without the help of the cause thic
rules, or traditions. It is the free-will for us trinan. We make our own individual through life
choices. And I strongly agree that we are the best when we are struggling .

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