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Define TQM. What are the obstacles to the implementation of TQM ? Describe them
briefly with examples if any.
Answer : Total quality management (TQM) is a business management strategy used to improve products

and services by focusing on organizational process measurements and controls . 

Obstacles to Implementing TQM:

Organization can encounter a number of difficulties in implementing TQM. Some common
obstacles are:
Lack of management commitment: When management talks TQM, but its actions fail to
support the effort, it will ultimately fail to meet expectations. The result is cynicism and
mistrust−and difficulty launching another attempt. For implementation to succeed,
management must clearly and frequently communicate the reason for adopting TQM, as if it is
another fad.
Inability to change Organizational culture: Changing an organization’s culture is extremely
difficult and time-consuming. Fear of change must be addressed, past labor-management
conflicts must be resolved, and the organization’s focus must change from maintaining the
status quo. Most employees will need to be convinced of the benefits that TQM program will
provide to buy in to the changes. This often means that employees need to change behaviors
or perform tasks in a different way than before TQM. If motivation is lacking, frustration and
stress are likely. And trust is a must.
Improper planning: All constituents of the organization must be involved in the development
of the implementation plan and modifications that occur as the plan evolves.
Lack of continuous training & education: TQM has the problem of proper training Lack of
continuous training & education. Training and education are most effective when senior
management conduct the training on the principles of TQM.
Ineffective measurement techniques and lack of access to data and results: TQM relies
on data-based decision making. To improve need to measure the effect of improvement ideas.
Access to data and quick retrieval is needed for effective processes. A process to succeed in
building and sustaining a TQM environment, data must be accurate, timely and reliable.
Decision makers must be trained in data analysis and interpretation.
Paying inadequate attention to internal and external customers: TQM does not pay
inadequate attention to internal and external customers. Have to understand the changing
needs and expectations of customers. To avoid or overcome this obstacle is to find out the
right way for direct access to the customer.
Inadequate us of empowerment and teamwork: Employed and worker need to have proper
training. Whenever possible, team recommendations should be followed. Individuals should be
empowered to make decisions that improve the efficiency.
Incompatible organizational structure and isolated individual and departments:
Difference between departments and individuals can create implementation problems.
Restructuring to make the organization responsive to customer needs may be needed.

Stephen Covey put seven habits of highly effective people.Effectivly describe all
Answer :

1. Be proactive

Pro activity has a lot to do with a person’s “circle of influence”. What you can control, what you can influence and
what is out of your reach. Pro activity is strongly related to acknowledging your own responsibility and influence.
The first big step that has to be taken is the step from dependence to independence. Here you will begin to
determine your own life by using your own agenda. You are aware of the fact that you are the architect of your
own life (habit 1 of the seven habits of highly effective people) and with this knowledge you set to work.

2. Begin with the end in Mind

This is the habit of vision, objectives, and mission. Beginning with the end in mind means that when you make
decisions today you consistently take into consideration what you stand for ‘in general’. Habit 2 has to do with the
principles and guidelines you choose to live by. You determine what you find important in life, what you stand for,
what you want to accomplish.
3. Put first things first

This habit has to do with integrity, discipline, sticking to your agreements. What is life about, and how do you wish

to shape your own life? Knowing this, you will get to work pro-actively while setting the right priorities. The second

big step is that of independence to (self-selected) interdependence.

4. Think win-win

This is the habit of the Paradox. Temptation is strong to think in terms of winning OR losing- or wanting to be right.
The trick is to recognize that a paradox provides an opportunity to unite the poles. You will be independent but at
the same time you realize that you can accomplish more by cooperating with other people. You know what you
are worth, but you also realize that you need the other person and that it is important to give and receive love.
You can accomplish this by thinking in terms of win-win. In case of conflicts you will always search for solutions
that are fair to all parties and in which there are no losers.

5. Seek first to understand then to be understood

Concentrate first on understanding the other person and then put energy into being understood. This is the habit
of listening, one of the basic qualities of a leader or a coach.

6. Synergize

The sixth habit of the seven habits of highly effective people, that is required to achieve interdependence
is synergizing. This means that your approach is fundamentally based on respect, cooperation and trust. This is
the habit of strengthening. the pitfall is compromise. The objective is to find the third path: how can two paradoxes
be combined into something better?

7. Sharpen the saw

The last, seventh habit of the seven habits of highly effective people is maintenance. This is the habit that tells
you that are with improving yourself and perseverance. By taking plenty of exercise, rest, meditation, etcetera,
you will keep your body, mind, relationships and spirituality in balance.

Explain the role of a team leader and describe the different characteristics of a
successful team.

Answer: Role of a team leader :

 Develop a strategy the team will use to reach its goal

 Provide any training that team members need
 Communicate clear instructions to team members
 Listen to team members' feedback
 Monitor team members' participation to ensure the training they are being provided is being put into
use, and also to see if any additional training is needed
 Manage the flow of day-to-day operations

Characteristics of a successful team :

1. We have a clear sense of purpose

This unifies the group. Everyone knows why the group exists. In addition to being clear, it should also be
important. Cool is better yet.

2. We have measurable objectives

Goals are the fuel which drive each member’s effort. They know there is work to do, and they strive to get it done.

3. Our purpose supports the larger organization’s purpose

Each team represents the use of scarce resources. People are expensive. They should only be deployed doing
something that helps advance the larger organization.

4. We know how the team will be evaluated

People want to win. The trouble with many teams is that winning hasn’t been defined. If you don’t know what good
looks like, how do you know you’ve achieved it?

5. We understand our customers’ expectations

Each team serves others. These could be internal or external customers. To succeed in this task requires that the
team knows what those customers expect.

6. Groups and individuals that support us understand our expectations

In most organizations, a team’s success depends on the support they get from others. To be well-supported,
those people need to know how best to provide that support.
7. We agree on the process for completing our work
There are many ways to get the work done. Efficiency usually requires a shared process. When this characteristic
is missing, chaos reigns.

8. We each do our “fair share” of the work

This has to happen to prevent the all-too-common fight that begins when team members begin to think I’m
working way harder than her.

9. We have access to the resources we need

This could be experts, data, tools, equipment, or decision authority.

10. We effectively make decisions

Teamwork requires decisions. Lots of decisions. Getting good at making those decisions quickly separates strong
teams from weak teams.

11. We communicate openly on the team

Almost all teamwork problems can be traced back to a team’s inability to effectively communicate. Assertiveness
and candor are necessary teamwork ingredients.


What is customer ? What is the customer’s perception of quality.Give brief details

of factors that influence the purchase of a product.
Answer : Customer :

A customer is an individual or business that purchases the goods or services produced by a

business. Attracting customers is the primary goal of most public-facing businesses, because it is the customer
who creates demand for goods and services. Businesses often compete through advertisements or lowered
prices to attract an ever-larger customer base.

Customer’s perception of quality :

One of the basic concepts of the TQM philosophy is continuous process improvement. This concept implies
that there is no acceptable quality level because the customer’s needs, values and expectations are constantly
changing and becoming more demanding.
Before making a major purchase, some people check consumer magazines that rate product quality. During the
period 1980 to 1988, the quality of the product and its performance ranked first, the price was second and
service was third. During the period 1989 to 1992, product quality remained the most important factor, but
service ranked above the price in importance.

Factors effecting customer’s perception of quality :

An American Society for Quality (ASQ) survey on end user perceptions of important factors that influenced
purchases showed the following ranking:
The factors of performance, features, service and warranty are the parts of a product or service quality.
Therefore, it is evident that product quality and service are more important than price. Although this
information is based on the retail customer, it appears, to some extent, to be true to the commercial customer

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