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€DV. VI.

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otfrinatpf our* ofdraper

2TtieIUaftrtottjS § €xttVLtnt
C&ur$ ofSaturn-
fortkeprmcipalFESTIVALS & SEASONS; with
tlue &MEL ODIE S
Togetherwilli HYMNS, and other DE V OT1 ON S,from
a Ancient EnglifhTources, andthemor eimportaiit vari-
ations of tlie Y OllK anclHEEEF E D tries AL S 0,

C&e %ixmv0iw[& of *e3Deaii,

Witk E xplanat oiy Note s and C ommejil s

lMritedandfoldbyjofept) atMs Dwelling

honfeiiiAlderfgate Street^witlxintlie City of London.
Aiidfoidalfo atJais Shop,78.NewBoncLSta*eetin. tke
City of WejiTninfter. MDCCC,L11.
Ima permutat brevis hora summis.

Earth one brief hour doth elevate to heaven.

|[ TO THE DEVOUT READER. for Walter Long, of Arlyngham or Erlyngham,

You have here the framework, and many of the

Clerk, whofe obit is therein recorded. 2. An
equally fine folio MS., unfortunately imperfecl, of
particulars of that noble Service which for many
later date, (Lanfdowne MSS. 463, Brit. Muf.) of
centuries was, in the celebrated Church of Sarum,
Sarum ufe, but apparently written for Norwich
offered to God and our Redeemer, by the brother-
hood of Clergy and Canons attached to that Cathe-
Cathedral. 3. An accurate and beautiful MS., in

and was alfo ufed throughout the South

fmall folio, (Arundel MSS. 130, ibid.) of Sarum ufe,
dral ; all
dated 1445, with the Percy arms in the corner of
of England and in Ireland. It is in fubftance the
the firft page. The Melodies for the Hymns are
fame, (with feveral additions indeed, and fome
variety of detail), as that which S. Auguftine
from thefe fame MSS., collated with a Hymnal of
the 14th century, (Harleian MSS. 2951) as far as
introduced into England, but which did not finally
that contains them, and the printed editions.
become arranged and confolidated into the form of
In order to make the volume as complete as
the Breviary until fubfequently to the year of our
poffible in itfelf, moft of the Hymns, Collects, and
Lord 1200.
Vefper Refponfories from the Proper of The Time
The tranflation is taken, not without collation
have been added ; and within brackets from the
of MSS.,* from the printed Breviaries")" of the early
Anglo-Saxon Pfalters, the ancient titles to the
part of the 1 6th century : mainly from that un-
Pfalms, and the Orifons appended to them in King
abbreviated and more complete edition, printed in
Athelftan's book, (MSS. Cotton. Galba A. xviii.)
folio, by Byrkman, at Paris, in 1516, and again by
which have never before been publifhed. The
C. Chevallon, in 1531; which, Itated in the title
Anglo-Saxon Hymns tranflated, are from that
page to be "Breviarium feu Horarium domejikum
very complete collection publiflied by Darling,
five Choro Ecclefiajlico deferviens," we may prefume
London, 1850, from the fources therein men-
was that verfion actually in ufe in the Cathedral.
tioned. It may be proper to obferve that the titles
This moreover contains the Legenda entire, and
here given to them (fcil. " Canterbury," " Nor-
nearly agrees with the lateft and moft complete
wich," "Worcefter,") do not indicate that they
MSS. A revifed tranflation of the Pfalms (which
were the ordinary hymnody of thofe diocefes, but
differ little from the ordinary Vulgate) was ine-
only that they were ufed in certain churches and
vitable, on account of the manner in which,
throughout, they, as is well known, enter into the
religious communities within them. Much aflift-

ance has alfo been derived from the Latin edition

Antiphons, Refponfes, and Petitions, to which the
of the Sarum Pfalter, publiihed by Leflie, London,
proper mufical notation had to be attached. This
1842 ; and laftly, heartfelt thanks muft be given
is founded on the Douay as now ufed, with an
to many kind friends for very effeftual aid. May
efpecial reference to the Englifh Prayer-book ver-
this Book aflift their devotions, and the devotion
fion. The mufical notation is taken nearly litera-
of many others, and profit the fouls of all that ufe
tim, as well as a few of the Rubrics, from three
and may thofe who do fo ever remember to
MSS., — 1. A noble noted Breviary, of large folio
it ;

offer a prayer for him who tranflated it.

fize, of the early part of the 15th century, nearly
perfect, belonging to the Bifliop of Salifbury, called J.
D. C.
the Arlyngham MS., becaufe originally written £}uinquagejima, 1852.

* There are fome eight or ten of thefe MSS. of the J^tb and I $tb centuries, many of them perfeB, in the

Harleian, Cottonian, and Old Royal Libraries, in the Britijh Mufeum.

j" Between the years
1495 and 1557 were publijbed upwards of 100 editions of the Sarum Breviary, 87 of
The Miffal, and more than 110 of the Horte or Enchiridion, which was a book of private devotion.



[Ad Matutinas. De Cruce. At Matins.
Patris Sapientia, Veritas Divina, He that is the great profound Sapience
Deus Homo, captus eft Hora Matutina, And Divine Truth of The Father on high,
Which for mankind of his benevolence,
A notis difcipulis cito derelidtus, Himfelf hath made both God and man jointly,
A Judasis venditus, traditus, afflictus. Was fold and bought by the Jews traitoroufly.
And about Midnight perturbed and taken,
And of his difciples anon forfaken.
Ad Primam. At Prime.
Hora Prima duftus eft Jefus ad Pilatum, The Firft Hour in the morning early,
Fallis teftimoniis multum accufatum Unto their judge, called Pilate, the Jews,
Jefu with his hands bounden they carry,
In collo percutiunt manibus ligatum :

Where many a falfe witnefs did Him accufe.

Vultum Dei confpuunt Lumen cceli gratum. In his neck they Him fmite, his Body they
They fpytte and defile there his godly Face,
The Light of Heaven replete with all grace.

Ad Tertiam. At Terce.

Crucifige ! clamitant Hora Tertiarum, About three hours after the fun began to fpring,
All the Jews cry Jefu to crucify ;
Illufus induitur vefte purpurarum
And in fcorn they clothed Him with purple

Caput Ejus pungitur corona fpinarum ; clothing.

Crucem portat humeris ad locum poenarum. And inftead of a crown on his head they tye
A wreath of thorn that pricked cruelly.
And led Him forth to the place where He died,
With a great huge Crofs on his moulders laid.

Ad Sextant. At Sext.
Hora Sexta Jefus eft Cruci conclavatus, The Sixth Hour fpringing before the midday,
Jefu hand and foot to the Crofs they nailed,
Atque cum latronibus pendens deputatus ;
With the fhamefuleft death that they contrive
Prae tormentis fitiens felle faturatus, may.
Agnus crimen diluit fic ludificatus. In defpite between two thieves Him hanged.
When that they thought that for pain He thirfted,
His thirft for to quench they proffered Him gall.
This Lamb thus illuded bought our fins all.

Ad Nonatn. At None.
Hora Nona Dominus Jefus expiravit, Our merciful Lord Jefu, God's Son,
Calling unto His Father Almighty,
Heli ! clamans Animam Patri commendavit 5
Yielded up his Soul, and full upon None,
Latus Ejus lancea miles perforavit,
The fpirit departed that bleffed Body. [ly,
Terra tunc contremuit et fol obfcuravit. The fun waxed dark, the earth quaked wondrouf-
Great marvellous things to behold and hear
And yet a knight pierced his heart with a fpear.

2 The Hours of the Cro/s.

Ad Vefperas. At Vefpers.
The dead Body of Chrift, that Blefled Man,
De Cruce deponitur Hora Vefpertina,
From the Crofs was loofed, and taken away
Fortitudo latuit in mente divina ;
At Even-fong time but alas where was then
; !

Talem mortem fubiit vitas medicina, His crown of glory and great ftrength that day ?
Heu ! corona glorise jacuit fupina. Full (prewly) lurely within the Godhead it lay.
Yet would He his cruel death fuffer thus,
The true medicine of life to bring to us.

Ad Completorium. At Compline.
The hope of our life ever to indure,
Hora Completorii datur
Of Jefu the noble and bleffed Body,
Corpus Chrifti nobile, fpes vitae futurae At Compline time was brought to fepulture,

Conditur aromate, complentur fcriptura?, Spiced and adorned fragrant and fweetly.

Jugi fit memoria Mors haec mihi curae. Of Scripture complete was then The Myftery.
Therefore, Jefu, grant we thy Wounds tender,
And thy Death bufily ftill to remember.

Has Horas Canonicas cum devotione,

O BlefTed Chrift, thefe Hours Canonical
To Thee I offer with meek devotion ;
Tibi, Chrifte, recolo pia ratione ;
For as Thou haft fuftered thefe pains all
Ut ficut Tu paflus es pcenas in Agone, In thy grievous Agony ; by like reafon,
Sic labori confonans confors fim coronae.
a So by the remembrance of thy Paffion,
Make me according to my bufinefs,
Partaker of thy crown and glory endlefs. ]

The firft of thefe

<[FROM THE EXCERPTIONS OF fay every day at the proper hour.
is the Synaxis of Nodlurns ; the fecond the Firft
ARCHBISHOP ECGBERT. hour of the day ; the third is the hour which we
callTerce ; the fourth is the Sixth hour ; the fifth
[~T ET
every Bifhop in his Diocefe diligently pro- is the Ninth hour ; the fixth fynaxis is the Vefper

vide that the Churches of God be well con- hour ; the feventh fynaxis we call Compline.
ftrudted and kept in repair, &c. ; and let the Bifhop Thefe feven Synaxes we ought with folicitude
efpecially take care that the fervants of God cele- every day to render to God for ourfelves and for all
brate the canonical hours altogether at the appointed Chriftian people ; as the Pfalmift teftifies, faying,
time. The Holy Fathers then, appointed Seven " Seven times a day do I praife Thee becaufe of Thy
Synaxes to be fung, which all the clergy ought to righteous judgements." d ]

a Sar. Prymer, Rouen, 1538, $vo. — Brev. Sarifbur. MSS. Arlyngham, in Servit. Beat. Mar. per Ad-vent.
b Sar. Prymer, Ker-ver, Paris, 1 5 32.
c Sar. Prymer, 1 543.
Excerptions of Archbijhop Ecgbert, xxviii., Ancient Laws and Infiitutes of England, Vol. I.
— ; —

Directions to Priejls.

we mould be mindful of their prefence


C DIRECTIONS TO when we are {landing to pray or fmg pfalms,

and ftand with all reverence and order,
PRIESTS. and pay the more particular attention to
Refpecling the Canonical Hours, carefully the verfes which follow
attend to the following directions.
When Pfalms thou fingeft to The Lord,
CINCE every beneficed clergyman and Three rules in Pfalmody regard
other perfon in holy orders, is, in Heavenward direft thy heart ; forthtell
conformity with the determinations of the Clearly the words ; the fenfe mark well.
Church, bound to fay the feven Canonical Then prayerfully the Hours we fay,
Hours ; let him take good heed before all When heart and lips together pray ;
things to prepare his mind by entirely Lift as ye fing ; begin the ftrain
ridding it of vain thoughts. Let him not With one accord ; and let the clofe be plain.
mingle converfation, laughter, or jokes with He verily who faith devoutly the
his prayers ; let him not be thinking of Canonical Hours lhall
be abundantly re-
birds, dogs, or beafts; let him choofe a warded by God. In his
tribulation he lhall
place fitted for devotion, and clear from be comforted ; in danger he lhall be pre-
everything which may impede it ; let him
; he lhall obtain more abundantly
not draw near for the fake of human praife,
the grace of God as well as glory ; he
but with an upright and good intent ; pur- lightens his confcience ; he payeth his
pofmg God's praife, the performance of tribute and a debt to God ; for it is the
his duty, the increafe of his deferts, and bounden duty of Clerks day
by day to fulfil
fupplication for his benefactors. the fervices of the Seven Hours. To him
In the firft place, then, let him fortify in very deed lhall the angels of God be
himfelf with the fign of the Holy Crofs, familiar friends and guardians ; and all his
and beginning with the Lord's Prayer and works lhall be thenceforth more acceptable
the Angelic Salutation ; that the divine to God, more deferving as regards himfelf,
grace may be his helper, and fo his mind and more profitable to the living and
be elevated to greater devotion in the praife the departed. Finally, more fpeedily and
of God, and his worlhip of the Creator be readily doth God Men to thefe prayers
rendered more acceptable. than to others which are offered privately. e
Let us then, deareft brethren, read
throughout the Canonical Hours with
attention of heart ; affectionately with de-
votion of mind ; in their entirety with a
diftinft utterance of the lips ; reverently
with obeifance of body and foul; be- Of the praife, virtue, and efficacy of the
comingly at the appointed places and hours. Pfalms*
For with thofe occupied in Pfalmody, as ' I *HE royal prophet David fpeaketh
faith S. Bernard on the Canticles, the thus, " ling praifes to our God, O
holy angels vouchfafe to mingle ; where- ling yepraifeswith underftanding." Pf.xlvi.

e Bre-v.
ad Uf. Sar. Pars Hyemalis F.R. Brit. Mufeum, Prejs Mark, 4681. In the later Breviaries this
is wanting.
f " Portiforium feu Bre-viarium ad infignis Sarifburienjis Ecclejia ufum accuratiffime cajiigatum cum multis
annotaciunculis ae Uteris alphabeticis E'vangeliorum et Epijiolarum capitulorumque originem indicandbus qua
nufquam hucufque fuerunt addita."
"Imp. Land. 1555. Kyngjlon and Sutton."
4 Praife of the Pfalms.

And again, " Let us with pfalms rejoice ven, and unites the creature with the
before Him :
" Pf. xciv. And defervedly Creator. Whatever is found in the Pfalms,
Ihould we ring pfalms with all willing- conduces to the edification, profit and com-
nefs to God for penitence attends thofe
: fort of mankind. In the Pfalms you will
who devoutly ring them, and the con- find, if indeed you examine them with an
gratulations of angels, as faith the fame intent mind, and not rapidly running over
Pfalmift, " Before the gods" (angels truly), the words : the Incarnation, Paflion, Refur-
" I will ling praife unto Thee." Hence we rection and Afcenfion of the Word, our
ought to take diligent heed left becaufe of Lord. In the Pfalms you will find earneft
our floth, negligence or levity, the angels confeffion of fin, earneft fupplication for
of God depart from us. For there is no man the divine mercy, a defence againft adver-
who either in words or thought can duly fity, and worthy giving of thanks for
fet forth the virtues and divine excellence everything that may happen to thee. In
of the Pfalms, if, as they ought to be, the the Pfalms moreover you acknowledge your
divine praifes are celebrated with a pure infirmity and mifery, and by thefe means
and attentive heart. For in the Pfalms are you befeech God for his mercy ; and if
defcribed the rewards of the good and the thou deferveft that God fliould reveal to
punifhments of the wicked, inftruction for thee the fecret things of the Pfalms, thou
the ignorant, the progrefs of thole who are wilt find in them all the virtues. If thou
advancing to perfection, the perfection of wouldeft make confeflion of fin and do
thofe who have attained it, the life of the penance ling the feven Penitential Pfalms

active, and the meditations of the contem- of David, not with a rapid voice, but
plative. — The ringing of pfalms, as hath with an intent mind ; and quickly
been faid, infufes virtue, beautifieth the foul, thou wilt have experience of God's
invites angels to our help, puts the fiends mercy, and thy foul will be enlightened
to flight, difperfes darknefs, increafes holi- with fpiritual joy, and a great hope of
nefs, walhes out our fins, augments our hope, pardon will be vouchfafed to thee. If
enlightens as the fun, like fire burns away too thou would'ft pray apply thy mind:

fin, moiftens like oil, is the ointment of to the meaning of thofe Pfalms which begin
mercy, the fun of righteoufnefs, the por- " Unto Thee, O Lord, have I lift up my
tion of the angels, pleafes God, offends the foul," " In Thee, O Lord, have I put my
devil, afluages wrath, mitigates anger, dif- truft," "Bow down thine ear, O Lord,"
pels all fin, purifies the mouth, fanctifies " Hafte Thee, O
God, to deliver me,"
the heart, clears the fenfes, deftroys all " Save me, O
God, for Thy Name's fake,"
iniquity, inftrufts imperfection, ftirs up ex- " God be merciful unto us," " Hear
alted defires for the Heavenly kingdom, is O God, my prayer," in the firft place ;
the hope of falvation, confolation in grief, for in no other way can the foul of man
protection in trouble, the knowledge of fo completely extricate itfelf from mifery,
true light, a fount of fanctity, relieves all and the ftraits of tribulation and temp-
anxiety, and is as it were a wondrous tation, and invoke the mercy of God.
trumpet. He who loves the continual and Moreover, if thou wouldeft praife the
diligent finging of pfalms cannot love fin. Majefty of God, and give Him thanks for
Pfalmody, if you will believe me, comforts all his benefits repeat the Pfalms whofe

the fad, foftens the angry, ftrengthens the title is " Alleluya, (Praife the Lord)," and
weak, humbles the proud, gladdens the " Blefs the Lord, O
my foul ; " for thou
humble, ftirs up the flothful, reconciles doft offer to Almighty God a facrifice
the quarrelfome, lifts the heart to Hea- fweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
Of the Hours. 5

Further, if thou art with bodily afflicted may not read fet down a law, or a com-
or fpiritual temptations, and feem to be for- mand, or a precept, words of righteoufnefs,
faken from thine inmoft foul repeat the : or the difcourfe of the judgments of the
pfalms"O God, my God, look upon me." Lord. In the Pfalter, if thou art attentive,
" Hear, O God, my ^application," " Save thou haft the means of fearching into, and
me, O God," and forthwith God will learning the prophets ; fo, moreover, the
lighten thy burthen. |£ If this prefent fayings of the evangelifts and apoftles, if
lifebe wearifome to thee, and thou haft thou wouldeft enquire of the agreement
an ardent and longing defire to behold between them. So far refpecling the praife
God ling thofe pfalms, " Like as the
: and excellency of the Pfalms.
hart defireth," " How amiable are thy
tabernacles," "O God, Thou art my God,
to Thee at break of day," and He will C OF THE HOURS.
immediately fulfil thy defire. f[ If thou [HOW THE SAYING OF THE HOURS
doft fuppofe thyfelf deferted in tribu- FIRST BEGAN, AND WHY THEY ARE
lations : with compunction of heart repeat
the pfalms "How long, O Lord?" "O HPHE firft that now we find in fcripture to have
ufed the worfhipping of God at certain hours
God we have heard with our ears,"
of the day, was Daniel the prophet, as it appeareth in
"Have mercy upon me, O God," " Hear his fixth chapter. And in the New Teftament, in
O God, my prayer," " In Thee, O Lord, the A£ls of the Apoftles, the tenth chapter, we read
that S. Peter the Apoftle accuftomed himfelf to
have I put my truft," and foon wilt thou
certain hours of prayer. By which examples (as
be vifited with the favour of God. And S. Cyprian teftified) the Catholic Church of Chrift
when thou haft recovered reft, then ling did firft receive and admit fuch manner of praying.
forth in praife of God "I will always give Whereupon the fame ufual fervice that we call

thanks unto the Lord," " Praife the Lord, Pryme and Hours, was firft and
inftituted to be faid
fung in the churches of England, according to the
O my foul." And whether in adverfity
cuftom and ufe of the Diocefe ; fomewhere after the
or profperity, chant the Song of the Three Ufe of Sarum, and fomewhere after the Ufe of York.
Children, for no mortal man can duly fet And therefore when we read Hora Prima, Tertia,
forth the excellency of this hymn, which
in Sexta, Nona, that is the firft, the third, the fixth
and the ninth hour, even as they make mention of
every creature is invited to praife God.
feveral hours, fo were they ; and they may be ufed
${[ If, moreover, thou defireft to exerciie at feveral times of the day, to be faid in remem-
thyfelf in the divine praifes and commands, brance of Chrift's pafiion, and the compaffion of the
fay through the pfalm " BleiTed are the Virgin Mother.?]

undefiled in the way ;" and although to the

end of life thou wert employed in fearching [ ft HOW AND WHY GOD'S SERVICE IS
out the virtue of this pfalm, thou wouldeft
never be able fully to comprehend it : fince "QEPTIES in die laudem dixi Tibi." Thefe
there is fcarce any verfe in it in which you are the words of the prophet David,

Sarum Prymer, Rouen, 1538, Oclaiio. Printed for Le Roux.


" Hereafter follcnuith the booke, called the Myrroure of our Lady, very necefjary for all relygyous.''

The Colophon is as follows " Thys boke ivas imprynted at the dejyre and injlance of the nvorfhypful and

devoute Lady Abbeffe of the ivorfhypful monajlery of Syon, and the re-verende fader in God, General Confefj'oure
of the fame. ft Here endeth the feconde parte of our Ladyes Myrroure, -very necejfary for all relygyous perfones
and other good devoute people. Fynyjhed and imprynted in the Juburbs of the famous cytye of London, nvithoute
temple barre, by me, Richard Faivkes, divellynge in Durrejme Rentes, or elfe in Poivles Churchyarde, at the
Sygne of the ABC. f^The yeare of our Lord God, mcccccxxx, thefourthe day of the moneth of Nouember.'
On the reverfe is Faivkes"s device zvithin a border, and " Soli Deo Honor " above, ivith "Et Gloria. Amen,'"
6 Of the Hours.

faying thus to our Lorde, "Seven times on hath wroughte therein, for which He is ever-
the day have I faid prayfynges to thee." 1 |f All laftingly to be praifed ; and therefore we read that
reafonable creatures were made to know and to fayntes both in the old law and in the new,
love and to praife God, and therein to have prayfed God in thofe hours. For David the
their endlefs joy but while our fouls are poifoned
prophet faith to God of himfelf, thus " Media :

in thefe deadly bodies, we may not for corruption nodie furgebam ad confitendum tibi," 1 that is,
and hevynes of the fame bodies entende continually " Lord, at midnight I rofe to praife Thee." And
to the godly prayfinge ; like as they do who by death alfo he fayth thus : —
" Vefpere et mane et meridie
aremade free from thraldome of the flefh, and are narrabo et annunciabo," m that is, "by the morrow
come to the ende of their joy, that is the prefence at Prime-time and at None, and at Even-fong-
of God. Therefore our mother Holy Church, ruled time I fhall tell and lhow thy praifings." |f Alfo
by the Holy Ghoft, knowing the frailty and feeble- Daniel the prophet worfhipped God thrice in
nefs of her children, hath fet us eche daye feven the day, kneeling " that was after the expofition

hours, which at leaft we ought to occupy in the fer- of S. Hierome, at Tyerfe, at Sexte, and at None.
vice and praifing of God that is to fay Matins,
: Alfo Peter and John went up into the Temple to
Pryme, Tyerce, Sexte, None, Evenfong, and Com- praye ° at the hour of None, as it is written in the
Solomon faith, that a Acts of the Apoftles. And S. Paul and Silas
|f For fyth it is fo as
rightful man falleth feven times on a day,i and the being in prifon prayed to God at midnight,P and
number of all wyckednefs is named under feven then the erthe quaked and all prifon doors opened,
deadly fins, againft which in holy church is ordained and all the fetters and bonds of prifoners were
feven facramentes, and given feven giftes of the loofed. Our Lord Jefus Chrift alfo prayed not only
Holy Ghoft: therefore to get remimon of our fins in one part of the night, but in all the night He
and to thanke God for his gifts, we fay praifings to woke in prayer 1 as the Gofpel telleth. And in the
beginning of holy church, the clergy and the com-
Him in the faid hours feven times a day. |f And
for God made thynges in fix days, and fulfilled
all mon people, both men and women, rofe to praife
them on the feventh day and refted, therefore doing God four times in the night 5 firft in the beginning
thankings to God for all his works, and all that He of the night, when folk are wont to go to bed the :

made each day, we praife Him feven times. |f Alfo fecond time at midnight, the thirde time a little
for the life of man is departed in feven ages, whereof before day, and the fourth time in the felf morrow-

we have fpent fome full idly or evil : therefore to tyde ; for at even our Lorde was taken of the Jews, 1

thank God for our life, and to recompenfe fuch and bounde and fcorned ; at midnight He was
negligence, feven times on the day we do fervice to born ; before day He fpoiled hell, and in the morn-
God. |f And for all the tyme of this life pafleth ing He rofe from death to life. And therefore in
under feven days, wherein the people of this world fome feafts Matins are yet faid at even, and in fome
religious at midnight, and in fome before day, and
that is given to active life, is occupied to get their
livelyhood and ours, fo that they may not freely in other diverfe tymes of the night ; and in fome
attend each day in all thefe times to praife God with churches they fay matins in the morrow-tide.
|f At Prime-tide
their tongues : therefore we that are called to con- our Lord Jefus Chrift was led
templative life, ought to praife God for them and for before Pilate and accufed ; l and in the fame hour,
us every day feven times, that we may faye to our after his refurrection, He appeared to Mary Mag-
Lorde with David " Lord God, I praifed Thee dalene, and another day He appeared to his difciples
u At hour of
feven times on the day." k as they were fifhing, the fame hour.
Tierce our Lord Jefus Chrift was fcourged and
crowned with thorns and fcorned. v The fame
|[ WHY THESE SEVEN HOURS RATHER hour, after his refurrection, He appeared to Mary
THAN OTHER. — Cap. ii.
Magdalene, w and another day He appeared to the
TDUT now peradventure ye might afk why thefe women coming from the fepulchre 5 and on Pente-
feven hours, that is to fay Matyns time, Prime coft Sunday, the fame hour, He fent the Holy
time, and fo forth, are rather afiigned of Holy Ghoft down to the Apoftles." At Sext our Lord
Church to the God than other hours,
praifing of Jefus Chrift was done on the crofs,? and fed with
fith there is many more
hours in the daye ; and to eyfe and gal. The fame hour, after his refurrec-
this I anfwer, that thefe hours are more fpecially tion, He appeared to the Apoftle S. James 5 and on
privileged than other, for grete workes that God Afcenfion Day, the fame hour, He fate and ate with

Pfalm cxviii. ) Proverbs xxi-v. k Pfalm cxviii. 1
Pfalm cxviii. m Pfalm IB.
n Daniel vi. Ails Hi. P Acls xvi. 1 Luke vi. r Matthew xxvi.
u Mark xw.
Secundum confuetudinem Ecclejia? Sarum. ibid. 1
Matthew xxuii.
John xxi. w Matthew xxviii. x Acls ii. y "John xix.
Orifons for the Hours. 7
his Apoftles. At hour
of None, our Lord Jefus AT LAUDS.
Chrift cryed and gave out his foul by deth ; z the O Lord, who with the three children in the fur-
fame hour a knight opened our Lord's fide with a
nace, did'ft vouchfafe to be prefent in the fourth
fpear, and fmote through his herte, whereout came
water to our baptifm, and blode to our redemption. a place: to whom it is moft eafy to temper the nature
And on Eafter Day He appeared the fame hour to of fires, and to extinguifli the fiercenefs of flames
S. Peter. At Evenfong-time, our Lord Jefus extend this thy fame power to protect us and to
Chrift, on Shere Thurfday, fupped with his Apoftles
deliver our fouls, who liveft and reigneft with the
and ordained the holy Sacrament of his holy body
and blode. b The fame houre, on Good Friday, He Father, in the unity of The Holy Ghoft, God,
was taken down from the crofs; c and on Eafter- world without end. Amen.
day, the fame houre, He met with two of his dif-
ciples, going toward Emmaus, and made Himfelf AT PRIME.
known to them in breaking of bread.*1 At Com-
plyn time, our Lord Jefus Chrift, on Shere Thurf-
O Lord God, who haft caufed us to arrive at the

day, at even, prayed, and fweat blood. e The fame beginning of this day, preferve us in the fame, by
hour, on Good Friday, He was buried. And on thy power: and grant that in this day we fall into, the fame hour, He appeared to his no fin, nor run into any danger, but may all our
difciples, gathered together in a clofe place, for fear
fayings tend, our thoughts and words be directed to
of the Jews, and faid to them "Peace be to you." f
Thus may ye fee that not without good reafons, do what is righteous in thy fight, through Jefus
thefe hours are fet and ordained to be fpecially Chrift. Amen.
occupied to the fervice and praifing of our Lord
Our Father.
God, rather than other hours on the day.]
Hail Mary.


ORISONS FOR THE HOURS. O Lord Jefus Chrift, who at the third hour of
C the day, waft led forth to the pain of the Crofs for
the falvation of the world : I fuppliantly befeech
O Lord, who grieved with their afflictions,
Thee to blot out mine offences : and may I deferve
didft lead thy people out of the darknefs of Egypt,
to obtain forgivenefs with Thee for my paft fins, and
and vouchfafe to deliver them by the hand of
watch ftrictly againft all who
future tranfgreflions,
thy fervant : do Thou grant alfo unto us thy
with The Father and The Holy Ghoft liveft and
fervants, that delivered from the darknefs of this
reigneft God, world without end. Amen. h
world, we may be allowed to enter into that reft
which Thou haft promifed to our fathers, through O Lord, Father Almighty, we humbly entreat

our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.S the glory of Thy Majefty, that as at the third hour
Thou didft ftrengthen thine apoftles by the divine
O Lord God, who haft caufed me to arrive at
vifitation of Thy Spirit fo by his coming, Thou

this fecond hour, through the darknefs of the

would'ft vouchfafe to illumine and keep our hearts,
night : preferve me this day in every hour and
through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.
moment of time, and through thy mercy caufe
me ever to continue without hurt, through our AT THE SIXTH HOUR.
Lord Jefus Chrift. O Lord Jefus Chrift, who when for the redemp-
Our Father. tion of the world, Thou didft at the fixth hour
Hail Mary. afcend the tree of the Crofs, the whole world was

Matthew a b Matthew c Matthew
xxvii. John xix. xx-vi. xxvii.
d Luke xxlv. e Luke xxii. '
John x-v.

S From Galba, A. xviii. MSS. Cott. Lib. Brit. Mus., the Pfalter of Atheljian. — Of thefe Orifons, thofe
which have " Hail Mary" at the end, are taken from the " Hora ad ufum Sar." and the " Enchiridion ;
" the
others from Galba, A. xviii., as above mentioned.
Galba, A. xwii.
Orifons before the Divine Office.

turned back into darknefs : ftied forth fuch light Enlighten our night, we entreat Thee, Almighty
upon my foul and body, that I may be worthy to Lord, and caufe us thy fervants ever to fleep from
attain eternal life : who liveft and reigneft God, their fins: fo that awake to the virtues of the

for ever and ever. Amen. angels, and fafe from every evil, we may by thy
Our Father. help be worthy to attain to the clear day through

Hail Mary. our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen. 1

We humbly befeech Thy Holy and terrible Name, AT THE HOUR OF COMPLINE.
Lord Almighty, who at the fixth hour of the
O Lord God, the Ruler and Protedtor of all
day did'ft will Thy moft glorious Son, our Lord, to
men, who haft divided the light from the darknefs
afcend the Crofs to deliver us from the power of
I befeech Thee with the prayer of faith, that
the moft wicked enemy; grant, we pray Thee, that
through the darknefs of the coming night, thy
redeemed by this his Crofs, we may at all times may
right hand may protect me, and that I rife
ferve Thee righteoufly without offence, through the
again with joy in the light of the morning, through
fame our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.
our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.
Our Father.
Lord Jefus Chrift, who at the ninth hour in
thine agony on the Crofs, did'ft command the ORISON OF S. AUGUSTINE, IN THE
believing thief to pafs within the walls of Paradife, NIGHT.
1 humbly befeech Thee to grant, that conferring O God our Father, who doft exhort us to pray,

my fins, I may after my death enter with gladnefs and who doft grant what we afk, if only when we
into the joys of Paradife : who with the Father alk we live a better life : hear me who am trembling

and the Holy Spirit, liveft and reigneft God, world in this darknefs, and ftretch out thy right hand

without end. Amen. unto me: hold forth thy light before me recall me

from my error, and Thou being my guide, may I

Our Father.
be reftored to myfelf and to Thee, through Jefus
Hail Mary.
Chrift. Amen.
Hail Mary.]
1 thank Thee, O Lord Almighty God, who haft

permitted me through the courfe of this day to reach

this Vefper hour, and I humbly befeech Thee, that
the lifting up of my hands to Thee, may be in thy |[ ORISONS BEFORE THE
fight an acceptable evening facrifice, through our
Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen. [ When thou entereji into the church Jay thus :

Our Father. O Lord, in the multitude of thy mercy I will

Hail Mary. enter into thy houfe. I will worfhip at thy holy
temple, and I will confefs Thy Name. O Lord,
O Lord, who haft wrought out our falvation in
lead me forth in thy righteoufnefs, becaufe of mine
the midft of the earth, with whom the darknefs is
enemies : direft my way before thy face.
not dark, but the night is as clear as the day
lighten our darknefs, we befeech Thee, O Lord, O my mouth to blefs Thy Holy
Lord, open Thou
fo that palling a peaceful and quiet night, in the Name : my heart from all vain, perverfe,and

morning hours we may rife again to thy praifes, empty thoughts illumine my underftanding, inflame

through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen. my affections: that I may be enabled worthily,

Galba, A. xviit. MSS. Cott. Lib.
Form of Bidding the Bedes.

attentively, and devoutly to recite this Office, and me to pure penitence, through Chrift our Lord.
deferve to be heard before the face of Thy Divine Amen.
Majefty, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son,
Orifon of the Venerable Beda.
who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of
Grant, Thee, Almighty and Merciful
I entreat
The Holy Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.
God, that fpeaking with underftanding and good
^ A devout Prayer before faying the Divine Office. will, and in plainnels, I may deferve to be heard by

O Father of Mercies, deeply and truly do I know Thee ; for I need thy help in all things ; fo that

how much rather it would become me, a miferable

by the gift of thy grace, I may be enabled not

and unworthy (inner, to caft myfelf proftrate before unworthily to fing the words of Thy Majefty,

Thee, and with crying and tears, to entreat pardon through our Lord Jefus Chrift.i

of my fins, than to praife Thee with unclean lips. O Liberator of fouls, Redeemer of the world,
Neverthelefs trufting in thy moft tender goodnefs Jefus Chrift, The Lord, King Eternal and Immortal
and great loving-kindnefs, and thy power, which I fupplicate and befeech thine infinite goodnefs,
Thou haft revealed to all mortals : I defire from that of thy great mercy by the Pfalms, which
I un-
the bottom of my heart to give Thee praife; worthy and a finner, fing before Thee, Thou
befeeching the bowels of thy fatherly compaffion, my foul
wouldeft free from fin, turn my heart from
not to defpife me, an unclean worm, a dead dog, a every evil way, from all wicked and perfidious
corrupt carcafe, O Lord, my God, through Chrift thoughts, releafe my foul from the llavery of Sin,
our Lord. Amen. drive far away carnal concupifcence, loofe me
from every fnare of Satan and his wicked minifters
vifible and invilible, who feek after my foul : pro-
C ORISONS BEFORE PSALMODY. tect me from thefe and all other evils, Almighty
[Vouchfafe, O Almighty Lord God, to accept Lord. Amen.] k
thefe facred verfes, which I an unworthy finner,
defire to fing in

miferable finner, and for

honour of Thy Name for myfelf a

my mifdeeds, actions,
fayings, thoughts,

iniquities, lufts, for all my


T ET make our
neglects great and fmall
my eternal life, by helping
: that they
walk, and turning
profit to
^ us
feeching his mercy
prayers to God, be-
for all Holy

j From Tib., C. vi. MSS. Cott.

f. 30 ,• and Spelman's Anglo-Saxon Pfalter.
k Galba,
A. xviii., MSS. Cott.f. 177, Atheljian's Pfalter.
From the Sarum ProceJJional, Rothom. 1555, and MaJkeWs Mon. Rit., III. 343. According to the
Salijbury Ritual, the Bidding Prayer was given out every Sunday and Fejlival ( except the fixth day after
Chriftmas Day and S. Silvefter's Day if it be Sunday, and except on Palm Sunday ) at the fprinkling of Holy
Water, going by the South fide of the Choir to the Weftern fide of the Rood loft, and Jianding before
in proceffion
it. In Parijh Churches, there was no proceffion, but it ivas given out from fome altar or pulpit. The Pfalm
" De Profundis," " Out of the depths," and the Prayer "Abfolve we befeech Thee," were always faid before
theCrofs. The Rubric is as follows : " Then let the proceffion go in this order ; let a Minifter precede, carrying
hiswand in his hand, making way for the proceffion ; then a Boy, in a furplice, with bleffed water ; then the rejl
of the Minifters, according to the aforefaid order ; then the Boys and Clerks of the fecond form, according to the
order in which they are placed in the Chapter, without changing their veftments ; and let the proceffion go out at
the North door of the prefbytery and make a circuit round it. Let the Bijhop, if prefent, carry his Mitre and
Staff. In the end of the proceffion let the Prieft, whether the Bijhop be prefent or no, go forward with the Boy
carrying the bleffed water, and as he goes fprinkle each altar. Then coming to the Southern fide by the fonts
("perfontes"), let them proceed to the Crofs ; the Prieft with his aforefaid Minifter Jianding in the midft, in their
order, fo that the Boy carrying the water and the Acolyte ftand on the ftep before the Crofs." The form here given
was ufed on all Sundays which were not Doubles, throughout the whole year, with any Antiphons and Orijons which
might be peculiar to the Sunday.
10 Form of Bidding the Bedes.

Church, that God keep it in good eftate O Lord, (how thy mercy upon us.
efpecially the Church of England, our And grant us thy falvation.
Mother Church, this church, and all other Let thy Priefts be clothed with right-
in Chriftendom for the Archbifhops and eoufnefs

Bifhops, and efpecially for our Bifhop N., And let thy Saints rejoice.
that God him keep in his holy fervice for O Lord, fave the Queen :

the Dean (or Rector,) and all other min- And hear us in the day that we call
ifters that ferve this church: for the Holy upon Thee.
Land, that God deliver it out of the hands Give falvation unto thy people.
of the heathen for the peace of the : Govern them and lift them up for ever.
church and of the earth, for our Sovereign Let there be peace in thy ftrength, O
Lady the Queen, and all her children, and Lord
all that have this land to govern and for And plenteoufnefs within thy towers.

the welfare of N. and N., and all this O Lord, hear our prayer
church's friends for our brethren and lis-
: And let our cry come unto Thee.
ters, and all our parifhioners, with all that The Lord be with thee.
any good do to this church and founda- And with thy fpirit.
tion, and for all true Chriftian people. Let us pray.

Deus mifereatur. Ps. Ixvi. /^OD, who through the grace of Thy
Holy pour the gifts of
Spirit, doft
OD be merciful unto us and blefs us
charity into the hearts of thy faithful
and fhew the light of his countenance
people grant to thy fervants and hand-

upon us, and be merciful unto us

maidens, for whom we befeech thy
That we may know thy way upon
clemency, health, both of mind and body
earth : thy faving health among all nations.
that they may love Thee with their
Let the people give thanks to Thee,
whole ftrength, and with entire fatis-
O God : yea let all the people give thanks
faftion may perform thofe things which
to Thee.
are pleafing unto Thee and grant us thy

Let the nations rejoice and be glad, for

peace in our time, through Chrift our
Thou doft judge the folk with equity and :
govern the nations upon earth.
Let the people give thanks to Thee, O T ET us pray for the fouls of N.
God, let all the people give thanks to and N., Archbifhops, Bifhops,
Thee : the earth hath given her increafe. Clergy, Benefactors, &c, who have
May God, even our God, blefs us ; may ferved this church, or done any good
God blefs us : and all the ends of the thereto, or to this foundation: and for
world fear Him. all fouls whofe bones reft in this church

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and churchyard, and all thofe that
and to the Holy Ghoft have given to this church or founda-
As it was in the beginning, is now, and tion, rents, veftments or other goods,
ever mall be : world without end. Amen. whereby God is better worfhipped in
Lord, have mercy. this church, and the minifter thereof
Chrift, have mercy. better fuftained ; for all our brethren
Lord, have mercy. and fillers' fouls, all our parifhioners'
OUR Father (fecretlj). fouls,and for all the fouls that have
And lead us not into temptation, done any good to this church, and for
But deliver us from evil. Amen. all Chriftian fouls.
Beneditlions 1

Ps. CXXX. De Profundi!. breath among thy faints and elect, through
C\UT of the depths I cried unto Thee, our Lord, Jefus Chrift. Amen.
O Lord: Lord, hear my voice. May they reft in peace. Amen.
let thine ears be intent: unto the voice
of my fupplication.
If Thou, Lord, wilt mark iniquity O :

Lord, who fhall abide it ? C BENEDICTIONS.

For with Thee there is propitiation [To be faid in a low tone at Matins,
and becaufe of thy law I have waited for throughout the year, by the Prieft, fitting,
Thee, O
Lord. (except at the firft, fourth, and feventh,)
My foul hath endured in his word my :
before each and every Leffon, the clerk
foul hath trufted in The Lord. Domine
firft faying Jube benedicere,
From the morning watch even to the O Lord bid a bleffing; Lord, bid
night: let Ifrael truft in The Lord. him blefs. On Chrifimas day, how-
For with The Lord is mercy and with :
ever, the lafi three Benedictions are faid
Him is plenteous redemption. fianding.
n ~\

And He fhall redeem Ifrael from all his :

A/TAY God The Father, who created all

things out of nothing, blefs me ;

Glory be to the Father.
may The Son of God keep me, who with
As it was in the beginning.
his own blood reftored loft man. May The
QUR Father (fecretly). Holy Spirit illuminate me : the infufion of
And lead us not into temptation, whofe loving confolation may it ever com-
But deliver us from 1
evil. " Amen. fort me. May The Moft Holy Trinity
Grant them eternal reft, O Lord deliver me from all evil, preferve and con-
And everlafting Light. firm me in every good work, and lead me to
From the gates of hell eternal life. Amen.
Deliver their fouls, O Lord.
1 believe to fee the good things of the C\ Lord my prayer,
Jefus Chrift, hear

Lord fulfil my defire to my good, and

In the land of the living. the praife of Thy Holy Name. Amen.
A BSOLVE, we befeech Thee, O Lord,
the fouls of thy fervants and hand- <[ [OTHER BENEDICTIONS FROM
maidens, our relations, our neighbours, our THE OFFICE OF THE TIME
friends, our benefactors, as well as the fouls AND OF THE SAINTS, always pre-
of all the faithful departed, from all the faced by Jube Domine benedicere, Lord
chains of their fins, that in the glory of the bid him blefs, or, O Lord, bid a
refurreftion they may be raifed up to life and bleffmg, and ending with Amen.]


n "
Then cometh the Reader and ajketh leave of God Almighty, and help ofyour prayer that Jhe may read to our
Lord's ivorjhip, and fay the 'jfube,'' &c, ' Lord, bid
me fay well f as ifJhe faid, 1 Lord, give me leave,
and bid me fay or read, for elfe I dare not prefume to open my mouth to thefe holy words ; and give me Jlrength
and grace, to read and Jay ivell, and Jo ivell that Thou be pleafed, and the reader be edified, and my foul unhurt.''
And to God, yet they are Jaid aljo to her that giveth the blejfing, which
though thefe ivords be faid principally
God's flead, that Jhe Jhould in His Name blejs and give her leave to read ; for blejfing is under-
therein occupieth
Jlanded, giving of leave: wherefore Jhe Jaith ' fube,' &c, that is, 'Lord, bid her blejje.'" From —
the Myrroure.
1 2 Benediclions.

I. IN THE OFFICE OF NINE LESSONS. Whenfoever elfe the Office of the Time is

In the Firft Noclurn.
9b. Father and Son blefs us in the
HpHE Father Eternal blefs us with his
Unity of The Holy Spirit.
continual bleffing.
2. God, The Son of God, vouchfafe to
In the Feafts of the Saints.
blefs and help us.

3 . May The Grace of The Holy Spirit 9c. May the King of Angels bring us

illumine our hearts and our bodies. to the company of heavenly citizens.

In the Second Notlurn. II. IN THE OFFICES OF THREE


4 May The Almighty Lord with his

|[ A. If there
be expofition of the Gofpel,
grace, evermore blefs us.
the Benediclions are the fame as in the
5. May Chrift give to us the joys of
Office of Nine Leffons.
life everlafting.

6. Inwardly and outwardly may The But if not, then

Good Spirit ever purge us.
B. In feafts and their Slaves, and in the
week-days of the Pafchal time, (i.e. from
In the Third Notlurn.
E after Sunday inclufive, to Trinity Sunday
If there be expofition of the Gofpel according
exclufive,) by turns throughout the week,
to S. Matthew.
and in the O Slaves, the Benediclions of
7a. May the Gofpel leffon be unto us the firft and fecond Noclurn.i
health and protection.
7b. Mark. May The C. In the week days without the Pafchal
If according to S.
Creator of the world fhield us by the arms time.

of the Gofpel. 1 May God have mercy upon us and .

7 . If according to S. Luke. May our give us peace.
offences be blotted out by the words of 2. May the power of Chrift dwell in
the Gofpel. our hearts.
7 . If according to S. John. May the 3. May The Good Spirit fent from
fount of the Gofpel fulfil us with heavenly Heaven teach us.
Ifthere be no expofition of the Gofpel. For the Benediclions on the Feaft of All
7 .

May The Creator of all things blefs us Saints.

both now and for ever. 1 . May The Holy Trinity.

8. May the Divine help be upon us, 2. May The Son of God, The Father,
for ever abiding. blefs us by the interceffion of His Mother.
3. May The King of Angels.
On Sundays from the Feajl of the moft Holy 4. May the Patriarchs' merits lead us
Trinity to Advent. to the Kingdom of Heaven.
9 .
May The Holy Trinity ftrengthen 5. May the interceffion of the Apoftles
us in charity perfect. join us to the fellowfhip of Angels.

i. e. —Sundays and the greater feafts ( except Eafter-tide, i. e. from Eafter Day, inclufvve, to Trinity
Sunday excluji-ve).

P i. — In
e. Eafter-tide, the lejjer feafts, and week days.

1 Ante.
Benedictions of S. Mary. 13

6. May the conftancy of the Martyrs f[ Other Benedictions of S. Mary, within

lead us to the joys of the OCiave.
7. May the Holy Gofpel Leflbn be Mary, pure, modeft, and kind, have
unto us health and protection. pity on us miferable.
8. May the choirs of Holy Virgins Virgin parent, O make thy Son propi-
intercede for us with The Lord. tious unto us.
9. By the Saints' merits may we be The Father's Wildom fave us through
found worthy of heavenly joys. the prayers of His Mother.

On the Second Day.

O worthy Virgin of God, be kind to
c;the benedictions of us, who are finners.

Intercede on our behalf, thou kind
Virgin Mary.
In the Feafts and Commemorations of O
thou who didft bring forth a flame,
S. Mary, let thefe Benedictions be faid. give us that flowing perfume.

In the Firji NoClurn. On the Third Day.

T^AIR Virgin of Virgins, intercede thou
O Virgin Mary, ever preferve the fer-
with the Lord for us. vants who are thine.
Chrift, Son of Mary, be unto us clement May Father and Son blefs us in the
and gracious.
prayers of S. Mary.
May the Holy Mother of God be e'er
Son of the Virgin Mary, grant us the
our helper.
joys of life. Amen.
Thefe aforefaid Benedictions are not
varied in the Commemorations of S. {[ In the daily Matins of the Bleffed Mary,
are repeated thefe Benedictions.
Mary, throughout the year.
Fair Virgin of Virgins, intercede thou
In the Second NoClurn. with The Lord for us.
Intercede on our behalf, thou kind Vir-
May the merits of holy Mary lead us gin Mary.
to the Kingdom of Heaven. May the Holy Mother of God be ever-
May She who brought forth Chrift, on more our helper.
our behalf e'er befeech Him.
May Mary the Star of the Sea, moft
kindly give fuccour unto us.
In the Third Notlurn.
{[ Before the beginning of the Hours is
Through Mary's merits may the Gofpel ever faid, The Lord's Prayer, and at the
leffon profit us. end likewife : efpecially after Matins and
May the Virgin Mary obtain divine Vefpers s according to the Canon " Id
comfort for us. femper placuit. De Confecratione. Dis-
May the Queen of Heaven bring us to tindio, V.™ Moreover Hail Mary,
the fociety of the heavenly citizens. and I believe in God. Whence
Corp. Jur. Canon. Vol. Canon. Concilii Gerundin.
I. 484, Paris, 1687 ; 517.
Common Forms.

Hierome : In the
work premife The Lord's Prayer and
beginning of every C COMMON FORMS.
the fign of the Crofs upon your fore- * IN THE NAME OF THE
head, according as it is written, FATHER, THE SON, AND THE
" Before prayer make ready thy foul HOLY GHOST.
for The
Lord, left thou be as one
[With the fign of the Crofs.]
that tempteth God."


Short and appropriate prayer before the [Before and after all the Hours (fecretly),
Hours. Jlanding.~\

f~\ LORD, open my mouth to blefs Thy UR Father which art in

Name. Purify alfo my heart from Heaven ;Hallowed be Thy
all vain thoughts, that I may be worthy Name : Thy kingdom come :

to be heard before the face of Thy Divine Thy will be done, as in

Majefty, through Our Lord Jefus Chrift, Heaven, fo on earth. Give us this day
Thy Son, who with Thee liveth and our daily bread And forgive us our debts

reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, as we forgive our debtors And lead us not:

God, world without end. Amen. 8 into temptation But deliver us from evil.

s Brev. ad Us. Sar. Chevallon, Park: 153 1.

1 *' And when Church, before the beginning of each Hour, ye fay a ' Pater Nofter ' and an
ye come to the
' Ave Maria," kneeling, and
is to Jiir your hearts to more devotion,
that ere you begin your fervice. And
therefore it is faid in filence, Jheiving that God is more pleafed with the privy devotion of the heart, whereto
ye ought principally to intend in all your fervice, than with the outward noife with the voice. And in this
Pater Nojier are feven petitions for to get feven gifts from The Holy Ghofi, and feven virtues whereby we may
be delivered from the feven deadly fins, and fo come to the feven bleffedneffes." Myrroure, xxxvi. —
" The ordinance and common
ufe of Holy Church, in fome places, is to fay a ' Pater Nojier'' at the end of
each Hour, as at the beginning" —
Myrroure, Ixxiv. Ixxxi. &
" It is to be noted that every day in the year, whatever be the fervice : in the beginning of Matins, Compline,
and the other Hours, is faid ' Our Father'' and ' Hail Mary,' by the whole choir, fecretly, fianding." MSS. —
Brev. ad ufum Sarum, Harleian MSS., Cent, xiv., 15 12.. 2785. ad Dom. Primam Adv. Arundel MSS.,
130. Arlyngham MSS.
u It the Sali/bury Ufe, that generally, at leaf, before the repetition of "And lead us
would feem according to
not, &c," whole prayer was faid filently with "Amen.'"
the For in the Petitions at Compline, (at leaf in
the Pfalter,) the Angelic Salutation, and before the Leffons in the firjl NoBurn in moji of the books, the
Apofiles' Creed, in fome " Ave Maria," "Hail Mary," is interpofed between " Our Father," and " And lead us
not." So alfo in the Vefpers of the Dead, at leaf in the Breviary, (for it is omitted in the Manual,) after
" Our Father;" and " Hail," &c, is a difiinB direclion that " And lead us not " is not to be added. The fame
direBion is given in the Hereford Breviary, in The Commendation of Souls, to repeat " And lead us not," c. &
The fame appears from fome editions of the Hours, (Gough MSS., 105, 1557, p. $<),) before the firjl
Lejfon in the Matins of the Blefj'ed Mary, where the ufe is fully Jet forth. So alfo from The Myrroure afterwards
quoted. This confiruBion is alfo more confonant to the direBions contained in feveral of the Offices. Thus in The
Commendation of Souls in the Sarum Manual : " Then let ( Our Father,'' be faid without pronouncing,
And lead us not,' let the Pfalm follow." In the Vigils of the Dead, ibid. ( Our Father,'
then without pronouncing ' And lead us not,' let the Pfalm be faid without note." In
the of The Day of Preparation, in the Breviary,
Our Father,' and And lead us not' is not '

faid. the OJfice for AJb Wednefday in the Manual and Proceffional
In Our Father,' and let '

all this be faid without note, then let the Prieft raife himfelf up and fay, "And lead
us," &c. In the Orifons at Mafs in the Miffal, Our Father an d all thefe things are faid without
' ;'

note; then let the Priejt fay with note, 1 And lead us,' &c. In the Sunday Orifons in the
beginning of the Proceffional, "let then follow" l Our Father :' then let the Prieft fay aloud,
but wit hout note, And lead us not,' and But
* deliver.' See alfo
the Petitions at Compline, where
Common Forms 1


\_At the beginning of Matins and at Prime,
and at the end of Compline, and at other
times as the Office direcls, (fecretly)
AIL Mary ! Full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blefled art thou among BELIEVE in God, The
women ; and blefled is the Father Almighty, Creator
fruit of thy womb ! Jefus ! Amen. v of Heaven and earth. And
[Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for in Jefus Chrift, His Only Son,
us finners, now, and in the hour of death !] w our Lord who was conceived by The
Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary,
[It is to be noted that in the Sarum Vfe, fuffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified,
Our Father, and Hail Mary, is never dead and buried He defcended into hell :

begun aloud by the Prieji, at any fervice, the third day He

rofe again from the dead :

except at the Mafs only ; when the whole He afcended to the heavens He fitteth :

is /aid or fung aloud. The Prieft con- at the right hand of God, The Father
cludes by repeating aloud, Almighty : whence He mail come to judge
the quick and the dead.
And lead us not into temptation,
I in The Holy Ghoft;
believe the
The Choir anfwering,
Holy Catholic Church the Communion ;

of Saints, the Remiflion of Sins, the Refur-

But deliver us from evil. Amen.] x reftion of theFlefh, and Life eternal. Amen.

a fimilar direffion is given. So in the York Breviary, in the Proper of the Time for Advent, " Our
Father," and the Lord's Prayer having been faid by each fecretly, let the Prieft
" And lead us, &c." And fo the Primer of 1 545, in the Litany, " Our Father? with the refidue
of the
"Pater Nofter," and then, " And lead us, &c." The above authorities render it mofl probable that the
two claufes of the Lord's Prayer were repeated, -whether " Ave Maria" or " Credo" were interpofed or
It may
be here obferved that this infertion of the "Ave
Maria" and " Credo" was probably of late origin,
as it is MSS. Breviaries of the l/^th century which have been confulted.
not to be discovered in feveral
It is to be noted that the fame arguments apply to the
laft claufes of the Apoftles' Creed, which appear to
have been pronounced twice in like manner. (See the Prime.) Office for
" This Anthem
faid at the end of every Hour, as well as at the beginning" Myrroure, Ixxiv. "And

therefore after your Pater Nofter and Ave Maria, which ye

fay in Jilence, for to gather more reftfully your
mind together, ye jay again two Petitions of your Pater Nofter all aloud, that is, ' Et ne nos,' * Sed libera
nos,' afking to be delivered from the malice of the fiend, that he overcome not by any temptation." Myrroure,
Hi. b. From this it appears that in Syon Monaftcry the ufage was to interpofe "Ave Maria," before the
repetition of the two
laft claufes of the Lord's Prayer.
" Then after thefe prayers, ffcil. 'Pater Nofter' and 'Ave,') ye arife and turn you to the altar, and
incline: in token that ye intend to fay that holy fervice to the only worfhip and
praifing of Our Lord and of His
glorious Mother, Our Lady. And then ye blefs you with the fign of the Holy Crofs, to chafe away the fiend
with all his deceits ; for as Chryfoftom faith, (fup. Matth. Horn, iv.) 'whenever the fiends fee the
fign of
the Crofs they fly away, dreading it as a And in this bleffing ye begin
ftaff that they are beaten withal'
with your hand at the head, downward, and then to the left fide, and after to the right fide : in token and
belief our Lord Jefus Chrift came down from the Head, that is from The Father unto earth, by His Holy
Incarnation, and from the earth unto the left fide, that is Hell, by His bitter
Paffton, and from thence unto His
Father s right fide, by His glorious Ascenfion. And after this ye bring your hand to your brefte, in token that
ye are come to thank Him and praife Him in the inmoft of your heart for his benefits'' Myrroure, —
fo. xxxvi. Myrroure, fo. xl. b.
w From " Brev. ad Us. Sar. Chevallon, Paris. "
153 1 ; it is not to be found in the other editions.
x From the Rubric for the firft Sunday in Advent.
i6 Invitntories.

<T INVITATORIES. ^ In the Firft Sunday after the clave of

The Epiphany in the Sunday Office, up to


FIRST, THE UNDERWRITTEN INVITA- pfalms rejoice be-fore Him.
f[ In The Holy Day of Eafter.
TO THE NATIVITY OF THE LORDJ Al-le -lu - ya Al-le-lu-ya, Chrift to

f[ For the Firft Sunday Advent, and on

weekdays throughout Advent, up to the day hath ri-fen, Al - le - lu - ya,
Vigil of The Nativity of The Lord exclu-
five, except on Wednefday, Friday, and
Saturday of The Four Times. Al-le lu - ya. Ps. O come.

On Sunday in The Oclave of Eafter,

and up to The Afcenjion.
Behold our King cometh, Choir. Let us
Al - le-lu - ya, The Lord hath
forth to meet Our Sa-vi - our.

rifen in - deed, O come, let us a-dore.

Pfalm.Q come let us be joyful in The Lord.

Al-le lu - ya. Ps O come.

|[ For The Nativity of The Lord.
|[ On Monday after The Oclave of
Eafter, and on all week days up to The
Chriil is born un - to us, Afcenfion.

O come let us a - dore Al - le - lu - ya, Al lu

Him. Ps. O come. Al - le - lu ya. Ps. O come.

y From Brev. Ad Us. Sar. Chevallon. Paris, 1536 This Preface is not to befound in the other Editions.

|[ On the Day of The Afcenfion of The

Lord, for He is gra-ci-ous,

Al - le - lu-ya, Chrift aicend- H -

3 b*S«*-i T j 3b ph
BrT -
& it-^_ -i- = in hymns let us give thanks

- ing in - to Heaven, O come, let

to Him: for He is The

us a - dore : Al - le - lu - ya. « 1 4=
Lord our God,

rs. U come. -3 ? ps* t=

the Day of Pentecojl.
O come.

P —^J^zpz ^***?t-zit=i-ii |[ ^ Sunday next after the twenty-

Al - le - lu - ya. The Spirit

feventh day of September, inclujive, to the
twenty-eighth day of Oclober, inclujive.
s *
The Lord,
- ^"^V
. v
fill -ed the orb of
1 he Lord, open your heart

the world: O come, let us a -dore:

in his law and in his

Al i„ 11 n U
ya. r\f. /^i

- le - lu - come.

<[ f& F^y? 0/7^ Holy Trinity. pre - cepts and give

F^^— —
—Jb^ _
The One true God in




a 1

Tri - ni - ty, and Tri- ni - ty |[ From the Sunday next after the twenty-

«T . =jM — eighth day of Oclober, inclujive, to the

S unday next after the twenty-Jeventh day
in tJ - ni - ty, O come, let us of November, inclujive.

In the Slave.

O God, King ce - lef - tial

a - dore. P/. O come, O come.

{[ On all Sundays from the Sunday Jucceed- who lit - teft up - on thy
ing the twenty-eighth day ofAuguft, inclu-
Jive, to the Sunday next after the twenty-
feventh day of September, exclufive. throne, have mer-cy up - on

di— —" m * ^-.-t^^-V* ^—

Let us praife The Name of The us. Pj. O come.

OTHER INVITATORIES.* 4[ In Sexagejima, until Quadrageftma.

For The Lord is a great God, and a great
|[ In the Day of All Saints.
King above all gods.
O come let us worfhip God, who is

glorious in his faints. In S>uadragefima.

Let it be no vain thing for us to rife up
|[ On the weekdays in the Firft week in early in the morning, before the day : fince
Advent. The Lord hath promifed a crown to them
The Lord who is to come, our King : O that watch for Him.
come let us adore.
In the Second Week, the fame as in

The Second Sunday in Advent. Sexagejima.


Our King Chrift fhall draw near, Whom f[ In the Third Week.
John preached was The Lamb that lhould
In thy hand, O Lord, are all the borders
of the earth.
|[ The Third Sunday.
{[ In the Fourth Week.
Behold the fulnefs of time cometh, in
which God lent His Son, made of a Vir- The people of The Lord, and the fheep
gin, made under the law O come let us : of his pafture : O come let us adore.
adore Him.
{[ Sunday in The Paffion of The Lord.
In Wednefday in the Third Week.
To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden
The Lord is now at hand : O come let not your hearts.
us adore.
f[ In the week-days.
f[ The Fourth Sunday.
Let us worfhip The Lord, who hath
Awaiting our Redeemer, lift up your redeemed us by his Cross.
heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.

^ On Sunday in the Branches of Palm.

In the Vigil of The Nativity.
They did not know my ways : unto
This day ye fhall know that The Lord whom I fware in my wrath, if they fhall
will come, and early in the morning fhall enter into my reft.
ye behold his glory.
{[ Throughout Eafter Week.
f[ In The Moft Holy Epiphany, and Alleluya, The Lord hath rifen indeed :

In the O clave of The Epiphany. Alleluya.

Chrift hath appeared unto us : O come |[ In The Vigil of Pentecoft.

let us adore. Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya.

z On the Sundays and

Fefi'rvals, The Invitatory and Antiphons to
" BenediSlus" and "Magnificat and
on the Saturday The Antiphons to "Magnificat" are alivays to be looked for in the Proper of The Time or of
The Saints, or in the Common of The Saints. On the iveek-days, ivhen there are none proper ( which are
always to be looked for in the Proper of The Time ), thofe are faid which are found in their places in the
Pfalter. The Proper Collet! or Orifon, and The Lejfons with their Refponfories, are always to be looked for
in The Proper of the Time or of The Saints, or in The Common of The Saints.
The Pfalm « Fenite."


[As itJbould be faid or fung before the
No tl urns, along with its Invitatory and For The Lord is a great God, and a
Semi-Invitatory inferted in their places, great King above all gods : for The Lord
on the Sundaysfollowing the Feajl of The will not rejeft his people, fince in his
Moft Holy Trinity, to the Sunday next hand are all the confines of the Earth, and
after Auguft 28.] a

[Let the Conduclors of the Choir on the ftep
the heighth of the mountains He beholdeth.
of the Choir, together begin this]
SEE Choir. For He is The Re-deem*
Let us praife Je fus Chrift
31= 5*+ - er of all worlds.

Choir. For He is The Re - deem Cond. For his is the Sea, and He made
; and his hands founded the dry land
31: at it

O come, let us worfhip and fall down be-

of all worlds. foreGod, let us weep The Lord that

made us ; for He is The Lord our God, we
Then let the whole Pfalm be fung by the are his people, and the fheep of his pafture.
Conduclors, [or if the Invitatory be Precentor. Let us praife Jefus Chrift :

Simple, by the Clerk.] Choir. For He is The Redeemer of all

Cond. To-day if ye will hear his voice,
Come, let us be
harden not your hearts, as in the provo-
cation, and as in the day of temptation in
the wildernefs : when your fathers tempted
joy-ful in The Lord, let Me, proved Me, and faw my works.
us rejoice in God our Salvation : let us
Choir. For He is The Redeemer of all

come before his face with thankfgiving

Cond. Forty years was I very near at
hand to this generation, and faid, they do
and with Pfalms rejoice before Him
alway err in their hearts, for they have not
B=zr.^zz=iEg=. - known my ways : to whom I fware in my

Choir. Let us praife Je - fus Chrift wrath, if they fhall enter into my reft.
Choir. Let us praife Jefus Chrift, for He
31=^ #=5 is The Redeemer of all worlds.

for He is The Re - deem Cond. Glory be to The Father, and to

The Son and to The Holy Ghoft
BE As it was

in the beginning, is now, and

of all worlds. ever fhall be, world without end. Amen. c
a It 'will be obferved that the Pfalm, as here ufed, is in the old Italic, and not in the Vulgate Verfion.
b That is, on Feajls -with Conduclors of the Choir, Sundays, &c, ; on other Feajls it ivas begun by one Clerk
of the Second Form : in Week-days by the Hebdomadary.
c " Ye incline
at Gloria Patri." —
Myrroure, Ix-vii.
j The Tones for " Venite.

Choir. For He is The Redeemer of all

the worlds.
Cond. Let us praife Jefus Chrift : Him. For The Lord is a great

Cond. For He is The Redeemer of all

the worlds.**

[O Lord, we fall down before Thee, we whom God. He be - hold - eth.

Thou haft made after thine image and of thy great

goodnefs do Thou adorn what of thine is in us, and The Second Tone.
pardon what is of ourfelves, that fo we may rejoice
before Thee for ever, through our Lord Jefus
Chrift. Amen.]
O come, let us be joyful. With pfalms

rejoice before Him. For The Lord is
<[ The Firft Tone.
This Venite is /aid in the Hiftory Si vos
peto Domine and in Adonai; and in a great God. He be - hold - eth.
thefe Feafts: S. Vincent, Agatha Virgin,
the Chair of S. Peter, S. Mary Magda- |[ The Third Tone.
lene, S. Cecilia, S. Laurence, and in the
This Venite faid in the Feafts of the

Common of a Confejfor and Bijhop. Saints, of S. John Baptift, and in The

Nativity of an Jpoftle and of many
Apoftles, and in the Nativity of an
O come, let us be joy-ful in Evangelift.

3EE 3=*=i"=^=5i"
5 3 —H # %,.
The Lord. With pfalms re-joice be-fore O come, let us be joy - ful.

d INVITATORIES are either Simple ; Double; Triple; or Quadruple ;—

Simple token a Single Clerk of the Second Form, or in ordinary
Week days The Hebdomadary Prieft
1 ;
it is Jung through by the Choir. The Choir fings it
begins the In-vitatory with the firft three or four -words, and
" Venite;" but after the laft -verje, and probably alfo after the
or the Semi-In-vitatory, between the -verjes of
di-vided between the Clerk or the Hebdomadary and
the Choir.
third -verfe, it is , .
, , ,

the Choir had two or three ConduBors, the

whole Pfalm was /aid by them, and the
2 Double; when
In-vitatory was, before the Pfalm, begun by all of them
and Jung through by the Choir. It was aljo
" To-day, if ye will hear ; and after the laft
di-vided between the Precentor and the Choir before the -verje
-verjebetween the ConduBors and the Choir.
%.Triple when the ConduBors were three in number. ..

although the Rubric for The Natt-vity Jpeaks of "Double

4. Quadruple in Principal Double Feafts (for
ConduBors, who are to fing « Venite, began and Jung
Feaftsryet it muft be thus limited) ; when the Four
through the whole In-vitatory firft ; and it was then repeated
by the Choir.
„ j «
Ad-vent was this-the Principal ConduBor
The mode offinging the In-vitatory e. g. on the Firft Sunday in
Precentor [« Behold, our King cometb, Let us go forth to meet our
ha-ving caught the In-vitatory from the
ConduBor at the ftep of the Choir began
Sa-viour"] and the Chant of the Pjalm "Venite," -with his fellrw
« Behold, our King cometh : " the Choir anjwering " Let us go forth to meet our Sa-viour. The ConduBors then
"Venite" in one
tone. After the third and fifth, -verjes the whole In-vitatory was
(aid the Pfalm firft,

repeated by the Choir. After the thirdhowever, the In-vitatory was begun again by the Precentor or
the Choir. After the Jecond, fourth, andfixth
Sib-Precentor, railing his -voice, and it was Jung through by
: then the In-vitatory is
begun again by the
verjes the Choir repeat the Semi-In-vitatory "Let us go forth"
ConduBors [or Precentor] and Jung through by the Choir. And Jo in like manner throughout the year except in
Double Feafts.
From the Rubrics for Ad-vent and The Nati-vity.
The Tones j "or " Venite." z \

v — U-
P^B Jk — r
*++ U- S ^
P 1
BgB - p__-, 5=±=
With pfalms re - joice be - fore Him. For The Lord is a

P—ma —— — P

Him. For The Lord

P" q P"p P* pP
M He
> "
be - hold-eth.

is a great God.

This Venite is faid in the Day of The

He be - hold - eth.
Nativity of The Lord, and throughout
the clave of The Epiphany.

B ,— » |

This Venite is /aid in the i, ii, iii. Sundays

of Advent, and in the Tuefday and Wed- O come, let us be joyful. With
nefday of The Four Times ofAdvent, and
in the Vigil of The Nativity of The Lord:
=r*^ F"-M— W^-y
in Sunday in The Pajjion, and Sunday in
The Palm-branches : fo in The Feajis of
S.S. Fabian and Silvefter, in The Exalt-

The Lord

!?_ _

- fore

Him. For

* t

ation of The Holy Crofs, in the Feaft of

Dionyfius, in the Commemorations of the
iz — P«. — B^-) —-
hllTL — 1

Bleffed Mary, and the Feafts ofhi. Lejfons

He be - hold - - eth.
of a Martyr and Confejfor : in the Com-
memoration of a Virgin, and in the Slaves This Venite is faid on Monday after the
of S.S. Stephen and John, Apoftles, if it Firft Sunday after the clave of the
be a Sunday : and daily within the Epiphany.
Slaves of The Holy Trinity, and Corp.
C hrijli, when the Service is of the clave. !| Pp P P P "| —— 1


3£^—p.—* — fcr-".—
O come, let us be joy-ful. with

O come, let us be joy-ful. -

—p—P—^— P^%—Him. —The— P

' — Pi P--., :— pfalms re-joice be-fore


With pfalms

For The Lord

—— re - joice


a great
— God.

*=F Lord is a great God.

7$// Venite is faid in the Day of S. Stephen,

He behold - eth.

He be -
— ——hold

p 1" ~ and in the clave, if it be a Sunday : in
the Feaft of The Holy Trinity, and of
Corpus C hrijli, and the Slave of the

This Venite fame : and in thefe feafts : S. Nicholas,

is faidin the Feaft of S. John
the Apoftle. Purification of the B. M., the Apoftles
Peter and Paul, in the Finding of S.
Stephen : of the AJJ'umption and Nativity
O come, let us be oftheB.M., and of S. Katherine, Virgin.

5 P 5z! p Uh-^-^t- ——
% _ .
^ 1 ———
i | t—
. —
— —- 1

joy - ful. With pfalms rejoice before O come, let us be joyful. With pfalms
22 The Tones for " Venite.

the Oclave of The Epiphany, and on

Monday in The Pafjion of The Lord, and
rejoice before Him. For The Lord is
in the week-days of Eaftertide, and in the

Vigils of The Afcenfion of The Lord, and
of Pentecoft, and when the Invitatory is
a great God, He be-hold - eth King of Martyrs, or King of Confeflbrs,
or King of Virgins, and in the week-
<[ The Fifth Tone. days of Advent.
This Venite is faid on Sundays in the
Times of Eafter and Pentecoft, and of t
The Afcenfion. O come, le t us be joy ful in the Lord.
-m— 1
— — —-1--1- E
o come, let us be j°y -ful
With pfalms rejoice before Him. For The
k -- B_t- -«— fepf
— 1

in the Lord. With pfalms rejoice

Lord is a great God. He beholdeth.

before Him. For The Lord is a great This Venite is faid throughout the week of
Eafter, and in the Feaftsof the Saints.

God. He be - hold -

O come, let us be joyful in the Lord.

- eth. to=i
With pfalms rejoice be - fore Him.
|[ The Sixth Tone. I — ;

Tbis V emit is faid in the day of The Holy fc=J

Innocents, in Eafter Day, and in the

For The Lord is a great God. He
Feafts of All Saints, and of Relics. *3
be - hold - eth.
6 come, let us be joy - ful in <[ The Seventh Tone.

the Lord. With pfalms rejoice be-fore O come let us be joyful in the Lord.

With pfalms re - joice be

Him. For The Lord is a great God.
E 1=
fore Him. For The Lord
He be - hold -eth.
This Venite faid in the Vigil of The
is a great God. He be - hold
Epiphany, if it be not a Sunday, and on
Tuefday, Wednefday, Thurfday, Friday,
and Saturday after the Firft Sunday after eth.
The Tones for " Fenite" 23
In the Second Sunday in 2>uadragefima it

is /aid thus:
joy-ful. With pfalms re-joice be

Is a great God.
In The Finding of The Holy Crofs.
- fore Him. For The Lord is


a great God. He be - hold

Al - le - lu - ya, Hail.

O come, let us be joy-ful. With
/» the Third Sunday in 2>uadragejima.

pfalms re -joice be - fore Him.

O come, let us be joy-ful in

For The Lord is a great God
the Lord. With pfalms re-joice be -
He be - hold eth.

The Second difference of the Seventh Tone.

- fore Him. For The Lord is

Let us a-dore the moll vic-to - - a great God. He be -

rm •
ri - ous. O come, let us be hold eth.
The Lord's Day at Matins. 2S

CfHE PSALTER OF Let the Choir reply thus


OF SARUM. And my mouth lhall fhew forth


thy praife.e
C T^HE LORD'S DAY Let the officiating Prieft then fay in a
AT MATINS. loud voice

TN The Name of The Father, and of

A The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft O God, make fpeed to fave me.
(with the fign of the Crofs).
^ [And as he fays it, let him fign himfelf with
QUR Father (fecretly).
the fign of the Crofs on his forehead, or
and let the Choir, ftanding
acrofs his face,
turned to the Altar until the Antiphon
JJAIL Mary (fecretlyJ. [And it is to on the Pfalms is begun, reply ]

be noted that neither Pater Nofter

nor Ave Maria are ever faid by the
Prieji aloud at any fervice, except at the
O Lord, make hafte to help me.'
-B~"— -
Then let the Prieft fay in a loud voice
LO-RY be to The Father,
mi -B B
LORD ! o-pen Thou and to The Son, and to

my lips The Ho-ly Ghoft.

e "This verfe is only faid at Matins, that is the beginning
of God's fervice, in token that the firft opening of
your lips or mouth fhould be to the praifing of God, and all the day after they fhould abide open and be
fo occu-
pied and filled therewith, that nothing contrary to his praifing might enter in or out thereby:" Myrroure, — xli.
f "
Therefore both at Matins and at the beginning of each Hour, ye ajk his help and
fay, God, &c.' And

take heed that all this verfe, both that part that is faid one alone, and that that is
of anfwered of all together,
are faid in the fingular number; as -when ye fay 'mine' or 'me,' and not 'our' nor 'us,' in
token that ye begin your
praifing and prayer in the Perfon of Holy Church, -which is one and not many. For though there be many
members of Holy Church, as there are many Chrijlen men and women, yet they make One Body, that is
Church, whereof Chrijl is the Head." —
Myrroure, xli.

In the Rubrics for the fir Sunday in Advent of the Sarum Breviaries
ft of the i^th and 15th centuries, for
Vefpers (Harleian MSS. 2785 and 1512, and Arundel 130, and the Arlyngham Breviary,
fol. 1, as well
as others) " In the Firjl Sunday in Advent, according to Sarum
ufe, the Bells having been rung and the Candles
lit in the ufual manner, let two of the Second Form enter in
Jilken Copes to conduH the Choir, and place themfelves
on the firjl ftep of the Choir; then let the little bell be rung, which
for that fpecial purpofe hangs on the North fide
of the Choir ." "Let him fay the Lord's Prayer and Ave fecretly before fulfilling the refl of the office," &c.
''Then let him fay aloud, '0 God, make fpeed,' &c, and as he fays it let him
fign himfelf privately, on his
breafi or acrofs his face, with the fign of the Crofs, and let the Choir anfwer, 1 Lord, make hafte,' &c.
This order is to be obferved at the beginning
of all the Hours throughout the year, except as direcled otherwife at
Compline and Matins, and except in the three week-days before
Eafter at all the Hours, and except at Vefpers only
during Eafter-week, and except on the Day Souls, at No&urns, Lauds, Prime, Terce,
of Sext, and None, when
neither '0 God, make fpeed,' &c, nor 'Pater Nofter,' nor 'Ave,' nor anything of the above are to be aid."
The Lord's Day at Matins

As it was in the be-ginning, is now,

and e-ver fhall be: world with -out

le - lu - ya.

The Fourth Tone.

LU - YA.h

Al-le-lu - ya, Al-le-lu - ya.

Alleluya is /aid at all the Hours throughout

The Fifth Tone.
the whole year, except from the Firfi
to Thurf-
_ - —_ _a~ , 5 •»._
Vefpers preceding Septuagefima,
day in The Supper of The Lord : during
Al-le - lu - ya, Al-le-lu - ya.
which time is Jaid

RAISE toThee,0 Lord,we fing, Al-le - lu - ya.

The Sixth Tone.

Of Glory the E-ternal King.

[But in the three days preceding E after, at
Al-le-lu ya.
Al-le - lu - ya,
all the Hours, and during Eafter week
at Vefpers only, and in the Day of the The Seventh Tone.
Comfnemoration of Souls, when it is the
Service for that Commemoration, nothing
of the above is faid, except Our Father Al-le-lu-ya, Al-le - lu ya.
and Hail Mary.

The Eighth Tone.

[The Firft Tone in Eaftertide.

Al-le-lu - ya, Al-le-lu-ya. Al-le-lu-ya, Al-le-lu - ya. ]

« " And for is faid in the Per/on and Unity of Holy Church,
is never left unfped, there-
that prayer, that
Lord hath heard your prayer, and is come to help you, ye begin altogether, lowly inclining,
fore, trufting that our
praife the BleJJid Trinity.''''— Myrroure, xlii.
" Te incline at the Gloria Patri." lb. lx-vii. —
h " But for this is a word of a time of penance, that is from Septuagefima till Eafter, it is left,
joy, therefore in
for though penance-doing be pleafing to God, yet it is done in farrow

and inftead thereof he fay,

Praife, &c. :

people ; and therefore in time of

of heart and lharpnefs of body, and not in gladnefs and joy, namely for finful ,

not 'Alleluya; which is a word both of

penance we fay, Praife; &c, not in joy, but in praifmg of God, and

praifing and joy.' —

Myrroure, xlii.
From the Rubrics for the Time, and the Arlyngham and Arundel MSS.
The Lord's Day at Matins. 27
[Then let the Conductors of the Choir, let the Choir fing it through s then let
(in filken Copes, if a Sunday or Feftival,) fame Conductors
the repeat together the
on the fiep of the Choir, begin together whole Pfalm Venite O Come.]
the Inflatory* (pp. 16 19J, and —
|[ On Sundays, from the Firft Sunday after the O Slave of The Epiphany, inclufive,
to ^uadrageftma, AT MATINS.

RIMO di-e-rum omnium. IRST Day ofdays ! wherein were

Quo mundus ex - tat con-di - tus. made The worlds in orient light arrayed

Vel quo re - fur - gens Con - di - tor And life to give us, from the dead

Nos, Mor - te vie - ta, li - be - rat Their Ma - ker ri - fing, vie - tor fped !

Primo dierum omnium, First Day of days wherein were made


Quo mundus extat conditus The worlds in orient light arrayed :

Vel quo refurgens Conditor And, life to give us, from the dead
Nos, Morte victa, liberat Their Maker rifing, victor fped !

Pulfis procul torporibus, Far we flumber from our eyes,

Surgamus omnes ocius And with joyful hafte arife
all :

Et nofte quasramus Pium, And early feek The Lord of grace

Sicut Prophetam novimus. As erft the Prophet fought His face.

J " But that it fufficeth not you to praije and to joy in God alone, but ifye Jlir other to the fame
; therefore
Alleluya,' or 1 Lam Tibi,' you begin the Invitatory; that is as much to fay, as a calling or a
whereby each of you Jiirreth and exhorteth other to the praifmg of God and of our Lady. And thereby
ye call them that hear you, and defire other that are abfent to come and pray with you ; and thereto accordeth the
Pfalm 1 Venite' that followeth, and is fung with the In-vitatory. But the In-vitatory is fometime fung -whole
and fometime half; for fome come whole to God's fervice to praife Him ivith body and foul and all their wyttes
and fenfes, and fome come but half: for though the body be there, the heart is on other thyngs. And as our Lord
faith by his Prophet, (If. xxix.,) and in his Gofpel, (Matt, xv.,) ' This people ivorjhippeth Me ivith their
lips, but their heart is far from Me. But few times is it fung whole ; for they that wyll be whole in our
Lord's fervice, muft full warily keep thefe five wyttes, both the outer wyttes and the inner. And twice it is
fung half ; for there is three manners of people, which as the Gofpel telleth, were called to the Lord's Supper,

and came not : for pride, for worldlinefs, and for felfipnefs.'" Myrroure, xlii.
k From S. Gregory the Great.
28 The Lord's Day a/ Matins.

Noftras preces ut audiat, So may He hearken to our prayer,

Suamque dextram porrigat : Stretch forth hisarm with kindly care;
Ut expiatos fordibus And our paft offence forgiven

Reddat polorum fedibus. Reftore us to our homes in Heaven.

Ut quique facratiffimo So here in this His Feftal tide

Hujus diei tempore May He this facred Day abide
Horis quietis pfallimus, And o'er us, as each peaceful hour
Donis beatis muneret. With pfalms we hallow, bleffings ftiow'r.

Jam nunc, Paterna Claritas ! Father of Light and Life ! give heed !

Te poftulamus affatim Suppliants we here before Thee plead :

Abfit libido fordidans O ! cleanfe from fordid luft the heart,

Omnifque attus noxius May every evil work depart

Ne foeda fit vel lubrica Keep undefiled by guilt or fhame

Compago noftri corporis, Our walk in this corporeal frame,
Per quam Averni ignibus, That we may ne'er the fiercer pain
Ipfi crememur acrius. Of Hell's avenging fires fuftain.

Ob hoc, Redemptor ! quaefumus, Redeemer of the worlds ! we pray

Ut probra noftra diluas : Walh Thou our finful ftains away :

Vitas perennis commoda For us, all-bountiful, a fhare

Nobis benigne conferas. In endlefs life and joy prepare.

Quo, carnis adlu exules, Where, from all flefhly ftrivings free,
Effefti ipfi celibes, And made for ever pure jlike Thee,
Ut praeftolamur, cernui Bleft hope may we adoring raife

Melos canamus glorias. To God, melodious hymns of praife.

Gloria Tibi Domine Lord Holy Virgin born

! To Thee !

Qui natus es de Virgine : All Glory everlafting be :

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, To Father and to Holy Ghoft,

In fempiterna fecula.

Long as eternity fhall laft !

A - men. A men.

This Gloria is added to every Hymn of the fame metre (except that beginning Deus
Creator,), up to The Purification. After The Purification, however, is faid the
following verfe.

Praefta Pater piiffime Father of mercies grant our prayer


Patrique Compar Unice ! Co-equal Only Son give ear !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito Who with Thee, Spirit Paraclete !

Regnans per omne feculum. Reign throughout ages infinite.

; :

The Lord's Day at Matins. 29

C From the Firft Sunday after Trinity to Advent, as well on Sundays as on Week-days,
whenever it is the ordinary Office for the Sunday or Week-day, is
faid at Matins
the following HYMN. 1

H This Chant is faid on all Sundays, from the Firfl Sunday after Trinity, to The
Advent of The Lord, to this Hymn.

OC - TE fur-gen- tes vi - gi - RISE we in the night-ly

- le-mus om-nes, Sem-per in pfal-mis watch-es waking, In pfal-mo-dy our

m s =i=z=i=i=:^=Pd^=!|= :Bz:

me - di - tern - ur, at - que Vi - ri - hearts and voi - ces raife ; To God,

3£ 5 3^
- bus to - tis Do no ca -
with all our pow'rs fweet mu - fic

na - mus Dul - ci - ter hym - nos. mak - ing In hymns of praife.

Nocte furgentes vigilemus omnes, Arise we in the nightly watches waking,

Semper in pfalmis meditemur, atque In pfalmody our hearts and voices raife
Viribus totis Domino canamus To God with all our powers fweet mufic
Dulciter hymnos. making, In hymns of praife.

Ut pio Regi pariter canentes So in full concert with thy faints we'll tell
Cum fuis fan&is, mereamur aulam Thy mercies, Lord fo worthy may we be,

Ingredi Cceli : fimul et beatam To enter Heaven's bright courts in blifs to

Ducere vitam. dwell, For' e'er with Thee.

Przeftet hoc nobis Deitas Beata The BlefTed Trinity perform our prayer,
Patris ac Nati pariterque Sancli Father and Son, and Holy Ghoft Moft High
Spiritus, Cujus reboat in omni Whofe Glory all Creation doth declare
Gloria mundo. Eternally.

A - men. men.

From S. Gregory the Great.
; : : ;

3° The Lord's Day at Matins.

HTMNUS.™ Hymn.
UEM Ter-ra, Pon-tus, E- |
O ! He Whom Ear th,and Sea,

- the-ra, Colunt, a-do-rant, pre-dicant and Sky, Revere, adore, laud, and proclaim:

Tri-nam re-gen-tem ma - chi - nam, Who o'er the three-fold fa - brie rules,

Clauft-rum Ma - ri - as ba - ju - lat. Is cloifter'd within Mary's frame.

Quem Terra, Pontus, Ethera, Lo !He WhomEarth, and Sea, and Sky,
Colunt, adorant, predicant Revere, adore, laud, and proclaim :

Trinam regentem machinam, Who o'er the threefold fabric rules,

Clauftrum Mariae bajulat. Is cloiftered within Mary's frame.

Cui Luna, Sol, et omnia He Whom the Sun, and Moon, and fpace
Deferviunt per tempora, Serve in their meafured times afligned,
Perfufa Cceli gratia Pervaded by celeftial grace
Geftant Puellse vifcera. Is in a Virgin's body fhrined !

Beata Mater munere, O Mother ! bleffed with peerlefs gifts,

Cujus Supernus Artifex Who as a cafketpure contains

Mundum pugillo continens, The Architect of Earth and Heaven,
Ventris fub area claufus eft. Whofe mighty hand the world fuftains.

Beata Cceli nuncio, Bleffed by the meffenger divine,

Fecunda Sanfto Spiritu; The Holy Ghoft hath filled thy womb;
Defideratus gentibus, The long-defired of nations comes,
Cujus per alvum fufus eft. And in thy bofom finds a home.

Gloria Tibi Domine, All Glory, Lord be unto Thee,


Qui natus es de Virgine Born of the Virgin ever pure

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu Father and Holy Ghoft ! to Ye,
Per fempiterna fecula. While ages infinite endure.

m The Sarum Prymers give this as the ordinary Hymn at Matins ; jo the Hymnal gives it as a daily Hymn
at Matins ; it is the

Hymn at Matins of the Blejfed Mary. From Venantius Fortunatus.
The Lord's Day at Matins. 31

IN THE FIRST NOCTURN." intone thePfalm thus, * * * an d fo let it

Psalm be always, whenever the Antiphon and its
Pfalm has the fame beginning in full ex-
[A Pfalmof Do<Srine and Virtue for meditation.
This Pfalm relates to the perfon of Chrift for He :
prejjion. But fo that in the Antiphons
is perfect who hath never erred in the way of Afferte Domino and Domine and the
finners.] they continue it to the third
like, word
[The Conductor of the Choir, fitting on the fometimes, but feldom to the fourth.

decanal fide, Jh all give the Antiphon to the

aforefaid Clerk of the Second Form, which It is to be obferved, that all the Antiphons
he is to begin thus, Benedidlus * * * which are to be begun before the intona-

who as he begins, fiands turned to the tion of the Pfalms, ought always to be
Choir. In the end of the firft Antiphon begun fo as to indicate the difference of
let him turn to the Altar and incline; and tone, as is explained more fully in the great
let this be generally obferved throughout Tonale, and that the Pfalm Jhould not be
the whole year, in turning and inclining begun until that indication be complete?}
in the beginning of all the Antiphons.
Whichever Clerk begins the Antiphon, let 1

the Conductor of the Choir take it up, and h e fcep - tre fhall not.

n "
After the Hymn cometh Antempnes and Pfalms. Antempne is as much to
fay as a founding before, for it is
begun before the Pfalms. It is as much to fay as a founding againft—the Antempne is begun
before the Pfalm,
and the Pfalm is tuned after the Antempne, in token that thefe may indeed be good, but
if it be begun of charity
and ruled by charity in the doing."
" By Hymns is underfood the life of them that praife GOD
in contemplation ; and by Pfalms is underfood the
converfation of them that praife GOD
in deeds of aBual life. Therefore at Matins, which are aid in the f
night, which is a time moft apt to contemplation, the Hymn is
faid before the Pfalms, in token that contemplative
people prefer the exercife of contemplation before all other things
; and at Lauds that are faid nearer day, which
is a time of working, the Pfalms are
faid before the Hymn, in token that people of aBi-ve life are mofl occupied
in outward deeds, and lefs in ghoftly exercife. And
alfo at Prime, Terce, Sext, and None, which are faid before
meat, when better difpofition is to contemplation than after meat, the Hymns are
faid before the Pfalms ; and
at Even-fong and Compline, which are faid in the afternoon, the
Pfalms are faid before the Hymns, in token
of the fame thing—and for the mofl part of people of all this world are occupied mofl with deeds
of a&ual
life; therefore the Service of the Holy Church, that is common to all, beginneth at
Even-fong, when the Pfalms
are faid before the Hymn." —Myrroure, fol. xlvi. b.
" The Pfalm fung fometimes on the one fide and fometime on the other, in token that the gifts
of The Holy
Ghofl, whereby men do good deeds, are given fome to one and fame to another. But in fmging of Pfalms, the
Choir flandeth turned either to other, and fmgeth face to face, in token that the
gifts of GOD which each one
hath received, ought to be ufed to the helping each *
of other * * * and then are the Pfalms well fung
Choir to Choir. In Pfalmody fometimes ye ftand, for ye ought to be ready and
ftrong to do good deeds ; and
fometimes ye fit, for ye ought to fee that all your deeds be done
reftfully, with peace of the other, as in you.
Though this be true after the fpiritual meaning, yet after the letter the changing that is in GOD's
fervice from
one thing to another, is ordained to let it drive away your dulnefs, that
ye fhould not wax tedious and weary,
but gladly and joyfully, not in vain joy, but in joy
of fpiritual devotion, continue in GOD's fervice. Therefore
fometime ye fmg, fometime ye read, fometime ye hear ; now one alone, now twain together, now
all. Sometime
ye fit, fometime ye ftand, fometime ye incline, fometime ye kneel, now toward the Altar, now
toward the Choir;
now in flails, now in the midft. And in all this, middle Hymns with Pfalms, and Pfalms with Antempnes,
and Antempnes with Verficles,and Leftons with Refponfes, and Refponfes with Verfes, andfo forth
of many fuch
other. And all to the prafing of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and
of His mofi reverend Mother, our Lady; andfo
to exercife the body to the quickening of the foul, that all fuch bodily obfervances fhould not be found without
caufe of ghoftly undemanding. Now join to all this the fruit of that thing that is fung and read, and thereto
the fellow/hip of Angels among you in time of GOD's fervice, and
moft of all the marvellous and unfpeakable
prefence of GOD Himfelf from Whom Our Lady is not far, and fee whether it be not nigh another Heaven
to ferve —
and praife GOD in the Choir." Myrroure, fol. I.
From the Arlyngham MS. Thefe Rubrics are flightly varied in the other MSS.
32 The Lord's Day at Matins.

Square fremuerunt gentes.

World with - out end. A - men. "\X7"HY raged the heathen and the :

people imagined vain things ?

|5 The Kings of the Earth flood up, and
e r v e ye. World without end. Amen, the rulers affembled together : againfl The
Lord, and againfl His Chrift.
Let us break their bonds afunder : and
caft away their yoke from us.
o r his me-rits. World with-out
He that dwelleth in the Heavens fhall
laugh them to fcorn : the Lord fhall have
them in derifion.
end. A - men.
Then fhall He fpeak unto them in his
wrath : and He vex them.
in his fury fhall
Beatus vir qui non abiit.
But appointed King by Him
I am

w LESSED is the
hath not ftrayed in the
counfel of the ungodly,
nor flood in the way of
linners and hath not
man that over Syon, his holy mountain
his law.

The Lord faid unto Me, Thou art

Son this day have I begotten Thee.

Defire of Me and I will give Thee the



fateinthefeatoffcorning. heathen for thine inheritance : and the

But his delight is in the law of The utmofl parts of the Earth for thy poffefTion.
Lord and in his law
: will he meditate Thou fhalt rule them with a rod of
day and night. iron and break them in pieces like a

And he fhall be like a tree planted by potter's veffel.

the water-courfes : that will bring forth Underftand now therefore, O ye Kings
its fruit in due feafon. be learned, ye that judge the Earth.
His leaf alfo fhall not fall : and all Serve ye The Lord in fear : and rejoice
whatfoever he doeth fhall profper. unto Him with trembling.
Not fo the ungodly, not fo : but they Learn difcipline left The Lord be wroth
are like the dull which the wind fcattereth and fo ye perifh from the right way.
away from the face of the Earth. If his wrath be kindled even for a
Therefore the ungodly fhall not rife up fhort time : blefTed are all they that put

in the judgment neither fmners in the

: their trull in Him.
council of the righteous.
[O Lord, we befeech Thee, break the chains of
For the Lord knoweth the way of the ourfins fo that, bound to the yoke of thy fervice,

righteous and the way of the ungodly

: we may be able to ferve Thee in fear and reverence,
fhall perifh. though our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

[O Lord make us as a very fruitful tree before

Psalm III.
the prefence of thy Glory : fo that, watered by thy
[A Pfalm of David when he fledfrom Abfalom
fliowers, we may be worthy to pleafe Thee by the
abundance of our moft pleafant fruit, through our his fon. A Pfalm for prayer. This Pfalm relates
Amen.] to the Pafiion of our Lord Jefus Chrift.]
Lord Jefus Chrift.

Domine, quid multiplicati.

T ORD, why are they increafed that
[A Pfalm of David. A Prophetical Pfalm for
Meditation. This Pfalm relates to the Nativity
trouble me ? : are they that rife
of Chrift.] up againfl me.
: :

The Lord's Day at Matins.

Many fay to my foul : there is no help put your truft in The Lord: many fay,
for him in his God. who fheweth us good ?
But Thou, O Lord, art my upholder There fhewn forth upon
is us the light
my glory and the lifter up of my head. of thy countenance, O Lord : Thou haft
I did call upon The Lord with my put gladnefs in my heart.
voice and He heard me out of his holy
: In the fruit of their corn, wine, and
mountain. oil : they are multiplied.
I flept, and was in flumber, and rofe In peace in the very fame I will fleep :

up again : forThe Lord fuftained me. and take my reft.

I will not be afraid for thoufands of the For Thou, Lord : haft fpecially fta-
people that have fet themfelves round blifhed me in hope.
about me : arife, O
Lord, fave me, my O
God. Psalm V.
For Thou haft fmitten all who are mine This Pfalm is not /aid at Nofturns.
adverfaries without caufe : Thou haft [Is the fecond Pfalm in Lauds on Monday.,]
broken the teeth of the ungodly.
[A Pfalm for her who obtains the inheritance.
Salvation belongeth unto The Lord A Pfalm of David
: a Pfalm for prayer. Pertains
and thy bleffing is upon thy people. to the Church which follows the heidhip of the
New Teftament, as the title proves.]
[Pour forth, we befeech Thee, O Lord, thy
upon thy people, and prote&ed by thy
bleflings Verba mea auribus.
Refurreclion, may we
not fear the thoufands of
our fins which have fet themfelves round about
^MVE ear unto my words, O Lord :

againft us, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

confider my cry.
Hearken unto the voice of my prayer
my King and my God.
Psalm IV.
For unto Thee will I make my prayer,
This Pfalm is not /aid at No Burns. [See O Lord early in the morning fhalt Thou

Compline /.] hear my voice.

[To the end in verfes : a Pfalm of David. To Early in the morning will I ftand before
the chief Mufician upon Neginoth, a Pfalm of Thee and will look for Thou art not a :

David.— Relates to the Miniftry of Bread and God that haft pleafure in wickednefs.
Neither fhall any evil man dwell nigh
Cum invocarem.
Thee nor fhall the unrighteous abide in

*yyHEN I called, The God of my right- thy fight.

eoufnefs heard me : in my tribula- Thou haft hated all them that work
tion Thou haft enlarged me. iniquity : Thou fhalt deftroy all them that
Have mercy upon me : and hearken fpeak leafing.
unto my prayer. The Lord will abhor the blood-thirfty
O ye fons of men, how long will ye be and deceitful man but as for me, in the

dull of heart why do ye love vanity and

: multitude of thy mercy,
feek after lies ? I will come into thy houfe and in :

Know The Lord hath made

ye that thy fear will I worfhip toward thy holy
wondrous His Holy One The Lord will : temple.
hear me when I cry unto Him. O Lord, lead me in thy righteoufnefs,
Be angry and fin not : be ye forry for becaufe of mine enemies : direft my way
what ye fay in your hearts, and in your before thy face.
chambers. For there is no truth in their mouth :

Offer the facrifice of righteoufnefs and their heart is vain.

The Lord's Day
ay at Matins.
Their throat is an open fepulchre, with For in death there is no man who
their tongues they have behaved deceit-
remembereth Thee and in Hell who will

fully judge Thou them,

God. O give Thee thanks ?

Let them perifh through their own ima- I am weary inmy groaning; every
ginations ; caft them out in the multitude night lhall I walh my bed with my tears

of their impieties for they have angered :

mall I water my couch.
Mine eye vexed with fury I have
Thee, O Lord. is :

their truft in grown old among all mine enemies.

And let all them that put
Thee rejoice : they mail ever be giving of Away from me all ye that work vanity :

thanks, and Thou malt dwell in them. for The Lord hath heard the voice of my
All they that love Thy Name mall weeping.
glory in Thee : for Thou wilt blefs the The Lord hath hearkened to my peti-
righteous. tion The Lord hath received my prayer.

O Lord, with the fhield of thy good

as All mine enemies {hall be afhamed and
pleafure Thou haft crowned us.
be fore vexed they mall be turned back

and put to ftiame very fpeedily.

Psalm VI.
[To the end in Verfes a Pfalm of David for : [And all the Clerks who have Jung the
the o&ave. A
Penitential Pfalm for fupplication. Pfalms /landing up, turning to the Altar,
For a Penitent.]
Jh all each of them fay the Gloria, in his
D omine ne in furore. ftation, which Jhall be obferved through-
OLORD, rebuke me not in thine in- out the whole year. ~\

dignation : neither chaften me in thy

difpleafure. Glory be to The Father, and to The
Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I Son, and to The Holy Ghoft :

now, and
am weak heal me, O Lord, for my bones
As it was in the beginning, is

ever fhall be, world without end. Amen.P

are vexed.
My foul, alfo, is fore troubled: but
Then in all Sundays during Advent, up
Thou, Lord, how long ! |[
O Lord, and deliver my toThe Nativity of The Lord, in the Firft
Turn Thee, q
foul : O fave me, for thy mercy's fake. Noclurn, the Antiphon.

whenever more Pfalms

P The Rubric Sunday in Ad-vent, direBs that throughout the -whole year
for the Firft
or at the Hours, none of them frail be Jaid with
than one are [aid under one" Gloria Patri" at NoBurns,
exaltari,) i. e., none frail be begun
-with an Intonation before arriving at the
exalted voice, (nuttus eorum debet

verfe " Gloria Patri."

Simple Feafts, and on Double Feafts, -where not
The ANTIPHONS or Anthems, on Sundays, JVeek-days, and
other-wife direBed, are fung entire after the Pfalms.
the firft two or three -words only of the
But before the Pfalms are begun, as by
Antiphon, which is to foil™ after
6 tkt
^^jfiffftf ^
£ .

before the Pfalms, but were fo doubled beforet ^'Magnificat and

Salifbury Ufe they -were never fung entire

only, in Lauds and Second Vefpers in Double Feafts ;

and alfo in Firft Vepersat the Feafts of the
Nativity, Epiphany, Purification, Afcenfion Pentecoft,
Trinity, Corpus Chrfr, M^pjitatm, Affumption

the Church, and All Saints. The Arlyngham and Arundel, MSS
of the BleffidWgin, The Dedication of
Uo fo f
[peak thus :
« It is to be underftood that all the Antiphons before the Pfalms, which are to be begun
be begun according to the various differences
which are ex-
before the intonation of the Pfalms, frould always
to be begun before that intonation be
completed When
plained in the Ton ale, and that the Pfalm ought not
let the Antiphon be begun again by the
the Pfalm with Gloria Patri and Sicut Erat,
is finifhed
throughout the whole ye ar
or Sub-Precentor, and fung through by the Choir, which is to be obferved
the Pfalms -without any fpecial
Of ANTIPHONS there were three kinds: I. Tbofe which are taken from
2. Tbofe which are taken from the fame Pfalms,
but Jlightly altered, if neceffary, to adapt them
The firft kind are found in the ordinary office,
3. Thofe taken from
to the office which is in ufe.
other fources.
_ )

The Lord's Day at Matins. 35

[$[ Throughout Quadragejima, in the Firft


mm H E fceptre fhall not depart


Bleffed are they
Law, O
trufting in
who ever meditate
Bleffed are they,
Thee, ferve Thee in fear.
From thy holy mountain hear us in thy
fromjudah, nor a prince from his thigh; clemency, reprove us not in the day of
thy fury.
2. Who fa veil them that are pure in
heart, Whole Name is Wonderful ; from
un - til He come that mould be fent.
the gate of death deliver us, as we do put
In all Sundays from the Stave of The our truft in Thee.
Epiphany, to the Sunday in The Pajfion of 3. Do Thou preferve us for ever; en-
The Lord, in the Firjl Nofturn. lighten our eyes ; grant us to know the way
of peace ; to call upon Thee with fear ;
S3- who glorifieft all that fear Thee, O Lord/]
erve ye The Lord in fear.

In all Sundays, from Trinity Sunday to the Psalm VII.

Advent of the Lord, in the Firft No Slum. [A Pfalm of David which he fung to the Lord
becaufe of the words of Culh, the Benjamite.
This Pfalm belongs to Chrift and the Synagogue
for Chriftians exalted to Heaven, but the Synagogue
or his merits of faith is he called hath fallen into the pit fhe had prepared for Him.
— _ -im aAa a — j

rightfully bleffed, Who on the law H mi

be. World with-

of The Lord doth me-di-tate nightly

out end. A - men.

and daily.

[O Lord, the hearer of

fuppliant voice of our weeping,
ail men, give ear to the
and grant perpetual
o Lord. World without end. Amen.
foundnefs to our infirmities, fo that whilft Thou
doft vouchfafe to receive the groans of our affliction,
Thou mayeft confole us by thy mercy, through
Chrift our Lord. Amen ] just God. World without end. Amen.

that is, the Pfalter ; the fecond in the non-ordinary office, ferve for the non-ordinary (fometimes for the ordinary
Pfalms the third, the others ufed in the non-ordinary office ivith the ufual Pfalms.

With regard to the Antiphons, the Myrroure /peaks thus, fo. xlix. : " The Antempne is taken from Pfalms;
for deeds Jhe<w ivhere charity is, as S. Gregory faith, 1 the doing of deed is the proof of true love and charity.
The Antempne is firji begun of one, and after-wards ended of all ; in token that charity beginnetb firjl of God, that
is One ; for He loveth us firjl, as S. John faith, and therefore ive ought to begin our love in Him, and fo fpread

it after to all. And thereto accordeth that the Sifter that beginnetb the Antempne alone, fiandetk turned to the
Altar, and afterwards turneth to the Choir ; of God, and afterward
in token that charity beginnetb in the love
ftretcheth to all other. The Antempne begun but a little, but after it is fung all whole
before the Pfalms is ,•

tokening that charity without deeds is but little, but in good deeds it is increafed ; and at the end, when the
reward of good deed fhall be given in blifs, then fhall the Antempne be fung all whole, and that of altogether ;
for then pall charity be full and perfeB, whereby all fhall joy in God, and all together each of other.''''
From the Hereford Breviary.
; : : !

3 6 The Lord's Day at Matins.

Dornine, Deus mens. For his travail fhall be turned upon his

C\ LORD my God, in Thee have I put own head and : his iniquity fhall fall on
my truft : fave me from all them his own crown.

that perfecute me, and deliver me. I will give thanks unto The Lord, ac-

Left he ravine my foul like a lion cording to his righteoufnefs : and I will
while there is none to redeem nor to give fmg pfalms unto The Name of The Lord
falvation. Moft High.
O Lord my God, have done any
if I [O God, the fearcher of hearts, deliver us from
our perfecutors, and grant us firmnefs of heart to
fuch thing : or if there be iniquity in
await thy judgment, fo that we may never return
my hands evil for evil, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
If I have returned evil unto him that
rewarded me let me defervedly fall empty: PSALM VIII.
before mine enemies. [To the end a Pfalm of
for the winepreffers :

Let mine enemy perfecute my foul, and David. A

Pfalm to praife God. Relates to the
him tread my down Afcenfion of our Lord, and his praife by the in-
take it, yea, let life
fants, who faid to Him, Hofannah in The Higheft.]
upon the earth : and lay mine honour in
Dornine, Dominus nojier.
the duft.
Arife, O Lord, in thy wrath and lift :
f~\ LORD, our Governor how ex- :

up Thyfelf of mine enemies.

in the borders cellent is Thy Name in all the world.

Arife, O Lord my God, in the judg- For Thou haft fet thy glory : above
ment that Thou haft commanded : and the the heavens
congregation of the people fhall come Out of the mouth of babes and fucklings

about Thee. haftThou perfected praife becaufe of thine

For their fakes return again on high enemies that Thou mighteft deftroy the

The Lord fhall judge the people. enemy and the avenger.

Judge me, O Lord, according to my For I will confider Thy Heavens, even
righteoufnefs : and according to the inno- the works of thy fingers the moon and :

cency that is in me. the ftars which Thou haft founded.

What is man that Thou art mindful of
The wickednefs of the ungodly fhall be
confumed, and Thou fhalt guide the juft : him : and the fon of man, that Thou
God trieth the very hearts and reins. vifiteft him ?

Righteous is my help from The Lord : Thou madeft him a little lefs than the
who preferveth them that are true of heart. angels, Thou haft crowned him with
God is a righteous Judge, ftrong and glory and honour and Thou haft put him

patient : is He
not provoked every day ? over the works of thy hands.
Unlefs ye will be turned, He hath fhaken Thou haft put all things in fubjeclion
his fword He hath bent his bow, and
under his feet, fheep and oxen yea, and :

made it ready. the beafts of the field ;

He hath prepared for him the inftru- The fowls of the air, and the fifties of the
ments of death: He hath ordained his fea: which walk through the paths of thefea.

arrows for the burning ones. O Lord, our Governor : how excellent

Behold, he travaileth with mifchief ; he is Thy Name in all the world !

hath conceived forrow and he hath : [O Almighty God, we fupplicate and entreat
brought forth ungodlinefs. Thy glorious Name, that as Thou haft fubdued all
creatures in the world to the ufe of man, fo we
He hath opened a pit and digged it befeech Thee that Thou
wouldft vouchfafe to
out : and is fallen himfelf into the pitfall make us fit for the duty of thy fervice, through

which he made. our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

: :

The Lord's Day at Matins.

Psalm IX. Have mercy upon me, Lord be- O :

hold my humiliation from mine enemies.

[To the end for the hidden things of his Son :

a Pfalm of David. Pfalm for giving thanks and Thou that lifteft me up from the gates
prayer ; fpeaks of the deftrudtion of idols, whofe of death that I may tell all thy praifes

memory perifheth, and of the coming of Chrift, within the ports of the daughter of Syon.
who came that man might not magnify himfelf too I will rejoice in thy falvation the hea- :
greatly on the earth ; for dead men are celebrated
for The Lord's fake.]
then are fixed in the deftruftion that they
Conjitebor tibi.
In the fame fnare which they hid : is
T WILL give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, their foot taken.
with my whole heart I will tell of The Lord fhall be known executing

all thy marvellous works. judgments in the work of his own hands :

I will be glad and rejoice in Thee is the finner fnared.

yea, I will ling Pfalms unto Thy Name, Let the finners be turned into hell all :

O Thou Moft Higheft. the people that forget God.

While mine enemies are driven back For the poor fhall not be forgotten for

they fhall be weakened and perifh from ever: the patience of the poor fhall not
before thy face. perifh for ever.
For Thou haft maintained my judgment Arife, Lord, and let not man have O
and my caufe : Thou art fet in the throne the upper hand : let the heathen be judged
that judgeft righteoufnefs. in thy fight.
Thou haft rebuked the heathen, and the Appoint a lawgiver over them, O Lord:
ungodly man hath perifhed Thou haft : that the heathen may know themfelves to
put out their name eternally and for ever be but men.
and ever. s
Why haft Thou retreated fo far off,
The fwords of the enemy have utterly O Lord : and defpifeft us in need, in
failed and their cities Thou haft de-
: tribulation ?

ftroyed. Whilft the ungodly is proud, the poor is

memorial is perifhed with a feton fire they are taken in the counfels

found but The Lord endureth for ever.

: which they imagine.
He hath prepared his throne for judg- For the finner is praifed in the de-
ment He fhall judge the round world in
: fires of his foul : and the wicked man is
equity; He fhall judge the people with bleffed.
righteoufnefs. The finner hath provoked The Lord
The Lord alfo is made a refuge for the according to the multitude of his anger he
poor : a timely helper in tribulation. will not feek Him.
Andthey that have known Thy Name God is not before his face : polluted
will put their truft in Thee : for Thou are his ways at all times.
haft never failed them that feek Thee, Thy judgments are taken away out of
O Lord. his fight : he fhall rule over all his enemies.
Ofing Pfalms unto the Lord, which For he hath faid in his heart : I fhall
dwelleth in Syon : tell among the nations never be moved from generation to gene-
of his doings. ration without any evil.
For when He maketh inquifition for Whofe mouth is full of curfing and bit-
blood He remembereth them He hath : ternefs and deceit : under his tongue is
not forgotten the complaint of the poor. labour and grief.
Here begins Pfalm X. according to the Englijh Verjion.
38 The Lord,''! Day at Matins.

He fitteth in ambufh with the rich in In Domino conjido.

fecret : to murder the innocent. In The Lord put I rny truft : how fay
His eyes are fet againft the poor that :
ye then to my foul, flee as a bird unto the
he may lie in wait in a fecret place, even mountain.
as a lion in his den. bow
For lo ! finners have bent their
That he may lie in wait to ravifh the
they have made ready their arrows within
poor : to ravifh the poor when he enticeth
the quiver that they may privily fhoot

him. at them which are upright of heart.

In his fnare he will humble him : he
For what Thou haft perfected they have
will bow himfelf and fall when he fhall
deftroyed : and the righteous what hath
have lorded it over the poor. he done ?
For he hath faid in his heart, God hath The Lord is in his holy temple : the
forgotten he hideth away his face that
Lord's feat is in heaven.
he may never fee it. His eyes regard the poor and : his eye-
Arife, O Lord God, and let thine hand lids trythe children of men.
be lifted up forget not the poor.
The Lord trieth the righteous and the
Wherefore hath the wicked blafphemed wicked : but he that delighteth in wick-
God ? : for he hath faid in his heart, He ednefs hateth his own foul.
will not require it.
Upon finners He fhall rain fnares : fire
Thou doft fee it ; Thou confidereft and brimftone and the fpirit of tempeft,
labour and grief that Thou mayeft deliver
the portion of their cup.

them into thine hand. For The Lord is righteous, and loveth
The poor is committed unto Thee for :
righteoufnefs : his countenance beholdeth
Thou fhalt be the helper of the orphan. equity.
Crufh Thou the arm of the finner and Glory be to The Father, and to The
malicious : his fm fhall be fought for and
Son, and to The Holy Ghoft
fhall not be found. As it was in the beginning, is now, and
The Lord fhall reign for ever, and for
ever fhall be, world without end.
ever and ever Thou fhalt deftroy the :

heathen out of his land.

Throughout Advent. Antiphon. 1
The Lord hath heard the defire of the
poor: thine ear hath heard the prepara-
tion of their heart.
To judge for the fatherlefs and humble:
E fhall be the ex-pe£tation
that man fet himfelf no more to exalt
himfelf upon earth.
[O merciful God, Who art wont never to defert
thofe who truft in Thee, gracioufly open thine ears of na - tions, and fhall lave in wine
to our confeffions ; fo that being lifted up from the
gates of everlafting death, we may be enabled, in
fafety, to efcape the fnares of the tempter, through
our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.] his garment, and in the blood of the

Psalm X. [Ps. xi. e. v.]

[To the end, a Pfalm of David. On The Paffion
of our Lord Jefus Chrift.] grape his robe.

Let thefecond Antiphon be begun by the other Clerk on the offoftte fide from him who begun the firft, and
let the other Antiphons purfue the fame courfe. From the Arlyngham MSS. —
The Lord's Day at Matins.
From the Ottave of The Epiphany to Sun-
day in The Pajfion of The Lord.
air - er are his. World with-
O It.

Lord, my God, I have out end. A - men.

Salvum me fac.
trufted in Thee. AVE me, Lord,
for the godly
hath failed for truths :

Throughout the Summer. are minifhed from among the

_ children of men.
They talk of vanity, every one to his
just God our Judge, ftrong, neighbour their lips are deceitful, they

have fpoken in their double heart.

The Lord fhall deftroy all deceitful lips
patient, and full of kindnefs ! Putting and the tongue that fpeaketh proud things.
Which have faid, our tongue will we
magnify : our lips are our own, who is
Lord over us ?
their truft in Thee, de-fend in thy
Becaufe of the mifery of the needy and
the moaning of the poor now will I :

arife, faith The Lord.

pi - ty the faith - ful. I will place him in fafety : I will deal

[OLord, we befeech Thee, caft the eyes of thy

faithfully towards him.
kindnefs upon the low eftate of our poverty, and The words of The Lord are pure
protedf. us by the armour of faith, fo that defended words ; filver tried by fire : from the
from the arrows of ungodlinefs, we may be able to earth proved ; purified feven times.
keep juftice and equity, through Chrift our Lord.
Amen.] Thou fhalt keep us, O
Lord, and pre-
ferve us : from this generation for ever.
Psalm XL [Ps. xn. e. v.] The ungodly walk round about ac- :

[To the end, cording to thy loftinefs Thou haft mul-

for the Octave
Pfalm of David
: a
on the Death and Refurrection of Chrift, and the tiplied the children of men.
perfidy of the Jews.]
[Moft Holy Father, have pity upon our frailty,
and grant that we may confider thy words with
a pure heart $ fo that we may be able to efcape the
deceitful babblings of the proud, through Chrift our
down. World with - Lord. Amen.]


out end. A-men.
[To the end, Pfalm of David. A Pfalm of
Prayer, with mourning. The voice of the Church
awaiting the coming of Chrift.]

rise, Thou. World with- Ufque quo, Domine ?

1_J OW long, O Lord, wilt Thou forget
me, for ever ? : how long doft Thou
- out end. A-men. turn away thy face from me ?
4° The Lord'' s Day at Matins.

How long fhall I take counfel in my ways, and the way of peace have they not
foul : grief in my heart every day. known there is no fear of God before

How long mail mine enemy be exalted their eyes.

over me confider and hearken to me,

: O Have they no knowledge, all they that
Lord, my God. work wickednefs who devour my people:

Enlighten mine eyes, that I fleep not in as it were food of bread ?

death left mine enemy fay, I have pre-

not called upon God there
They have :

vailed againft him. they trembled with fear, even where no

They that trouble me will rejoice if I fear was.

be moved : but I have put my truft in thy For God is in the righteous generation
mercy. ye have confounded the counfel of the
My heart fhall
triumph in thy falvation poor, becaufe The Lord is his hope.
I will fing ofThe Lord becaufe He hath Who fhall give falvation unto Ifrael out
dealt well with me yea, I will fing of Syon ? :
When The Lord fhall have :

pfalms to The Name of The Lord Moft turned away the captivity of his people,
Higheft. then fhall Jacob rejoice, and Ifrael fhall be
[O Almighty God, turn not thy countenance
awav from us, left our enemies be exalted againft [O Lord, vouchfafe from thy holy Heaven to
us, but pour into our hearts the joy of thy fal- look down upon the fons of men, and grant that
vation ; fo that we may efcape the fleep of the we may choofe the way of peace ; fo that, refcued
fecond death, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. from the captivity of the fins which are againft us,
Amen.] we may be worthy to attain the dwellings of the
heavenly Jerufalem, through our Lord Jefus Chrift.
Psalm XIII. [Ps. xiv. e. v.] Amen.]

[To the end, a Pfalm of David for meditation.

This Pfalm relates to the people of the Jews, who
fay of our Saviour, He is not The Lord.] [A Pfalm of David for meditation. This Pfalm
fpeaks of the example and teaching of Chrift, and
Dixit infipiens. of his Apoftles and Difciples, who follow his ex-
'HpHE fool hath faid in his heart : there
A is no God. D amine, quis habit abit?

They are corrupt and become abomi- T ORD, who fhall dwell in thy taber-
nable in their doings : there is none that ' nacle : or who fhallreft upon thy

doeth good, no not even one. holy mountain ?

The Lord looked down from heaven He that entereth without fpot : and
upon the children of men to fee if there worketh righteoufnefs.

were any that underftand, or feek after Who fpeaketh the truth from his heart:
God. and hath ufed no deceit in his tongue.
But they are all gone out of the way Nor hath done evil to his neighbour
they are altogether become ufelefs there : and hath not entertained flander againft
is none that doeth good, no not even one. his neighbours.
Their throat is an open fepulchre ; with The malicious man is brought to nothing
their tongues have they done deceitfully in his fight and he maketh much of them

the poifon of afps is under their lips. that fear The Lord.
Whofe mouth is full of curling and Who fweareth unto his neighbour, and
bitternefs : their feet are fwift to lhed difappointeth him not: who hath not
blood. given his money upon ufury, nor taken
Contrition and unhappinefs is in their reward againft the innocent.

The Lord's Day at Matins.

Whofo doeth thefe things : fhall never Until Quadragejima.
be moved.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
V . I remembered Thy Name, O Lord,
in the night feafon.
Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

And I kept thy law.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

During Quadragejima.
Throughout Advent. Antiphon. 37". I will fay unto The Lord,
Thou my upholder
art and my
refuge ; my God, in Him will I truft.

AIRER are his eyes than

Throughout the Summer. Antiphon.

wine, and his teeth than milk are - rise, and for ev-erpreferve within

whiter. thy facred proteft ion ; And guard thy
W. a Out of Syon is the beauty of his
Vp. Our God fhall come manifeftly.
fervants, migh-ty Ru - ler of the Stars.

From after the OSiave of The Epiphany, up

to the Sunday in ThePaJftonofThe Lord.
W. I remembered Thy Name, O Lord,
in the night feafon.
1^. And I kept thy law.

[O moft merciful God, grant to us without fpot

ooK down and hear me, O to enter into thy Holy Church, and turn us from
deceit and mifchief againft our neighbour ; fo that
while we thus obferve thy precepts, we may never
be difturbed by the pains of thy puniihments,
Lord, my God. through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

u On V erftele s.
—" It is to be noted, that on all Sundays and Simple Feajls, when the Choir has ConduBors,
throughout the whole year, at both Vefpers, and at Matins, all the Verficles are to be /aid by a Jingle Boy, from
the Choir, without changing his place or veflment ; except in the Second NoBurn at Matins, for then the Verficle
is /aid by fome Clerk from the other part of the Choir ; and except in the then the Verficle is faid Day of Souls, for
by two Boys from the flep of the Choir, without changing place or veflment ; and except the Verficles of the Priefi
before the ColleBs, as in the Service of the Dead after the Pfalm " Lauda Anima," and Pfalm " Exaltabo ;
and when there are Memorials ; for all thefe are faid by the officiating Minifler. The Verficle is faid with a
Cadence ; V
and fo let all the °rficles be finifhed, after the Hymns and before the Leffons, during the whole year ;
except from The Supper of The Lord to the OBave of Eafier, and in the Service of the Dead. And whilft the Boy
fings the Cadence of the V irficle, the Choir re/pond privately ; fo that immediately after the Cadence of the Ver-
ficle, the Antiphon on the Pfalm begin, without any interval. Let this mode be obferved throughout the whole
year, in faying the V
zrficles, viz., at Vefpers, Compline, at Matins in the Notlums, and at Lauds after the Hymn
except in the three days next before Eafier, and the Service
of the Dead ; and fo that in Eafiertide the Refponfe be
with 'Alleluya,' ever faying it privately. The Verficle finiped, let the ConduBor of the Choir give the Anti-
phon, to be begun by fome one on the upper
flep, (gradum), and let this be done the whole year." — From the
Arlyngham MSS. This Rubric is obfeure.

The Lord's Day at Matins.
{Then is J aid, Pater Nofter, Our Father |£ And it is to be noted, that all the Benedic-
[Ave Maria, Hail Mary ;] and Credo tions at Matins Jhould be faid, through-
in Deum, I believe in God, by the out the whole year, by the Prieft in a

whole Choir, privately. And it is to low voice, the meanwhile fitting; except
be noted that, never, in the Church of only the Firft, Fourth, and Seventh. But

Salijbury, are Pater Nofter nor Ave in the day of The Nativity of The Lord,
Maria, /aid audibly by the Priejl at any the three laft Benediclions Jhould be faid

Services except at the Mafs; when they ftanding.

are audibly /aid or Jung throughout.
Let the Clerk who is to read them, read
(i. e.,

after the Lord's
the Priejl fay audibly, — the Firft Leffon thus —

h e vilion of Ifaiah, the Son of.

And lead us not in-to temptation;

Kingdom of Judah. For The Lord
from v

But de - li - ver us e - vil.
hath fpoken. And ye (hall be faved.

Let the Clerk, who is to read the Leffons,

fay, y — [Here follow the Leffons for the Firft Noc-
turn, with their Verficles andReJponfories,
and Gloria Patri.

Lord, bid a bleff- ing. x All Leffons from the Prophets, throughout
the whole year, end with this claufe,
The Prieft. fpoken by the Reader : —

H with
HE Father Eter-nal

his continual Bleffing.

blefs us


faith the

Me, and ye
Lord, be ye converted

mall be faved.

except in the three nights before Eafter.

v See the Common Forms and Note there. "Ave" and " Hail Mary" thus appear inferted here in the
Arlyngham and other MSS., and in the Breviaries Chevallon, fo., Paris, 1531; Kerver, izmo., Paris,
Rouen, M. Morin, in
1514; Byrkman,fo., Paris, 1516; Grafton and Whitchurch, izmo., 1544; and
the Bodleian Library, (Gough and Douce Colkaions ) ; without any direftions for faying
" Credo." The faying
of" Credo " in this place feems to have been a late introduction.

w Here, according to the " Myrroure," ivas pronounced the Abfolution.

"Jube Domine benedicere." It may alfo be tranflated, "Lord, bid him blefs." The proper Benedi&ions ivill
be found in the Table ante p. 11, at full length. It jhould be obferved, that "Lord bid" &c, -with the
proper Benedi&ion, precede every Leffon.
y From the Rubric for the Firjl Sunday in Advent.
To be found in the Proper or Common of The Time, or of The Saints.
The Lord's Day at Matins.
The remainder of the Lejfons end daily Their infirmities were multipled after-
throughout the year : — wards they made hafte.
I will not affemble their conventicles
of blood neither will I be mindful of

u t Thou, O Lord, have mer-cy their names within my lips.

The Lord is the portion of mine in-
heritance, and of my cup Thou art He :

up - on us. who fhall reftore to me mine inheritance.

except in the Vigils of the Dead, and the The lines are fallen unto me in fair
three nights before Eafter. places : yea, mine heritage is goodly to me.
I will blefs The Lord, who hath given
After the Leffon is finijhed the Choir is
me underftanding my reins alfo, even

not to fay, Thanks be to God, audibly s

unto night, have chaftened me.
but immediately, without any interval,
I looked on to The Lord always before
let the Refponfory be begun s and this is
me becaufe He is on my right hand,
to be obferved throughout the whole year.,»]
I fhall not be moved.
Wherefore my heart was glad, and my
<[ IN THE SECOND NOCTURN. tongue rejoiced my flelh alfo fhall reft in

Psalm XV. [Ps. xvi e. v.]
For why ? Thou malt not leave my
[The of the Infcription is to David himfelf.
A Pfalm for prayer and meditation. The foul in Hell neither fhalt Thou give Thy
The Church.] Holy One to fee corruption.
Thou haft made known to me the paths
of life Thou fhalt
: fulfil me with the joy
ETH-LE-HEM. Oioueae. of thy countenance ; at thy right hand

M goods. Oioueae.
there are pleafures for evermore.
Glory be to The Father, and
Son and to The Holy Ghoft

to The

now, and
N in the beginning,
it is

ever fhall be : world without end. Amen.

ture's. Oioueae. On Sundays throughout Advent, to The
Nativity of The Lord, in the Second
Conferva me, Domine.
~ Noclurn. Antiphon.
RESERVE me, O Lord, for
in Thee have I put my truft :

I have faid unto The Lord,

Thou art my God, for of my ETH LE-HEM,
- thou art
goods Thou haft no need.
To the faints, that are in his earth : He 1=W
hath made marvellous all my will in them. not the leaft a-mong the Prin-ces
a From the Rubric for the Firft Sunday in Ad-vent.
" The Lejfons are heard and fung fitting ; for knowing of truth and right ruling of the
the Refponfes are
•will, may not be but in a reflful foul. But
the Verfe is fung ftanding ; for good deeds may not be done
-without labour. The Refponfe is fung of all ; for every man may haw a good will ; but the Verfe is fung
but of few, for all men may not fulfil their good -wills in deed. The Leffon is read of one and heard of all
in token that each congregation ought to li-ve under one go-vernour. But after the laft Refponfe ye fing ' Gloria
Patri ; ' for after the lafl end of thefe times, that fhall be after the day of doom, all the chofen of God pall
fing glory and praife to The Bleffed Trinity, without enjd. Amen." The Myrroure. —
The Lord's Day at Matins
[O we
befeech Thee, preferve thy fer-
vants, and put thy will within us ; fo that, glad-
dened by the joy of thy refurrection, we may be
of Ju - dah; for from thee mail worthy to rejoice with thy faints. Amen.]
f[ [Throughout Quadragejima. Antiphon.

go forth The Prince who mall rule 1Grant us, O Lord, the underftanding

to blefs Thee, that we be worthy of being

filled with the joy of thy countenance.

2. Incline thine ear, O Lord, to hear

my peo - pie if - el; for
us, who faveft thofe who hope in Thee.
3 . Our ftrength, ourO Lord God !

true light, our eternal falvation be our !

He mall fave his peo - pie refuge in the day of our affli£tion. b ]

Psalm XVI. [Ps. xvn. e. v.]

[A Pfalm of David. A
Pfalm for prayer. The
from their lins. voice of Chrift to His Father. The complaint of
David that they had attacked him as a lion greedy
for the prey, and left him loaded with fin ; the
On Sundays, from the clave of The Epi-
crime of unbelief ; faying to their little ones, his
phany to The Pajfion of The Lord, in blood be upon us and our children.]
the Second Noclurn. Antiphon.

e - hold, a Vir-gin. World without

y goods Thou wanteft not. In Thee

have I trufted, preferve me, O Lord.


O Lord. World without
On Sundays, from the O clave of Trinity,
to Advent, in the Second Noclurn.
end. A -men.

ture's Cre-a-tor, pre-ferve o breafts to Thy"- felf. World

from death thy redeemed. And make without end. Amen.

Exaudi Domine.

thy fervants wor-thy of thy fervice.

I EAR my right, O Lord : con-
fider my complaint.
37". I remembered Thy Name, O Lord, Give ear unto my prayer :

in the night leafon. which is not of feigned lips.

R. And I kept thy law. Let my fentence come forth from thy

b From the Hereford Breviary.

The Lord's Day at Matins.
countenance : let thine eyes behold the Throughout Advent. Antiphon.
things that are equal.
Thou haft proved mine heart, and
vifited it in the night feafon : Thou haft
tried me with fire, and iniquity was not
found in me.
That my mouth fpeak not the works of
men becaufe of the words of thy lips,

I have kept hard ways. fhall con-ceive, and bring forth a

Perfedl my goings in thy paths : that
my footfteps be not moved.
I have called, O God, for Thou heard-
eft me : incline thine ear to me, and Son, and His Name fhall be call - ed
hearken unto my words.
Magnify thy loving-kindnefs Who :

faveft them that truft in Thee.

From fuch as refift thy right hand pre- Em - man - u - el.

ferve me : as the apple of an eye,

Defend me under the fhadow of thy
wings : from the face of the ungodly that
After the Slave of The Epiphany, up to

have afnifted me. The Patfton of The Lord.

Mine enemies have compafied round my
foul, they are inclofed in their own fat 3=5:
and their mouth hath fpoken proud things.
Calling me forth, now have they com-
cline, O Lord, thine ear, un-to

pafied me
their eyes
they have purpofed to caft

They have

to the ground.
laid hold on me like as a lion

me, and heark-en

to my words.
prepared for his prey : and as it were a
lion's whelp lurking in fecret places.
Throughout the Summer.
Arife, O Lord, difappoint him and fup-
plant him : deliver my foul from the un-
godly ; the fword of thine from the ene-
mies of thy hand. u r breafts to Thyfelf, of all worlds
O Lord, from the few of the land, di-
vide them in their life with thy hid :

treafure is their belly filled.

They are fulfilled with children

Creator, an-neal Thou. With kind fire
: and
have left the reft of their fubftance for
their babes.
But as for me, in righteoufnefs will I purging, and with flame proving them.
appear in thy prefence I fhall be fatisfied :

when thy glory fhall have appeared. [O Lord, turn Thou the eyes of our hearts to
Glory be to The Father, and to The difcern the truth of thy judgments $ fo that whilft

Son : and to The Holy Ghoft we are proved by fpiritual fire here on earth, we
may be fayed eternally with the fruits of righteouf-
As it was in the beginning, is now, and
nefs in the light of thy countenance, through Chrift
ever fhall be : world without end. Amen. our Lord. Amen.]
46 The Lord's Day at Matins.

Psalm XVII. [Ps. xvni. e. v.] Temple : and my cry before Him entered
into his ears.
[David to The Son of The Lord, who rehearfed
to The Lord the words of this fong, in the day The was moved and trembled
that The Lord delivered him from the hands of all were dif-
the foundations of the mountains
his enemies and from the hand of Saul, and he faid turbed and fhaken becaufe He was wroth
a Pfalm to praife God for deliverance from evils.]
with them.
There went up a fmoke in his anger
=1=1: :!=*: and a fire out of his face devoured ; coals
here fhall a - rife. World with-out were kindled by it.
He bowed the Heavens alfo and came
down and it was dark under his feet.

end. A- men. He afcended upon the Cherubim and

5 —— — did fly He came flying upon the wings


of the winds.
h e Lord. World with-out end.
He made darknefs his fecret place round
about Him : his pavilion in the dark waters
* 1 ill in the clouds of air.

A - men. At the brightnefs of his prefence the

clouds pafled away : hailftones and coals
of fire.

The Lord alfo thundered out of Heaven,

h o u the hum-ble. World with- and The Higheft uttered his voice hail- :

ftones, and coals of fire.

And He fent out his arrows, and fcat-
tered them : He multiplied his lightnings,
out end. A -men. and confounded them.
Diligam te, Domine. And the fountains of water appeared :

and the foundations of the orb of the

WILL love Thee, O Lord, world were difcovered,
my ftrength : The Lord is By thy chiding, Lord at the Mailing O :

my ftay, and my refuge, and of the breath of thy difpleafure.

my deliverer He fent from on high, and took me :

My God and my helper : in Him will He took me out of many waters.

I truft. He delivered me from my ftrongeft

My prote&or, the horn alfo of my fal- enemies, and from them which hated me :

vation and my upholder.

: for they had ftrengthened themfelves to-
I will call upon The Lord, praifing gether againft me.
Him : fo mall I be fafe from mine ene- They prevented me in the day of my
mies. affliction but The Lord became my pro- :

The forrows of death compafled me : tector.

and the overflowings of ungodlinefs made He brought me forth alfo into a large
me afraid. place : He faved me becaufe he had
The pains of hell came about me the : pleafure in me.
fnares of death overtook me. The Lord fhall reward me after my
In my trouble I called upon The Lord : righteous dealing : according to the clean-
and cried unto my God. nefs of my hands fhall He recompenfe me.
And He heard my voice out of His holy Becaufe I have kept the ways of The
The Lord's Day at Matins.
Lord and have not dealt wickedly with
: I will purfue mine enemies, and over-
my God. take them : neither will I turn again until
For all his judgments are in my light they fail.
and I have not call out his commandments I will break them in pieces, nor fhall
from me. they be able to ftand they fhall fall under :

I will be alfo uncorrupt before Him : my feet.

and I will be wary of mine own wicked- And Thou haft girded me with ftrength
nefs. unto the battle Thou haft thrown down :

And The Lord mall reward me after mine adverfaries under me.
my righteous dealing and according : Thou haft given me the backs of mine
to the cleannefs of my hands in his eye- enemies and : Thou haft deftroyed them
fight. that hate me.
With the holy Thou fhalt be holy and : They cried, but there was none to fave
with the innocent man Thou fhalt be in- them unto The Lord, but
: He did not
nocent. hearken to them.
With the eleft Thou fhalt be eleft I will beat them as fmall as the dull
and with the froward Thou fhalt learn before the face of the wind : I will wipe
frowardnefs. them out as the clay in the ftreets.
For Thou fhalt fave the people that are Thou fhalt deliver me from the ftrivings
humble and fhalt bring down the eyes
: of the people and Thou fhalt make me

of the proud. the head of the Heathen.

For Thou doft light my lamp, O Lord : A people whom I have not known hath
my God, enlighten Thou my darknefs. ferved me in the hearing of the ear

For in Thee I mall

be refcued from obeyed me.
temptation and with the help of my God
: The ftrange children have lied unto
I fhall leap over the wall. me the ftrange children have grown old

My God, his way is unpolluted : the and have halted in their paths.
words of The Lord are tried in the fire ; The Lord liveth, and bleffed be my
He is the defender of all them that put God and let The God of my falvation be

their truft in Him. exalted.

For who is God, but The Lord O God, who giveth vengeance unto: or
who is God, except our God ? me, and fubdueth the people under me :

It is God that hath girded me with my deliverer from my cruel enemies.

ftrength and made my way undefiled.
: And Thou fhalt exalt me above mine
Who hath perfected my feet like harts' adverfaries Thou fhalt refcue me from :

feet and fetteth me up very high.

: the wicked man.
Who teacheth mine hands to fight For this caufe I will give thanks unto:

and hath made mine arms as a brazen Thee, O Lord, among the nations and :

bow. ling pfalms unto Thy Name.

Thou haft given me the defence of thy He magnifieth the falvation of his King,
falvation : and thy right hand hath up- and fheweth mercy unto David his Chrift :

holden me. and unto his feed for evermore.

And thy difcipline hath corrected me Glory be to The Father, and to The
unto the end and thy difcipline it fhall
: Son and to The Holy Ghoft

teach me. As it was in the beginning, is now, and

Thou haft enlarged my goings under ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

me and my footfteps are not enfeebled.

The Lord's Day at Matins

Throughout Advent. Antiphon.

from death, O Re-deem-er ; And be-

HERE fliall a-rife in his days £=— Wm

neath thy fpear Thou the proud

righ-te-ouf-nefs, and a - bundance of

necks doft fub-due.

y. In the midft.
peace ; and all kings fliall a - dore For the judgments.

During 2>uadragefima.
y. He hath delivered me,
Him, all na-tions fliall ferve Him. I£. From the fnare of the hunter, and
the ftrife of words.
y. There fliall come forth a Rod from
[O moft merciful God, the foundation of our
the root of Jefle ;
hope and our refuge in trouble, deliver us from our
And a flower from his root fliall
enemies and from the fnares of death ; fo that,
grow up. faved from the multitude of troubles which fur-
round us, we may devoutly fing pfalms to Thy
Holy Name in purity and innocence, through our
After the Oclave of The Epiphany, up to Lord Jefus Chrift, Amen.]

The PaJJion of The Lord. Antiphon.

|[ [Here follow the
Proper Leffons for the
Second Noclurn [which are oftentimes
1 h e Lord is my flay and
from fome Comment
the Life offome Saint].
on Holy Scripture or
They are to be
read without any title, but prefaced as all
the other leffons by, O Lord bid a bleff-

ing. and the proper Benediclions, (fee

my re - fuge.
Table of Benediclions,) and ended with,
But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon
Until Quadragejima. us.]

y. In the midft of the night I rofe to [Then let who pronounces the
the fame Clerk
give thanks unto Thee ; Benediclion, when enough at his difcretion
For the judgments of thy righteouf- has been read, fay, But Thou, and let the
nefs. Clerk-reader refpond, O Lord, have
mercy upon us ; which fhall be obferved
Throughout the Summer. Antiphon.
throughout the year, f

[The proper Verfes and Refponfes for the

Second Noclurn, follow the Leffons re-
h o u the hum-ble peo-ple haft faved fpeclively.~\

c From the Arlyngham MSS.

The Lord' j Day at Matins.
joicing the heart : the commandment of
C IN THE THIRD NOCTURN. The Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of The Lord is holy ; it en-
Psalm XVIII. [Ps. xix. e. v.] dureth for ever : the judgments of The
Lord are true righteous in themfelves.
[To the end, a Pfalm of David. Pfalm for A ;

meditation. Relates to the preaching of the More to be defired are they than gold,
Apoftles.] yea, than much precious ftone fweeter :

alfo than honey and the honey-comb.

Moreover, thy fervant keepeth them
night is far fpent. World and in keeping of them there is great
Who underftandeth his faults O cleanfe ?

without end. A-men. Thou me from my and from

fecret fins :

thofe of others fpare thy fervant.

If they fhall not have dominion over me

T h e com-mand-ment. A
then fhall I be undefiled
from the greateft offence.
and be cleanfed :

And the words of my mouth fhall be

fuch as may pleafe Thee : and the medita-
of my heart ever in thy fight.
Lord, Thou art my helper and my :

Cceli enarrant. Redeemer.

Heavens declare the glory Glory be to The Father, and to The
of God and the firmament Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

fheweth his handywork. As it was in the beginning, is now, and

Day unto day uttereth ever fhall be world without end. Amen. :

fpeech and night unto night fheweth


knowledge. On Sundays throughout Advent, up to The

There is neither fpeech nor language Nativity of The Lord, in the Third

where their voices are not heard. NoBurn. Antiphon.

Their found is gone out into all lands
and their words into the ends of the orb of
In the Sun He hath fet his tabernacle :
HE night is far fpent, the

and it cometh forth as a bridegroom out

of his chamber.
It hath rejoiced as a giant to run his day al-fo will draw nigh ; Let us caft
courfe : his going forth is from the high-
eft Heaven
Andhis circuit unto the fummit of it a - way, there-fore, the works of dark-
again and there is nothing that can hide

itfelf from the heat thereof.

The law of The Lord is undefiled,

converting the foul the teftimony of The
nefs, and let us put on the ar-mour
Lord is faithful, giving wifdom unto little
The ftatutes of The Lord are right, re- of light.
5° The Lord's Day at Matins.

On Sundays from the Otlave of The 3. Prevent us, O

Lord, with thy
Epiphany, up to The Paffion of The heavenly benediftion ; fo that rejoicing in
Lord, when it is the ordinary Sunday thy ftrength and trailing in thy loving-
Service. Antiphon. kindnefs, we may deferve to obtain the
promifed reward of a bleffed immortality.]

T h e com-mand-ment of The Lord Psalm XIX. [Ps. xx. e. v.]

[To the end, a Pfalm of David. Pfalm for A

befeeching things favourable and happy. On
Chrift's deliverance from His Paflion.]
is pure, en-light-en-ing the eyes.

On Sundays throughout the Summer, when —, i»

1 ! ^
it is the ordinary Sunday Service, up to H E hour is now. A - men.
Advent in the Third Notlurn. Antiphon.
ggB B- —
h e Lord per-form. A - men.
from his cham-ber, a bride-

h e help un-to us. A - men.
groom, hath Chrift come forth to the
Exaudiat te Dominus.

round world. Defcending from Heaven

HE Lord hear thee in the day
of tribulation : The Name
of The God of Jacob defend
with a health - bear - ing law.
Send thee help from the fanftuary
[O moft gracious Lord, who going forth from and ftrengthen thee out of Syon.
the chamber of a Virgin, didft proceed in thy Remember all thy facrifice and make :

courfe and afcend to the right hand of The Father fat thy burnt offering.
we entreat thy manifold mercies, that having our Grant thee after thine heart : and con-
converfe in thy law, enlightened by thy precepts,
inftru&ed by thy teftimonies, we may be worthy of
firm all thy counfel.
being cleanfed from the fins of others and from We will rejoice in thy falvation : and
our own fecret faults, through our Lord Jefus triumph in The Name of The Lord our
Chrift. Amen.] God.
The Lord perform all thy petitions
[Throughout £>uadrageJima. A In the The Lord hath faved
now know I that
Third Noclurn. Antiphon.
His Chrift.
1 . By the teftimony of thy law, O Lord, He will hear Him from his holy
convert us ; by thy pre-
fo that enlightened Heaven : in power is the falvation of his
cepts, we may be cleanfed from our fecret right hand.
fins, and from thofe of others. Some in chariots and fome in horfes :

2. Hearken to us in the day wherein but we will call upon The Name of The
we fhall call upon Thy Name. Lord our God.

d From the Hereford Breviary.

; ; :

The Lord's Day at Matins.

They are in bonds and have fallen :
[Fulfil, O
Lord, our petitions, and accept us as
it were a moft rich burnt facrifice; fo
but we have rifen and ftand upright. that the
chariots of our enemies being overthrown, we
O Lord, fave the king and hear us in :
may be faved by the help of thy falvation, through
the day when we call upon Thee. Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
Glory be to The Father, and to The
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
Psalm XX. [Ps. xxi. e. v.]
As it was in the beginning, is now, and
[To the end, a Pfalm of David. Pfalm with A
ever fhall be : world without end. Amen. giving of thanks, anfwering to Pfalm xix. Re-
lates to the Kingdom of Chrift and deftruiftion
Throughout Advent. Antiphon. of the Jews.]

HE hour is now that we

E - JOICE. A - men.

3E Lord. A - men.
Ihould a-rife out of fleep ; and our eyes are

K i n g with - out. World with-out

o - pen - ed, to a - rife un-to Chrift

end. A - men.

for He is the true light, fhin-ing

Domine, in virtute tua.

LORD, in thy ftrength the

king mail rejoice and of thy

in the Heav'ns. falvation he fhall be exceeding

From the Ottave of The Epiphany to The Thou haft given him his heart's defire :

PaJJion of The Lord. Antiphon. and haft not denied him the defire of his
For Thou haft prevented him with the
bleffings of goodnefs and haft fet a crown

h e Lord perform all thy pe-ti-tions. of precious ftones upon his head.
He afked life of Thee, and Thou gaveft
Throughout the Summer. Antiphon. it him length of days for ever, and for

ever and ever.

His glory is great in thy falvation
help un-to us, O Sa-vi-our, glory and great honour fhalt Thou lay
upon him.
For Thou fhalt give him unto blefling for
ever and ever and make him glad in joy
fend of thy falvation. And bellow on
with thy countenance.
For the king putteth his truft in The
Lord and in the mercy of The Moft

us life which fhall for ev - er en-dure. Higheft, he fhall not be moved.

5* The Lord's Day at Matins.

Thine hand lhall be felt by all thine

enemies : thy right hand lhall find out

all that hated Thee. tions be made known un - to God.
Thou ftialt make them like a fiery oven
The Lord 3T. The Lord mail go forth from his
in the time of thy countenance :
holy place.
lhall confound them in his difpleafure, and
He lhall come that He may fave
the confume them.
fire lhall
his people.
Their fruit lhalt Thou root out of the
Let it not be /aid further.
earth: and their feed from among the
children of men. From the O Stave of The Epiphany, up to
For they contrived mifchief againft The Paffion of The Lord. Antiphon.
Thee and imagined devices which they
— —

were not able to eftablilh.

cr —#m q=»- 3»
Therefore {halt Thou turn them back :
LORD, in thy ftrength the
in thy remnants Thou ftialt make ready
their countenance.
Be Thou exalted, Lord, in thine own
King lhall re - joice.
ftrength : we will fing and praife thy
powers. Until Quadragejima.
Glory be to The Father, and to The 37". Be Thou exalted, Lord, in thine
Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;
own ftrength.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and We will fing and praile thy powers.
ever lhall be world without end. Amen.

Throughout Quadragejima.
Throughout Advent. Antiphon.
~W. He will overlhadow thee with his
!E£. And under his wings thou ftialt truft.

E - JOICE in The Lord Throughout the Summer. Antiphon.

al-way, Let your mo-de-ra-tion be n with-out end a-bid-ing, do

i g,

known to all men. The Lord is at Thou fpare our wretch-ed af-flic-tions ;

ye care-ful, but Grant - ing us thy re - wards, and

hand, In nothing be

in all pray-er-ful-nefs let your pe-ti- nil - ing o'er thy do-mains.

e The lafl Antiphon is always to("neupma") ; and if there be but one Antiphon, let
be jinijhed by a Cadence
that Jo be Jinijhed ;
Lauds and
Jo if there be nine Antiphons Jpers, and in every Antiphon on the
; jo in V
PJalms " Benediclus," "Magnificat," and " ^uicunaue vult." But from The PaJftonofThe Lord to the OiJave
of Eajier, and in the Service of the Dead, and at the other Hours, <vi%., Terce, Sext, None, and Compline,

the Cadence be entirely Jupprefjed. —

From the Arlyngham MSS.
The Lord's Day at Matins.
[Blefs us, O
Lord, with the blefiings of thy
goodnefs, and fulfil our defires as fhall be pleafing
unto Thee ;
fo that as we fing together in fweet
harmony, we may obtain the length of everlafting Gof-pel ac cord-ing to
- Matthew.
life,through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

f[ Here follow the Lejfons, Verficles, and

Refponfories of the Third No Slums each
lo - ry be to Thee, O Lord !]

preceded, as all the other LeJ/ons, by

[The words of the Gofpel (if any)
O Lord ! bid a bleffing and the appro- f[ being
finijhed, let theReader fay the title of
priate Beneditlion.
the Homily in the fame tone in which the
Leffon was faid, but fo that it Jhall not be
4[ [Let the Seventh Lejfon of the Expojition
faid as if it were of the fame Leffon
of the Go/pel be begun (after receiving
(throughout the whole year when it is
the Beneditlion with Lord! bid a bleff- O
ing) thus A Holy Gofpel
Leffon of the
the Office for the Time) but thus.s —
according to Matthew. In that time.
A Homily of divers treatifes.]

Glory be to Thee Lord is not to be O

{[ [Te DEUM is faid (except as after men-
[If there was any Lejfon tioned) on all Sundays and Feajls of
or Expoftion of
the Gofpelto follow after the ix. Lejfon,
ix. LeJ/ons, and alfo in certain Feafts of
as Chriftmas and Epiphany; the
at iii. Leffons following The Four Times
Deacon proceeded with Sub deacons, and which are without the week ofPentecoft,
Thuribles, and Acolytes carrying tapers,
viz,., S. Petronilla (if after the OHave
to cenfe the Altar s and, receiving the of Corpus Chrifti), S. Bertinus, S. Tecla,
Beneditlion from the officiating Priejl,
and S. Romanus. It Jhould not be faid
proceeded through the Choir into the throughout Advent, whatever be the Ser-
Pulpit to fing the Gofpel, thus vice s but let the Ninth Refponfory be
repeated (which is to be done, however,
only on Sundays and Feajls of hi. Leffons).
It Jhould not be faid, moreover, in Vigils
h e Lord be with you,
nor in The Four Times, except in the
Vigil of The Epiphany, when it happens
on a Sunday, and except in The Four
And with thy fpi - rit. Times of the week of Pentecoft, when it
isjaid. Nor Jhould it be Jaid from the

T he be - gin-ning of The Ho - ly
Sunday in
Day s
nor on Week-days, when
the week-day Service.^ h '
inclufive, to


From the Rubrics for the Firjl Sunday in Ad-vent.

« From the Rubrics for the Firft Sunday in Ad-vent.

h From the Rubrics for the Firjl Sunday in Ad-vent and The Nativity.
It appears that this Hymn -was alivays Jung. —Myrroure, Ixiii.
" This AngeP s Jong istaken out of the Prophet Ifay, that fee in fpiritual
-vifion, our Lord God, fet on a high
Jeat, and Cherubim and Seraphim finging loud either to other, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God
of Sabaoth ; and
therefore according to theAngels ye Jing choir to choir, one ' Sanclus' on one fide, another on the other
fide, and fo
Jorth on the other fide ; and for by caufe Angels praife God -with
fing their Jong. Ibid. — great re-verence, therefore ye incline -when ye
54 The Lord's Day at Matins.

<[ [The Lefon of

The Go/pel being finijhed,
let the Priejl, who performs the Office, in
changing Ho - ly : Lord God of Sabaoth.
his Cope in his Stall, without

his place, begin this Pfa/m,]*

The song of s. Ambrose and Full are the Heavens and the Earth
s. augustine.

of the Ma-jef-ty: of thy Glo-ry.

HEE, God, we praife :
-5 — -
Thee the glo-ri-ous Choir of the

Thee The Lord we

A - Dof - ties,

con - fefs.

Thee the laudable company of Prophets,

Thee, E - ter - nal Father : all the S— 3=^

Thee the Mar-tyrs' white-robed:

Earth doth wor - fhip.

•— - ar - my doth praife.

To Thee all An-gels : To Thee the

Thee throughout the orb of the worlds:

Heavens and the u-ni-ver-fal Pow-ers.

The Ho - ly Church doth con - fefs

To Thee Cherubim and Seraphim The Father of in-fi-nite Ma-jef - ty.

with ceafelefs voice do cry. Thy venerable, true, and On-ly Son.

Alfo The Holy Ghoft The Paraclete.

Ho - ly,

Ho - ly, Thou art King of Glory : O Chrift.

j Rubrics from Arundel MS., x<v., and Chevallon Bre-v. ad uf. Sar. Paris, 1531, &c, for
130, fo.
The Nativity.
The Lord's Day at Matins.

% mm -a b l^-h-w JTi-t^-
Thou of The Father art The fer-vants : whom with thy precious

' '

* 1 " ^—
E - ver - laft - ing Son. blood 1 hou haft re-deem-ed.

Thou when taking upon Thee to de- Make them to be number-ed with

^-1—1-^=5^ ^ JJb-i-lz:
Thy Saints in glo-ry e-ver-laft-ing.
man didft not ab-hor
M --
- li-ver : the

i- * i---d-i=

Vir - gin s womb.

Give fal-va-tion unto thy people, O

^ ^ . ^ ^ Wmr at ^ , « -* _
T ifim " Ann nip'K filing
Thou having o-ver-come the fting of

^-^pr-^ —
1 u i, « 1 1
-111 IIL- 1.1
Death : haft opened to believers The

t^=h - - -t- And govern them : and lift them

King - dom of Hea - ven.

£ „
— 5.


Thou at the right hand of God fitteft :

^ H |^_-t.i. - t
Ds,y by day i wc givcblcffingunto Tlicc.
in the Glory of The Fa - ther.

f —" —a
-h L
— - ..
~ h_
p ^ 11 + Hjj-

Our we And we praife Thy Name for

Judge be

M >_<
- lieve that :

r»-a > i mr-t—

Thou (halt come. ev-er : and for ev-er and ev-er.

* - 5 FJt _
We therefore pray Thee, help thy Vouch-fafe, O Lord, on this day :

k " Here ye incline in token and in reverence of our Lord's coming down to be Man." —Myrroure, Ixi-v.
" All this -verfeye incline for two caufes : one, for here ye begin firfl in this Hymn for to pray : another, is

in luorjhip of that mojl rich liquor, that moll precious price of our fouls, the reverend and holy Blood of our
Lord Jefus Chrijir—Ibid., lx-v.
56 The Lord's Day at Matins.


[The Refponfory (i. e. of the laft No Burn)
to keep us with - out fin. [or Te Deum. Thee God. as the cafe
may be] being finifhed s let the Prieft fay,
without changing either his place or vefl-
Have mer-cyup-on us, O Lord ment, as follows n

Lfcfc , ,
—_2 !

have mer cy up - on us. j

HE Lord is high

L_ H
Let thy mer-cy, O Lord, be up-on us above all nations.

P~M ^-1 t=
Like as we have put our truft in Thee. And his Glo-ry a - bove

5E 3E£
In Thee, O Lord, have I truft - ed :
the Hea-vens.

O God, make fpeed to fave me :

O Lord, make hafte to help me.

I fhall not be con- found -ed
LORY be to The Father, and
to The Son and to The Holy

for e -
As it was in the beginning,
[Inftead ofTe Deum zj repeated, during

Advent, the Ninth Refponfory for the is now, and ever fhall be world without :

particular Sunday. As, for inftazce, on end. Amen.

the Firft Sunday s LLELUYA, or,

Refponf. Let the Heavens rejoice

and let the earth be glad Let the moun- :

tains be jubilant with praife ; for our Lord

cometh: And He will have pity on his poor.
3T. There fhall arife in his days right-
RAISE to Thee, O Lord,

eoufnefs and abundance of peace.

we fing,

Choir. —
And He will have pity on his Of Glory the Eternal
The Boys. —
Glory be to The Father, According to the feafon, [for Alleluya is

and The Son and to The Holy Ghoft

to : omitted from the Vefpers preceding Sun-
Choir. —
And He will have pity on his day in Septuagefima to the Mafs on
poor.] m Eafter Eve, which is after None.]

m Here, it would feem, might follow the Mafs intervening between Matins and Lauds.
n From Rubric for Sunday in Advent, &c.

On Chrijlmas Day, and whenever there was a Mafs celebrated, the principal Prieft faid thus far befoi
the Altar, without quitting it, and then retired. If there was no Mafs, it was faid from the Stall.

The Lord's Day at Lauds.

life, That I may be-hold thy pow-er

^-Jr —
HE Lord

gird-ed a-bout with might, with the
hath reign - ed,

Hz —
and thy

glo - ry.

God, my


beau-ty of ex-cel-len-cy, whofe throne

e t every crea-ture in Hea - ven
is for ever - laft - ing. = ' 1 Pi
and Earth, give bleffing to The Lord,

Pfalm. The Lord hath reign-ed.

—fciTi-i , 3 V
ut - ter a hymn, and high-ly ex - alt

^ —
^Mz^pfc^ „Tf in -_|

Him for e - ver.

t P 1
e us all know that The Lord J

Pfalm. Blefs ye The Lord.

He is God, in whom let us re - joice,

e t eve-ry fpi-rit praile The Lord,

and ex - ult, and let us praife His
»t ^ M ,——*="-
for He fpake, and all things were
Name for ev - er.

—£= £ _ _ _
P-b^^bm-m"-*^ —-_ — *— —- -* ^-zrsz

1=5 , ^ t
made, He com-mand-ed, and the
Pfalm. O be joyful in God, every land.

* 1 » ml
U - ni - verfe was ere - a - ted.

will blefs Thee, O Lord, in my Pf. O praife The Lord from The Heavens.
The Lord's Day at Lauds.

Antipbons at Lauds are always PSALM XCIX. [PS. C. E. V.]

f[ All thefe
/aid on Sundays when any new Hiftory [A Pfalm in giving of thanks. A Pfalm for
begins with a Full Service ; and in the praifing God. Of the Church to the people.]

Sunday Services before Septuagejima,

Jubilate Deo.
and before Advent, [or as the Hereford
Breviary explains it, from the O clave f~\ BE God every land
joyful in : ferve

of The Epiphany Septuagefma, and

to The Lord with gladnefs.
from the O clave of Corpus Chrifti to Enter into his prefence: with rejoicing.
Advent]. But at other times theAntiphon, Be ye fure that The Lord He is God :

The Lord hath reigned, only. it is He that hath made us, and not we

Psalm XCII. [Ps. xciii. e. v.]

We are his people and the fheep of his
|[ pafture ; enter into his gates with thankf-
[A fong of Praife of David himfelf, on the day giving : into his Courts with hymns
before the Sabbath when the earth was founded.
give thanks unto Him.
A Pfalm in praife of God. A voice of Believers in
Praife His Name, for The Lord is

Dominus regnavit. gracious ; his mercy is everlafting : and

from generation to generation is his truth.
Lord hath reigned, Glory be to The Father, and to The
He hath clothed Himfelf Son and to The Holy Ghoft :

with majefty The Lord As it was in the beginning, is now, and


is clothed with might, ever lhall be world without end. Amen. :

and hath girded Himfelf.

[May we rejoice before Thee, O Eternal God,
He hath moreover fta- with gladnefs and exultation befeeching Thee :

blilhed the orb of the world which lhall that the gates of our fins may be unlocked by thy

not be moved. praifes, and may ever be thrown open to mercy and

Thy throne is prepared from the be- truth, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
Thou art from everlafting.
|[ Inftead of Pfalms XCII and
ginning :
The floods have lift up, O Lord the from Septuagefma to Eafter are faid

floods have lift up their voice. Ps. L., Miferere mei, Deus. Have mercy
The floods have lift up their waves upon me. [See Lauds for Monday.]
with the voice of many waters. and CXV1I., Confitemini Domino.
Wondrous are the furges of the fea :
O give thanks. [See Office for Prime.]
wonderful is The Lord in the heighths.
Thy teftimonies, O Lord, are made
Psalm LXII. [Ps. Lxm, e. v.]
very fure : holinefs becometh thine houle
for length of days. [A Pfalm of David when he was in the defert

Glory be to The Father, and to The of Idumea. A Morning Pfalm for meditation.
This Pfalm relates to thofe who are leaving the
Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;
darknefs of ignorance, and defiring Chrift.]
As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever lhall be world without end. Amen.
Deus, Deus meus.

[O Almighty Lord God, who, girded with C\ GOD, Thou art my God : to Thee
Paternal glory, haft founded the Heaven, and the from day-break do I watch.
Earth, and the Sea ; hear, we befeech Thee, thy My foul hath thirfted for Thee : my
fuppliants, beftow upon us belief in thy teftimonies, flelh how often after Thee ;
and clothe us with the glorious apparel of ftrength
In a land defert, pathlefs, and where no
and fandtification, through our Lord Jefus Chrift.
Amen.] water is fo in the Holy Place have
; : ; :

The Lord's Day at Lauds.

I appeared before Thee, that I might Let the people give thanks to Thee, O
behold thy power and glory. God, yea, let all the people give thanks to
For thy mercy is better than life my : Thee : the Earth hath given her increafe.
lips lhall praife Thee. May God, even our God, blefs us ; may
So will I blefs Thee while I live I will : God blefs us : and all the ends of the
lift up my hands in Thy Name. world fear Him.
My foul lhall be fatisfied even as it were Glory be to The Father, and to The
with marrow and fatnefs and my mouth
: Son: and to The Holy Ghoft
lhall praife Thee with lips of gladnefs. As it was in the beginning, is now, and
So did I remember Thee upon my bed : ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

in the morning I will meditate upon Thee,

[O Lord, the light of thy countenance
becaufe Thou haft been my helper. upon us, and grant us thy perpetual bleffing fo :

And in the fhadow of thy wings will that, giving thanks to Thee in holy fear, we may
I rejoice ; my foul longeth after Thee :
be worthy to obtain the fruit of righteoufnefs be-
fore the face of Thy Majefty, through Chrift our
thy right hand hath upholden me.
Lord. Amen.]
But in vain have they fought after my
foul ; they lhall go into the lower parts of The song of the three children.
the earth they lhall be delivered into the
Dan. iii.
hand of the fword ; they lhall be a por-
tion for foxes.
Benedicite, omnia opera Domini Domino.
But the king lhall rejoice in God ; all
they that fwear by him lhall be com-
mended : for the mouth of them that
fpeak wickednefs is flopped.
LESS ye The Lord, all ye

[O God, author of eternal light, do Thou lhed

forth upon us, who at day-break watch for Thee,
continual day that our lips may praife Thee,
works of The Lord

our life may blefs Thee, our morning meditations

: praife Him, and
may glorify Thee, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]

Psalm LXVI. [Ps. lxvii. e. v.]

high-ly ex-alt Him for e-ver.
[To the end, in hymns, a Pfalm of Song of
David. A Pfalm for prayer. A Pfalm refpecting T3LESS ye The Lord, all ye works of
the Apoftles to The Father.]
JJ The Lord praife Him, and highly

Deus Mifereatur. exalt Him for ever.

/^J.OD be merciful unto us, and blefs us The Lord, all ye Angels of The
Blefs ye
and fhew the light of his countenance ye The Lord, O ye Heavens.
Lord : blefs
upon us, and be merciful unto us Blefs ye The Lord, all ye waters that
That we may know thy way upon are above the Heavens blefs ye The Lord, :

earth: thy faving health among all na- all ye Powers of The Lord.
tions. Blefs ye The Lord, O ye Sun and Moon
Let the people give thanks unto Thee, blefs ye The Lord, O ye Stars of Heaven.
O God: yea, let all the people give thanks Blefs ye The Lord, ye fhowers and dew
to Thee. blefs ye The Lord, all ye winds of God.
Let the nations rejoice and be glad: for Blefs ye The Lord, O ye fire and heat:
Thou doft judge the folk with equity, and blefs ye The Lord, O ye winter and fum-
govern the nations upon earth. mer.
:: ; ; ; :

6o The Lord's Day at Lauds.

Blefs ye The Lord, O ye dews and hoar Psalm CXLVIII.

froft : blefs ye The Lord, O ye froft and [Alleluya Lauds. The Voice of all created
cold. things in praife of Chrift.]

Blefs ye The Lord, O ye ice and fnows

Laudate Dominum de ccelis.
blefs ye The Lord, O ye nights and
PRAISE the Lord from
Blefs ye The Lord, O
ye light and the Heavens : praife Him in

darknefs : blefs ye The Lord, O ye light- the heights.

Praife Him, all ye Angels
nings and clouds.
Let the Earth blefs The Lord praife :
of his : praife Him, all his holts.
Him and highly exalt Him for ever. Praife Him, Sun andMoon: praife Him,
Blefs ye The Lord, O ye mountains and all ye Stars and Light.
hills blefs ye The Lord, all ye growing
Him, ye Heaven of Heavens and
Praife :

things upon the Earth. let all waters that are above the Heavens,

ye The Lord, O ye fountains

Blefs praife The Name of The Lord.

blefs The Lord, O ye feas and floods.

ye For He fpake the word, and they were
Blefs ye The Lord, ye whales and all made He commanded, and they were

that move in the waters blefs ye The :


Lord, all ye fowls of Heaven. He hath eftabliflied them for ever, and

Blefs ye The Lord, all ye beafts and for ever and ever : He hath made a law ;
cattle : blefs ye The Lord, ye children O
and it fhall not pafs away.
of men. Praife The Lord from the Earth ye :

Let Ifrael blefs The Lord praife Him, dragons, and all
deeps ;

and highly exalt Him for ever. Fire, hail, fnow, ice wind of ftorms, :

Blefs ye The Lord, ye Priefts of The which fulfil his word

Lord blefs ye The Lord, O ye fervants
Mountains and all hills: fruitful trees
of The Lord. and all cedars
Blefs ye The Lord, O ye Spirits and Beafts and all cattle: creeping things

Souls of the righteous blefs ye The Lord, and winged fowls


all ye holy and humble in heart. Kings of the Earth and all people
Blefs ye The Lord, O Ananias, Azarias, princes and all judges of
the world ;

and Mifael praife Him, and highly exalt

Young men and virgins, old men with
Him for ever. youths, praife The Name of The Lord
p Blefs we The Father, and The Son, for His Name only is exalted.
with The Holy Ghoft : praife Him and His praife is above Heaven and Earth :

highly exalt Him for ever. and He hath exalted the horn of his people.
Bleffed be Thou, O Lord, in the A Hymn from all his faints from the :

firmament of Heaven worthy to be :

children of Ifrael, even the people that
praifed, and glorious and highly exalted draweth nigh unto Him.
for ever. [Moft High God, exalted in power, Almighty in
greatnefs ! grant to us, thy fervants, that as thofe
thingswhich we behold were created at thy com-
f[ [Let this Pfalm be /aid without Gloria mand, fo thofe which Thou haft commanded, we
Patri, throughout the whole year, when- may keep and perform, through Our Lord Jefus
ever it is /aid.Ji Chrift. Amen.]

P " Ye incline at this -verfe as ye do at ' Gloria Patri:

" —Myrroure, Ixvii.

1 From the Rubrics for Advent.

The Lord's Day at Lauds. 61
Psalm CXLIX. Praife Him with the found of the
[Alleluya Lauds. Herein reft is promifed to trumpet praife : Him upon the pfaltery
thofe who fuffer for The Name of Chrift, and and harp.
power is to be given them over thofe who have Praife Him in the timbrel and Choir
afflicted them.]
praife Him upon firings and organs.
Cantate Domino.
Praife Him upon the well-tuned cym-
C\ SING unto The Lord a new fong bals praife Him upon the cymbals of
his praife in the Church of the faints. rejoicing every thing that hath breath
: let
Let Ifrael rejoice in Him that made praife The
him : and let the daughters of Syon be Glory be to The Father, and to The
joyful in their King.
Son : and to The Holy Ghoft
Let them praife His Name in the Choir: As was
it in the beginning, is now, and
let them fing Pfalms unto Him with tim-
ever fhall be : world without end. Amen.
brel and pfaltery.
[O moft fweet melody of our harmony, Thou
For The Lord hath pleafure in his peo-
who commandeft us to exercife the mufic of our
ple and hath exalted the meek with fal-
fouls, inone time in ftrains of joy, in another time
vation. in founds of mourning j Grant, we befeech Thee,

The faints fhall be joyful with glory O Lord, that we who now fing in concert to Thee,
in this fpiritual Choir, may learn to be worthy of
they mail rejoice in their beds.
praifing Thee in the fellow/hip of the Saints, with
The high praifes of God are in their everlafting mufic and Choirs, through Chrift our
mouth : and two edged fwords in their Lord. Amen.]
{[ [Thefe afore/aid Pfalms are/aid through-
execute vengeance upon the nations
out the whole year, under one Gloria
rebukes againft the people.
Patri, when Gloria Patri
is /aid. Let
bind their kings with fetters and :
thefe afore/aidPfalms be faid in Lauds
their nobles with manacles of iron.
throughout the whole year on Sundays,
To execute upon them the judgement {except only from Septuagefima to Eafier.)
written : this glory have all his faints.
Alfo in all Feafls of the Saints, as well
[O God, the Author of all goodnefs, who with thofe of Hi. as of ix. Leffons, throughout
all loving-kindnefs doll raife up thofe who humbly
the whole year s but not on weekdays,
confefs Thee
Grant, we befeech Thee, that as

Thou thy faints to be exalted in thy

doft caufe
except at Eafiertide. ~\ r
glory, fo Thou
wouldeft vouchfafe to keep thy
prefent Church unpolluted from all the pleafures
Chapter. Revel, vii.

of this world, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. LESSING, and glory,
wifdom, and thankfgiving, and
PSALM CL. honour, and power, and might,
[Alleluya Lauds. Every melody of Harp,
be unto our God for ever and
Trumpet, Pfaltery, Drum, Organs, Cymbals, to be ever. Amen.
fpiritually interpreted to praife God.] J$p. Thanks be to God.
Laudate Dominum in fantlis.
f[ This Chapter is faid on all Sundays at
Q Him
PRAISE God in his Holinefs
in the firmament of his power.
: praife Lauds, from the Firfl Sunday after the
Oclave of The Epiphany, to Septua-
Praife Him in his mighty afts : praife gefima; and from the Firfl Sunday after
Him according to the multitude of his Trinity to The Advent of The Lord, in
greatnefs. the ordinary Sunday Service.
From the Rubrics for the Firji Sunday in Ad-vent.
62 The Lord's Day at Lauds.

[ The Chapter is /aid in a low voice through-

out the whole year, all others being filent,
by the Prieft, without changing his veft- here fhall be in the laft days,
ment or place, but turning to the Altar ;
not chanting, but reading in the fup-
continued in the fame tone up to —
prejfed tone of a Sub-Chanter s which is
to be obferved throughout the whole year.

In Double Feajls thus :— all the nations. Thanks be to God. s ]

<[ On all Sundays, from the Firft Sunday after the Otlave of The Epiphany, when
it is the ordinary Sunday Service, up to Septuagefima, is faid at Lauds the fol-
lowing Hymn.*
[The Conduclor of the Choir Jhould begin the Hymn as far as the fecond or third
word; and the Choir on the fide of the officiating Prieft continue that verfe, and
the other part of the Choir on the other fide, the next verfe ; and fo they alternate
each verfe to the end; which is to be obferved throughout the whole year ; the
Amen.] u
Choir at the end of the laft verfe refponding

ternal Founder of the worlds,

Noc - tem di - em - que Qui re - gis ; Thou Ruler of the night and day;

Et tem - po - rum das tem - po - ra, Who doft the changing hours difpofe,

Ut al - le - ves faf - ti - di - um. The wearinefs of man t' allay.

Eterne rerum Conditor Eternal Founder of the worlds !

Noftem diemque Qui regis Thou

Ruler of the night and day !

Et temporum das tempora, Who doft the changing hours difpofe,

Ut alleves faftidium The wearinefs of man t' allay ;

* From Arundel MSS., 130, and Arlyngham MSS. in loco.

the Rubric,
" The Chapter begun with ' Jube DomineJ nor ended -with ' Tu autem^ becaufe it is always faid of
is not
an Hebdomadary, which occupieth an office of perfeclion, to whom it longeth, rather to give bleffing than to afk
it in that office ; and, by the fame way, it is prefumed that fhe Jhould not lightly offend in fo port a reading

that Jhe fhould need to afk mercy with ' Tu autem f but ye anfwer all ' Deo gratias,' as ye do after another
Leffon." —Myrroure, lx-vii.

x From S. Ambrofe. u From the Arlyngham MSS.

; : ;; ; ; ; ;; ;;

The Lord's Day at Lauds. 63

Preco diei jam fonat, Shrill crows the harbinger of morn,
Noftis profundas pervigil Deep night's e'er wakeful fentinel
No&urna lux viantibus, The traveller's lamp, as fevering night
A nofte noftem fegregans. From night, he doth each watch forthtell.
Hoc excitatus Lucifer, See at his voice the Star of day,

Solvit polum caligine Difpels the darknefs from the fky

Hoc omnis errorum chorus, The phantom throng of vain deceits,
Viam nocendi deferit. Quick from their haunts of mifchief fly

Hoc nauta vires colligit, The mariner his ftrength renews,

Politique mitefcunt freta Sublide the billows of the main ;
Hoc Ipfa Petra Ecclefiae He fung, when erft the Church's Rock
Canente culpam diluit. Walhed her from every fmful ftain.

Surgamus ergo ftrenue Uprife we

then with willing hearts :

Gallus jacentes excitat, The Cock each {lumbering foul upbraids

Et fomnolentos increpat His clarion call the fluggard chides,
Gallus negantes arguit. Th' unwilling loiterer perfuades.

Gallo canente fpes redit, Hope at his cheerful fong returns,

^Egris falus refunditur, Health o'er the fick man's couch it pours;
Mucro latronis conditur, The robber fheaths his reeking blade,
Lapfis fides revertitur. And faith the apoftate foul reftores.

Jefu ! labentes refpice, Jefu ! our failing hearts regard,

Et nos videndo corrige ; Vifit, correft us, as Thou wilt
Si refpicis, lapfus cadunt, Behold Thou and we fall no more,

Fletuque culpa folvitur. In tears diffolves our deepeft guilt.

Tu Lux ! refulge fenfibus, Thou Light illumine ! every fenfe,

Mentifque fomnum difcute The flumber of our fouls aroufe ;
Te noftra vox primum fonet, On Thee with earlieft voice we call,
Et vota folvamus Tibi. To Thee perform our morning vows.
Gloria Tibi Domine, All glory, Lord ! be unto Thee,
Qui natus es de Virgine, Born of a Virgin Mother pure ;

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, Father ! and Holy Ghoft ! to Ye,

In fempiterna faecula. While ages infinite endure.

A A - men.
Up to The Purification.

After The Purification.

Deo Patri fit gloria, To God The Father glory be,
Ejufque foli Filio, And to His One begotten Son,
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With The good Spirit Paraclete,
Et nunc et in perpetuum. Amen. Now and while endlefs ages run. Amen.
64 The Lord's Day at Lauds

[The Hymn being fintjhed, let fome Boy of {[ This Verfe, with the before-mentioned
Chapter, Bleffing, is faid at Lauds all
the Choir, turning to the Altar, fay the
Sundays until Septuagefima ; and from
Verfe, without changing veftment or

v —
the Firjl Sunday after Trinity until
Advent, when the ordinary Sunday
Office is ufed.
JT. The Lord hath reigned.
And hath clothed Himfelf with From Septuagefima until 2>uadragefima.

Majefty. jf. O Lord, Thou art become our refuge.

Alleluya. IJ;. From generation to generation.

Summer, on Sundays and week-days, up to Advent, the following

|[ Throughout the
HrMN when the ordinary Sunday or weekly Office is ufed.

is faid at Lauds,

Htmnus. Hymn.
CCE jam noc-tis te-nu-a - va-nilh faft the paling

tur um-bra : Lu - cis au - ro - ra ftiades of night, And red-den-ing gleams

- ti - lans co - ruf-cat Nili - bus with light the morning Iky ; With all
ru ;

to - tis ro - gi - te - mus om - nes, our powers un- to The Lord of might,

Cunc - ti - po - ten - tern. We fup - pli - ant cry.

Ecce jam nodlis tenuatur umbra : See vanifh faft the paling ftiades of night,
Lucis aurora rutilans corufcat And reddening gleams with light the morn-
Nifibus totis rogitemus omnes ing Iky
Cunctipotentem With all our powers unto The Lord of
might, We fuppliant cry ;

Ut Deus nofter miferatus, omnem O may our God his kind compaffion fhew,
Pellat languorem, tribuat falutem :
Our dulnefs cheer, beftow his faving love :

Donet et nobis pietate Patris,

And through The Father's grace on us
Regna polorum. beftow A Heaven above.
Prasftat hoc nobis Deitas Beata, The perform our prayer,
Bleffed Trinity
Patris ac Nati, pariterque Sanfti Father and Son and Holy Ghoft MoftHigh
Spiritus, cujus reboat in omni Whofe glory all creation doth declare,
Gloria mundo. Eternally.

A - men. A
v From the Arlyngham M.SS.
The Lord's Day at Lauds.
|[ [The Hymn being jinijbed, let fome Boy And Thou, Child, malt be called The
from the Choir, turning to the Altar, Prophet of The Higheft for Thou malt :

begin the Verfe, without changing veft- go before the face of The
Lord to prepare
ment or place. ( See the Note to Verficles his ways.
at Matins.)'] Through the bowels of mercy of our
W. The Lord hath reigned, God whereby the Day-fpring from on

And hath clothed Himfelf with high hath vifited us ;

Majefty. To give light to them that fit in dark-

Alleluya.w nefs and in the Ihadow of death : and to
guide our feet into the way of peace.
4[ [Then on Sundays and Feftivals the pro-
The Glory be to The Father, and to
per Antiphon is begun before Benedidlus,
Son and to The Holy Ghoft :
which is to be found in the Proper or
As it was in the beginning, is now, and
Common of the Time or of the Saints s
ever mall be world without end. Amen. :
then is fung]
The song of zechariah. [After Benedi&us then is fung the proper
Benediclus. Luke i.
Antiphon entire, which is finijhed with
LESSED a Cadence (" neupma").~\
be The Lord God
Ifrael : He
hath vifited
and wrought the redemption SELECT ANTIPHONS ON
of his people. BENEDICTUS.
And hath raifed up a horn of falvation
for us in the houfe of his fervant David.
In the Firft Sunday in Advent.

As He fpake by the mouth of his holy

Prophets which have been fince the

world began.
Salvation from our enemies and from :

the hand of all that hate us.

To perform the mercy promifed to our in-to thee, Mary; Fear thou not
forefathers and to remember his holy

The oath which He fware to our fore-
having in thy womb The Son of God
father Abraham : that He would give us ;
That without fear we being delivered
out of the hand of our enemies : might Al - le - lu-ya.
ferve Him
In holinefs and righteoufnefs before
Him : all the days of our life. Pfalm. BlelT-ed be.

m 1 er ck " be >"g ^
finfied, the ConduBor of the Choir is to give the Antiphon on « BenediBus;
or Magnificat, or < Nunc Dimittis; at Vefpers and Compline, to
fame one on the upper grade. The Con-
du&or begins by intoning the two firji -words, and then it is
Jung through by the Choir.
While the Antiphon on the < Benediclus ' or ' Magnificat '
was being fung, the Priefi -who had retired
during thelaft-verjeoftheHymn, returned -with
hisftlken cap, Taper bearers, and Thuribles ; and the Boy having
offeredhim the Thurible, he filled it -with incenje and
bleffed and bowing to the Altar, cenfed it in the
it ;
middle, then the right, then the left, then the Reliquary
the Church; then bowing at the hweft ftep of the
Altar, he returned to his Stall. Then the Boy cenfed the Priefi himfelf, then the ConduBors
of the Choir, then
the Dignitaries in order, beginning with the Dean's
fide and ending on the Precentor's fide: bowing to each as
he did fo.— From the Arlyngham MSS. at Vefpers.

— >

56 The Lord's Day at Lauds.

In the Fourth Sunday in Advent. ^=^5=S-Pi P.—5—

Bi_iP=lq—¥=^-n —*——=—»- fins. Haften with gifts the Magi

I am the voice of one cry-ing

& 5** b=^
to the Roy-al nuptials, and with

in the wil-der - nefs, Make ye ftraight

wa-ter made wine are made glad

the way of The Lord, as faid Ifaiah

. ,
. 1

guefts. - le - lu - ya.



I '

Pfalm. Bleffed be.
1 ^

Pfalm. Bleffed be.

IP6 r Iff*
*^ it?
i-fi Q
-t^J&UUf M£ IsJP/ffi* •

In the Day of The Nativity of The Lord.

- fus
— ^-=Sa:ieE
was led into the wildernefs
Glo - ry in the Higheft to God,

fc^— PJep=« 5=^te?=Pi=

to be tempted by the
by the Spirit,
and in Earth peace to men of good

— ^1 "a p ._ *C ! J L—
Al -le-lu-ya. Devil ; and when He had faft - ed
will. Al - le - lu-ya.

, — — i '
-- 1

be. for - ty days and for - ty nights,

Pfalm. Bleffed

In lbe Mojt lioiy Htpipvany.

3— -T»»-^ B t~

afterward He hungered.

X Iliac rlav
VJ.dy to
lv_/ a
c* ce -
v-w lef - tial
51= — J5** # f

i>/*//w. Bleffed be.

Spoufe is joined The Church, becaufe Sunday in the Branches of Palm.

m i =?

in Jordan Chrift hath laved her A great mul - ti - tude which had
The Lord's Day at Lauds.

Z>*j o/T^ Afcenfion of The Lord.

af-fem-bled to the feafting, cried out

I as - cend un-to my Fa - ther,

to The Lord, Bleffed be He that

and your Fa - ther, My God and

cometh in The Name of The Lord.
* — Bg _
"a ^ }<
^ ^
——— ;j

your God. Al-le-lu-ya.

- fan -

na in
B ~H"^
the High
- eft.
^^^^.-x- ~

Pfalm. Bleffed be.

Pfalm. Bleffed be.

Z#<? Z)rfj o/* Pentecoft.
/# Friday in The Day of Preparation.
—^ - flt^ b"-5**^-« -p,

Re - ceive ye The
They placed over His Head his

Ho-ly Ghoft. Of whom ye mail

caule writ-ten ; Je - fus of

have re-mit-ted the lins they are

Na-za-reth, King of the Jews.
E~ * — J « 1
re-mit-ted to them. Al-le-lu-ya.
P>/«r. Bleffed be.
F — I
1 ——— 1

In 1 he Holy Day of t after. Bleffed be.

\ q__S_2|
1 ^
very early the firft day from
In the Feafi of The Mofi Ho/y Trinity.

^=5 -^—^ -!,--^ -?

the Sabbath they come to the Sepulchre,

Bleffed be The Cre - a - tor and

The Sun al-rea-dy rifen. Al-le-lu-ya. Go-ver-nor of all things, The Ho-ly

P>/;«. Bleffed be. and Un - di - vid - ed Trin - i - ty,

: ~

68 The Lord's Day at Lauds.

^—p" — -" — % ? .izz3=H_M

both now and e-ver, and through jg;. And with thy fpi-rit.

E 1 1 ipi -

in - fi - nite a - ges of a-ges. Let us pray.

p^aet^W^Ft -
[Here follow the proper Orifons,
Me- z

Bleffed be.
morials, or Commemorations, for the
Pfalm. ]
Sunday, Seafon, or Feftival, after this

on Benediftus (or manner,.]

|[ [While the Antiphon
Magnificat, at Vefpers,)
the Prieft defends to

the Jlep
being fung,
of the P=£3 V I ^ i ——— *
Choir, and the Hebdomadary Boy brings aise up, we befeech Thee, O Lord,
him the book, attended by the Taper- and the reft,
bearers, and the Cadence being finijhed,
ending thus: —
the Prieft begins. .

Who liveft and reigneft with God The

f[ After this manner are faid all the
Father, in The Unity of The Holy Ghoft,
Kjrijons irjroug/joui itje wrjuic yt-ut ut
Vefpers and Matins, (i. e. Lauds), except
in the three days before Eafter, when
they are all f nifty ed in the fame tone, and
— *( ^- "I -

world without end. Amen.
not varied as at other times. ]

Or thus: —
vt p T ,nrn nf» wif n VOll S
!- 1—
H -1-™- a
^ -

Through Chrift, our Lord.

I£. And with thy fpi-rit. [And as the Prieft fays, Who liveft and
reigneft let all the Clerks rife from
proft ration, kifting the Forms.']
Let us pray.
— Or thus :— c
Or thus

Ha^-- - _ _
h e Lord be with you. EAR US.

x From the Arlyngham MSS.

y From the MSS. Arundel, 130.
z are faid at the end of each Hour ; for the Apoftles, whenever they were together, kneeled down on
" Orifons
their kneesand prayed, or they departed afunder. And fhe that faith the Orifon Jiandeth turned to the Eaft,
for Paradife, from whence we are expelled, is in the Eaft, and therefore, thinking what we have loft,
where we are, and whither we defire, we pray turned towards the Eaft.'''' Myrroure, Ixxii. —
a As to Commemorations, fee Note to Compline, VI., poft.
b From the Rubrics for Advent.
c Arundel MSS. 130, Wednefday in the Head of The Faft, at Sext.
The Lord's 1 Oay at Lauds. 69
And let the Vrijons be Jatd and terminate w holeyear, fo often as it Jhould be /aid
in this tone —
by one Boy; (that is, in all Sundays and

T- Simple Feafts with ix. Leffons and iii.

Leffons,when the Choir has Conductors,
and on week-days throughout the whole
abfolve us through Chrift our Lord.

year, as well at Vefpers as at Matins.)

? v In the time of Eajler, when /aid by two

Boys, it is always with Alleluya.]
Through our Lord Je-fus Chrift.
P q —CM
S — 1 1
5 fc- Bless we The Lord.
World with-out end. A-men. 1—rW-f—

Or thus, at E after : — Thanks be to God.

§ Or —
World with-out end. A-men.

j: _

we The
— thus


^ [After the Orifon,

The Lord be with you.

is /aid:

Thanks be

R * t [This Orifon, (i. e.for the Sunday), is

5-. And with thy fpi-rit. faid at all hours of the Sunday, and of

Or thus — the whole week, when it is the office for

the Time. And let this be generally
obferved throughout the whole year, whe-
ther the Service be of the Time or of any
The Lord be with you.
Saint, that the Collecl, which is faid at
!1 ? . Matins, (i. e. Lauds),
always faid at is
Terce, Sext, None, and at the Second
And with thy fpi-rit.
Vefpers; except on Wednefday, Friday,
and Saturday, of the Four Times of The
|[ y^zV, following Bene- Advent of The Lord, and on the Friday
dicamus « y^/V jSaj throughout the after The Nativity of The Lord, and on

d " iif is to be obfer-ved, that -whenever there is any j Memorial or Proceffion at Vefpers, or at Matins,
Lauds), then at all the Orifons after the firji 1 .Be nedicamus,' which may end thus, '

Who li-veft and —
reigneji with God The Father ; ' or thus, ' Who <wi h God The
Father and The Holy Ghofl
' Who
li-veft and reigneji God; ' or thus, ' Who wit/ — or thus,—
Thee li-veth and reigneth,' this pall always be

to the end ; but at the Orifons which end thus, 1 —

our 1 .ord Jefus Chrift Thy Son," it is faid no farther,
immediately ' Amen '
is /aid by the Choir, and afteriv uds let the Memorial or Proceffion take place,
/tt,/ty nOIUPUPf^
ilj uli y /ITtpy thp fir/i ^ /?/»w/>/7fV/r*wf/e * /r«<tT[/fa *

thus, —« Through
ctj ict i/icji/Ji-

The Lord,'' or thus, 4

— dTiy 1VL6, norial or Proceffion
fucceed any Orifon which terminates
Through T/ e fame our Lord,'' then the conclufion is thus, —
Through Chriji our Lord," or thus, ' Through The

ime Chrift our Lord,' as is fuitable.
The fame is the cafe in all refpeels after thofe Orifons which are
— From the Rubrics for the Firft Sunday in Ad-vent.
faid after the Proceffion and before Mafs."

It is to be obfer-ved, that according to Sarum

Ufe, fr om Ad-vent thenceforward, up to the Saturday before
the Ocla-ve of Eafter, there was no Proceffion on Saturdt lys.
: ;

70 The Lord's Day at Lauds.

Monday in Rogations ; and except from O clave of The Vifitation, Affumption,

Wednesday in the Head of The Faft up to and Nativity of S. Mary, and of the
the Oclave of Eafter; for then at Vefpers Dedication of The Church, and of The
the Orifons are varied, except on Sun- Name of Jefus, and on The Day of Souls,
days in £>jiadragefima. In like manner and the Vigil of The Nativity, and from
be in the Feaft of The Dedication
let it thence to the Firft Sunday after the Oclave

of The Church, and in its Oclave at of The Epiphany, and from Wednefday
Second Fefpers.] e before E after, to the Firft Sunday after
Trinity, for the peace of the Church, on
$[ [If there be a Memorial of
any Feftival
bended knees, without note.~] 8
or any Common Memorial to be made,
thenfollows the Antiphon of the particular
Psalm CXXII. [Ps. cxxiii. e. v.]
Memorial on Benedi&us, and then the
Verfe. [A Song of Degrees. A
Pfalm for Prayer. The
three preceding Pfalms being alfo of degrees, this
Afterwards, prefaced only by is the fourth degree of a man of prayer and fuppli-

Let us pray.
o God
cation, a good fervant of his Lord, who every day
aflcs for mercy.]

Ad Te levavi.

the Proper or Common Memorial or NTO Thee have I lifted

Memorials ending, up mine eyes : O Thou that
dwelleft in the Heavens.
3=3 Behold, as the eyes of fer-
world with-out end. A-men.
vants look unto the hand of their mailers,
After the laft Memorial is repeated — :

And as the eyes of a maiden unto the

hands of her miftrefs even fo our eyes :

unto The Lord our God, until He have

h e Lord be with you. mercy upon us.
Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have
mercy upon us for we are greatly filled

And with thy fpi - rit. with contempt.

Blefs we The Lord. Our foul is greatly filled with the fcorn-
Thanks be to God.] ing of the wealthy and with the defpite-

fulnefs of the proud.

[After thefe Memorials, (if any), fol- Glory be to The Father, and to The
lowed according to the Sarum Ufe, the Son : and to The Holy Ghoft ;

Pfalm Ad Te levavi. Unto Thee have I As it was in the beginning, is now, and

lifted up mine eyes, with the following ever mall be world without end. Amen.
Petitions for the peace of The Church: — [O God, who

dwelleft in the Heavens, to Thee

[This Pfalm faid every day at Com
is we lift up our eyes, and entreat Thee that Thou
wouldft confound the fcornful reproaches of the
pline, and after Matins, (fcil. at Lauds),
proud, and in thy clemency favour us with the
except in Double Feafts, and except in fulnefs of thy mercy, through Our Lord Jefus
the Oclave of Corpus Chrifti, and the Chrift. Amen.]

e From the Rubrics for the Firjl Sunday in Ad-vent.

f " The firft ' Benedicamus ' is always faid by one Boy from
only, the Choir, -without changing place or -vejiment
the fecond by another Boy on the oppofite fide.'"'' —Arlyngham MSS.
S From the Rubric for Compline.
]] ]

The Lord's Day at Lauds 71

The Pfalm being Jinijhed, then follows — [The Lord be with you.
Lord, have mercy. And with thy fpirit.
Chrift, have mercy. Blefs we The Lord.
Thanks be to God.] h
Lord, have mercy.
[May the fouls of the faithful, through
|UR FATHER, which art in
the mercy of God, reft in peace. Amen.]
Hallowed be Thy
Heaven ;

Name Thy kingdom come {[ [It is to be noted, that all Clerks ofthe Su-
: :

Thy will be done, as in Hea-


perior and Second Form, are bound to and

ven fo on Earth. Give us this day our at all the principal Vefpers, throughout
daily bread : And forgive us our debts, as the year, in the Choir, continually ; ex-
we forgive our debtors : And lead us not cept when the If of the Jfr is fung, when
into temptation : But deliver us from evil. the ^ is fixed, and faid at the ftep of the
[Secretly.] Choir. At Compline, all the Clerks
[Then let the Priejl fay aloud, but without indifferently are bound to ftand, through-
note, — out all that Hour ;
fo alfo at Matins,
And lead us not into temptation. throughout the whole time s except when

[The Choir replying, — the Leffons are read, and the Refponfes,
with their Verfes, are fung. At Prime,
But deliver us from evil.
and all the other Hours, they are bound
Arife, O Lord, and help us. And deli-
uniformly to ftand.] »

ver us for Thy Name's fake.

O Lord God of Hofts, convert us. Show
us the light of thy countenance, and we [THE TONES FOR BENEDICTUS.
lhall be faved.
|f [BENEDICTUS, on account of its Evan-
Lord, hear my prayer. And let my gelical authority, has this more beautiful
crying come unto Thee.
mode in the intonation of Pfalmody and
The Lord be with you. in Jubilation.] j

And with thy fpirit.

[Then let the Priejl fay aloud, but without
C The Firft Tone.

note, —
Let us pray.
Bleff-ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el,
LORD, favourably receive
the prayers of thy Church,
for He hath vi-fit-ed and wrought the
that, being delivered from all

adverfity and error, it may

ferve Thee in fafety and freedom ; and re-demp-tion of his peo-ple.
grant us Thy
peace in our time, through
our Lord Jeius Chrift Thy Son, who with C The Second Tone.
Thee and reigneth in the Unity of
The Holy Ghoft, God, world without
end. Amen. Bleff-ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el,
h It
feems doubtful whether all or any of thefe four V
trficles were always added here.
From the Rubric from the Proper of the Time at The Nativity.
j From the Arundel MSS. 130 ; in the Britifh Mufeum.
72 The Lord's Day at Lauds.

<[ The Sixth Tone.

for He hath vi-fit-ed and wrought the

Bleff-ed be The Lord God of

redemption of his people.

—— ;

If - ra - el, for He hath vi-fit-ed and

|[ The Third Tone.


B^-H-H 1- wrought the redemption of his people.

Blelf-ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el,

The Seventh Tone.

for He hath vi-fit-ed and wrought the Bleff- ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el,

for He hath vi-lit-ed and wrought the

redemption of his peo-ple.

|[ The Fourth Tone. redemption of his peo-ple.

<[ ^ Tone.

BlelT-ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el, P g» —^ — l-

P——- ---«,- Bleff-ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el,

for He hath vi-fit-ed and wrought the

for He hath vi-lit-ed and wrought the
-— -
redemption of his peo-ple.
redemption of his people.

<[ The Fifth Tone. The Fifth Variety of the Eighth Tone.
» , .
mt- "

BlelT-ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el, Blelf-ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el,

for He hath vi-fit-ed and wrought the for He hath vi-lit-ed and wrought the

-— —-
redemption of his people. redemption of his people. ]
NOTE. — As to the conclufion of the Collects or Orifons.
When the Orijon The Father, without any mention of The Son or Holy Spirit, it is finijhed
is direcled to

thus : 4 through our Lord Jejus Chriji Thy Son, Who -with Thee li-veth and reigneth in The Unity of The Holy
Ghoji God.
As in that Orifon " Ecclefiam tuam Domine," 4 Concede nos.' So if the Orijon be direcled
to The Father, and in it is made mention of The Son, before the final part, as in the beginning or near the

beginning : fay : through The Same our Lord Jejus Chrift.' as in this, 4 Deus qui de beatee ;' or 1 Deus qui

hodierna die;' or 4 Largire nobis.' So if the Orifon be direcled to The Father, and in the fame, mention is
made of The Son, in the end or near the end, then let it be fnijhed thus : ' -who ivith Thee li-veth and
reigneth in The Unity',' as
Omnipotens fempiterne Deus ;' ' Deus qui Jalutis eterne ;' ' Prajla quejumus.'
The Father, and in the fame, mention is made of The Son, nearly in the beginning,
So if the Orifon be direcled to

and afterwards of The Holy Spirit, then let it be finijhed thus : 4 by The Same our Lord Jefus Chriji
Thy Son, Who with Thee li-veth and reigneth in the Unity of The Same Spirit : ' as in this, 4 Omnipotens
fempiterne Deus? But if the Orifon be direcled to The Father, and in the end or near it, mention be made
of The Son, and then of The Holy Spirit ; or firjl of The Holy Spirit, and then of The Son, then let the con-
clufion be thus :
Who with Thee li-veth and reigneth in the Unity of The Same Holy Spirit : as in that '

Collet! , 4 Mentes noftras, per hujus Domine

So if the Orifon be direcled to The Son, without any mention
The Father or of The Holy Spirit, then : 4 Who li-vefi and reignejl with God The Father in the Unity of The
Holy Ghojl :' as in that Excita quefumus Domine." Howe-ver that Collecl, 4 Fidelium Deus omnium Con-
ditor,' according to Sarum Ufe, finijhes thus,
Who li-veft and reignejl with God The Father in The
of the word
Unity ;
but it does not follow the rule, becaufe Conditor.' So fometimes, the Son is addreffed
in the Collecl without mention of The Father or Spirit, and of The Holy then the conclufion is thus : 4 Who
with God The Father and The Holy Spirit li-vefi and reignejl ; ' as in that 4 Deus qui janclam crucem ; but '

there is little difference in thefe two lafi terminations, Jome Orifons being noted one way, and fome in the other.
If the Orifon be direcled to The Son and mention is made of The Holy Spirit, let it conclude thus : 4 Who
with God The Father and The Same Holy Spirit ' as in the Collecl, 4 Via Sanclorum Jeju.' If the Orifon

be direcled to The Holy Spirit only, then let it be finijhed thus :

Who with The Father and The Son li-vefi ;
Jo if the Orifon be direBed to The whole Trinity, and mention is made in it of The Name of The Tnnity, then
let it finijh thus :
Who li-vefi God, throughout all ages.' So again in Orifons direcled to The Trinity, where
mention is made of The Name of The Trinity by the officiating Minifier, let it conclude thus : 4 wherein Thou
li-vefi and reignejl God;
' and both modes are good ; as in that Pofi Communion, 4 Proficiat nobis ad Jalutem.'
But theje rules do not apply -when the Collecl is addreffed to S. Mary, or other Saints, where the ending may
Who in infinite and perfecl Trinity li-veth.'' So in Exorcijms upon Catechumens, and in conjecrating Fonts
and Bleffed Water, and in Funerals, and in many other things, they jay, according to authority and reajon,
thus : 4 Who jhall come to judge the quick and the dead, and the world with fire.' " Arlyngham MSS., Rubric
for Firjl Vejpers, Firfi Sunday in Ad-vent.

The following Memorial Verfes are given.

44 4
Per Dominum ' dicas cum Patrem Prejbyter oras.
Principio Natum memora, dicas 4
per eundem."
Ejufdem dicas fi mentio Neupmate fiat.

Mentio fi fiat de Natoque Flamine Jacro,

Per Eundem,' tunc 'per Ejufdem,' pofiea finem.
Si citra finem de Nato mentio fiat,
4 1
Pojlea de Flamine S^ui Tecum' die per Ejujdem.'
Si Natum rogites 4
S^ui -vi-vis,' dicas
cum Patre.'
Die rogitans Natum S^ui cum Deo -vi-vis in ce-vum.'

Patrem,' * fi per Deum pofiulans, et jungis eidem
Flamen ; tunc quidem ' cum Patre,' die et 4 Eodem."
Si poflulas Neupma '
£}ui cum Patre Filio,' dicas.
Trinum ; 4 £>ui -vi-vis regnas Deus omnia jtecla,"
Die 4 in £$ua -vi-vis,' -verjus fit mentio fua.
Exorcizando fi demonemque fugando,
Die 4 per Eum <$ui -venturus efi cejere per ignem.'
Exorcizando rogitans Sat hanamque fugando,
Pelleris demonem fi fit finis 4 per Eum ^ui.'

* The jenje requires 4

Filium,' and jo it has been tranfiated.


' Through The Lord,* is the form, if The Father a Prejbyter prayetb.
Be ' The Son, in the beginning : ' through The Same,'' remember thou fayefl.
Of The Same,' thou muft fay, if mention be made of The Spirit.
If of The Son be made mention, and alfo of The Holy Spirit,
' through The Same,' then 1 of The Same," let there be at the ending.

If near the end of the prayer, of The Son a mention be made, and
Afterwards of The Spirit : ' Who -with Thee,' fay, and through The Same.'

' Who
li-vefi,' add
If to The Son thou prayefl, with The Father.'
And end, befeeching The Son, ' Who with God li-vefl, for e-ver.'
If to The Son, True God, thou prayefl, and joinefl unto Him
The Holy Ghofi, then, * Who with The Father,' add, and ' with The Same,' too.
And when befeeching The Spirit, * Who with The Father and The Son.'
The T
nnity, ' Who I'vvefl and reignefl God, world without ending.'
Say, ' in which Thou li-vefi,' if the <verfe of It doth make mention.
In Exorcijing, and putting to flight all the demons,
Say : * by Him who pall come to reap hereafter with fire.'
If thou entreatejl in Exorcijing and banifhing Satan,
Thou wilt expel The Devil, if this be the ending, by Him Who.'

The Jborter Verfes are thefe.

'Per D ominum,' dieas Ji Patrem Prefbyter oras.

Si Chriflum memores 'per Eundem,' dicere debes.
Si loqueris Chrijlo '
^Jti vi-vis,' fcire memento ;
' ^ui Tecum,' Ji Jit colleElne finis in Ipfo ;

Si memores Flamen ;
Ej ufdem ,' die prope finem.

Say, through The Lord,' if thou to The Father a Prefbyter prayefl


If Chrifi thou dofl mention, through The Same ' thou fhouldefl fay then.
If unto Chrifi thou fpcakefi, ' Who I'rvefi,' remember the form is ;

' Who with Thee,' if the end of the Colled pertain unto Him.
So if thou mention The Spirit, ' of The Same,' fay near the ending.
; ;; ; ;;



£ AT MATINS throughout ADVENT.
Htmnus. 1


ER-BUM Su-per-num U - PER -NAL Word! Thou

— —-i

pro - di - ens, A Pa - tre o Effluence bright, Erft offspring of

lim ex - i - ens, Qui na - tus The Father's might ; Whofe birth the

or - bi fub - ve - nis, Cur - fu de- finking world fuftained, As Time in

cli - ni tern - po - ris. downward progrefs waned

Verbum Supernum prodiens, Supernal Word ! Thou Effluence bright,

A Patre olim exiens Erft offspring of The Father's might
Qui natus orbi fubvenis, Whofe birth the finking world fuftained,
Curfu declivi temporis As Time in downward progrefs waned ;

Illumina nunc peftora, Our bofoms with thy beams illume,

Tuoque amore concrema ;
And with thy kindling love confume
Audito ut praeconio, So when the fummons dread we hear,
Sint pulfa tandem lubrica. Guilt be no longer harboured there.

Judexque cum poft aderis, And when at laft, our Judge, thine eyes
Rimari facta pectoris ; All deeds and hearts fhall fcrutinize ;
Reddens vicem pro abditis Secrets requite, and for their meed,
Juftifque regnum pro bonis ; A kingdom to the juft concede;

Non demum artemur malis, Oh may we

! not for guilt unfhriven,
Pro qualitate criminis With from thy face be driven
Sed cum beatis compotes, But with the bleft in thy domain,
Simus perennes ccelibes. Eternal purity attain.

k From S. Ambrofe, or one cf his School.

The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

Laus, Honor, Virtus, Gloria, Laud, Honor, Virtue, Glory be,

Deo Patri et Filio, To God The Father Son, to Thee ! !

Santto fimul Paraclito, And to The Holy Paraclete,

In fempiterna faecula. Now and through ages infinite.

A - men. A
To the fame Melody.
Hymnus. 1
Vox clara ecce ! intonat, Lo what
! a thrilling voice founds forth,
Obfcura quasque increpat And chides the parting Ihades of earth
Pellantur eminus fomnia, Let flumber far away be driven, [ven.
Ab ethere Chriftus promicat. Chrift in his might mines forth from Hea-

Mens jam refurgat torpida, Now let each torpid foul arife,
Quae forde extat faucia Which funk in guilt and wounded lies

Sidus refulget jam novum, See ! the new Star's refulgent ray
Ut tollat omne noxium. Shall chafe difeafe and fin away.

E furfum Agnus mittitur, The Lamb of God is fent from Heaven,

Laxare gratis debitum To naught man's debt forgiven
loofe for
Omnes pro indulgentia, Oh for this boon, let every voice,

Vocem demus cum lacrymis. With mingling fongs and tears rejoice.
Secundo ut cum fulferit, Sowhen again His Light Ihines clear,
Mundumque horror cinxerit And terror girds this quailing fphere,
Non pro reatu puniat, May He our guilt from vengeance fpare,
Sed Pius nos tunc protegat. And fhield us with his kindly care.

Laus, Honor, Virtus, Gloria, Laud, Honour, Virtue, Glory be,

Deo Patri et Filio, To God The Father Son, to Thee ! !

Sanfto fimul Paraclito, And to The Holy Paraclete,

In fempiterna faecula. Amen. Now and through ages infinite. Amen.


Alleluya piis Alleluyas found ye
Edite laudibus, In ftrains of holy laud,
Cives astherei Sing citizens of Heaven,

Pfallite fuaviter Sweet pfalmody to God

Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore
Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.

From S. Ambrofe, or one of his School.

From the Worcefler Breviary, and the Cottonian and Harleian MSS. Englijh Hymnals, cent. x.
; ;;; ;; ; ;; ;; ;;; ;

in The Lord's Days throughout the Tear.


Hinc nos perpetim, So may we for ever,

Luminis accolis, With denizens of light
Affumet refonans And all their hymning Choirs,
Hymniferis choris. In echoing fongs unite
Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore,
Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.

Vos Urbs eximia You lhall the noble City

Sufcipiet Dei, Of God receive on high
Qua? laetis refonat Which ever joyful waketh
Cantibus excitans To ftrains of melody ;

Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore,

Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.

Felici reditu To that bleft home returning,

Gaudia fumite, Take ye its joys for aye,
Reddentes Domino Unto The Lord afcribing
Glorificum melos A glory-giving lay
Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore,
Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.

Te, Chrifte, celebret, Thee, Chrift, we celebrate ;

Gloria vocibus, Thy glory we proclaim ;
Noftris Omnipotens, And hail Thee, Lord of might,
Hac Tibi dicimus In fongs of glad acclaim
Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore,
Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.

Almum fyderea?, Thou art the faireft honour,

Jam patria; decus, Of Heaven's ftar-decked domain ;
VicTores capitis, Where victors, Thee, their Chieftain,
Quo canor eft jugis Extol in ceafelefs ftrain ;
Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore,
Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.

Hoc feffis requies, There find the wearied reft,

Hoc cibus et potus, Rich ftore of heavenly food
Oble&ans, reducens, And drink fweet draughts refrefhed,
Hauftibus affufis From an exhauftlefs flood
Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore,
Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.

Nos (Te) fuavis fonis, We, in tones harmonious,

Conditor affatim, The world's Creator fing
Rerum carminibus And with full hearts to greet Thee,
Laudeque pangimus Our laud and mufic bring
Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore,
Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.
78 The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

Te, Chrifte, celebret, Thee, Chrift, we celebrate,

Gloria vocibus, Thy glory we proclaim,
Noftris Omnipotens, And hail Thee, Lord of might,

Hac Tibi dicimus In fongs of glad acclaim ;

Alleluya perenne Alleluyas evermore,
Edite laudibus. In adoring praife outpour.

Alleluya ! dulce carmen, Alleluya ! fong of fweetnefs,
Vox perennis gaudii Voice of everlafting joy ;
Alleluya ! laus fuavis Alleluya laud and gladnefs

Eft Choris cceleftibus The celeftialChoirs employ ;

Quam canunt, Dei manentes Which they ring, melodious lay !

In Domo, per fecula. Abiding in God's Houfe for aye.

Alleluya ! laeta Mater, Alleluya ! joyous Mother

Concivis Hierufalem Jerufalem of faints on high

Alleluya vox tuorum,

! Alleluya one to other,

Civium gaudentium Thy citizens rejoicing cry ;

Exules nos flere cogunt, We exiles ftill muft vigil keep,

Babylonis flumina. By Babylon's fad rivers weep.

Alleluya ! non meremur Alleluya yet we may not


Nunc perenne pfallere Sing unchecked that glorious ftrain ;

Alleluya ! nos reatus, Alleluya fins which flee not


Cogit intermittere Bid us from that hymn refrain

Tempus inftat qua pera&a, The time of forrow comes once more,
Lugeamus crimina. When flnners muft their guilt deplore.

Unde laudando precamur, Now thy might devoutly praifing,

Te, Beata Trinitas we pray
Blefled Trinity,
Ut Tuum nobis videre, Give to our eyes enraptured gazing,
Pafcha des in asthera Thine Eafter in the realms of day
Qui Tibi lasti canamus, To praife Thee on that happy fhore,
Alleluya perpetim. Amen. Where Alleluyas ceafe no more. Amen."

Thefe Hymns are not contained in the ordinary Sarum Breviaries, but are found in that of Worcefler ; MSS.
in Bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifli, Oxon., A.D. 1064 ,• and in the other Englijh Hymnaries of that date : Had. MSS.
Brit. Muf., 296 1 ; Cotton MSS. Vefp. D. xii. ; Julius A. vi.
in The Lord's Days throughout the Tear.

f[ IN QUADRAGESIMA, in the Firjl and Second Sunday, AT MATINS,

and daily throughout thofe weeks.

Htmnus. Hymn.
UM-MI Lar-gi-tor prae- IS-PENSER of the gifts

i ! Spes qui es u of Heaven ! Sole Hope to thy

- ni- ca mun - di ; Pre-ces in-ten-de Creation given ; Thy fervant's prayers

fer - vo - rum, Ad Te de - vo - te with fa-vour greet, Devoutly offered

cla - man - turn. at thy feet.

Summi Largitor prasmii Dispenser of the gifts of Heaven !

Spes Qui es unica mundi Sole Hope to thy Creation given !

Preces intende fervorum, Thy fervants' prayers with favour greet,
Ad Te devote clamantum. Devoutly offered at thy feet.
Noftra Te confcientia, Our heinous fins the confcience fmite,
Grave ofFendiffe monftrat We have offended in thy fight
Quam emundes fupplicamus, O ever may thy cleanfing grace,
Ab omnibus piaculis. All thole impurities efface.

Si renuis, quis tribuet? If Thou denieft, who will give ?

Indulge, quia potens es Thou'rt mighty our guilt relieve

; fo
Te corde rogare mundo And teach us, gracious Lord, this day,
Fac nos, precamur, Domine. To Thee with fpotlefs hearts to pray.
Ergo acceptare noftrum, Receive our tribute, we intreat,
Qui facrafti, Jejunium This Fail which Thou didft confecrate
Quo myftice Pafchalia, So we with joy that myftic fare,
Capiamus Sacramenta. Thy Pafchal Sacraments may lhare.
Summa nobis hoc conferat, Beftow thefe gifts, Thou Trinity !

In Deitate Trinitas Supreme and wondrous Deity !

In Qua gloriatur Unus, Who doft for evermore abide,

Per cunfta fecula Deus. One God unchanged and glorified.

A - men. A - men.

From S. Gregory the Great.

8o The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

AT LAUDS, and daily.?

Hymnus. Hymn.

Au - di be - nig - ne Con-di - O mer-ci - ful Cre-a-tor!

- tor, Noftras pre - ces cum fle - ti - hear ; Regard our mingled tears and

5 j —— -I ^^g^^^^P*—
- bus, In hoc fa - cro Je - prayer, Heavenward to Thee de -

- ju - ni - o, Fu-fas Qua - dra-ge-na - voutly fent, In this our ho-ly Faft

ri - o. of Lent.

Audi benigne Conditor, O merciful Creator hear !

Noftras preces cum fletibus, Regard our mingled tears and prayer,
In hoc facro Jejunio, Heavenward to Thee devoutly fent,

Fufas Quadrigenario. In this our holy Faft of Lent.

Scrutator alme cordium ! Heart fearcher kind ! well known to Thee,

Infirma Tu fcis virium Is all our foul's infirmity

Ad Te reverfis exhibe, Repentant now we feek thy face

Remiffionis gratiam. Impart thy blefled pardoning grace.

Multum quidem peccavimus, Much have we finned in thy fight

Sed parce confitentibus Spare, who confefs their guilt aright
Ad laudem Tui Nominis, In honour of Thy Name, reftore
. Confer medelam languidis. Health to our ficknefies once more.

Sic corpus extra conteri Grant that the body's outward fenfe
Dona per abftinentiam Be chaftened by fit abftinence
Jejunet ut mens fobria, And thus the falling fpirit be
A labe prorfus criminum. From every guilty blemilh free.

Praefta, Beata Trinitas Beftow our prayer, Bleft Trinity !

Concede, Simplex Unitas Grant this, Unfevered Unity !

Ut fru&uofa fint tuis So may the gifts thy Faft imparts

Jejuniorum munera. Be precious to our loving hearts.

A - men. A - men.

P From S. Gregory the Great.

in The Lord's Days throughout the Year.

[JT LAUDS, Norwich Ufe, from The Firft Monday in QUADRAGESIMA;

after from The Third Sunday in QUADRAGESIMA, up to THE
Jam, Chrifte, Sol Juftitiae, O Christ, Thou Sun of Juftice, come,
Mentis dehifcant tenebrae ;
Pierce with thy rays our mental gloom ;

Virtutum ut lux redeat, With virtue light our fouls once more,

Terris diem cum reparas. And unto earth thy day reftore.

Das tempus acceptabile, The time acceptable is here,

Et penitens cor tribue ;
Make our repentant hearts fincere ;

Convertat ut benignitas, Convert us with thy kindly care,

Quos longa fuffert pietas. Whom thy long-fuffering mercies fpare.

Quiddamque penitentiae Grant that for all our deep offence,

Da ferre, quamvis grandium We offer Thee meet penitence ;

Majore Tui munere And thy forgiving fovereign grace,

Quod demptio fit criminum. May thus our heinous guilt efface.

Dies venit, Dies Tua, Thy Day draws near, the Day of blifs,
In qua reflorent omnia ;
When teeming Nature blooms afrefh ;

Laetemur in hac, ut tuae May we rejoice therein, O Lord,

Per hanc redu£U gratiae. To thy fweet favour then reftored.
Te rerum Univerfitas, Kind Trinity ! Thee evermore,
Clemens adoret Trinitas, The Univerfal Worlds adore 5
Et nos novi per veniam, And new create, by Thee forgiven,
Novum canamus canticum. Amen. We raife this new-made fong to Heaven. Amen.]

f[ At matins in Quadragesima, on the Third Sunday, and daily up to


Hymnus. Hymn.
:§= :-fa:

LA - RUM de-cus Je - ju RIGHT honour of the Len -

51: :
i, Mon - ftra - tur or - bi ten Faft ! From Heaven abroad on

51=: 5E
cce - li - tus, Quod Chrif - tus earth difplayed ; Which Chrift, The

Auc-tor om-ni-um, Ci - bis di - ca Author of all worlds, By his own faft

51: 3E
vit ab - fti - nens. hath fa- c red made.

1 From S. Gregory the Great.

; ; ; ! ;

82 The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

Clarum decus Jejunii, Bright honour of the Lenten Fall

Monftratur orbi ccelitus From Heaven abroad on earth difplayed;
Quod Chriftus Audtor omnium, Which Chrift, The Author of all worlds,
Cibis dicavit abftinens. By his own faft hath facred made.

Hoc Moyfes carus Deo, Through this was Mofes dear to God,
Legifque lator faftus eft ; And chofen herald of his Law ;

Hoc Heliam per aera, Elias thus his heavenward road,

Curru levavit igneo. Ethereal foared on fiery car.

Hinc Daniel myfteria, So Daniel, Lion conqueror, viewed

Vidlor leonum viderat God's myfteries in coming years ;
Per hoc, amicus intimus So John, the Bridegroom's loving friend,
Sponfi, Johannes claruit. Renowned in holy lore appears.

Hasc nos fequi dona Deus O help us, God of love we pray, !

Exempla parfimonise Their paths of abftinence to choofe ;

Tu robur auge mentium, Add ftrength unto our fouls, and all
Dans fpiritale gaudium. Thy fpiritual joys infufe.

Prasfta Pater per Filium, Grant this, O Father through The Son, !

Praefta per Almum Spiritum ; Grant this for Thy Fair Spirit's fake
Cum His per sevum triplici, Who, Threefold Majefty, yet One !

Unus Deus cognomine. Of endlefs glory doft partake.

51 — jp: 51=


Htmnus. Hymn.
3=^=Pi=:!z:«fcMr-|: 3=%:
Je - su ! Qua - dri - ge-na - rice Je - su ! who this our Lenten

Di - ca - tor ab - fti-nen-ti - ac ; tide, Of ab-fti-nence hath fandlified ;

- —— i-

Qui ob fa - lu - tern men-tium, And who t' amend our fouls' eftate,

Hoc San-xe - ras Je - ju - ni - um. This ho - ly Faft didft con - le-crate.

r From S. Hilar ius.

in The Lord's Days throughout the Year. 83

Jesu Quadrigenariae
! Jesu who this our Lenten tide,

Dicator abftinentiae Of abftinence haft fanclified

Qui ob falutem mentium, And who t' amend our fouls' eftate,
Hoc fanxeras Jejunium This holy Faft didft confecrate

Qui Paradifo redderes, So unto Paradife once more,

Servata parfimonia, By fober converfe to reftore,
Quos inde gaftrimargia The fouls whom thence enticing luft

Illecebrofa depulit Infatiate, had to ruin thruft

Adefto nunc, Ecclefiae, Be with thy Church in faving power,

Adefto penitentia? In her penitential hour

Quae pro fuis exceffibus When for the fins of bygone days,
Orat profulis fletibus. In plenteoufnefs of tears fhe prays.

Tu retroadla crimina, To all our heinous paft offence,

Tua remitte gratia Thy gracious pardon, Lord, difpenfe ;

Et a adhibe
futuris Henceforth, O kindeft Guardian! deign
Cuftodiam, Mitiffime ! To keep us from thofe fins again.
Ut expiati annuis So cleanfed in fpirit in thine eyes,
Jejuniorum vi&imis, By this our fafting facrifice,
Tendamus ad Pafchalia, May we thy Pafchal joys prepare,
Digne colenda gaudia. With meet and reverent love to fhare.

per Filium,
Praefta, Pater, Grant this, O Father through The Son,

Praefta per Almum Spiritum For Thy Good Spirit's fake, be done
Cum, His per aevum, triplici Adored throughout Eternity,
Unus Deus cognomine. In Honour One, in Perfon Three.

A - men. A - men.

|[ AT MATINS, in Sunday in THE PASSION OF THE LORD, and daily, up to THE

supper of the lord.
Htmnus. Hymn.

El—— ^4
ANGE lin-gua gloriofi EHEARSE, my tongue, the

Prae-li - um cer-ta - mi-nis, glorious war, The wondrous ftrife on

Et per cru tro-pae-um, Calvary, And o'er the trophy of the

fu - - cis

Die tri-umph-um no - bi-lem Crofs, Pour forth the high triumphal lay,

From Venantius Fortunatus.
; ; ;; ; ;;; ; — ; ; ;;; ;

84 The Hymns for The Propt r of The Time at Matins

Quali - ter
— 1 1
or- bis
L g
- ,
Saviour of the world was
1 1 —

^ H
- tus vi -
ce - rit. Yet did a noble viclory gain.

Pange lingua gloriofi Rehearse, my tongue, the glorious war,

Praelium certaminis, The wondrous ftrife on Calvary,
Et fuper crucis tropasum, And o'er the trophy of The Crofs,
Die triumphum nobilem ; Pour forth the high triumphal lay
Cjualiter Redemptor orbis The Saviour of the world was flain,
Immolatus vicerit. Yet did a noble victory gain.
De parentis protoplafti, He for our firft forefather mourned,
Fraude facta condolens, Lured by the artifice of Hell

Quando pomi noxialis, When of the noxious fruit,

Morte morfu corruit Beneath the ftroke of death he fell
Ipfe lignum tunc notavit, He marked in love that fatal tree,

Damna ligni ut folveret. From that tree's bane our fouls to free.

Hoc opus noftrae falutis, So ordered was the mighty plan,

Ordo depopolcerat So was falvation's work complete
Multiformis proditoris, So with the ftiifting traitor's art,
Ars ut artem falleret His guile fhould his own guile defeat
Et medelam ferret inde, And thence the healing medicine flow,
Hoftis unde lasferat. From him who dealt the hoftile blow.

Quando venit ergo facri Now when the fulnefs of the time
Plenitudo temporis Had come ;
upon that facred morn,
Miflus ab arce Patris,
eft Sent forth from His own Father's throne,
Natus orbis Conditor Earth's Maker on his Earth was born,
Atque ventre Virginali, And ifluing from a Virgin womb,
Caro faclus prodiit. Made flelh, did then our flelh aflume.

[Vagit lnfans inter arfta Behold how weeps the Royal Child,

Conditus prefepia Within a narrow manger laid

Membra pannis involuta, His limbs the Virgin Mother mild,
Virgo Mater alligat Hath meanly in apparel fwathed ;
Manus Pedes atque Crura, And lo His Feet and Hands divine ;

Strifta cingit fafcia. The coarfe encircling bands confine.]

Gloria et Honos Deo Glory and Honour be afcribed,

Ufque quo Altiffimo To God Moft Higheft as is meet,
Una Patri Filioque, At once to Father and to Son,
Inclito Paraclito And to The glorious Paraclete,
Cui Laus eft et Poteftas, To whom belong all Laud and Power ;

Per eterna fecula. Now and through ages evermore.

—_ BgB

A - men. A - men.
in The Lord's Days throughout the Year. 85

[From an Ancient Englijh Hymnary.] '

[Rex Angelorum praspotens, King of Angels Lord of Power ! !

Qui fponte pauper fadtus es ;

Of thine own will for us made poor ;

Ut nos per aevum divites, So we, of endlefs wealth pofiefled,

In aethre tecum poneres Might mare with Thee thy Heaven of reft

Largire nobis profpera, Grant us, to keep in hallowed courfe,

Crucis facrae follemnia Memorial of thy facred Crofs

Gratefque da perfolvere, And thanks to Thee devoutly pay,

Magnae tuae clementiae. For thy great mercy of this day.

Qui fuftinens opprobria, Thou who didft bitter fcorn fuftain,

Fel, Vincla, Sputa, Verbera, The Gall, the Spitting, Scourge and Chain,
Mortemque 3 nobis perpetis And Death fo thus on us beftowed,

Vitae parafti gloriam Eternal, glorious life with God

Nunc clarus in regno tuo, Now radiant in thy realms above,

Noftri memento quaefumus ;
Remember us with ceafelefs love ;

Et cum latrone perfrui, And grant us with the Thief to rife,

Da Paradiii gaudiis. And tafte the joys of Paradife.
Tecum Patrem piiflimum, Moft gracious Father, unto Thee,
Simulque Sanfto Spiritu, And Son, and Holy Spirit be,
Inferna, Terra, Sidera, By Hell, and Earth, and ftarry Heaven,
Tremunt, adorant, concrepunt. Amen. Fear, Adoration, Homage given. Amen.]

[From an Ancient Englijh Hymnary.~\ «

[Rex Chrifte, Faftor omnium, O Christ ! Our King ! by whom were framed
Redemptor et credentium j
The worlds, and us thy flock redeemed ;

Placare votis fupplicum Regard the vows thy fuppliants pour

Te laudibus colentium. Before Thee, and with praife adore.

Qui es Creator fiderum, Creator of the ftarry fphere !

Tegmen fubifti carneum j

Thou didft a flefhly garment wear ;
Dignatus hanc vilifiimam, And erft in lowlieft habit deign,
Pati doloris formulam. T'endure indignity and pain.

Ligatus es ut folveres, Thou'rt bound ! fo thus in funder burft,

Mundi mentis complices The fetters of a world accurfed ;

Per probra tergens crimina, So through thy taunts and ihame were fpared,
Quae mundus aufit plurima. The crimes which guilty man had dared.

Cujus benigna gratia, Whofe renovating grace benign,

Cujus per alma munera, And faireft bounties all divine,
Virtute folvit ardua, With prowefs all fubduing broke,
Primi parentis vincula. Our firft forefathers' finful yoke.
1 Harleian MSS., 2961.
" Harl. MSS., 2961, cent. x. — From S. Gregory the Great.
; ! ; ; ;; ; ! ; ; ; !!

86 The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

Cruci, Redemptor ! figeris, Saviour ! Thou'rt nailed unto the Crofs,

Terram fed omnem concitas ;
Yet Earth Thou fhakeft in her courfe j

Tradis potentem Spiritum ! Thou breatheft forth Thy mighty Soul

Nigrefcit omne feculum ! O'er Nature floods of darknefs roll

Mox in paternae gloriae, Now in Thy Father's glories bright,

Vidtor refplendens culmine, Refplendent Vidtor throned in might,

Cum Spiritus munimine, With Thy Bleft Spirit's guardian flay,

Defende nos, Rex Optime. Uphold us, Mighty King ! we pray.]


To The fame Melody as Pange Lingua.

Lustra fex qui jam pera&a, Six luftres paft ; his life in flefli

Tempus implens corporis, Complete ; of his own gracious will

Se volente natus ad hoc, Born to this glorious talk of love,
Paffioni deditus, Prepared His Paflion to fulfil
Agnus in Cruce levator, The Lamb upon The Crofs on high
Immolandus ftipite. Is raifed ; a Sacrifice to die.

Hie Acetum, Fel, Arundo, Lo ! Vinegar, and Gall, and Reed,

Sputa ! Clavis, Lancea, And Spitting Spear and Nails of
! woe
Mite Corpus perforatur His gentle frame acutely pierce,
Sanguis Unda profluit, Till forth that Blood and Water flow,
Terra, Pontus, Aftra, Mundus, Which Earth, Sea, Stars, and Nature lave,
Quo lavantur flumine. In one all renovating wave.

Crux fidelis ! inter omnes O Faithful Crofs ! thou peerlefs Tree !

Arbor Una nobilis In all creation nobleft wood !

Nulla fylva talem profert, No foreft yields the like of thee,

Fronde, flore, germine In leaf and flower, and fruitful bud ;
Dulce lignum dulces clavos,
! Sweet wood and fweet the nails which

Dulce pondus fuftinet. there

That fweet and wondrous burthen bear

Flette ramos, Arbor alta ! Bow down thy branches, haughty Tree
Tenfa laxa vifcera And give thy rigid flnews eafe
Et rigor lentefcat ille, Relax thy ftubbornnefs, and bid,
Quern dedit nativitas Thy native cruelty to ceafe !

Ut Superni membra Regis The limbs of The Celeftial King,

Miti tendas ftipite. Acrofs thy bofom gently fling !

Sola digna tu fuifti, Thou wert alone full meet efteemed,

Ferre pretium feculi Earth's perfecl ranfom to fuftain ;

Atque portum preparare, And pilot ftiipwrecked man redeemed,

Nauta mundo naufrago Within falvation's port again ;
Quem facer Cruor perunxit, Anointed with that facred gore,
Fufus Agni corpore. Which from The Lamb flows evermore.
in The Lord's Days throughout the Tear. 87

Gloria et Honos Deo, Glory and Honour be afcribed,

Ufquequo Altiffimo To God Moft Higheft as is meet,
Una Patri Filioque, At once to Father and to Son,
Inclito Paraclito ; And to The Glorious Paraclete,
Cui Laus eft et Poteftas To whom belong all Laud and Power
Per eterna fecula. Amen. Now and through ages evermore. Amen.

[In the passion of the lord at matins.

From the Anglo-Saxon Hymnariess

Htmnus. Hymn.
Auctor Salutis Unicus Salvation's Author ! Lord renowned,
Mundi Redemptor inclite Of Earth The One Redeemer found ;

Tu Chrifte nobis annuam Blefs Thou, O Chrift, in yearly courfe,

Crucis fecunda gloriam. To us the glory of thy Crofs.

Tu Sputa, Colaphos, Vincula, Thou Spitting, Stripes, and Chains, and Spear,
Et dura paffus verbera ;
And cruel bufferings didft bear ;
Crucem volens afcenderas, And will to afcend the Crofs of pain,
Noftras falutis gratiae. For us falvation to obtain.

Hinc Morte mortem diruens, So death by Death Thou didft o'erthrow,

Vitamque Vita largiens, And life through thine own Life beftow,
Mortis miniftrum l'ubdolum, And vanquifh Satan, crafty foe,
Deviceras Diabolum. The minifter of death and woe.

Nunc in Parentis dextera, Now on Thy Father's throne of ftate,

Sacrata fulgens VicTima, A mining Viftim confecrate,
Audi, precamur ! vivido Hear us, we pray Thee, Chrift The Good !

Tuo redemptos Sanguine. Redeemed by thy life-giving Blood.

Quo Te fequentes omnibus, Thither we evermore would run

Morum proceffu feculis, That holy courfe by Thee begun ;

Adverfus omne fcandalum, And, Jhield from all offence and lofs !

Crucis feramus Labarum. Lift up the Banner of the Crofs.

Praefta Beata Trinitas, Beftow our prayer, Bleft Trinity !

Concede Simplex Unitas ; Grant this, Unfevered Unity !

Ut fru&uofa lint tuis, So may the gifts thy Faft imparts,

Jejuniorum merita. Be precious to our loving hearts.]

v Cott. MSS., Brit. Muf., Vefpafian D xii., cent. xi.

Julius A vi., cent. x.

" Liber SanBa Maria Wygornenfn Ecclejia per Sanclum Ofivaldum," in Bibl. Coll. Chrifii Oxonia,
A. D., 1064.
Had. MSS., Brit. Mus., 2961, cent. x.
The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins


Htmnus. Htmn.

U-RO-RA Lu-cis ru HE Morn of Light its beams

ti - lat, Coe - lum lau - di - bus difplays, High Heaven refounds with

in - to - nat, Mun - dus ex - ult - ans echoing praife, Worlds jubilant their

ju-bi-lat, Ge-mens in-fer-nus u voices raife, Hell waileth in diftrefled

lu - lat

Aurora Lucis rutilat, The Morn of Light its beams difplays,

Ccelum laudibus intonat, High Heaven refounds with echoing praife,
Mundus exultans jubilat, Worlds jubilant their voices raife,
Gemens Infernus ululat Hell waileth in diftreffed amaze !

Cum Rex Ille fortiflimus, When He, The King of boundlefs might,
Mortis confradtis viribus, Death's mattered hofts difperfed in flight :

Pede conculcans Tartara, Beneath Him Satan's empire trode,

Solvit h poena miferos. And pardon on the loft bellowed.

Ille qui claufus lapide, He who within the rock had lain,

Cuftoditur fub milite, Clofe guarded by the armed train,

Triumphans pompa nobili, See in triumphal pomp is come,

VicTior furgit de funere. Arifmg Victor from the tomb.

Solutis jam gemitibus, Now Hell's laments are hufhed in peace,

Et Inferni doloribus Its forrows fhall for ever ceafe ;

Quia, Surrexit Dominus, For Lo ! The Lord hath rifen to-day !

Refplendens clamat Angelus. Loud doth the Ihining Angel fay.

Trifles erant Apoftoli, Sad were the Apoftolic train,

De nece fui Domini, For their dear Lord a Viftim flain,
Quern poena mortis crudeli, Whom impious flaves condemned to die,

Servi damnarant impii. A cruel death of agony.

From S. Ambrofe, of his fchool.

; ! ;; ! ; ; ;; ;

in The Lord's Days throughout the Tear. 89

Quefumus, Auftor omnium, Author of all ! be Thou
our ftay,
In hoc Pafchali gaudio, In this our Eafter joy we pray
Ab omni mortis impetu, Whene'er the aflaults of death impend,
Tuum defened populum. Thy people ftrengthen and defend.
Gloria Tibi Domine All Glory, gracious Lord to Thee, !

Qui furrexifti a mortuis Who from death triumphant, be

Cum Patre et Spiritu San&o, The Father and The Holy Ghoft,
In fempiterna fecula. Long as eternity mail laft.


AT LAUDS, and daily up to THE ASCENSION*

To the fame Melody.
Hymnus. HYMN.
Sermone blando Angelus In accents bland the Angel bleft,
Praedixit mulieribus The holy women thus addrefledj
In Galilasa Dominus O hafte your rifen Lord to fee
Videndus eft quantocyus. For He hath gone to Galilee.

Illas dum pergunt concitae Now anxious, they with loving Ipeed,
Apoftolis hoc dicere, To tell the Apoftles ftraight proceed
Videntes Eum vivere When lo their living Lord they meet,

Ofculantur pedes Domini. And kifs with joy his facred feet.
Quo agnito, difcipuli When the difciples heard the fame,
In Galilaeam propere To Galilee they quickly came ;

Pergunt, videre faciem They hafte with one accord to gaze,

DeJideratam Domini. Upon their Lord's beloved face.
Claro Pafchali gaudio, With clear and joyous Pafchal ray,
Sol mundo nitet radio, The Sun fhone fairly on that day,
Cum Chriftum jam Apoftoli, When his Apoftles Chrift once more,
Vifu cernunt corporeo. With their corporeal vilion faw.

Oftenfa fibi vulnera, To them His wondrous Wounds He lhe wed,

In Chrifti Carne fulgida As radiant in His Flelh they glowed
RefurrexhTe Dominum, Then loud with joyous voice they faid,
Voce fatentur publica. The Lord hath rifen from the dead !

Rex Chrifte clementiffime ! O King of mercy, Chrift ! no lefs

Tu corda noftra poffide, Do Thou our longing hearts poflefs

Ut Tibi laudes debitas, So to thy glory, all our days,
Reddamus omni tempore. We'll give the tribute of our praife.

x From S. Ambrofe, or one

of his School.
; ! ;: ! ; ! ; ;! ; ;

9° The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

Quefumus, Audlor omnium, Author of all be Thou our guide,


In hoc Pafchali gaudio, In this our joy of Eaftertide ;

Ab omni mortis impetu, Whene'er the afTaults of death impend,
Tuum defende populum. Thy people ftrengthen and defend.

Gloria Tibi Domine ! All glory, gracious Lordto Thee, !

Qui mrrexifti a mortuis Who from death triumphant, be

Cum Patre et Spiritu Sanfto, The Father and The Holy Ghoft,
In fempiterna fecula. Amen. Long as eternity mail laft. Amen.


From The Norwich, Canterbury, and Anglo-Saxon Hymnaries. y

Rex Eterne Domine O King Eternal ! Lord of grace
Rerum Creator omnium, Creator of the realms of fpace !

Qui eras ante fecula, Who ere Time's being had begun,
Semper cum Patre Filius Waft with The Father, Equal Son !

Qui mundi in primordio, Thy hand, when firft the worlds had birth,
Adam plafmafti hominem, Formed Adam, living man, from earth
Cui tuas imagini, And on his countenance beftowed,
Vultum dedifti fimilem $ The likenefs of his Parent God.
Quern Diabolus deceperat When mankind the foe,
Satan, of
Hoftis humani generis Beguiled him unto guilt and woe ;
Cujus Tu formam corporis His fhape, in flefh, with kindly care,
Affumere dignatus es $ For us Thou didft vouchfafe to wear

Ut hominem redimeres So man, from captive thrall to free,

Quem ante jam plafmaveras, Whom Thou hadft formed from the clay,
Et nos Deo conjungeres, And reconcile to God afrefh,
Per carnis contubernium. In fellowfhip of mortal flefh.

Quem editum ex Virgine, To Whom, The mighty Virgin-born

Pavefcit omnis anima, Awe-ftruck, doth every fpirit turn
Per Quem et nos refurgere, Through Whom devoutly we believe,
Devota mente credimus 5 That we fliall rife again and live ;

Qui nobis per baptifmum, Who haft by the baptifmal leaven,

Donafti indulgentiam, To us thy pardoning mercy given ;

Qui tenebamur vinculis, When by the bands of fin enthralled,

Ligati confcientiae And by accufing confcience galled j

Qui Crucem propter homines Who for loft man didft kindly deign,
Sufcipere dignatus es, To undergo the Crofs of pain,
Dedifti tuum Sanguinem, For whom thy precious blood was flied,

Noftra falutis pretium The price of our falvation paid :

y In Bibl. Afhmol, 1523, 1525. In Bibl. Lamb., 558. In Bibl. Cott., Brit. Muf. Vefpaf. A.
fee. int. This laft is a Pfalter, written in an Italian hand, but ufed in England, having an interlinear
Saxon tranflation.
in The Lord's Days throughout the Tear.
[Quefumus, Auftor omnium, [Author of all things ! gracious guide!
In hoc Pafchali gaudio, In this our joy of Eaftertide,
Ab omni mortis impetu, Whene'er the affaults of death impend,
Defende tuum populum.] z
Thy faithful people, Lord ! defend.]
Nam velum Templi fciflum eft, Thou, when the Temple veil was rent,
Et omnis Terra tremuit And trembling Earth in terror bent
Tu multos dormientium When rifing faints their flumbers broke,
Refufcitafti Domine And from their tombs, O Lord ! awoke
Tu hoftis antiqui vires The forces of the ancient foe,
Per Crucem mortis conterens, Didft by thy Crofs of death o'erthrow
Qua nos fignati frontibus, The feal, which on each brow imprefled
Vexillum fidei ferimus. Shines, enfign of our faith confefled.
Tu ilium a nobis Temper May'ft Thou from us that Fiend repel,
Repellere dignaveris j And evermore his malice quell
Ne unquam poflit lasdere So fhall he ne'er prevail to hurt,
Redemptos tuo Sanguine. The flock which thine own blood hath bought.
Qui propter nos ad Inferos Who downward to the infernal gate,
Defcendere dignatus es, Once for our fakes didft penetrate
Ut mortis debitoribus The gifts of Life eternal, there
Vitas donares munera. On death's doomed captives to confer.
Tibi matutino tempore, To Thee our morning Hymn we raife,
Hymnum deflentes canimus In mingled penitence and praife
Ignofce nobis, Domine, Pardon our fins, O Lord, we pray,
Ignofce confitentibus. Spare, who confefs them unto Thee.
Quia Tu Teftis et Judex es Thou art the Witnefs, we believe,
Quern nemo poflit fallere
j The Judge whom man cannot deceive ;

Secreta confcientiae Who doft the ways of confcience learn,

Noftrae videns veftigia. And all our fecret fteps difcern.
Tu noftrorum pectorum, Thou too, of every human heart,
Solus inveftigator es The One Omnifcient Searcher art $
Tu vulnerum latentium, Benign Phyfician making whole, !

Bonus adfiftis Medicus. The hidden wounds which kill the foul.

Tu es qui certo tempore, Thou at that hour decreed fhalt come,

Daturus finem feculi ; To worlds aflign their final doom j

Tu cunclorum meritis, And unto every earthly deed,

Juftus remunerator es. Award a juft and changelefs meed.
Te ergo, Sandle, quefumus, Moft Holy ! we thine aid implore,
Ut noftra cures vulnera, Our ftricken fouls to health reftore
Qui es cum Patre Filius, Who with The Father, Mighty Son !

Semper cum Sancto Spiritu. And Holy Ghoft, art ever One.
Gloria Tibi Pater Glory, O Father ! unto Thee,
Gloria Unigenito And to The One Begotten be ;

Una cum Sandlo Spiritu, Triune with Thee, O Holy Ghoft,

In fempiterna fecula ! Amen. Long as eternity fhall laft. Amen.]
Here ends the Hymn, according to the Canterbury and Norwich Ufe.
; ; ;

92 The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

On THE VIGIL OF PENTECOST, and throughout The Ottave.

Htmnus. Hymn.
[Anni peracYis menfibus, A year's fwift months have paffed away,
Tanta recurrunt gaudia, The joys of Pentecoft are here ;

Votifque dudum credulis, At length returns the wifhed for day,

Optatus advenit dies Again believing hearts to cheer.

In quo Spiritus Domini, 'Twas then The Spirit of The Lord,

Terras replevit gaudiis Fulfilled with heavenly joys the Earth ;

Celeftia adventus fui, His advent glories all abroad,

Mundo decurrunt lumina. From Heaven throughout the world go forth.

Sic namque Filius Dei, For thus the Son of God Moft High,
Apoftolis fpoponderat, His promife to the Apoftles made ;

Celfos petiffet cum polos, Afcending o'er the lofty fky,

Mifiurum Sandlum Spiritum. To fend His Holy Spirit's aid.

Adeft probatum teftibus, Lo ! He by fureft proofs is here,

Apoftolorum vocibus, Apoftles' voices witnefs bear,

Cum fint diverfis oribus, And various nations far and near,

Variis locuti gentibus. In divers tongues his power declare.

Tanto redempti munere, Saved byThe Spirit's wondrous Grace,

Patris et Nati, Spiritus, Of Father and of Son bellowed ;

Jugis agamus gratias, May we pour forth continual praife,

Deo perenni feculo. Amen. Throughout eternity to God. Amen.]

<[ AT MATINS, in THE DAY OF PENTECOST, and Daily Throughout the whole Week.

Htmnus. Hymn.

MM AM Chriftus aftra af-cenderat, O ! Chrift above the ftars

Pro - gref - fus un - de ve-ne-rat hath gone, Returning whence to man He

Pro - mif - fo Pa - tris mu - ne - re, came; The Father's promifed gift to fend,

Sane - turn da-tur - us Spi - ri - turn. The Holy Ghoft's life-giving flame.

a From an Englijh Hymnary. Harl. MSS., Brit. Muf. 2961, cent. x.

b From S. Ambroje, or one of his School.

in The Lord's Days throughout the Tear. 93
Jam Chriftus aftra afcenderat, Lo Chrift above the liars hath gone,

Progreflus unde venerat Returning whence to man He came

PromhTo Patris munere, The Father's promifed gift to fend,
Sanctum daturus Spiritum. The Holy Ghoft's life-giving flame.

Solemnis urgebat dies, Th' appointed day at length drew nigh,

Quo myftico feptemplici In folemn myftery fublime ;
Orbis volutus fepties, Seven times fevenfold this circling orb
Signat beata tempora. Revolving, marked that blefTed time.

Dum Hora cunftis Tertia, 'TwastheThirdHour on Earth, when hark !

Repente mundus intonat; Loud thunders echo all abroad

Orantibus Apoftolis, In prayer th' Apoftles proftrate wait,
Deum veniffe nunciat. The herald of their coming God.

De Patris ergo lumine, Then from The Father, Fount of Light

Decorus Ignis Almus eft ; Shone forth that fair and beauteous Fire ;

Qui fida Chrifti pe&ora, Oh may it in

! Chrift's faithful hearts,
Calore Verbi compleat. The fervour of His Word infpire.

Dudum facrata pedlora, So were their bofoms confecrate,

Tua replefti gratia Fulfilled with thy reftoring grace
Dimitte nunc peccamina, Now our tranfgreflions, Lord forgive, !

Et da quieta tempora. And grant us in our time thy peace.

Sit Laus Patri cum Filio, we The Father with The Son,
Sanfto limul Paraclito And with The Holy Paraclete ;

Nobifque mittat Filius, So may The Son to us impart,

Charifma Sandli Spiritus. All gifts from His Good Spirit meet.
Amen. Amen.


To the fame Melody.
Htmnus. Hymn.
Impleta gaudent vifcera, How glow their hearts with facred joys !

Afflata Sanfto fpiritu How with The Holy Ghoft replete,

Voces diverfas intonant, In divers tongues and cheerful voice,
Fantur Dei magnalia. God's wondrous doings they repeat

Ex omni gente cogniti, On Earth from every region known,

Graecis, Latinis, Barbaris Greek, Latin, and Barbarian join
Cundtifque admirantibus All in each other's language own
Linguis loquuntur omnium. The marvels of this grace divine.
Judaea tunc incredula, But lo ! Juda;a, faithlefs land,
Vefana torvo fpiritu, With unrelenting fury fired,
Ruftare mufti crapulam, Shouts forth :
" See Chrift's difcipled band
Alumnos Chrifti concrepat. With fumes of new-made wine infpired !"
;; ; ;! ; ; ! ;; ;

94 The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

Sed fignis et virtutibus Then with prevailing figns and might

Occurrit, et docet Petrus Peter flood forth, and fpoke fevere
Falfa profari perfidos, " Falfe are your words of treacherous fpite;
Johelis teftimonio. Bear witnefs, Johel ! truthful Seer."

Dudum facrata peftora, So were bofoms confecrate,

Tua replefti gratia Fulfilled with thy reftoring grace
Dimitte nunc peccamina, Now our tranfgreflions, Lord forgive, !

Et da quieta tempora. And grant us in our time thy peace !

Sit Laus Patri cum Filio, we The Father, with The

Praife Son,
Sanfto fimul Paraclito And with The Holy Paraclete
Nobilque mittat Filius, So may The Son to us impart,
Charifma Sandli Spiritus. All gifts from His good Spirit meet.
Amen. Amen.


V 1 H. i

E with us, Ho-ly Trini-ty !

Par Splendor ! U - na Co - e - qual Light ! One De-i

tas re - rum om - ni - um, Of all the crea - tures of thy hand,

Si - ne fi - ne prin - ci - pi - 1
Su-preme beginning with-out end.

Adesto, Sanfta Trinitas Be with us, Holy Trinity !

Par Splendor ! Una Deitas ! Coequal Light One Deity

! !

Qui extas rerum omnium, Of all the creatures of thy hand,

Sine fine Principium. Supreme Beginning without end.

Te ccelorum militia, Heaven's armies with devout acclaim,

Laudat, adorat, predicat Adore and laud Thy glorious Name
Triplexque mundi machina, And Nature's threefold fabric Thee
Benedick per fecula. Doth blefs throughout eternity.
Aflumus et nos cernui, With heavenward gaze thy fervants now
Te adorantes famuli To Thee in adoration bow ;
Vota precefque fupplicum, O with the hymns of faints in light,
Hymnis junge celeftium. Do Thou our fuppliant vows unite
in The Lord's Days throughout the Tear.
Unum Te Lumen credimus, One Brightnefs we acknowledge Thee !

Quod eft Ter Idem colimus The Same we worfhip, wondrous Three
Alpha et £2 quern dicimus, Alpha and Omega we laud,
Te laudat omnis fpiritus. And every fpirit hails Thee God !

Laus Patri fit ingenito ! Praife we The

Father, born of none
Laus Ejus Unigenito ! Praife toHis One-begotten Son !

Laus fit Sandto Spiritui ! And praife, O Holy Ghoft, to Thee,

Trino Deo et Simplici. God Triune, yet One, ever be !

A - men. A -


Htmnus. Hymn.

O Pa-ter Sanfte ! mi-tis at


- que
—O •-
Ho - ly
— Fa-ther ! gracious

pie ! O Je - su Chrifte, Fi - li and be - nign ! O Je - fu Chrift ! The

:! ——— "
m —\
Ve - ne - ran-de ! Pa - ra - cli-te'-que Ve - ne - ra-ble Son ! And Spi - rit

Spi - ri - tus ! O Al - me, Pa - ra - clete ! all praife be thine,

De-us E-ter-ne! E - ter - nal One
O Pater Sanfte ! mitis atque pie ! O Holy Father gracious and benign ! !

O Jefu Chrifte ! Fili Venerande ! O Jefu Chrift The Venerable Son ! !

Paracliteque Spiritus ! O Alme, And Spirit Paraclete ! all praife be thine,

Deus Eterne Eternal One

Trinitas Santta ! Unitafque firma !

O Holy Trinity firm Unity ! !

True Deity Thou Goodnefs unconfined

Deitas Vera ! Bonitas immenfa !

Lux Angelorum The Light of Angels and theorphan's ftay !

! Salus
Spefque cunftorum
Hope of mankind

All things ferve Thee which thy right

Serviunt Tibi cunfta quae creafti, hand hath made
Te, tuas cundlae laudant creaturae, Thee laudeth all thy whole creation fair;
Nos quoque Tibi pfallimus devote, And we thy praife devoutly celebrate,
Tu nos exaudi O hear our prayer !
gS The Hymns for The Proper of The Time at Matins

Gloria Tibi Omnipotens Deus Glory to Thee, Almighty God of Heaven !

Trinus et Unus Magnus et Excelfus Triune yet One Infinite and Moft High

Hymnus, Honor, Laus,

To mi TT 1 T TT y>
Thee be Hymns, Laud, Honour, Glory,

1 1

Te decet et

Decus, given,
Nunc et in aevum. Amen. Eternally ! Amen.

\Al LAUDii. from an Anslo-ii axon rlymnary .

Hymnus. Hymn.
Ave ! colenda Trinitas, All hail ! Adored Trinity !

Ave ! perennis Unitas, All hail ! Eternal Unity !

Pater Deus ! Nate Deus The Father, God and God The Son ! !

Et Deus Alme Spiritus ! And God Fair Spirit Ever One ! !

En Tibi nunc gratuita Behold ! to Thee this blefied day,

Depromimus praeconia We loudly pour the thankful lay

Quae Tibi funt graviflima, For thy rich gifts of pricelefs worth,

Et nobis faluberrima. The faving health of all our earth.

Te Trinum femper laudamus, Thee, Triune ! praife we evermore,

Atque Unum adoramus Thee, The Eternal One adore !

Tuae dulcis clementiae, So thy fweet mercy, ever kind,

Sentiamus munimina. May we our fure protection find.

O Trinitas ! Unitas O Trinity ! O Unity

Adefto fupplicantibus Be with us as we worlhip Thee ;

Et Angelorum laudibus, And to the Angels' fongs in light,

Admitte quod perfolvimus. Amen. Our prayers and praifes now unite. Amen.]


O veneranda Trinitas laudanda, O Trinity revered ! worthy praife !

Valde benigna, gloriaque digna, Ineffably benign, of Glory King !

Noftras exaudi preces quibus Tibi, Regard the prayers we make, the thankful lays

Canimus Hymnum. To Thee we fing.

Te invocamus atque adoremus, Thee we invoke, devoutly Thee adore ;

Teque laudamus Trinitas beata ! Thee we exalt, O Trinity Moft Bleft !

Tu nobis dona fcelerum cunctorum From all our fins, grant us for evermore,

Remiffionem. Pardon and reft.

Ut valeamus mentibus devotis, So may we learn, with minds devout and pure,
Agere dignas Tibi quoque laudes, Meet praife to give Thee ; fo with grateful voice,
Die ac nofte, horis et momentis, By day, by night, each moment of each hour,

Semper dicentes, In Thee rejoice.

Gloria ingens fine fine manens, Glory unbounded, from all Earth and Heaven,

Sit Trinitati ! Summae Deitati Unchanging Trinity ! Sublimeft Deity

Cunfta per fecula voce fimul una, Throughout all ages, with one voice be given,
Cuncti dicamus. Amen. By all to Thee ! Amen.]
c Hytnnarium cum wrfione interlineari Saxonica, Cotton. MSS. Brit. Muf., Julius A. vi., cent. x.

* Ibid.
At Prime. 97
LORY The Father, and
be to
to The Son and to The :

Holy Ghoft ;

f[ [For Sundays and week-dap, except thai

As it was in the begin-
the Petitions before The Ori/on are not
ning, now, and ever fhall be world
is :

without end. Amen.

/aid on Sundays.]
LLELUYA ; or, from the Mafs
TN The Name of The Father, and of preceding Sunday in Septua-
1 The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft gefima to Thurfday
in The
(with the Jign of the Cro/s). <i*
Supper of The Lord,

RAISE to Thee, O Lord,

^^UR Father (fecretly, /landing).
we fing,
Of Glory The Eternal

J.JAIL Mary (fecretly). King.

[All the above, except Our Father and

Hail Mary, which are fill to be faid,
GOD, make fpeed to fave are omitted from the three days ?iext
me. f preceding E after, at all the Hours ; and
O Lord, make hafte to in The Day of Souls when it is the Ser-
help me. vice for that day.%\

In all week-days throughout the year s and in Feajls in which a Noclurn is /aid
without the Time of Eafter.

AM lu - cis or - to Si HE Star of light hath rifen,

as — i 1
Bg -

-de - re, De-um pre-ce-mur fup-pli - and now To God with fuppliant voice

- ces ; Ut in di - ur - nis ac - we pray, May He, in all our words


ti - bus, Nos fer - vet a no - cen and works, Keep us from fin and harm

ti - bus. A-men. this day. A-men.

e " Prime belongeth to the Firjl Hour of the Day, after Sunrijing." —Myrroure, Ixv. b.
See Note to Sunday at Matins.
S From the Rubrics for The Proper of The Time, and from the Arundel and Arlyngham MSS.
At Prime.

On Sundays throughout Advent.

and works, Keep us from fin and

The Star of light hath rifen, and

harm this day.

now To God with fuppliant voice

In S. Stephen's Day, and the three days
Zi=qp=i==qiz:^: following; and in The Circumcifion of
The Lord ; and in all Commemorations
we pray ; May He, in all our words of The Bleffed Mary, from the Oclave
of The Epiphany to The Purification.

and works, Keep us from fin and

The Star of light hath rifen, and now

harm this day.

To God with fuppliant voice we pray ;

In the Day of The Nativity, and in the

Feaji of Relics ; of The Dedication of
the Church, and in all Feafts of the
Bleffed Mary ; and in The Nativity of May He, in all our words and works,
S. John The Baptijl ; and in the Feaft
Peter and Paul ; and of
Ei^~ B
-i »»—
of the Apojlles
S. Auguftine the Apoflle of the Englijh,
Keep us from fin and harm this day.
when celebrated after Eafter : in the
Feafts of the Holy Confeffors and Dotlor s
Gregory and Ambrofe, if they happen
before The Paftton ; in the Feaft of S. A - men.
Auguftine, Bijhop and Great Dotlor, in
Auguft ; in the Feaft of S. Michael, in On the Sixth Day from The Nativity of
September ; of S. Jerome, Prefbyter and The Lord, and thenceforward daily up to
Dotlor ; and in the Tranjlation of S. the Vigil of The Epiphany, and in The
Edward, King and Confeffor. Vigil, if it be a Sunday; and in all
Feafts ofix. Leffons,from the Oclave of
The Epiphany to The Purification of The
The Star of light hath rifen, and BleffedMary.

now To God with fup-pliant voice The Star of light hath rifen, and now

we pray ; May He, in all our words To God with fuppliant voice we pray ;
At Prime. 99

^=1 -^i-::^.t:
May He, in all our words and works, May He, in all our words and works,

Keep us from fin and harm this day. Keep us from fin and harm this day.

In the Vigil of The Epiphany, if it be not Daily within the O Slave of The Epiphany,
a Sunday ; and in all week-days and except on Sunday.
Vigils, from the Slave of E after to
Pentecoft, and within the O Slave ; and
in the O Slave, when there are no Con-
ductors of the Choir ; and in all Feafts The Star of light hath rifen, and now
of iii. Leffons, when the Choir has no
Conductors (except in Feafts in which a
NoSlurn is faid), throughout the whole
To God with fuppliant voice we pray;

3=t . _ _ _ _ +m ,

The Star of light hath rifen, and now May He, in all our words and works,

To God with fuppliant voice we pray ;

Keep us from fin and harm this day.

May He, in all our words and works, On all Sundays from the Firft Sunday after
the Slave of The Epiphany to Quadra-
geftma, when it is the Service for the
Keep us from fin and harm this day.

The Star of light hath rifen, and now

In the Day of The Epiphany ; and in the

Sunday within the OSlave, and in the To God with fuppliant voice we pray;

3£ May He, in all our words and works,

The Star of light hath rifen, and now

To God with fuppliant voice we pray; Keep us from fin and harm this day.
— — —H

ioo -At Prime.

In the Firft and Second Sundays in £>ua-

^ . - 1*— "i
dragejima. 1
— H

" ^ May He, in all our words and works,

* * * Fi " '
The Star of light hath rilen, and now
&———_ ~ A^
hH — — —
r_ _—
fm — B«

!_J_J| ?,
F—fm , . Keep us from fin and harm this day.

To God with fuppliant voice we pray;

In Sunday in the Oclave of Eafter, in all

Sundays up to The Afcenfion of The Lord.
lViay n.Cj in all our wurub diiu. wuiko,

< f. - _ . . t
The Star of light hath rifen, and now
Keep us from fin and harm this day.

In the Third and Fourth Sundays in

^uadrageftma. To God with fuppliant voice we pray;

H— .
Ma p-^-i . ,- -
The Star of light hath rifen, and now
May He, in all our words and works,
£==4 . . t N

To God with fuppliant voice we

5 B
B_B^_ B ^
^ t^—pa—
— f

Keep us from fin and harm this day.

1 ^ Pi

May He, in all our words and works,

#// week-days and Vigils, from the
P Oclave of Eafter to The Vigil of Pen-
5 - =, -fb t
tecoft, inclujive.
Keep us from fin and harm this day.
~ + =*—, t

The Star of light hath rifen, and now

A - men.

In Sunday in The PaJJion of The Lord s

t=i=a — -—3 t=r=S= Fi t

and in Sunday in the Branches of Palm ; To God with fuppliant voice we pray;
and in either Feaft of the Holy Crofs.
v '
^ * 1 ^ . ^-t

May He, our words and works,

in all
The Star of light hath rifen, and now

!bi > m*j * > ^ I:

To God with fuppliant voice we pray; Keep us from fin and harm this day.
At Prime. ioi

In the Day of The

andfrom thence up
Afcenfion of The Lords
to The Vigil of Pen- —^
—SZ.— —— * j:

tecoft whatever be the Service, except To God with fuppliant voice we pray
in the Feaft of The Holy Crofs, or when
there is the Service of The Commemo- (5 .

ration of the B.M.


; F»-=^i~
May He, in all our words and works,

The Star of light hath rifen, and ? .

us from fin and
this day.
. i

now, To God with fuppliant voice we

j. ft t'fjc as uy uj jl fjc j. juiy jl i tin i y 9 uiiii
* fl
-H * m=m .- thenceforward up
days in
Advent, on all Sun-

the Service for the Sunday.

pray ; May He, in all our words and
% P" b. «_ h
^ 1 f- * Bi flu
The Star of light hath rifen, and now
works, Keep us from Jin and harm

* *r-*rt**—* 1
^ —___ B —_ _ 1_

this day. A - men. To God with fuppliant voice we pray

In The Day of Pentecojl, and throughout

the week. May He, in all our words and works,

* - ~* ? t
% f

The Star of light hath rifen, and now Keep us from fin and harm this day.' 1

HrMNUS* Hymn.
Jam lucis orto Sidere, The Star of light hath rifen, and now
Deum precemur fupplices To God with fuppliant voice we pray
Ut in diurnis aftibus May He in all our words and works,
Nos fervet a nocentibus. Keep us from fin and harm this day.

Linguam refraenans temperet, May He reftrain th' unruly tongue,

Nec litis horror infonet And hum the hateful din of ftrife ;

Vifum fovendo contegat, Our ftraying vilion kindly fhield,

Ne vanitates hauriat. From all the vanities of life.
Sint pura cordis intima, O may our hearts be pure within,
Abfiftat et vecordia Far hence the thoughts of folly dwell
Carnis terat fuperbiam Sparenefs of meat and drink, in flelh
Potus cibique parcitas All wanton pride and paffion quell ;

h There are feven other Melodies for this Hymn folely appropriate to certain particular Fejii'val days.
' From S. Ambroje, or of his School.
! ; ! ;; ;! ; :: ! ; !! : ; ;

ioa At Prime.
Ut cum dies abfceflerit, So when the daylight fades away,
Noflemque fors reduxerit, Andnight returns o'er Earth again,
Mundi per abftinentiam Unfullied by the world, we may
Ipfi canamus gloriam To Him lift up th' adoring ftrain

Deo Patri fit Gloria ! To God The Father, Glory be

Ejufque Soli Filio And Glory to His Only Son
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, And Spirit Paraclete, to Thee !

Et nunc et in perpetuum. Amen. Now, and while endlefs ages run. Amen.

Jam lucis orto Sidere, The Star of light hath rifen, and now
Deum precemur fupplices To God in fuppliant prayer we bow :

Ut in diurnis aftibus, May He in every word and way,

Nos lervet a nocentibus. From harm prefer ve us through the day.

Linguam refracnans temperet, So may He foothe our tongues in peace,

Nec horror infonet
litis And make the din of ftrife to ceafe
Vifum fovendo contegat, And kindly fliield our ftraying eyes,
Ne vanitates hauriat. From gazing on Earth's vanities.
Sint pura cordis intima, O may our inmoft hearts be pure !

Abfiftat et vecordia From folly all our thoughts fecure :

Carnis terat fuperbiam, Sparenefs of meat and drink full well

Potus cibique parcitas All carnal pride and paffion quell j

Ut cum dies abfceflerit, So when the day departs, and night

Nodiemque fors reduxerit In turn fucceeds the waning light
Mundi per abftinentiam Pure from the world, to Him again
Ipfi canamus gloriam We may lift up th' adoring ftrain ;

Deo Patri fit Gloria To God The Father Glory be !

Ejufque Soli Filio ! And Only Son alike to Thee

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With The Bleft Spirit Paraclete,
Et nunc et in perpetuum. Amen. Now and for ever as is meet. Amen.

|[ [At PRIME, inftead of'the Hymn Jam lucis in The Day of THE NATIVITY of The
Lord, and daily up to The Circumcifion, in the Hereford Office, is faid the following

HYMNUS.i Hymn.
Corde natus ex Parentis, Begotten of The Father's bofom,
Ante mundi exordium ! Ere the worlds to being rofe !

Alpha et £2 cognominatus ; Alpha and Omega His Name

Ipfe Fons et Claufula, He, the Fount, the wondrous Clofe,
Omnium quae funt, fuerunt, Of things that paft or prefent be,
Quasque poft futura funt, Of all that time unborn fliall fee,
Seculorum feculis From age to age !

j From Prudcntius.
At Prime. 103

Ipfe juflit et creata ; He gave command, they flood create

Dixit Ipfe et funt fafta ; He fpake the word, and they were made;
Terra, Caelum, fbffa ponti The Earth, the Heaven, the deep profound,
Trina rerum machina The world's trine fabric He arrayed
Quseque in his viguit fub alto Whate'er beneath the lofty fpheres
Solis et Lunse globo, Of Sun and Moon, with life appears,
Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

Tibi Chrifte fit cum Patre ! To Thee, O Chrift ! Father to Thee !

Agiofque Spiritu, And The Holy Spirit be,

Hymnus, Melos, Laus perennis, Hymns, Worfliip, Laud, and Melody,
Gratiarum actio, Thankfgiving everlaftingly,
Honor, Virtus, et Poteftas, Honour, and Power, and Victory,
Regnum eternaliter, Kingdom, and Might, eternally,
Seculorum feculis. Amen. From age to age. Amen.

In the York Office until the O Slave of The Epiphany.

Hymnus* Hymn.
Agnoscat omne feculum, Let the wide world confefs, from Heaven
Veniffe vitas praemium The grace of Earth is given
life to
Poft hoftis afperi jugum, Broken is Satan's yoke of pain,
Apparuit redemptio. Redemption hath appeared to men.

Ifaias quae praecinit, Ifaiah's ftrains prophetic meet,

Completa funt in Virgine In the bleft Virgin all complete ;

Annunciavit Angelus, An Angel's voice th' event revealed,

Sanftus replevit Spiritus. The Holy Ghoft the boon fulfilled.

Gloria Tibi Domine, Glory to Thee, O Lord be paid, !

Qui natus esde Virgine ; Born of the wondrous Mother Maid

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye,
In fempiterna fascula. Amen. Now and throughout eternity. Amen.]

[AT PRIME, in the OcJave of Eafter, and daily up to THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD.
[From an Anglo-Saxon Hymnary.] 1

Hymnus. Hymn.
Te lucis auftor perfonent Author of Light we raife to Thee,

Hujus catervse carmina Our Hymn of choral melody

Quam Tu replefti gratia Filled with thy mighty grace and power,
Anaftafis potentia. In this thy Refurre&ion's hour.

Nobis dies hie innuit, How doth this wondrous day fhew forth
Diem fupremum fiftere That laft and folemn hour of earth !

Quo mortuos refurgere, When the dead, raifed to meet their doom,
Vitasque fas fit reddere. In life ftiall iffue from the tomb !

k From Venantim Fortunatus. MSS.

Cotton. Vejp. D. xii., cent. x.
! ;

104 At Prime.
Octava Prima redditur, Now Firft of days the Eighth we own,
Dum mors ab unda tollitur j
Now death by water is o'erthrown ;

Dum mente circumcidimur, New born, our nature is made whole,

Novique denum nafcimur. By circumcifion of the foul.

Dum Mane noftrum cernimus Behold ! our Light, our glorious Morn,

Rediffe, vidtis hoftibus 5

Triumphant o'er his foes return ;

Mundique luxum temnimus, Leave we a world of luft and ftrife,

Panem falutis fumimus. To feed upon the bread of life.

Haec alma fit Solemnitas !

Fair be this fweet and folemn day !

Sit clara haec Feftivitas !

Shine clear the Feaft in bright array

Sit feriata gaudiis May gladnefs crown this hallowed tide,

Dies reducta ab inferis. From Hell reclaimed and fanftified.

Gloria Tibi Domine !

Glory to Thee, O Lord of Heaven !

Qui furrexifti a mortuis ;

Who rofe again from death, be given

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft to Ye !

In fempiterna fecula. Now and throughout eternity.]

Psalm XXI. [Ps. xxn. e. v.] All that faw me laughed me to fcorn :

[To the end, for rifing in the morning. A they fpoke with their lips, and fhook the
Pfalm of David. A Pfalm for Prayer. Relates head.
to The Paffion of Chrift.] He trufted in The Lord, let Him refcue
him Him fave him, fince He will have
: let
h e Lord is my fhepherd. Amen. But Thou He
art that drew me out of
my mother's womb ; my hope, from my
Deus, Deus mens. upon Thee
mother's breafts : I was caft
GOD, my
God, look from the womb.
upon me, Even from my mother's belly Thou art
why haft Thou
forfaken me? far from my my God : O depart not from me. :

falvation are the words of For trouble is hard at hand fince there :

my offences. is none to help me.

O my God ! I will cry Many oxen have come about me fat :

in the day time, but Thou bulls have befieged me.

wilt not hear and in the night feafon,
: They have opened their mouths upon
and it is no folly to me. me as a lion ravening and roaring.

But Thou dwelleft in the Holy Place : I am poured out like water and all my :

O Thou Laud of Ifrael! bones are disjointed.

Our fathers trufted in Thee : they My heart is become like melting wax :

trufted, and Thou didft deliver them. in the midft of my body.

They called upon Thee, and were My ftrength hath dried up like a potf-

faved : they put their truft in Thee, and herd, and tongue hath cleaved to my
were not confounded. jaws : and Thou haft brought me into
But I am a worm, and no man a the duft of death. :

fcorn of men, and the outcaft of the people. For many dogs are come about me : and
:: ! ;

At Prime.
[O God ! fource of all mercy ! Who, for our
the counfel of the malicious hath belieged
fakes, defcending into the deep, waft haled to the
me. Crofs, pierced with the nails, whofe veftments
They pierced my hands and my feet were parted by lot, and who didft rife triumphant
they numbered all my bones. from Hell we pray Thee, O Lord, that Thou

wouldeft remember this our ranfom ; and as Thou

They looked, alfo, and flared upon me :
waft of old the refcuer of the fathers from the
they parted my garments among them, mouth of the Lion, fo Thou wouldeft be the de-
and upon my vefture they call lots. liverer of thofe who truft in Thee ; Who liveft and

But Thou, O Lord, remove not thy help reigneft with God The Father, in the Unity
of The Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.
farfrom me regard me for my defence.
God, deliver my foul from the fword :

my Only One from the power of the dog.

Save me from the mouth of the Lion :

and my lowlinefs from the horns of the [A Pfalm of David. A Pfalm for Meditation.
unicorns. This Pfalm defcribes the bleflings of Baptifm.]
1 will declare Thy Name unto my
The Church Dominus regit me.
brethren : in the midft of
will I praife Thee. HTHE Lord is my Ihepherd, and I lhall
Ye that fear The Lord, praife Him lack nothing : in a place of pafture
allye the feed of Jacob, glorify Him. there hath He placed me.
Let all the feed of Ifrael fear Him for :
He hath led me forth belide the waters
He hath not fpurned nor defpifed the fup- of comfort : He hath converted my foul.
plication of the poor. He hath led me in the paths of righte-
Nor turned He his face away from me :
oufnefs for His Name's fake.

when I called upon Him He heard me. For though I walk even in the midft of
Mypraife is of Thee in the great the lhadow of death I will fear no evil, :

Church : my vows will I perform in the for Thou art with me.
fight of them that fear Him. Thy rod and thy ftafF they have com- :

The poor fhall eat and be fatisfied, they forted me.

lhall praife The Lord who feek after Him :
Thou haft prepared a table in my light
and ever.
their hearts mail live for ever againft them me.
that trouble
They fhall remember themfelves, and Thou haft anointed my head with oil
be turned unto The Lord all the confines :
and my cup of drinking, how excellent
of the Earth. is it

And all the families of the Gentiles And thy loving kindnefs lhall follow
mall worfhip before Him. me all the days of my life.

For the kingdom is The Lord's and :

And I will dwell in the Houfe of The
He is The Governor among the Gentiles. Lord for the length of days.

All the fat ones upon the Earth have Glory be to The Father, and to The
eaten and worfhipped in his fight lhall
Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

all fall who defcend into the Earth. As it was in the beginning, is now, and
And my foul lhall live to Him : and ever lhall be world without end. Amen.

my feed lhall ferve Him.

The generation to come lhall be de- [Be our ihepherd, Lord, we entreat TheeO
and may we receive good things from thy
clared unto The Lord
and the Heavens

fweetnefs ; fo that, obtaining an eternal habitation

fhall declare his righteoufnefs, unto a peo-
in thy tabernacles, we may be fulfilled with the
ple that lhall be born, whom The Lord plenteoufnefs of thine everlafting cup, through
hath made. Chrift Our Lord. Amen.]
: ::

1 06 At Prime.
Psalm XXIII. [Ps. xxiv. e. v.] Ad Te, Domine, levavi.

the Firft from the Sabbath.

[On Pfalm of A TJNTO Thee, O
Lord, have I lift up
David. A
Prophetical Pfalm for meditation. This my foul : my
God, I have put my
Pfalm relates to the foundation of The Church, truft in Thee ; I fhall not be afhamed.
from which are excluded the Idols, and Chrift the Neither let mine enemies mock at me :
King of Glory enters.]
for all they that wait for Thee fhall not
Domini eft terra. be confounded.

'"pHE Earth is The Lord's, and the Confounded be all they that do wicked-
nefs : vainly.
fulnefs thereof : the compafs of the
world, and all that dwell therein.
Shew me thy ways, O Lord : and teach
For He hath founded it upon the feas me thy paths.

and prepared it upon the floods. Direct me in thy truth and learn me :

Who fhall afcend into the mountain for Thou art God my Saviour, I have
or who fhall ftand in his
waited for Thee all the day long.
of The Lord :

Call to remembrance thy compaffions,

Holy Place ?

He of innocent hands, and a pure

that is
O Lord : and thy mercies which are of
heart and that hath not given his mind

unto vanity, nor fworn in deceit to his

The ofFences of my youth : and my
ignorances remember not.

He fhall receive
According to thy mercy remember
blefling from The
Lord : and mercy from The of thy goodnefs, O Lord
God of his Thou me : !

Gracious and righteous is The Lord
This is the generation of them that wherefore He will give a law to them that
feek Him of them that feek the face of are linners in the way.

The God of Jacob. He will guide the meek in judgment

Lift up your gates, ye princes and He will teach the gentle his ways.

be ye lift up, eternal portals and The All the ways of The Lord are mercy
! :

King of Glory fhall enter in. and truth unto fuch as keep his cove- :

Who is The King of Glory? it is The nant and his teftimonies. :

Lord ftrong and mighty, The Lord mighty For Thy Name's fake, O Lord, be
in battle.
forgiving unto my fin : for it is great.

Lift up your ye princes and be

gates, !
What man he that feareth The Lord?

ye lift up, eternal portals and The King ! :

He hath appointed him a law in the way
that he hath chofen.
of Glory fhall enter in.
Who is The King of Glory ? : The Lord His foul fhall dwell in goodnefs and :

his feed mail inherit the land.

of Holts ; He is The King of Glory.
The Lord is a fupport to them that fear
[O God ! who eftablilheth the Earth, to whom Him and his covenant, that it may be

all its fulnefs doth do fervice, reftore us to innocency

of life that with Thee for our forerunner, we may
made manifeft to them.

be enabled to afcend the mountain of holinefs, Mine eyes are ever upon The Lord :
through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.] for He fhall pluck my feet out of the

Psalm XXIV. [Ps. xxv. e. v.] Look upon me, and have mercy upon
me for I am defolate and in poverty.

[To the end,Pfalm of David. A Pfalm for

Prayer. This Pfalm is the Voice of The Church,
The forrows of my heart are multi-
to which juft men and ail Catholics adhere, for plied bring Thou me out of my dif-

they trull in The Lord.] treffes.

At Prime. 107

Look upon my humility and my trou- O God, deftroy not my foul with the
ble and forgive me all my faults.
: wicked and my life with men of blood.

Conlider mine enemies, for they are In whofe hands are iniquities and their :

increafed and they hate me with a cruel

: right hand is full of gifts.
hatred. But I have walked in mine innocence :

Keep my
and deliver me I will
foul, : redeem me, and be merciful unto me.
not be afhamed, for I have put my trull My foot hath flood in the diredl; way :

in Thee. in the Churches I will blefs Thee, O

The innocent and upright have kept by Lord.
me becaufe I have waited for Thee.
[O Lord, we befeech Thee, bellow thy mercy
Deliver Ifrael, O God out of all his : upon thy fuppliant fervants, and make us devoted
tribulations. to thy truth ; fo that, eftabliflied in the walk of
innocency, we may be worthy to be delivered from
Glory be to The Father.
the wicked, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
As it was in the beginning.

[O moft kind and merciful God, deliver us, who

liftup our fouls unto Thee, from all our afflictions : Psalm LIII. [Ps. liv. e. v.]
remember not, we befeech Thee, the offences of
our youth, pardon our ignorances, and in thy [To the end, in Verfes, a Pfalm of David, when
clemency forgive whatever guilt we may through the Ziphites came and faid to Saul, doth not
negligence have incurred, through Chrift our Lord. David hide himfelf with us ? A Pfalm for Prayer.
Amen.] The voice of The Church againft Heretics,]

PSALM XXV. [PS. XXVI. E. V.] Deus, in Nomine.

[To the end, a Pfalm of David. A Pfalm for f\ GOD, for Thy Name's fake, fave
Prayer. The Voice of the people departing from
me and judge me in thy might.
their Idols, and coming to Baptifm among the
Hear my prayer, O God ! : give ear
Judica me, Domine. unto the words of my mouth.
For ftrangers have rifen up againft me :
JUDGE me, O Lord, for I have walked and tyrants have fought after my foul;
in mine innocence
and trailing in :

and they have not put God before their

The Lord, weakened.
I mall not be
Prove me, O Lord, and try me burn :
For behold, God is my helper The
Thou my reins and my heart.

Lord is the upholder of my foul.

For thy mercy is before mine eyes
Turn away evil upon mine enemies
and I have delight in thy truth.
in thy truth deftroy them.
I have not fate in the council of vanity :

Freely will I facrifice unto Thee ; and

and with thofe who do wickedly I will
give thanks to Thy Name, O Lord : for
not enter in.
it is good.
I have hated the congregation of the ma-
For Thou haft delivered me out of all
licious and with the ungodly I will not lit.

my trouble and mine eye hath looked :

I will wafh my hands among the inno-

down upon mine enemies.
cent and I will compafs thine altar, O
Glory be to The Father.
As it was in the beginning.
That I may hear the voice of thy praife
and tell of all thy wondrous works. [O Lord, grant thy falvation to thy Church,

Lord, I have loved the beauty of thine which trufteth in the proteftion of Thy Name fo ;

that her enemies being difperfed, fhe may magnify

Houfe and the place of the habitation of Thee with the free-will offering of thy praife,

thy Glory. through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]

io8 At Prime.
Psalm CXVII. [Ps. cxviii. e. v.] I mall not die, but live : and declare
the works of The Lord.
[Alleluya. A Pfalm for Praifing God. This The Lord, chaftening, hath corrected
Pfalm declares the way wherein a man may walk
and come to the gate, whereinto entering, he may
me but He hath not given me
: over unto
find the day, and never be Ihut out in darknefs.] death.
Open ye unto me the gates of righteouf-
Confitemini Domino. nefs,and entering into them, I will give
C\ GIVE thanks unto The Lord, for thanks unto The Lord this is the gate of :

He is good : becaufe his mercy en- The Lord, the righteous fhall enter into it.
dureth for ever. I will give thanks unto Thee, for Thou

Let Ifrael now fay that He is good and :

haft heard me : and art become my fal-

that his mercy endureth for ever. vation.

Let the houfe of Aaron now fay: that The ftone which the builders refufed :

his mercy endureth for ever. this become the head of the corner.

Let them now that fear The Lord fay :

This is the Lord's doing and it : is

that his mercy endureth for ever. marvellous in our eyes.

I called upon The Lord out of tribula- day which the Lord hath This is the

tion : and He heard me in largenefs. made

and be glad in it. : let us rejoice

The Lord is my helper I will not fear :

O Lord do Thou fave me ; O Lord ! !

what man can do unto me. make us profper well bleffed is he who :

The Lord is my helper and I will cometh in The Name of The Lord.

defpife mine enemies. We have bleffed you of the Houfe of

It is good to truft in The Lord rather The Lord God is The Lord, and He

than to put confidence in man. hath mined upon us.

It is good to truft in The Lord rather Appoint ye a folemn day with thick

than to put confidence in princes. boughs even to the horn of the altar. :

All nations came around me and in Thou art my God, and I will give

The Name of The Lord it is that I have thanks to Thee Thou art my God, and :

been avenged of them. I will exalt Thee.

Surrounding they compaffed me about O

give thanks unto The Lord, for He is

but in The Name of The Lord it is that good : becaufe his mercy is for ever.
I have been avenged of them.
[This Pfalm CXVII is faid on Sundays
They came about me like bees, and <[ only.] From
Septuageftma up to E after, in-
have burned out, like as the fire among
ftead of this Pfalm, Confitemini Domino
the thorns and in The Name of The
is faid Pfalm XCII., Dominus regnavit
Lord it is that I have been avenged of
decorem The Lord hath reigned.
[which is the firft Pfalm in Lauds.]
I was thruft and overturned to my fall
but The Lord upheld me. [O mod gracious God, the Author of our con-
The Lord is my ftrength and my praife folations, who filleft the tabernacles of the juft

with joy and gladnefs; lift up thy Church, we

and is become my falvation.
befeech Thee, with the ftrength of thy mighty
The voice of joy and health is in the right hand, unto the gates of righteoufnefs, and

tabernacles of the juft. caufe it to ftand fteadfaftly, as the head-ftone of

The hand of The Lord hath the corner fo that it may fhine brightly with the
right ;

glory of thy RefurredHon, through the fame our

wrought ftrength, the right hand of The
Lord Jefus Chrift, who liveth and reigneth with
Lord hath exalted me the right hand of Thee in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world

The Lord hath wrought ftrength. without end. Amen.]

At Prime. 109
Psalm CXVIII. I will meditate in thy ftatutes : and I
[Alleluya. A
Plalm for Prayer. When every will not forget thy words.
day we mult pray for our fins to God, to forgive Glory be to the Father.
and cancel them, how happens it that he calls
thofe bleffed who are undefiied ? Becaufe although
As it was in the beginning.

no one can be without fin therefore he who will be [Gimel, Retribution or Fulnefs.]
unfpotted in the way, (that is Chrift who faith,
I am the way), will walk in the law of The Lord
Retribue fervo tuo.
through Him, and will through Him walk in his Reward thy fervant : quicken me, and
teftimonies, and perform them with his whole
I fhall keep thy words.
heart. For they who do wickednefs, that is, He-
retics, walk not in his ways. For this is the voice
Open Thou mine eyes : and I will con-
of Catholics as to Heretics.] fider the wondrous things of thy law.
[Aleph, Doctrine.] I am a fojourner upon earth : O hide

Beati immaculati. not thy commandments from me.

TD LESSED are the undefiied in the way
My foul hath coveted to long for thy
ftatutes at all times.
who walk in the law of The Lord. :

Bleffed are they that fearch his tefti-

Thou haft rebuked the proud : and
curfed are they that do err from thy com-
monies : and feek Him with their whole
For not they who do wickednefs : walk
Remove from me fhame and contempt
for I have fought out thy teftimonies.
in his ways.
Princes alfo did fit and fpeak againft
Thou haft charged that thy : command-
ments, be diligently kept.
me but thy fervant was exercifing him-

felf in thy ftatutes.

that my ways were directed : to
For thy teftimonies are my meditation
keep thy ftatutes
and thy ftatutes my counfel.
Then I fhall not be confounded while :

I have refpeft unto all thy commandments. [Daleth, a poor man, or a Tablet, or a Gate.]

1 will give thanks to Thee in upright- Myfoul hath cleaved to the ground
nefs of heart in that I have learned the
: O quicken me according to thy word.
judgements of thy righteoufnefs. I have acknowledged my ways, and
I will keep thy ftatutes O forfake me : Thou heardeft me O teach me thy :

not utterly. ftatutes.

[Beth, a Houfe.] Inftruft me in the way of thy ftatutes
Wherewithal doth a young man cleanfe and I fhall be exercifed in thy wondrous
hisway in keeping thy words.
: works.
With my whole heart have I fought My foul hath flumbered for very heavi-
Thee repel me not from thy command- nefs ftrengthen me in thy words.
: :

ments. Remove from me the way of iniquity :

Thy words have I hid within my heart and have mercy upon me according to
that I fhould not fin againft Thee. thy law.
Bleffed art Thou, O Lord: O
I have chofen the way of truth and I
teach :

me thy ftatutes. have not forgotten thy judgements.

With my lips have I been telling of I have ftuck unto thy teftimonies,
: O
all the judgements of thy mouth. Lord confound me not. :

I have been delighted in the way of thy I ran the way of thy commandments
teftimonies as in all manner of riches.
: when Thou didft enlarge my heart.
I will be exercifed in thy command- Glory be to The Father.
ments and confider thy ways.
: As it was in the beginning.
I IO At Prime.
[O God, The Palm of perfect bleffednefs, who, On week-days, from the Firft Sunday after
as a provident Saviour, doft teach thy faithful ones
to walk in thy laws, to fearch thy teftimonies, to
the O clave of The Epiphany to §>uadra-
keep thy commands; grant to us, we befeech Thee, gefima s andfrom the Firft Sunday after
thy righteoufnefs ; that we may feek Thee with Trinity to Advent, in the ordinary week-
our whole hearts, underftand thy fayings, tell forth day Service. Antiphon.
thy wonders ; that we, who hitherto have wan-
dered like loft fheep, reftored by thy kind arms,
may rejoice in the Glories of Paradife, through our
Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, who with Thee liveth
and reigneth, in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, hear Thou
God, blefTed for evermore. Amen.]

[Let the afore/aid Pfalmsbefaid at Prime,

in the above-mentioned manner, in all my prayer ! with thine ears
Sundays throughout all Advent, except
in The Vigil of The Nativity of The
Lord, when it happens on a Sunday, and
from the Firft Sunday after the O clave
receive the words of my mouth.
of The Epiphany to Eafter, and from
The Firft Sunday after Trinity to Ad-
vent, when it is the Sunday Service. Oioueae.
So that from Septuagefima to Eafter be
faid the Pfalm Dominus regnavit The
On week-days in Advent. Antiphon.
Lord hath reigned in the place of the
Pfalm, Confitemini Domino give O
Thanks unto The Lord.] ome and deliver us, O Lord, our God.

|[ On Sundays, from theFirft Sunday

after the O clave
of The Epiphany to Pfalm. Deus. Oioueae.
£>uadragefima ; and from the Firft Sun-
day after Trinity to Advent, in the
<[ The creed of s. athanasius.
ordinary Sunday Service. Antiphon.
[To be faid daily."] m

HE my
^^^t^^l Ijord is Shepherd, hee, God. World without

and I mall lack nothing. In a place end. Amen.

of pafture, there hath He placed me. hee, du-ti-ful - ly praife. World

Oioueae. without end. Amen.

m " Holy Church hath ordained that it Jhould be Jung each day openly at Prime, both in token that faith

the firfi beginning of health, and alfo for people uje that time mofl to come to Church.^ — Myrroure, Ixxv. b.
At Prime. 1 1

The Father incomprehenfible, The Son

1 J*z -:-!=:_-!*. incomprehenfible The Holy Ghoft in-

HANKS to Thee, O God. comprehenfible.

The Father eternal, The Son eternal
The Holy Ghoft eternal.
World without end. Amen. And yet not three eternals : but One
So alfo,not three uncreate, nor three
incomprehenfibles but One Uncreated,

lo-ry to Thee, O Tri-ni-ty. and One Incomprehenfible.

So likewife The Father is Almighty,
The Son Almighty: The Holy Ghoft
World without end. Amen. Almighty.
And yet not three Almighties but One :

So The Father is God, The Son God:
World The Holy Ghoft God.
And yet not three Gods but One God. :

So likewife The Father is Lord, The

without end Amen. Son is Lord The Holy Ghoft is Lord.

And yet not three Lords : but One

Shiicunque vult. Lord.
For like as we by the are compelled
HOSOEVER will Chriftian acknowledge every
verity to
be faved : before all Perfon singly to be God and Lord :

things it is neceflary So are we forbidden by the Catholic

that he hold The Religion to fay, there be three Gods, or
Catholic Faith. three Lords.
Which Faith, ex- The Father is made of none : neither
cept every one do keep whole and unde- created, nor begotten.
fined : without doubt he fhall perifli ever- The Son is of The Father alone not :

laftingly. made, nor created, but begotten.

And the Catholic Faith is this, That The Holy Ghoft is of The Father, and
One God in Trinity : and Trinity in Unity of The Son neither made, nor created,

we worfhip. nor begotten ; but proceeding.

Neither confounding The Perfons nor : One Father, therefore, not three Fa-
dividing The Subftance. thers ; One Son, not three Sons : One
For one is The Perfon of The Father, Holy Ghoft, not three Holy Ghofts.
other of The Son and other of The Holy
: And in this Trinity none is afore, or
Ghoft. after none greater, or lefs.

But of The Father, and of The Son, and But the whole Three Perfons are Co- :

of The Holy Ghoft, The Godhead is One : eternal together and Co-equal.
The Glory equal, The Majefty co-eternal. So that in all things, as is aforefaid
Such as The Father is, fuch is The The Unity in Trinity, and The Trinity
Son and fuch is The Holy Ghoft.
in Unity is to be worftiipped.
The Father uncreate, The Son un- He therefore that will be faved: let him
create : The Holy Ghoft uncreate. thus think of The Trinity.
At Prime.

But it is neceflary to everlafting falva- In all Sundays whenfoever is /aid Pfalm

tion : that he faithfully believe alfo The LXVII., Deus Deus meus O God my
Incarnation of our Lord Jefus Chrift. God, with the reft of the Pj alms at Prime,
For the right faith is, that we believe [That is, during all Advent, except on
and confefs that our Lord Jefus Chrift,
: the Vigil of The Nativity when that
The Son of God, is God and Man. falls on a Sunday s and from the Firft
He is God, of The Subftance of The Sunday after The Epiphany to E after ;
Father begotten before the worlds and He : and from the Firft Sunday after Trinity
is Man, of the subftance of his Mother, to Advent, when the Service for the

born in the world Sunday is the ordinary Service, except

Perfect God, perfeft Man of a rea- : that from Septuagefima to Eafter the
fonable foul, and human flelh fubfifting. Pfalm XCIL, Dominus regnavit The
Equal to The Father, as touching His Lord hath reigned is fubftituted for Pfalm
Godhead and inferior to The Father, as
: CXVIL, Confitemini O give thanks]
touching His Manhood. uponWHOSOEVER /hall be faid this

Who, although He be God and Man : Antiphon.

yet not two, but One, is Chrift.
One not by converfion of The God-
head into flelh but by taking of man- :

hood into God HEE, God The Father

One altogether ; not by confufion of
Subftance but by Unity of Perfon.

For as the reafonable foul and flefh is 1

— F"
one man fo God and Man is One

Un-be-got-ten, Thee The Son On - ly

Who fuffered for our falvation, de-
fended into Hell ; n role again the third
day from the dead. be - got - ten, Thee Spirit Ho - ly
He afcended into Heaven, He fittethon
the right hand of God, The Father Al-
mighty from whence He fliall come to

Pa-ra - clete, Ho-ly and undivi - ded

judge the quick and the dead.
At whofe coming all men muft rife
again with their bodies and fhall give :

account for their own works. Tri-ni-ty, with our whole heart
And they that have done good fliall go
into life everlafting and they that have :

done evil into everlafting fire.

This is The Catholic Faith : which ex- and mouth, we do con - fefs, we
cept every
cannot be faved.
believe, he
man faithfully and firmly
Glory be to The Father, and to The do praife, and we give blefling
Son and to The Holy Ghoft

As it was in the beginning, is now,

and ever fliall be : world without end.
to Thee be glo-ry for e - ver-more,
n "Ad inferos."
At Prime. 113
On the other ordinary Sundays throughout
the year, and on all Simple Feajls, as well
thofe which have iii. as thofe which have thanks Thee, The True
ix. Leffons, and in which the Choir has

Conduclors ; and in the O clave, and

throughout the O clave, when the Choir
has Conduclors ; [In the principal Feajls
there were four Conduclors of the Choir
One and Supreme Deity
taken from and in the
the higher grades,
greater Double Feajls two principal Con-
duclors of the higher grade and two others
from the lower grade.?} and in the Comme- Ho - ly and One Unity.
morations of The Bleffed Mary, and of the In Eaftertide is added,
Feajl of the Place (except in thofe Feajls
and C ommemorations which happen within
the O clave of The Holy Trinity), upon Al-le-lu-ya.
WHOSOEVER is faid this Antiphon.
In all week-days in the ordinary week-day
Service throughout the whole year s and
in Feajls which have iii. Lejfons without

Wm HEE duti-fully praife, Thee Conduclors of the Choir i and in the

clave, and within it when the Choir
has no Conduclors ; and in Vigils, and in
The Four Times without the week of
dore, Thee glo - ri - fy all Pentecoftand the week of The Holy
Trinity, is faid, upon WHOSOEVER
this Antiphon.

thy crea- tures, O Bleff - ed

LORY to Thee, O Trinity,

Tri - ni - ty.

In Eaftertide is added, 1-=E

co - e - qual One De - i - ty, both

before all a - ges, and now
In all Double Feajls throughout the year,
without the week of Holy Trinity, is faid,
upon WHOSOEVER this Antiphon.
and for e - vermore.
In Eaftertide is added,

HANKS to Thee, O
" Cum regimine Chori."
P See the Trail " Crede mic/ii," after the " Defence of the Direilory," appended to the Ordinal of Sarum.


ii 4 At Prime.
Throughout the week of Holy Trinity, Friday. Our Hope, our Salvation, our
whatever be the Service, is /aid, upon Honour, O Bleffed Trinity.
Whosoever this Antiphon. Saturday. Deliver us, fave us, juftify us,
O Bleffed Trinity.

BLESSED The Hereford Breviary ufed the fame

Antiphons, —
Thanks be to Thee.
All thy creatures.
and be-ne-ditt, and glorious
Glory be to Thee.
but at times fomewhat varying from the

Trinity, Father and Son and Sarum Ufe.]

Chapter. Timothy i.

Ho - ly Spirit. O The King Eternal, Immor-

tal, Invifible, The Only God,
be Honour and Glory for
f[ [In the York Breviary, the Antiphons
upon WHOSOEVER are as follow: — ever and ever. Amen.
Thanks be to God.
The Sunday Anthem, except certain par-
f[ This Chapter is faid on all Sundays and
ticular Seafons, as noted in the Temporal,
Feafts, and within their Octaves, when
and except the
Feafts of ix. Leffons,
the Choir has Conductors s and in the
Double and Simple. Antiphon.
Commemorations of The Bleffed Mary ;
Thee, God The Father, &c, for ever and in the Feaft of the Place, through-
and ever. Amen. As above. out the whole year without the week of
In the Feajls of ix. Leffons, Double and
Simple, except certain Feafts, noted in In all other Feafts in the year s and in all
the Temporal, and of The Saints. week-days, from the O clave of Eafter to
Antiphon. Pentecoft; and in the Oclaves, and
Thanks be to Thee, &c, One Unity. within the Oclaves when the Choir has
As above. no Conductors ; and in the Vigils of The
Afcenfion and of Pentecoft s and in the
In the week-days, except certain particular Vigil of The Nativity of The Lord and
Seafons therein noted. Antiphons. The Epiphany, when they happen with-
Monday. Be with us, One Almighty out the Sunday, is faid this

God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Chapter. Ifaiah xxxiii.
Tuefday. Thee we acknowledge, One
in Subftance, a Trinity in Perfons.
LORD, be gracious unto us,
for we have waited for Thee
Wednefday. Thee we profefs ever The be Thou our arm every
Same, in being, in life, in understanding.
morning, our Salvation alfo
Thurfday. We invoke Thee, we adore in the time of trouble.
Thee, we praife Thee, O Bleffed Trinity. Thanks be to God.
At Prime. 1*5

In all other week-days throughout Advent; morrow of The Purification, and from
and from the Firjl Sunday after the Sunday in the Pafjion of The Lord, up to
Epiphany to Thurfday in The Supper of The Afcenfion of The Lord; except alfo
The Lord; and from the Firft Sunday when the Service of S. Mary is faid, and
after Trinity to Advent, in the ordinary except in the Feaft and O clave of Corpus
week-day Service, is faid this Chrifti when it is the Service for the
Oclave, and except in the Feaft of The
CHAPTER. Zachariah viii.
Transfiguration, and in the Feaft and
OVE Peace and Truth, faith throughout the clave of The Name of
The Lord Almighty. Jefus, when it is the O clave Service
Thanks be to God.
f[ [*The following Chant is faid on the Day
Whenever the aforefaid Chapter is faid at
of The Nativity of the Lord, and from
Prime, then let Petitions with proftration thence up to the O clave of the Epiphany;
of body be offered at all the Hours.* and in the O clave ; and in the Vigil
of The Epiphany, when it happens
|[ [Let this rule be generally obferved, that without a Sunday. It is faid alfo
this T^s. Jefus Chrift be ever faid by one from the Oclave of Eafter to the Feaft
Clerk or Boy only, without ever changing of Trinity whenever the Choir has
vejlment or place. ] Conduclors, as well on Sundays as on
Feftivals; and in the Feaft of Corpus
Chrifti, and its Oclave; and in the
The Living God, have Exaltation of the Holy Crofs ; and in
mercy upon us. either Feaft of S. Michael ; and in the
Feaft of the Dedication of the Church,
Choir. Jefu Chrift, Son of the Living and as often within the Oclave, and on
God, have mercy upon us. the Oclave, as there is the Service of

3T . Thou Who fitteft at the right hand The Dedication (if it be without Septua-
of the Father. gefima up to EafterJ.

Have mercy upon us.

1$. Glory be to The Father, and to

The Son and to The Holy Ghoft.

Choir. Jefu Chrift, Son of The Living

God, have mercy upon us.

<[ This Verfe, Thou Who

fitteft is faid God. Have mer-cy up -on us.
throughout the whole year, after the
aforefaid Refponfe, except on Chriftmas Choir. Jefu Chrift, Son of The Living
Day, and thenceforward up to the God. Have mercy upon us.

1 " Preces" u Prayers," or " Petitions" differed from " Orationes" " Colle&s," or " Orifons," in that
they iverealways faid, except at certain feftal feafons (fee pofi, p. 1 17 ) projirate with bended knees.
Supplications at Prime and Compline were faid every day ( except in Eafter-week and the three preceding days) ;
but at the other Hours were placed before the ColleEis or Orifons only in the week-day office.
1 From the Rubric for The Nativity at Prime.
From the Arundel MS. 130 ; and Lanfdowne MS. 463.
1 1 6 At Prime.

{[ In all other Feafts when this Chant is

faid, is faid alfo this erfe V

Al - le - lu - ya. Al - le - lu - +r- 1—fi |:

Thou, Who fitteft at the right hand

- ya. Al - le - lu - ya.
of The Father. Have mercy upon us.

In the Day of The Nativity of The

T r,\* J
LiOTdy stm n ffft'tn
-thaw C UUlt>J ifh tV
/1/J1/M UP tfi tnP
1-lJC fT Ifi
/# /lu X1*p/i(t$
CW/*J of
I// in
111* T^pfififiK
Xv Oil UK J y without
lift (I
J JVfft 1 Jt *+*-*-

Feaft of The Purification of The BleJJed Conductors of the Choir ; and in Feaft
Mary ; and in the Bay of the Epiphany, Days, from the Oclave of Eafter to
and throughout the clave of the fame ; Pentecoft ; and throughout the Oclave
and in the Feaft of Corpus Chrifti, and in of the Trinity, and of Corpus
the Oclave, when it is the Service for Chrifti, when the Service is of the

31—Hi —
the OSlave, is faid


Oclave i and in the Oclave of The
Epiphany, when not a Sunday $ and in
+ ba T/"ifriI n-f '/ 'ha l\7 fitrti V*t
ive y ign oj j. ne ivaiiviiy oj fljsj
/* T firs]
Ave tiora.
si /l

Thou, Who of a Virgin didft vouch - I ^H»-*— 1 ,->-

Je - su Christ, Son of TheLivingGod.

- fafe to be born. Have mercy upon us.

^— —— ^-^--^=p?=P"=^=i^p

Have mercy upon us. Al-le-lu-ya.

|[ In the Day of the Epiphany, and daily

mt , p B— j

afterwards, is faid this erfe V 1

Al-le-lu-ya. Al-le-lu - ya.

n ,—5 F—-- !*fS

|[ In Eaftertide this Verfe is faid thus
Thou, Who on this day to the world
£ •> — —* "h1
1—3 Pi p*-^ Thou, Who didft a-rife from the dead.
didft appear. Have mer-cy upon us.
* , 1—
Have mercy up-on us.
On the Day of The Nativity, and of
The Epiphany, and of The Afcenfton Throughout Oftave of Corpus
— ([ the

— r* ...... -^ ^ "S H" — Chrifti

Glo-ry be to The Father, and to
Thou, Who of a Virgin didft vouch -

The Son, and to

The Ho
- ly
Ghoft. - fafe
q ,


— -J
I ; — 7 ..

At i °rime. i

In the Day of The Epiphany, and the

clave, — J e su Christ, Son of The living God
3b-? ? 5 tefl -
. H_^_^_n_B_
Thou, Who on this day to the world 1
Have mercy upon us.

didft appear. * ; a

^-=zz3^"-?—?-?=?— r- •?- Thou, Who of a Vir-gin didft vouch-

Thou, Who fitteft at the right hand of ——

i j_

fafe to be born. Have mercy.
3£-^:=J^— |

The Father. J1 " —-

In Eafiertide, and other Fejlival
Thou, Who fitteft at the right hand of
Seafons, — 1 *?_ .^jSz, rt
w£ — . * * *
The Fa-ther. Have mercy upon us.
Glo - ry be to The Fa-ther,
tT A A — A f . ' -T^m » ^
^ m
Glo - ry be to The Father, and to
and to The Son, and to The Ho-ly
1 i — |
? ?zz? *^-^-**z£=-|:
The Son, and to The Ho-ly Ghoft.
Let the Choir reply, Jesu Christ.]

*^ e-su Christ, Son of The Liv-ing Then follows : —

* -i
God. Have mercy upon
- rise, O Lord, and help us.

In all week-days and Feajlsofm. Leffons,


?_?_?-?-r-» — — 5** *
and in the Slaves without Conductors And deliver us for Thy Name's fake.
of the Choir ; and in Vigils, from
yfJo I
Uc UJT Xv Uc
t r)P \J) LLU r)£> h 'hi'h h sryt\> UV
J-* yiyrJUfty
TO J./ P£
* -t-n *Li
follow Petitions in this form; all
of The Lord ; and from the
Pajfion pro/Irate, kneeling, [except at certain
Feajl of The Holy Trinity up to the Seafons, as the Vigil of The Nativity,
Vigil of The Nativity of The Lord and from Eafter to Deus omnium (the
and throughout the Clave of Holy Firft Sunday after Trinity), when the
Trinity, and of Corpus Chrifti, when " Preces" or Petitions were always faid
the Service is of the clave, — fan ding.] »

From the Rubrics of The Proper of The Time. This cuflom is of very ancient date in England, and is
repeatedly mentioned by Beda.
: — J:

x id At Prime.

1: My foul mall live, and mail praife Thee.

And thy judgements mall help me.
Lord, have mercy. ( thrice). I have gone aftray like a ftieep that is
loft. Seek thy fervant, O
Lord, for I
have not forgotten thy commandments.

Chrift, have mercy, (thrice). w

BELIEVE in God, The
yet fo that that the lajl Kyrie Lord Father Almighty, Crea-
/aid thus — tor of Heaven and Earth.
And in Jefus Chrift His
•t .. Only Son our Lord Who :

was conceived by The
Lord, have mercy, fthriceJ. Holy Ghoft, born of The Virgin Mary,
fuffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified,
dead, and buried He defcended into Hell

jUR FATHER, which art in
The third day He rofe again from the
Heaven Hallowed be Thy
dead : He afcended to the Heavens : He
Name Thy kingdom come
: hand of God The Fa- : fitteth at the right
ther Almighty
Thy will be done, as in Hea- whence He lhall come to :

ven fo on Earth. Give us this day our judge the quick and the dead.
daily bread And forgive us our debts, as
: I believe in The Holy Ghoft ; The

we forgive our debtors And lead us not Holy Catholic Church, The Communion

into temptation But deliver us from evil.v of Saints, the Remiflion of Sins, the Re-

furreftion of the Flefti, and Life Eternal.

[To the end fecretly, the Priejl repeating
Amen. [To the end fecretly, the Priejl
repeating aloud,]

!1: A
And lead us not into temptation. The Refurredion of the Flefli.


But deliver us from evil. And life e-ter-nal. A-men.

u " Thefe ivords are faid nine : thrice ' Kyrieleyfon,'' to The Father ; thrice
Chrifleleyfon,' to
The Son ; and thrice ' The Holy Ghofl ; and that is again/} thefe manner offins, ( that is,
Kyrieleyfon,' to

of faults againji The Father, of ignorance againft The Son, and of malice againft The Holy Ghofi ; and for
each of thefe fins are done threewife, that is to fay, in thought, ivord, and deed." Myrroure, clxvi. b. —
v See Note to the Common Forms, ante.
w " This Creed is faid in Holy Church in Prime, that is the beginning of the day ; and at Compline, that is

the beginning of the night. For the faithful faying of the Creed chafeth away fends, which be in wont to

hinder men both in day and in night. And therefore every Chriften man and woman ought, on the beginning

of the day and of the night, to fayCreed ; and for this caufe either this Creed, or the Majfe Creed, is to be

faid when folk lay a dying, to away the fiends that are then bufy to trouble the foul. The fecond Creed
is called theMajfe Creed, which was made in a general Council for declaration of the firji Creed againji
certain herefies thatwere then arifen in Holy Church; and the third Creed, that is, ' Quicunque -vult,'
was made by a holy Bijhop called Athanafius, againft herefies alfo. And therefore thefe two Creeds are fung
openly to firength of our faith and confufion of heretics. But the firfi Creed is faid fri-vily } for it was made
privily before the faith was openly preached in the world." —Myrroure, clxxiii.

At Prime. II 9

[ This being /aid, let Petitions follow in the Who fatisfieth thy defire with good
fame Tone, as at Compline. x ~\
things. [Ending,]
T ET my mouth be filled with thy praife.
That I may fing thy Glory, and all
the day long thy greatnefs. Thy youth fhall be re-new-ed as
Lord, turn thy face away from my
fins. And blot out all mine iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, God. O the ea - gle's.
And renew a right fpirit within me.
Caft me not away from thy face. And
f[ The ConfeJJion, The Mifereatur, and
take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
The Abfolution, are faid throughout the
Reftore to me the joy of thy falva-
whole year at Prime, and at Compline,
tion. And ftablifh me with Thy Chief and thatin a low voice, fo as fcarcely to
Spirit. 1
be heard, by the Choir.
Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man.
Refcue me from the wicked man. [It is to be noted, that the Prieft of greatejl
Refcue me from mine enemies, O my dignity Jhould fay them,]
God. And deliver me from them that
rife up againft me. W. [Let us confefs unto The Lord, for
O deliver me from the workers of ini- He is good.
quity. And fave me from the men of And his mercy endureth for ever.]*
So will I fing Pfalms unto Thy Name The Prieft, looking towards the Altar,

and ever. That day by day I

for ever
CONFESS to God, The
may perform my vows. Bleffed Mary, and all the
Hear us, O God, our falvation The !
Saints, [turning to the Choir]
hope of all the confines of the Earth, and and to you, I have finned ex-
in the fea afar off.
ceedingly, in thought, word, and deed, of
God, make fpeed to fave me. my own fault, [looking back to the Altar]
Lord, make hafte to help me. I befeech, Holy Mary, all the Saints of
Holy God Holy Mighty
! Holy and God, and [looking back to the Choir] ye, to

Immortal Lamb of God Who takeft pray for me.

! !

away the fins of the world. Have mercy

upon us. The Choir replies, turning to the Prieft,
The Lord,
Blefs O
my foul ! And all A LMIGHTY God, have mercy upon
that within me His Holy Name.
you, and forgive you all your fins,
Blefs The Lord, my foul! And O you from all evil, preferve and
forget not all his benefits ftrengthen you in all goodnefs, and bring
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities. And you to everlafting life. Amen.
healeth all thine infirmities.
Who redeemeth thy lifefrom deftruc- Then the Choir, turning to the Altar,
tion. Who crowneth thee with mercy I confess to God, The Blefied Mary, all
and compafTions. the Saints, and [turning to the Prieft] to

x From the MSS. Arundel, 130.

y Arundel MSS. 130.
From the York Breviary, and Sarum Mijfal.
— ——

120 At Prime.
you, I have finned exceedingly, in thought, m-t — a — —_
word, and deed, of my own fault, [looking . L 1

back to the Altar], I befeech Holy Mary,

Vouch-fafe, O Lord, in this day.

all the Saints, and [turning to the Priejl]

you, to pray for me.
To keep us without fin.

Then let the Priejl fay to the Choir, in

the firft per/on, if neceffary, — — * — '

Have mercy upon us, O Lord.
£ — m-m 1—— 1

^s/w^^l merc 7 u P on y° u J and forgive 1 1 1 1

1 1 ;

|§y Jlll^ii y ou a ^ your fins, deliver you Have mercy upon us.
K4_tlll.*3rl from all evil, preferve and
ftrengthen you in all goodnefs, and bring 31 Szr-S. _J?
you to everlafting life. Amen. Let thy mer-cy, O Lord, be
The Almighty and
Merciful Lord grant
you Abfolution and Remiffion of all your
fins, fpace for true penitence, amendment upon us. Like as we have put our
of life, and the grace and confolation of
The Holy Spirit. Amen. 5*-3 « «, 1

truft in Thee.
Then follovj Petitions, after this manner.

HI rr /.'lit I'fslj /Sit J UCCtt I Ll L-Li y X Ci-Cl-tU/tJ jU" =) 1

low by the Priejl, the officiating Minifter, O Lord God of Hofts convert us.

after this manner, with note.]*

? 3. 5. i, zfzz — And fhew us thy countenance and

God, be Thou turn-ed, and

31 _ __
§-—1 3 , . h _
a . ? :

we fhall be faved.
Thou fhalt quicken us. And thy peo-


pie fhall rejoice

— .
__, —4
in Thee.
O Lord, hear

^ ^

O Lord, fhow thy mercy upon us. ty.

And let my crying come unto Thee.


grant us thy falvation.

— i

The Lord be with you.

a MSS. Arundel 130.

b Choir and to the people, and Jaith, ' Dominus vobijcum,' that is to Jay, * The Lord
"The Priejl turnetb to the
be with you: The Choir anfweretb ' et cum Jpiritu tuo,' * and with thyjpirit.' In this Jalutation of the
Priejl, and anjwer of the People or of the Choir, the Priejl prayeth that our Lord be with them ; for
but if

they be all One in One Lord, the prayer that followeth may not be heard to their profit. Then the Priejl
turneth again and Jayeth ' Oremus,' 'pray we: Here ye may Jee that the Priejl Jayeth not the Orijons follow-
ing in his own name alone, but in the name of all that are prejent, and all Holy Church. And therefor^ in
time of Orijons ye ought not to intend to other things, but lift up your hearts full devoutly to God."

Myrroure, fo. clxviii.
: ::

At Prime. 121

For behold I was conceived in iniquities

and in fin hath my mother conceived me.
I£ And with thy fpi-rit. But lo Thou haft loved truth the
! :

uncertain and hidden things of thy wifdom

haft Thou manifefted to me.
Thou fhalt fprinkle me with hyflbp and
Let us pray. I lhall be cleanfed Thou fhalt wafh me :

and I {hall be made whiter than fnow.

To my hearing Thou fhalt give joy and
|[ Tbefe Petitions are /aid iti this form at
Prime throughout the whole year, as well gladnefs and the bones which are hum-

on Common days as in Feajls, both Double bled fhall rejoice.

and Simple, exceptfrom Thurfday in The Turn thy face away from my fins : and
Supper of The Lord up to the clave of blot out all my mifdeeds.

Eafler, and except in The Day of Souls. Create in me a clean heart, O God :

and renew a right fpirit within me.

Caft me not away from thy face
and :

But on all Week-days throughout Ad- take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
vent, and from the Firfi Sunday after Reftore to me the joy of thy falvation :

the Offave of The Epiphany to Thurfday and ftablilh me with Thy Chief Spirit.
in the Supper of The Lord, and from I will teach the wicked thy ways : and
the Firft Sunday after Trinity to Advent the impious lhall be converted unto Thee.
in the ordinary Week-day Service next Deliver me from blood-guiltinefs, O
after Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon God, The God of my falvation : and my
us let this follow tongue lhall rejoice in thy righteoufnefs.
y. O
Lord, hear my voice wherewith O Lord, Thou open my lips and
lhalt :

I have cried unto Thee. my mouth lhall fhew forth thy praife.
For if Thou hadft defired facrifice I
IJ;. Have mercy upon me and hear me.
would have given it but Thou wilt not :

be delighted with burnt-offerings.

And let all the reft as noted at Compline be The facrifice of God is a troubled fpirit
faid up to the Orifon ; and this Pfalm a contrite and humbled heart, O God, fhalt
without note \that is to fay] Thou not defpife.

Miferere mei, Deus.

Do kindly, O
Lord, in thy good pleafure
unto Syon that the walls of Jerufalem

lip^jjjpl^ll AVE mercy upon me, O God may be built.

to thy great mercy. Then fhalt Thou accept the facrifice of
-^nd according to the mul- righteoufnefs, oblations, and burnt offerings:
H 'Pwiffl
SmMwEI titude of thy compaffions: blot then fhall they lay young bullocks upon
out mine iniquity. thine altar.
Warn me throughly from mine iniquity :
Glory be to The Father.
and cleanfe me from my fin. As it was in the beginning. Amen.
For I acknowledge mine iniquity and :

my fin is ever before me. After the Pfalm let the Prieft alone ftand
Againft Thee only have I finned and up and fay
done evil before Thee that Thou mayelt

be juftified in thy fayings, and overcome

when Thou art judged. - rise, O Lord, help us. And de-
122 At Prime.

- li - ver us for Thy Name's fake. A - men.

O Lord God of Hofts, convert us. The Lord be with you.

-— - *5E

And fhew us thy countenance, and 1$. And with thy fpirit.

we ftiall be fa-ved. Blefs we The Lord.

The Lord be with you. Thanks be to God.

5^ |[ In all Sundays and Feafts of the Saints

which are not Double, and on Week-days
5?. And with thy fpi - rit.
without Eafter week, let the following
Orifon be faid.

Let us pray. HOLY Lord, Almighty Fa-

ther, Eternal God Who
! haft
The following Orifon faid in all Double
brought us to the beginning of
Feafts throughout the year without E after
week. this day, preferve us to-day by
thy might ; and grant that in this day we
fall not away into any fin, neither run into

any danger; but may all our doings be

ordered by thy governance, to do always
N this hour of this day fulfil
thy righteoufnefs, through our Lord Jefus
Chrift Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth
and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy
us, O Lord, with thy mercy : that fo Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.
rejoicing throughout all this day, we may The Lord be with you.
And with thy fpirit.
Blefs we The Lord.
find delight in thy praif - es, through our Thanks be to God.

[Whilft the Prieft is faying Who liveth

Lord Jefus Chrift Thy Son,who with and reigneth then let all the Clerks
Thee liveth and reigneth in The Unity of rife from their proftration, kiffing the
Forms. ]
[Here endeth the Ordinary Office of Prime,
The Holy Ghoft, God, world without end. the remainder being Capitular only.']

c " Formulas." From the Rubrics for Ad-vent.

At Prime. i*3

[Here may be read a Leffon from the

UR FATHER [to the end
fecretly]. e
Martyrology (if any were ufedJ. A ~\

[Then the Prieft fay

Then let the Prieft fay, — aloud,}

And lead us not into temptation.

Right dear in the fight of The Lord, is
But deliver us from evil.
the death of his Saints.
And letthy mercy come upon us, O
Afterwards daily throughout the year, ex- Lord. Thy falvation according to thy
cept on the Day of The Preparation, and word.
the Vigil of E after, after pronouncing And look down upon thy fervants and
this Benediclion, — upon thy works. And guide their chil-
The Lord Almighty blefs us with His
And let the brightnefs of The Lord our
God be upon us. And direct Thou the
might be read another Leffon.~\ work of our hands upon us ; and direft
Thou our handy work.
Then let the Prieft fay, without The Lord
be with you and without Let us pray The following Orifon is faid in Double
Feftivals, and whenfoever the Choir has
AY Holy Mary, Mother of Conduclors without E after-week s The
our Lord God Jefus Chrift, Lord be with you not being faid, but
and all the Saints, juft men, only —
and eleft of God, intercede
Let us pray.
and pray for us linners to The Lord our
God ; that we may be worthy to obtain LMIGHTY and Everlafting
help and falvation from Him, Who in
God, our aftions ac-

perfeft Trinity liveth and reigneth cording to thy good will ; fo

world without end. Amen. that through The Name of
Thy beloved Son, we may be found
Let the Prieft fay, — worthy of abounding in good works, Who
with Thee liveth and reigneth in The
HI . O God, make fpeed to lave me.
Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world
5?. O Lord, make hafte to help me.
without end. Amen.
This is repeated thrice, and then follows, — The Lord be with you.
Glory be to The Father, and to The And with thy fpirit.
Blefs we The Lord.
Son and to The Holy Ghoft

As it was in the beginning, is now, Thanks be to God.

and ever fhall be world without end.:

Amen. In all other Feafts, and on ordinary days,

Lord, have mercy. the following Prayer is faid without The

Chrift, have mercy. Lord be with you and only with —

Lord, have mercy. Let us pray.
d It appears
from the Hereford Breviary, that in Cathedral Churches, and ivhereuer elfe a Martyro,
was ufed, a Lejfon <was here read from it, to -which the following Verficle referred.
e See the Notes at the " Common Forms" ante.
124 At Prime.
at Prime, after reading the Table
LORD GOD, vouchfafe, we [i. e.,

of benefaclors, Jick or necejjitous perfons,

befeechThee, to direct, fanc-
and, according to the Hereford Ufe, the
tify,and govern our hearts
names of deceafed friends~\, is faid without
and bodies in thy law, and
note, this Pfalm. [In the Hereford Ufe,
works of thy commandments; fo that
in the
the Pfalm De Profundis Out of the
both here and for ever, by thy help, we
may be worthy of health and falvation,
through our Lord Jefus Chrift Thy Son,
Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in Psalm CXX. [Ps. cxxi. e. v.]
The Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God,
[A Song of Degrees. A Pfalm to pray a bene-
world without end. Amen.
diction. The Second Degree. That The Lord
heard him among the mountains praying that He
The Lord be with you. would punifli thofe who perfecuted his people
And with thy fpirit. Ifrael.]
Blefs we The Lord.
Levavi oculos.
Thanks be to God.
LIFTED up mine eyes unto
the hills: from whence cometh
[According to the Hereford Ufe then fol- my
lows : — help.

My help is from The Lord

O Lord ! bid a bleffing. Who hath made Heaven and Earth.

The Prieft.
May He not fuffer thy foot to be moved:
nor He fleep that keepeth thee.
His Wifdom may The Almighty and
Behold He will neither flumber nor
Merciful Lord teach us.
fleep : that keepeth Ifrael.
The Lord is thy keeper The Lord is :

Then followed a Homily on the Gofpel, be-

O Lord and thy protection upon thy right hand.
ginning with But Thou,
ending with Thanks be to God.]
The Sun fhall not burn thee by day
neither the Moon by night.
The Lord preferveth thee from all evil
It is to be remarked that whenever the The Lord keep thy foul.
CXXIL Pfalm, Ad Te levavi Unto The Lord preferve thy coming in and
Thee have I lifted up mine eyes is faid thy going out from this time now and :

after Matins, [That is on Sundays, and for evermore.

on every day except in Double Feajis ; Glory be to the Father.
and except throughout the O clave of As it was in the beginning.
Corpus Chrifti ; and of The Vifitation,
Affumption, and Nativity of The Bleffed [O Lord God our protector, Thou who neither
llumbereft nor fleepeft, defend thy people Ifrael
Mary ; and of The Dedication of The
and that we be not confumed this day, do Thou
Church ; and of The Name of Jefus defend us from all offences of this world, through
and on All Souls' Day s and on the our Lord Jefus Chrift Thy Son, Who
liveth and

Vigil of The Nativity, and from thence reigneth with Thee in The Unity of the Holy
Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.]
up to the beginning of the hi/lory of the
Firft Sunday after the O clave of The
Lord, have mercy.
Epiphany; and from Wednefday before
Chrift, have mercy.
Eafter to the beginning of the hiftory of
the Firft Sunday after Trinity^ then Lord, have mercy.
; ;

At Terce 125

|UR FATHER [to the end [And the Choir anfwer,] —

fecretly]. The Lord blefs us.

[Then the Prieji aloud,] [ The Prieji replies, making the Jign of The
Crofs over the people, and every perfon
And lead us not into temptation.
from figning himfelf with the fign of The
Tfy. But deliver us evil.
Crofs either on the forehead or breafl,~\
O Lord, Ihew thy mercy upon us.
And grant us thy falvation.
InThe Name of The Father, and
Preferve thy fervants and handmaidens.
of The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft.
My God, who put their truft in Thee.
O Lord, fend them help from thy Holy
And defend them out of Syon.
Be unto us, O
Lord, a tower of ftrength.
From the face of the enemy. [The daily office.}

Let not the enemy prevail againft them. TN The Name of The Father, and of
And not the fon of iniquity draw
let 1 The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft
nigh to hurt them. (with the fign of the Crofs
O Lord, hear my prayer,
And let my crying come unto Thee. QUR Father (fecretly.)
The Lord be with you.
And with thy fpirit. JLJAIL Mary (fecretly.)

Let us pray.
O Lord
! with our
difpofe the
mm GOD,
make fpeed

Lord, make


way of thy fervants in the
help me.
profperity of thy falvation
that among all the changes of our way,
and of this life, we may ever be protected
LORY be to The Father, and

by thy help. to The Son and to The :

Holy Ghoft
As it was in the begin-
LMIGHTY and Everlafting
ning, is now, and ever lhall be world :

God, the Eternal Salvation of

without end. Amen.
believers, hear us on behalf of
thofe thy fervants for whom LLELUYA ; or from the Vef-
we entreat the help of thy compamon :
pers preceding Sunday in Sep-
that fo, their health being reftored to them, tuagefimato Thurfday in The
they may return to Thee the offering of Supper of The Lord.
thanks in thy Church, through Chrift our
Lord. Amen.

Let the Principal Dignitary fay,

we ling,


O Lord,

Pray ye a bleffing. I


f " Perfona.'
; ; — ; ;

126 At Terce.

H Throughout the week of PENTECOST.

UNC Sancte nobis Spiritus! OME, Holy Ghoft! who e-ver
jEE^EE!!EE^?5E3Ej: EE==E^!iE!^PiE?Et
Unum Pa tri cum Fi - li - o One Art, with The Father and The Son

Dig - na - re promp - tus in - ge - ri, E'en now thine influence fweet inftil,

- ±"
Nof-tro re - fu - fus pec-to - ri. and deign our bofoms to ful - fil.

In the Vigil of The Epiphany, and in all Vigil of The Epiphany is ufed this
Sundays and Simple Feafts, as well Melody.
thofe of iii. as of ix. Leftbns ; and in
Commemorations of The Bleffed Mary s

and in the Feajl of the Place, and within Come, Holy Ghoft ! who e-ver One
the Otlave, and in the Otlave, whether
the Choir has Conductors or has not, if it
be a Double Feafts except throughout the Art, with The Father and The Son;
week of Pentecoft, and except in Feafts
in which Notlurns are faid.
- — .

E'en now thine influence fweet inftil,

Come, Holy Ghoft who e - ver One !

And deign our bo - foms to fulfil.

Art, with The Father and The Son


E= —

T —
Double Feafts throughout the year.
. ,

E'en now thine influence fweet inftil, Come, Holy Ghoft ! who e-ver One

And deign our bofoms to ful - fil. Art, with The Father and The Son

In all week-days throughout the year, even

in Eaftertide, and in Feafts in which E'en now thine influence fweet inftil,

a Noclurn isfaid ; and in Vigils not

happening without Sunday, except of
Eafter and of Pentecoft, and except in the And deign our bo - foms to ful- fil
At Terce. 127
Nunc Sandle nobis Spiritus ! Come, Holy Ghoft ! Who everOne
Unum Patri cum Filio, Art, with The Father and The Son
Dignare promptus ingeri, E'en now thine influence fweet inftil,
Noftro refufus pedtori. And deign our bofoms to fulfil.

Os, lingua, mens, fenfus, vigor, May lips, tongue, mind, ftrength, fenfe,

Confeffionem perfonent proclaim

Flammefcat igne charitas, The Honour of The Eternal Name ;

Accendat ardor proximos. The fire of love its ardours Ihed,

And round the holy fervour fpread.
Praefta, Pater Piiflime Molt, gracious Father ! grant our prayer,
Patrique Compar Unice !
Coequal Only Son give ear !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Who with The Spirit Paraclete

Regnans per omne leculum. Doft reign through ages infinite.

A - men. A - men.

fT. [JT TERCE, injiead of this Hymn Nunc Sandle, in the Day of THE NATIVITY
OF THE LORD to THE CIRCUMCISION, in the Hereford Office, is faid the following
Corporis formam caduci, Lo ! form He wears,
a frail body's
Membris morti obnoxia The
garb of mortal flefh puts on,
Induit, ne quis periret That fo our firft forefather's race
Protoplafti ex germine Might eternal ruin fhun
Merferat quern Lex profundo They whom the Law's relentlefs doom,
Noxiali Tartaro, Had plunged in Hades' deadly gloom,
Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

O beatus ortus ille !

Bleft Sunrife ! when the Virgin womb,
Virgo et puerpera, Teeming with a noble birth,
Edidit noftram Salutem, Rich with the Holy Spirit's grace,
Fceta Sanfto Spiritu Brought forth Salvation to the Earth
Et Puer Redemptor orbis, The world's Redeemer, Child benign !

Os facratum protulit, Revealed His Countenance divine,

Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

Tibi Chrifte lit cum Patre, To Thee, O

Chrift ! Father to Thee !

Agiofque Spiritu, And The Holy Spirit be,

Hymnus, Melos, Laus, perennis Hymns, Worfhip, Laud, and Melody,
Gratiarum adlio Thankfgiving everlaftingly
Honor, Virtus, et Poteftas, Honour and Power and Viftory,
Regnum eternaliter, Kingdom and Might eternally,
Seculorum feculis. From age to age.
! ; ;; ; ! ;

128 At Terce.

In the York Office until after e octave of the epiphany.

Hymnus. Hymn-
Maria ventre concepit, Lo within Mary's teeming womb,

Verbi fideli femine. The faithful feed, The Word hath come !

Quern totus orbis non bajulet, He whom worlds cannot contain,


Portant Puellae vifcera. A Maiden's bofom doth fuftain.

Radix Jeffe jam floruit, Now fprings a flower from Jeffe's root,
Et Virga fruftum edidit The Virgin Item puts forth its fruit
Fecunda partum protulit, Bears a rich offspring at her ride,
Et Virgo permanet. Yet doth a Virgin pure abide.

Gloria Tibi Domine Glory to Thee, O Lord be paid, !

Qui natus de Virgine

es Born of the wond'rous Mother Maid ;
Cum Patre et Spiritu Sandlo, Father and Holy Ghoft to Ye !

Per fempiterna iecula. Amen. Now and throughout eternity. Amen.


From an Anglo Saxon Hymnary.g
Hymnus. Hymn.
Chrifte ! hac Hora Tertia, O Chrift The Lord ! in this Third Hour,
Tua nos reple gratia ;
Fulfil us with thy grace and power
Caritate et fervidos And fervid in fweet Charity,

Nos noftrofque fac proximos. Bring us and ours moft near to Thee

Ille Deus Paraclitus, May He, The Paraclete, our God,

Noftris nunc adfit cordibus ;
Within our hearts make his abode ;

In hac hora qui rutilos In this fame hour wherein in flame

Inflammavit Apoftolos. On th' Apoftolic Choir He came.

Praefta hoc Deus Trinitas, Grant this, Thou God in Trinity !

Una et Compar Deitas One and Coequal Deity !

Cui Laus, Virtus, et Gloria, To Whom Praife, Glory, Virtue be

Nunc, et cun&a per fecula. Amen. Now and throughout eternity Amen. !

[AT TERCE, THROUGHOUT QUADRAGESIMA, excepting Sundays and Feaft Days,

according to Worcefter, Canterbury, Norwich, and other ancient U/es.

Hymnus. Hymn.
Dei fide qua vivimus, The Faith of God wherein we live,
Spe perenni qua credimus, Th' eternal Hope which we believe,
Per caritatis gratiam, For all his charity and grace,

Chrifto canamus gloriam. Chrift in his Glory let us praife.

S Vefpaf. D. xii. Cott. MSS.

At 129
Qui dudtus Hora Tertia Who was at this Third Hour of dread,
Ad Paffionis Hoftiam A Vi&im to His Paflion led ;
Crucis ferens fufpendia, And bearing meek The Crofs of pain
Ovem reduxit perditam. His ftraying ftieep reftored again.

Precemur ergo fubditi We therefore humbly make our prayer,

Redemptione liberi, That freed by his redeeming care,

Ut eruat a feculo He from this world may us deliver,

Quos folvit a chirographo. Who blots the record out for ever.

Gloria Tibi Trinitas Glory to Thee, Great Trinity !

Equalis Una Deitas One and Coequal Deity !

Et ante omne feculum, Before all worlds began to be,

Et nunc, et in perpetuum. Amen. And now, and everlaftingly. Amen.]

AT TERCE, on Monday, Tuefday, and Wednefday within the OCTAVE of PENTECOST,

is /aid the Hymn Veni Creator Creator Spirit.


E - NI Cre - a - tor Spi - RE - A - TOR Spirit ! Pow'r

,— m —
ri - tus ! Men - tes tu - o - rum vi - fi
Di-vine ! Come ! vi-fit all the fouls of

ta ; Im - pie fu - per - na gra -
thine ; With Heav'n-defcending grace

:i>„ lz=i=1-4:
ti - a Qua? tu cre - a pervade The breafts which Thou

pec - to

- ra.
— Thy felf haft made.

Veni Creator Spiritus ! Creator Spirit ! Power Divine !

Mentes tuorum vilita Come ! vifit all the fouls of thine

Imple fuperna gratia With Heaven defcending grace pervade
Quae Tu creafti peftora. The breafts which Thou Thy felf haft made.
Qui Paraclitus diceris, Thou who art named The Paraclete !

Donum Dei Altiffimi Rich gift from God's own mercy feat
Fons vivus, Ignis, Charitas, O Fount of Life, and Fire of Love !

Et Spiritalis Unftio Soul cleaning Unftion from above !

— ;!! !;; ;; : ; ; ; ! !

130 At Terce.

Tu feptiformis munere Thou in thy Sevenfold Glories bright

Dextrae Dei Tu Digitus Thou Finger of God's Hand of Might
Tu rite promhTum Patris Who doft o'er lips the timely ftore
Sermone ditans guttura Of fpeech, the Father's promife pour !

Accende lumen fenfibus Thy light to every fenfe impart

Infunde amorem cordibus Diffufe thy love through every heart
Infirma noftri corporis The wealcnefs of our mortal flelh
Virtute firmans perpeti. With thy unfailing ftrength refrelh.
Hoftem repellas longius, Drive far away th' aflailing foe,

Pacemque dones protinus And all thy holy peace beftow ;

Duftore lie Te prsevio, So Thou be our preventing Guide,

Vitemus omne noxium. No mifchief can our fteps betide.

Per Te fciamus da Patrem, Through Thee may we The Father learn,

Nofcamus atque Filium And know The Ever-Blefled Son
Te Utriufque Spiritum Sweet Spirit ! fo of Both receive,
Credamus omni tempore. Thee ! as we evermore believe.

Sit Laus Patri cum Filio, The Father, as is meet,

Praife to
Sandlo limul Paraclito The Son and Holy Paraclete !

Nobifque mittat Filius, So may The Son to every heart,

Charifma Sanfti Spiritus. Amen. The Holy Spirit's grace impart. Amen.

Psalm. Turn away mine eyes left they be-

hold vanity : and quicken Thou me in
thy way.
Stablifh thy word to thy fervant: in
RAISE and everlafting glory. World
thy fear.

1 1
:—*— —
— _

off my reproach that I
for thy judgements are pleafant.
am afraid

without end. A-men. Behold, I have longed for thy com-

mandments : quicken me in thy righte-
[He. Herfelf, or Taking up.]
Legem pone.
[Vau. And Himfelf.]
ETme, O Lord, for a law, And let thy mercy come upon me,
^^^^^^^^ O Lord : even thy falvation according
and ever will I feek it out. unto thy word.
Give me underftand- So mail I anfwer a word to them that
ing, I will fearch thy upbraid me for I have trufted in thy

with my whole heart. Take not the word of thy truth ut-
Lead me in the path of thy command- terly out of my mouth : for I have hoped
ments for I have defired it.
exceedingly in thy judgements.
Incline my heart unto thy teftimonies And I will keep thy law alway : yea,
and not to covetoufnefs. for ever, and for ever and ever.
At Terce. \ 3

And I have been walking at large : for At midnight I rife to give thanks unto
I fought out thy commandments. Thee : becaufe of the judgements of thy
I have been fpeaking of thy teftimonies righteoufnefs.
before kings and I was not confounded.
: I am a partaker with all them that fear
And I have been meditating in thy Thee : and keep thy commandments.
commandments : which I have loved. The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy
And I lifted up mine hands to thy com- me
teach thy ftatutes.
mandments, which I have loved : and I Glory be to The Father.
will be exercifed in thy ftatutes. As it was in the beginning.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
Son : and to The Holy Ghoft [Teth. Good.]

As it was in the beginning, is now, and Bo nitatem fecijii.

ever fhall be : world without end. Amen. Thou haft dealt in goodnefs with thy
[Zain. The Olive.]
fervant, O Lord : according unto thy
Memor efio fervi tui. Goodnefs, and difcipline, and knowledge
Remember thy word unto thy fervant teach me for I have believed thy com- :

wherein Thou haft given me hope. mandments.

The fame hath comforted me in my Before I was humbled I went wrong :

humiliation: for thy word hath quick- wherefore I have kept thy word.
ened me. Good art Thou and in thy goodnefs :

The proud have done exceeding wick- teach me thy ftatutes.

edly yet have I not Ihrinked from thy
: The iniquity of the proud is multiplied
law. upon me but I will fearch thy command- :

For I remembered thy judgements of ments with my whole heart.

old, O Lord and I was comforted.
: Their heart is curdled like milk but I :

Faintnefs hath feized me : becaufe of have meditated thy law.

the ungodly that forfake thy law. It is good for me that Thou haft hum-
Thy ftatutes were my fongs : in the bled me that I may learn thy ftatutes.

place of my pilgrimage. The law of thy mouth is good unto me :

I remembered Thy Name, Lord, in O above thoufands of gold and filver.

the night feafon : and have kept thy law.
This was done unto me [Jod. Knowledge or Beginning.]
becaufe I :

fought out thy ftatutes. Thy hands have made me and fafhioned
me O: give me underftanding, that I may
[Heth. Life.]
commandments. learn thy
Thou art my portion, O Lord I have Whofo fear Thee, will fee me and be

promifed to keep thy law. glad becaufe I have hoped exceedingly in :

I entreated thy countenance with my thy word.

whole heart O be merciful unto me,
: I have known, O Lord, that thy judge-
according to thy word. ments are equity and in thy truth Thou:

I thought upon my ways, and turned haft humbled me.

my feet unto thy teftimonies.
: Let thy mercy be for my confolation
I am prepared, and am not troubled : according to thy word unto thy fervant.
to keep thy commandments. Let thy compaftions come unto me
The cords of finners enfolded me : and and I fhall live : for thy law is my medi-
I was not forgetful of thy law. tation.
132 At Terce.

Let the proud be confounded, for they

have unjuftly done iniquity againft me :
but I will be exercifed in thy command- Hfr. In - cline my heart, O God, un - to

Let fuch be turned unto me as fear
Thee : and have known thy teftimonies. thy tef - ti - mo - nies.
Let my heart be made unfpotted in thy
ftatutes fo mall I not be confounded.
Choir. Incline my heart, O God, unto
Glory be to The Father. thy teftimonies.
As it was in the beginning.

[O God, The Palm of perfect bleflednefs, who, 37". Turn a - way mine eyes left they
as aprovident Saviour, doft teach thy faithful ones
to walk in thy laws, to fearch thy teftimonies, to
keep thy commands ; grant to us, we befeech
Thee, thy righteoufnefs j that we may feek Thee
with our whole hearts, underftand thy fayings, tell behold vanities: in thy way quick-en
forth thy wonders ; that we, who hitherto have
wandered, like loft Iheep, reftored by thy kind g-frarl-
arms, may rejoice in the Glories of Paradife, through
our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, who with Thee
liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy
Choir. Unto thy teftimonies.
Ghoft, God, blefled for evermore. Amen.]

On Sundays. Antipbon. Glo - ry be to The Fa-ther, and to

The Son, and to The Ho-ly Ghoft.

RAISE and e-ver-laft-ing
Choir. Incline my heart, God, unto O
thy teftimonies.
37. I have faid, Lord, have mercy O
Glo-ry to God, Fa-ther, and Son, upon me.
J$p. Heal my foul, for I have finned
SEE againft Thee.
with The Ho-ly Paraclete, for ever
On week-days. Antiphon.

P—m m"
and for ev - er-more.

E T there come un-to me,

CHAPTER, ii Cor. laft chapter.

HE Grace of our Lord Jefus

Chrift, and the Love of God, O Lord, thy com-paf-ftons, and I
and the Fellowship of The
Holy Ghoft, be with us all.
Thanks be to God. fhall live.
At Terce.

Chapter. Jer. xvii. Chapter. Hebrews x.

EAL me, O
Lord, and I fhall E that fhall come, will come,
be healed ; fave me, and I and will not tarry ; and now
fhall be faved, for Thou art there fhall be no more fear in
my praife. our borders. For He is our
Thanks be to God. Saviour.
Thanks be to God.
Ijfc. Come and deliver us, O Lord God
J$p. Heal my foul, for I have finned of Hofts
Choir. Come and deliver us, O Lord
God of Hofts
37\ Shew us the light of thy counte-
againft Thee.
nance, and we fhall be faved, O Lord
Choir. Heal my foul, for I have finned God of Hofts !

againft Thee. Glory be to The Father, and to The

Son : and toThe Holy Ghoft.
rata Choir. Come and deliver us, O Lord
God of Hofts
3T. I have faid, O Lord, have mercy W. The Gentiles fhall fear Thy Name,
O Lord.
St I£,
And all the kings of the Earth thy

upon me.
Choir. For I have finned againft Thee. {[ [This order Jhall be kept in faying all
Refponfories, with their er/es, upon the V
Hours throughout the whole year without
-— - £>uadragefima, except in the Sundays in
Glory be to The Father, and to The Septuagefima, Sexagejima, and £>uinqua-
gefima. Then
let the Priejl fay the
proper Or ifon
for the Seafon, Feflival,
or Commemoration, with The Lord be
Son : and to The Holy Ghoft ;
with you.]
Choir. Heal my foul, for I have finned
|[ [0» Sundays, Feflivals, and Commemo-
againft Thee. rations, here follow the proper Antiphon,
37\ O Lord, be Thou my helper. V erficle, and Orifon, appropriate to each;
Forfake me not, neither defpife me, to be found in the Proper or Common of
O Lord God of my falvation. the Time or of the Saints.~\
Then follow after the Antiphon and Verficle
On the week-days in Advent. Antiphon.^ 3T. The Lord be with you.
I LORD, raife up thy pow'r, I£. And with thy fpirit.

and come to fave us. Let us pray.

Here Orifon or Orifons for the
the proper
Sunday, Feflival, or Commemoration.

h The intonation for this Antiphon cannot be found.

From the Rubric for the Firjl Sunday in Ad-vent.
«34 At Terce.

After the Orifon, again is faid, — thine inheritance. And govern them and

~N The Lord be with you.

liftthem up even for ever.

And with thy fpirit. O Lord let ! there be peace in thy

Blefs we The Lord.
ftrength. And abundance in thy towers.
Thanks be to God. Let us pray for the faithful departed.
Grant them eternal, reft O Lord : and
[Here, on week-days in S>uadragefma (be-
may perpetual light Ihine upon them.
ginning with the Monday after the Firjl
[For our brethren and benefactors.
Sunday), the xv. Gradual Pfalmsfollowed
Preferve thy fervants and handmaidens.
by The Litany, until Wednefday before
My God, who put their truft in Thee.
E after, inclufve.]
For the afflicted and captives.
[On ordinary week-days, the ordinary Deliver Ifrael, O Lord, out of all his
Petitions, as at Lauds, all proflrate, troubles.
kneeling, as follow,.] Alfo for our fins and negligences.
LORD, have mercy (thrice).
Remember not our old fins, but let thy
mercies fpeedily prevent us for we are :
Chrift, have mercy (thrice).
brought very low.
Lord, have mercy (thrice).
Help us, O
God, our Salvation and :

~UR FATHER [fecretly]. for the Glory of Thy Name deliver us.
And be merciful unto our fins for Thy
[The Prieft repeats aloud, ~\
Name's fake. k ]
And lead us not into tempta- O Lord! hear my voice wherewith I
have cried unto Thee. Have mercy upon
But deliver us from evil. Amen. me and hear me.

T HAVE faid, Lord, have mercy upon me. Psalm L.

Heal my foul, for I have finned againft Miferere mei, Deus.
Thee. AVE mercy upon me, O God :

Be turned unto us, O Lord ; how long? according to thy great mercy.
And be ealily intreated for thy fervants. And according to the mul-
Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. titude of thy compaffions
Like as we have put our truft in Thee. blot out mine iniquity.
[The eyes of The Lord are over the Wafti me throughly from mine iniquity
righteous. And his ears are open to and cleanfe me from my fin.
their prayers. For I acknowledge mine iniquity and :

thy works praife Thee.

Let all And my fin is ever before me.
thy faints give bleffing unto Thee.->] Againft Thee only have I finned, and
Let thy priefts be clothed with righte- done evil before Thee that Thou mayeft

oufnefs. And let thy faints rejoice. be juftified in thy fayings, and overcome
Lord, fave the King. And hear us when Thou art judged.
in the day when we call upon Thee. For behold I was conceived in iniqui-
Preferve thy fervants and handmaidens ties and in fin hath my mother conceived

My God, who put their truft in Thee. me.

Save thy people, O Lord ; and blefs But lo Thou haft loved truth the
! :

•i From the York Bre-viary.

k From the York and Hereford Breviaries.
: :

At Terce. 135
uncertain and hidden things of thy wifdom O Lord God of Hofts, convert us. And
haftThou manifefted to me. fhew us thy countenance, and we fhall be
Thou fhalt fprinkle me with hyffop, and faved.
I mall be cleanfed : Thou fhalt warn me, O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my
and I mall be made whiter than fnow. crying come unto Thee.
To my hearing Thou fhalt give joy and The Lord be with you.
gladnefs : and the bones which are humbled And with thy fpirit.
mall rejoice.
Let us pray.
Turn thy face away from my fins :

and blot out all my mifdeeds. [Here follow the proper Orifons for the
Create in me a clean heart, O God :
Sunday, Sea/on, Feftival, or Commemo-
and renew a right fpirit within me. ration ; and
is to be obferved that

Caft me not away from thy face : and this Orifonfaid at all the Hours of

take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. this day, and alfo of the whole week,
Reftore to me the joy of thy falvation :
whenever it is the Service for the
and ftablifh me with Thy Chief Spirit. TimeS\
I will teach the wicked thy ways : and
\Ending with, except where otherwife di-
the impious fhall be converted unto Thee.
Deliverme from blood-guiltinefs, O
God, The God of my falvation and my :
The Lord be with you.
tongue fhall rejoice in thy righteoufnefs.
And with thy fpirit.

O Lord ! Thou fhalt open my lips : and

Blefs we The Lord.
my mouth fhall fhew forth thy praife.
Thanks be to God. Amen.]
For if Thou hadft defired facrifice I
would have given it but Thou wilt not :
[It is to be obferved, that between E after
be delighted with burnt offerings. and Pentecoft, and beyond, up to the Firft
The facrifice of God is a troubled fpirit
Sunday after Trinity (Deus omnium),
a contrite and humbled heart, O God, there are no Petitions (Preces) at Vefpers,
fhalt Thou
not defpife. nor at Matins, nor at the other Hours,
Do kindly, Lord, in thy good pleafure except at Prime and Compline.\ m

unto Syon that the walls of Jerufalem


may be built.
Then fhalt
righteoufnefs, oblations,
Thou accept the facrifice of
and burnt offer-
ings : then fhall they lay young bullocks [The daily office.]
upon thine altar.
Glory be to The Father. TN The Name of The Father, and of
A The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft
As it was in the beginning.
(with the ftgn of the Crofs). >J<
The Pfalm being finijhed, let the Prieft
alone ft and up and advance to the place
of the Choir at Matins and Vefpers,
QUR Father (fecretly.)
repeating thefe Verfes —
Arife, O Lord, help us. And deliver J-JAIL Mary (fecretly.)
us for Thy Name's fake.

From the Rubrics for the Firji Sunday in Advent.

From the Rubrics for the Proper of The Time.
At Sext.

GOD, make fpeed to fave

LLELUYA ; or from the Vef-
pers preceding Sunday in Sep-
tuagefima to Thurfday in The
O Lord, make hafte to
Supper of The Lord.
help me.

LORY be to The Father, and

to The Son and to The

RAISE to Thee, O Lord,

Holy Ghoft;
As it was in the begin-
ning, is now, and ever fhall be world
mm we fing,
Of Glory The Eternal
without end. Amen.

SSI King.

the whole year, except in the week of E after.

|[ In all Double Feajis throughout


E C - TORpotens! ve-rax De- HOU, mighty Ruler! God of

us ! Qui tern - pe - ras re - Truth ! Who guid'ft the chang - ing

rum vi-ces Splen-do-re Ma-ne fcenes of Day; Decking with golden


in - ftru - is, Et ig - ni - bus beams the Morn, And kindling Noon

Meri - di - em. with fervid ray.

In the Vigil of The Epiphany, and in all

Sundays and Simple Feafts, as well of
iii. as of ix. Leffons ; and in the Com-
memorations of The Bleffed Mary, and Who guid'ft the changing fcenes of Day;
in the Feaft of the Place, and within the
Oclave, and on the Oclave, whether the
Choir have Conductors or have not s ex-
Decking with golden beams the Morn,
cept in the week of Pentecoft, and except
in Feafts in which a Noclurn is faid.

V * *" *
Thou mighty Ruler! God of Truth! And kindling Noon with fervid ray.
;; !!; ! ; ! ; ; —

At Sext. 137
In all week-days throughout the year, even
in Eaftertide, and in Feafis in which a
Noel urn /aid s and in
is V
igils happening Who guid'ft the changing fcenes of Day
without Sunday, except of Eafter and s
Pentecoft, except in the Vigil of The
(5 _—
Epiphany. Decking with golden beams the Morn,

Thou mighty Ruler God of Truth ! And kindling Noon with fervid ray.

Rector potens verax Deus! Thou mighty Ruler ! God of Truth !

Qui temperas rerum vices Who guid'ft the changing fcenes of Day
Splendore Mane inftruis, Decking with golden beams the Morn,
Et ignibus Meridiem. And kindling Noon with fervid ray.
Extingue flammas litium, Quench Thou in us the flames of ftrife,
Aufer calorem noxium, Bid every hurtful paflion ceafe,
Confer falutem corporum, Vouchfafe to grant our bodies health,
Veramque pacem cordium. And keep our hearts in perfect peace.
Prasfta Pater piiffime Father of Mercies grant our prayer,

Patrique Compar Unice And Thou Coequal Only Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Who with The Spirit Paraclete,

Regnans per omne feculum. Reign through eternal ages, One !

E = H
f[ \Inftead of the Hymn Reftor Potens in the Day of THE NATIVITY OF THE
LORD, and daily up to THE CIRCUMCISION, the following Hymn is faid in the
Hereford Office.
Hymnus. Hymn.
Ecce quern Vates vetuftis
! Lo ! He whom Seers primeval fung,
Concinebant feculis In glad unifon of old ;
Quern Prophetarum fideles Whom Prophets, in each faithful page,
Paginse fpoponderant With prefaging lips foretold ;

Emicat promiffus olim Shines forth on his long promifed road

Cunfta collaudent Eum, Creation, hail thy coming God !

Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

Pfallat altitudo Coeli, Heaven utters forth a Pfalm on high,

Pfallant omnes Angeli, All Angels wake the Pfalm of praife,
Quicquid eft Virtutis ufque, All Virtues, Powers, in one to God,
laudem Dei
Pfallat in Loud the adoring Anthem raife
Nulla linguarum lilefcat, No voice be mute His Name to tell,
Vox et omnis confonet, All tongues the mighty chorus fwell,
Seculorum feculis. From age to age.
At Sext.

Tibi Chrifte fit cum Patre,

! To Thee, O Chrift ! Father to Thee !

Agiofque Spiritu, And The Holy Spirit be,

Hymnus, Melos, Laus perennis, Hymns, Worlhip, Laud, and Melody,
Gratiarum aftio ; Thanklgiving everlaftingly,
Honor, Virtus, et Poteftas, Honour, and Power, and Viftory,
Regnum eternaliter, Kingdom and Might eternally,
Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

In the York Office, until after the OCTAVE of THE EPIPHANY.

Hymnus. Hymn.
Pr^sepe poni pertulit, See ! in a lowly manger placed,
Qui lucis Auftor extitit The Lord of light vouchfafes to reft
Cum Patre Coelos condidit, Who, with His Father, built the fpheres,
Sub Matre pannos induit. Swathed by a mother's care appears.

Legem dedit qui feculo, He, who difpenfed his Law to Earth,
Cujus decern precepta funt, The Ten great Precepts uttered forth,
Dignando faftus eft Homo, Our mortal nature deigns to fhare,
Sub legis effe vinculo. The fetters of the Law to wear.

Gloria Tibi Domine ! Glory to Thee, O Lord be paid, !

Qui natus es de Virgine ; Born of the wondrous Mother Maid

Cum Patre et Spiritu Sanfto, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye !

Per fempiterna fecula. Amen. Now and throughout eternity. Amen.]


From an Anglo-Saxon Hymnary."

Hymnus. Hymn.
Sexta aetate Virgine Thou, ere the Sixth great Age had ran,

Qui natus es pro homine, Of Virgin womb waft born forman ;

Fac nos Odtava fumere Grant, when the laft Eighth Time mall come,, fortem gloriae. We reach in Heaven a glorious home !

Et Qui hac Hora myfticum And as this Hour, O Saviour bleft,

Sedifti fuper puteum Thou on the myftic well didft reft
Fonte tuo nos irriga, Bedew us with that fount of thine,

Atque Sole illumina. And light us with thy Sun divine.

Praefta hoc Deus Trinitas, Grantthis, Thou God in Trinity

Una et Compar Deitas ! One and Co-equal Deity

Cui Laus, Virtus, et Gloria, To whom Praife, Glory, Virtue be,
Nunc et cundta per fecula. Amen. Now and throughout eternity. Amen.]

n D. xii., Cott. Lib., Brit. Muj.

At Sext. i

IT SEXT, throughout QUADRAGESIMA, excepting Sundays and Feaft Days,

according to Worcefter, Canterbury, Norwich, and other ancient ufes.

Hymnus. Hymn.
Qua Chriftus Hora litiit, This Hour, when Chrift our Lord athirft,

Crucem vel in qua fubiit, Was lifted on the Crofs accurft,

Quos praeftat in hac pfallere, May He on us who fing his praife,
Ditet fiti juftitiae Bellow the thirft of righteoufnefs !

Quibus fit et efuries And hunger, which of Him create,

Quam Ipfe de Se fatiet, He with Himfelf lhall fatiate ;

Crimen fit ut faftidium, Thus lhall enough, be an ofFence,

Virtufque defiderium. And more to crave, our excellence.

Charifma San&i Spiritus, So may The Holy Ghoft infpire,

Sic influat pfallentibus, With graces this our hymning Choir,
Ut carnis aeftus frigeat, That all our carnal heat be chilled,
Et mentis algor ferveat. And lukewarm hearts with fervour filled.

Gloria Tibi Trinitas Glory to Thee, Great Trinity !

Equalis Una Deitas One and Co-equal Deity

Et ante omne feculum, Before all worlds began to be,
Et nunc et in perpetuum. Amen. And now and everlaftingly. Amen.

AT SEXT, according to the Anglo-Saxon Hymnaries.

Hymnus. Hymn.
Mzridie orandum eft, O ! pray we at this Noontide Hour,
Chriftufque deprecandus eft, And Chrift's companion meek implore,
Ut jubeat nos edere So may He bid us to the food,
De Suo Sanfto Sanguine. Of that His own Moft Holy Blood.

Ut Ille fit laudabilis, So worthily his praife be fung,

In univerfis populis By every nation, clime, and tongue j

Ipfe Coelorum Dominus, He, o'er the Heavens fole Monarch crowned
Qui fedet in Altillimis. Who in The Higheft fits enthroned.

Detque nobis auxilium Now be on us his aid conferred,

Per Angelos mirabiles 5

By wondrous Angels miniftered ;

Qui Temper nos cuftodiant And may they ever guard us well
In omni vita feculi. Long as in life on Earth we dwell.

Gloria Tibi Trinitas Glory to Thee, Great Trinity

Equalis Una Deitas One and Co-equal Deity !

Et ante omne feculum, Before all worlds began to be,

Et nunc, et in perpetuum. Amen. And now, and everlaftingly. Amen.]
140 At Sext.

For ever I will not forget thy ftatutes

for in them Thou haft quickened me.

G lory and Laud. Oioueae

I am
out thy ftatutes.
thine, fave

Sinners laid wait for me, to deftroy

me : for I have fought

I have underftood thy teftimonies.
I have feen the end of all confummation
thy commandment is exceeding broad.
onfound me not. Oioueae.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
[Caph. The Hand.] Son and to The Holy Ghoft

Defecit in falutare. As it was in the beginning, is now, and

ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

Y foul hath fainted for

thy falvation and I
[Mem. From whom j or From them.]
have hoped exceedingly Quomodo dilexi!
in thy word. How have I loved thy law, O Lord !

Mine eyes have failed all the day long it is my meditation.

_ for thy word: faying, Thou through thy commandment haft

when wilt Thou comfort me. made me wife above mine enemies for it :

is mine for ever.

For I am become like a bottle in the
*hoar froft : thy ftatutes have I not for- I have underftanding above all my
gotten. teachers : for thy teftimonies are my
How many are the days of thy fervant meditation.
Thou do judgement on them I have underftanding above the aged
when wilt :

that perfecute me. becaufe I have fought thy commandments.

The unjuft have told me fables: but I have refrained my feet from every

not after thy law. evil waykeep thy words.

: that I may
All thy commandments are truth : the have not turned alide from thy judge-

wicked have perfecuted me ; help Thou ments for Thou haft fet a law unto me.

me. How fweet are thy words unto my

They had almoft made an end of me throat above honey unto my mouth.

upon earth but I forfook not thy com-

Through thy commandments I have
mandments. underftanding : therefore I hate every way
According to thy mercy quicken me : of iniquity.
and I will keep the teftimonies of thy [Nun. Everlafting ; or A Full.]

mouth. Thy word is a lantern unto my feet

[Lamed. Difcipline.]
and a light unto my paths.
For ever, O Lord : thy word endureth I have fworn, and am ftedfaftly pur-
in Heaven. pofed to keep the judgements of thy

From generation to generation is thy righteoufnefs.

truth Thou haft founded the Earth, and
: I am humbled exceedingly, O Lord
it abideth. quicken me according to thy word.
The day continueth in thine ordinance : The free-will offerings of my mouth
for all things ferve make well-pleahng unto Thee, O Lord :

But that thy law is my meditation : and teach me thy judgements.

then haply I might have perilhed in my My foul is alway in my hand : and
humiliation I have not forgotten thy law.
At Sext. 141

me and
Sinners have laid a fnare for Wherefore have I held ftraight to all thy

I fwerved not from thy commandments. commandments and I have hated every :

Thy teftimonies I have acquired as an wicked way.

heritage for ever for they are the joy of
: Glory be to the Father.
my heart. As it was in the beginning.
I have inclined my heart to fulfil thy
ftatutes for ever : becaufe of the reward. [O God, the Palm of perfedt. blefiednefs, who, as
a provident Saviour, doft teach thy faithful ones to
Glory be to the Father.
walk in thy laws, to fearch thy teftimonies, and to
As it was in the beginning. keep thy commands grant to us, we befeech Thee,

thy righteoufneffes ; that we may feek Thee with

[Samech. Help.] our whole hearts, underftand thy fayings, tell forth
Iniquos odio habui. thy wonders :that we, who have hitherto wan-
dered like loft ftieep, reftored by thy kind arms,
I have hated the unjuft : and thy law may rejoice in the Glories of Paradife, through our
have I loved. Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth
Thou art my helper and upholder : and and reigneth, in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft,
God, blefied for evermore. Amen.]
in thy word have I trufted exceedingly.
Depart from me, ye malicious : and I
will fearch the commandments of my God. On Sundays. Antiphon.
Uphold me according to thy word, and
I lhall live : and difappoint me not of my
Help me, and I mail be fafe : and I will L O - RY and Laud refound
meditate in thy ftatutes alway.
Thou haft fpurned all them that depart
from thy judgements : for their imagination
is unjuft. from the voice of all Men to The Father
All the linners upon earth I accounted
falfe dealers : therefore I have loved thy
Pierce Thou my flefh with thy fear :
and Son Sole be - got-ten, And to The
for I am afraid of thy judgements.

[Ain. Fountain ; or Eye.]

Ihave done judgement and juftice O :

Ho-ly Ghoft like-wife re - echo
give me not over to them that flander me.
Receive thy fervant for good let not :

the proud fpeak evil of me.

Praife everlafting.
Mine eyes have failed after thy falva-
tion: and for the word of thy righteoufnefs.
Deal with thy fervant according unto Chapter. John v.

thy mercy and teach me thy ftatutes.

HERE are Three that bear
I am thy fervant grant me under- :
record in Heaven, The Fa-
ftanding, that I may know thy teftimonies.
ther, The Word, and The
It is time, Lord, to be doing for they :
Holy Spirit, and thele Three
have deftroyed thy law.
are One.
Therefore I have loved thy command-
ments above gold and precious ftone.
: Thanks be to God.
142 At Sext.

For e - ver, O . Lord, a - bideth I will blefs The Lord, at

thy word. all times.

Choir. For ever, O Lord, abideth thy Choir. I will blefs The Lord at all
word. times.
fcac —: :izc"*:i: 4-
y . In Heaven, and for e - ver and e-ver y. Ever fhall his praife be in my mouth.
Choir. At all times.
thy truth.

Choir. Abideth thy word. Glory be to The Father, and to The

E -— - —=s=±
Son, and to The Ho-ly Ghoft.
Glory be to The Fa-ther, and to

fe= »-«--- - Choir. I will blefs The Lord at all

The Son, and to The Ho-ly Ghoft. y . The Lord is my fhepherd : there-
fore can I lack nothing.
Choir. For ever, O Lord, abideth thy In a place of pafture, there hath
word. He placed me.
37". The Lord is my fhepherd, there-
fore fhall I lack nothing.
In a place of pafture, there hath He In Advent. Antiphon.

placed me. Y thine Advent deliver us, O

On week-days. Antiphon.

Chapter. Ifaiah xiv.

ER time is near to come, and

her day fhall not be pro-
longed for The Lord will

have mercy on Jacob, and

m mine ex-pec-ta-ti - on.
be faved.
Ifrael fhall
Chapter. Thejfdon. v.
Thanks be to God.
ROVE all things; hold faft IJ;. Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy.
that which is good ; abftain Choir. Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy,
from all appearance of evil. y. And grant us thy falvation.
Thanks be to God. Choir. Thy mercy.
At None.
Glory be to The Father, and The
Son and to The Holy Ghoft.
Choir. Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy. \The daily office'.]
y. Remember us, O Lord, with the
favour of thy people. TN The Name of The Father, and of
A The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft
IJ;. Vint us with thy falvation.
(with the fign of the Crofs).^
[Here the proper Orifo?i for the Sea/on,
Feftival, or Commemoration, preceded by QUR Father (fecretly.)
The Lord be with you.]
PJAIL Mary (fecretly.)
[On Sundays, Feftivals, and Commemora-
tions, here follow the proper Antiphon,

Verficle, and Orifon, to be found in the GOD, make fpeed to fave

Proper or Common of The Time or of me.
The Saints, as at Lauds and Terce. O
Lord, make hafte to

After the Antiphon and Verficle, is faid, — help me.

The Lord be with you.

And with thy fpirit.
LORY be to The Father, and
to The Son and to The

Let us pray. Holy Ghoft

Then follow the proper Orifons for that As it was in the begin-
Sunday, Feftival, or Commemoration. ning, is now, and ever lhall be world :

without end. Amen.

After the Orifon, again is faid, —
"W . The Lord be with you. LLELUYA or from the Vef-

5?. And with thy fpirit. pers preceding Septuagefima

Blefs we The Lord. Sunday to Thurfday in The
Thanks be to God.] Supper of The Lord.

f[ On ordinary week-days here follow the RAISE Thee, O

to Lord,
ordinary Petitions, all proftrate, kneeling,
we ring,
as at Terce and Lauds on Monday. Of Glory The Eternal

f[ In all Double Feafts throughout the whole year.

Hymnus. Hymn.

E - RUM De -us te - nax GOD of all the ftrength

vi - gor, Im - mo - tus in Te per and ftay, Who doft Thyfelf unmoved

- ma-nens ; Lu - cis di - ur - nae tern a - bide; And all the chang-ing hours
144 -A* A Tone.

% « ? 1 " i
- po - ra, Sue - cef - li - bus de - ter - of day, In their ordained fucceflion

p — r. v=u
- mi - nans. A - men. guide. A - men.

T 77 L J j.7 7 j. _* 7
In the Vigil of The Epiphany, and in all In all week-days throughout the year, even in
Sundays and Simple Feajls, as well the time of Eajler, and in Feajls in which

of iii. as of ix. Leffons ; and in Com- a Noclurn is Jaid j and in Vigils with-
memorations of The Bleffed Mary s out Sunday , except Eajler-day and Pente-
and in the Feaft of the Place, and within cojl, and except in the Vigil of The

the clave, and in the clave, whether Epiphany.

the Choir have Conduclors or no, except
in the week of Pentecojl, and except in P % m " * " * 1 *=t
Feajls in which Noclurns are faid. O God of all the ftrength and ftay,
^hW — * m~^T t I 1
God of all the ftrength and ftay,
Who doft Thyfelf unmoved abide
5 B . . 1-
VV IIU U.U1L A Jiy~lCJLl Ull 111LIV U. aUlUL y P i
™ ^ — |-

3*— —— — * i —»—M- And all the changing hours of day,

And all the changing hours of day,

1 ^— -a — i t

In their or-dained fuc-cef-fion guide.

In their or-dained fuc-cef-lion guide.

«H -J

A- men. A - men.
Rerum Deus tenax Vigor O God of the ftrength and ftay
all !

Immotus in Te permanens ; Who doft Thyfelf unmoved abide

Lucis diurnae tempora, And all the changing hours of day,
Succeflibus determinans In their ordained fucceflion guide

Largire clarum vefpere, Thy light upon our evening pour,

Quo vita nufquam decidat So may our life no funlet fee ;
Sed premium mortis facrae, But death to us an holy door,
Perennis inftet Gloria. Of everlafting glory be.

Praefta Pater piiffime ! Father of Mercies ! grant our prayer,

Patrique Compar Unice ! And Thou, Coequal Only Son
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Who with The Spirit Paraclete,
Regnans per omne feculum. Reign through eternal ages, One.
Amen, Amen.
At None.

4T NONE, injlead of the Hymn Rerum Deus. in the Day of THE NATIVITY OF
THE LORD, and daily up to THE CIRCUMCISION, is faid this Hymn in the Hereford
Hymnus. Hymn.
Juste Judex mortuorum O Thou juft Judge of quick and dead !

Jufte Rex viventium ! Juft King of all living men !

Dexter in Parentis arce AffelTor of thy Father's throne,

Qui cluis virtutibus ! There renowned in might to reign !

Omnium venturus inde, Who thence lhalt juft Avenger ! come

Juftus Ultor criminum, To affign all fins their doom,
Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

Te fenex et Te juventus, Thee hoary age, Thee gentle youth,

Parvulorum Te chorus Thee the lifping infant throng
Turba matrum virginumque, The matron train, the virgin troop,
Simplices puellulas, Guilelefs maidens in their fong,
Voce Concordes pudicis, Extol ; and with meek founding voice,
Perftrepunt concentibus. Harmonious in thy praife rejoice.

Praefta Pater piiffime Father of Mercies grant our prayer,


Patrique Compar Unice ! And Thou, Co-equal, Only Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito Who, with Thee

Spirit Paraclete !

Regnans per omne feculum. Reign through eternal ages, One.

Amen. Amen.]

[In the York Office, until after THE OCTAVE OF THE EPIPHANT.
Hymnus. Hymn
Adam vetus quod polluit, Now the old Adam's finful ftain,
Adam Novus hoc abluit Doth The New Adam cleanfe again ;

Tumens quod ille dejecit, What he in fwelling pride debafed,

Humillimus Hie erigit. Heavenward The lowly Chrift hath raifed.

Jam nata Lux eft, et Salus, Now Light, now is Salvation born,
Fugata nox et vifta mors Darknefs difpelled and death o'erthrown ;
Venite gentes, credite
! ! Approach ye nations truft The Lord,

Deum Maria protulit. Lo Mary hath brought forth your God.


Gloria Tibi Domine ! Glory to Thee, O Lord be paid, !

Qui natus es de Virgine ; Born of the wondrous Mother Maid ;

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye,

Per fempiterna fecula. Now and throughout eternity.]
146 At None.


From the Anglo-Saxon Hymnary.°
Hora Nona quae canimus O Jesu ! hymns we fing,
hear the

Exaudi Jefu ! petimus ;

At this Ninth Hour to Thee our King
Quam tuus reddit obitus, Which thy moft facred death hath made,
Sacro fan&am mortalibus. To mortals ever confecrate.

Hac Hora tuo Vulnere This Hour from out thy wounded fide,

Fons manavit Ecclefiae Welled forth the Church's noble tide ;

Tua nos jungat inclita O ! to the holy thief do Thou

Sandlo latroni gratia ! By thy fweet grace unite us now !

Prasfta hoc Deus Trinitas ! Grant this, Thou God in Trinity !

Una et Compar Deltas ! One and Coequal Deity

Cui Laus, Virtus, et Gloria, To whom Praife, Glory, Virtue, be,

Nunc et cundla per fecula. Now and throughout eternity. ]

[AT NONE, throughout QUADRAGESIMA, excepting Sundays and Feaji Days,

according to Worcefter, Canterbury, Norwich, and other ancient U/es.

Hymnus. Hymn.
Ternis ter Horis numerus Now thrice three Hours, the Time complete,
Sacrae fidei panditur For a£ts of holy faith is meet
Nunc Trinitatis Nomine, And in The Trinity's Bleft Name
Munus precamur veniae. The gift of pardoning grace we claim.

Latronis en ! confefiio Lo the confefiion of the thief,


Chrifti meretur gratiam ; From Chrift obtains a kind relief

Laus noftra vel devotio So may our prayer and praifes win
Meretur indulgentiam. For us, remifiion of our fin.

Mors per Crucem nunc interiit, Death by the Crofs is now o'erthrown,
Et poft tenebras lux redit j And after night breaks forth the dawn ;

Horror dehifcat criminum, May darknefs fliroud our guilt, and bright
Splendor nitefcat mentium ! Our bofoms glow with heavenly light !

Gloria Tibi Trinitas Glory to Thee, Great Trinity !

Equalis Una Deitas ! One and Co-equal Deity !

Et ante omne feculum, Before all worlds began to be,

Et nunc, et in perpetuum. Ame And now, and everlaftingly. Amen.]

Vefp. D. xii., Cott. Lib., Brit. Muf.

NOTE. — Of the Hymns at the fmall Hours, " Nunc Sanffe," " ReEior Potens," and "Rerum tenax," are
of the Ambrofian fchool.
" Veni Creator'''' is by Charlemagne. " Qua Chrijlus" by Fortunatus. " Meridie
orandum" is Ambrofian.
: ; :

At None.
Thy righteoufnefs is righteoufnefs for
ever and thy law is the truth.

rom Whom are all things. Oioueae. Trouble and heavinefs have found me :

my meditation is thy commandments.

The righteoufnefs of thy teftimonies is
for ever : O grant me underftanding, and
c - cording to thy word. Oioueae. I lhall live.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
[Phe. Mouth.] Son and to The Holy Ghoft

As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever fhall be world without end. Amen.
HY teftimonies are won-

derful, O Lord ! : there- [Coph. Calling.]

fore hath my foul fought
Clamavi in toto corde meo.
them out.

The declaration of thy

I cried out with my whole heart, hear

words enlighteneth : and

me, O Lord : I will feek after thy
giveth underftanding unto little ones.
Ihave cried unto Thee, fave me that
I opened my mouth, and drew in my :

I maykeep thy commandments.
: for I longed for thy command-
I prevented the early morning, and
cried out for in thy word have I hoped
Look Thou upon me, and be merciful

unto me : after the judgement of them
Mine eyes unto Thee prevented the
that love Thy Name.
morning dawn that I might meditate thy
Order my fteps according to thy word :

that no unrighteoufnefs have dominion
Hear my voice, according unto thy
over me.
mercy, O Lord quicken me according to
Redeem me from the flanders of men :

thy judgement.
that I may keep thy commandments.
They have drawn nigh to iniquity that
Make thy face to mine upon thy fer-
perfecute me but they have become far
vant and teach me thy ftatutes.

Mine eyes have gufhed out fprings of from thy law.

waters becaufe they have not kept thy
Thou art nigh at hand, O Lord and :
all thy ways are truth.
In the beginning have I known con-
[Sade. Juftice.]
cerning thy teftimonies that Thou haft :

Juft art Thou, O Lord and righteous founded them for ever.
! :

thy judgement.
Thou haft commanded, righteoufnefs [Res. Head.]
thy teftimonies : and thy truth exceed- Behold my lowlinefs, and deliver me
ingly. for I have not forgotten thy law.
My zeal hath caufed me to pine away Judge Thou my judgement, and redeem
becaufe mine enemies have forgotten thy me quicken me, becaufe of thy word.

words. Health is far from fmners becaufe they :

Thy word hath been vehemently tried have not fought out thy ftatutes.
by fire and thy fervant loveth it.
: Many are thy mercies, O Lord ac- :

I am a youth defpifed I have not for- : cording to thy judgement, quicken me.
gotten thy ftatutes. Many are they that perfecute me, and
:: ;

At None.

trouble me : I have not fwerved from thy I have longed for thy faving health, O
teftimonies. Lord and in thy law is my meditation.
! :

I beheld the tranfgreffors, and pined My foul fhall live and praife Thee and :

away : becaufe they have not kept thy thy judgements fhall help me.
fayings. I have gone aftray like a fheep which
Behold have loved thy command-
how I hath perifhed : O
feek thy fervant, for I
ments, in thy mercy quicken me.
OLord! : have not forgotten thy commandments.
The beginning of thy words is truth Glory be to The Father.
all the judgements of thy righteoufnefs As it was in the beginning.
endure for evermore.
Glory be to The Father. [O God, the Palm of perfect bleffednefs, who,
as aprovident Saviour, doft teach thy faithful ones
As it was in the beginning.
to walk in thy laws, to fearch thy teftimonies, to
[Sin. Teeth.] keep thy commands 3 grant us, we befeech Thee,
thy righteoufnefies ; that we may feek Thee with
Principes perfecuti funt.
our whole hearts, underftand thy fayings, tell forth
Princes have perfecuted me without a thy wonders; that we, who hitherto have wan-
caufe and my heart hath ftood in awe
dered like loft fheep, reftored by thy kind arms,
may rejoice in the Glories of Paradife, through our
of thy word.
Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth
I will rejoice at thy words as one that :
and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft,
findeth great fpoils. God, blefTed for evermore. Amen.]
I have hated and abhorred iniquity : but
thy law have I loved.
On Sundays. Antiphon.
Seven times a-day I have praifed Thee :

becaufe of the judgements of thy righte-

Great is the peace to them that love
— *\-

thy law and it is no offence to them.

ROM Whom are all things,
I have looked for thy faving health, O
Lord and I have loved thy command-

My foul hath kept thy teftimonies : and through Whom are all things, in

loved them exceedingly.

I have kept thy commandments and
teftimonies : for all my ways are before Whom are all things, to Him be
[Thau. Sign, or Confummation.]

Let my fupplication draw nigh in thy

Glo - ry for e - ver - more.
light, O Lord ! : give me underftanding,
according to thy word.
Let my requeft enter in before thy fight Chapter. Epbef. iv.
according to thy word deliver me.
My lips fhall utter forth a hymn : when
NE Lord, One Faith, One
Baptifm, One God, and Fa-
Thou fhalt have taught me thy ftatutes.
ther of all, Who is above all,
My tongue fhall tell forth thy word
and through all, and in us all
for all thy commandments are equity.
Let it be that thine hand fave me : for
Who is BlefTed for evermore.

I have chofen thy commandments. Thanks be to God.


At None. 149

I cri-ed with my whole heart, Re-deem me, O Lord, and have

hear me, O Lord

mer - cy up - on me.
Choir. I cried with my whole heart,
hear me, O Lord !
Choir. Redeem me, O Lord, and have
mercy upon me.

y. Thy right-e-ouf-neff-es will I

^ =--— — ~"
"mm" *. M

HT. For my foot hath flood in the right

fearch out.

Choir. Hear me, O Lord. way, In the Church I will blefs Thee,

Glo-ry be to The Fa-ther, and to O Lord!

And have mercy upon me.

Glory be to The Father, and to The
The Son, and to The Holy Ghoft. Son and to The Holy Ghoft.

Choir. Redeem me, O Lord, and have

Choir. I cried with my whole heart,
hear me, O Lord !
mercy upon me.
W. From my fecret faults, cleanfe me,
37". From my fecret faults, cleanfe me,
O Lord !
O Lord.
And from the fins of others fpare
And from the fins of others fpare thy
thy fervant.

On week-days. Antiphon. On week-days in Advent. Antiphon. p

|OME, O Lord, and tarry not,

forgive the offences of thy
people Ifrael.
C -CORD-ING to thy word,

Chapter. Micah iv.

give me un - der - ftand - ing, O Lord.

OME, go up to the
let us
Mountain of The Lord, and to
theHoufe of The God ofJacob,
Chapter. Galat. vi.
and He will teach us of his
EAR ye one another's bur- ways, and we will walk in his paths, for
thens, and fo fhall ye fulfil the the law fhall go forth of Syon, and the
Law of Chrift. word of The Lord from Jerufalem.
Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God.
P The Intonation for this Antiphon has not been found.
ISO At None.

5?. Upon thee, Jerufalem, The Lord Psalm CXXIX.

ftiall arife.
De profundis.
Choir. Upon thee, Jerufalem, The Lord
mail arife.
UT of the depths I cried unto

And his Glory mall be feen in thee.

Thee, O Lord Lord, hear

my voice.
Choir. The Lord mall arife.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
let thine ears be intent

unto the voice of my fupplication.

Son, and to The Holy Ghoft.
If Thou, Lord, wilt mark iniquity :
Choir. Upon thee, Jerufalem, The Lord
mall arife.
O Lord, who mall abide it ?
For with Thee there is propitiation
~N . O Lord God of Hofts, convert us.
and becaufe of thy law I have waited for

J$s. Shew us thy countenance, and we

Ihall be faved.
Thee, Lord. O
My foul hath endured in his word :

|T_ [Here the proper Orifon for the Sea/on, my foul hath trufted in The Lord.
Feftival, or Commemoration, preceded by From the morning watch, even to the
The Lord be with you.] night let Ifrael truft in The Lord.

[On Sundays, Feftivals, and Commemora- For with The Lord there is mercy :

tions, here follow the Proper Antiphon, and with Him is plenteous redemption.
Verficle, and Orifon, to be found in the And He lhall redeem Ifrael : from all
Proper or Common of The Time, or of his iniquities.
The Saints. Lord, have mercy.
Chrift, have mercy.
After the Antiphon and Verficle, is faid,
37'. Lord, have mercy.
The Lord be with you.
IJ;. And with thy fpirit. UR FATHER (fecretly).

Let us pray.
[The Prieft repeating aloud,]
Then follow the proper Orifons for that
Sunday, Feftival, or Commemoration. ^^^^ And lead us not into tempt-
After the Orifon again is faid, — ation.

37". The Lord be with you. But deliver us from evil.

And with thy fpirit. Grant them eternal reft, O Lord.

Blefs we The Lord. And may perpetual light mine upon
Thanks be to God. them.
From the gate of Hell.
|[ On ordinary week-days, here follow the
ordinary Petitions, all proftrate, kneel-
Ijfc. Deliver their fouls, O Lord.
I believe to fee the good things of The
ing, as at Terce (ante) and Lauds on
Monday. ~\
In the land of the living.
{[ On every day of the year, except the
Day of Preparation, is faid, in the ftation
The words, T
May they reft in peace are
not faid before the Orifon for the Dead,
of the Boys, after Mafs, in the laft recefs
before dinner, the Pfalm, Out of the according to Sarum life, but after the
depths De Profundis for all the faith- Orifon, inftead of Blefs we The Lord.
ful departed, without note and without The Lord be with you.
Gloria Patri.q And with thy fpirit.

i From the Rubrics for Ad-vent. From the Prop, de Temp, for Ad-vent.
Monday at Matins. 151
Let us pray. Invitatory.
[BSOLVE, we befeech Thee,
O Lord, the fouls of thy fer- ifcr-^—
vants, our Bilhops, Priefts,
relations, benefadlors,
the faithful departed, from all the chains
and all mm COME, let us be

of their fins ; that in the glory of the 3EJ

Refurre&ion they may be raifed up to life ful in The Lord ;
and breath among thy faints and eleft,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.
Pfalm. Let us rejoice in God our Salvation
May they reft in peace. Amen.]
let us come before his prefence with
thankfgiving, and with Pfalms rejoice be-

MONDAY fore Him.

Choir. O come, let us be joyful in The
AT MATINS. Lord : let us rejoice in God our Salvation.
For The Lord is a great God, and a
TN The Name of The Father, and of
great King, above all gods : for The Lord
1 The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft
will not rejeft his people, fince in his
(with the Jign of the Crofs.J >J<
hands are all the confines of the Earth,
QUR Father (fecretly.)
and the heighth of the mountains He be-

Choir. Let us rejoice in God our Sal-
JJAIL (fecretly.)
For his is the Sea, and He made it,
LORD, open Thou my lips. and his hands founded the dry land O :

And my mouth fhall mew come let us worfhip and fall down before
forth thy praife.
God, let us weep before The Lord that
O God, make Ipeed to fave made us ; for He is The Lord our God,
me. we are his people, and the iheep of his
O Lord, make hafte to help me. pafture.

LORY be to The Father, and Clerk. O come, let us be joyful in The

to The Son and to The Lord

Holy Ghoft Choir. Let us rejoice in God our Sal-

As it was in the begin- vation.
ning, is now, and ever mail To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden
world without end. Amen. not your hearts, as in the provocation, and
as in the day of temptation in the wil-
LLELUYA. or inftead, accord- dernefs when your fathers tempted Me,

ing to the Seafon proved Me, and faw my works.

Choir. Let us rejoice in God our Sal-
Forty years long was I very near at



Thee, O

we hand to this generation, and faid they do
alway err in their hearts, for they have not
known my ways to whom I fware in :

King. my wrath, if they mail enter into my reft.

;; ; : : ; ;

i jj 2 Monday at Matins.

Choir. O come, let us be joyful in The Choir. Let us rejoice in God our Sal-
Lord let us rejoice in God our Salvation.
Glory be to The Father, and to The Clerk. O come, let us be joyful in
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
: The Lord
As it was in the beginning, is now, and Choir. Let us rejoice in God our Sal-
ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

From the Firji Sunday after the 08ave of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA, is

faid, at MATINS, this Hymn.

HYMNUS.' Hymn.

OM NO - re - fee - tis ar UR wearied limbs with fleep

re-ftored, With glad-nefs from the

couch we fpring ; Father of Mer-cies !

nen - ti - bus we im - plore, Be pre - fent with us

- pof - ci - mus. while we ling.

Somno refecTis artubus, Our wearied limbs with fleep reftored,

Spreto cubili furgimus With gladnefs from the couch we fpring;
Nobis, Pater canentibus!
Father of Mercies we implore,

Adefle Te depofcimus. Be prefent with us while we fing.

Te lingua prima concinat, Thee let our earlieft voice proclaim,

Te mentis ardor ambiat Thee by our fervent fouls adored
So all our acts begun with Thee,
Ut aftuum fequentium,
Tu Sandte lis exordium. Be hallowed by thy favour, Lord !

Cedant tenebrae lumini, Now to the light let darknefs yield,

Et Nox diurno Sideri And Night give place unto the Day
Ut culpa quam nox intulit So may the guilt which darknefs brought,
Lucis labefcat munere. By morning grace be purged away.

Precamur idem fupplices, Suppliants before thy face we fall

Noxas ut omnes amputes : All that can hurt us, Thou remove :

Et ore Te canentium, So may our voices hymn thy praile,

Lauderis in perpetuum. For ever in thy courts above.

8 From S. Ambrofe, or one of hit School.

! ;

Monday at Matins. *53

Gloria Tibi Domine ! All glory,Lord be unto Thee

Cjui natus es de Virgine ; Of Virgin Mother purely born ;

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft to Ye

Per fempiterna fecula. Until eternity be gone.

A - men.

After The Purification.

Prasfta Pater piiffime ! Father of Mercies ! hear our prayer,
Patrique Compar Unice ! And Thou, Only Son
Co-equal, !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Who with Thee, Spirit Paraclete !

Regnans per omne feeulum. Reign through eternal ages, One !

Amen Amen.

Throughout the Summer is /aid the Hymn [on week-days']

Hymnus. Hymn.

gen-tes vi-gi RISE we in the nightly

- le-mus om-nes, Sem-per in pfalmis watches waking, In pfalmody our
31=3 3^ *=a= 5i

me - di - te - mur, at - que Vi - ri - hearts and voices raife ; To God

- bus to - tis Do - mi - no ca with all our powers fweet mufic

3E* 3EEt
- na-mus Dul-ci-ter hymnos. making In hymns of praife.

Nocte furgentes vigilemus omnes, Arise we in the nightly watches waking,

Semper meditemur, atque
in pfalmis In pfalmody our hearts and voices raife
Viribus totis Domino canamus To God with all our powers fweet mulic
Dulciter hymnos. making In hymns of praife.

Ut Pio Regi pariter canentes, So in full concert with thy faints we'll tell

Cum fuis fanftis mereamur aulam Thy mercies, Lord ; fo worthy may we be,
Ingredi Coeli, fimul et beatam To enter Heaven's bright courts in blifs to
Ducere vitam. dwell For e'er with Thee.
Praeftet hoc nobis Deitas Beata The Blelfed Trinity perform our prayer,
Patris ac Nati pariterque Sanfti Father and Son, and Holy Ghoft Moll High,
Spiritus, Cujus reboat in omni Whole Glory all creation doth declare
Gloria mundo. Amen. Eternally. Amen.
i54 Monday at Matins

Psalm XXVI. [Ps. xxv. e. v.] I went about, and have flain in his

A tabernacle a facrifice of jubilation : I will

[A Pfalm of David before he was anointed.
Pfalm for meditation. The Voice of the Baptized.] fingand fpeak a pfalm unto The Lord.
Hearken unto my voice, O Lord, where-
with I have cried unto Thee have mercy :

h e Lord, Pf. upon me, and hear me.

Dominus illuminatio.
My heart hath faid unto Thee, my face
hath fought Thee out : thy face, O Lord,
HE Lord is my Light, and will I feek.
my Salvation: whomfhall Turn not thy face away from me with- :

I fear ?
draw not in anger from thy fervant.
The Lord is the de- Be Thou my helper leave me not, :

fender my
of neither defpife me, O God of my falvation.
of life :

whom ftiall I be afraid ? For my father and mother have forfaken

When the injurious draw near againft me but The Lord hath taken me up. :

me to eat up my flefh
: Set a law for me, Lord, in thy way O
Mine enemies who trouble me they and lead me in the right way, becaufe of

themfelves were enfeebled and fell. mine enemies.

Though camps ftand together againft Deliver me not over unto the fouls of
me my heart mall not be afraid.
: them that trouble me ; for falfe witneffes
Though there rife up war againft me are rifen up againft me and iniquity hath :

I will put my truft in Him. lied unto itfelf.

One thing have I defiredofThe Lord, that I believe to fee the good things of The
I will require even that I may dwell in the
Lord : in the land of the living.
Houfe of The Lord all the days of my life. Wait on The Lord do manfully, and
; let
To behold the good pleafure of The thine heart be comforted : and abide thou
Lord and to vifit his Temple.
: The Lord.
For He hath hid me in his tabernacle in
[O God, helper of all men, defend us from the
the day of evils : He hath fheltered me in hofts and afTaults of our enemies ;
that, enduring in
the fecret place of his tabernacle. thine everlafting gifts, we may be worthy of be-
holding thy countenance in fpiritual contemplation,
He hath fet me up upon a rock : and
through our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who with
now He hath exalted mine head above Thee liveth and reigneth in The Unity of The
mine enemies. Same Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.]
It is to be obferved generally, that the ordinary ajjlgned Pfalms at the Hours are always to be faid as gi-ven
in the Pfalter ivithout change, except Matins or NoBurns and
NoBurns, on Sundays
Vefpers. But Matins or

and on iveek-days, (whether on week-days or on thofe Feafls which have iii. LefJ'ons, in which " Te Deum" is
not faid —
vide N. to " Te Deum" in the Office for Lord's Day Matins, ad fin.,) are alfo to be faid always
without change, except —
I. In Eafiertide, that is, from Eafler Day, inclufive, to Trinity Sunday, exclufive ;

and in the OBave of S. Andrew (although, being Advent, "Te Deum" is not then faid) ; during which
time, whatever be the Service, one NoBurn of three Pfalms only is faid. 2. Without Eafiertide, in all Feafls
and Commemorations, ( except as above flated Feafls of iii. Lejfons without " Te Deum " ) including the OBave
of S. Andrew (although
" Te Deum" is not then faid, it being Advent), inflead of eighteen Sunday and
twelve week-day Pfalms, which are afiigned to each day in the Pfalter, either three NoBurns each of three
Pfalms or one of nine Pfalms is faid.
In the Sunday Office, in the Firfi NoBurn, twelve Pfalms are faid, with three " Gloria Patri " and three
Antiphons. In the week-day Office, in which there is only one NoBurn, there are twelve Pfalms, with fix
" Gloria Patri " and fix Antiphons. In the Office for Feafis which are without Eafiertide, when the weekly
NoBurn is not faid, whether there be three or only one NoBurn, nine Pfalms, with nine "Gloria Patri" and
nine Antiphons are faid. In Eafiertide, whether in Sundays or week-days, or Feafls or Commemorations, one NoBurn
of three Pfalms only is faid, and each Pfalm has its own " Gloria Patri," and, except in Commemorations, its
own Antiphons. In Commemorations, however, at Eafiertide, three Pfalms are faid under one Antiphon.
; :: :

Monday at Matins. *55

Psalm XXVII. [Ps. xxvi. e. v.] Antiphon.

[A Pfalm of David. A
Pfalm for Prayer. The
Voice of Martyrs bleffing The Lord.]

Ad Te, Do mine.
TJNTO Thee, O Lord, will I cry ; my
God, be not filent to me : left when
Thou be filent to me, I mail become like
my life.
them that go down into the pit.
Hearken, O Lord, unto the voice of my [Moll mighty God, the ftrength of all men, fave
thy people from going down into the pit ; and fo
deprecation, while I cry unto Thee : when
unite thy people in finglenefs of mind in thy Holy
I hold up my hands toward thy Holy Temple, that the peace which we profefs to our
Temple. neighbour with our mouths, we may hold faft in a
Deliver me not over with the finners pure heart, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

and with the workers of iniquity deftroy

me not. PSALM XXVIII. [PS. XXIX. E. V.]
Which fpeak peace with their neigh-
[A Pfalm of David at the finifhing of the
bour but mifchief is in their hearts.
Tabernacle. A
Pfalm to Praife God. The Voice
Reward them according to their deeds of the Church weeping at the Paflion of The Lord,
and according to the wickednefs of their and rejoicing at the Refurrection of Chrift.]
own inventions.
Recompenfe them after the work of
their hands : return them their own re- or - ship ye The Lord. A-men.
For they have not underftood the works Afferte Domino.
of The Lord and in the operation of his
: JDRING unto The Lord, ye fons of God
hands Thou malt deftroy them, and not bring unto The Lord the young of
build them up. rams.
Blelfed be The Lord : for He The Lord Glory and Honour;
hath heard Bring unto
the voice of my deprecation. The Lord Glory to His Name bring unto :

The Lord is my helper and my pro- worfhip ye The Lord in his Holy Court.
teftor and in Him my heart trufted, and
: The voice of The Lord is upon the
I was holpen. waters, The God of Majefty hath thun-
And my flefh again flourifhed and dered The Lord is upon many waters. : :

with good will I will give thanks unto The voice of The Lord is mighty the :

Him. voice of The Lord is magnificent.

The Lord is the ftrength of his people The voice of The Lord breaketh the :

and He is the protedlor of the falvation of cedar trees yea, The Lord lhall break :

His Chrift. the cedars of Libanus.

Save thy people, O Lord, and blefs He lhall crufh them as a calf of Liba-
thine inheritance and govern them and
: nus : and as the beloved fon of the
lift them up, even for ever. unicorns.
Glory be to The Father, and to The It is the voice of The Lord dividing the
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
: flames of fire ; the voice of The Lord
As it was in the beginning, is now, fhaking the wildernefs : The Lord lhall
and ever lhall be world without end.: fhake the wildernefs of Cades.
Amen. It is the voice of The Lord preparing
: : ;

Monday at Matins.

the hinds, and it The Lord heard and had mercy upon
(hall difcover the thickets

in his Temple mail me The Lord became my helper.

all men fpeak of his :

Glory. Thou haft turned my mourning unto

The Lord maketh the flood a dwell- me into joy Thou haft cut off my fack- :

ing-place and The Lord mail lit a King cloth and girded me with gladnefs.

even for evermore. That my glory may fing to Thee, and

The Lord fhall give ftrength unto his I be not grieved O Lord, my God for : !

people The Lord fhall blefs his people evermore I will give thanks unto Thee.

with peace. Glory be to The Father.

As it was in the beginning.
[Grant, O Lord, ftrength to thy people, and
make us a temple of Thy Holy Spirit ; that in
purenefs of heart we may prepare ourfelves a facri-
fice acceptable unto Thee, through Chrift our
Lord. Amen.]

PSALM XXIX. fillj^OR SHIP - ye The Lord

[A Pfalm of Praife the Dedication of The
Houfe. A Pfalm to praife God for deliverance
from evil. The Voice of Chrift to The Father.]
in his Ho-ly Court.
Exaltabo Te Domine.
[Moll merciful God the helper of all men, !

T WILL Thee, O Lord, for Thou

exalt fuffernot our enemies to rejoice over us ; but fo
haft upholden me and haft not made
ftrengthen us by thy power, that our forrow may
be turned into joy, and we may continually cele-
my foes to rejoice over me.
brate the remembrance of thy Holinefs, through
O Lord, my God, I cried unto Thee :
our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who, with Thee,
and Thou haft healed me. in the Unity of The Holy Spirit, liveth and

Thou, O Lord, haft brought my foul reigneth God, world without end. Amen.]
out of Hell Thou haft faved me from

them that go down into the pit. Psalm XXX.

Sing pfalms unto The Lord, O ye faints [To the end, Pfalm of David for deliverance.
of His and give thanks for the remem-
: A Pfalm for Prayer. The Voice of Chrift on the
brance of his Holinefs. Crofs.]

For wrath is in his indignation : and life

in his goodwill.
To the evening weeping fhall endure : n thy righteoufnefs. Oioueae.
but in the morning gladnefs.
In Te Domine fperavi.
And in my profperity I faid : I fhall
never be removed. TN Thee, O
Lord, have I put my truft
Lord, in thy good will Thou haft : I fhall never be confounded deliver :

beftowed ftrength on my beauty. me in thy righteoufnefs.

Thou didft turn thy face from me : and Bow down thine ear to me : make hafte
I became troubled. to deliver me.
Unto Thee, O Lord, will I cry and : Be Thou unto me a God Proteftor,
to God will I make my fupplication. and a houfe of refuge that Thou mayeft :

What profit is there in my blood fave me.

when I go down to corruption ? For Thou art my ftrength and my
Shall the duft give thanks unto Thee : refuge and becaufe of Thy Name Thou

or fhall it declare thy truth ? wilt guide me and nourifh me.

Monday at Matins. »57

Thou fhalt draw me out of the fnare Which fpeak iniquity againft the righte-
that they have laid privily for me : for ous: in pride and with abufe.
Thou art my prote&or. How great is the multitude of thy
Into thy hands I commend my fpirit fweetnefs, O Lord ! : which Thou haft laid
Thou haft redeemed me, O Lord God of up for them that fear Thee.
truth Thou haft perfected it for them that
Thou haft hated them that obferve vani- put their truft in Thee : in the fight of the
ties : to no purpofe. of men
But have trufted in The Lord
I : I will Thou fhalt hide them in the fecret of
be glad and rejoice in thy mercy. thy countenance : from the difturbance of
For Thou haft regarded my lowlinefs men.
and haft faved my foul from neceffity. Thou fhalt protect them in thy taber-
Thou haft not fhut me up in the hands nacle from the ftrife of tongues. :

of the enemy but haft fet my feet in a

: Blefled be The Lord: for He hath
fpacious room. lhewn me wondrous mercy in a fenced
Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I city.
am in tribulation and mine eye is trou- : But I faid in the excefs of my mind I :

bled for anger, yea, my foul and my body. am caft out from before thine eyes.
For my life hath failed with heavinefs Therefore haft Thou heard the voice of

and my years with moanings. my prayer when I cried unto Thee. :

My ftrength groweth feeble with po- Love The Lord, all ye his faints, for
verty and my bones are troubled.
: The Lord will require truth and will :

I became a reproach unto all mine recompenfe plentifully the proud doer.
enemies, and efpecially among my neigh- Do manfully, and let your heart be
bours and a fear to mine acquaintance.
: comforted all ye that put your truft in :

They that did fee me without, fled The Lord.

from me I was given up to forgetful-
[Moll merciful God, we humbly intreat the
nefs, as a man dead from the heart.
great plenteoufnefs of thy goodnefs that whilft ;

I am become like a broken veflel for we fearch for thy truth, we may tread under foot

I have heard the blafphemy of the multi- the hateful fwellings of pride, through our Lord
tude that dwell round about. Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
In that while they confpired together
againft me they have taken counfel to
Psalm XXXI. [Ps. xxxn. e. v.]

take away my life. [To David himfelf. Understanding. A Pfalm

But I have trufted in Thee, O Lord ; I of penitence and inftruftion. The Voice of a
have faid, Thou art my God: in thy
Beati, quorum.
hands is my lot.
Deliver me from the hand of mine ULESSED whofe iniquities are
are they
enemies and from them that perfecute
: and whole fins are covered.
forgiven :

me. Blefled is the man unto whom The

Make thy face to fhine upon thy fer- Lord hath not imputed fin and in whofe :

vant ; fave me in thy mercy, O Lord ! : fpirit there is no guile.

I fhall not be confounded, O Lord, for Becaufe I kept filence, my bones grew
I have called upon Thee. old while I cried out all the day long.

Let the wicked be alhamed and brought For thy hand is heavy upon me day
down to Hell : let the deceitful lips be- and night I turned myfelf in mine an-

come mute. guifti while the thorn is faftened.

Monday at Matins.

I acknowledged my fin unto Thee : and PsALM XXXII. [Ps. XXXIII. E. V.]
mine unrighteoufhefs have I not hid. [A Pfalm of David. A Pfalm for praifing God.
I faid, I will confefs againft myfelf mine The Voice of the Church congratulating the
unrighteoufnefs unto The Lord : and Thou Martyrs.]

forgaveft the wickednefs of my fin.

For this every holy man fhall pray unto

Thee : in a feaibnable time. raise becometh. Oioueae.
But in the floods of many waters : they
Exultate, jujli.
fhall not come nigh unto him.
Thou art my refuge from the tribula- "DEJOICE, ye righteous, in The
tion which hath furrounded me O Thou :
Lord : praifing becometh the up-
my exultation! deliver me from them that right.

compafs me. Give thanks unto The Lord with the

I will give thee underftanding, and harp fing pfalms unto Him with a pfal-

inftruft thee in the way wherein thou tery of ten firings.

flialt go : and I will fix upon thee mine Sing unto Him a new fong fing pfalms :

eye. well unto Him with a loud voice.

Become not like horfe and mule which :
For the word of The Lord is right and :

have no underftanding. all his works are faithful.

With bit and bridle confine their He loveth mercy and judgement the :

mouths who draw not nigh unto thee.

Earth of the mercy of The Lord.
is full

Many are the fcourges of the finner By the word of The Lord were the
but mercy fhall embrace him that trufteth Heavens eftablifhed : and by the breath of
in The Lord. his mouth all their might.

Be glad, ye righteous in The Lord, and Gathering the waters of the Sea together,
rejoice and glory all ye upright in
as it were in a fkin : laying up the abyfies
heart. in his treafures.

Glory be to The Father.

Let all the Earth fear The Lord : let all
the inhabiters of the world be in awe of
As it was in the beginning.
For He fpake, and they were made :
He commanded, and they were created.
The Lord diflipates the counfel of the
heathen, and rejefteth the devices of the
people and cafteth out the counfels of
N thy righteoufnefs deliver

The counfel of The Lord abideth for

ever : and the thoughts of his heart from
generation to generation.
me, O Lord. Blefled is the nation whofe Lord is

its God : the people He hath chofen for

[O Holy Lord, Who, forgiving iniquity, beftoweft an inheritance to Himfelf.
benedi&ion on thofe who confefs Thee ; give ear The Lord looked down from Heaven :

to the petitions of thy family who fall down before

Thee, and, breaking the fting of fin, do Thou
He beheld all the children of men.
fulfil us with fpiritual joy, through our Lord Jefus
From the habitation which He hath
Chrift. Amen.] prepared He hath looked on all them

that inhabit the Earth.

:: ::

Monday at Matins. 159

Who hath fafhioned feverally their That poor man cried, and the Lord
hearts : who underftandeth all their heard him and faved him out of all his

works. troubles.
The is not faved by the multitude
king The Lord will fend his Angel round
of an hoft and a giant fhall not be faved
: about them that fear Him and will refcue :

in the multitude of his might. them.

A horfe is deceptive for fafety : in the Tafte ye and fee how fweet The Lord
abundance of his might he fhall not be is : bleffed is the man that trufteth in
faved. Him.
Behold, the eyes ofThe Lord are upon Fear The Lord, all ye his faints
them that fear Him
and upon them that : for there is no lack to them that fear
put their truft in his mercy. Him.
To deliver their foul from death and : The rich have lacked and fufFered
to feed them in dearth. hunger : but they who feek after The
Our foul awaiteth The Lord : for He Lord fhall not be deprived of any
is our helper and protector. good.
For our heart fhall rejoice in Him and : Come, ye children, hearken unto me
we have trufted in His Holy Name. I will teach you the fear of The Lord.
Let thy mercy O Lord, be upon us Who is the man that wifheth for life
like as we have put our truft in Thee. and would good days ? fain fee
Keep thy tongue from evil: and thy
[Feed thy people, O Lord, with the bread of thy
lips, that they fpeak no guile.
word, and deliver our fouls from the death of fin ;
fo that, fulfilled with thy mercy, we may be Efchew evil, and do good feek for :

worthy of being joined to the joys of the righteous, peace, and purfue it.
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] The eyes of The Lord are upon the
righteous and his ears unto their prayers.

The countenance of The Lord is againft

Psalm XXXIII. them that do evil that He may deftroy :

the memorial of them from off the Earth.

[To David, when he changed countenance
before Abimelech, who difmiffed him, and he de- The righteous cried, and The Lord
parted. A Pfalm to praife God for deliverance heard them and delivered them out of

from evil. The Voice of the Church inviting the all their troubles.
The Lord is nigh unto them that are
Benedicam Domino.
of a troubled heart: and the humble in
T WILL blefs The Lord at all times He will fave.
his praife fhall ever be in my mouth. Many are the troubles of the righteous
My foul fhall make her boaft in The and The Lord hath delivered them out
Lord : the meek fhall hear thereof, and be of all.
glad. The Lord
keepeth all their bones : not
Magnify ye The Lord with me and : one of them fhall be broken.
let us exalt His Name together. The death of finners is very evil : and
I fought The Lord, and He heard they that hate the righteous fhall be guilty.
me : yea, He delivered me out of all my The Lord fhall redeem the fouls of his
troubles. fervants : and all they that put their truft
Approach ye to Him, and be en- in Him fhall not offend.
lightened : and your faces fhall not be Glory be to The Father.
afhamed. As it was in the beginning.
: ;

Monday at Matins.

Antiphon. my bones fhall fay Lord, who is

All :

like unto Thee ?

Delivering the poor from the hand of
the ftronger than he the needy and the :

^^^^^^ RAISE becometh the upright. poor from them that fpoil him.
Falfe witnefTes riling up : queftioned
[O Lord, the Ruler of Angels, and of Crea- all
me things that I knew not.
tion, fend forth thy Angel round about and, us
defended by his care, may we be worthy of being
They rewarded me evil for good : to
delivered from the miferable death of the wicked, the barrennefs of my foul.
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] Neverthelefs, I, when they troubled
me : put on fackcloth.
Psalm XXXIV. I humbled my foul with falling : and
[To David himfelf. A Pfalm for Prayer. The my prayer fhall be returned into mine
Voice of Chrift to His Father againft the Jews.] own bofom.
As though it had been my next friend,
or our brother, fo did I behave as one

e - stroy, Oioueae. mourning and forrowful, fo was I humbled.

And againft me they rejoiced, and af-
Judica, Domine. fembled together : fcourges were gathered
JUDGE, O Lord, them that injure me together againft me, and I knew it not.
overthrow them that fight againft They were difperfed, yet repented not
me. they tempted me, they fcoffed at me with
Lay hand upon the fhield and buckler : fcorn: they gnafhed upon me with their
and rife up to help me. teeth.
Draw forth the fword, and ftop the Lord ! when wilt Thou regard ; ref-

way againft them that perfecute me : fay cue my foul from their malice : my Only
unto my foul, I am thy Salvation. One from the lions.
Let them be confounded, and put to 1 will give thanks unto Thee in the
fhame that feek after my foul.
: great Church : among a ftrong people
Let them be turned back, and brought I will praife Thee.
to confulion : that imagine mifchief for Let not them triumph over me that
me. are mine enemies wrongfully who hate :

Let them be as the duft before the face me without caufe, and wink with their eyes.
of the wind and the Angel of The Lord
: For to me, indeed, they fpake peaceably :

ftraitening them. and fpeaking in the anger of the earth,

Let their way be dark and flippery : they deviled guile.
and the Angel of The Lord perfecuting They opened their mouths upon me,
them. and faid : well done ! well done our !

For without caufe have they privily laid eyes have feen it.

their fnare to deftroy me : very vainly Thou Lord be not Thou

haft feen, O !

have they upbraided my foul. filent O

Lord, depart not from me.

Let the fnare which he knoweth not Arife, and be intent to my judgement,
come upon him and his trap, that he : O my God and Thou, my Lord, to my
! :

layeth privily, catch him ; and let him fall caule.

into his own fnare. Judge me, according to thy righteouf-
But my foul fhall be joyful in The Lord : nefs, O
Lord, my God and let them ! :

and fhall be delighted in his falvation. not triumph over me.

! :!

Monday at Matins. 161

Let them not fay in their hearts, well But the children of men fhall put their :

done well done to our mind

! neither let ! : truft in the fhelter of thy wings.
them fay, we will devour him. They be inebriated with the plen-
Let them blufh, and be afhamed toge- teoufnefsof thy Houfe and Thou fhalt :

ther : that rejoice at my evils. give them drink from the torrent of thy
Let them be clothed with confufion pleafure.
and lhame who fpeak malicious things
: For with Thee is the fountain of life :

againft me. and in thy Light fhall we fee light.

Let them exult and be glad that favour Stretch forth thy mercy unto them that
my righteous dealing yea, let them who know Thee and thy righteoufnefs unto

wifh the peace of his fervant, fay alway, them that are of right heart.
The Lord be magnified. Let not the foot of pride come againft
And my tongue fhall meditate on thy me and let not the hand of the finner :

righteoufnefs all the day long thy praife.

: move me.
[Thou, Who art the eternal protection and fal- There are they fallen that work in-
vation of our fouls, arm us, we intreat Thee, with iquity : they have been driven out, and
the helmet of hope, and with the fliield of thy in- were not able to ftand.
vincible defence that fo, helped by Thee in the
Glory be to The Father.
ftraits of our neceflities, we may be worthy to be

filled with joy and gladnefs with thofe who love

As it was in the beginning.
Thee, through Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, our Lord.
Amen.] Antipbon.

Psalm XXXV.
[To the end, to the fervant of
David himfelf. A Pfalm for Prayer.
of the Prophet accufing the Jews.]
[Ps. xxxvi. e. v.]

The Lord. To
A Pfalm
wm E - STROY them that fight

Dixit injufius.
againft me.
'"jpHE unrighteous hath faid within him-
felf, that he would commit fin
[O EverlaftingGod ! fountain and fource of light
there :
clarify us with thy celeftial mercy; that fo fulfilled
is no fear of God before his eyes. with the plenteoufnefs of thy Houfe, we may ab-
For he hath afted deceitfully in his jure all deceit and wickednefs, and the intem-

fight :that his iniquity may be found perance of haughty pride, through Chrift our Lord.
hateful. Amen.]
The words of his mouth are iniquity
and guile he would not underftand that
Psalm XXXVI. [Ps. xxxvu. e. v.]
he might do good.
He meditated iniquity in his bed he [A Pfalm to David himfelf. A Pfalm of exhort-
ation. The Voice of the Church to Chriftian
hath flood in every way which is not people.]
good, but wickednefs he abhorred not.
Thy mercy, Lord, is in Heaven and
thy truth even unto the clouds.
Thy righteoufnefs
is like the mountains

R veal. Oioueae.

of God : thy judgements are a great deep. Noli tsmulari.

Men and beafts fhalt Thou fave, O T) E not emulous againft the malicious
Lord : how haft Thou multiplied thy neither be envious againft the doers of
mercy, O God iniquity.
1 62 Monday at Matins.

For they fhall wither rapidly like hay evil time : and in the days of dearth
and as the green herb fhall quickly be cut they fhall have enough ; for finners fhall
down. perifh.

Put thou thy truft in The Lord, and be But the enemies of The Lord, prefently
doing good and dwell in the land, and
after they fhall have been honoured and
thou fhalt be fed with its riches. exalted failing away, even as the fmoke

Delight thou in The Lord: and He fhall fail away.

fhall give thee the requefts of thine heart. The ungodly will borrow and not pay :

Reveal unto The Lord thy way and : but the righteous will be merciful and
put thy truft in Him ; and He will do it. liberal.

He fhall bring forth as the light thy For fuch as blefs Him fhall inherit the
righteoufnefs, and thy judgement as the land and they that curfe Him fhall utterly

noon-day be fubjedt to The Lord, and

: perifh.
intreat Him. With The Lord fhall the fteps of man
Be not envious of him who profpereth be ordered : and his way fhall be at His
in his way : of the man that doeth un- will.
righteoufnefs. Whenhe fhall have fallen, he fhall not
Leave off from anger, and let go be broken for The Lord putteth under

wrath : be not emulous to do mali- him his hand.

cioufly. I have been young, and moreover am
For they who do malicioufly fhall be grown old and yet have never feen the

rooted out and they that patiently abide

: righteous forfaken, nor his feed begging
the Lord, thofe fhall inherit the land. bread.
Yet a little while, and the finner fhall All the day long he hath pity, and
not be : and thou fhalt look after his place, lendeth and his feed fhall be in bleffed-

and thou fhalt not find it. nefs.

But the meek-fpirited fhall inherit the Turn away from evil, and do good
Earth and fhall be delighted in the mul-
: and dwell for evermore.
titude of peace. For The Lord loveth judgement, and
The ungodly will watch the juft and : will not forfake his faints : they fhall be
will gnafh upon him with his teeth. preferved for evermore.
But The Lord fhall laugh him to fcorn : The unrighteous fhall be punifhed : the

for He feeth that his day will come. feed of the ungodly fhall perifh.
The ungodly have unfheathed thefword: But the righteous fhall inherit the land :

they have bent their bow. and dwell therein for ever.
To caft down the poor and needy : and The mouth of the righteous fhall medi-
of heart.
to flay the upright tate wifdom and his tongue will talk of

Their fword fhall go into their own judgement.

heart and their bow fhall be broken.
: The law of his God is in his heart : and
Better is a fmall portion to the righte- his fteps fhall not be fupplanted.
ous above great riches of the ungodly.
: The finner confidereth the righteous :

For the arms of finners fhall be broken and feeketh to put him to death.:

but The Lord confirmeth the righteous. But The Lord will not leave him in his
The Lord hath known the days of the hands nor condemn him when he is :

undefiled and their inheritance fhall be judged.


for ever. Wait for The Lord, and keep his way,
They fhall not be confounded in the and He fhall exalt thee, fo that thou
: ::

Monday at Matins. 163

mayeft take the land for an inheritance putrid and

My wounds have become
when the finners fhall perifh, thou fhalt by reafon of my foolifhnefs.corrupt :

fee it. I am become miferable, and bowed

I have feen the ungodly very highly down to the uttermoft I walked in fad- :

exalted and lifted up like the cedars of nefs all the day long.

Libanus. For my loins are filled with illufions

I went by, and lo he was not I and there is no health in my flefh.
! :

fought him, and his place was not found. I am afflifted and humbled exceed-
Keep innocency, and behold equity ingly I roared in the moaning of my :

for there are remnants for the peaceable heart.

man. Lord ! before Thee is all my defire : and
But the unrighteous fhall utterly perilh my groaning is not hid from Thee.
together and the remains of the ungodly
is troubled, my ftrength hath heart
fhall be deftroyed. and the very light of mine eyes
failed me :

But the falvation of the righteous is of is not with me.

The Lord and He is their protector in
My lovers and my neighbours drew :

the time of trouble. near againft me and flood.

And The Lord will help them and de- They alfo that were near me, flood
liver them and He will refcue them from afar off and they did violence that fought

finners, and will fave them, becaufe they after my foul.

have put their truft in Him. And they that fought evil to me fpoke
[God, the fure blefling of all the righteous, who vanities : and imagined deceits all the day
forfakeft not thy Saints in the dearth, nor fuffereft long.
them confounded in the time of trouble ; we
to be But I, like a deaf man, heard not
befeechThee to defend us by that right hand and like a dumb man, opening not his
which Thou haft prepared, and quickly ftretch it
out for thofe who are worthy of thy help, through
Chrift our Lord. Amen.] I became even as a man that heareth
not having no reproofs in his mouth.

For in Thee, O Lord, have I put my

Psalm XXXVII. [Ps. xxxvra. e. v.]
truft Thou fhalt hearken to me, O Lord,

[A Pfalm of David, in remembrance of the my God.

Sabbath. A penitential Pfalm for prayer. The Becaufe I faid, left at any time mine
Voice of one who doeth penance in ficknefs.]
enemies rejoice over me : and when my
Domine ne in furore. feet moved, they fpoke great things
C\ LORD, in thy wrath rebuke me me.
not : neither in thine anger chaf- For I am prepared for fcourgings and :

tifeme. my grief is ever in my fight.

For thine arrows are fattened in me : For I will declare mine iniquity and I :

and Thou haft ftrengthened thine hand will think upon my fin.
upon me. But mine enemies live and are ftrength-
There is no health in my fiefh before ened againft me and they are multiplied

the face of thy difpleafure there is no : that have hated me wrongfully.

peace to my bones, before the face of my They alfo that reward evil for good
fins. detracted from me becaufe I was follow-

For mine have gone over my

iniquities ing goodnefs.
head and
: like a fore burden they are Forfake me not, O Lord, my God ! :

preffing heavily upon me. depart not from me.

164 Monday at Lauds.

Be intent unto my help O Lord God This Verfe faid before Lauds, on all

of my falvation. week-days, the Firft Sunday after

Glory be to The Father, and to The The O Slave of 'The Epiphany to S>ua-
Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;
: dragefima, and from the Firft Sunday
As it was in the beginning, now, andis after Trinity to the Advent of The
ever lhall be : world without end. Amen. Lord.

GOD, make fpeed to fave

E - VEAL unto The Lord

mm O
help me.
Lord, make hafte to

LORY be to The Father, and

to The Son: and to The
Holy Ghoft
thy way. As it was in the begin-
ning, is now, and ever fhall be world :

[O Lord ! mighty Phyfician of the wounds and

difeafes of mortals beftow thy health upon our
without end. Amen.
; fo that we who pour out before Thee
allour mourning and grief, may be enabled to LLELUYA or inftead, accord-
overcome the affaults of the fins which mock us, [i. z.,from
ing to the Seafon,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
Sunday in Septuageftma, to
ST. O Lord, thy mercy is unto the Thurfday in The Supper of
Heavens. The Lord]
Jip. And thy truth unto the clouds.
RAISE to Thee, O Lord,
[Herefollow OUR FATHER and I BELIEVE we ring,
IN GOD then the Firft Benediclion, then Of Glory The Eternal
the Proper Leffons, with their refpeclive King.
Benedictions, Verjicles, and Refponfories,
Proper of The Time.]
as given in the u

Psalm L.
[To the end, a Pfalm of David, when Nathan
the Prophet came to him, when he had gone in unto
MONDAY Bathflieba. The Fourth Penitential Pfalm for fup-
plication. The Voice of a Penitent.]
Miferere mei, Deus.
ET thy mercy, O AVE mercy upon me, O
Lord, be upon us. God : according to thy great
l^s. Like as we And according to the mul-
have put our truft titude of thy compamons : blot out mine
in Thee. iniquity.

u See the Common Forms and Table of

Office of Matins for Sunday Morning, and the Rubrics there ; the ;

:: ;

Monday at Lauds. 165

Wafh me throughly from mine iniquity : ings : then fhall they lay young bullocks
and cleanfe me from my fin. upon thine altar.
For I acknowledge mine iniquity : and Glory be to The Father, and to The
my fin is ever before me. Son and to The Holy Ghoft

Againft Thee only have I finned, and As it was in the beginning, is now, and
done evil before Thee that Thou mayeft
ever fhall be : world without end. Amen.
be juftified in thy fayings, and overcome
when Thou art judged.
For behold, I was conceived in ini-
quities : and in fin hath my mother con-
ceived me.
But lo, Thou haft loved truth : the un-
certain and hidden things of thy wifdom
Thou haft manifefted to me.
Thou fhalt fprinkle me with hyflbp, The fame
and I ftiall be cleanfed Thou fhalt : [O God Trinity,Name in effable, who purifieft
wafh me, and I fhall be made whiter than the heart of man from fin, and makeft it more
fnow. white than fnow, pour down upon us the abun-
dance of thy mercy j renew, we befeech Thee, Thy
To my hearing Thou fhalt give joy and Holy Spirit within us, that we may mew forth thy
gladnefs and the bones which are hum-
praife, and, ftrengthened by thy efpecial grace, may
bled fhall rejoice. be worthy of obtaining reft in the eternal manfions
Turn Thy face away from my fins
of the Heavenly Jerufalem, through our Lord
Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
and blot out all my mifdeeds.
Create in me a clean heart, O God Psalm V.
and renew a right within me.
[To the end for Her who obtains the inheritance.
Caft me not away from thy face and :
A Pfalm of David. A Pfalm for Prayer. Pertains
take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. to the Church which follows the heirfhip of the
Reftore to me the joy of thy falvation : New Teftament, as the title proves.]

and ftablifh me with thy Chief Spirit.

Verba mea auribus.
I will teach the wicked thy ways and :

the impious fhall be converted unto Thee. IVE ear unto my words,
Deliver me from blood guiltinefs, O OLord: confidermycry.
God, The God of my falvation and my :
Hearken unto the voice
tongue fhall rejoice in thy righteoufnefs. of my prayer my King :

O Lord, Thou fhalt open my lips and : and my God.

my mouth fhall fhew forth Thy praife. For unto Thee will I
For if Thou hadft defired facrifice I make my prayer, O Lord early in the
! :

would have given it but Thou wilt not: morning fhalt Thou hear my voice.
be delighted with burnt-offerings. Early in the morning will I ftand before
The facrifice of God is a troubled fpirit Thee, and will look for Thou art not a

and a contrite and humbled heart, O God, God that haft pleafure in wickednefs.
fhalt Thou
not defpife. Neither fhall any evil man dwell nigh
Do O
Lord, in thy good plea- Thee : nor fhall the unrighteous abide in
fure unto Syon that the walls of Jeru- thy fight.

falem may be built. Thou haft hated all them that work
Then fhalt Thou accept the facrifice of iniquity Thou fhalt deftroy all them that :

righteoufnefs, oblations, and burnt-offer- fpeak leafing.

1 66 Monday at Lauds.

The Lord will abhor the blood-thirfty Antipbon.

and deceitful man : but as for me, in the
multitude of thy mercy,
I will come into thy Houfe and in :

thy fear will I worlhip toward thy Holy GOD, Thou art my God
O Lord, lead me in thy righteoufnefs,
becaufe of mine enemies : direct my way
before thy face. to Thee, from day-break, do I watch.
For there is no truth in their mouth :

their heart is vain.

an open fepulchre, with
Their throat is

their tongues they have behaved deceit- Pf. Oioueae/

fully judge Thou them,
: God. O
Let them perifh through their own ima- Psalm LXII.
ginations ; caft them out in the multitude
[A Pfalm of David when he was in the defert
of their impieties : for they have angered of Idumea. A Morning Pfalm for meditation.
Thee, Lord. O This Pfalm relates to thofe who are leaving the

And let all them that put their truft darknefs of ignorance, and defiring Chrift.]

in Thee rejoice : they mall ever be

Deus, Deus mens.
giving of thanks, and Thou lhalt dwell
in them.
C\ GOD, Thou art my God : to Thee
All they that love Thy Name mail from day-break do I watch.

glory in Thee : for Thou wilt blefs the My foul hath thirfted for Thee : my
righteous. flefh, how often ! after Thee
O Lord, as with the fhield of thy good In a land defert, pathlefs, and where no
Thou haft crowned us. water is fo in the Holy Place have I
pleafure :

appeared before Thee, that I might behold

thy power and glory.
For thy mercy is better than life my :

lips mall praife Thee.

So will I blefs Thee while I live I will :

liftup my hands in Thy Name.

My foul fhall be fatisfied even as it were
with marrow and fatnefs and my mouth :

fhall praife Thee with lips of gladnefs.

So did I remember Thee upon my bed :

Lord. Pf. Oioueae. in the morning I will meditate upon Thee,

becaufe Thou haft been my helper.
[Gracious Lord, Who apprehendeft the fighing And in the fhadow of thy wings will
of a contrite heart before it be uttered ; make us, I rejoice ;
my foul longeth after Thee :

we befeech Thee, the temple of The Holy Spirit, thy right hand hath upholden me.
that we may be worthy to be defended by the
fhield of thy celeftial goodnefs, through our Lord
But in vain have they fought after my
Jefus Chrift. Amen.] foul ; they fhall go into the lower parts of

v When theAntiphon conjljls of the fame words as the beginning of the Pfalm they are not repeated a fecond
time but, the Hebdomadary having intoned the Antiphon as part of the firji verfe, the Choir proceed ivith the

of the nerfe and Pfalm in the ordinary tone. —

From the Rubrics for Advent.
Monday at Lauds. 167

the Earth they {hall be delivered into

: As it was in the beginning, is now, and
the hand of the fword ; they fhall be a ever fhall be : world without end. Amen.
portion for foxes.
But the king fhall rejoice in God ; all Antiphon.
they that fwear by Him fhall be com-
mended : for the mouth of them that
fpeak wickednefs is flopped.

[Author of Light ! Eternal God ! do Thou pour

everlafting radiance upon us, who, at day-break,
watch for Thee fo that our lips may praife

Thee, our life blefs Thee, our morning meditations

glorify Thee, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]

f[ The canticle of isaiah.

Chapter xii.
will give thanks unto Thee.
Pf. I

Thy wrath is. World without end,


cm praise The Lord from the Heavens.

A - men.
Confitebor Tibi.

WILL give thanks unto Thee,

O Lord, for Thou waft angry Oioueae.
with me thy wrath is turned
lit away, and

Thou haft com- Psalm CXLVIII.

forted me. [Alleluya. Lauds. The voice of all things
Behold, God is my Saviour : I will deal created in praife of Chrift.]
truftfully,and will not fear.
Laudate Dominum de Ccelis.
For The Lord is my ftrength and my
praife and He is become my Salvation.
PRAISE The Lord from
Ye fhall draw waters with joy out of The the Heavens praife Him in

Saviour's fountains and ye fhall fay in :

the heigh ths.
that day, Give praife to The Lord, and Praife Him, all ye Angels
call upon His Name. of His : praife Him all his Hofts.
Make known his Sun and Moon praife Him,
defigns among the Praife Him, :

people : remember that His

ye Stars and Light. Name is very all

high. Praife Him, ye Heaven of Heavens and :

Sing ye unto The Lord, for He hath let all waters that are above the Heavens,
done excellent things tell this forth in praife The Name of The Lord.

all the Earth. For He fpake the word, and they were
Exult and give praife, habitation of made O
He commanded, and they were :

Syon for great in the midft of thee is The created.


Holy One of Ifrael. He hath eftablifhed them for ever, and

Glory be to The Father, and to The for ever and ever He hath made a law ; :

Son and to The Holy Ghoft

: and it fhall not pafs away.
; ; ; :
: ::

i68 Monday at Lauds.

Praife The Lord from the Earth : ye mouth : and two-edged fwords in their
dragons, and all deeps hands.
Fire, hail, fnow, ice, wind of ftorms : To execute vengeance upon the nations
which fulfil his word ;
rebukes againft the people.
Mountains and all hills fruitful trees : To
bind their kings with fetters and :

and all cedars their nobles with manacles of iron.

Beafts and all cattle creeping things : To execute upon them the judgement
and winged fowls written : this glory have all his faints.
Kings of the Earth and all people
[O God, The Author of all goodnefs, Who with
princes and all judges of the world ; all loving-kindnefs doft raife up thofe who humbly
Young men and virgins, old men with confefs Thee grant, we befeech Thee, that as

youths, praife The Name of The Lord :

Thou doft caufe thy faints to be exalted in thy
Glory, fo Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to keep thy
for His Name only is exalted.
prefent Church unpolluted by all the pleafures of
His praife is above Heaven and Earth :
this world, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
and He hath exalted the horn of his
Psalm CL.
A Hymn from all his faints : from the
[Alleluya Lauds. Every melody of Harp,
children of Ifrael, even the people that
Trumpet, Pfaltery, Drum, Organs, Cymbals, to be
draweth nigh unto Him. fpiritually interpreted to praife God.]

[Moft High God exalted ! in power, Almighty in Laudate Dominum in fanBis.

greatnefs grant to us thy fervants, that, as thofe

things which we behold were created at thy com-

mand, fo thofe which Thou haft commanded we
Q PRAISE God inhisHolinefs
Him in the firmament of his
: praife
may keep and perform, through our Lord Jefus
Praife Him in his mighty afts : praife
Chrift. Amen.]
Him according to the multitude of his
Psalm CXLIX. Praife Him with the found of the
[Alleluya. Lauds. Herein
promifed to reft is trumpet praife
: Him upon the pfaltery
thofe who fuffer for The Name of Chrift ; and and harp.
power is to be given them over thofe that have
afflicled them.]
Him in the timbrel and Choir
praife Him upon firings and organs.
Cantate Domino.
Praife Him upon the well-tuned cym-
f~\ SING unto The Lord a new fong bals, praife Him upon the cymbals of
his praife in the Church of the rejoicing every thing that hath breath,
: let
faints. praife The
Let Ifrael rejoice in Him that made Glory be to The Father, and to The
him : and let the daughters of Syon be Son : and to The Holy Ghoft ;
joyful in their King. As it was in the beginning, is now, and
Let them praife His Name in the Choir: ever fhall be : world without end. Amen.
let them fing Pfalms unto Him with tim-
[O moft fweet melody of our harmony Thou !

brel and pfaltery.

who commandeft us to exercife the mufic of our
For The Lord hath pleafure in his fouls at one time in ftrains of joy, at another time
people and hath exalted the meek with
: in founds of mourning grant, we befeech Thee,

falvation. O Lord, that we, who now ling in concert to Thee

in this fpiritual Choir, may learn to be worthy of
The faints fhall be joyful with glory :
prailing Thee in the fellowihip of the faints,
they fhall rejoice in their beds. with everlafting mufic and Choirs, through Chrift
The high praifes of God are in their our Lord. Amen.]
! ;; : ; ! : ;!

Monday at Lauds. 169

Chapter, i Cor. xvi. Lauds, from the Firft Sunday after the
ATCH ye and pray; ftand O Slave of The Epiphany, up to Wednef-
faft in the faith; quit you like
day theHead of The Faft; and from the
men ; be ftrong. Let all
things be done with charity. Firft Sunday after Trinity to The Ad-

Thanks be to God. vent of The Lord, whenever it is the

{[ This Chapter is /aid on all week-days at ordinary week-day Service.

|[ From the Firft Sunday after THE OCTAVE OF THE EPIPHANY to 2>UADRAGESIMA,
whenever it is the ordinary MondayService, the following Hymn is faid at LAUDS.

Hymnus. Hymn.

PLEN-DOR Pa-ter-nae Glo-

De Lu ce lu - ther's Worth ! Who doft the light

£ _ i=i
cem pro - fe - rens ; Lux lu - cis from Light bring forth; Light of the

et Fons lu - mi - nis ! Dies light ! light's luftrous Spring ! Thou

di - em il - lu - mi - nans ! Day the day il - lu - mi-ning !

Splendor Paternae Glorias Thou Brightnefs of Thy Father's Worth !

De Luce lucem proferens Who doft the light from Light bring forth
Lux lucis et Fons luminis ! Light of the light ! light's luftrous Spring
Dies diem illuminans Thou Day the day illumining !

Verufque Sol illabere,! Defcend, Thou Very Sun Divine !

Micans nitore perpeti With ever-during radiance lhine ;

Jubarque Sanfti Spiritus Pour on our every fenfe, we pray,
Infunde noftris fenlibus. The Holy Spirit's cloudlefs ray.

Votis vocemus Te Patrem, Father to Thee we pay the vow ;


Patrem perennis Glorias, Father of ceafelefs Glory Thou !

Patrem potentis gratiae Father of grace and mighty Name !

Culpam releget lubricam. O banilh every deed of Ihame.


Informet aftus ftrenuos : DirecT: our words and afts aright

Dentem retundat invidi Blunt Thou the flanderer's tooth of fpite :

Cafus lecundet afperos : May grace our undertakings fpeed,

Donet gerendi gratiam. And help us in the hour of need.
: : ;; ; !!; ;

170 Monday at Lauds.

Mentem gubernet et regat Our minds e'er govern and relieve :

Cafto fidelicorpore A and loyal body give


Fides calore ferveat Let Faith with holy fervour glow,

Fraudis venena nefciat. Nor e'er the bane of falfehood know.

Chriftufque nobis fit cibus, Chrift be our fweet and daily food :

Potufque nofter fit fides : Our drink, faith in His faving Blood ;

Laeti bibamus fobriam So may we quaff in tranquil blifs,

Ebrietatem Spiritus. The Spirit's cup of Holinefs.

Laetus dies hie tranfeat Now let the day in joy move on ;

Pudor fit ut diluculum Our modefty be like the dawn

Fides velut meridies, Our faith in noontide beauty bloom,
Crepufculum mens nefciat. Our fouls ne'er know the twilight gloom.

Aurora curfus provehit: See Morn purfues its beamy path


Aurora totus prodeat Great Morning! o'er the world break forth:
In Patre totus Filius, Son, in The Father all Adored,
Et totus in Verbo Pater.™ Father, entire in His Bleft Word.

Deo Patri fit Gloria, Gloryto God The Father be

Ejufque Soli Filio, And Only Son, alike to Thee

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With The Bleft Spirit Paraclete,
Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now and through ages infinite.

A - men. A - men.

W. In the morning-tide, O Lord, I Becaufe Thou haft been my

will meditate upon Thee. helper.

{[ Throughout the Summer is /aid this Hymn, on ordinary week-days.


EE ! van-ifh fall the pal-ing

lhades of night, And reddening gleams

ro - ra ru-ti-lans co-ruf-cat ; Ni - fi - with light the morning fky ; With all

w This Hymn is from S. Ambrofe, or of his School.

Monday at Lauds. 171

bus to - tis ro-gi-te - mus om -
S3 nes
3E v
our powers unto The Lord of might

Cundlipotentem. We fup-pli-ant cry.

Ecce ! jam noftis tenuatur umbra, See! vanilh fall the paling ftiades of night,
Lucis aurora rutilans corufcat And reddening gleams with light the morn-
Nifibus totis rogitemus omnes ing Iky
Cundlipotentem With all our powers unto The Lord of

might We fuppliant cry

Ut Deus nofter miferatus, omnem O may our God his kind companion lhew,
Pellat languorem, tribuat falutem :
Our dulnefs cheer, bellow his faving love
Donet et nobis pietate Patris
And through The Father's grace on us
Regna polorum. bellow A Heaven above.
Prailat hoc nobis Deitas Beata, The BlelTed Trinity perform our prayer,
Patris ac Nati, pariterque Sanfti Father and Son and Holy Gholt Moll High!
Spiritus, Cujus reboat in omni Whole Glory all creation doth declare
Gloria mundo. Eternally.

A - men. A - men.

UT. In the morning-tide, O Lord, I The canticle of zachariah.

will meditate upon Thee. Benediclus. Luke i.

I£. Becaufe Thou hall been my helper. LESSED be The Lord God of
Ifrael : for He hath vilited
{[ This Verfe is /aid on all week-days at and wrought the redemption
Lauds, from the Firjl Sunday after the of his people.
Oclave of The Epiphany to the Firft And hath raifed up a horn of falvation
Sunday in £>uadragejima, and from the for us in the houfe of his fervant David.

Firft Sunday after Trinity to The Ad- As He fpake by the mouth of his holy
vent of The Lord, whenever it is the Prophets which have been lince the

ordinary week-day Service. world began.

Salvation from our enemies and from :

Antiphon the hand of all that hate us.

To perform the mercy promiled to our
forefathers and to remember his holy:

LESSED be The Lord God of The oath which He fware to our fore-
father Abraham : that He would give us ;

That without fear we being delivered

out of the hand of our enemies : might
If - ra - el. Pf. Oioueae. ferve Him
172 Monday at Lauds.

In holinefs and righteoufnefs before

Him : all the days of our life.

And Thou, Child, malt be called The And lead us not into temptation.

Prophet of The Higheft for Thou malt :

go before the face of The Lord to prepare

his ways. But de-li-ver us from e-vil.

To give knowledge of falvation unto

his people for the remiffion of their fms.
: 13!
Through the bowels of mercy of our HAVE faid, Lord, have mercy
God whereby the day-fpring from on

high hath vifited us

To give light to them that fit in dark- up - on me.
nefs and in the lhadow of death and to :

guide our feet into the way of peace.

Glory be to The Father, and to The Heal my foul, for I have finned
Son and to The Holy Ghoft

As it was in the beginning, is now, and

a - gainft Thee.
ever mall be world without end. Amen.

[Thenfollows the Antiphon on BENEDICTUS

at full length,.] Be turn-ed un-to us, O Lord !

[After the Antiphon upon BENEDICTUS is

finijhed, immediately are faid Petitions,

how long ?
in the fame tone as at Compline, with
proftration, after this manner. ~\

Then let the ordinary week-day Petitions be And be ea-fi-ly entreated for thy
faid as follows —
fer-vants. [and fo on.]
ORD, have mer-cy (thrice).
Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us.
Like as we have put our truft in Thee.

Chrift, have mercy (thrice).

[The eyes of The Lord are over the
righteous. And his ears are open to their
So that the laft Kyrie Lord be faid thus, prayers.
Letthy works praife Thee. And thy

faints give bleffingunto Thee.]

Lord, have mercy (thrice). Let thy priefts be clothed with righte-
oufnefs. And let thy faints rejoice.
|UR FATHER (to the end O
Lord fave The King. And hear us

fecretly). in the day when we call upon Thee.

mmx "
[The Prieft repeating aloud,,]

Thefe Petitions are always faid in Lauds and V

Prelerve thy fervants and hand-maidens.
God, who put

'.jpers, at Terce, Sext,

their truft in

and None, in

the ordinary
week-day Service, before the proper Orifon, on bended knees." — From the Rubrics for Advent,
y From the York Breviary.
Monday at Lauds. »73
Save thy people, O Lord, and blefs
thine inheritance. And govern them and
lift them up even for ever. And deliver us for Thy Name's fake.
O Lord let there be peace
! in thy
ftrength. And abundance in thy towers.
Let us pray for the faithful departed. O Lord God of Hofts, convert us.
Grant them eternal reft, O Lord and
may perpetual light mine upon them.
z [For our brethren and benefaftors.

I£. And fhow us thy countenance, and
Preferve thy fervants and hand-maidens.
My God, who put their truft in Thee.
For the afflifled and captives. 3EE
Deliver Ifrael, O Lord, out of all his we fhall be faved.
Alfo for our fins and negligences.
Remember not our old fins : but let O Lord, hear my prayer.
thy mercies fpeedily prevent us, for we

are brought very low.
Help us, O
God, our Salvation : and for Ijfc. And let my crying come unto Thee.
the Glory of Thy Name deliver us.
And be merciful unto our fins for Thy [Thefe Petitions are to be faid thus, at
Name's fake.] Matins, Terce, Sext, None, and Vefpers,
O Lord hear my voice wherewith
in all week-days throughout Advent, and

I have cried unto Thee. from the Firjl Sunday after the O clave of
Have mercy upon me and hear me. :
The Epiphany to The Supper of The Lord,
and from the Firft Sunday after Trinity
to The Advent of The Lord, in the ordi-
Psalm L. nary weekly Service, except at Matins on
Miferere mei Deus. Wednefday and Friday and Saturday of
the Four Times of Advent, and except
JPJAVE mercy upon me, O God.
at Vefpers, from "O Sapientia," to the
To be /aid without note! laft " O," inclufwe.]

The Pfalm being finijhed, let the Prieji [But between E

after and the Firft Sunday
and advance to the place
alone ftand up, after Trinity, there are no Petitions on

of the Choir at Matins and Vefpers* week-days at Vefpers or Matins or the

repeating thefe Verfes. Prime and Compline,
other hours, except

AS RISE, O Lord, help

and Commemorations.,]
The Lord be with
J£. And with thy
you. d

z York and Hereford Breviaries.

From the
a See (ante) at the beginning of Lauds.
b For it would feem that at the other Hours, at leafi according to the York Breviary, all remained projlrate
until after the Orifon.
c From week Advent, and week after
the Rubrics for the Firjl in the Firjl the OEla-ve of Eajler.
d For the mufcal notation and Rubrics of this portion the Ferial for Lauds, fee Lauds for Sunday
; ;

174 Monday at Lauds.

Let us pray. Our foul is greatly filled with the fcorn-

ing of the wealthy : and with the derpite-
[Here follow the Proper Orifons for the
fulnefs of the proud.
preceding Sunday, if it be the Office for
Glory be to The Father, and to The
the Time, or for the Seafon or Fejlival,
Son and to The Holy Ghoft

(feethe Rubric at Lauds for Sunday

As it was in the beginning, is now, and
Morning,) after which was faid again.
ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

The Lord be with you.

And with thy fpirit.
Blefs we The Lord.
The PJalm being finijhed, then follows, —
Thanks be to God. Lord, have mercy.
Chrift, have mercy.
be any Memorial or Commemora-
If there Lord, have mercy.
tionof any Fejlival, or any Common
Memorial to be made, then follows the
Antiphon of the particular Fejlival, or
|UR FATHER (Jecretly).

Memorial on BENEDICTUS, then the Verfe, [Then let the Prieft fay
then alfo the Orifon for the Commemora- aloud, but without note,]
tion, or the Proper or Common Memo-
And lead us not into temptation.
rial, prefaced only with Let us pray.
After the laft Memorial, is repeated] [ The Choir replying,]

The Lord be with you. But deliver us from evil.

And with thy fpirit. Arife, O Lord, and help us. And de-
Blefs we The Lord.
liver us for Thy Name's fake.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
O Lord God of Hofts, convert us. And
[Here follow Petitions for the Peace of the Ihew us thy countenance, and we mall be
Church.'] faved.
O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my
Psalm CXXII. crying come unto Thee.
Ad Te levavi.
[Then let the Prieft Jay aloud, but without
NTO THEE have I lifted up
mine eyes : O Thou that
dwelleft in the Heavens. Let us pray.
Behold, as the eyes of fer-
vants look unto the hand of their matters.

And as the eyes of a maiden unto the LORD, favourably receive

hands of her miftrefs : even fo our eyes the prayers of thy Church
unto The Lord our God, until He have that, being delivered from all
mercy upon us. ^^^^ adverlity and error, it may
Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have ferve Thee in fafety and freedom ; and
mercy upon us for we are greatly filled
: grant us thy peace in our time, through
with contempt. our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who
It is to be observed that Memorials (Memoria) pertain to Lauds andVeJpers only : Petitions
Petitio, (Preces)
« Levavi" " I have Prime
he Peace of
for the the Church, to Lauds and Compline : the PJalm lifted
qip" to

See Lauds for Sunday Morning, and Compline

Common Memorials at Matins. *75
with Thee liveth and reigneth in the
Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world
without end. Amen. the root of Jefle.

[The Lord be with you. g

And with thy fpirit.
Blefs we The Lord. And a Flow-er from his root lhall
Thanks be to God.]
[May the fouls of the faithful, through
the mercy of God, reft in peace. Amen.] grow up.

[Here follow]
Let us pray.
[In this tone Jhall be faid all the Verfcles
|[ In ADVENT, whenever it is the week-day
and Refponfories before the Orifons, at
office, the following Memorials are faid at
VESPERS and MATINS, throughout the
whole year.]
Antiphon. Orifon.

* >
GOD, who, by the meffage
of an Angel, didft will Thy

mm HE Ho-ly

Spirit upon Thee
Virgin ;
Word to take upon
in the womb of the Blefled
grant to us, thy fuppliants, that
Him flefti

:P*«: we, who truly believe her to be the

Mother of God, may with Thee be affifted
mail defcend, Mary ; Fear Thou not, by her interceffions, through The Same our
Lord Jefus Chrift, Who with Thee liveth
and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy
Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.
having in thy womb The Son of God.

Memorial of all the saints.

Al - le - lu - ya. Antiphon.

[The Officiating Priejl, when there is not

the full Service for S. Mary, then fays E - HOLD, The Lord lhall
this Verjicle]

BSE Hi !

37". There lhall come forth a Rod from come, and All his Saints with Him;
S It feems doubtful -whether any or all of theje four V
°.rjiclts were always added here.
h Memorials pertain to Lauds and Vefpers only. They of a proper Antiphon to " Beneditlus " or
' Magnificat" and a V -.rficle, and, thirdly, an Orifon, inserted after the ordinary Prayer in Lauds and Vefpers.
' From the Arlyngham MS.
176 Common Memorials at Matins.

and there fhall be in that day a great

the Scrip-tures : like the rain up-on

light. Al - le - lu - ya.
a fleece Thou didft de-fcend, to give
3T. Behold, The Lord fhall appear in
the white clouds.
And with Him thoufands of his
Saints. fal - va - tion to the race of man.


mm LORD, we befeech Thee,

purify our confciences by thy We praife Thee, O our God.


come with All

Chrift, Thy
; fo that when Jefus
Son, our Lord,
Saints, He may
manfion prepared for Himfelf,
find in us a
Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the And at MATINS, with this Antiphon.
Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world
without end. Amen.
B E - hold, Ma-ry hath brought forth

Memorial is made of S. Mary every day,

whatever be the Service, both at VESPERS for us a Saviour, Whom, when John
and MATINS, except on the Vigil of The
Epiphany and on that day.i

And in FEASTS with ix. Leffons, and within faw, he ex-claim-ed, faying, Behold
the clave ; and in the O clave when the
Choir has Conduclors; and on SUNDAYS
at both VESPERS* with this Antiphon
The Lamb of God ! Be - hold ! Who

HEN Thou waft born ineffably talc - eth a - way the fin of the world.

of a Vir-gin, then were ful-fill-ed Al - le - lu - ya.

j The reader will note that a Memorial differs from a Commemoration, as prejently explained. The ujual
Commemoration of S. Mary <was every Saturday at V
Lauds and offers.
k That is, the Saturday Eve preceding, and the Sunday Eve.
Common Memorials at Matins.
On WEEK-DAYS, however, and in FEASTS And at MATINS is always /aid
with iii. Leffons, when the Choir has no 37". After thy bringing forth
thou didft
Conduclors, at VESPERS, this Antiphon
abide a Virgin inviolate.
is /aid.
J$p. Mother of God ! intercede for us.

And at VESPERS is /aid.
h e Bulh which Mo - fes be
3T. Beautiful is His form, before the
Ions of men.
I£. Grace is poured forth upon thy lips.
held un-con-fum-ed, we acknowledge
1& OD, who by the fruitful Vir-
ginity of the BlelTed Mary,
thine e-ver pre-ferv-ed and laud-a-ble
didft beftow the gifts of eter-
nal falvation upon mankind
grant, we befeech Thee, that we may
perceive that She intercedes for us, through
Vir-gin-i-ty ; Mother of God ! in-ter-
whom we have been found worthy to ob-
tain The Author ofLife, our Lord Jefus
Chrift Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth
- cede and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy
Ghoft God, world without end. Amen.

And at MATINS with this Antiphon.

Then let MEMORIAL be made of ALL THE


when the Choir has no Conductors, both
at VESPERS and at MATINS, as next
h e Root of Jefle hath fp routed forth;
follows [except from Wednefday in The

Head of the Faft to the Vigil of E after,
1=1: for then no Memorial is made of the
there hath a-ri-fen a Star from Jacob ;

s C After the purification, however,

at MATINS, is faid this Antiphon.

a Virgin hath brought forth a Saviour. BLESSED Mother, yet un-

defined Virgin thou glorious

Queen of the world inter- !

cede for us unto The Lord
We praife Thee, O our God. our God.
37". After thy Bringing forth thou didft

abide a Virgin inviolate.

IJ;. Mother of God ! intercede for us.

From Arundel MS. 130, and Arlyngham MS. in Advent.

Common Memorials at Matins.

Orifon. Orifon.

LORD, we befeech Thee,

Ebefeech Thee, O
favourably regard our
pardon the fins of thy fer-
infirmities, and by the
vants, that we who cannot
interceflion of All thy
pleafe Thee by our own ac-
Saints, turn from us all
tions, may through the in-
find falvation
thofe evils which we juftly deferve, through
terceflion of the Mother of our Lord Jefus
our Lord. Amen.
Chrift, through The Same our Lord Jefus
Chrift. Amen. Or this Orifon.

C\ LORD, we befeech Thee, do Thou,

Or the Orifon.
appeafed by the interceflions of All
A LMIGHTY and Everlafting God, thy Saints, beftow upon us pardon of our
by the right
protett us, thy fervants, fins, and alfo grant us everlafting remedies

hand of thy power from all dangers ; and for them, through our Lord. Amen.
by the glorious interceflion of the Blefled
Mary, ever- Virgin, caufe us to rejoice Or this Orifon.

in profperity, both now and hereafter, T> EHOLD, O Lord

our infirmities, and

through Chrift our Lord. Amen. All thy Saints interceding for us, fuc-
cour us fpeedily by thy goodnefs, through
Chrift, our Lord. Amen.
|[ The Orifon Grant, we befeech
Merciful God. Concede quefumus Mife- Or this Orifon.

ricorsDeus m is not faid in the Memorials /^RANT, we befeech Thee, O

of S. Mary, except in Procefftons only. that All thy Saints may continually
pray for us ; and do Thou vouchfafe ever
favourably to hear them, through our Lord
Memorial of all saints.
Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who with Thee
liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The
At Matins. Antiphon.
Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.
|[ After the purification, at the
Saints ftiall
Memorial of S. MARY, let the fame An-
tiphons and Orifons be faid as after the
Firfl Sunday after Trinity.


glo - ry, they ftiall re-joice in
Memorial of the cross.

their beds.

37". Wonderful is God in his Saints.

K. And Glorious in His Majefty.

HE Cru-ci-fied hath a-ri-fen

m See the Firfl Sunday after Trinity.


Common Memorials at Matins. 179

— Orifon.
LORD we befeech Thee,

from the dead : He hath re- pour thy grace into our minds:
fo that we who have known
at -- ._»p =Egp=g= The Incarnation of Chrift,
Thy Son, by the meflage of an Angel, by
- deemed us. Al-le-lu-ya, Al-le-lu-ya.
His Paftion and Crofs, may be guided to
the Glory of His Refurredlion, through
Tell ye among the nations.
The Same our Lord Jefus Chrift, Who with
That The Lord hath reigned from Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of
the Tree. The Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.
Orifon. Amen.
OD, Who for our fake didft
will Thy Son to undergo the
fuffering of The Crofs, that
Memorial of all saints.
Thou mighteft expel from
power of the enemy
us the Let the Memorial of All Saints be with one
grant to thy fervants that we may
us of the following Antiphons.
ever live in the joys of His Refurreftion,
through The Same Jefus Chrift our Lord.

Memorial of s. mart.
Antiphon. H Y Saints, O Lord ! ihall

H E gate of Pa - ra - dife, flou-rilh as the li - ly. Al-le-lu-ya.

through Eve to all men was clofed And like as the o-dour of balfam fhall

And through Ma-ry Vir-gin, a - gain they be before Thee. Al-le-lu-ya.

was thrown o - pen. Al-le-lu-ya.

e Saints and juft ones ! in The

y. After thy Bringing forth thou didft
abide a Virgin inviolate. q

1$. Mother of God ! intercede for us. Lord re - joice ye. Al - le - lu - ya.
179 Common Memorials at Matins.


:5f.*: S. MARY, and of ALL SAINTS. If,
however, the Feafl of any Saint falls on
You hath God cho-fen for an heritage
a Feafl of iii. Leffons, then let the
Memorial of the saint be firft faid,
and then the above-named Memorials.

to Him-felf Al-le-lu-ya.
however, (i. e., belonging to the Church,)
whether on Saints' Days or ordinary days,
Or this Antiphon
let the Memorial of the cross be
always mentioned firfl.

ith - in the veil thy Saints do cry,

At MATINS. Antiphon.

O Lord ! Al-le-lu-ya, Al-le-lu-ya,

UT us it behoveth to glo-ry

In The Crofs of our Lord Je - fus Chrift.

y. The voice of joy and exultation,

I£. Is in the tabernacles of the righte-

37". Let all the Earth adore Thee, O
God, and ling praife unto Thee.
Orifon. And fvng pfalmody unto Thy Name.
|RANT, we befeech Thee,
Almighty God: that in the Orifon.
km Refurredtion of our Lord Jefus
Chrift, with All his Saints, we
O D, who
Holy Crofs,
didft afcend
and enlighten

may in very deed receive our portion,

the darknefs of the world ; do
Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in Thou vouchfafe to enlighten
the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, our hearts and bodies, Saviour of the O
world without end. Amen. world Who liveft and reigneft with God

The Father, in the Unity of The Holy

This order of Memorials at Vefpers and Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.
at Matins Jhall be kept up to The Af-
cenfion of The Lord, as well in Week-
days as in Feafls which are without
Or this Orifon.
Conductors of the Choir. TZ"EEP, O Lord, we befeech Thee, in
perpetual peace, thofe whom, by the
Q ON THE MONDAY after THE OCTAVE wood of Thy Holy Crofs, Thou haft
OF TRINITY,andfrom thence to ADVENT, vouchfafed to redeem, Saviour of the O
as well on ordinary days as on Feaflsof iii. world Who liveft and reigneft with God

Leffons, when there are no Conductors of The Father, in the Unity of The Holy
the Choir, let there be faid the following Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.

Common Memorials at Matins. 1 80

Or this Orifon. Mary, ever-Virgin, caufe us to rejoice

T) E prefent with us, O Lord our God in profperity, both now and hereafter,

and thofe whom Thou makeft glad through our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son,
with the honour of Thy Holy Crofs, do Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in
Thou defend with its perpetual help, the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God,

through Chrift, our Lord. Amen. world without end. Amen.

Memorial of s. mart. |[ The Orifon Grant, we befeech Thee,

Merciful God. Concede quefumus Mife-
At MATINS. Antiphon. ricors Deus n is not faid in the Memorials
of S. Mary throughout the whole year,
but in Procefjions and at Compline of
Her only.

BLESSED Mother, yet

\_Befides thefe Memorials, others are to

be found in the ancient MSS. in this
place, and in the Service of the Blejfed
un-de-fil-ed Virgin thou glo-ri-ous
in the
— i, Daily Memorial at matins
Queen of the world ! intercede for us 2 and 3, Of the SAINT OF THE PLACE
^-w. -^ 1-
q=j iii. Leffons after Afh-Wednefday;
un-to The Lord our God.
ALL SAINTS when not faid in the daily
office as at Vefpers in Advent s 5, Of
3T . After thy Bringing forth, thou didft PEACE.]
abide a Virgin inviolate.

IJ?. Mother of God ! intercede for us.

Memorial of the holy spirit

Then the Orifon, as above.

Daily at MATINS [i. e., NOCTURNS AND
LORD, we befeech Thee, LAUDS conjointly] and VESPERS.
pardon the fins of thy fer-
vants : that we, who cannot Antiphon.
pleafe Thee by our own ac-
tions, may find falvation by the intercef-
fions of the Mother of our Lord Jefus
Chrift, through The Same our Lord Jefus OME, O Ho-ly Spi-rit!
Chrift. Amen.
Or this.

ALMIGHTY and Everlafting God, ful-fil the hearts of thy faith -ful ones,
protect us, thy fervants, by the right
hand of thy power from all dangers ; and
by the glorious interceflion of the BlefTed and of thy love kin - die in them

n See the
Office for the Firfl Sunday after Trinity.
E ;;

i8o* Common Memorials at Matins.


E favourable, O Lord, we
the fire ; Who, by di-ver-fi-ty of befeech Thee, to us thy fer-
vants for the glorious merits

-— —
tongues, the nations un-to the
1 of thy Saints whofe Relics
are contained in this Church
thatby their pious interceffions we may
be ever protected from all adverfities,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.
U - ni - ty of Faith didft con-gre-gate.
At MATINS. Orifon.

(~JRANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty

God, that the merits of thy Saints,
Al-le-lu-ya, Al-le-lu-ya, Al-le-lu-ya. whofe Relics are contained in this Church,
may protect us ; fo that through their
y. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they
prayers, in peace and tranquillity we may
fhall be created.
continually be joyful in thy praifes, through
And Thou lhalt renew the face of
our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who
the Earth. Alleluya, Alleluya.
with Thee liveth and reigneth in the
Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world
Orifon. without end. Amen.
OD, who didft teach the hearts
of thy faithful people by the |[ Memorial of peace, at lauds
Thy Holy and VESPERS. Antiphon.
enlightening of ~
Spirit ; grant us by The Same llVE Peace in our days, O
Spirit to have a right judgement in all Lord ! becaufe there is none
things, and ever to rejoice in his holy con-
folation, through our Lord Jefus Chrift
Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and
reigneth in the Unity of The Same Spirit,
mmy. O Lord,
other that fighteth for us, ex-
cept Thou, our God.
let there be Peace in thy
God, world without end. Amen. ftrength.
And abundance in thy towers.

Let us pray.
whofe honour the Church is founded, as
GOD, of Whom are all holy
defires, all right counfels, and
in Prebendal and Parijh Churches ; and
all juft works : give unto thy
then OF RELICS.]
fervants that Peace which the

world cannot give; that both our hearts
may be fet to obey thy commandments
I HE bodies of the Saints are and we being freed from the fear of our
buried in peace, and their
may pafs our time in quietnefs
names fhall live for ever.
under thy protection, through our Lord
y. Bleffed are they who Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who with Thee
dwell in thy Houfe, O Lord. liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The
They ftiall praife Thee for ever Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.
and ever. Amen.

Tuefday at Matins. 181

Another Orifon, at MATINS only. TUESDAY

f\ GOD, the Author and Lover of Peace, AT MATINS.
Whom to know is to live, Whom to
ferve is to reign, proteft thy fuppliants
from all affaults; that we, who trull in
thy defence, may
not fear the arms of any
adverfary, through our Lord Jefus Chrift
Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and
reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft,
God, world without end. Amen.
The Lord be with you. Psalm.
And with thy fpirit. Venite exultemus.
Blefs we The Lord.
Thanks be to God. O COME, let us be joyful.

NOTE.— On Commemorations.
Commemoration, in the Englijh Breviaries, has a different meaning from the fame ivord in the Roman books.
In the Roman Breviary it means, i, — A
peculiar Antiphon to " BenediBus" and " Magnificat ;"
2, A Verficle ; 3, and a proper Prayer, which are inferted after the ordinary Petitions at Lauds and
Vefpers. This, however, in the Englijh Breviaries is called a Memorial
(fee ante Note to Monday at Lauds
Vfpers). A Commemoration,
Sunday and Monday at in the Englijh Books,is fometimes almofi the fame as a
Feafl as the Commemoration of S. Paul, on the ^oth of June,
; and that of All Souls', on the ^th of November.
It generally, however, fignifies the full Office for the Day, fomewhat changed from the Annual Office, and
abbreviated, and yet remaining complete, and recurring for feveral fucceffive weeks—as,
for inflance, the
Saturday Commemoration of the Bleffed Mary, which was the principal
of our Commemorations; and if not
made on the Saturday, might be made on, and was frequently transferred to, fome other day. It feems probable,
however, that tkefe Commemorations were prefcribed to be ufed without the Choir only i. e., privately. ;
But in the Choir, even in
Parijh Churches, another Commemoration ufed to be added— namely,
of the Feafl of
the Place (as we learn from the Rubric, « Secundum eft" &c, placed in the Breviary at the end
of the
firfi week in Advent), where we are told how the Office is to be changed to become commemorative and
; thefe
two Commemorations alone (as we learn exprefjly from the Hereford, and Sarum Rubrics
impliedly from the
were ufed out of Cathedral Churches.
In Cathedral Churches, however, there feems to have been a third (as we learn from the York and
Rubrics, and the Sarum Pica or Pie), nearly refembling the fecond kind. The York Commemorations were,
befides of the Bleffed Mary on Saturday, of S. Wilhelm Archbijhop and Martyr, on
Tuefday; S. Peter and
S. Paul (to whom York Cathedral was dedicated), on Thurfday
; unlefs fome other days were more convenient
forfuch Commemoration. Thofe of Hereford were of S. Thomas Bi/hop and and S. Ethelbert King
and Martyr ; the former probably on Tuefday ; the latter on Thurfday.
The local Feafl of the Church of Salifbury was that of the Tranflation who was
of S. Ofmund, its fecond
Bifhop in the eleventh century ; and was made Synodal or Diocefan in the
fifteenth. It was continued
throughout an OBave ; and as it feems anfwer
of S. Wilhelm at York, and S. Thomas at Hereford,
to to thofe
it was probably appropriate to the Tuefday, unlefs fome other day was more convenient. It had alfo
appropriate and peculiar Antiphons to " Benedi&us" and
"Magnificat;" an Orifon and proper Leffons ;
and was firft in order of the three Commemorations ufed in the Church The only other two
of Sarum.
were ( cor refponding with thofe of the Apoftles at York, and S. Ethelbert at Hereford)
of S. Thomas of
Canterbury, and of S. Chad of Lichfield, of which S. Thomas was probably the third. So that the order of
the Sarum Commemorations was this :—
If three days were vacant in the week, they were of the Bleffed Virgin,
S. Ofmund, and S. Thomas; if only two,
of the B. V. t with S. Ofmund; if only one, of the B. V. only.
Commemorations were not ufed in the third week in Advent, nor in the Vigil
of our Lord's Nativity to the
OSave of The Epiphany, nor from Afh-Wednefday to Low Sunday, nor from the Fifth Sunday after
to the OBave of The Afcenfion Lord,
of our nor throughout the OBave of Pentecoft, nor in other Feafls or
OBaves, when the Choir had Condu&ors (which was the cafe only in the more
folemn offices ) ; nor in the Feafls
of the Saints which had their proper Refponfories and Praifes ; nor in the other Vigils ; nor in the Fafts
the Four Times. In York Province, before 1478, they (except that
of the B. V. M.) had been excluded
from the whole of Advent, Septuagefima, and the Eafier Seafon.
Tuefday at Matins.

f[ From the Firfi Sunday after the Oclave of The Epiphany to Quadragejima, when-
ever it is the ordinary Tuefday Service, is faid, AT MATINS, the following Hymn.


|HOU Confort of Thy Fa -

ther's Glory ! Light of the light, and

et Di - es ! Noc - tern ca - nen- Very Day ! With hymns we wake


do rum-pi-mus, Af - fif - te pof- tu- the midnight hours, Aflift thy fervants

lan - ti - bus. while they pray.

Consors Paterni Luminis Thou Confort of Thy Father's Glory !

Lux Ipfe lucis et Dies !
Light of the light, and Very Day !
Nodlem canendo rumpimus, With Hymns we wake the midnight hours,
Aflifte poftulantibus. Aflift thy fervants while they pray.

Aufer tenebras mentium, Difpel all darknefs from our minds,

Fuga catervas demonum ; And turn the troops of Hell to flight
Expelle fomnolentiam, Our flumbers roufe, left, funk in eafe,
Ne pigritantes obruat. Dull floth the fluggard foul benight.

Sic Chrifte ! nobis omnibus O Chrift thy pardoning mercy grant


Indulgeas credentibus To us truft in Thy fweet Name ;

Ut profit exorantibus So may our prayers acceptance find
Quod precinentes pfallimus : With Him whofe Godhead we proclaim

Gloria Tibi Domine All Glory, Lord be unto Thee, !

Qui natus es de Virgine ; Of Virgin Mother purely born

Cum Patre et Spiritu San&o, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye !

Per fempiterna fecula. Until eternity be gone.

A - men.

P From S. Ambroje, or of his School.

Tuefday at Matins. 183

Or, according to the Sea/on (viz., after The Purification).

Praefta Pater piiflime !
Moft gracious Father grant our prayer, !

Patrique Compar Unice ! And Thou, Co-equal, Only Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Who, Spirit Paraclete with Thee, !

Regnans per omne feculum. Reign through eternal ages, One !

A men. men.

C Throughout the Summer is /aid the Hymn Nofte furgentes vigilemus omnes.
Arife we in the nightly watches waking. [See Matins for Monday.]

Psalm XXXVIII. [Ps. xxxix. e. v.] Verily, man pafleth by as an image :

[To the end, Iduthun himfelf.

to Song of A and in vain is he difquieted.
David. A
Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of Apoftles He heapeth up riches and knoweth :

and Martyrs under trial.]

not for whom he fliall gather them.
And now, what is my expectation ? : is
not The Lord ? and my fubftance is with
hat I offend not. World without Thee.
Deliver me from all mine iniquities :

Thou haft given me to be a rebuke unto

the foolifli.
end. Amen.
I became dumb, and opened not my
Dixi Cufiodiam. mouth, for it was thy doing remove thy :

fcourges from me.

SAID, I will keep my From the might of thy hand I have
ways that I offend not
failed away with rebukes, becaufe of his :
with my tongue.
iniquity, Thou haft corrected man.
I put a guard on my Thou haft made his foul to wafte away
mouth : whilft the finner like a fpider : furely, vainly is any man
_ flood before me. difquieted.
I became dumb, and was humbled ; and Hear my prayer, O Lord, and my fup-
I kept filence from good things and my : plication : with thine ears give heed unto
grief was renewed. my tears.
My heart grew hot within me and in : Be not fllent, for I am a ftranger with
my meditation a fire ftiall flame out. Thee and a fojourner,
: as all my
I fpake with my tongue : Lord, let me fathers.
know mine end. O fpare me that I may be refrefhed
And the number of my days what it is : before I go hence : and fliall be no
that I may know what is wanting to me. more.
Behold, Thou haft made my days as a
meafure : and my fubftance [O Lord, keep our ways, that we offend not with
is even as
the tongue ; and kindle the fire of The Spirit in
nothing before Thee.
our meditations ; fa that we may lay up thofe trea-
Verily, all things are vanity : every fures in this world, which by thy gift we may ob-
living man. tain everlaftingly, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
: !

184 Tuefday at Matins.

Psalm XXXIX. [Ps. xl. e. v.] For evils came about me which are
without number mine : iniquities have
[To the end, a Pfalm to David himfelf. Pfalm A laid hold upon me, and I am not able to
of Thankfgiving and Prayer. The Voice of the
Church refpedting The Lord's RefurrecYion.]
They are multiplied above the hairs
ExpeBans expeBavi. of my head and my heart hath failed

"\^7TTH awaited The

expectation I me.
" * Lord : and He gave heed unto me. Let it be thy pleafure, Lord, to de- O
And He hearkened unto my prayers liver me : O
Lord, look down to help
and brought me out of the pit of mifery, me.
and out of the miry dregs. Let them be confounded and put to
And He fet my feet upon the rock : ftiame together, that feek after my foul : to

and ordered my goings. deftroy it.

And He put a new fong in my mouth Let them be turned backward, and put
even a thankfgiving unto our God. to fhame : that wilh me evil.
Many mall fee it, and fear and lhall : Let them forthwith bear their con-
put their truft in The Lord. fufion that fay unto me, well done
: well !

Blefied is the man whofe truft is in The done

Name of The Lord and hath not regarded :
Let all thofe that feek Thee, be joyful
vanities or lying follies. and glad in Thee and let them that love

Lord, my God
many are the won- !
thy falvation fay alway, The Lord be
drous works which Thou haft done and : magnified.
in thy thoughts there But I am mendicant and poor
is no one like untoyet :

Thee. The Lord careth for me.

1 have declared, and have fpoken they Thou art my Helper and Redeemer O
: :

are multiplied above number. my God Thou lhalt make no long tarrying. !

Sacrifice and offering Thou wouldeft Glory be to The Father, and to The
not :but Thou haft perfected mine ears Son and to The Holy Ghoft ; :

to me. As it was in the beginning, is now, and

Burnt - offering and fin -offering haft ever lhall be world without end. Amen. :

Thou not required : then faid I, Lo ! I

come. Antiphon.
In the Head of the Book it is written of
me that I ftiould do thy will ; my God, I
have willed it and thy law is in the midft

of my heart. HAT I offend not with my

I have declared thy righteoufnefs in the
great Church : lo ! I will not refrain my
lips, O Lord, Thou
Thy righteoufnefs I have not hid within tongue.
my heart : I have fpoken thy truth and [God, the only hope of thy fervants, whom the
thy falvation. Head of the Book of Books hath taught, fliall
I have not hidden thy loving mercy and come to judge the world ; plant, we befeech Thee,
truth from the great council.
thy law in the midft of our hearts, that fhewing
forth thy righteousnefs, we may be delivered from
But Thou, O Lord, put not far away
the dangers which furround us, through Chrift our
thy compaflions from me thy mercy and :
Lord. Amen.]
thy truth have ever upheld me.
: ; ::

Tuefday at Matins. 185

Psalm XL. [Ps. xli. e. v.] [O Eternal God ! Who doft mercifully pardon our
offences, who vouchfafeft to make a way to efcape
[To the end, a Pfalm to David himfelf. A in the evil day, and fuccoureft the poor with thy
Pfalm of Lamentation. The Voice of the Church
mercy ; comfort us, we entreat Thee, in our for-
teaching, and of the Patience of Chrift.]
rows, and whilft Thou doft punifli our fins in the
flelh, mercifully beftow medicine upon our fouls,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
eal, O Lord. Oioueae.
Beatus qui intelligit.
[To the end, underftanding to the Sons of Ko-
"DLESSED is he that underftandeth con- rah. A Pfalm of defire, with lamentation. The
cerning the poor and needy : The Voice of Penitents haftening to the fountains of
Lord lhall deliver him in the evil day. waters.]

The Lord preferve him, and keep him S>uemadmodum.

alive, and make him bleffed upon earth : T IKE as the hart longeth for the foun-
and deliver him not into the will of his tains of waters : fo longeth my foul
enemies. after Thee, O God.
The Lord bring help to him upon his My foul hath thirfted for God, The
bed of forrow Thou haft made all his
: living Fountain when fhall I come and:

bed in his ftcknels. appear before the face of God ?

I faid, Lord be merciful unto me heal : Tears were to me for my bread day and
my foul, for I have linned againft Thee. night while it is faid unto me daily,

Mine enemies have fpoken evil of me : Where is thy God ?

When mail he die, and his name perifh ? Thele things I remembered, and I
And if he came to fee me, he fpoke poured out my foul in me for I will pafs :

vanity : his heart gathered iniquity to over into the place of the wonderful taber-
itfelf. nacle, even into the Houle of God.
He went out : and ipake to the fame In the voice of joy and thankfgiving
purpole. the found of feafting.
All mine enemies whifpered againft Wherefore art thou fad, my foul O
me : againft me did they imagine evil to and why doft thou trouble me ?
me. Put thy truft in God, for I will yet
They purpofed a wicked word againft give Him thanks the health of : my coun-
me whether will he that fleepeth not
: tenance and my God.
add alfo, that he rife again ? Within is my foul vexed therefore :

Yea, even the man of my peace, in will Iremember Thee concerning the land
whom I trufted, who did eat of my bread : ofJordan, and the little hill of Hermon.
hath greatly fupplanted me. Deep calleth to deep in the voice of :

But Thou, O Lord, be merciful unto thy cataradls.

me, and raife me up again and I ftiall : All thy heights and thy waves have :

requite them. paffed overme.

By this I know Thou haft favoured In the day-time The Lord hath granted
me becaufe mine enemy fhall not rejoice
: me his mercy and in the night leafon a

over me. fong unto Him.

But Thou haft upholden me, becaufe of With me is prayer unto the God of my
mine innocence and Thou haft eftablilhed
: life : I will fay unto God, Thou art my
me before thy face for ever. upholder
Bleffed be The Lord God of Ifrael Why haft Thou forgotten me ?: why go I
world without end ; So be it. So be it. forrowfully, while the enemy afflidteth me ?

2 B
: :

1 86 Tuefday at Matins.

While my bones are broken, they re- For they poffeffed not the land through
proached me mine enemies who trouble
: their own fword : and their own arm
me. did not fave them.
Whilft day by day they fay unto me But thy right hand, and thine arm, and
Where is thy God ? the light of thy countenance becaufe :

Why art thou fad, O my foul : and Thou waft well pleafed with them.
why doft thou trouble me ? Thou artThyfelf my King, and my God:
Put thy truft in God, for I will yet Who commandeft health unto Jacob.
give Him thanks the health of my coun-
: Through Thee with the horn will we
tenance and my God. overthrow our enemies and in Thy :

Glory be to The Father. Name will we fpurn them that rife up

As it was in the beginning. againft us.
For I will not truft in my bow and :

Antiphon. my fword fhall not fave me.

For Thou haft faved us from them that
afflict us and haft put them to confulion

that hate us.

EAL, O Lord, my foul, for
We will make our boaft of God all the
day long : and in Thy Name we give
thanks for evermore.
I have fin-ned a-gainft Thee. But now Thou haft repelled and con-
[Almighty God, who art the wondrous faving founded us and Thou, God, wilt not go

health of our countenance, and for whom the fouls forth with our armies.
of thy faithful fervants do fervently thirft ; grant, Thou haft turned us back from our
we befeech Thee, that whilft fed with the unfeen enemies and they which hated us, fpoil

fliowers of our tears, we feek for Thee, we may

for themlelves.
place Thee invifibly within the tabernacle of our
hearts, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.] Thou haft given us like ftieep for food
and haft fcattered us among the Gentiles.

Psalm XLII. Judica me Deus. Thou haft fold thy people for naught
and there was no reckoning in the ex-
is not /aid at Notlurns. [See Lauds, poJl.]
change for them.
Thou haft made us the reproach of our
Psalm XLIII. [Ps. xliv. e. v.]
neighbours a feoff and derifion of them

[To the end, to the Sons of Corah, for under- that are round about us.
ftanding. A Pfalm for Prayer. The Voice of
Thou haft made us to be a by-word
among the Gentiles a ftiaking of the head


among the people.

All the day long my ftiame is before
heart hath. Oioueae.
me : and the confulion of my face hath
Deus auribus. covered me.
f\ GOD, we have heard with our ears : From the voice of the flanderer and
our fathers have told us blafphemer : from the face of the enemy
The work Thou haft wrought in their and perfecutor.
days and in the days of old.
: And though all this came upon us, yet
Thy hand deftroyed the heathen, and did we not forget Thee : nor have we
planted them in Thou didft
: afflict the behaved ourfelves frowardly in thy cove-
nations, and caft them out. nant.

Tuefday at Matins. 187

And our heart hath not turned back- righteoufnefs: and thy right hand (hall
ward yet haft Thou turned our paths
: conduct thee wondroufly.
from thy way. Thine arrows are lharp, and the people
For Thou didft abafe us unto the place mall fall under Thee : into the hearts of
of and coveredft
affliction : us with the the King's enemies.
lhadow of death. Thy feat, O God, endureth for ever
If we have forgotten The Name of our and ever : the fceptre of uprightnefs is the
God : and holden up our hands to any fceptre of thy kingdom.
ftrange God, Thou haft loved righteoufnefs
and hated
Shall not God fearch it out?: for He hath iniquity wherefore God, even thy God,

known the hidden things of the heart. hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladnefs
For thy fake alfo are we killed all the above thy fellows.
day long and are counted: as Iheep for Myrrh, and perfume, and caffia, are in
the flaughter. thy garments, out of the ivory palaces
Up, Lord, why fleepeft Thou arife, : out of which King's daughters have de-
and caft us not off for ever. lighted Thee in thine honour.
Wherefore hideft Thou thy face and : Upon thy right hand did ftand the
forgetteft our want and our trouble? Queen in a vefture of gold : wrought about
For our foul is humbled in the duft : diverfely.
our belly cleaveth unto the ground. Hearken, O daughter, and fee and incline
Arile, O
Lord, help us : and redeem us thine ear : forget alfo thine own people,
for Thy Name's fake. and thy father's houfe.
So mail the King deftre thy beauty
[Arife, O Lord and help us, and !deliver us from
the reproach of our fins ; and do Thou, who didft for He is The Lord thy God, and they
vanquiih before our face the kingdoms of the Gen- lhall worfhip Him.
tiles, deliver us, by the light of thy countenance, The daughters of Tyre, with their gifts :
from the aflaults of our enemies, through our Lord
all the rich among the people lhall in treat
Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
thy countenance.
All the glory of the King's daughter is
Psalm XLIV. [Ps. xlv. e. v.]
from within, in golden fringes : lhe is
[To the end, them
that are changed.
for To clothed about with variety.
the Sons of Corah, for underftanding a Song for
The Beloved. The Nuptial Song of Chrift and The There mall be brought to the King,
Church. The Voice of Martyrs concerning The virgins after her : her neighbours lhall be
Son to The Church.] brought unto Thee.
Eruclavit cor tneum. With joy and gladnefs lhall they be
IV/fY heart hath uttered a good word :
brought they lhall be led into the Temple

I tell myworks unto the King. of the King.

My tongue is the pen of a Icribe that :
Inllead of thy fathers, fons are born
write th fwiftly. unto Thee Thou lhalt make them princes

Beautifulthy form, before the children

is over all the earth.
of men; grace is poured forth upon thy lips :
They lhall remember Thy Name, O
wherefore God hath bleffed Thee for ever. Lord from every generation to another.

Gird Thee with thy fword upon thy Wherefore the people lhall give thanks
thigh O Thou Moft Mighty.
unto Thee for evermore and world with- :

In thy comelinefs and in thy fairnefs fet :

out end.
forth and proceed profperoufly, and reign. Glory be to The Father.
Becaufe of truth, and meeknefs, and As it was in the beginning.
i88 Tuefday at Matins.

Antiphon. Making wars to ceafe, even to the end

of the world He fhall fhatter the bow,

and break in pieces the armour, and burn

up the ftiields in the fire.

v^&iW «l
^ ^ eart h a£ h ut-ter-ed Be ftill then, and fee that I am God :

I will be exalted among the Gentiles, and

I will be exalted in the Earth.
The Lord of Hofts is with us : The
a good word. God of Jacob isour upholder.

[O Chrift Word of The Father by whom all

! ! [O merciful God ! a very prefent help in threat-
things were created, and are created, keep, we be- ning trouble : fanftify with the flood of thy eternal
feech Thee, Thy Church, gathered from among ftreams the habitation of our hearts ; fo that Thou,
the nations of the Gentiles ; that fo, while we love The Lord of Hofts, being our helper, we may
Thee in the righteoufnefs of faith, with a pure put to flight all earthly enemies, through Chrift
heart, we may be worthy, with the chief fhepherds, our Lord. Amen.]
to obtainan eternal kingdom in Heaven, Who liveft
and reigned God, world without end. Amen.]
Psalm XLVI. [Ps. xlvii. e. v.J

[To the end, for the Sons of Corah, a Pfalm.

Psalm XLV. [Ps. xlvi. e. v.]
A Triumphal Pfalm refpe&ing the Kingdom of
[To the end, to the Sons of Corah for fecrets, Chrift. Voice of The Holy Spirit to the Gentiles.]
a Pfalm. A Pfalm for praifing God. The Voice
Omnes gentes, plaudite.
of Apoftles.]
CLAP your hands together, all ye
Gentiles rejoice unto God with the

voice of gladnefs.
y helper. Oioueae.
For The Lord is very High, and to be
Deus nofier refugium. feared The Great King over all the

OD is our refuge and ftrength

our : Earth.
help in the troubles which have ex- He hath fubdued the people under us :
ceedingly befet us. and the nations under our feet.
Therefore will we not fear, though the He hath chofen for us an heritage the :

Earth be difturbed and the mountains : beauty of Jacob which He loved.

be carried into the heart of the fea. God is gone up with a merry noife
Their waters roared and were troubled : and The Lord with the voice of the
the mountains Ihook with His ftrength. trumpet.
The ftream of the flood maketh glad Sing pfalms unto our God, fing ye
the City of God The Moft High hath
: pfalms ! : ling pfalms unto our King, fing
fanftified his own tabernacle. ye !

God is in the midft of her, fhe ftiall not God

is the King of all the Earth : fing
be removed : God fhall help her right early. ye pfalms with underftanding.
The Gentiles were troubled, and the God fhall reign over the Gentiles God :

kingdoms bowed He uttered his voice, fitteth upon his holy feat.

the Earth was moved. The princes of the people are gathered
The Lord of Hofts is with us The together with The God of Abraham for
: :

God of Jacob is our upholder. the mighty gods of the Earth are very
Come hither, and behold the works of greatly exalted.
The Lord: what wonders He hath wrought Glory be to The Father.
upon the Earth. As it was in the beginning.
: :

Tuefday at Matins. 189

Antiphon. thy praife, unto the ends of the world thy
right hand is full of righteoufnefs.
Let the Mount Syon rejoice, and the
daughters of Judah be glad becaufe of thy :

helper in tribu-la-tion.
judgements, Lord. O
[O God ! King of all Saints ! Whofe kingdom
Go about Syon, and encompafs her
is over all people, fubdue the nations of our fins and tell ye of her towers.
under our feet ; fo that whilft in wifdom we ling Set your hearts upon her ftrength : and
praifes to Thee our God, by thy help we may be put in order her houfes ; that ye may tell
enabled to overcome them, through Chrift our
it in another generation.
Lord. Amen.]
For He is God, our God for ever, and

for ever and ever He fhall rule over us


Psalm XLVII. [Ps. xlviii. e. v.] for evermore.

[A Pfalm of Song for the Sons of Corah, on
[O God worthy to be praifed greatly to be
the Second Day from the Sabbath. A Pfalm for
feared ! Who

of Glory in the Hea-

art the Prince

praifing God. The Voice of the Priefts to the

venly Jerufalem, tread under foot our lufts by thy
people for the Faith of the Church.]
fpiritual underftanding ; that fo we may receive
thy loving-kindnefs in the temple of our hearts,
and may be worthy to celebrate Thy Name,
ith your ears per-ceive it. through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]


[To the end, to the Sons of Corah. Pfalm A
Magnus Dominus. for Meditation. Voice of The Holy Spirit to the
/^•REAT is The Lord, and exceedingly Gentiles.]

to be praifed : in the City of our God, Audite hac omnes.

in his holy Mountain. Q\ HEAR ye this, all ye Gentiles with :

With the joy of the whole Earth is your ears perceive it, ye that dwell
Mount Syon founded upon the North : in the world.
fide is the City of the great King. Ye that are earth-born, and the children
God fhall be well known in her palaces : of men rich and poor both together.

when He uphold her.

fhall My mouth fhall fpeak wifdom : and the
For lo the Kings of the Earth have
! meditation of my heart prudence.
afTembled and gathered together.
: mine ear to the parable I will incline :

So they beheld and marvelled, they open my purpofe on the pfaltery.

I will
were troubled, they were moved fear Wherefore fhall I fear in the evil

took hold upon them. day the wickednefs of my heel fhall :

There were pains as of a woman in tra- encompafs me.

vail with a vehement wind Thou wilt
: There be that put their truft in their
matter the lhips of Tharfis. ftrength and boaft themfelves in the mul- :

Like as we have heard fo have we feen, titude of their riches.

in the City of The Lord of Hofts, in the A brother redeemeth not ; fhall man
City of our God: God hath founded it redeem ? : he fhall not give to God his
for ever. ranfom.
We have awaited, God, thy mercy O Or of the redemption of his
the price
in the midft of thy Temple. foul : and he fhall labour for ever, and
O God, according to Thy Name fo is ftill live on to the end.
190 Tuefday at Matins.

He fhall not behold deftrudlion when

he fhall fee wife men dying : the unwife
and the fool fhall perifh together. ye that dwell in the world.
And they fhall leave their riches for
[Fulfil, O mouth with thy wifdom
Lord, our
other: and their fepulchres fhall be their

we remember to acknowledge Thee

fo that, whilft
houfes for ever. to be Man, and that Thou didft redeem us from
Their tabernacles are from generation Hell, we may be worthy to be enlightened by the

to generation they have called the lands

Glory of thy countenance, Who liveft and reigneft
God, world without end. Amen.]
own names.
after their
And man, when he was in honour,
underftood not : but was compared unto PSALM XLIX. [PS. L. E. V.]
the fenfelefs beafts, and became like them.
[A Pfalm of Afaph. A Pfalm for Meditation.
This way of theirs is a ftumbling-block The Voice of The Holy Ghoft from The Father
to them and afterwards will they delight
and The Son.]
in their own faying.
They are fet in the Hell like fheep
death fhall feed upon them. h e God of Gods. Oioueae.
And the righteous fhall have dominion
and their help
Deus Deorum.
over them in the morning :

fhall grow old in Hell, away from their '~pHE God of Gods, The Lord hath
glory. fpokenand called the world,

But God fhall redeem my foul from the From the rifing up of the Sun unto the
hand of Hell when He fhall have re- :
going down thereof: out of Syon is the
ceived me. lovelinefs of His beauty.
Be not thou afraid, though a man become God fhall come manifeftly : our God,
rich : or when the glory of his houfe fhall and fhall not keep filence.

have been multiplied. A fire fhall kindle forth before Him

For when he perifheth he fhall takeno- and a mighty tempeft fhall be round about
thing away : neither fhall his glory defcend Him.
with him. He hath called the Heaven from above :

For in his life-time his foul will be and the Earth to judge his people.
bleffed and he will give thanks to Thee
Gather to Him his faints : who order
when Thou fhalt do well to him. his covenant upon facrifices.

He fhall enter even into the generation And the Heaven fhall declare his righte-

of his fathers and for evermore he fhall

oufnefs : for God is The Judge.
not fee light. Hear, O
my people, and I will fpeak
Man, when he was in honour, under- Ifrael, and I will teftify to thee : for I am

ftood not he was compared unto the

God, even thy God.
fenfelefs beafts, and became like them. I will not reprove thee in thy facrifices

Glory be to The Father. thy burnt-offerings are ever in my fight.

As it was in the beginning. I will not take calves out of thine
houfe nor he-goats out of thy flocks.

Antipbon. For all the beafts of the foreft are mine :

the cattle of the mountains, and the oxen.

I know all the birds of Heaven and :

mine is the beauty of the field.

ITH your ears perceive it, If I be hungry I will not tell thee for :
Tuefday at Matins. 191
mine is the orb of the world, and the fulnefs Psalm LI. [Ps. m. e. v.]
[To the end, Underftanding of David when Doeg
Whether, then, mall I eat bulls' flefli the Edomite went and told Saul, David cometh to
or drink the blood of goats ? the houfe of Abimelech. A
Pfalm for Meditation.
Offer unto God the facrifice of praife Voice of The Holy Spirit againft the Devil.]
and pay thy vows unto The Moft Quid gloriaris?
And upon Me VfyTHY boafteft thou thyfelf in mifchief ?:
call in the day of tribu- thou that art mighty in iniquity.
lation : I will deliver thee, and thou wilt All the day long hath thy tongue ima-
honour Me.
gined wickednefs: thou haft wrought
But unto the finner, faid God, Why
deceit like a fharp razor.
doft thou tell of my righteoufnefs and :
Thou haft loved malice more than kind-
taker!: my covenant in thy mouth.
nefs : to talk of wickednefs more than
Whereas thou haft hated difcipline and :
haft call my words behind thee.
Thou haft loved all words that may do
If thou faweft a thief, thou didft run
hurt thou falfe tongue
: !
with him : and thou haft fet thy portion
Therefore fhall God deftroy thee for
with the adulterers.
ever : He will pluck thee out and remove
Thy mouth abounded with malice, and thee out of thy dwelling, and thy root out
thy tongue framed deceits.
of the land of the living.
Thou fateft, and fpakeft againft thy The righteous fhall fee this and fear,
brother : and didft flander the fon of thy
and fhall laugh him to fcorn, and fhall fay :
mother ; thefe things haft thou done,
lo ! this is the man that took not God
and I was filent.
for his help
Thou thoughteft wickedly, that I fhall
But trufted in the multitude of his riches:
be like to thee : I will reprove thee, and
and ftrengthened himfelf in his vanity.
will let Myfelf againft thy face.
As for me I am like a fruitful olive tree
Underftand this, ye that forget God:
in the Houfe of God : I have trufted in
left He pluck you away, and there be none
the mercy of God for ever, and for ever
to deliver you.
and ever.
The facrifice of praife mail honour Me :
I will evermore give thanks unto Thee
and there is the way where I fhall Ihew Thou haft done and I will wait on
for that :
him the falvation of God. Thy Name, for it is good in the fight of
[God of Gods, we befeech Thee to receive us as
thy Saints.
a facrifice of Praife ; fo that we, /hewing forth thy Glory be to The Father, and to The
righteoufnefs without finful deeds, may rejoice in Son and to The Holy Ghoft

that path which leadeth to thy falvation through j As it was in the beginning, is now, and
Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

Psalm L. u.

[Ps. e. v.]

Miferere mei, Deus.

"LI AVE mercy upon me, O God,
faid at Noilurns.)
(is not
HE God of Gods, The

[See the Office for Lauds.] EEE -X

Lord hath fpo - ken.
192 Tuefday at Lauds.

[God, The Almighty Creator of all the variety Psalm L.

of this world, make us to flourifh as a fruitful
olive tree in thy Houfe ; fo that, trufting in thy Miferere mei, Deus.
mercy, we may be faved from the curfe of our fins,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] JLJAVE mercy upon me, O God.
[See Lauds for Monday.]
y. Offer unto God the facrifice of
IJ;. And pay thy vows unto The Moft Psalm XLII. [Ps. xliii. e. v.]
[A Pfalm of David. A
Pfalm for Prayer. The
[Herefollow OUR FATHER and I BELIEVE Voice of the Church praying to be delivered from
a wicked, crafty, and unbelieving people.]
IN GOD. Then the Proper Lejfons,
preceded by their refpetlive Beneditlions, Judica me, Deus.
and followed by their refpetlive Verficles
and Refponfories.] UDGE me, O
God, and
[See the Office of Matins for Sunday Morn- determine my caufe with
ing, and the Rubric there, and the Com- an unholy people deli- :

mon Forms and Table of Beneditlions, ver me from wicked

and the Common and Proper of The and deceitful man.
Time and of The Saints.] For Thou art God,
my ftrength : why haft Thou put me from
Thee, and why go I forrowfully, while
the enemy amifleth me ?
TUESDAY Send out thy
light and thy truth they :

|[ BEFORE LAUDS. have guided me

and brought me unto thy
Holy Mountain, and to thy tabernacles.
[See Lauds for Monday.]
And I will enter in unto the altar of
I'ET thy mercy, O God : to God who givethjoy to my youth.
I will give thanks unto Thee upon the
Lord, be upon us.
harp, O God, my God : Why art thou
Like as we forrowful, O my foul, and wherefore doft
thou difquiet me ?
have put our truft
Put thy truft in God, for I will yet
in Thee. give Him thanks the health of my

countenance and my God.

C IN LAUDS. Glory be to The Father, and to The
Son : and to The Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and

ever fhall be : world without end. Amen.

CORDING to thy great

mer - cy, have mer-cy up-on me,

HE health of my countenance

O God. Oioueae. and my God. Pf. Oioueae.


Tuefday at Lauds. 193

[Alimifhty God, we invoke Thee, the Fountain Lord, I fuffer violence, anfwer for me :

of eveirlaiing Light ; and intreat Thee to fend What fhall I fay ? or what fhall He an-
forth thy truth into our hearts, and to pour upon
fwer me, whereas I myfelf have done it.
us the Glory of thy brightnefs, through Chrift
our Lord. Amen.] I will recount to Thee all my years in :

the bitternefs of my foul.

Psalm LXII. Lord, if life be fuch, and the life of my
Antipbon. fpirit in fuch things, Thou fhalt chaften
me, and quicken me : behold, in peace is
my bitternefs moft bitter.
But Thou haft delivered my foul, that
O Thee, from break of day it mould not perifti Thou haft caft all

my fins behind thy back.

Becaufe Hell mall not confefs to Thee,
do I watch. Oioueae. neither fhall Death praifeThee they that go

Deus, Deus metis.

down into the pit, mail not await thy truth.
The living, the living, he fhall give Thee
thanks, as I alfo this day : the father to
[See Lauds for Monday.] the children fhall make known thy truth.
O Lord, fave me and we will ling our

f[ Canticle of hezekiah. pfalms all the days of our life, in the Houfe
Ifaiah xxxviii. of The Lord.

A l l the days. Oioueae.

Glory be to The Father, and to The
Son and to The Holy Ghoft

As it was in the beginning, is now, and

SAID, in the midft of my ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

days : I mail go to the gates

of Hell.
I fought the relidue of my
years : [ faid I mail not fee The Lord God
in the lind of the living. LL the days of our life,
I fhall behold man no more : and the
inhabitant of reft.
My generation is taken away, and is

rolled ud away from me : as the tent of

fave us, O Lord. Oioueae.

the fhetherds. Antipbon.

My lfe is cut off as by a weaver : while
I was y;t beginning, He cut me off.

Fron. morning even unto night, Thou

wilt nuke an end of me I hoped even : N the Higheft praife ye God.
until mcrning ; as a lion, fo hath He broken
all my bones.
Fron morning even unto evening, Thou Oioueae.
wilt mdce an end of me as the young of :

the fwalow, fo will I cry, I will meditate Psalms CXLVIIL, CXLIX., CL.
as a dore. Laudate Dominum de Ccelis.
Mine eyes are wafted away
: looking
o PRAISE The Lord from the Heavens.
[See Lauds for Monday.]
; ! ; ; ! ! ; ;! !

94 Tuefday at Lauds.

|[ From the Firft Sunday after the Slave of O The Epiphany to Quadragejima, in the
ordinary Wednefday Service, this Hymn is faid AT LAUDS.
HTMNUS.i Hymn.

LES Di - e- i nun HE herald bird of Day pro-

Lu-cem pro-pin-quam prae-ci- - claims The coming light in cheerful

nit : Nos ex ta - tor men - ftrain ; And Chrift, th'awakener of

ti - um, Jam Chrif - tus ad vi - tarn our fouls, Calls us to life and light


Ales Diei nuntius The herald bird of Day proclaims

Lucem propinquam praecinit The coming light in cheerful ftrain
Nos excitator mentium, And Chrift, th'awakener of our fouls,
Jam Chriftus ad vitam vocat. Calls us to life and light again.

" Auferte," clamat, " le&ulos ! "Take hence!" He cries, "the bed of floth
^Egros fopore derides No more in {lumbering torpor lie !

Caftique refti ac fobrii Ye chafte, ferene, and righteous hearts

Vigilate jam fum proximus."
! Watch ye ! for I, The Lord, am nigh."

Jefum ciamus vocibus Jefu ! with mourning voice we call,

Flentes precantes fobrie In prayer and tears pure vigils keep
Intenta fupplicatio Our fuppliant fervour bent on Thee,
Dormire cor mundum vetat. Forbids the chaftened foul to fleep.

Tu Chrifte ! fomnum difcute, O Chrift do Thou our flumbers roufo,


Tu rumpe noftis vincula, Break Thou the drowfy chains of night;

Tu folve peccatum vetus, O pardon all our old offence,
Novumque lumen ingere. And pour on us thy new-born light
Deo Patri fit Gloria ! Glory to God The Father be
Ejufque Soli Filio And to His One-Begotten Son
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, And Spirit, Paraclete, to Thee,
Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now and while endlefs ages run.

men. A - men.
1 From Prudentius.

Wednefday at Matins. •95

W. In the morning, Lord, I will O

meditate upon Thee.
his fervant David. Oioueae.
Ufa. Becaufe Thou haft been my helper.

Chapter, i Cor. xvi.
The canticle of zachariah.
ATCH ye, and pray
Benediclus Dominus Deus Ifrael. Luke i.
ftand faft in the faith;
quit you like men, be gLESSED be The Lord God of Ifrael.
ftrong : let all things be [See Lauds for Monday.]
done with charity.
Thanks be to God. Petitions, as on Monday at Lauds.
Orifons, as there direcled.
{[ Throughout the Summer is /aid the
Hymn — Memorials, as above.

Ecce jam noftis tenuatur umbra

See vanilh faft the paling lhades of night.
[See Lauds for Monday.]
W. In the morning, O Lord, I will
meditate upon Thee. Invitatory.
Becaufe Thou haft been my helper.
H *


Lord hath
3 raifed up unto
thy hand, O
Lord, are


the con-fines of the Earth.


us a horn of falvation, in the houfe of

Venite exultemus.

Q COME, let us be joyful.

in the ordinary Wednefday Service, the following Hymn is faid in LAUDS.
Hymnus. t Hymn.
E - RUM Cre - a - tor Op- RE -A -TOR of all worlds!

ti - me ! Rec -

tor - que* nof - ter,

af look down, O Mightieft Ruler, from

pi - ce Nos qui te thy throne ; From all per - ni - cious

From S. Ambrofe, or of his School.

! ; !; ; ! ;

196 Wednefday at Matins.

nox - i - a Mer - fos fo - po - re flumber free Thy fervants, who re-

li - be - ra. pofe in Thee.

Rerum Creator Optime Creator of all worlds ! look down

Re&orque nofter ! afpice O Mightieft Ruler ! from thy throne
Nos a quiete noxia, From all pernicious flumber free
Merfos fopore libera. Thy fervants, who repofe in Thee.

Te Chrifte Sanfte ! pofcimus, O Holy Chrift ! our prayer receive,

Ignofce Tu criminibus In mercy all our faults forgive ;
Ad confitendum furgimus, We rife, the reft of night we break,
Morafque nodlis rumpimus. To Thee our true confeflion make !

Mentes manufque tollimus, Our hearts and hands on high we raife,

Propheta (ficut novimus) Like the Prophet of old days
Nobis gerendum praecipit, For help divine hath bid us plead,
Paulufque geftis cenfuit. Or Holy Paul, in hour of need.

Vides malum quod fecimus, Thou knoweft the evils we have done,
Occulta noftra pandimus, To Thee our fecret fins we own,
Preces gementes fundimus, To Thee we pour the forrowing prayer,
Dimitte quod peccavimus. O ! all our fad tranfgreflions fpare.

Gloria Tibi Domine ! Lord Holy Virgin-born to Thee,

! !

Qui natus es de Virgine ; Unceafing Praife and Glory be

Cum Patre et Spiritu San&o, With Father and with Holy Ghoft,
Per fempiterna fecula. Long as eternity fhall laft.

A - men.

After the Purification.

Przefta Pater piiffime Moft gracious Father hear our prayer, !

Patrique Compar Unice ! Co-equal Only Son give ear ; !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Who with The Spirit Paraclete,

Regnans per omne feculum. Reign throughout ages infinite.

A - men. A - men.

|[ Throughout the Summer is /aid the Hymn Nocte furgentes vigilemus omnes.
Arise we in the nightly watches waking. [See Matins for Monday.]
Wednefday at Matins. 197

Psalm LII. [Ps. liii. e. v.] Psalm LIV. [Ps. lv. e. v.]

[To the end, for Amalech, of the Under- [To the end, in verfes. Underftanding of David.
ftanding of David. A Pfalm for Meditation. A Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of Chrift againft the
Voice of The Holy Spirit againft the Jews.] Jews of Judah.]
Exaudi, Deus orationem.
1= "LJEAR my prayer, O God : and defpife
h e Lord will turn a - way. not my ^application be ; intent unto
me, and hearken unto me.
I am grieved in my exercifing and I am :

Oioueae. troubled by the voice of the enemy, and

Dixit injipiens. by the tribulation of the finner.

For they have turned iniquities upon
HE fool hath faid in his
me and in wrath they have molefted me.

heart there no God.

: is
My heart is difquieted within me and :

Corrupt are they, and the fear of death is fallen upon me.
become abominable in Fearfulnefs and trembling are come upon
their iniquities : there is me and darknefs hath overwhelmed me.

none that doeth good. And I faid, Who will give me wings as
God looked down from Heaven upon of a dove and I will flee away and be at

the children of men to fee if there were

any that did underftand and feek God. Lo I departed far away in flight : and

But they are all gone out of the way ; abode in the wildernefs.
they all become unprofitable there is :
I waited for Him who hath faved me :
none that doeth good, no not even one. from poornefs of fpirit, and from the
Will they not know, all that work tempeft.
wickednefs who eat up my people like
Call them down, O Lord ! divide their
the food of bread ? tongues : for I have fpied unrighteoufnefs
They have not called upon God : there and ftrife in the city.
they trembled for fear where no fear was. Day and night fhall iniquity furround it
For God hath fcattered the bones of upon its walls : and labour in the midft of
them that pleafe men : they are confounded it, and unrighteoufnefs.
becaufe God hath defpifed them. Ufury and guile : hath not failed from
Who will give falvation unto Ifrael out its ftreets.
of Syon ? when God fhall have turned For if mine enemy had reviled me:
again the captivity of his people : then I would verily have borne with it.
mall Jacob rejoice, and Ifrael be right glad. And if he who hated me had fpoken
[O moft merciful God look down from thy
great things againft me : peradventure
Holy Heaven and put an end to our folly ; fo that, Iwould have hid myfelf from him.
delivered from vain fears, we may pleafe Thee But it was thou, a man of one mind with
alone, in entire purity of heart, through our Lord
me my guide and mine acquaintance.
Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
Who took pleafant meats along with
Psalm LIII. me : in the Houfe of God we walked in
Deus, in nomine.
Let death come upon them : and let
gAVE me, O God them defcend alive into Hell.
is not faid at NoSturns. For wickednefs is in their dwellings
[See the Office for Prime.] in the midft of them.
198 Wednefday at Matins.

But I cried unto God : and The Lord Psalm LV. [Ps. lvi. e. v.]
faved me.
[To the end, from the holy
for the people far
In the Evening and in the Morning, and
things. For David for a title when the Gentiles
atNoonday will I fpeak and utter forth : kept him at Gath. A
Pfalm for Lamentation and
and He lhall hear my voice. Prayer. Voice of the Church in Perfecution.]
He lhall redeem my foul in peace from
them that draw near againft me for there :
were many with me.
cause. Oioueae.
God lhall hearken and lhall humble
them Who is before the worlds.
: Miferere mei, Deus quoniam.
For there is no change with them, and tTAVE mercy upon me, O God, for
they have not feared God : He extendeth manhath troded me down : all
his hand in recompence.
the day long hath he airlifted and fought
They have defiled his covenant: they againft me.
are divided by the wrath of his counte-
Mine enemies have trodden on me
nance, and his heart hath drawn near. all the day long for there be many war-

His words were fmoother than oil : and ring againft me.
yet be they fwords.
In the heighth of the day I lhall fear
O caft thy care upon The Lord, and but I will truft in Thee.
He lhall and lhall not fuffer
nourifh thee
In God I will praife my words, in God

the righteous to waver for ever. I have put my truft I will not fear :

But Thou, O God, lhalt bring them what flelh can do unto me.
into the pit of deftruttion.
All the day long they curfed my words :

The men of blood and deceit lhall not againft me for evil were all their thoughts.
live out half their days but I will trull
They will dwell and hide themfelves
inThee, O Lord. they will watch at my heel.
Glory be to The Father, and to The As they have laid wait for my foul, in
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
nothing lhalt Thou fave them : in wrath
As it was in the beginning, is now, and Thou lhalt break in pieces the people.
ever lhall be : world without end. Amen. O God, my life have I declared unto
Antiphon. Thee : Thou haft put my tears in thy
Let it be as in thy promife : then lhall
mine enemies be turned backward.
HE Lord will turn away the In what day foever I lhall call upon

-»- ^rrz»— —— i-^

: behold, I know that Thou art


cap - tiv - i - ty of his peo - pie.

In God I will praife his word, in
Lord I will praife his faying : in God
[O Lord, Who didft abide with Thy Holy Spirit have I put my truft, I will not be afraid
for ever before the worlds and Who, betrayed by
thy evil difciple, didft break the bands of death,
what man can do unto me.
favourably regard the prayers of thy fuppliants j With me, O God, are vows of thine :

and grant, that we who praife Thee in the evening, which I will repay, prailings unto Thee.
and in the morning, and at noontide, may be wor- For Thou haft delivered my foul from
thy of being defended from the temptations of this
world, Who liveft and reigneft with The Father
death, and my feet from falling: that I

in the Unity of The Holy Spirit, God, for evermore. may be pleafing in the light of God, in
Amen.] the light of the living.
: ; ;:

Wednefday at Matins. [99

[O Dternal God our chief defence againft our

Be Thou exalted, O God, above the
invilible foes ; Who fuffereft not thofe who truft
Heavens and thy Glory above all the
in The^e to be opprefied by their enemies, wipe, we
befeech Thee, from our eyes the tears of fin \ fo that Earth.
we may both vanquifh the aflfaults of the flelh and Glory be to The Father.
be woTthy of pleafing Thee in the light of the As it was in the beginning.
living, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
Psalm LVI. [Ps. lvii. e. v.]

[To the end, Perifli not. David in the infcrip-

tion of title when he fled from the face of Saul
into the cave. Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of the E - CAUSE my foul trufteth
Church to Chrift.]

Miferere mei, Deus, miferere.

"LJAVE mercy upon me, O God, have in Thee.
mercy upon me for : my foul con-
[Put away, O Lord, the iniquity of thy humble
fideth in Thee. fervants under the fliadow of thy wings ; and, ac-
And in the ftiadow of thy wings will I cording to our hope, fend thy everlafting mercy
truft : until iniquity pafs away. from Heaven upon us, and deliver us from the pits
and fnares of the wicked doers, through Chrift
I will cry unto The Moft High God :
our Lord. Amen.]
The God that hath done good unto me.
He fent from Heaven, and delivered Psalm LVII.
me He hath given over to reproach them

that trod me down. [To the end, Perifh not. David in the infcrip-
tion of title. A Pfalm of Complaint. Voice of
Godhath fent forth his mercy and Chrift to the Jews.]
truth He hath delivered my foul
: and
from the midft of the lions' whelps ; I flept
in my trouble.
udge ye juft-ly. Oioueae.
The children of men, their teeth are
fpears and arrows : and their tongue a Si vere utique.
Iharp fword. TF in very deed ye fpeak righteoufnefs
Be Thou exalted, O God, above the judge juftly, O ye fons of men !

Heavens and thy Glory above all the

: For ye work wickednefs in your heart
Earth. upon earth and your hands contrive

Theyhave prepared a fnare for my feet unrighteoufnefs.

and have bowed down my foul. Sinners are froward from the womb
They have digged a pit before my face : they have gone aftray from the womb
and are fallen into it. they have fpoken lies.
My heart is ready, O God, my heart is Their fury is after the likenefs of a fer-
ready: I will fing, and rehearfe a Pfalm pent like the deaf adder that ftoppeth

to The Lord. her ears

Awake up, my glory; awake pfaltery Which will not hear the voice of the
and harp I will arife right early.
: charmers : nor of the wizard who charm-
I will give thanks unto Thee, Lord, O eth wifely.
among the people : and I will fmg pfalms God lhall break their teeth in their
to Thee among the Gentiles. mouths : The Lord lhall break in pieces
For thy mercy is magnified even unto the great teeth of the lions.
the Heavens and thy truth unto the clouds.
: They lhall come to nothing, like run-
! ::

200 Wednefday at Matins.

ning water : He bendeth his bow until And Thou, O Lord, malt have them
they be enfeebled. in derifion : and Thou (halt bring to
Like wax that melteth they fhall be naught all the Gentiles.
borne away : fire hath fallen upon them, My ftrength will I keep for Thee : for
and they have not feen the Sun. Thou art God, my
upholder : my God,
Before your thorns could know the his mercy fhall prevent me.

briar: fo as it were alive in his wrath God fhall let me fee over mine enemies ;
doth he fwallow them up. flay them not : left my people forget it.

The righteous fhall rejoice when he Scatter them in thy ftrength : and put
feeth the vengeance : he mail warn his them down, O
Lord, my proteftor.
hands in the blood of the finner. For the fin of their mouth, and for the
And a man mall fay, verily there is fruit words of their lips : they fhall be taken in
for the righteous : doubtlefs there is a God their pride.
that judgeth them that are on Earth. And for their curling and lies : they fhall
be publifhed abroad in their confuming.
[Almighty Lord, we praife thy excellency and
mercies at the dawn, and we pray and befeech In the wrath of thy confuming, and
Thee, our ftrength, to defend us ; fo that, delivered they fhall not be : and they fhall know
from all fliades of darknefs, we may be gladdened that God will rule in Jacob, and unto the
with the light of the morning, through our Lord
confines of the Earth.
Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
They will return in the evening, and

Psalm LVIII. [Ps. lix. e. v.]

fufFer hunger
like dogs : and go round
about the city.
[To the end, Defpair not. David in the in-
fcription of title when Saul fent for him, and They will be fcattered abroad for meat
watched his houfe to kill him. Voice of Chrift to and grudge if they be not fatisfied.
The Father and to the Jews.] But I will fing thy power : and will
Eripe me de inimicis. extol thy mercy betimes in the morning.

T^\ELIVER me from mine enemies, For Thou haft become my upholder

O God defend me from them that
and my refuge in the day of my tribu-
rife up againft me. lation.

Deliver me from the workers of ini- My helper ! unto Thee will I fing
quity : and fave me from the men of blood. pfalms : for God is my upholder ; my

For lo they have taken my foul : the

God ! my mercy
mighty men have ruflied in upon me. Glory be to The Father.
Neither was it mine iniquity nor my As it was in the beginning.

fin, O Lord without iniquity have I run

and guided myfelf.
Arife Thou to meet me, and behold :

even Thou, O Lord God of Hofts ! Thou

God of Ifrael !
UDGE ye juft-ly, O ye
Take heed to vifit all the Gentiles : have
no mercy on all that work iniquity.
They will return in the evening, and
fons of men.
fufFer hunger like dogs : and go round
about the city. [Wepray Thee, O
Lord, that thy mercy which
prevents us in goodnefs, may help us in dangers ; fo
Behold, they will fpeak with their
that Thou, who knoweft all our frailties, may ever
mouths, and a fword is in their lips : for be merciful to our infirmities, through Chrift our
who hath heard ? Lord. Amen.]

Wednefday at Matins. 201

Psalm LIX. [Ps. lx. e. v.] Psalm LX. [lxi. e. v.]

[Tothe end, for thofe that are changed. In
the infcription of title to David in do&rine, when
[To the end, in Hymns, David. A Pfalm for
Prayer. Voice of the Church.]
he vanquiflied Mefopotamia, Syria, and Sobal, and
flaughtered, of Edom, in the valley of Salt, twelve
Exaudi, Deus deprecationem.
thoufand. A Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of Martyrs.]
LTEAR, O God, my fupplication : give
ear unto my prayer.
rant us, O Lord. Oioueae. From the ends of the Earth have I cried
unto Thee, when my heart was in
Deus, repulijii nos.
heavinefs : Thou haft iet me up upon a
r\ GOD, Thou haft caft us off, and de- rock.
ftroyed us Thou haft been angry,
Thou haft guided me, for Thou didft
and Thou haft pitied us. become my hope a tower of ftrength :

Thou haft moved the land, and dif-

from the face of the enemy.
turbed it : heal the forrows thereof, for it
I will dwell in thy tabernacle for ever-
is fhaken.
more I fhall be protected by the covert

Thou fhewed thy people hard of thy

things Thou haft given us to drink of
For Thou, O my God, haft heard my
the wine of fadnefs.
prayer: and haft given an heritage unto
Thou haft given a token to fuch as fear
thofe that fear Thy Name.
Thee : that they may flee from the face of
Thou ftialt add days upon days to the
the bow. King : his years even from generation to
That thy beloved may be delivered
fave me with thy right hand, and hearken He abideth for ever in the fight of God :

unto me.
His mercy and truth who fhall fearch
God hath fpoken in his San&uary, I out ?
will rejoice and divide Sichima and mete
pfalm to Thy
So will I fing a Name
out the valley of tabernacles.
for everand ever that day by day : I may
Gilead is mine, and mine is Manaffes
perform my vows.

Ephraim alfo is the ftrength of my head.

Glory be to The Father.
Judah is my King Moab is the veflel :
As it was in the beginning.
of my hope.
Over ldumaea will I caft out my Jhoe
^g^jj^M^B Antipbon.
the aliens are fubdued unto me.
Who will lead me into the fenced city
who will bring me even unto ldumaea ?

Is not Thou, O God, Who haft caft

ySfe5j RANT

us off :and Thou, O

wilt not God, Who
U£ ' ° Lord ' helP

go forth with our hofts ?

Grant us, O Lord, help from tribula-
tion for vain is the falvation of man.
from tri-bu-la-tion.
In God will we do valiantly and He :

will bring to nothing them that trouble us. [O God moft merciful Comforter of our trou-

[Moll Merciful Lord fave thy people, who call

bles ! from the face of the
protedt thy family

upon Thee, by the help of thy right hand ; fo enemy j fo that, in the tower of thy ftrength, we
that, whilft exercifed in tribulations for the fruit of
may be worthy to inhabit thy eternal tabernacles,
good works, they may ever be comforted by Thee, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
2 D
: :

202 Wednefday at Matins.

Psalm LXI. [Ps. lxii. e. v.] Psalm LXII.

[To the end, for Iduthun. A
Pfalm of David. Deus, Deus meus.
A Pfalm for Meditation. Voice of a Convert from
evil to good.]
Q GOD,This Pfalm
my God.
is not /aid at Noclurns.

rom the fear. Oioueae. [See Lauds for Monday.]

Nonne Deo.
CHALL not my foul be fubject unto Psalm LXIII. [Ps. lxiv. e. v.]
^ God ? : for of Him is my falvation.
For He is my God, and my falvation :
[To the end, a Pfalm of David. A Pfalm for
Prayer. Voice of The Holy Spirit concerning the
my upholder, I fhall never more be
moved. Exaudi Deus orationem meam.
How long will ye attack every man
ye are flayers every one of you, as it were LJEAR, O God, my prayer, when I
A entreat Thee from fear of the enemy
of a tottering wall and a broken hedge. :

But they thought to call away my price :

deliver my foul.

I ran in they bleffed with

thirft, their
Thou haft protected me from the ga-
thering together of the froward from the
mouth, and curfed in their heart. :

Neverthelefs, my foul, be thou fubjedt multitude of them that work iniquity.

unto God : for of Him is my patience. For they have whet their tongues like a
For He is my God, and my Saviour fword they have bent their bow in bit-

He is my helper, I fhall not depart

ternefs, that they may privily fhoot at the
In God is my falvation and my glory
Suddenly will they hit him and fear
not they are refolute in their wicked
the God of my help ; and in God is my :


Truft in Him, all ye the congregation They talked how they might lay fnares :

of the people pour out your hearts

they faid, Who will fee us ?

before Him ; for God is our helper for ever.

They have fought out iniquities : they
But vain are the children of men ; the have failed fearching in their fcrutiny.

children of men are deceitful upon the Man fhall come to a deep heart : and
balances : that by vanity they may de- God fhall be exalted.
ceive in the fame.
The arrows of children gave them
O not in iniquity, and covet not
wounds : and their tongues became feeble

rapine: riches, if they increafe, fet not before them.

your heart upon them. Allwho faw them were troubled and :

God fpake once, and twice have I heard every man feared.
the fame ; that power is of God, and with And they declared the works of God
Thee, O
Lord, is mercy for Thou
and underftood his doings.

fhalt recompenfe every man according to The righteous fhall rejoice in The
his works. Lord, and put his truft in Him and :

all they that are right of heart fhall be

[O Lord, fubdue our fouls to Thyfelf, Who art praifed.
our ftrength ; fo that, renouncing the luft of riches,
and defpifing the vanities of this world, we may be
Glory be to The Father.
worthy to obtain thy Very Self alone, through As it was in the beginning.
Chrift our Lord. Amen.]

Wednefday at Matins. 203

Antiphon. thy tokens the outgoings of the morning

and evening Thou fhalt make pleafant.

Thou haft vifited the Earth, and fa-
tiated it : Thou haft in manifold ways
ROM the fear of the enemy enriched it.

The river of God is fulfilled with water :

Thou haft provided their food for fo is ;

de - li - ver my foul. its preparation.

Fill plenteoufly its streams, multiply its
[O God, Defender of all who intercede with
Thee, preferve thy Church from the infurredtion fruits : in its fhowers fpringing forth, it

of the wicked doers, who ftrive with fecret weapons fhall rejoice.
to deftroy it ; fo that, keeping Thee in a faving Thou fhalt blefs the crown of the year
and true underftanding, it may ever rejoice in the
with thy goodnefs : and thy fields fhall be
merits of the righteous, through Chrift our Lord.
filled with plenty.
The beautiful places of the wildernefs
Psalm LXIV. [Ps. lxv. e. v.] fhall grow fat : and the hills fhall be girded
with exultation.
is not /aid at Nofturns. [See Lauds for
The rams of the flock are clothed, and
the valleys fhall abound with corn :
[To the end, a Pfalm of David. A Canticle of
they fhall fhout; yea, they fhall fing a
Jeremiah and Ezekiel, when the people began to
return from the Captivity. A
Pfalm to praife God. hymn.
Voice of The Holy Spirit to The Father, concern-
ing the Apoftles and People.]
Psalm LXV. [Ps. lxvi. e. v.]
Te decet Hymnus.
[To the end, a Canticle and Pfalm of the Refur-
A HYMN, O God, becometh Thee in reftion. A Pfalm of giving thanks. Voice of
Syonand unto Thee fhall the vow
: Martyrs.]
be performed in Jerufalem.
Hearken unto my prayer : unto Thee
fhall all flefhcome. In the Churches. Oioueae.
The words of the wicked have pre-
vailed againft us and Thou wilt forgive
: Jubilate Deo omnis terra.
our tranfgreffions. C\ BE joyful in God, all the Earth, fing
BlefTed is the man whom Thou a pfalm unto His Namehaft give glory :

chofen and received unto Thee His praife. : he fhall to

dwell in thy courts. Say unto God, how terrible are thy
We fhall be filled with the good things works, O Lord in the multitude of thy :

of thy Houfe holy is Thy Temple, won- ftrength fhall thine enemies be found liars

derful in equity. unto Thee.

Hear us, O God our Salvation 6Thou Let all the world worfhip Thee, and

that art the hope of all the confines of fing unto Thee let it fing a pfalm to :

the Earth, and in the fea afar|ofF. Thy Name.

Arraying the mountains in thy ftrength, Come ye, and behold the works of
girded about with power Who troubleft God terrible in his counfels toward
: :

the depth of the fea, the noife of its the children of men.
waves. Who turned the fea into dry land, in
The nations fhall be troubled ; they alfo the river they fhall pafs over on foot
that dwell in the borders fhall be afraid at there will we rejoice in Him.
; : ;

204 Wednefday at Matins.

Who ruleth with his might for ever- Psalm LXVII. [Ps. lxviii. e. v.]
more ; his eyes look upon the people let :
[To the end, a Pfalm and Canticle to David
not them that provoke Him be exalted in himfelf. A Pfalm for Prayer and to praife God.
themfelves. Voice of The Father to The Son, when in the
Praife our God, ye Gentiles : and make Sepulchre.]

the voice of his praife to be heard. Exurgat Deus.

Who hath fet my fouland hath
in life ET God
not fuffered my feet to be moved.
For Thou, O God, haft proved us: Thou


: let
let his
enemies be
that hate
Him flee from before his face.
haft tried us by fire, like as lilver is tried. fmoke vanifheth, fo let Like as the
Thou broughteft us into the fnare, Thou them fail away
and like as wax melteth :

haft laid trouble upon our loins ; Thou before the fire,
fo let finners perifh from
haft fet men over our heads. the prefence of God.
We paired through fire and water and And let the righteous feaft and rejoice

Thou haft brought us out into a place of before God and let them be delighted :

refrefhment. with gladnefs.

I will enter into thine Houfe with burnt- Sing ye unto God, fing a pfalm unto
offerings and will pay Thee my vows, His Name make a way for Him who

which my lips have uttered afcendeth above the Weft ; The Lord is
And my mouth hath fpoken when I His Name. :

was in trouble. Rejoice in his fight : they fhall be trou-

I will offer unto Thee fat burnt- bled before his face, Who is a Father of
facrifices, with the incenfe of rams I :
the orphans and Judge of the widows.
will offer to Thee bullocks with goats. God is in his Holy Place : God that
Come ye, hearken, and I will tell, maketh men to dwell of one mind in an
all ye that fear God : what great things houfe.
He hath done for my foul. Who bringeth forth the prifoners in
I called unto Him with my mouth might : likewife them that provoke, who
and I exalted with my tongue.
Him dwell in fepulchres.
If I have looked unto iniquity with O God, when Thou wenteft forth in
mine heart The Lord will not hear me.
the fight of thy people: when Thou pafledft
Wherefore God hath heard me and through in the wildernefs :

confidered the voice of my fupplication. The Earth was fhaken, moreover the
Bleffed be God, who hath not put away Heavens dropped before the face
of The
my fupplication nor his mercy from me. God of Sinai before the face of The

God of Lfrael.
Lord, put the glory of thy praife into our
hearts ; fo that we may avoid the enticements of
Thou, O God, wilt fet apart a gracious
this world, and, Thou being our Protector, may rain for thine inheritance ; for it was
pafs to eternal refrefhment in thy prefence, through weary : but Thou haft perfected it.
Chrift our Lord. Amen.] Thy creatures fhall dwell therein : for
Thou, O God, haft of thy fweetnefs pre-
PSALM LXVI. [Ps. LXVII. E. V.] pared for the poor.

Deus mifereatur.
The Lord fhall give the word to the
preachers of good things in much ftrength.
^|.OD be merciful unto us.

The King of Powersis of the beloved

Is not /aid at NoSlurns.
of the beloved and of the beauty of the :

[See Lauds on Sunday.] I

houfe they have divided the fpoil.
:: : :

Wednefday at Matins. 205

Though ye have flept among the pots, The Princes of Judah, their leaders
yet ye be as the wings of a dove
ftiall the Princes of Zabulon, and the Princes
covered with lilver : and her back with of Nephthalim.
palenefs of gold. Command thy might, O God ftablilh :

When The Celeftial appointeth kings the thing, O God, that Thou haft wrought
over her, they mall be made white as in us
mow in Salmon : the mountain of God, Fromthy Temple at Jerufalem : kings
the fat mountain. ftiall unto Thee.
offer prefents
A curdled mountain ; a fat mountain : Rebuke the wild beafts of the reeds,
why fufpedl ye the curdled mountains ? the congregation of bulls with the kine of
A mountain wherein God is well pleafed the people : who would exclude them
to dwell yea, : The Lord will dwell in it who are tried with filver.
for evermore. Scatter Thou the nations that delight
The chariots of God are many times in war; ambaffadors ftiall come out of
ten thoufand, thoufands of rejoicing ones : Egypt : Ethiopia ftiall firft ftretch out her

and The Lord is among them as in Sinai hands unto God.

in the Holy Place. Ye kingdoms of Earth fing unto God :

Thou haft afcended on high, Thou haft fing pfalms to The Lord ;
taken captivity captive : Thou haft , re- Sing pfalms unto God, who afcendeth
ceived gifts for men. above the Heaven of Heavens toward :

Yea, even the unbelievers : for The the Eaft.

Lord God to dwell. Behold, He will give to his voice the
Bleffed be The Lord daily every day voice of power ; give Glory to God for

The God of our falvation will make our Ifrael : his magnificence and his power is

journey profperous. in the clouds.

Our God is The God of Whom cometh Wonderful is God in his Saints : The
falvation : of The Lord, of The Lord, are God of Ifrael Himfelf will give might
the iffues of death. and ftrength unto his people ; bleffed be

But God ftiall head of his

crufti the God.
enemies : the crown of the hair of them Glory be to The Father.
thatwalk on in wickednefs. As it was in the beginning.
The Lord hath faid, I will turn them
back from Bafan I will turn them back

into the deep of the fea :

That thy foot may be dipped in blood

the tongue of thy dogs in the fame from
thine enemies. N the Churches blefs ye

They have feen thy entering in, O God :

the enterings in of my God and King

Who is in the Sandtuary.
with The Lord.
The Princes went before, joined
the fingers of pfalms : in the midft of the [O Lord, our Ruler ! Who makeft a fpiritual

young damfels playing with the timbrels. feaft for the righteous, and caufeft them to rejoice
ye God The with gladnefs ; grant, we befeech Thee, that thy
In the Churches, blefs :

flock may ever have a lively fenfe of thy death,

Lord from the fountains of Ifrael. and may confefs Thee to be fitting at the right
There is the youth Benjamin : in hand of The Father, triumphant over death, Who
liveft and reigneft God, world without end.
ecftafy of mind.
206 Wednefday at Lauds

W. O God, I have declared my life Psalm LXIV. [Ps. lxv. e. v.]

unto Thee.
5?. Thou haft put my tears in thy light.
[To the end,
a Pfalm of David. Canticle of A
Jeremiah and Ezekiel, when the people began to
return from the Captivity. Pfalm to praife God. A
[Herefollow OUR FATHER and I BELIEVE Voice of The Holy Spirit to The Father, of the
IN GOD. Then the Proper Leffons, Apoftles and People.]

preceded by their refpeclive Beneditlions,

and followed by their refpeclive Verficles
and Refponfories.]
hymn. Oioueae.
[See the Office of Matins for Sunday Morn-
Te decet Hymnus.
ing, the Proper for The Time, the Com-
mon Forms, and Table of Benedictions.] HYMN, O God, be-
cometh Thee in Syon :

and unto Thee fhall the

vow be performed in

WEDNESDAY prayer :
Hearken unto my
unto Thee fhall all flefh come.
|[ BEFORE LAUDS. The words of the wicked have pre-
vailed againft us : and Thou wilt forgive
[See Lauds for Monday.] our tranfgreffions.
BlefTed is the man whom Thou haft
IET thy mercy, O chofen and received unto Thee : he fhall
dwell in thy courts.
Lord, be upon us.
We fhall be filled with the good things
T$. Like as we of thy Houfe : holy is thy Temple, won-
have put our truft
derful in equity.

in Thee.
Hear us, O God our Salvation : Thou
that art the hope of all the confines of
the Earth, and in the fea afar off".
Arraying the mountains in thy ftrength
C IN LAUDS. girded about with power ; who troubleft

Antiphon. the depth of the fea, the noife of its

The nations fhall be difmayed ; they
alfo that dwell in the borders fhall be
HROUGH-LY warn me, O afraid at thy tokens : the outgoings of the
morning and evening Thou malt make
Thou haft vifited the Earth and fatiated
God, frommine unrighteoufnefs.Oioueae.
it Thou haft in manifold ways enriched it.

The river of God is fulfilled with

Psalm L. water Thou haft provided their food

Miferere mei, Deus. for fo is its preparation.

Fill plenteoufly its ftreams, multiply its
JJAVE mercy upon me, O God. fruits : in its lhowers fpringing forth it
[See Lauds for Monday.] fhall rejoice.
Wednefday at Lauds. 207
Thou fhalt blefs the crown of the year Y heart hath exulted in The
with thy goodnefs : and thy fields fhall be Lord : mine horn is exalted
filled with plenty.
in my God.
The beautiful places of the wildernefs
My mouth is enlarged over
fhall grow fat and the hills fhall be girded
mine enemies : becaufe I have been glad
with exultation.
in thy falvation.
The rams of the flock are clothed, and There is none holy as is The Lord nor ;
the valleys fhall abound with corn they :
is there other befide Thee : there is none
fhall fhout ; yea, they fhall fing a hymn.
ftrong like our God.
Speak not ye fo often proud things

\ — — iP-
Let old matters depart from your mouth:
The Lord is a God of knowledge, and
HYMN, O God, be- to Him thoughts are prepared.
The bow of the mighty is vanquifhed
and the weak are girded with ftrength.
They that were aforetime full have
cometh Thee in Syon. hired themfelves out for bread and the :

hungry are fatisfied.

[God, the Hope of all the borders of the Earth,
So that the barren hath borne very
hear the fupplications of thy family ; fo that whilft
they praife with the according melody of their many: and fhe that hath many children
hymns, they may be enlightened by the coming of is waxed feeble.
The Holy Ghoft The Comforter, and be fruitful The Lord killeth and maketh alive : He
in the abundance of good works, through Chrift
our Lord. Amen.]
bringeth down Hell and bringeth back.
The Lord maketh poor and maketh
Antipbon. rich : He humbleth and fetteth up.
Raifing the needy out of the duft
and :

liftingup the poor from the dunghill

That he may fit with princes and :
lips fhall praife Thee,
occupy the throne of glory.
For the poles of the Earth are The
Lord's and He hath fet the world upon

in my life, O my God.
He will keep the feet of his faints : and
the wicked fhall be filent in darknefs ; for
Psalm LXII. [Ps. lxiii. e. v.] a man fhall not be ftrengthened in his own
Deusy Deus mens. might.

Q GOD, my God.
[See Lauds for Monday.]
His adverfaries fhall fear The Lord
and He will thunder upon them out of

The Lord fhall judge the confines of
The canticle of anna. the Earth, and He fhall give empire unto
His King and will exalt the horn of His
1 Kings ii.
Glory be to the Father.
As it was in the beginning.
h e Lord. Oioueae.
208 Wednefday at Lauds.


ye The Lord.

HE Lord Ihall judge the con- Psalms CXLVIIL, CXLIX., CL.

Laudate Dominum de Ccelis.

fines of the Earth.

O PRAISE The Lord from the Heavens.
[See Lauds for Monday.]

Chapter, i Cor. xvi.

ATCH ye and pray ; ftand
faft in the faith ; quit you
like men ; be ftrong. Let all
things be done with charity.
E Heaven of Heavens, blefs
Thanks be to God.

|[ From the Firft Sunday after the OCTAVE of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA,
in the ordinary Service, is faid IN
WEDNESDAY LAUDS the Hymn following.
Hymnus* Hymn.

OX et te - ne brae

Szzta =3=
et nu - bi la ! Con - fu - fa mun- clouds and lhade ! O'er Earth in dim

1 ^-

di et tur - bi - da ! Lux in-trat ! al confufion fpread ! The Light is here

bef - cit po - lus ! Chrif - tus ve behold the dawn ! Chrift cometh

- nit ; dif-ce-di-te ! hafte ye and begone

Nox et tenebrae et nubila ! Ye glooms of night ye clouds and lhade

! !

Confufa mundi et turbida ! O'er Earth in dim confufion fpread !

Lux intrat ! albefcit polus The Light is here behold the dawn !

Chriftus venit; difcedite ! Chrift cometh ; Hafte ye and begone !

Caligo terrae fcinditur, Earth's dulky veil is rent away,

Percufla Solis fpiculo Pierced by the fparkling beams of Day
Rebufque jam color redit Bright hues o'er Nature's face return,
Vultu nitentis Sideris. Waked by the quickening glance of Morn.
From Prudentius.
Wednefday at Lauds. 209

Te Chriftefolum novimus,
! O Chrift !Thee, our only Sun,
Te mente pura et fimplici With, pure and fimple hearts we turn
Flendo canendo quefumus, To thefe our tears and hymns give ear,
Intende noftris fenfibus. And with Thyfelf our fenfes cheer.
Sunt multa fucis illita, Our with cares and fins o'ergrown,
Quae luce purgentur tua ; Are by thy fweet light alone
Tu Lux Eoi Sideris ! Thou Eaftern Star of heavenly ftieen !

Vultu fereno illumina. Illume us with thine eye ferene !

Gloria Tibi Domine Lord, Holy Virgin-born to Thee, !

Qui natus es de Virgine Eternal Praife and Glory be ;

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, With Father and with Holy Ghoft,
Per fempiterna fecula. Long as eternity lhall laft.

— - men.

[AT LAUDS in the VIGIL OF THE ASCENSION, and daily up to Pentecoji.

Htmnus. ,

U Chrif te ! nof CHRIST! Thou art

— -I — mzzz±
trum Gau-di-um, Ma-nens O-lym- our Joy and Light, A-bid-ing on

- po prae - di - turn ; Mun - di re - gis thy throne of might ; And Ruler o'er

Qui fa-bri-cam, Mun-da-na vin- the worlds be-low, In joys beyond

cens gau - di - a. what Earth can know.

Tu Chrifte noftrum Gaudium,

! O Christ Thou art our Joy and Light,

Manens Olympo praeditum Abiding on thy throne of might

Mundi regis Qui fabricam, And Ruler o'er the worlds below,
Mundana vincens gaudia. In joys beyond what Earth can know.

Hinc Te precantes quasfumus, We, Lord intreat Thee, now,

gracious !

Ignofce culpis omnibus on our fins beftow ;

Full pardon
Et corda furfum fubleva, And Heavenward, by celeftial grace,
Ad Te fuperna gratia. To Thee our hearts' aftedions raife.
! ; ;

2IO Thurfday at Matins.

Ut cum rubente casperis So when Thou fhalt, the Judge of doom,

Clarere, nube Judicis, In gleaming clouds all gloriouscome,
Poenas repellas debitas, Juft pains Thou mayft no more,

Reddas coronas perditas. And thofe our long-loft crowns reftore.

Tu efto noftrum gaudium, Be Thou our only joy, O Lord,

Qui es futurus praemium ; Who art our future great reward
Sit noftra in Te gloria, May all our glorying reft in Thee,
Per cunfta temper fecula. Now and throughout eternity.

Gloria Tibi Domine Glory, O

Chrift to Thee be given,

Qui fcandis fuper fidera ; Afcending o'er the ftars of Heaven ;

Cum Patre et Spiritu Sanfto, To Father and to Holy Ghoft,
Per fempiterna fecula. Amen. Long as exhauftlefs ages laft. Amen.

3T. In the morning, O Lord, I will

meditate upon Thee.
5?. Becaufe Thou haft been my helper. Lord. Oioueae.

Chapter, i Cor. xvi.
Benediftus Dominus Deus Ifrael.
ATCH ye, and pray
RLESSED be The Lord God of Ifrael.
ftand fall in the faith
quit like men ; be
you [See Lauds for Sunday and Monday.]
ill ftrong.Let all things be
done with charity.
Petitions, as on Monday at Lauds.

Orifons, as there directed.

Thanks be to God.
Memorials, as above.

|[ Throughout the Summer is /aid the

Hymn, —
Ecce ! jam noftis tenuatur umbra. THURSDAY
See! vanilhfaft the paling ftiades ofnight.
[See Lauds for Monday.} AT MATINS.
UT. In the morning, O Lord, I will Invitatory.
meditate upon Thee.
Becaufe Thou haft been my helper.


AL-VA-TION from our

for He hath made us.

Pf. O come.
e-ne-mies, and from the hand of Psalm.
Venite exultemus.

all that ha - ted us, de-li-ver us, O

O COME, [See the
let us be joyful.
Common Forms. ~\
Thurfday at Matins. z1

^ For the Lejfon, Domine, ne in ira.

in the ordinary THURSDAY Service, is faid AT MATINS the following Hymn.
Hymnus: Hymn.

OX a - tra rerum con-te - ARK night beneath her fable

- git Ter lo
wings, Hath veil'd the tints of

— i- -Itjc
om - ni - um ; Nos con - fi - ten - tes
earthly things ; Before Thee, righteous

pof - ci - mus Te juf- te Ju - dex Judge of all, We contrite in con-

cor - di - um. - feffion fall.

Nox atra rerum contegit Dark night beneath her fable wings,
Terrae colores omnium Hath of earthly things
veiled the tints
Nos confitentes pofcimus Before Thee, righteous Judge of all,
Te, jufte Judex cordium. We contrite in confeffion fall.

Ut auferas piacula, The curfe of fin from us remove,

Sordefque mentis abluas, Warn clean our fouls in holy love ;

Donefque Chrifte ! gratiam, Thy fovereign grace, O Chrift ! difpenfe,

Ut arceantur crimina. So keep us from the foul offence.

Mens ecce ! torpet impia, Behold the guilty confcience mourn


Quam culpa mordet noxia ; By thought of fins unlhriven torn ;

Obfcura geftit tollere, It yearns to quit the darkfome load,
Et Te Redemptor querere. ! And turn to Thee, The Saviour God

Repelle Tu caliginem Do Thou dilpel the inward gloom,

Intrinfecus quam maxime; With all thy light our fouls illume
Ut in beato gaudeat That fo in peace thy people may
Se collocari lumine. Rejoice in thine enlivening ray.

' From S. Ambrofe, or of hh School.

;! !

Thurfday at Matins.

Gloria Tibi Domine ! Lord ! Holy Virgin-born ! to Thee

Qui natus es de Virgine ; Eternal Praife and Glory be !

Cum Patre et Spiritu Santto, With Father and with Holy Ghoft,
Per fempiterna fecula. Long as eternity mail laft.

A - men. A - men.

Or, according to the Time,

Prasfta Pater piiffime Father of Mercies grant our prayer, !

Patrique Compar Unice ! Co-equal Only Son give ear ; !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With Thee, Bleft Spirit Paraclete !

Regnans per omne feculum. Who reign through ages infinite.

A - men. A - men.

f[ Throughout the Summer is /aid the Hymn Nocte furgentes vigilemus omnes.
Arise we in the nightly watches waking. [See Matins for Monday.]

In the supper of the lord, according to the Anglo-Saxon Hymnaries. n

Htmnus. Hymn.
Teixus et aethera jubilent, Let Earth and Ikies rejoicing ling
In Magni Coena Principis j
The Supper of The Mighty King ;
Quo protoplafti pe&ora When the firft Adam's failing foul

Vitae purgavit ferculo. Was by the meat of life made whole.

Hac nodle Factor omnium That Eve, when He who all things made,
Potentis ad myfterium, A mighty Myftery difplayed ;

Carnem fuam cum fanguine His own dear Flefh and precious Blood
In efcam transfert animae. Transformed to foul-fupporting food.

A cellis furgens dapibus, From the High Feaft behold Him rife,

Praebet formam mortalibus, O wondrous fign to mortal eyes !

Humilitatis gratiam The grace of lowlinefs reveal,

Petri petens veftigia. And at the feet of Peter kneel.

Pallet fervus obfequio ! Behold his fervant pale with fear

Cum Angelorum Dominum, To fee The Lord of Angels there ;
Ferendo lympham linteo, The linen cloth and water bring,
Cernit Ccena procumbere. And humbly from the Supper lean.
Permitte Simon ! ablui, O Simon ! take the laver bleft j

A£ta figurant myftica See ! myftic figures here exprefTed,

Dum Summus ima bajulat, The Higheft e'en the loweft bear,
Quid cinis fervet cineri. Let alhes then for aflies care.

u From Flawus.
— ; ; g — ;; 3

Tburfday at Matins. z1

Lavator choris accubat The Cleanfer, to the Feaft reftored,

Verbique favos aggerat 5
Pours forth the honey of His Word ;

Quos inter hoftem denotat He marks the traitor gueft, and all

Necis dolos qui ruminat. The deadly purpofe of his foul.

Trux Lupe ! Juda pefiime ! Fierce wolf ! doft thou, O Judas vile !

FersAgno miti bafia ? The gentle Lamb with kifs beguile ?

Dans membra loris Regia Thofe Royal limbs to fcourges give,

Quae forde tergunt fecula ? By which the worlds are cleanfed and live ?

Nexi folvuntur hodie Lo ! now from captive chains, indeed,

Carnis ac cordis carcere ;

Th' imprifoned heart and flefli are freed ;

Unguen facratur Chrifmatis, Th' anointing Chrifm is confecrate,

Spes unde crefcat miferis. Hope dawns o'er wretched man's eftatc.

Viclori mortis inclytam To Him who came his flock to fave

Pangamus laude Gloriam ;

From death ; victorious o'er the grave !

Cum Patre et Sandto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye !

Qui nos redemit obitu. Amen. Glory and Laud afcribe for aye ! Amen.


Pentecoji. It is /aid alfo AT MATINS IN THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD.


TERNE Rex! Al-

m Hymn.

- TER-NAL Monarch!

tiff - i - me ! Re - demp - tor Lord Su - preme ! Who didft thy

et li - de*- li - urn; Quo Mors faithful flock re - deem ; The power

H~> , wo
fo - lu - ta de - pe - rit, Da tur of vanquished death o'er- throw, And

g —^fh —
tri - um - phus Gra - tiae. tri - umph on thy Grace be - ftow.

Eterne Rex Altiffime ! ! Eternal Monarch ! Lord Supreme !

Redemptor et fidelium Who thy faithful flock redeem

Quo Mors foluta deperit, The power of vanquifhedDeath o'erthrow,
Datur triumphus Gratia; And triumph on thy Grace beftow
Scandens tribunal dexteras Who mounting to The Father's throne,
Patris, poteftas omnium Haft there, at his right hand, fate down
Collata eft Jefu Ccelitus, Jefu ! to whom all power in Heaven
Quae non eft humanitus ;
By Him as man put off, is given ;
214 Tburfday at Matins.

Ut trina rerum machina, So Nature's fabric, three-fold birth !

Cceleftium, terreftrium, Of things in Heaven, and things on Earth,

Et inferorum condita, And things beneath, mould all obey,
Fle&at genu jam fubdita. And bow the knee before His fway !

Tremunt videntes Angeli Lo ! gazing Angels as they hear

Verfa vice mortalium Of man's eftate transformed fear
Culpat caro, purgat Caro, Flelh finneth, yet Flelh maketh clean,
Regnat Deus Dei Caro ! God is made Flelh, yet God doth reign !

Tu efto noftrum gaudium, Be Thou our only joy, O Lord !

Qui es futurum praemium ; Who art our future great reward

Sit noftra in Te gloria May all our glorying reft in Thee,
Per cundla femper fecula ! Beloved throughout eternity

Gloria Tibi Domine Glory to Thee, O

Lord, be given
Qui fcandis fuper Jidera ; Afcending o'er the ftars of Heaven ;

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, To Father and to Holy Ghoft,

In fempiterna fecula. Long as eternity mail laft.

men. men.


Saxon Hymnaries.v
Htmnus. Hymn.
Optatus votis omnium O ! long defired of all ! the Day
Sacratus illuxit Dies, Shines hallowed with unclouded ray,
Quo Mundi Chriftus, Spes, Deus, When Chrift, of Earth The Hope, The God,
Confcendit Coelos arduos. Returned to Heaven, his bright abode.

Afcendens in altum Deus Our God, afcending up on high,

Propriam ad fedem remeat j Seeks his own throne of Majefty ;

Gavifa funt Coeli regna The exulting Heavens, to his domain,

Redita Unigeniti. Welcome The Only Son again.

Magno triumpho praslii Victorious in the ghoftly war

Mundi Redemptor principe, O'er this world's prince, He evermore
Patris prefentans vultibus Prefents before His Father's face,
Vi&ricis Carnis Gloriam. The Glory of his conquering Flefh.

Eft elevatus in nubibus, High o'er the clouds The Saviour goes,
Et fpem facit credentibus And hope on all his flock beftows ;

Aperiens Paradifum To Adam clofed, unto our eyes

Quern protoplafto clauferat. Unfolds the gates of Paradife.

* Vejpaj. D. xii. Jul. A. vi. MSS. Cott. Harl. 2961, Brit. Mufeum. From S. Ambrofe, or one of
his School.
Thurfday at Matins. 215
O grande cundlis gaudium ! O wondrous joy of all the Earth !

Quod Partus nollrae Virginis, Man's offspring by a Virgin birth ;

Poll fputa, flagra, poll Crucem, The fcorning, ftripes, and Crofs o'erpaft,
Paternae fedi jungitur. Mounts to His Father's throne at laft.

Agamus ergo gratias Meet thanks henceforth let us renew

Nollra Salutis Vindici To our Salvation's Champion due ;

Nollrum quod corpus vexerit He, Who that flefli which here He wore
Regiam fublimem ad Coeli. To Heaven's exalted manfions bore.

Sit nobis cum Cceleltibus So with the the bright Celellial Powers,
Commune manens gaudium j
One common joy be theirs and ours j

Illis quod Se prefentavit, He unto them Himfelf imparts,

Nobis quod Se non abllulit. Yet ne'er from us on Earth departs.

Nunc pro vocatis adlibus N^ow Chnllj in this our mortal Hate,
Chrillum expedtare nos decet j
In converfe meet may we await
Vitaque tali vivere So live this life that it may prove
Quae poflit Coelos fcandere. A mean to reach the Heavens above.

Sit Laus perpes, fit Gloria Perpetual Laud and Glory be

Chrifto Regi ! Qui culmina To Chrift The King of Majefty !

Coeli tranfcendit ardua, Who wends fublime to Heaven his way,

Qua fan&a exultant agmina. Amen. Where faints in blifs exult for aye. Amen.

AT MATINS, IN THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD, according to York and Canterbury

U/es. In the VIGIL OF THE ASCENSION, according to the Anglo-Saxon
Htmnus. Hymn.
Hymnum canamus gloriae, Sing we triumphant hymns of praife,
Hymni novi nunc perfonent New hymns to Heaven exulting raife j

Chrillus novo cum tramite new and wondrous road

Chrift, by a

Ad Patris afcendit thronum Afcends unto the throne of God

[Tranfit triumpho nobili In kingly pomp He fweepeth by

Potenter poll culmina, The lofty zenith of the Iky,

Qui morte mortem afiumpferat Who late in mortal vefture died,

Derifus a mortalibus. By mortals fcorned and crucified.]

Apolloli tunc myftico Behold the Apoftolic band

In Monte llantes Chrifmatis, Upon the Mount of Un£lion Hand ;

Cum Matre clara Virgine With the bleft Virgin Mother fee
Jefu videbant Gloriam. Their Jefu's glorious Majefty.

[Hoc perfecuti lumine Lo how with glad and wond'ring fight,


Laeto petentem fidera ;

They gaze upon his Heavenward flight j
Laetis per auras cordibus In joyous fpirit onward bear
Duxere Regem feculi. The King of Nature through the air.]

w Vefraf. D. Jul. A. MSS., From Venerable Beda.

-vl, Cott. Brit. MuJ.
: ! :

216 Thurfday at Matins.

Quos alloquentes Angeli Whom thus the fhining Angels greet,

" Quid aftra ftantes cernitis ? " Why look ye to yon ftarry heighth ?
Salvator Hie eft inquiunt 'Tis He ! The Saviour ever Bleft,

Jefus ! triumpho nobili." Jefus ! with lordly triumph graced."

Sicque venturum aflerunt " Once more to Earth lhall come," they fay,

Quemadmodum Hunc viderunt, " As ye have feen Him on this day,

Summa polorum culmina Jefus, Who fpeeds his bright afcent

Scandere Jefum fplendida. Above the glittering firmament."

"A vobis ad Cceleftia " He Who from hence to Heaven hath gone,
Qui Regna nunc affumptus eft, The Kingdom taken for his own,
Venturus inde feculi In Time's laft clofe again lhall come,

In fine Judex omnium." To all men righteous Judge of doom."

Quo nos precamur tempore O ! in that hour of dread we pray

Jefu ! Redemptor Unice ! Jefu ! Redeemer ! be our ftay j

Inter Tuos in aethera With Thine, who meet Thee in the air,

Servos benignus aggrega. Unite us by thy kindly care.

Da nobis illuc fedula May we unto that blifsful place

Devotione tendere, With fond devotion onward prefs,
Quo Te federe cum Patre Where Thou at thy great Father's fide,

In Arce Regni credimus. Doft in thy Royal Court abide.

[Noftris ibi turn cordibus There to our hearts, in Heaven's bleft gate

Tuo repletis Spiritu, With Thy fweet Spirit fatiate,

Oftende Patrem, et fuffkit Shew us The Father, and our eyes

Haec nobis una Vifio. Amen. That only Vifion fhall fuffice. Amen.]

Psalm LXVIII. [Ps. lxix. e. v.] They are multiplied more than the hairs
[To the end, for thofe who lhall be changed, of my head: who hated me without caufe.
David. A Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of Chrift to Mine enemies, who perfecuted me un-
The Father when in His Paflion.] juftly, are ftrengthened : I paid them the

o Lord God.
:P H-l-W*.il=*
things that I never took.
God, Thou knoweft
and my not hid from Thee.
faults are
my fimplenefs

Salvum me fac.
Let not them, Lord, who wait for O
AVE me, O God: for Thee, be afhamed for my caufe : Lord O
the waters have come in, of Hofts!
even unto my foul. Let not thofe be confounded through
deep I flick faft in the me : who feek Thee, O God of Ifrael
mire where there is no : Becaufe for thy fake have I fufFered
ground. reproach fhame hath covered my face.

I am come into the depth of the fea I became a ftranger unto my brethren :

and the tempeft hath overwhelmed me. an alien unto my mother's children.
I laboured with crying ; my throat For the zeal of thine Houfe hath even
is become hoarfe mine eyes have failed
: eaten me and the rebukes of them that

me, whilft I hope in my God. reproached Thee, are fallen upon me.
Thurfday at Matins, 217

And I covered my foul in failing : and For whom Thou

haft fmitten they have
thatwas turned to my reproach. perfecuted: and they have added to the
I made fackcloth my garment : and I grief of my wounds.
became a by-word to them. Add Thou iniquity upon their iniquity:
They that fate in the gate fpoke againft and let them not come into thy righteouf-
me and the
: wine-bibbers made me their nefs.
fong. Let them be wiped out of the book of
But I make my prayer unto Thee, O the living and not be written among the

Lord an acceptable time, O God

! : in righteous. !

In the multitude of thy mercy, hearken But I am poor and forrowful thy fal- :

unto me in the truth of thy falvation.

: vation, O God hath lifted me up. !

Take me out of the mire, that I fink not I will praife The Name of God with a
therein deliver me from them that have fong
: and magnify Him with thankf- :

hated me, and out of the deep waters. giving.

Let not the tempeft of water drown me And it fhall pleafe God better than

neither let the deep fwallow me up; and a bullock producing horns and hoofs. :

let not the pit fhut her mouth upon me. Let the poor confider this, and be
Hear me, O Lord for kind is thy glad feek ye after God, and your foul
! :

mercy according to the multitude of thy fhall live.


mercies look upon me. For The Lord hath heard the poor:
And turn not away thy face from thy and hath not defpifed his prifoners.
fervant for I am in trouble, O hear me
: Let Heaven and Earth praife Him the :

fpeedily. fea, and all that moveth in them.

Be intent to my foul, and deliver it For God will fave Syon and the cities :

refcue me, becaufe of mine enemies. of Judah fhall be built.

Thou knoweft my reproof, and my And men fhall dwell there and obtain :

confufion and my fhame. : it for an inheritance.

In thy fight are all them that trouble The feed alfo of his fervants fhall
me my heart expefted reproach and poffefs it and they that love His Name
: :

mifery. fhall dwell therein.

And I looked for fome one to grieve [Moft merciful God hear us in the truth of !

with me, but there was no man and for : thy falvation ; fo that, delivered from the mifery
fome one to comfort me, but I found of fin, we may be worthy of being written in the

none. Book of Life of thy Heavenly Kingdom, through

our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
They gave me gall for food : and in my
thirft they gave me vinegar to drink.
Let their table be made a fnare before Psalm LXIX. [Ps. lxx. e. v.]

them for a retribution, and for a ftum-

: [To the end,
Pfalm of David in remembrance

bling-block. that The Lord had faved him. A Pfalm for

Prayer. Voice of Chrift on the Crofs.]
Let their eyes be blinded, that they fee
not and ever bow Thou down their
Deus in adjutorium.

backs. C\ GOD ! make fpeed to fave me : O

Pour out thine indignation upon them Lord ! make hafte to help me.
and let the fury of thine anger lay hold Let them be afhamed and confounded
of them. that feek after my foul.
Let their habitation be deferted and : Let them be turned backward, and put
no man to dwell in their tabernacles. to confufion that wifh me evil.

2 F
218 Thurfday at Matins.

Let them be forthwith turned away in For my fupport and my refuge art :

fhame that fay unto me, well done

: Thou.
well done Deliver me, O my God, from the hand
But let all thofe that feek Thee be of the finner and from the hand of the :

joyful and glad in Thee and let all fuch tranfgreffor of the law, and of the unjuft.

as love thy falvation, fay alway, The Lord For Thou art my patience, O Lord :

be magnified. O Lord, my hope from my youth !

But I am needy and poor O God, Through Thee have I been holden up

help me. from the womb from the womb of my :

Thou art my helper and my deliverer mother Thou art my proteftor. :

O Lord, make no long tarrying. In Thee fhall be ever my fong I am :

Glory be to The Father, and to The become as it were a monfter unto many,
Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;
: but Thou art my ftrong helper.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and Let my mouth be filled with praife,
ever fhall be : world without end. Amen. that I may fing thy Glory all the day :

long thy greatnefs.

Caft me not away in the time of old
age : forfake me not when my ftrength
For mine enemies have fpoken againft
LORD GOD, make
me i and they that laid wait for my foul
took their counfel together,
Si^»jpg~'^i— : :
Saying, God hath forfaken him : per-
fpeed to fave me. fecute him and take him, for there is none
[O Eternal God ! the Author of our help to deliver him.
hafte fpeedily to deliver thy family who call upon O God go not far from me
! my : O
Thee ; fo that, in all the affaults of evil, we may God look down to help me.

ever be defended by thy aid, through Chrift our

Let them be confounded and fail away
Lord. Amen.]
that flander my foul : let them be covered
with confufion and difhonour that feek
Psalm LXX. [Ps. lxxi. e. v.]
evil againft me.
[A Pfalm of David, of the Sons of Jonadab, and But I will alway be truftful : and be
the former Captives. A
Pfalm for Prayer. Voice
adding to all thy praife.
of Chrift to The Father in His Refurreclion.]
My mouth fhall tell of thy righteouf-
nefs : and all the day long of thy fal-

e Thou. Oioueae.
Becaufe I have not known learning, I
In Te, D online, fperavi. will enter into the might of The Lord O :

TN Thee, O
Lord, have I put my truft, Lord, I will make mention of thy righte-
let me never be put to confufion in : oufnefs only.
thy righteoufnefs deliver me, and refcue Thou,God, haft taught me from my
me. youth up and even now will I tell of

Incline thine ear unto me : and fave thy wondrous works.

me. And even unto old age and to gray
Be Thou unto me a God proteftor, hairs : O God, forfake me not
and a fenced hold that Thou mayeft fave : Until I tell forth thine arm : unto all

me. the generation to come ;

thurfday at Matins. 219

Thy power and thy righteoufnefs, O before the Moon : from one generation to
God, even unto the higheft, the great another.
things which Thou haft done : O God He fhall come down like the rain into

who is like unto Thee ? a fleece : like the fhowers dropping upon
O what great troubles haft Thou Ihewed the Earth.
me, many and evil ; and yet haft Thou There fhall arife in his days, righteouf-
turned and quickened me yea, and brought : nefs, and abundance of peace : until the
me from the depths of the Earth again. Moon be deftroyed.
Thou haft multiplied thy greatnefs And his dominion fhall be from fea

and turning back Thou haft comforted even to and from the flood even unto
fea :

me. the ends of the orb of the worlds.

And I alfo will give thanks to Thee The Ethiopians fhall fall down before
upon inftruments of pfaltery thy truth, : Him : enemies fhall lick the dull.
O God ; unto Thee will I ling pfalmody The kings of Tharlis, and the ifles
upon the harp, O Thou Holy One of fhall offer prefents the kings of Arabia :

Ifrael. and Saba fhall bring gifts.

My lips fhall rejoice when I ling unto All kings fhall worlhip Him : all na-
Thee : and fo will my foul which Thou tions fhall do Him fervice.

haft redeemed. For He fhall deliver the poor from the

My tongue alfo fhall meditate thy mighty man and the needy that had no

righteoufnefs all the day long : when they helper.

fhall be confounded and brought unto He fhall fpare the Ample and needy
ftiame that feek evil againft me. and fhall fave the fouls of the poor.
He redeem their fouls from ufury
[O Eternal Ruler in the Heavens fuffereft ! Who
not thofe who truft in Thee to be condemned to and wrong and honourable fhall their

eternal confufion, with thy praife ;

fulfil our lips name be in his light.
and do Thou, Who putteft into our hearts good He fhall live, and unto Him fhall be
meditations, vouchfafe that we may be ever exer- given of the gold of Arabia and they fhall :

cifed in thy righteoufnefs, through our Lord Jefus

adore Him alway ; all the day long fhall
Chrift. Amen.]
they give Him blefling.
There be a firmament in the Earth
Psalm LXXI. [Ps. lxxii. e. v.] upon the tops of the mountains ; his fruit
[A Pfalm to Solomon. A Pfalm prophetical of fhall be exalted above Libanus ; and fhall
Chrift. Voice of The Holy Spirit to The Father flourifh in the city like grafs upon the
concerning The Son.] Earth.
Deus judicium. Let His Name be bleffed for evermore :

O God His Name abideth before the Sun.

/^JIVE the king thy judgment, :

and thy righteoufnefs unto the king's And all the tribes of the Earth fhall be
fon. bleffed in Him all people fhall magnify

To judge thy people with juftice : and Him.

thy poor with judgment. Bleffed be The Lord, The God of Ifrael
Let the mountains alfo receive peace for Which only doeth wondrous things.
the people : and the hills righteoufnefs.
And bleffed be The Name of His Ma-
He fhall judge the poor folk and fave jefty for ever : and all the Earth fhall be

the children of the poor : and humble the with His Majefty. So be
filled it! So be it!
flanderer. Glory be to The Father.
And he fhall abide with the Sun and As it was in the beginning.
Tburfday at Matins.

Antiphon. Lo ! thefe are the finners, the wealthy

in the world : they have obtained riches.
And I faid, Then in vain liave I cleanfed
my heart : and wafhed my hands among
Thou unto me, O Lord, the innocent;
And have been fcourged all the daylong:
and my chaftening was in the morning.
If I faid, I will fpeak thus then
a God protec - tor. : lo !

I have condemned the nation of thy

[O Almighty God ! we invoke Thy Name, children.
Blefled before the
worlds ; and pray Thee that
I fuppofed that I could difcern this:
Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to grant peace and juftice
to thy people againft the flanderer and wrong doer, but it is labour beyond me.
through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.] Until I go into the fandluary of God
and underftand concerning their laft end.
Psalm LXXII. Verily thou doft fet it to them for de-
[Ps. lxxiii. e. v.]
ceits : Thou didft caft them down when
[A Pfalm of Afaph. A Pfalm for Meditation.
they were lifted up.
Voice of the Apoftles and Church to The Father.]
have they become a defolation
fuddenly have they failed : and perilhed
for their iniquity.
hou haft delivered. Oioueae.
Like as a dream when one awaketh, O
£>uam bonus Ifrael. Lord ! : fo flialt thou bring their image to

H TOW good is God unto Ifrael unto

fuch as are of a right heart.
! :
nothing in thy city.
For my heart was inflamed, and my
Neverthelefs, my feet were almoft gone :
veins were changed and I was brought :

my treadings had well nigh flipped. to nothing and knew not.

I was envious at the wicked beholding :
I became as it were a beaft before Thee
the peace of finners. and yet I am always by Thee.
For there is no regard to their death For Thou haft holden my right hand,
and there is ftrength in their ftroke. and led me forth in thy good pleafure :

They are not in the labour of men and with glory Thou haft received me.
neither fliall they befcourged like other
men. For what have I in Heaven and befide :

Wherefore pride hath holden them: they Thee, what have I deflred upon Earth ?
are covered with iniquity and impiety. My flelh and my heart hath failed but :

Their iniquity hath come forth, as it Thou art The God of my heart, and my
were, from fatnefs and they have ex- portion, O God for evermore.
: !

ceeded the wifh of their heart. For lo! they that forfake Thee fliall
They have thought and fpoken wicked- perilh Thou haft deftroyed all them that :

nefs they have fpoken iniquity on high.

commit fornication from Thee.
For they have fet their mouth againft But it is good for me to hold faft by
the Heaven and their tongue hath pafled God to put my truft in The Lord God.
: :

through the world. That I may declare all thy prailes : in

Therefore will my people be turned the gates of the daughter of Syon.
hither : and fulnefs of days lhall be found [O Lord do Thou caufe us continually to hold

in them. faft by Thee, and to direct towards Thee the

whole ftrength of our hope ; fo that we may be
And they faid, how doth God know :
worthy to tell forth thy praifes within the gates
is there knowledge in The Moft High ? eternal, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
Tburfday at Matins.

Psalm LXXIII. [Ps. lxxiv. e. v.] Thou broken the head of the Dra-
gon in pieces and given him to be meat
[A Pfalm of Underftanding. Afaph. Pfalm A :

for Prayer. Voice of Chrift to The Father con- for the people of the Ethiopians.
cerning dodlrine and judgment.] Thou haft broken up the fountains and
torrents : Thou haft dried up the rivers
Ut quid Deus. of Ethan.
r\ GOT), wherefore haft Thou utterly Thine is the day, and thine is the night
caft us off: why is thy wrath fo hot Thou haft prepared the morning light and
againft the lheep of thy pafture ? the Sun.
Remember thy Congregation whom Thou haft fet all the borders of the

Thou haft poffeffed from the beginning. Earth fummer and Ipring, Thou haft :

The rod of thine inheritance, which formed them.

Thou haft redeemed Mount Syon, Remember this, how the enemy hath

wherein Thou haft dwelt. reproached The Lord and how the foolilh :

Lift up thy hands againft their pride to people hath blafphemed Thy Name.
the uttermoft what great things hath
: the Deliver not unto beafts the fouls that
enemy done wickedly in thy fanftuary confefs Thee and forget not the fouls of

They who hated Thee have gloried : in thy poor for ever.
the midft of thy folemnity. Look upon thy covenant for they who :

They have fet up their banners for have darkened the Earth, are filled with
ligns: and they knew not, as in their the dwellings of iniquity.
going forth on the heighth. Let not the humble be turned away
As with axes in a wood of trees, they afhamed the poor and needy lhall give

have cut down the gates thereof within it praife unto Thy Name.
with axe and hatchet have they caft it Arife, O God ! judge thine own caufe :

down. remember thy reproaches which are from

They have burnt with lire thy Sanc- the foolilh man, all the day long.
tuary upon Earth : they have defiled the Forget not the voice of thine enemies :

dwelling-place of Thy Name. the prefumption of them that hate Thee,

They laid in their hearts, the kindred ever groweth upward.
of them altogether : let us make to ceafe Glory be to The Father.
all the feftival days of God from the land. As it was in the beginning.
We fee not our tokens, there is no
more prophet : and He will know us no Antiphon.
O God
how long mail the enemy up-

braid us how long lhall the adverfary

? :

blafpheme Thy Name for ever ?

Why withdraweft Thou thy hand :
mm HOU haft delivered the rod

and thy right hand from the midft of thy

bofom for ever.
of thine inheritance.
For God is our King before the worlds
He hath wrought falvation in the midft of [O God ! Creator of all the elements ! Lord
the Earth. before the worlds ! King eternal ! remember thy
Thou haft fet faft the fea through thy flock, whom Thou haft redeemed by the {bedding
of thy precious blood ; and ever favourably hear
might Thou haft crulhed the heads of
the voices of all who ieek Thee, through Chrift
the Dragons in the waters. our Lord. Amen.]
: ;

Thurfday at Matins.

Psalm LXXIV. [Ps. lxxv. e. v.]

Notus in Judaa.
[To the end, corrupt not. APfalm of a Can-
T N Jewry is God known : in Ifrael His
ticle. Afaph. A Pfalm for praifing God. Voice Name is great.
of The Holy Spirit as to the Nativity of Chrift.] In peace is formed his dwelling : and
his habitation in Syon.
There brake He
powers the bow, the
I the fhield, the fword,and the battle.

If - ra - el. Oioueae.
Thou doft enlighten wondroufly from
Confitebimur Tibi Deus.
the eternal mountains all the foolifti in :

TJNTO Thee, O God, will we give heart are troubled.

thanks, will we give thanks : and we They have flept their fleep and all the :

will call upon Thy Name. men of riches have found nothing in their
We will tell of thy wondrous works hands.
when I receive a fet time I will judge At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob : they
righteoufnefs. that mounted horfes fell into (lumber.
The Earth melted away, and all that Thou
art terrible, and who fhall refift
dwell therein : I ftablifhed the pillars Thee from that time, thy wrath.
? :

Thou didft caufe thy judgment to be
I faid unto the unjuft, deal not fo heard from Heaven the Earth trembled :

wickedly and to the offenders, fet not

and was ftill,
up your horn. When God arofe to judgment to fave :

Set not up your horn on high : fpeak all the meek upon Earth.
not iniquity againft God. For thethought of man fhall give
For this is neither from the Eaft nor Thee and the remainder of that
praife :

from the Weft, nor yet from the defert thought fhall keep feftival to Thee.
mountains : for God is the Judge. Vow ye and pay your vows unto The
Hehumbleth one, and exaketh another: Lord your God : all ye that are round
for in the hand of The Lord there is a about Him bring prefents.
cup of pure wine full mixed. Unto Him that to be feared,
is even to
And He hath poured out from this to Him that taketh away the fpirit of princes
that; but its dregs are not emptied all among
terrible the kings of the Earth.
the finners upon Earth fhall drink them. Glory be to The Father.
But I will utter forth for ever and ling :
As it was in the beginning.
praife to The God of Jacob.
All the horns of the ungodly alfo will I Anti-phon
break and the horns of the righteous

fhall be exalted.

[O Good Shepherd Who, for the redemption


of all mankind, didft drain the cup of Thy Pafiion, Name

we, thy fuppliants, invoke Thy Name ; that,
ftablifhed upon the pillars of wifdom, Thou wouldeft
comfort us by the fanclifkation of thy Seven-fold is great.
Spirit, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
[O God ! Who art to be feared, grant the re-
quefts of thofe who confefs Thee in their thoughts
PSALM LXXV. [PS. LXXVI. E. V.] that thy light may wondroufly defcend from the
mountains upon us ; and that, efcaping the fhame
[To the end, in praifes, a Pfalm of Afaph. of the judgment to come, we may attain to the
Canticle as to the Aflyrians. A Pfalm for praifing Glory of Thy Refurreclion, through our Lord
God. Voice of people converted to The Lord.] Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
Thurfday at Matins. 223

Psalm LXXVI. [Ps. lxxvii. e. v.] haft redeemed thy people, the fons of
Jacob and Jofeph.
[To the
end, for Iduthun. A Pfalm of Afaph.
A Pfalm for Meditation. Of the long-fuftering The waters faw Thee, O God, the
of God, and his wonderful works.] waters faw Thee and were afraid : the
abyffes alfo were troubled.
Like a multitude was the found of the

hou art God. Oioueae. waters : the clouds uttered a voice.

Thine arrows alfo pafs abroad : the
Voce mea ad Dominum. voice of thy thunder round about.
T CRIED unto The Lord with my The lightnings fhone upon the orb of
even unto God with my voice,
voice :
the world : the Earth was moved and
and He hearkened unto me. trembled.
In the day of my trouble I fought The Thy way is the fea, and thy paths in
Lord, with my hands towards Him in many waters : and thy footfteps are not

the night feafon : and I was not deceived. known.

My foul refufed to be comforted : I re- Thou leadeft thy people like fheep : by
membered God and was well pleafed, and the hand of Mofes and Aaron.
was exercifed ; yet my fpirit failed. [Great God the doer of all wonderful works !

Mine eye prevented the watches: I was Who of old time didft place waters in thy fight,
troubled, and fpoke not. and then changed them to wine ; we humbly
implore Thee fo to hear and receive the voice of
I confidered the days of old : and I
our crying, that Thou mayeft ever remember to
had in mind the eternal years. beftow upon us the abundance of thy mercy,
And I communed in the night with through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
mine own heart I was exercifed, and

fwept clean my fpirit. PSALM LXXVII. [PS. LXXVIII. E. V.]

Will The Lord caft off for ever or :

[Understanding. Afaph. An Hiftorical Pfalm

will He not apply himfelf to be more
for Meditation. Of the Impiety of the Jews.]
favourable ?
Attendite Populus.
Or will He cut off his mercy for ever :

from generation to generation ? ATTEND ye to my law, O

Or will God forget to have mercy people :
: incline your ears unto the
and will He fhut up his mercies in dif- words of my mouth.
pleafure ? I willopen my mouth in parables
And I faid, now have I begun this : I will utter fentences from the beginning.
is the change of the right hand of The. Such great things as we have heard and
Moft Higheft. known and our fathers have told us. :

I remembered the works of The Lord They have not been hidden from their

for I will call to mind thy wonders from children in another generation. :

the beginning. Declaring the praifes of The Lord and

And I will meditate of all thy works his powers and the wonderful works
: :

and I will be exercifed in thine inven- that He hath done.

tions. He raifed up a teftimony in Jacob : and
Thy way, O God, is in holinefs ; what gave Ifrael a law.
God is great as our God ? Thou art God : How great things He commanded our
that doeft wondrous things ! forefathers : to teach their children, that
Thou haft made known thy power another generation might know it

among the people with thine arm Thou

: The children which mould be born
::: :

224 Thurfday at Matins.

and rife up : and ftiew them to their wroth : and the fire was kindled againft
children. Jacob, and there came up wrath againft
That they might put their truft in Ifrael.
God : and not forget the works of God, Becaufe they believed not in God : nor
and mould fearch out his command- put their truft in his falvation.
ments. And He commanded the clouds above :

Nor become as their forefathers : a and opened the doors of Heaven.

wicked and froward generation ; He rained down manna alfo upon them
A generation that fet not their heart for to eat and gave them the bread of

aright and whofe fpirit was not faithful

: Heaven.
with God. Man did eat Angels' bread : He fent
Children of Ephraim, who bending them food in abundance.
and mooting with bows turned them- : He removed the South wind from
felves back in the day of battle. Heaven and through his power He

They not the covenant of God

kept : brought in the South-weft wind.
and would not walk in his law. He rained flelh upon them like as duft
And they forgat his benefits and the : and feathered fowls like as the fand of the
wonderful works that He had fliewed for fea.
them. And they fell in the midft of their
Marvellous things did He in the light tents round about their dwellings.

of their forefathers in the land of Egypt So they did eat and were well filled,
in the field of Thanes. forHe gave them their own defire they :

He divided the fea, and led them through were not difappointed of their luft.
it : He made the waters to ftand as it The food was yet in their mouths :

were in a velfel. when the heavy wrath of God came up

And He led them with a cloud by upon them.
day and : all the night long with a light And flew their fat ones and fmote :

of fire. down the chofen of Ifrael.

He clave the rock in the wildernefs In all thele things they finned yet
and gave them water as it had been out more : and believed not his wondrous
of the abyfs. works.
And He brought water out of the rock : And their days failed away in vanity :

and drew forth waters like the rivers. and their years in hafte.
Yet they added ft 11 more fin againft i When He flew them they fought Him
Him and provoked The Moft Higheft
: and turned back : and early in the morn-
in the place without water. ing they came to Him.
And they tempted God in their hearts And they remembered that God was
fo that they required meat for their fouls. their and that The High God
helper :

They fpake evil of God alfo they : was their Redeemer.

faid, Shall God prepare a table in the They flattered Him with their mouth :

wildernefs ? and with their tongue they lied unto Him.

He Who fmote the ftony rock and the But their heart was not right with
water gulhed out and the ftreams over-
: Him neither were they counted faithful

flowed : to his covenant.

But will He be able to give bread alfo : But He is merciful and will become
or provide a table for his people ? kind to their mifdeeds : and will not
Wherefore The Lord heard and was deftroy them.
:: :

Thurfday at Matins. 225

And many a time turned He his wrath them and by lot divided to them
: their
away and did not kindle all his anger.
: land,with a line of diftribution.
And He remembered that they were And He made them dwell in their
but flefh a wind going and returning
: tents : the tribes of Ifrael.
not. And they tempted and provoked The
How often did they provoke Him in Moft High God and kept not his tefti-

the wildernefs and move Him to anger monies.


in the land without water And they turned away, and did not

And they turned back and tempted God keep the covenant like as their fathers :

and provoked The Holy One of Ifrael. they were turned afide, as a crooked
They remembered not his hand in bow. :

the day when He delivered them from They provoked Him to anger on their
the hand of the afflicler. hills and moved Him to jealoufy with :

So did He fet his figns in Egypt and their graven images. :

his wonders in the field of Thanes. God heard this, and He fpurned them :

He turned their rivers into blood and and reduced Ifrael exceedingly, even to

their fhowers, that they might not drink. nothing.

He fent flies among them and devoured And He put away the tabernacle in
them up and the frog, and deftroyed Silo
: his tabernacle where He dwelt :

them. among men.

He gave their fruit unto the mildew He delivered their might into captivity :

and their labours unto the locuft. and their beauty into the enemy's hand.
He deftroyed their vines with hal- He fhut up his people under the fword :

ftones and their mulberry trees with the and He fpurned his inheritance.

froft. The fire confumed their young men

He delivered their cattle to the hail and their maidens were not lamented.
and their pofTeffions to the fire. Their priefts were flain with the fword :

He caft upon them the anger of his indig- and their widows made no mourning.
nation indignation and anger, and trouble,
: And The Lord awaked, as one out of
fending evil angels among them. fleep and like a mighty man furfeited :

He made a way for the path of his with wine.

wrath, and fpared not their foul from And He fmote his enemies in the hinder
death and He fhut up their cattle in parts
: and put them to a perpetual :

death. fhame,
And fmote all the firft-born in the land And He rejefted the tabernacle ofjofeph:
of Egypt the firft-fruit of all their labour
: and chofe not the tribe of Ephraim ;
in the tabernacles of Ham. But chofe the tribe of Judah the :

He took away his own people like Mountain of Syon, which He loved.
fheep : and guided them through, like a And He built His Sanctuary as of uni-
flock in the defert. corns in the land which He founded for

He brought them out in hope, and ever.

they feared not and overwhelmed their : He chofe David, alfo, his fervant, and
enemies with the fea. took him away from the fheep flocks he :

And brought them into the Mountain of took him from following the ewes great
His Holinefs to His Mountain which
: with young ones,
He purchafed with his right hand. To feed Jacob his fervant : and Ifrael
He caft out the Gentiles alfo before his inheritance.
2 G

226 Thurfday at Matins.

And he fed them in the innocence of that have not known Thee : and upon
his heart and guided them by the fkill of the kingdoms that have not called upon

his hands. Thy Name.

Glory be to The Father. For they have devoured Jacob : and
As it was in the beginning. laid wafte his dwelling-place.
Remember not our old fins : let thy
Antiphon. mercies fpeedily prevent us, for we have
become very poor.
S —
art God,
3* D — 1—
that do-eft
Help us, O God our Salvation and for
the Glory of Thy Name, O Lord, deliver

us : and be merciful unto our fins, for

Thy Name's fake :

Left haply they fay among the Gentiles,

wondrous things.
Where is their God ? : and let there be
made known among the nations before
[O Lord Almighty moft bounteous Giver of our eyes,

the manna of thy fpiritual nourifhment regard us, !

we befeech Thee and grant that, guided in all

The vengeance of thy fervants' blood
our fenfes by thy hand, we may be worthy to that is ftied let the forrowful fighing of :

attain thy Holy Mountain, and to be glorified at the prifoners, come in before thy fight.
thy right hand, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] According to the mightinefs of thine
arm preferve Thou the children of them

PSALM LXXVIII. [PS. LXXIX. E. V.] that are appointed to die.

[Pfalm. Afaph. A Pfalm of Lamentation for

And return to our neighbours feven-
Prayer. Voice of Martyrs on the effiifion of their fold into their bofom the reproach :

blood.] wherewith they have blafphemed Thee,

O Lord
But we that are thy people, and lheep
e Thou forgiving. Oioueae. of thy pafture : will give Thee thanks for
Deus, venerunt. evermore.
C\ GOD ! the Gentiles are come into From generation to generation : we will
thine inheritance : Holy Tem- lhew forth thy praife.
ple have they defiled, and made Jerufalem [Prevent us, O Lord, with thy mercy, ere the
as a ftore for fruit. indignation of thine anger break forth ; fo that,
helped by the fuffrages of the Bleffed who have
They have given the dead bodies of
fhed their blood for thy lake, we may be worthy to
thy fervants for meat unto the fowls of obtain thy favour, and the pardon of our fins,
the air and the flefh of thy faints unto through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

the beafts of the land.

Their blood have they fhed like water Psalm LXXIX. [Ps. lxxx. e. v.]
around Jerufalem and there was no man: [To the end, for thofe who fliall be changed.
to bury them. The teftimony of Afaph. A
Pfalm for Prayer.
Priefts for the Church.]
We are become a reproach to our Voice of

neighbours a very fcorn and derifion

Qui regis Ifrael.

unto them that are round about us. HpHOU that ruleft Ifrael, give ear :

How long, O Lord, wilt Thou be A Thou that leadeft Jofeph like a lheep.
angry for ever ? (hall thy jealoufy be kin-
: Thou that fitteft upon the Cherubim :

dled like fire ? manifeft Thyfelf before Ephraim, Ben-

Pour out thine anger upon the heathen jamin, and Manafies.
Thut-J day at Lauds. 227

up thy power and come that

Stir : O Lord God of Hofts convert us !

Thou mayeft fave us. and fhew thy countenance, and we fhall
God ! convert us and lhew thy : be faved.
countenance, and we fhall be faved. Glory be to The Father.
Lord God of Holls how long wilt ! : As it was in the beginning.
Thou be angry with the prayer of thy
fervant ? Antiphon.
Wilt Thou feed us with the bread of
tears and give us
: for our drink tears in
meafure ?

Thou haft made us for a ftrife unto our

E Thou for-giv-ing to

neighbours : and our enemies have laughed

us to fcorn.
God of Hofts convert us : and lhew !
our fins, O Lord.
thy countenance, and we fhall be faved.
Thou haft brought a vine out of [Vifit, O Lord, thy Vine, which by the might
of thy right hand Thou haft delivered from the
Egypt : Thou haft caft out the Gentiles
Egypt of tribulation; fo that, quickened by the
and haft planted it.
light of thy countenance, it may rejoice in all good,
Thou waft the guide of its journey be- and with plenteoufnefs of good fruit, through Chrift
fore its face Thou.plantedft its roots, and
our Lord. Amen.]
it filled the land.
~$f. My lips fhall rejoice when I fing
fhadow covered the mountains and
Its :
unto Thee.
the boughs thereof the cedars of God.
And my foul which Thou haft re-
It ftretched out its branches unto the
fea : and its boughs even unto the river.
Why haft Thou, broken down the wall [Herefollow OUR FATHER and I BELIEVE
thereof : that all they that pafs by in the IN GOD the Benedictions, the Proper
way pluck of it ? Lejfons, with their Refponfories and Ver-
The wild boar out of the wood hath ftcles.]
rooted it up : and each wild beaft hath
depaftured it.
[See the Common Forms, and Table of
O God of Hofts turn thyfelf look
Benedictions, and The Proper of The
J :

down from Heaven, behold and vifit this
And perfecl: that which thy right hand
haft planted : and The Son of Man whom THURSDAY
Thou haft ftrengthened for Thyfelf.
It is burnt with fire, and dug down : but
they fhall perifh at the rebuke of thy [See Lauds for Monday.]
Let thy hand be upon the man of thy [ET thy mercy, O
right hand and upon The Son of Man

Lord, be upon us.

whom Thou haft made ftrong for Thy-
felf. IJ;. Like as we
And we will not depart from Thee have put our truft
Thou fhalt quicken us and we will call :

upon Thy Name. in Thee.

: ; :

228 Tbur/day at Lauds.

<[ IN LAUDS. And as a watch in the night : things

that are efteemed as nothing fhall their
Antiphon. years be.
In the morning he may pafs away; as
the grafs in the morning he may flourifli
and pafs away at even-tide fall, grow:

ftiff, and wither.

For we have failed away in thine

anger and by thy wrath have we been

I fin - ned, O Lord ! have mer - cy
Thou haft fet our mifdeeds in thy
g — ,—,-- fight :

thy countenance.
and our brightnefs of
life in the

up -on me. Oioueae. For all our days have failed : in thine
anger have we fallen away.
Psalm L. Our days fhall be confidered as a fpider :

the days of our years in them are three-

Miferere mei, Deus.
fcore years and ten.
J.JAVE mercy upon me, O God.
For if in ftrength they come to four-
[See Lauds for Monday.]
fcore years what is more of them is but

labour and for row.

Psalm LXXXIX. [Ps. xc. e. v.] For tamenefs cometh upon us and we :

fhall be fnatched away.

[The Prayer of Mofes, the man of God. A Pfalm Who hath known the power of thine
for Meditation and Prayer. Prayer for The Lord's
people.] anger and by reafon of" thy fear can

number thy difpleafure?

o Lord, Thou haft be - come. men
So make known thy right hand and
inftrufted in heart, in wifdom.

Be turned unto us, O ? Lord how long


and be eafily intreated for thy fervants.

Oioueae. Early in the morning are we filled with
Domine refugium. thy mercy and we have rejoiced and

been glad all the days of our life.

LORD, Thou haft be- We have rejoiced for the days wherein
come our refuge : from Thou haft humbled us and for the years :

one generation to another. wherein we faw adverfity.

Before the mountains Look down upon thy fervants and upon
were made, or the Earth thy works and guide their children.

and the world were form- And let the Brightnefs of The Lord
ed : Thou art God from everlafting, and our God be upon us and direct Thou the :

even for evermore. works of our hands upon us ; and direct

Turn not man away to humiliation Thou our handywork.
and Thou haft faid, be converted, ye chil- Glory be to The Father, and to The
dren of men. Son and to The Holy Ghoft

For a thoufand years are before thine As it was in the beginning, is now,
eyes : but as yefterday, which hath pafied and ever fhall be : world without end.
away. Amen.
Tburfday at Lauds. 229

chariots and his hoft hath He caft into

the Sea.
His chofen princes alfo are drowned in
the Red Sea : the abyfles have covered
Lord, Thou haft become them ; they fank into the deep as a
Thy right hand, O Lord, hath been

our refuge.
magnified in power ; thy right hand, O
Lord, hath fmitten the enemy : and in
[Almighty God Who haft planted the Day-
the multitude of Thy Glory Thou haft
ftar in the Heavens, and, fcattering the night, doft
overthrown thine adverfaries.
reftore morning to the world ; fulfil us, we befeech
Thee, with thy mercy, fo that, Thou being our Thou thy wrath, which
fenteft forth
enlightener, all the darknefs of our fins may be devoured them as ftubble and in the blaft :

difperfed, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.] of thy fury the waters were gathered to-
The flowing water flood ftill : and the
abyfles were heaped together in the midft
of the Sea.
N the morning, O Lord, I The enemy faid, I will purfue, I will
overtake : I will divide the fpoil ; my luft

fhall be fatisfied.
I will unfheath my fword : and my
will meditate upon Thee. Oioueae. hand them.
fhall flay
Thy wind did blow, and the fea covered
them they funk like lead in the rufliing
Psalm LXII. [Ps. lxiii. e. v.]
Deus, Deus meus. O Lord
Who is like unto Thee, among

GOD, my God. the mighty ? : who is like Thee, Glorious

[See Lauds for Monday.} in Holinefs, fearful, and to be praifed;
doing wonders ?

|[ The canticle of moses. Thou ftretchedft forth thy hand : and

Exodus xv. the Earth devoured them.
Thou thy mercy waft the leader
of the people whom Thou hadft redeemed.
Thou didft bear them in thy ftrength :

o R ever. Oioueae.
unto thy holy habitation.
ET us fing unto The Lord, Nations rofe up and were wroth
for He hath been magnified forrow laid hold on the inhabitants of
glorioufly : the horle and his Philiftia.
rider hath He thrown into Then were the Princes of Edom amazed,
the Sea. fear laid hold on the mighty men of Moab :

The Lord is my might and my praife : all the inhabitants of Canaan became
and become
is my Salvation. ftiffened.
He my God, and I will glorify Him
is : Let fear and dread fall upon them:
my father's God, and I will exalt Him. through the greatnefs of thine arm.
The Lord is as it were a Man of War Let them become motionlefs as a ftone :
The Almighty is His Name Pharaoh's : till thy people pafs over, O Lord till !
230 Thurfday at Lauds.

that thy people pafs over, which Thou haft

poflefled. SEE
Thou fhalt bring them in, and plant Pf. Oioueae.
them Mountain of thine inheritance
in the :
in the very mre dwelling which Thou haft
made for Thee, O Lord !

Thy Sanftuary, O Lord, which thine

hands have ftablifhed The Lord lhall
reign for ever and for evermore.
N his faints praife ye God.

For Pharaoh, on his horfe, with his

chariots and horfemen, entered into the
Sea : and The Lord
brought again the Oioueae.
waters of the Sea upon them.
But the children of Ifrael walked on dry Psalms CXLVIIL, CXLIX., CL.
land : in the midft thereof.
Glory be to The Father and to The Laudate Dominum de Ccelis.
Son and to The Holy Ghoft

As it was in the beginning, is now, and

Q PRAISE The Lord from the Heavens.
[See Lauds for Monday.}
ever mail be world without end. Amen.

Antiphon. Chapter, i Cor. xvi.

ATCH ye, and pray

ftand fall in the faith
OR ev-er The Lord lhall quit like men ; be
ftrong.Let all things be
done with charity.
reign and for ev-er - more. Thanks be to God.

in the ordinary THURSDAY Service, is faid AT LAUDS the following Hymn.
Hymnus.* Hymn.

UX ec - ce ! fur - get au - E - HOLD ! the golden dawn

it =1 q m^rmr-
re - a, Pal - lens fa - tif - cat cse - ci a-rife, The pa-ling night for-fakes the

tas, Quae nof-met in praeceps di-u,

Ed fkies ; The mifty fhades melt into day,

Er - ro - re trax - it de - vi - o. Which led our err-ing fenfe aftray.

K From Prudentius.
! ; ; ; !! ! ;;

Thurfday at Lauds. 231

Lux ecce ! furget aurea, Behold the golden dawn arife,


Pallens fatifcat caecitas, The paling night forfakes the Ikies ;

Qua? nofmet in prasceps diu, The mifty lhades melt into day,
Errore traxit devio. Which led our erring fenle aftray.

Hasc Lux ferenum conferat, Outpour thy gifts, fereneft Light

Purofque nos prasftet Sibi And make us faultlefs in thy fight
Nihil loquamur fubdolum, Ne'er may we fpeak the Words of guile,
Volyamus obfcurum nihil. Dark thoughts our bofoms ne'er defile.

Sic tota difcurrat dies So may the day fpeed on; our tongue
Ne lingua mendax, nec manus No falfehood know, our hands no wrong;
Oculi nec peccent lubrici, Our eyes from wanton gaze refrain,
Nec noxa corpus inquinet. No guilt our guarded bodies ftain.

Spectator aftat defuper, Th' All-feeing, fromhis throne on high,

Qui nos diebus omnibus, Surveys us e'er with Watchful eye
Aftufque noftros profpicit, Each day our every aft He knows,
A luce prima in vefperum. From early dawn to evening's clofe.

Deo Patri fit Gloria ! Glory to God The Father be

Ejufque Soli Filio And Only Son, alike to Thee
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With Thee, Bleft Spirit, Paraclete,
Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now, and through ages, infinite.

A - men.
A - men.

W. In the morning, O Lord! I will

meditate upon Thee.
I£. Becaufe Thou haft been my helper. Lord, and He will deliver us from

|[ Throughout the Summer is /aid the

Hymn, —
Ecce ! jam noftis tenuatur umbra. our e-ne-mies. Oioueae.
See ! vanilhfaft the paling {hades ofnight.
[See Lauds for Monday.]
In the morning, O Lord I will !

BenediBus Dominus Deus Ifrael. Luke i.

meditate upon Thee.
Becaufe Thou haft been my helper. JgLESSED be The Lord God of Ifrael.
[See Lauds for Monday.]

Petitions, as on Monday at Lauds.

Orifons, as there dire ft ed.

N holinefs let us ferve The Memorials, as above.

232 Friday at Matins.

FRIDAY O come, let us wor - fhip.

Pf O come.
Venite exultemus.

H E Lord, who made us,

Q COME, let us be joyful.
[For which fee the Common Forms,
and Monday at Matins,,]

in the ordinary FRIDAY Service, is faid AT MATINS the following Hymn.
HYMNUS.y Hymn.

U Trin-i-ta-tisU-ni-tas! HOU U-ni-ty of Trin-i-ty !

Or - bem po - ten - ter Qui re The World's Great Rul-er ! Migh-ty

gis ! At - ten - de lau - dum can - ti - King ! O hear the anthems of thy

ca, <Dua2 ex - cu - ban tes praife, Which we thy watch - ing

pfal - li - mus. fer-vants ling.

Tu Trinitatis Unitas Thou Unity of Trinity !

Orbem potenter Qui regis TheWorld'sGreatRuler Mighty King ! !

Attende laudum cantica, O hear the anthems of thy praife,

Quae excubantes pfallimus. Which we thy watching fervants ling.

Jam leftulo confurgimus, Now wakeful from the couch we rife,

Nottis quieto tempore, As nights' calm hours ftill onward roll;
Ut flagitemus vulnerum, Our guilty wounds in mercy heal,
Ad Te medelam omnium. Thou great Phyfician of the foul

y From S. Ambroje, or of his School.

Friday at Matins, 233
Quo fraude quicquid demonum, Whate'er of fin, by fiendifh guile,
In no&ibus deliquimus, Hath flamed us in the nightly hour,
Abftergat illud coelitus Now look from Heaven, thy glorious Seat,
Tuae poteftas Gloriae. And cleanfe it by thy mighty power.

Ne corpus affit fordidum, O make our bodies pure and clean

Nec torpor inftet cordium Let floth no more our hearts opprefs
Nec criminis contagio Nor e'er the leprofy of lin,
Tepefcat ardor fpiritus. The fervour of our fouls deprefs.

Ob hoc, Redemptor ! quefumus, We Thee, Saviour kind

therefore pray !

Nos reple tuo lumine with thy blifsful ray ;

Fulfil us
Per quod dierum circulis, So in our daily courle, from Thee
Nullis ruamus aftibus. By no ill deeds we fall away.

Gloria Tibi Domine All Glory, Lord, be unto Thee !

Qui natus es de Virgine ; Born of a Virgin, ever pure ;

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye,
Per fempiterna fecula. While ages infinite endure.

A - men. A - men.

Or, according to the Time,

Praefta Pater piiflime Thele prayers, O gracious Father, grant

Patrique Compar Unice And Thou, Alone Co-equal Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With Thee, Bleft Spirit Paraclete !

Regnans per omne leculum. Who reign through endlefs ages, One !

A men.

|f Throughout the Summer is /aid the Hymn Nocte furgentes vigilemus omnes.
Arise we in the nightly watches waking. [See Matins for Monday,,]

Psalm LXXX. [Ps. lxxxi. e. v.] Exultate Deo.

[To the end, for the wine-prefles. Pfalm A EJOICE ye in God, our
for Afaph. A Pfalm for God. Voice of
praifing helper ring aloud unto

The Holy Spirit to the people, and reply of Chrift The God of Jacob.
to The Holy Spirit.]
Take the Pfalm, give
forth the tabret : the
merry pfaltery, with the
E - joice ye. Oioueae. harp.
23 + Friday at Matins.

Blow up the trumpet in the New

Moon : in the high day of your So- Psalm LXXXI. [Ps. lxxxii. e. v.]

lemnity :
[A Pfalm of Afaph. A Pfalm for Meditation.
For this is a ftatute for Ifrael : and a Voice of The Holy Spirit to the people.]
decree for The God
of Jacob.
This He
ordained in Jofeph for a tef- Deus fietit.

timony, when he came out of the land of f^.OD hath flood in the congregation of
Egypt and heard
: a language which he gods in the midft alfo He judge th

had not known. gods.

He eafed his moulders from the bur- How long do ye judge iniquity : and
dens : his hands were lerving in the accept the countenance of finners ?
panniers. Judge the needy and fatherlefs : do
In tribulation thou calledft upon me, juftice to the humble and poor.
and I delivered thee : I heard thee in the Refcue the poor and deliver the needy :

fecret placeof tempeft j I proved thee at from the hand of the linner.
the waters of ftrife. They were ignorant, and underftood not;
Hear, O my people ! and I will bear they walk in darknefs all the foundations :

witnefs to thee : O Ifrael, if thou wilt of the Earth mail be moved.

hearken unto Me, there mall no new God I have faid, ye are Gods and ye are all :

be in thee, neither malt thou worfhip any the children of The Higheft.
ftrange God. But ye mall die like men : and fall like
I am The Lord thy God, Who brought one of the princes.
thee out of the land of Egypt : open thy Arife, O God judge Thou the Earth

mouth wide, and I will fill it.

for Thou malt take all the Gentiles to
But my people heard not my voice thine inheritance.
and Ifrael hearkened not unto Me. Glory be to The Father, and to The
So I let them go according to their own Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

heart's lufts and they mail walk in their

As it was in the beginning, is now, and
own inventions. ever mall be : world without end. Amen.
If my people would have hearkened
unto Me : if Ifrael had walked in my
ways Antipbon.
Haply would have humbled their I
enemies as nothing and ftretched forth :

my hand againft them that troubled them.

The enemies of The Lord have lied E - JOICE ye in God, our
unto Him but their time mall be for

And He fed them with the fatnefs of
corn and with honey from the rock He
help - er.
fatisfied them.

[Open, O Lord ! the mouths of thy fuppliant [Grant us, O

Lord according to thy command,

people, to tell forth thy Glory ; fo that, leaving to leave the judgment of iniquity, and to help

behind them the works of Egypt, they may ever the neceffity of the poor ; fo that we may be wor-
rejoice inthe confeffion of Thee, through Chrift thy to be joined to the fellowfhip of thy children,
our Lord. Amen.] through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
Friday at Matins.
Psalm LXXXII. [Ps. lxxxiii. e. v.] wood : and as the flame that confumeth
the mountains.
[Canticle of a Pfalm of Afaph. Pfalm for A
Prayer. Voice of the Prophet to The Lord for the Even fo fhalt Thou perfecute them with
people.] thy tempeft : and in thine anger fhalt Thou
trouble them.
Fill their faces with fhame : and they
hou on - ly art The High - eft. fhall feek Thy Name, O Lord !

Let them blufh and be troubled for
ever and ever
and perifh.
and let them be confounded

Deus, quis Jimilis. And they fhall know that Thy Name
The Lord: Thou only The Higheft
(\ GOD, who will be like unto Thee :

over all the Earth.

keep not filence, refrain not Thyfelf,
O God! [Remove from us, O Lord! all abundance of
error fo that, forfaiting the fins of the Gentiles,
For lo thine enemies make a mur-
we may fear Thee alone, Who
dwelleft above all
muring: and they that hate Thee have the Earth, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
lift up their head.

They have held malicious counfel PSALM LXXXIII. [Ps. LXXXIV. E. V.]
againft people : and have taken
thy [To the end, A Pfalm
for the wine-preffes.
thought againft thy faints. for theSons of Korah. A Pfalm of longing for
They have faid, Come and let us de- God, and for Prayer. Voice of The Holy Spirit
to The Lord for the Church.]
ftroy them from being a people : and let
the name of Ifrael be no more in remem- 2>uam dileSia.

brance. LJOW
amiable are thy tabernacles, O
For they have contrived together with Lord of Hofts : my foul longeth !

one confent againft Thee : they have en- and fainteth for the courts of The Lord.
tered into covenant ; the tabernacles of heart and my flefh My
have rejoiced :

the Idumaeans and the Ifmaelites in The Living God.

The Moabites and Agarenes, Gebal and Yea, the fparrow hath found her an
Ammon, and Amalek the ftrangers with houfe, and the turtle a neft for herfelf

the inhabiters of Tyre. where fhe may lay her young :

Affur al fo came with them: they became Thine altars, Lord of Hofts : my O !

the help of the children of Lot. King and my God !

Do Thou to them as unto Madian BlefTed are they that dwell in thy Houfe,
and Sifera as unto Jabin at the brook
: Lord O
for ever and ever they fhall ! :

of Kifon. praife Thee.

They perilhed at Endor they became BlefTed is the man whole help is from

as the dung of the Earth. Thee : he hath difpofed his going up in

Make their princes like as Oreb and his heart, in the vale of tears, in the place
Zeb and as Zeba and Salmana.
: which he hath fet.
All their princes, who have faid let us
: The lawgiver fhall give his blefling;
poflefs ourfelves of the Sanftuary of God they will go from ftrength to ftrength:
for an inheritance. The God of gods fhall be beholden of them
O my God make them like unto a
! in Syon.
wheel and as the ftubble before the face
: O Lord God of Hofts ! hearken unto
of the wind. my prayer : in thine ears receive it, O God
Like as the fire that burneth up the of Jacob
236 Friday at Matins.

Behold, O God our protedtor ! : and Convert us, O God our Salvation
and ! :

look upon the face of Thy Chrift. turn away from us.
thine anger
For one day in thy courts is : better Wilt Thou be angry with us for ever ?
than a thoufand. Wilt Thou extend thy wrath from one
I had rather be an abject in the Houfe generation to another?
of my God : than to dwell in the taber- O God, be Thou turned, and Thou
nacles of linners. (halt quicken us : and thy people fhall re-
For God loveth mercy and truth The joice in Thee. :

Lord will give grace and glory. Lord ftiew thy mercy upon us and ! :

He will not take away good things from grant us thy falvation.
them that walk in innocency O Lord 1 will hear what The Lord God fpeak-

God of Hofts Hefted is the ! man that eth concerning me : for He will fpeak
trufteth in Thee. peace unto his people ;
Glory be to The Father. And unto his faints : and to them that
As it was in the beginning. are converted in their heart.
Surely his falvation is nigh them that
Antiphon. fear Him that glory may dwell in our land.

* —- Mercy and truth have met together

righteoufnefs and peace have kilfed each
HOU only art The Higheft
Truth is fprung out of the Earth : and
righteoufnefs hath looked down from
Moreover, The Lord will beftow his
o-ver all the Earth.
kindnefs and our Earth ftiail yield her

God Founder of the heavenly dwell-

[Eternal !
ings we befeech Thee, our hearts to go
Righteoufnefs fhall go before Him

from ftrength to ftrength fo that we may be ;

: and
worthy to afcend to thy tabernacles, without any fhall order his fteps in the way.
falling into fin, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] [Remit, O Lord the iniquity of thy people, and

mew us thy mercy ; and may it prevent and lead

us into the way of peace and righteoufnefs, through
Psalm LXXXIV. [Ps. lxxxv. e. v.] Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
[To the end, a Pfalm for the Sons of Corah.
A Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of The Holy Spirit to Psalm LXXXV. [Ps. lxxxvi. e. v.]
The Son.]
[APrayer to David himfelf. Pfalm for A
Prayer. Voice of Chrift to The Father.]

Inclina, Domine.
hou haft Hefted. Oioueae.
DOW down, O Lord! thine ear, and
Benedixifti, Domine. hearken unto me : for I am needy
C\ LORD, Thou haft bleffed thy land : and poor.
Thou haft turned away the captivity Keep Thou my foul, for I am holy
of Jacob. my God ! fave thy fervant that trufteth
Thou haft forgiven the iniquity of thy in Thee.
people : Thou haft covered all their fins. Be merciful unto me, O Lord, for unto
Thou haft affuaged all thine anger Thee have I cried all the day ; make glad
Thou haft turned away from the wrath of the foul of thy fervant for unto Thee, :

thine indignation. O Lord ! have I lift up my foul.


Friday at Matins. 237

For Thou, Lord, art fweet and gracious :

and plenteous in mercy unto all them that

call upon Thee. thy land.
Give ear, O
Lord unto my prayer be! :

intent unto the voice of my intreaty. [O Lord mew the light of thy countenance

upon thy family, and deliver our fouls from the

In the time of my trouble I called upon nethermoft Hell ; fo that, ftrengthened by the
Thee for Thou heardeft me,
contemplation of Thee, we may tread under foot
Among the gods there is none like unto the defires of the flefh in fpiritual vi&ory, through
Thee, O Lord there is not one that can
! :
Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
do after thy works.
All nations whomfoever Thou haft made
(hallcome and worftup before Thee, O
Lord : and mail glorify Thy Name.
[To the Sons of Corah, a Pfalm of Canticle.
For Thou art great, and doeft wonders :
A Pfalm for Meditation. Voice of The Holy Spirit
to the Apoftles for the Church.]
Thou art God alone.
Lead me, O Lord ! in thy way, and I
will enter in in thy truth : let my heart
rejoice that it may fear Thy Name. e r foundations. Oioueae.
I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord,
Fundamenta ejus.
my God with all my heart and will
! :

glorify Thy Name for evermore. "LIER foundations are upon the Holy
For great is Thy mercy toward me Mountains The Lord loveth the

and Thou haft delivered my foul from the gates of Syon more than all the tabernacles
nether Hell. of Jacob.
O God, the wicked
have rifen up againft Glorious things are fpoken of thee
me ; and the congregation of the mighty thou City of God !

have fought after my foul and have not :

I will be mindful of Rahab and Babylon:

fet Thee before their fight. of them that know me.

And Thou, O Lord God companionate !
Behold ye the ftrangers alfo, and they
and merciful long-fuffering, plenteous in
of Tyre, with the people of Ethiopia :

mercy, and true, they were there.

Look Thou upon me, and have mercy Syon fay, The Man, and the
Shall not

upon me ; give thine empire unto thy fer- Man was born in her and The Moft :

vant: and fave the fon of thine hand- High Himfelf hath founded her ?
maid. The Lord ftiall rehearfe it in his writings
of the people and of thofe princes that
a token upon me for good, that
Shew :

they who hated me may fee it and be con- were in her.

founded : becaufe Thou, Lord haft O !
So of all them that do rejoice : the

holpen me, and comforted me. habitation is in thee.

Glory be to The Father. [O Lord ! Who

layeft the foundations of our
As it was in the beginning. Faith on the Holy Hills, as if on the mountains of
eternity, and with thy defence doft make ready the
Antiphon. gates of righteoufnefs ; grant to us glorioufly to
believe in Thee, and openly to confefs Thee to
have been made Man for our redemption, Who
liveft and reigneft with The Father and The Holy
Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.]
HOU haft bleffed, O Lord!

238 Friday at Matins.

Psalm LXXXVII. [Ps. lxxxviii. e. v.] I am poor and in labour from my

[A Pfalm and Canticle to the Sons of Corah. youth and when lifted up I was humbled

To end, for Mahaleth to anfwer.

the Under- and troubled.
Handing, and Eman the Ezrahite. Pfalm of A Thine anger pafTed over me and thy :

Lamentation. Voice of Chrift in His Paffion.]

terrors troubled me.
Domine Deus Jalutis. They came round about me like water
C\ LORD God of my falvation ! : I have all the day long all together they com-

cried day and night before Thee. pared me.

Let my prayer enter into thy prelence Thou haft put away from me my friend
incline thine ear unto my petition. and my neighbour and mine acquaint-

For my foul is filled with evils : and ance from my mifery.

my life hath drawn nigh unto Hell. Glory be to The Father.
am counted as
I one of them that go As it was in the beginning.
down into the pit : I am become even as
a man that hath no help, free among the Antiph
Like unto them that are wounded,
fleeping in their fepulchres, whom Thou
remembereft no more : and they are caft
ofFfrom thy hand.
They laid mein the lower pit in dark :

places, and in the fhadow of death.

the Ho Mountains.
Thy wrath hath lain hard upon me
and all thy waves Thou haft brought in [Redeemer of all men ineffable God of our !

upon me. Salvation Who, for us going down beneath the !

Earth, didft become free among the dead hear, we

Thou haft put away mine acquaintance befeech Thee, the morning petitions of thy family, ;

far from me they have made me an and deliver us from the power of the wicked

abomination to them. enemy who layeth fiege againft us, through our
I was betrayed, and went not forth Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

mine eyes languiftied through poverty.

I cried unto Thee, O Lord all the
Psalm LXXXVIII. [Ps. lxxxix. e. v.]
! :

day long I ftretched forth my hands unto

[Understanding. Ethan the Ezrahite. A Pfalm
to praife God, and for Meditation. Voice of The
Doft Thou fhew wonders to the dead ? Holy Spirit concerning Chrift to The Father.]
or mall phyficians raife to life again, and
give praife to Thee ?

Shall any one in the fepulchre declare

thy mercy : or thy truthfulnefs in de-
ftruftion i Mifericordias Domini.
Shall thy wondrous works be known in 'TpHE mercies of The Lord : for ever-
the dark : and thy righteoufnefs in the A more will I fing.
land of forgetfulnefs ? From one generation to another : I will
And unto Thee have I cried, O Lord ! tell forth thy truth with my mouth.
and early fhall my prayer come before For Thou haft faid, Mercy fhall be
Thee. built up for ever in the Heavens : thy
Lord why doft Thou repel my prayer
! truth fhall be prepared in them.
and turneft away thy face from me ? I have made a covenant with my cho-
: ; ; ::

Friday at Matins. 2 39

fen : I have fworn unto David my fervant, faints : and faidft, I have laid help upon
Even for ever will I prepare thy feed. One that is mighty ; I have exalted one
And I will build up from one generation chofen out of my people.
to another : thy throne. I have found David, my fervant : with
The Heavens mail confefs thy wondrous my holy oil have I anointed him.
works, O Lord ! : and thy truth in the My handhelp him : and my
alfo fhall
Church of the faints. arm him.
fhall ftrengthen
For who is he among the clouds that The enemy fhall have no advantage
fhall be compared unto The Lord : or be againft him : the fon of wickednefs fhall
like unto The Lord among the children not draw nigh to hurt him.
of God ? I will finite down his foes before his
God, Who is glorified in the council of face : and turn to flight them that hate
the faints : great and terrible over all them him.
that are round about Him. My truth, alfo, and my mercy fhall be
O Lord God of Hofts who is like with him and in My Name fhall his
! :

unto Thee ? Thou art mighty, O Lord, horn be exalted.


and thy truth is about Thee on every I will fet his hand in the fea and his :

fide. right hand in the floods.

Thou ruleft the power of the fea Thou He hath called me, Thou art my :

ftilleft the commotion of its waves. Father my God, and the fupport of my :

Thou haft humbled the proud like a falvation.

wounded man with the arm of thy And I will make him my Firft-born

might Thou haft deftroyed thine enemies. high above the kings of the Earth.
Thine are the Heavens, the Earth alfo Mymercy will I keep for him for ever-
is thine : Thou haft laid the foundation more and my covenant faithful with

of the orb of the Earth and the fulnefs him.

thereof ; the North and the Sea Thou haft And I will make his feed to endure for
created. evermore and his throne as the days of

Tabor and Hermon fhall rejoice in Thy Heaven.

Name thine arm is with power.
: But if his children fhall forfake my law :

Let thine hand be ftrengthened, and thy and walk not in my judgements
right hand exalted righteoufnefs and : If they profane my ftatutes and keep :

judgement are the preparation of thy not my commandments

throne. I will vifit their iniquities with the rod :

Mercy and truth fhall go before thy and their fins with fcourges.
face : blefled is the people, that knoweth Neverthelefs, my mercy will I not ut-
rejoicing. terly take from him nor will I do hurt

O Lord !
, in the light of thy countenance to my truth.
they fhall walk, and in Thy Name fhall Neither will I profane my covenant
they exult all the day long : and in thy nor make void the things that go forth
righteoufnefs fhall they be exalted. from my lips.
For Thou art the Glory of their Once have I fworn by my Holinefs
ftrength : and in thy good pleafure our that I will not lie unto David his feed :

horn fhall be exalted. fhall abide for ever.

For of The Lord is our protection And his throne is like as the Sun before
and of the Holy One of Ifrael, our King. me and as the Moon,
: perfeft for ever,
Then Thou fpakeft in vifions unto thy and a faithful witnefs in Heaven.
! :: :

240 Friday at Matins.

But Thou haft reje&ed and defpifed Psalm LXXXIX. [Ps. xc. e. v.]
and art difpleafed with thy Chrift. Domine, refugium,
Thou haft overthrown the covenant of C\ LORD, Thou haft been our refuge
thy fervant : Thou haft profaned his fanc-
is not /aid in NoSlurns.
tuary on the Earth.
[See Lauds for Tburfday.]
Thou haft broken down all his hedges
and made his ftrong-hold fear.
All the paffers by have fpoiled him : and Psalm XC. [Ps. xci. e. v.]
he is become a reproach to his neighbours.
£>ui habitat in adjutorio.
Thou haft fet up the right hand of his
oppreffors : and made all his adverfaries
VVT'HOSO dwelleth under the defence
is not /aid in Noflurns.
to rejoice.
Thou haft turned away the help of his [See Compline I.]

fword : and haft not aided him in the

battle. Psalm XCI. [Ps. xcn. e. v.]
Thou haft deftroyed him without purifi- Bon am eft confiteri.
cation and caft his throne down to the
TT is a good thing to give thanks
is not faid in Nofturns.
Thou haft fhortened the days of his
time Thou haft covered him with con-
[See Lauds for Saturday.]
How long, O Lord, turneft Thou away Psalm XCII. [Ps. xciii. e. v.]
for ever ? : and mail thy wrath burn like
Dominus regnavit.
Remember what my fubftance is is it :
HpHE Lord hath reigned
thatThou haft made all the children of is not faid in Nofturns,

men in vain? [See Lauds for Sunday.]

What man is he that fhall live, and
not fee death ? and fhall he deliver : his
Psalm XCIII. [Ps. xciv. E. v.]
foul from the hand of Hell ?
Where are thy ancient mercies, O [A Pfalm to David himfelf on the Fourth from
Lord ? : as Thou haft fworn to David in
the Sabbath. A Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of the
Apoftles to The Lord, as to their perfecutions.]
thy truth ?

Remember, O
Lord, the reproach of Deus ultionum.
thy fervants : which I have kept in my '
I 'HE Lord is A Godof vengeance
bofom from many people. The God of vengeance hath done
Wherewith thine enemies have re- freely.
proached, O Lord which they blaf- ! : Exalt Thyfelf, Thou that judges t the
phemed for the turning away of Thy Chrift. world : render retribution to the proud.
Bleffed be The Lord for evermore : So O Lord ! how long fhall the finners :

be it ! So be it how long fhall the finners triumph ?

[Deliver our fouls, O Lord, from the hand of Shall they utter and fpeak iniquity ? :

Hell j Thou, Who

for our fakes didft mightily fhall all fpeak who work unrighteoufnefs ?
overthrow the powers of darknefs 5 fo that, finging people, O Lord
Thy have they hum- !

forth the praife of thy mercies, we may be delivered

bled and have vexed thine heritage.
as well from the fhame of our fins, as from that
death which is eternal, through Chrift our Lord. They have murdered the widow, and
Amen.] the ftranger and flain the fatherlefs.
Friday at Matins. 241

And they faid,The Lord fhall not fee :

malice : The Lord our God fhall deftroy

neither fhall The God of Jacob under- them.

ftand. [Lord of all goodnefs inftrudt us in thy law, !

Underftand, ye unwife among the peo- and be to us a refuge in time of trouble ; and do
ple : and ye fools, fometime be wife. Thou, Who teacheft man prudence and knowledge
in the judgment, forfake not thine inheritance,
He that planted the ear, fhall He not through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
hear ? or He that fafhioned the eye, doth

He not confider ?
He that chaftifeth the heathen, fhall Psalm XCIV. [Ps. xcv. e. v.]
not He rebuke ? He : that teacheth man
[ This Pfalm is not faid at Nofturns.]
knowledge ?

The Lord knoweth the thoughts of [A Canticle of Praife to David himfelf. A

Pfalm of Invitation to praife God.]
man that they are but vain.

Bleffed is the man whom Thou fhalt Venite exultemus.

him out of thy law.
O Lord : and fhalt have taught
Lord : let
let us be joyful
us rejoice in God
our Sal-

That Thou mayeft give reft to him vation.

from the evil days : until the pit be Let us come before his face with
digged for the finner. thankfgiving : and with pfalms rejoice
For The Lord will not caft off his before Him.
people : neither will He forfake his in- For The Lord is a Great God and a :

heritance. Great King above all gods.

Until righteoufnefs be turned again unto For in his hand are all the confines of
judgment and they that are near it are
: the Earth and the heighths of the moun-

all the upright in heart. tains are his.

Who will rife up with me againft For his is the Sea, and He made it
the malicious doers ? : or who will ftand and his hands formed the dry land.
with me againft the workers of ini- O come, let us worfhip and fall down,
quity ? and weep before the Lord, who made us
But that The Lord helped me : my foul for He is our God ;
had almoft dwelt in Hell. And we are the people of his pafture :

When I faid, My foot is moved : thy and fheep of his hand.

mercy, O Lord affifted me. ! To-day, if ye fhall have heard his voice :

According to the multitude of my for- harden not your hearts.

rows in my heart thy comforts rejoiced : As in the provocation according to :

my foul. the day of temptation in the wildernefs.

Doth the feat of iniquity hold faft by When your fathers tempted me proved :

thee : who frameft labour in command- me, and faw my works.

ment ? For forty years was I offended with
They will hunt after the foul of the that generation and faid, they do alway

righteous : and condemn the innocent err in their hearts ;

blood. And thefe have not known my

And The Lord is become a refuge ways : as I fware in my wrath, if they
unto me and my God the helper
: of my fhall enter into my reft.
hope. Glory be to The Father.
He recompenfe them their own
fhall As it was in the beginning.
wickednefs, and deftroy them in their
242 Friday at Matins.

Antiphon. Earth be glad ; let the Sea be moved, and

the fulnefs thereof : the fields mail rejoice,
and all things that are in them.
Then fhall all the trees of the wood
rejoice before the face of TheLord, for
He cometh : for He cometh to judge the
He mail judge the orb of the Earth
evermore. with equity : and the people with his truth.
[Maker of Heaven and Earth, and Creator of
Psalm XCV. [Ps. xcvi. e. v.] the Sea ! Whom,
by the wickednefs of the
Gentiles, we praife in the melody of fong ; we
[A Canticle to David himfelf, when his houfe
pray Thee, that, like as we thy fuppliants do con-
was built, after the Captivity. A
Pfalm for praifing
fefs Thee for our King, fo, laying afide the errors
God. Voice of the Apoftles to the people, that
of the Gentiles, we may with earneft longing await
vain is the fervice of Idols.]
the Glory of thine Advent, Who liveft and reigneft
with The Father and The Holy Ghoft, God, world
without end. Amen.]
1 n g ye unto The Lord. Oioueae.

Cantate Domino. Psalm XCVI. [Ps. xcvn. e. v.]

CING unto The Lord a new fong : ring [To David, when land was reftored.
his A
^ unto The Lord all the whole Earth. Pfalm to praife Chrift. Voice of the Apoftles to
believers, as to the reign of Chrift.]
Sing ye unto The Lord, and blefs ye His
Name : be telling from day to day of His Dominus regnavit exultet.
Salvation. HpHE Lord hath reigned, let the Earth
Declare His Glory unto the Gentiles rejoice : let the multitude of the ifles
and his wonders unto all people. be glad.
For The Lord is great, and exceedingly Clouds and darknefs are round about
to be praifed : He is more to be feared Him righteoufnefs and judgement are the

than all gods. fupport of his throne.

For all the gods of the Gentiles are but There fhall go forth a fire before Him :

devils : but The Lord made the Heavens. and burn up his enemies round about.
Praife and beauty are in his prefence His lightnings fhone forth upon the orb
Holinefs and Majefty in his Sanftuary. of the Earth the Earth faw it, and was

Bring unto The

Lord, ye kindreds of moved.
the Gentiles, bring unto The Lord Glory The mountains melted like wax before
and Honour bring unto The Lord Glory the face of The Lord
: all the whole :

unto His Name. Earth before the face of The Lord.

Take up facrifices, and enter into his The Heavens have declared his righte-
courts : worfhip The Lord in his Holy oufnefs and all the people have feen His :

Court. Glory.
Let the whole Earth be moved from Confounded be all they that worfhip
before his face tell ye among the Gen-
: carved images : and that glory in their
tiles that The Lord hath reigned. idols.
For He hath fet upright the orb of the Worfhip Him, all ye His Angels Syon :

Earth, which (hall not be moved He heard of it, and rejoiced.


mall judge the people with equity. And the daughters of Judah exulted
Let the Heavens rejoice, and let the becaufe of thy judgements, O Lord !
Friday at Lauds. 243
For Thou, Lord,
over all the Earth
above all gods.
The Moll Higheft
Thou art exalted far FRIDAY
O ye that love The Lord, hate the
thing which is evil : The Lord preferveth [See Lauds for Monday.]
the fouls of his faints, He lhall deliver them
from the hand of the linner. lET thy mercy, O
There is fprung up a light for the Lord, be upon us.
righteous and gladnefs for fuch as are

upright in heart. Hfy. Like as we

Rejoice in The Lord,
ye righteous and : have put our trull
give thanks for a remembrance of His
in Thee.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
As it was in the beginning, is now, and Antiphon.
ever mall be world without end. Amen.

ipil ITH Thy Chief Spi - rit

ING ye unto The Lord, and
ef - tab - lilh my heart, O God.

blefs ye His Name. Oioueae.

Psalm L.
[O God Guardian of
! the fouls of the faints
Whofe kingdom is the perfecting of the juft ! Miferere mei, Deus.
grant, we befeech Thee, that the light of Prophets
and Evangelifts may beam forth in our times ; and, ^PJAVE mercy upon me, O God.
if hidden by any veil, may be openly revealed by [See Lauds for Monday."]
Thy Holy Spirit, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]

Let my prayer enter into thy pre- Psalm CXLII. [Ps. cxliii. e. v.]
fence, O Lord. [A Pfalm of David, when Abfalom, his fon,

Incline thine ear unto my prayer.

purfued him. A
Penitential Pfalm for Prayer.
Voice of the Apoftle Paul to Chrift ; Lord, I fly O
to Thee, grant me to do thy will, for Thou art

[Herefollow OUR FATHER and I BELIEVE my Lord.]

IN GOD and the Proper Leffons, each Domine, exaudi orationem meam, et.
preceded by their Proper Benediclions,
and followed by tbeir refpeilive Verficles LORD ! my prayer,
give ear to my {implica-
and Refponfories.]
tion : in thy truth hearken
[See the of Matins for Sunday
Office unto me, in thy righte-
Morning, and the Note there, the Com- oufnefs.
mon Forms and Table of Benediclions, And enter not into
and The Proper and Common of The judgement with thy fervant for in thy :

Time, and of the Saints.] fight lhall no man living be juftified.

; : J ::

244 Friday at Lauds.

For the enemy hath perfecuted my foul [O God Who, in the holy morning of Thy

Refurre&ion, madeft thy joy to be heard, when,

he hath humbled my life in the dull.
returning from Hell, Thou didft fill the Earth with
He hath laid me in the darknefs as the gladnefs, which Thou hadft left in gloom ; we
men that have been long dead and my : befeech The ineffable Majefty of thy Power, that
fpirit is anguilhed within me, and my as Thou didft caufe the holy company of the
Apoftles to rejoice in thy rifing, fo Thou wouldft
heart within me is troubled.
vouchfafe to illumine this Thy Church, which with
I remembered the ancient days, I mufed outftretched hands doth befeech Thee, with the
upon all thy works I meditated on the : radiance of thy celeftial fplendour, liveft and Who
doings of thy hands. with The Father and The Holy Ghoft,
God, world without end. Amen.
I ftretched forth my hands unto Thee
my foul like a land without water unto
Hear me fpeedily, O Lord ! : my fpirit
hath waxed faint.
Turn not away thy face from me : and
I be like unto them that go down into
the pit.
Make thy mercy heard of me betimes in
thy countenance upon us. Oioueae.
the morning : for in Thee have I trufted.
Make known to me the way that I
fhould walk in : for unto Thee have I Psalm LXII. [Ps. lxiii. e. v.]

lifted up my foul. Deus, Deus meus.

Deliver me from mine enemies, O
Lord I have fled unto Thee teach me
! :
Q GOD, my God.
[See Lauds for Monday.]
to do thy will, for Thou art my God.
Let Thy Good Spirit lead me forth in-
to the righteous land : for Thy Name's |[ The canticle of abacuc the
fake, O Lord, Thou fhalt quicken me in
[A Prayer of Abacuc the Prophet upon
thine equity. Shigionoth, for ignorances.]
Thou fhalt bring my foul out of trouble :

and in thy mercy Thou wilt deftroy all

mine enemies.
Thou wilt cut off all them that vex my
o Lord, I heard. Oioueae.

foul : for I am thy fervant. Chapter Hi.

Glory be toThe Father, and to The LORD, I heard thy report

Son and to
: The Holy Ghoft and I was afraid.
As it was in the beginning, now, and is O Lord ! thy work : in the
ever fliall be : world without end. Amen. midft of the years revive it.
In the midft of the years
Thou make known although Thou
fhalt :

art angry Thou

wilt remember mercy.
God fhall come from the South and :

The Holy One from Mount Pharan.

His Glory covered the Heavens and :

the Earth of his praife.

is full

His Brightnefs fhall be as the light

un-to me, O Lord ! Oioueae. horns were in his hand.
:: ; ; ;

Friday at Lauds. 245

There was his might hidden : death That I may reft in the day of trouble: that
mail go before his face. I maygo up to our people who are girded.
Satan lhall come forth before his feet Although the figtree lhall not bloflbm :

He flood and meafured the Earth. and there fhall be no fprout in the vines
He beheld and melted the nations : and The labour of the olive lhall fail and :

the everlafting mountains were crufhed. the fields lhall yield no food
The hills of the Earth were bowed by : The flock lhall be cut off from the fold :

the goings forth of his Eternity. and there fhall be no herd in the ftalls
I faw the tents of Ethiopia for their Yet I will rejoice in The Lord I will :

iniquity : and the curtains of the land of joy in God my Jefus.

Madian were troubled. The Lord God is my
ftrength and He :

Waft Thou angry with the rivers, O will make my feet like harts' feet.
Lord?: or was thy wrath againft the rivers, And He, the Conqueror, will lead me
or was thy indignation againft the fea ? forth upon mine high places finging with :

Thou, Who wilt ride upon thy horfes pfalmody. :

and thy chariots are falvation. Glory be to The Father, and to The
Thou wilt aroufe and wake up thy bow Son and to The Holy Ghoft ; :

the oaths which Thou haft fpoken to thy As it was in the beginning, is now, and
tribes. ever fhall be : world without end. Amen.
Thou on the Earth
fhalt cleave rivers
the mountains faw Thee and were grieved :

the flood of waters pafled away.

The abyfs uttered his voice : the deep
lifted up his hands.
LORD, I heard thy
The Sun and Moon ftood ftill in their

at the ftiining
in the light of thine arrows,
of thy glittering fpear,
—— 1 —
report, and I was a - fraid.
they lhall go.
In indignation Thou fhalt tread under [O Lord Jefus Chrift, Who didft will to be
foot the land : in thy wrath Thou wilt Ihewn forth in the fubftance of our mortality,
fuffering for us not refufe to fubmit to the
aftonifh the nations. horns of the Crofs we befeech Thee, that

Thou wenteft forth for the falvation of we may be worthy to be made partakers of Thy
with Thy Chrift. Divinity, and may ever glory and rejoice in Thee,
thy people : for falvation
Thou haft wounded the head out of the
Who liveft and reigneft in the Unity of The Father
and The Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.
houfe of the wicked Thou haft laid bare :
his foundation even unto the neck. Antipbon.
Thou haft curfed his fceptres, the head
of his warriors : who came out as a whirl-
wind to fcatter me.
Their rejoicing : was like his who de-
voureth the poor fecretly.
Thou madeft a way in the fea for thine
horfes through the mire of many waters.
dances, with firings and or - gan, laud
I heard, and my bofom was troubled :

my lips quivered at the voice.

Let rottennefs enter into my bones
and fwarm under me. ye God. Oioueae.
246 Friday at Lauds

Psalms CXLVIIL, CXLIX., CL. Chapter, i Cor. xvl.

Laudate Dominum de C cells.

ATCH ye, and pray j

ftand faft in the faith;

Q PRAISE The Lord from the Heavens quit

you like men;
Let all things be

[See Lauds for Sunday and Monday?^

done with charity.
Thanks be to God.

in the ordinary FRIDAY Service, Is fald AT LAUDS the following Hymn.
±1 ±1

TER-NA Cce-li Glo-ri- TERNAL Glory of The

! Be - a - ta fpes mor ta Heaven ! Thou bliff-ful hope of man

li - urn ! Cel - fi. To - nan - tis U -

forgiven ! Son of The Higheft ! God

ni - ce ! Caf - tas - que Pro - les Moft Bleft! Pure off-fpring of a

Vir - gin - is ! Vir-gin chafte

Sterna Cceli Gloria Eternal Glory of the Heaven !

Beata fpes mortalium Thou blifsful hope of man forgiven !

Celfi Tonantis Unice Son of The Higheft! God Moft Bleft

Caftaeque Proles Virginis ! Pure Offspring of a Virgin chafte !

Da dexteram furgentibus, Uplift us with thine arm of might, .

Exurgat ut mens fobria ; So may our fouls rife pure and bright
Flagranfque in laudem Dei So with the praife of God inflame,
Grates rependat debitas. And fpeak thankfgivings to His Name.

Ortus refulget Lucifer, Refulgent beams the Star of dawn,

Sparfamque lucem nuntiat And heralds forth the coming morn ;

Cadit caligo nodtium, The darknefs of the night departs,

Lux Sanfta nos illuminet ! O Holy Light, illume our hearts

z From S. Ambroje, or of his School.

Saturday at Matins.

Manenfque noftris fenfibus, Within our fenfes ever dwell,

Noftem repellat feculi And worldly darknefs thence expel
Omnique fine diei, Long as the days of life endure,
Purgata fervet pettora Preferve our breafts devout and pure ;

Qusefita jam primum Fides The Faith of old by faints pofiefied,

Radicet altis fenfibus Root deep within our inmoft breaft
Secunda Spes congaudeat, LetHope with joy triumphant glow,
Quo major extat Charitas. And Love in ftrength and fervour grow-

Deo Patri fit Gloria To God The Father, Glory be,

Ejufque Soli Filio And Only Son, alike to Thee
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With The Bleft Spirit Paraclete,
Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now, and through ages infinite.

A - men. A - men.

3T. In the morning, O Lord ! I will

meditate upon Thee.
Becaufe Thou haft been my helper. vi - fit - ed us. Oioueae.

Throughout the Summer is faid the
Hymn Beneditlus Dominus Deus Ifrael.

Ecce ! jam noctis tenuatur umbra. gLESSED be The Lord God of Ifrael.
See! vanifhfaftthe palingftiades of night. [For which fee Lauds for Sunday and
[For which fee Lauds for Sunday, Monday,
and other days, after which] Petitions as on Monday at Lauds.

37". In the morning, O Lord ! I will Orifons, as there dire Bed.

meditate upon Thee. Memorials, as above.
Becaufe Thou haft been my helper.

Antiphon. SATURDAY
HROUGH the bow-els of Invitatory.

mer - cy of our God, where - by HE Lord our God, Choir. O

the Day-fpring from on high hath come, let us worlhip. Pf. O come.

248 Saturday at Matins.

Psalm XCIV. [Ps. xcv. e. v.] Clerk. The Lord our God
Venite exultemus. Choir. O come
worfhip. let us

COME, To-day, ye will hear his voice,

let us be joyful
harden not your hearts, as in the pro-
in The Lord, let us rejoice
vocation, and as in the day of temptation
in God our Salvation Let :

us come before his face

in the wildernefs when your fathers

tempted Me, proved Me, and faw my

with thanklgiving, and with
Pfalms rejoice before works.
Choir. The Lord our God, O come let
Choir. O
come let us worfhip.
U3 worlhip. Forty years was I very near at hand to
this generation, and faid, they do alway
For The Lord is a great God, and a
great King above all gods for The Lord err in their hearts, for they have not

will not rejedt his people, fince in his

known my ways to whom I fware in

hand are all the confines of the Earth, my wrath, if they fhall enter into my
and the heighth of the mountains He be-
holdeth. Choir. The Lord our God, O come let
us worfhip.
Choir. O come let us worfhip.
For his is the Sea, and He made it, Glory be to The Father, and to The
and his hands founded the dry land Son and to The Holy Ghoft :

O come let us worfhip and fall down As it was in the beginning, is now, and
before God, let us weep before The Lord ever fhall be: world without end. Amen.
that made us j for He is The Lord our Choir. O come let us worfhip.

God, we are his people and the fheep of Clerk. The Lord our God,

his paflure.
Choir. O come let us worfhip.

{[ The following Hymn is only faid on the SATURDAY next before the FIRST SUNDAY
in QUADRAGESIMA, when it is the ordinary SATURDAY Service.

HYMNUS.* Hymn.

UM-M^E De-us cle-men HOU Framer of Earth's

- ti - as ! Mun - di - que Fac fa-bric ! hear ! Great God of bound-

- tor ma-chi-nae; U-nus po-ten -ti - lefs cle-men-cy ! One in e - ter - nal
£ -m U ——f—Hi ~

- a - li - ter, Tri - nuf - que Per pow'r and might ! In Per - fon un -

fon - al - i - ter. - di- vid -ed Thee !

From S. Amirofe, or of his School.

Saturday at Matins. 249
Svumje Deus dementias ! Thou Framer of Earth's fabric hear, !

Mundique Fadlor machina? ! Great God of boundlefs clemency !

Unus Potentialiter, One, in eternal Power and Might,

Trinufque Perfonaliter In Perfon undivided Three !

Noftros pius cum canticis Thele morning hymns in love receive,

Fletus benigne fufcipe Which we with mingling tears outpour
Quo corde puro fordibus, That fo our hearts from guilt let free,
Te perfruamur largius. We may joy in Thee more and more.
Lumbos jecurque morbidum, Our reins and heart difeafed by fin,
Adure igne congruo Purge throughly with thy chaftening fire;
Accin&i ut lint perpetim, So may our loins be girt within,
Luxu remoto peflimo. And baniftied every ill defire.

Ut quique horas noftium Now, as we wake the midnight hours

Nunc concinendo rumpimus, In choral ftrains of prayer and praile,
Donis beatae patria?, Enrich us with the plenteous gifts
Ditemur omnes affatim. Of Heaven, thy blifsful dwelling-place.

Praefta Pater piiffime Thefe prayers, moft gracious Father grant, !

Patrique Compar Unice And Thou, Co-equal Only Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito And Holy Ghoft The Comforter !

Regnans per omne feculum. Who reign through end lefs ages, One!
Amen. Amen.
Throughout the Summer is /aid the Hymn Nocte furgentes vigilemus omnes.
Arise we in the nightly watches waking. [See Matins for Sunday Morning.]

Psalm XCVII. [Ps. xcviii. e. v.] the falvation of our God : rejoice in God,
[A Pfalm David himfelf. A Pfalm of tri-
all the Earth; fing ye, exult, and fing pfalms.
umph to praife Chrift. Voice of Apoftles rejoicing Sing ye pfalms unto The Lord upon
in the Refurre&ion of Chrift.] the harp upon the harp and with the

voice of pfalmody : with long trumpets

and the voice of the cornet.
o r marvellous things. O fhew yourfelves joyful before The

Cantate Domino. Lord The King ; let the Sea be moved,

and the fulnefs thereof the orb of the :

ING ye unto The Lord a worlds, and they that dwell therein.
new fong for He hath :
Let the floods clap their hands, and
done marvellous things. the mountains exult together before The
His Right Hand hath Lord
for He cometh to judge the Earth.

brought falvation to Him-

He fhall judge the orb of the worlds with
felf and his Holy Arm. righteoufnefs
and the people with equity.:

The Lord hath made known his falva-

[Send forth, O Lord Thy Salvation into our !

tion : his righteoufnefs hath He openly hearts, Who haft revealed thy righteoufnefs unto
fhewed in the fight of the Gentiles. all ; and
nations do Thou, Who didft once come
He hath remembered his mercy : and to be judged by the Gentiles, when Thou fhalt
come again, grant thy mercy to thofe for whofe
his truth toward the houfe of Ifrael.
fake Thou waft judged, Who liveft and reigneft
All the borders of the world have feen God, world without end. Amen.]
2 K
250 Saturday at Matins.

Psalm XCVIII. [Ps. xcix. e. v.] [Lord upon thy lofty throne we pray and in-

treatThee, that, by thy light Ihining as a pillar

[A Pfalm David himfelf.
to A Pfalm for in the night, we, as an order of Priefts, may be
praifing Chrift. Voice of Apollles to the Jews to
preferved by Thee our Guardian, through Chrift
believe rather than wonder, who, although they our Lord. Amen.]
are wroth, yet Chrift obtains the kingdom.]

Do minus regnavit, irafcantur. PSALM XCIX. [Ps. C. E. V.]

I 'HE Lordhath reigned, though the [A Pfalm in Confeffion. A Pfalm for praifing
people be angry Who fitteft above : God. Voice of the Church to the people.]
the Cherubim, though the Earth be moved.
The Lord is great in Syon and very :

high above all people. be joy-ful. Oioueae.

Let them give thanks unto Thy great
Name, for it is fearful and Holy and the :
Jubilate Deo omnis Terra.
honour of The King loveth judgement. C\ BE joyful in God all the whole
Thou haft prepared ftatutes : Thou haft Earth : ferve ye The Lord with
executed judgement and juftice in Jacob. gladnefs.
Exalt ye The Lord our God, and wor- Enter ye in before his prefence : with
Ihip at his footftool : for it is holy. rejoicing.
Mofes and Aaron among his Priefts Be ye fure that The Lord He is God
and Samuel among fuch as call upon His He hath made us, and not we ourlelves.
Name. Ye, his people, and ftieep of his pafture,
They called upon The Lord, and He enter into his gates with thankfgiving :

heard them in the : pillar of the cloud He into his courts with hymns ; give ye thanks
fpake unto them. unto Him.
They kept his teftimonies : and the Praife ye His Name, for The Lord is

precept that He gave them. gracious ; his mercy is everlafting : and

O Lord our God Thou heardeft them even from generation
to generation, is
Thou, O God waft favourable unto his truth.

them and punifhedft all their own in-

[O Eternal God we rejoice before Thee with

ventions. joy and gladnefs j befeeching Thee that the gates

Exalt ye The Lord our God, and wor- of our fins may be unlocked within us by thy
Ihip in his Holy Mountain for The Lord praifes, and may ever be open to mercy and truth,

through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]

our God is Holy.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
Son : and to The Holy Ghoft ; PsALM C. [Ps. CI. E. V.]
As it was in the beginning, is now, and [A Pfalm to David himfelf. A Pfalm of Medi-
ever ftiall be : world without end. Amen. tation.' Voice of the Penitent.]

Mifericordiam et judicium.

/^F mercy and judgement
O Lord, will I fing.
: unto Thee,

I will ling pfalmody, and have un-

OR marvellous things hath derftanding in the undefiled way : when
Thou ftialt come unto me.
I will walk in the innocence of my
heart in the midft of my houle.

The Lord done. I fet not before mine eyes the unjuft
! ::

Saturday at Matins. 251

thing : I hated them who practife Turn not away thy face from me : in
deceits. what day foever I am in trouble, incline
A froward heart cleaved not unto me : thine ear unto me.
I knew not the malicious man who turned In what day foever I call upon Thee :

alide from me. hear me fpeedily.

He that privily flandereth his neighbour: For my days have vanilhed like fmoke
him did I purfue. and my bones, as it were a fire-brand, are
The man of a proud eye and infatiable dried up.
heart : with him I eat not. I am fmitten like grafs, and my heart
Mine eyes are upon the faithful in the is withered for I forgot to eat
: my bread.
land, that theymay fit with me he that : For the voice of my groaning my :

walketh in the undefiled way, miniftered bones cleaved to my flefli.

to me. I became like a pelican in the wilder-

He mall not dwell in the midft of my nefs :I became as it were an owl that
houfe that doeth pride he that fpeaketh: is in a dwelling.
wickedly, ruled not in mine eyes. I watched
and became even as it :

In the morning I flew all the din- were upon the roof.
a fparrow, folitary
ners of the Earth that I might deftroy
: All the day long mine enemies reviled
from the City of The Lord, all that work me: and they that praifed me are fworn
iniquity. together againft me.
Glory be to The Father. For I have eaten aflies as it were bread :

As it was in the beginning. and I mingled my drink with weeping.

From before the face of thine indigna-
Anttyhon. tion : for lifting me up, Thou haft caft me
My days have fallen away like a fhadow
mm BE joy-ful in God, all
and I am withered like the hay.
But Thou, O Lord abideft for ever
and thy remembrance from generation to

the whole Earth.
Thou arifing, O Lord flialt have mercy !

[O God of ftrength ! pafling all underftanding

Who mercifully giveft to thy people mercy and
upon Syon for it is time that Thou have

judgment ; grant to us, we befeech Thee, faith- mercy upon her j yea, the time is come.
fully to love Thee, to walk in the way of righte- For her ftones have pleafed thy fervants
oufnefs, and to hate the accurfed fins of vanity and and they fliall have pity on her land.
pride, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
And the Gentiles fliall fear Thy Name,
O Lord : and all the kings of the Earth
Psalm CI. [Ps. cn. e. v.]
thy glory.
[Prayer of the poor, when he is anxious, and For the Lord hath built up Syon : and
poureth forth his petition before God. Penitential
Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of the Church to Chrift.]
He fliall be feen in his Glory.
He hath had regard unto the prayer of
the humble : and hath not defpiled their
et my crying. Oioueae.
Let thefe things be written for another
Domine, exaudi orationem meam. generation and the people which fliall be

! hear my
come unto Thee.
prayer : and let created fliall praife The Lord.
For He hath looked forth from his lofty
; ::: :

252 Saturday at Matins.

fanttuary : The Lord from Heaven hath Who fatisfieth thy defire with good
beheld the Earth things : thy youth ftiall be renewed as the
That He might hear the moans of eagles.
the bondmen and loofe the children of
: The Lord doeth mercies and judge- :

them that are appointed unto death. ment for them that fuffer wrong.
That they may declare in Syon The He made known his ways unto Mofes
Name of The Lord and his praife in his will unto the children of Ifrael.

Jerufalem. The Lord is companionate and merciful

In the aflembling of the people together long-fuffering, and very pitiful. :

and the kings alfo, to ferve The Lord. He will not alway be angry neither :

He anfwered him in the way of his will He threaten for ever.

might declare unto me the fewnefs of
: He hath not dealt with us after our
my days. fins nor rewarded us according to our :

Call me not away in the midft of mine iniquities.

age from generation to generation are thy
: For, as the height of the Heavens is
years. above the Earth fo hath He eftab- :

Thou, Lord in the beginning, haft liftied his mercy toward them that fear

founded the Earth and the Heavens are Him.


the works of thy hands. As far as the Eaft is from the Weft fo :

They ftiall perifh, but Thou endureft far hath He fet our iniquities from us.
they all ftiall wax old, as doth a veftment Like as a father pitieth his children, fo
And as a garment lhalt Thou change hath the Lord compaflion upon them that
them, and they ftiall be changed but fear Him for He knoweth our frame.
: :

Thou art the very fame, and thy years He hath remembered that we are dull
ftiall not fail. a man like days ; as a flower
as grafs in his
The children of thy fervants ftiall dwell of the he bloom forth.
field, fo ftiall
and their feed ftiall be guided aright for ever. For the wind ftiall pafs over it, and it
ftiall not abide and it ftiall know its place
[O Lord ! Who heareft prayer, give ear to the

petitions of thy fuppliants ; fo that we, who, taken no more.

captive by our fins, are as it were withered like But the mercy of the Lord is for ever-
grafs, may be delivered by the regards of thy celeftial lafting and even for ever upon them that

mercy, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.] fear Him.

And his righteoufnefs upon children's
Psalm CII. [Ps. cm. e. v.] children : upon fuch as keep his cove-
nant ;
[Pfalm toDavid himfelf. Pfalm of Thankf-
giving. The Voice of Believers.] And are mindful of his commandments:
to do them.
Benedic, anima mea, Domino ; et.
The Lord hath prepared his feat in
OLESS The Lord, my foul and all O ! : Heaven : and his Kingdom ftiall rule
that is within me, His Holy Name. over all.

Blefs The Lord, O my foul and forget ! : The Lord, all ye Angels of His
Blefs :

not all his recompenfes. ye that excel in ftrength, performing his

Who is forgiving to all thine iniquities word, and hearkening unto the voice of
Who healeth all thine infirmities. his fpeech.
Who redeemeth thy life from deftruc- Blefs The Lord, all ye his hofts ye :

tion Who crowneth thee with mercy

: lervants of His that do his pleafure.
and compaftions. Blefs The Lord, all ye works of His
Saturday at Matins. 253

in all places of his dominion ; blefs The The mountains rife up, and the plains
Lord, O my foul defcend unto the place which Thou haft

Glory be to The Father. founded for them.

As it was in the beginning. Thou haft fet them a bound which they
fhallnot pafs neither be turned again: to
Antipbon. cover the Earth.
Thou Who fendeft forth the fp rings into
the valleys between the midft of the

mountains the waters fhall flow.

E T my cry-ing come un-to All beafts of the field fhall drink and :

the wild afles fhall long for them in their

H .

Above them fhall the fowls of the air

Thee, O God.
dwell : from the midft of the rocks they
[O Lord heal the infirmities of thy people,
fhall utter their voices.
Who ever as a Father pity us finners j fo that,

releafed from the pains of everlafting death, our

Watering the mountains from their

fouls may blefs Thee, and our lives glorify Thee, higher regions : the Earth fhall be fatiated
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] with the fruit of thy works.
Bringing forth grafs for the cattle and :

Psalm CHI. [Ps. civ. e. v.] herb for the fervice of man.
[A Pfalm- to David himfelf. Pfalm of the That Thou mayeft bring bread out of
Creation of the World, and to praife its Creator. the Earth : and wine may make glad the
Voice of The Holy Spirit refpetting the Creation heart of man.
of the World.] That he may cheer his countenance
with oil : and bread may ftrengthen man's
less. Oioueae.
The trees of the plain alfo fhall be full,
Benedic, anima mea, Domino Domine. (ii.) and the cedars of Libanus, which he hath
TVLESS The Lord, O my foul ! : O Lord planted : therein the birds fhall make their
my God, Thou art magnified exceed- nefts.

ingly. The houfe of the heron is their chief

Thou haft put on praife and beauty : the high mountains for the flags ; the
Thou art clothed with light, as with a rocks is a refuge for the conies.
vefture. He made and
the Moon for feafons :

Spreading out the Heaven like a fkin the Sun knoweth down. his going
Who covereth its higher regions with water. Thou didft appoint darknefs, and it be-
Who makeft the cloud thy afcent came night wherein all the beafts of the

Who walkeft upon the wings of the winds. roam.

foreft fhall
Who makeft thy Angels fpirits : and thy The lions' whelps roaring after their
minifters burning fire. prey and that they may feek for them-

Who haft founded the Earth upon its felves their meat from God.
bafe : it ftiall not bow for ever and ever. The Sun arifeth, and they are gathered
The abyfs, like a veftment, is its cloth- together : and fhall lie down in their
ing : upon the mountains fhall the waters dens.
ftand. Man will go forth to his work : and to
From thy rebuke they fhall flee : at the his labour until the evening.
voice of thy thunder they fhall be afraid. How magnificent are thy works, O
: :

Saturday at Matins.

Lord ! : in wifdom haft Thou made them Sing ye unto Him, yea, fing pfalms unto
all ; the Earth of thy wealth.
is full Him : fpeak ye of all his wonders ; Glory
So is the fea great and wide with its ye in His Holy Name.
arms : therein are reptiles which are in- Let the heart of them be glad that feek
numerable. The Lord ; feek ye The Lord, and be
Animals fmall and great : there pafs ftrengthened feek his face evermore.

through the Ihips. Remember the marvellous works that

That dragon which Thou haft formed He hath done : his wonders and the
to take his paftime therein : thefe wait all judgements of his mouth.
upon Thee to give them food in due leafon. Ye feed of Abraham, his fervant ye :

At thy giving it them they mall gather children of Jacob, his chofen.
it : when Thou openeft thy hand all He is The Lord our God his judge- :

things fhall be filled with good. ments are in the whole world.
But when Thou turneft away thy face He hath been mindful of his covenant
they fhall be troubled : Thou lhalt take for ever : of the word which He com-
away their breath and they fhall fail, and mended to a thoufand generations.
return again to their duft. Which He fettled with Abraham and :

Send forth thy Spirit, and they fhall be of his oath unto Ifaac.
created and Thou fhalt renew the face
: And appointed the fame unto Jacob for
of the Earth. a precept and to Ifrael for an everlafting

Let the Glory of The Lord be for ever teftament.

The Lord fhall rejoice in his works. Saying, Unto thee will I give the land
Who looketh upon the Earth, and of Canaan : the line of your inheritance.
maketh it tremble Who toucheth the : When there were yet fmall in number
mountains, and they fmoke. very few, and fojourners therein.
I will fing unto The Lord as long as I And they paffed from one nation to
live : I will fing pfalms to my God while another from one kingdom to another

I have my being. people.

Let my fpeech be pleafing to Him : and He no man to hurt them and
fuffered :

I will delight in The Lord. even kings for their fakes.

Let finners fail from off the Earth, and Touch ye not mine Anointed and do :

the wicked fo that they be not : blefs The no mifchief to my prophets.

Lord, O my foul. And He called for a dearth upon the
[Almighty and glorious God Who replenifheft ! land : and deftroyed all the fupport of
the dry Earth with plenteous fruit ; grant us, we bread.
befeech Thee, with a fpiritual mind to behold thy
afcent into Glory ; that fo, while we look upward
He fent a man before them : Jofeph
after Thee, we may ever meditate on thofe things was fold to be a fervant.
which are heavenly, through Chrift our Lord. They humbled his feet in fetters : the
Amen.] iron pierced his foul until his word came
Psalm CIV. [Ps. cv. e. v.]
The word of the Lord kindled him :

[Alleluya. A Pfalm for praifing God. Alle-

the king fent and delivered him ; and the
luya in Confefiion of the works of The Lord.]
Prince of the people let him go free.
Confitemini Domino, et invocate. He made him lord of his houfe and :

/^•IVE ye thanks unto The Lord, and call prince of all his poffeflions.
upon His Name : tell ye forth among That he might inftru£t his princes as
the Gentiles his works. himfelf and teach his ancients wifdom.

Saturday at Matins. 2 55

Ifrael alfo entered into Egypt and And He brought forth his people with

Jacob was a ftranger in the land of Cham. joyfulnefs and his chofen with gladnefs. :

And he increafed his people exceedingly And He gave them the regions of the
and made them ftronger than their enemies. Gentiles : and they poflefled the labours of
He turned their heart fo that they hated the people.
his people : and dealt deceitfully with his That they might keep his ftatutes and :

fervants. fearch out his law.

He fent Mofes his fervant : and Aaron Glory be to The Father.
himfelf whom He had chofen. As it was in the beginning.
He put in them the words of his to-
kens : and wonders in the land of Cham. Anttyhon.
He fent darknefs and it grew dark and :

he fliarpened not his words.

He turned their waters into blood : and
flew their fifti.
LESS The Lord, O my foul.
And their land brought forth frogs : in
[O Lord we ! call upon Thy Name, and intreat
the inner chambers of their kings. Thee, that, as by the ftrength of Thy Name, Thou
He fpake and there came all manner of didft refrefhour fathers, when in danger of peril-
ing, with the food of Angels ; fo Thou wouldeft
flies and lice : in all their borders.
nourifli and recreate us by the feafts of thy myfte-
He made their rain hail : and confuming ries, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
fire in their land.
He fmote their vines alfo and fig trees
and deftroyed the trees in their coafts. Psalm CV. [Ps. cvi. e. v.]

He fpake and there came up the locuft [Alleluya. A Pfalm for praifing God, and Con-
and the caterpillar which were innu- : feffion of Sin. Confeflion of Sins.]

And did eat up all the grafs in their
land : and devoured all the fruit of their i - sit us, O Lord. Oioueae.
Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus.
And He fmote all the firft-born in their
land : the firftfruits of all their labour. IVE ye thanks unto The Lord, for He
And He brought them out with filver is good : for his mercy is for ever-

and gold : there was no feeble perfon more.

among their tribes. Who fliall exprefs the powers of The
Egypt was glad at their departing : for Lord : or make all his praifes to be heard ?

their fear lay upon them. Blefled are they that keep judgement
He fpread out a cloud for their pro- and do righteoufnefs : at all times.

tection : and fire to give light to them Remember us, O Lord ! in the good
through the night. pleafure of thy people : vilit us with thy
They intreated, and the quail came : falvation.
and He filled them with the bread of To behold the good of thy chofen, and
Heaven. to rejoice in the gladnefs of thy people :

He clave afunder the rock, and the that Thou may be praifed with thine in-
waters flowed out : rivers ran in the dry heritance.
places. We have finned with our fathers we :

For He remembered his holy promife : have behaved unjuftly, we have done
which He made unto Abraham, his fervant. iniquity.
256 Saturday at Matins.

Our fathers underftood not thy wonders mured in their tents : they hearkened not
in Egypt they remembered not the mul-
: unto the voice of The Lord.
titude of thy mercy. And He lifted up
his hand againft them :

And provoked Thee, going up

they to overthrow them in the wildernefs
from the Sea even the Red Sea. : And to call out their feed among the
And He faved them for His Name's fake : and to fcatter them in the lands.
nations :

that He might make his power to be known. They were initiated unto Beel-phegor :

He rebuked the Red Sea, and it was and ate the facrifices of the dead.
dried up and He led them in the abyfles
: And they provoked Him to anger with
like as in a wildernefs. their own inventions and deftru&ion was :

And He faved them from the hand of multiplied among them.

their haters and redeemed them from
: And Phinees flood up and appealed
the hand of the enemy. Him and the earthquake ceafed. :

And He overwhelmed with water thofe And that was counted unto him for
who were troubling them not one of righteoufnefs from generation to genera-

them remained. tion, even for evermore.

And they believed his words and they And they angered Him alfo at the waters

fang his praifes. of ftrife and Mofes was vexed for their :

Quickly they did it, they forgat his fakes ; for they embittered his fpirit.
works and endured not his counfel.
: And he fpake unadvifedly with his lips :

And they lulled lull in the wildernefs : they deftroyed not the Gentiles as The
and they tempted God in a land without Lord commanded them.
water. And they were mingled among the
And He gave them their petition : and Gentiles, and learned their works and :

fent fulnefs into their fouls. ferved their idols, and it became an offence
They angered Moles, alfo, in the camp : to them.
and Aaron, the faint of The Lord. And they facrificed their fons and their :

The Earth was opened, and fwallowed daughters unto devils.

up Da than and covered over the con-
: And Ihed innocent blood, the blood of
gregation of Abiram. their fons and of their daughters whom :

And was kindled in their com-

the fire they facrificed unto the idols of Canaan.
pany the flame burnt up the linners.
: And the land was defiled with blood,
They made a calf in Horeb and wor- : and was polluted with their works and :

shipped the graven image. they went a whoring with their own in-
Thus they turned their glory into the : ventions.
fimilitude of a calf that eateth hay. And The Lord was angry in wrath
And they forgat God, Who faved them : againft his people : and abhorred his own
Who had done fo great things in Egypt, inheritance.
wondrous works in the land of Ham, and And He gave them up into the hands
fearful things by the Red Sea. of the Gentiles and they that hated them

And He faid that He would deftroy were lords over them.

them : had not Mofes, his chofen, flood And their enemies troubled them and :

before his fight in the breach ; they were humbled under their hands j
To turn away his anger, left He fhould many a time did He deliver them.
deftroy them and they fet
: at naught that But they provoked Him with their
lovely land. counfel : and they were humbled in their
They believed not his word, and mur- iniquities.
Saturday at Matins.

And He when they were af-

beheld For He hath fatisfied the empty foul: and
flicted : and He
heard their prayer. the hungry foul with good things.

And He remembered his covenant and : Such as fit in darknefs and in the
it repented Him, according unto the mul- Ihadow of death bound in poverty and

titude of his mercy. iron.

And He gave them unto his mercies in Becaufe they were bitter againft the

the figh t of all thofe that had made them words of The Lord and afFronted the :

captive. counfel of The Higheft.

Save us, O Lord our God and gather And their heart was humbled with
! :

us from among the nations labours they were enfeebled, nor was :

That we may give thanks unto Thy there any one to help them.
Holy Name and glory in thy praife.
: And they cried unto The Lord in their
defied be The Lord God of Ifrael from tribulation and He delivered them out :

everlafting and even for evermore and of their diftrefles. :

let all the people fay, So be it So be it And He brought them out of darknefs

and out of the Ihadow of death and

[Remember us, O Lord according to the good !

favour of thy people and, having ihaken off the burft their bonds in funder.

flavery of our fins, preferve us by the vifitation of Let his mercies give praife to The
thy falvation, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] Lord and his wonderful works to the :

children of men

Psalm CVI. [Ps. cvii. e. v.] For He hath crufhed the gates of brafs
and broken the bolts of iron.
[Alleluya. A Pfalm for praifing God. A Con-
feffion of the attributes and pity of The Lord.]
He lifted them out of the way of their
iniquity for they were humbled becaufe :

Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus, (ii.) of their iniquities.

/^IVE thanks unto The Lord, for He Their foul abhorred all food and they :

is good for his mercy is for ever- drew nigh to the gates of death.

more. And they cried unto The Lord in their

Let them fpeak who are redeemed by tribulation and He delivered them out :

The Lord whom He hath redeemed from of their diftrefles.


the hand of the enemy ; from the countries He fent his word, and healed them :

He hath gathered them. and refcued them from their deftruc-

From the Sunrifing and the Sunfetting tions.

from the North and from the Seas. Let his mercies give praife to The
They ftrayed in the wildernefs, in the Lord and his wonderful works to the

land without water : and found no way children of men

to a city of habitation. Let them facrifice the facrifice of praife :

Hungry and thirfty : their foul fainted and tell out his works with gladnefs.
within them. They that go down to the fea in ftiips
And they cried unto The Lord in their and occupy their bufinefs in many waters.
tribulation : and He refcued them from Thefe men have feen the works of The
their diftrefles. Lord and his wonders in the deep.

He led them forth into a right way :

He fpake, and the breath of the ftorm
that they might go to a city of habitation. ftood up and its waves were exalted.

Let his mercies give praife to The They go up even to the Heaven, and go
Lord : and his wonderful works to the down even to the abyfles their foul :

children of men wafted away in evils.

2 L
25 i Saturday at Matins.

They were troubled, and ftaggered like Antiphon.

a drunken man and all their wifdom was:

And they cried unto The Lord in their
tribulation and He brought them forth
: SIT us, O Lord, with
out of their diftrefles.
And He made the ftorm a gentle wind :

and its waves were ftill.

thy fal-va-tion.
And they were glad becaufe they were
at reft and He brought them into the
[O Lord we acknowledge thy mercies which

Thou doft continually beftow upon our wants and

haven of their defire. ;

we, who exalt Thee in the Church of thy people,

Let his mercies give praife to The intreat Thee, Who fitteft on thy throne at the
Lord and his wonderful works to the
: right hand of The Father, that Thou wouldeft

children of men !
teach us to underftand and to keep the favour of
fuch thy great mercies, Who liveft and reigneft
And let them exalt Him in the church with God The Father, in the Unity of The Holy
of the people and praife Him in the chair
Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.]
of the elders.
He turned rivers into a defert and the :

fprings of water into thirft.

Psalm CVII. [Ps. cviii. e. v.]

A fruitful land into faltnefs : for the [Canticle of a Pfalm. To David himfelf. A
wickednefs of them that dwell therein. Pfalm for praifing God. Thankfgiving by the
He turneth the defert into pools of people for their liberation.]

water : and the land without water into

will give. Oioueae.
And there He placed the hungry : and
they built them a city of habitation. Paratum cor meum.
And they fowed their fields, and planted A/TY heart is ready, O God my ! heart
vineyards : and they yielded fruit of in- is ready : I will fing and utter a
creafe. pfalm with my glory.
And He them, and they mul-
blelfed Awake up, my glory ! awake, pfaltery
tiplied exceedingly and their cattle de-
: and harp ! : I will awake right early.
creafed not. I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord
And were minifhed
again they and among the people I will fing pfalms to
: :

they were vexed with the tribulation of Thee among the nations.
evils and forrow. For thy mercy is great above the
Contempt was poured out upon their Heavens and thy truth is even unto the :

princes and He made them wander in clouds.


a pathlefs land, and not in the way. Be Thou exalted, O God above the !

And He helped the poor out of mifery Heavens, and thy Glory above all the :

and made him houfeholds like fheep. Earth that thy beloved may be delivered.

The righteous lhall behold this, and re- Save them by thy right hand, and hear
joice and all iniquity fhall fhut its mouth.
: Thou me God hath fpoken in His

Who is wife, and will keep thefe Holinefs

things ? and will underftand the mercies
: 1 will rejoice and divide Sichem and :

of The Lord ? mete out the valley of tabernacles.

Glory be to The Father. Galaad is mine, and mine is Manafies :

As it was in the beginning. Ephraim alfo is the fupport of my head.

Saturday at Matins. 259
Judah is my king : Moab is the cauldron Let his children be unliable vagabonds,
of my hope. and beg their bread and let them be caft

Over Idumasa will I extend my fhoe out of their dwellings.

the aliens are become my friends. Let the extortioner fearch all his fub-
Who me into the fenced city ?
will lead ftance : and ftrangers fpoil his labours.
who will bring me even unto Idumaea ? Let there be no man to help him nor :

Wilt not Thou, O God! Who haft to have compaffion upon his fatherlefs
caft us off? and wilt not Thou, O God
: ! children.
go forth with our hofts ? Let his fons be for deftrudtion and in :

Give us help in our tribulation : for one generation let his name be blotted
vain is the falvation of man. out.
In God will we do might : and He Let the iniquity of his fathers return in
will bring to naught our enemies. remembrance before The Lord and let :

[O Lord ! our heart is ready to confefs Thy not the fin of his mother be done away.
Name ; fo that believing Thee early in the morn- Let them alway be before The Lord
ing to have arifen from the dead, we may be and let the memorial of them perifh from
ftretching forward thitherward by our good works,
off the Earth for this that he remem-
whither Thou, vi&orious, haft afcended into thy
kingdom, Who and reigneft with The Fa-
bered not to fhew mercy :

ther, in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, for And he perfecuted the poor and mendi-
ever and ever. Amen.] cant : and the broken in heart to put him
to death.

Psalm CVIII. [Ps. cix. e. v.] And he loved curfing, and it fhall come
unto him : and he would not bleffing, and
[To the end a Pfalm of David. A Pfalm of
it fhall be far from him.
Prayer. Curling of Judas, the traitor.]
He clothed himfelf with curfing like as
Deus laudem meant. with raiment : and it hath entered into his
C\ GOD ! be not Thou filent in my inward parts like water, and like oil into
praife : for the mouth of the finner his bones.
and the mouth of the deceitful is opened Let it be unto him as the garment where-
upon me. with he is clad and as the girdle where- :

And they have fpoken againft me with with he is ever girded.

a deceitful tongue they compaffed me
This fhall be the work of them that
about alfo with words of hatred, and be- flander me before The Lord and who :

lieged me without a caufe. fpeak evil againft my foul.

Inftead of loving me they flandered me : But Thou, O Lord O Lord ! ! deal with
but I gave myfelf unto prayer. me according unto Thy Name : for fweet
And they fet againft me evil for good : is thy mercy.
and hatred for my affeclion. Deliver me, for I am needy and poor :

Set Thou a ftnner over him : and let and my heart is difturbed within me.
Satan ftand at his right hand. Like the fhadow when it departeth, I
When he is judged, let him go forth am taken away and fhaken off as the

condemned and let his prayer become

a fin. My knees are weak through fafting : my
Let his days be few and his bifhopric : flefh is changed for want of fatnefs.
let another take. I became alfo a reproach unto them :

Let his children be orphans and his : they looked upon me, and fhook their
wife a widow. heads.
260 Saturday at Lauds.

O my God me
Help me,
according to thy mercy.
Lord ! : fave
And them know how that this is thy
hand : and that Thou, Lord, haft done it.
They Ihall curfe, and Thou malt blefs :
[See Lauds for Monday,,]
and let them be confounded who rife up
me ; but thy fervant lhall rejoice.
againft ET thy mercy, O
Let them that flander me be clothed Lord, be upon us.
with lhame and let them be covered

with their own confufion as with a cloke. 5?. Like as we

I will give exceeding thanks unto The have put our truft
Lord with my mouth : and among the in Thee.
multitude I will praife Him.
Who hath flood at the right hand of
the poor : to fave my foul from the perfe- <T IN LAUDS.
The Antiphon.
Glory be to The Father, and to
Son, and to The Holy Ghoft ;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and

ever lhall be, world without end. Amen. O kind-ly in thy


good plea - fure, O

Lord. Oioueae.

Psalm L. [Ps. li. e. v.]

thanks unto The Lord with my mouth.
Miferere mei, Deus.
[O Eternal God anointing us with pity, Who mercy upon me, O God

vouchfafe to make Thyfelf a fubject or" pity, to


deliver us from the curfe of the law ; we intreat [See Lauds for Monday.}
Thee, for Thy Name's fake, to mew thy mercy
upon us, and vouchfafe to free us from the fins
which threaten us, and from the reproaches of Psalm XCI. [Ps. xcii. e. v.]
wicked men, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. [A Pfalm and Canticle for the Sabbath Day.
Amen.] A Pfalm for praifing God. Voice of the Penitent.]
37". O Lord ! hear my prayer. Bonum eft confiteri.
IJr. And let my crying come unto Thee. T is good to give thanks
unto The Lord, and
[Here follow OUR FATHER, I BELIEVE to ling pfalms unto Thy
IN GOD, and the Firjl Benediction. Then Name, O Moft Higheft !

the Proper Leffons, with their refpeclive


[See the of Matins for Sunday

erficles, and Refponfories.~\
wmmm To
early in the morning
and thy truth through the night-feafon.
tell of thy mercy

Morning, and Note there, the Common Upon the ten-ftringed pfaltery and :

Forms and Table of Benedictions.] with ringing upon the harp.

: ; ! ; ;:

Saturday at Lauds. 261

For Thou, Lord, haft made me glad in [O God ! Who art the joy of the Church of thy
thy doings and in the operations of thy
faints, Who caufeft the righteous to flourilh in the
divine abundance of thy goodnefs, and doft make
hands I will rejoice. them an unfading palm tree in thy Courts
OLord ! how magnificent are thy grant, we befeech Thee, that, lightening the bur-

works : very deep are thy thoughts. then of our iniquity, Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to
grant us fellow/nip with them, through Chrift our
An unwife man will not know : and Lord. Amen.]
a fool will not underftand thefe things.
When the wicked fhall fpring up like

the grafs : and when all who work ini-

quity fhall appear

That they may perifh for ever and ever:
but Thou, Lord, art The Moft Higheft
for evermore.
For lo thine enemies,
! Lord ; lo O
thine enemies fhall perifh : and all who fear The Lord. Oioueae.
work iniquity fhall be fcattered.
But mine horn fhall be exalted like the
horn of an unicorn and mine old age :
Psalm LXII. [Ps. lxiii. e. v.]

with bounteous mercy. Deus, Deus meus.

Mine eye alfo hath looked down upon
mine enemies and mine ear fhall hear of
Q GOD, my God!
[See Lauds for Monday and the
the wicked that arife up againft me.
fucceeding days.]
The righteous fhall fiourifh like a palm-
tree like a cedar in Libanus fhall he be

multiplied. {[ The canticle of moses.

Such as are planted in the Houfe of Deut. xxxii.
The Lord fhall fiourifh in the courts of

the Houfe of our God.

They fhall be multiplied in a fruit-
A nd upon his fervants. Oioueae.
ful old age : and fhall be well liking, that
they may fhew EAR, O ye Heavens ! the
How righteous The Lord our God words which I fpeak : let

is : and that there is no iniquity in the Earth hear the words of

Him. my mouth.
Glory be to The Father, and to The Let my dodtrine gather as the rain
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
and my fpeech diftil as the dew
As it was in the beginning, is now, and As the fhower upon the herb, and as
ever fhall be world without end. Amen.
the drops upon the grafs for I will call

upon The Name of The Lord.

Antipbon. Afcribe ye greatnefs unto our God
the works of God are perfeft, and all his
ways are judgement.
A God faithful and without any iniquity,
is good to give thanks unto juft and right is He they have finned

againft Him ; they are none of His

children in their uncleannefs.
The Lord. Oioueae. They are a corrupt and perverfe gene-
262 Saturday at Lauds.

ration : do ye thus requite The Lord, Thou haft forfaken God, Who begat
O foolifh people and unwife ? thee : and thou haft forgotten The Lord
Is not He thy Father : that hath pof- thy Creator.
feffed thee, made, and created thee ? The Lord faw, and He was moved to
Remember the days of old : confider wrath for his fons and his daughters

every generation provoked Htm.

Afk thy father and he will inform And He faid, I will hide my face from
thee thy elders and they will tell thee j
: them I will conflder their laft end.

When The Moft High divided the For they are a perverfe generation : and
Gentiles : when He feparated the fons of faithlefs children.
Adam. They have provoked with that which
He fet the bounds of the people: accord- was not God : they have angered me
ing to the number of the children of Ifrael. with their vanities
For The Lord's portion is his people And I will provoke them with that
Jacob is the line of his inheritance. which is not a people I will anger them :

He found him in the defert land : in with a foolifh nation.

a place of horror and a vaft folitude. For a fire is kindled in my fury and :

He him about, He inftrufted him:

led fhall burn even unto the loweft Hell
and kept him as the apple of His Eye. And fhall devour the Earth with her
As an eagle ftirring up her young to increafe and burn up the foundations of

flight : them,
fluttering over the mountains.
He fpread abroad his wings and lifted I will heap mifchief upon them I will :

him up and carried him on his pinions.

: fpend mine arrows upon them.
The Lord alone was his leader and : They fhall be confumed with hunger :

there was no ftrange god with him. and birds fhall devour them with a very
He fet him on the high places of the bitter gripe.
Earth : that he might eat the fruit of the
fend the teeth of beafts uponI will
fields. them
with the fury of creatures trailing :

That he might fuck honey out of the on the Earth, and of ferpents.
rock and oil out of the flinty rock ;
: The fword without fhall wafte them :

Butter of kine and milk of fheep with and terror within. :

the fat of lambs and rams of the breed of The young man and the virgin the :

Bafhan fuckling alfo, with the old man.

And goats with the marrow of wheat I faid, where are they ? I will make :

and that he might drink the pureft blood the remembrance of them to ceafe from
of the grape. among men.
But the beloved waxed grofs and kicked But becaufe of the wrath of the enemy
he waxed grofs, and fat, and large. I deferred it left haply their adverfaries :

He forfook God, his Maker and de- fhould behave proudly, :

parted from God his Salvation. And fhould fay, Our hand is high and :

They provoked Him with ftrange gods The Lord hath not done all this.
and with abominations they ftirred Him It is a nation void of counfel, and
up to wrath. without prudence O that they were :

They facrificed unto devils, not to wife, and would underftand and prepare
God : to gods which they knew not. for their laft end.
New gods and which were lately come : How fhould one chafe a thoufand :

whom their fathers reverenced not. and two put ten thoufand to flight.
Saturday at Lauds. 263

Was it not fo becaufe their God fold captivity, and of the naked head of the
them ? and The Lord fhut them up ?
: enemy.
For our God is not as their gods even : O ye Gentiles ! praife his people : for He
our enemies themfelves are judges. will avenge the blood of his fervants.
For their vine is of the vine of Sodom : And will render vengeance upon their

and of the fuburbs of Gomorrah. adverfaries : and will be gracious unto the
Their grapes are grapes of gall : their land of his people.
clutters are very bitter. Glory be to The Father, and to The
Their wine is the poifon of dragons : and Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

the deadly venom of afps. As it was in the beginning, is now, and

Are not thefe things laid up in ftore ever fhall be : world without end. Amen.
with me ? : and fealed up among my
treafures ? Antiphon.
Vengeance is mine, and I will re-
compenfe in due time fo their feet fhall :

The day of their perdition is at hand : ND upon his fervants, The
and the times make hafte to come.
The Lord mail judge his people :

and upon his fervants he will have com-

panion ; Lord will have compaffion.
He will fee that their hand is
weakened thofe alfo that were Ihut

up have failed, and the refidue are con-

And He (hall fay, Where are their
gods which they trufted ?
: in
Of whofe vidtims they did eat the fat
and drank the wine of their drink-offer-
ings ?
praife ye The Lord. Oioueae.
Let them rife up and help you and be :

your protection in diftrefs.

See now that I alone and there is Am :
none other God befide me.
I will kill and I will make alive, I will Laudate Dominum de Ccelis.

wound and I will heal and there is none

that can deliver out of my hand.

Q PRAISE The Lord from the Heavens.

I will lift up my hand to Heaven and :
[See Lauds for Sunday and Monday.]

fay, I Live for Ever.

If I whet my fword as the lightning :
Chapter, i Cor. xvi.
and mine hand take hold on judgement,
I will render vengeance to mine ene-
ATCH ye, and pray;
ftand faft in the faith
mies and will recompenfe them that hate

quit like men ; be

ftrong.Let all things be
I will make mine arrows drunk with
done with charity.
blood and my fword fhall devour flefh

Of the blood of the flain and of the : Thanks be to God.

264 Saturday at Lauds.

f[ The following Hymn is /aid only AT LAUDS on the SATURDAY next before the
FIRST SUNDAY in QUADRAGESIMA, when it is the ordinary SATURDAY Service.
HYMNUS. b Hymn.

U - RO-RA jam fpargit po O ! Morn is o'er the zenith

— 1
—_ a

- lum, Ter - ris Di - es il - la - fpread, Day foft-ly dawns o'er Na

bi - tur ; Lu - cis re - ful tat ture's face ; Light's fparkling beams to

fpi-cu-lum, Dif-ce-dat om-ne lu Earth are fped, Let every evil thought

bri - cum. give place.

Aurora jam fpargit polum, Lo !Morn is o'er the zenith fpread,

Terris Dies illabitur; Day foftly dawns o'er Nature's face ;

Lucis refultat fpiculum, Light's fparkling beams to Earth are fped,

Difcedat omne lubricum. Let every evil thought give place.

Phantafma noftis decidat, Night's phantoms vanilh into naught,

Mentis reatus fubruat May thus the foul's guilt melt away :

Qnicquid tenebris horridum Whate'er of fin the darknefs brought,

Nox attulit culpas, cadat. Difperfe before the glance of Day.

Ut Mane illud ultimum So may that laft and awful Morn,

Quod prasftolamur cernui, Which we in trembling hope await,
In lucem nobis effluat, Illume us with a heavenly dawn,
Dum hoc canore concrepat As we His praifes celebrate ;

Deo Patri fit Gloria ! Glory to God The Father, be !

Ejufque Soli Filio ! And to His One begotten Son

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, And Spirit Paraclete to Thee, !

Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now, and while endlefs ages run.

b From S. Amirofe, or of hh Sckool.
Hymns at Matins on Week-days. 265

f[ Throughout the Summer is /aid the

Hymn —
Ecce jam ! nodtis tenuatur umbra. diredl us, O Lord. Oioueae.
See ! vanifh faft the paling fhades of night.
[See Lauds for Monday.] Psalm.
W* In the morning, O Lord, I will Benediilus Dominus Deus Ifrael.
meditate upon Thee. gLESSED be The Lord God of Ifrael.
Becaufe Thou haft been my helper.
[For which fee Lauds for Sunday and
Antiphon. Monday,,]

Petitions, as on Monday at Lauds.

Orifons, as there dire tied.

TO the way of peace
Memorials, as above.


[From The Proper of The Time.]


[From an A?iglo-Saxon Hymnary. ]

Htmnus. Hymn.
Surgentes ad Te, Domine ! To Thee we rife, O Lord of Might
Atra; nodtis lilentio, In thefe dark hours of filent night
Vigiliis obfequimur, To Thee the Vigil due we pay,

Patrum fequentes ordine, And the great fathers' rule obey,

Quern nobis reliquerunt The order which to us they told,

Jure hereditario j
Our herifon from times of old ;

Miniftrantes excubiis So will we keep our watches meet

Tibi, San&e Paraclite To Thee, Moll Holy Paraclete !

Pari cum Patre Clarus es Bright Compeer of The Father's throne

Cum Chrifto fubtiliffimus With Chrift ! thy piercing gifts we own

Multis modis et Spiritus In modes unnumbered, Spirit Bleft

Rex myfticus agnofceris. Thou art a Myftic King confeffed.

Fragiles carne confpice, Thy fervants frail in flelh behold,

Quos ille antiquillimus Whom once that fubtle Fiend of old
Sui3 decepit artibus, Did by his artful wiles deceive,

Tuis trahe virtutibus. And with thy hallowing grace relieve.

c Vejp. D. xit. Cott. MSS.

2 M
z66 Hymns at Matins on Week-days.

Grex tuus [Tibi] deditus The flock beftowed on Thee to fave,

Non teneatur crimine May no polluting guilt enflave ;

Quern tuo, Chrifte ! fanguine Which Thou haft willed, Chrift the Good !

Voluifti redimere. To ranfom with thy precious Blood.

Oves errantes provide Good Shepherd ! ever kindly keep

Paftor bone piiflime From every ill thy wandering fheep ;

Ad Aulam Celfitudinis And on the moulders of thy love

Tuis reporta humeris. O bear them to thy Courts above.

Labefa&us et faucius O'erthrown and wounded before Thee

Abfcedat Princeps Demonum Far let the Prince of Demons flee j

Perdat praedam de faucibus And from his ravening jaws, the prey
Fur importunis rapidus. With vi&or-fpeed be rent away.

Exultet Chriftus Dominus To Chrift The Lord be joyful praife !

Pfallat Chorus Angelicus Let Angel Choirs the anthem raife

Laudes fonans in organo, Organs peal forth in mighty laud,

Ter Sanctus dicat Domino ! Thrice Holy to The Lord our God !

Gloria Tibi dicimus Glory to Thee, Almighty One !

Pater, una cum Filio ! So let The Father with The Son
Simul cum Sandto Spiritu And Holy Ghoft, exalted be
In trina laude perfonet. Amen. With threefold praife eternally. Amen.]



|HRIS-TE Re - demp - tor
CHRIST ! Re-deem-er

om - ni - um ! Ex Pa - tre, Pa - tris of man-kind ! Son of The Father

U - ni - ce ! So - lus an - te On - ly One ! Be - got- ten all

y *
T ~^ —
prin - ci - pi -um Na - tus
! in - ef - fa- in - ef - fa - bly ! Alone! ere be-ing

"-^-V •"— -"r

bi - li - ter ! had be - gun.

From S. Ambroje, or one of his School.
Hymns at Matins on Week-days. 267

Christe ! Redemptor omnium ! O Christ Redeemer of mankind

! !

Ex Patre Patris Unice ! Son of The Father Only One ! !

Solus ante principium, Begotten all ineffably

Natus ineffabiliter Alone ! ere being had begun !

Tu Lumen Tu Splendor Patris

! ThouLight! The Father's Brightnefs Thou!
Tu Spes perennis omnium ! Unfailing Hope of all the Earth !

Intende quos fundunt preces O hear the prayers thy fervants now
Tui per orbem famuli. To Thee throughout the world pour forth
Memento, falutis Auftor Remember, Author of our health
Quod noftri quondam corporis That hour, when erft in ages gone,
Ex illibata Virgine, Born of a Virgin undefiled,
Nafcendo Forma m fumpferis. Thou didft our mortal form put on.

Hie praefens teftatur dies, Now doth this happy day atteft,
Currens per anni circulum, Recurring in the circling year,
Quod folus a fede Patris Thy miflion from Thy Father's throne,
Mundi Salus, adveneris. Alone the ranfomed world to cheer.

Hunc Coelum, Terra, Hunc Mare, To Him doth Earth, and Sea, and Sky,
Hunc omne quod in eis eft, move and live,
All things that in them
Audtorem Adventus tui Great Author of thine Advent now !

Laudat exultans cantico. Melodious praife exulting give.

Nos quoque qui fanfto tuo And we, who in Thy facred Blood
Redempti fumus Sanguine, Redeemed, have walhed our fins away,
Ob diem Natalis Tui In this thy glorious Natal Morn,
Hymnum novum concinimus. Sound forth a new and feftal lay.

Gloria Tibi, Domine Glory to Thee, O Lord ! be given,

Qui natus es de Virgine ; Of Virgin Mother purely born
Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu ! Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye
In fempiterna fecula. Until eternity be gone !

A - men. A - men.

HYMNUS.* Hymn.

ROM climes which fee the

e From Cornelius Sedulius.

j68 Hymns at Matins on Week-days.

car - di - ne, Ad - uf - que Ter Sun a-rife, To where Earth's ut -

^=^jpzjzjzzpziizi=iif_jz=! !li

- rae li - mi - tern, Chrif - turn ca - moft border lies, Chrift our Re

- na-mus Prin-ci-pem, Natum Ma- - deem - er let us fing, Of Ma-ry

-i - a Vir - gi - ne. Vir - gin born a King !

A solis ortus cardine, From climes which fee the Sun arife,
Adufque Terrae limitem, To where Earth's utmoft border lies,
Chriftum canamus Principem Chrift our Redeemer let us fing,
Natum Maria Virgine Of Mary Virgin born a King !

Beatus Auctor feculi BleftAuthor of all worlds, He came

Servile corpus induit, Clad in a lowly fervant's frame
Ut Carne carnem liberans, So Flefh to flefh might freedom give,
Ne perderet quos condidit. And his reftored creation live.

Caftae parentis vifcera To Mother's holy womb,

his fair
Cceleftis intrat gratia Celeftial grace hath purely come
Venter Puellas bajulat, Now teems that Maiden's bofom mild,
Secreta quae non noverat. By earthly contact undefiled.

Domus pudici pedtoris, Her modeft breafts' unftained abode

Templum repente fit Dei Becomes the Temple of her God
Intafta, nefciens virum, Inviolate, by man unknown,
Verbo concepit Filium. She by a Word conceived The Son

Enixa eft puerpera That wondrous Child Ihe brings to birth,

Quern Gabriel predixerat Whom Gabriel announced on Earth ;
Quem Matris alvo geftiens, Whom in his Mother's womb enftirined,
Claufus Johannes cenferat. John, prefcient of his God, divined.

Fceno jacere pertulit, The lowly couch of ftraw He bore,

Praefepe non abhorruit, The manger He did not abhor
Parvoque lafte partus eft, A little milk his infant fare,
Per Quem nec ales efurit. Who feedeth e'en each bird of air.

Gaudet Chorus celeftium, Lo the celeftial Choir rejoice,


Et Angeli canunt Deo Angels exalt to God their voice

Palamque fit paftoribus To fhepherd fwains revealed appears
Paftor, Creator omnium The Shepherd, Framer of the fpheres
Hymns at Matins on W eek-days. 269

Gloria Tibi, Domine Lord Holy Virgin Son to Thee,

! !

Qui natus es de Virgine ! Unceafing Praife and Glory be

Cum Patre et Sanflo Spiritu, With Father and with Holy Ghoft,
In fempiterna fecula. Long as eternity lhall laft



[From the Anglo-Saxon Hymnaries.]

Htmnus. Hymn.
Audi, Redemptor gentium Redeemer of the nations hear, !

Natalis tui Gloriam ;

The Glory of Thy Natal Morn ;

Bethleem egreffus a Deo In Bethleem, Thou, Who didft appear

Mariae Partus Virginis. From God, of Mary Virgin born.

Chrifte ! Virtutum Domine ! Chrift ! Lord of Virtues ! man no part

Non ex virili femine In thy myfterious birth can boaft j

Divinitatis Unius, One in DivinityThou art,

Conforfque Sanfti Spiritus ! And Fellow with The Holy Ghoft !

Es potens omnium Salus, Thy powers the Univerfe reftore ;

In Te credentes libera Deliver all that truft in Thee !

Fortis ubique in prelio And mighty in the ghoftly war,

Nos peccatores eripe. Us finners from deftrudtion free.

Genitum Deum ex Deo Born of a God, a God we view

Miramur in hoc corpore ;
In that corporeal frame enfhrined ;

Hominem Deo fimilem, And like to God, the Manhood true,

Myfterium mirabile ! In wondrous myftery, combined.

Jam nos ut Sandti credimus, Now Saints in humble faith adore,

Obftupefcunt et Angeli, And Angels worfhip in amaze,

Cafto nafcendo corpore Born of a body chafte and pure
Paftorem ex tribu Judae. The Shepherd of great Judah's race !

Lumen refundeus perditis, Light on the loft by Thee is poured,

Jefle originem ducis True branch of Jefle's anceftry !

Mundus conta&u carneo, By flefhly taint unfullied, Lord !

Efie quod voluifti, es. Thou art what Thou haft willed to be.

Natalis tui gaudium ! O joy of this thy Natal Day !

Homo natus ex Deo es ! Thee, Man, yet born of God, we own

Omnes fatemur Filium, Enthroned in thy paternal fway,

Regnum Paternum permanens. Let all confefs The Mighty Son !

270 Hymns at Matins on Week-days.

Perennes laudes dicimus we and worfhip evermore


Patri Deo cum Filio ;

The Father, with The Son, Supreme j
Qui es vocatus ex Egypto, The God, Who from far Egypt's fliore,
Pro fuis famulis, Deus. Was called his fervants to redeem.

Renati Sanfto Spiritu Renewed by Thee, thy light bellowed

Lumen videmus muneris; O Holy Ghoft ! our eyes receive $

Sic Te fequentes, Domine ! So following, Lord ! thy Heavenward road,

Salvi erimus jugiter. Redeemed we evermore fhall live.

Laus, Honor, Virtus, Gloria, Laud, Honour, Virtue, Glory, be

Deo Patri, et Filio To God The Father, and The Son !

Sandto fimul Paraclito, And Holy Paraclete to Thee, !

In fempiterna fecula ! Amen. Until Eternity be gone Amen. !

([ AT MATINS, in THE EPIPHANY, and throughout the O Stave.

\From the Anglo-Saxon Hymnaries.~]

Htmnusj Hymn.
Jesus refulfit omnium Jesus hath fhone benignly forth
Pius Redemptor gentium ;
Redeemer of the tribes of Earth ;

Totum genus fidelium Let all the faithful far and near
Laudes celebret dragmatum. The praifes of his deeds declare.

Quern Stella natum fulgida Whofe birth, the Star's bright rays revealed

Monftrans micat in aethera j

Refplendent in the ethereal field;

Magofque duxit previa, The Magi guiding in the way

Illius ad cunabula. To Him Who in the manger lay.

Illi cadentes parvulum Proftrate, the Infant they adore,

Pannis adorant obfitum ;

With linen meanly fwathed o'er
Verum fatentur ut Deum, Confefs Him Very God ! and bring
Munus ferendo myfticum. Their myftic offerings to their King.

Denis ter annorum cyclis Thrice ten revolving years are paft,

Jam parte vigens corporis, And He, with perfect manhood graced,
Lympham petit baptifmatis Seeks the Baptifmal fount, though free

Cunctis carens contagiis. From all taint of impurity.

Felix Johannes mergere John who trembling fears to lave

Bleft !

Ilium tremifcit flumine, That Saviour in the cleanfing wave,

Poteft fuo Qui Sanguine Whofe Blood fhall be the mighty mean
Peccata Cofmi tergere. To wafh th' offence of Nature clean.

' From S. Hilary.

; ; ;

Hymns at Matins on Week-days. 271

Vox ergo Prolem de polis The Father's mandate from the flcies

Teftatur excelfum Patris ;

His noble Sonfliip teftifies

Virtus adeftque Pneumatis, The Spirit's power upon His Head

Sancti Datrix charifmatis. In plenitude of grace is flied.

Nos Chrifte ! fupplici prece O Chrift ! with fuppliant voice we pray,

Precamur, omnes protege Be ever Thou our guardian flay

Qui praecipis rubefcere Whofe wonder-working word of might

Potenter hydrias aquae. Bade waters redden in thy fight.

Praefta benignum fedulo On us in mercy here below

Solamen adjutorio, Thy help and comfort e'er bellow,
Raptofque nos e Tartaro And rapt from Satan's drear domain,
Regnare fac Tecum Polo. With Thee above the ftars to reign.

Laus Trinitati debita, Due praife, Great Trinity, to Thee !

Honor, Poteftas, Gloria, Honour, and Power, and Glory be,

Peren niter fint omnia By all Creation evermore,

Per feculorum fecula. Amen. Until eternity be o'er. Amen.

C At MATINS on the DAY OF THE EPIPHANY no Hymn is fung.


On the DAY OF THE EPIPHANY, and the SUNDAY within the Ottave, and in
the O Stave.
Hymnus. Hymn.

PA - TRE U - ni - ROM God The Fa - ther,

- gen - i - tus, Ad nos ve - nit per Vir - gin-born, To us, The On - ly

3E* — —— i-

Vir - gi - nem ; Bap - tif - ma Cru Son came down ; Through Baptifm, His


- ce con - fe - crans, Cunc-tos fi Crofs-hal - lowed gate, The faith-ful

de - les - ne - rans. to re - ge - ne - rate.
; !; ; ; ; ! ; ; !

272 Hymns at Matins on Week-days

<[ Within the OCTAVE, except on Sunday, and in the OCTAVE.


A Pa - tre U - ni From God The Fa - ther,

- gen - i - tus, Ad nos ve - nit per Vir-gin-born, To us The On-ly

Vir - gi - nem ; Bap - tif - ma Cru - Son came down; Through Baptifrh, His
-— frj
1 ±
ce con - le - crans, Cunc - tos Crofs - hal - lowed gate, The faith-

fi - de - les ge - ne - rans. - ful to re - gen - e - rate.

A Patre Unigenitus, From God The Father, Virgin-born,

Ad nos venit per Virginem ; To us The Only Son came down ;

Baptifma Cruce confecrans, Through Baptifm, HisCrofs-hallowed gate,

Cun&os fideles generans. The faithful to regenerate.

De Ccelo celfus prodiit, From Heaven his lofty courfe began,

Excepit formam hominis He took the form of mortal man ;
Fa&uram morte redimens, Creation by his death reftored,
Gaudia vitac largiens. And fhed the joys of life abroad.
Hoc Te Redemptor ! quefumus, Saviour to Thee in prayer we bend,

Illabere propitius With allthy pardoning grace defcend

Clarumque noftris fenfibus And radiant o'er our every fenfe,
Lumen praebe fidelibus. Thy beams to faithful hearts difpenfe.

Mane, nobifcum, Domine ! From us, O Lord Thou Morn of Light


Noctem obfcuram remove Remove the gloom of mental night

Omne deliftum ablue, From all defilement cleanfe the heart,
Piam medelam tribue. Thy kindly medicine impart.

Quern jam venifle novimus, Earth once, we know, thine Advent faw;
Redire item credimus Thou, we believe, malt come once more;
Tu fceptrum tuum inclytum O'er us thy guardian fhield extend,
Tuo defende clypeo Thy fceptre of renown defend !

Gloria Tibi, Domine ! Glory to Thee, O Lord be given, !

Qui apparuifti hodie To Earth revealed this day from Heaven;

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye
In fempiterna fecula. Amen. Now and throughout Eternity Amen. !
Hymns at Matins on Week-days. 273


Hymnus* Hymn.

m ri - o -

N G E,

Cor -
lin - gua,

po - ris

myf- tic
PEAK, my

glo - ry, Of
tongue, the



-te-ri-um; San - gui - nif- que pre- Body fing; And of that rich Blood

i t n-d ^5E
- a o - fi, Quern in mun - di the fto - ry, Which for this world's

pre-ti-um, Fruc-tus ven-tris ge ran-fom-ing: Of noble womb and

ro - fi, Rex ef - fu - dit gen - lineage bred, He The King of na -

- tions flied.

Pange, lingua, gloriofi Speak, my tongue the myftic glory


Corporis myfterium Of that wondrous Body fing ;

Sanguinifque pretiofi, And of that rich Blood the ftory,

Quern in mundi pretium : Which for this world's ranfoming :

Fru&us ventris generofi, Of noble womb and lineage bred,

Rex efFudit gentium. He The King of nations ihed.
Nobis datus, nobis natus, Given unto us, and born for us,

Ex intafta Virgine Of a
Virgin without ftain,
Et in mundo converfatus, Meek in this world was his converfe
Sparfo verbi femine Sowing pure the Gofpel grain ;
Sui moras incolatus And in a wondrous form difpofed,
Miro claufit ordine. He his earthly fojourn clofed.
In fupremae nofte Coenas At eve, at that laft Supper feated,

Recumbens cum fratribus With his brethren He reclined;

Obfervata lege plene And the law's command completed

Cibis in legalibus In meats by the law afligned
Cibum turbae duodenae For meat to th' Apoftolic band
Se dat fuis manibus. Himfelf He gave with his own hand.

K From S. Thomas Aquinas.

2 N
;; ; ; ! ; ; ;

274 Hymns at Matins on Week-days.

Verbum Caro panem verum The Word in Flefh, the very bread
Verbo Carnem efficit By Word to His true Flefh doth turn
Fitque Sanguis Chrifti merum, The wine The Blood of Chrift is made,
Et fi fenfus deficit, And if fenfe cannot difcern,
Ad firmandum cor lincerum To aflure a heart fincere
Sola Fides fufficit. Faith alone fufficeth here.

Tantum ergo Sacramentum May we this wondrous Sacrament

Veneremur cernui Venerate in reverent awe :

Et antiquum documentum And let Teftament

the ancient
Novo cedat ritui Yield unto the new-made law
Prasftet Fides May Faith enlightening aid difpenfe
Senfuum defe&ui. To the dulnefs of the fenfe.
Genitori Genitoque, Unto The Father and The Son,
Laus et Jubilatio, Be Laud and Jubilation,
Salus, Honor, Virtus quoque, Salvation, Honour, Virtue given,
Sit et Benediftio And all Benedi&ion
Procedenti ab Utroque And unto Him Who doth proceed
Compar fit Laudatio. From Both, co-equal Praife concede.

A - men.

{[ In lauds.
Htmnus* Hymn.

ER-BUM Su-per-num HE Word Su-per-nal

pro - di - ens, Nec Pa - tris linquens forth proceeds, Nor leaves His mighty

dex-te-ram; Ad o-pus fu-um ex Father's fide ; Unto his glorious work

1-j ^-^-^
ens, Ve - nit ad vi - tae He fpeeds, And cometh in life's

vef - per - am ! e - ven - tide

h From S. Thomas Aquinas.

!! ! ; !! ;

Hymns at Matins on Week-days. 275

Verbum Supermini prodiens, The Word Supernal forth proceeds,

Nec Patris linquens dexteram Nor leaves His Mighty Father's fide

Ad opus fuum exiens Unto his glorious work He fpeeds,

Venit ad vitae vefperam And cometh in life's eventide !

In mortem a difcipulo By that difciple falfe betrayed,

Suis tradendus emulis, Given o'er to foes and to the grave,
Prius in vitae ferculo He firft, life's fuftenance and aid,
Se tradidit difcipulis. Himfelf to his difciples gave.

Quibus fub bina fpecie On them, in twofold form enfhrined,

Carnem dedit et Sanguinem ; Beftowing Flefii and Blood indeed,
Ut duplicis fubftantiae He, the entire man defigned
Totum cibaret hominem. In two-fold fubftance, thus to feed.

Se nafcens dedit focium, Himfelf at birth our friend He made,

Comefcens in edulium, Our food, at this His feftal Board :

Se moriens in pretium, Himfelf in death our ranfom paid,

Se regnans dat in premium. Himfelf in Glory our reward.

O Salutaris Hoftia! O healthful faving Sacrifice

Quae Coeli pandis oftium ; Which openeft wide the gate of Heaven;
Bella premunt hoftilia When warring foes againft us rife,
Da robur ! fer auxilium ! May help and ftrength by Thee be given!

Uni Trinoque Domino To The Triune and Only Lord

Sitfempiterna Gloria All Glory everlafting be
Qui vitam fine termino May He to us true life accord
Nobis donet in Patria. In Heaven's bleft home, eternally !

A - men.
276 The Lord's Day at Vefpers.

Dixit Dominus Domino meo.


HE Lord faid unto

Lord Sit Thou on

right hand

Until I make thine

TN The Name of The Father, and of
A The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft, enemies a footftool for

thy feet.
(with the fign of the Cro/sJ. £<
The Lord lhall fend forth the rod of
QUR Father (fecretly). thy power out of Syon : be Thou Ruler
in the midft among thine enemies.
With Thee is the Princedom in the day
JJAIL Mary (fecretly).
of thy power, in the brightnefs of the
Saints : from the womb, before the Day-
GOD ! make fpeed to fave ftar, I begat Thee.
me. The Lord fware, and it will not repent

O Lord ! make hafte to

Him :Thou art a Prieft for ever, after
the order of Melchifedech.
help me.
The Lord, upon thy right hand : hath

LORY The Father, and broken
be to
in pieces kings, in the
day of his
to The Son and to The anger.

Holy Ghoft
He lhall judge among the nations, he
lhall fillthem with ruin: and make to
As it was in the begin-
pieces the heads of many on the Earth.
ning, is now, and ever mall
He fhall drink of the brook in the way
be : world without end. Amen.
therefore lhall He lift up his head.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
LLELUYA ; or, according to
Son : and to The Holy Ghoft ;
the Sea/on
As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever lhall be : world without end. Amen.

RAISE to Thee, O Lord, we
Of Glory The Eternal
King. I T Thou on my right hand,

Psalm CIX. [Ps. ex. e. v.]

[A Pfalmof David. Pfalm concerning Chrift,A faid The Lord un-to my Lord.
for Meditation. Of the Nativity of our Lord Jefus
Who waft born before the Morning Star
[Thou !

Thou Who art before the beginning of all worlds:


we pray and befeech Thee ; that, as Thou doft fit

at the right hand of Thy Father, and haft put all
1 t Thou on my. Oioueae. thine enemies under thy feet, fo Thou wouldeft

» "
There are certain Hours of Divine Service that longeth to the Day, as Prime, Terce, Sext, and None;
and certain others that longeth to the Night, as Evenjong, Compline, and Matins ; and for Evenjong of the
Firjl Hour, that, longeth to the Night ; therefore it is called the Song of Even, that is, the beginning the
Night : and it hath this name in Latin, of the Even Star that appeareth at Even.'''' —Myrroure, Ixxvi.of

The Lord's Day at Vefpers.

make us worthy to worfhip Thee, by delivering us Antipbon.

from the flavery of our fins, Who liveft and reigneft
with The Father, in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft,
God, world without end. Amen.]
^^^AITH-FUL are all his

Psalm CX.
A Pfalm for praifing God.
[Ps. cxi. e. v.]

Of the =
1 r M , iE-^ ^
beginning of wifdom, and fear of God.]

Confitebor Tibi
are. Oioueae.

Domine in to to.
commandments, they

for ever and ever.
. =
are fta-blifhed

[O God the glorious confeflion of all thy faints


grant us the fear of Thy Name, which Thou haft

T WILL give thanks unto Thee, O Lord !
declared to be the beginning of wifdom ; fo that,
A with my
whole heart in the counfel :
mingled with the afTemblies of thy faints, we may
of the and in the congregation.
juft, be enriched with the feaft of thy mercy, through
Great are the works of The Lord :
Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
fought out according to all his pleafure.
His work is thankfgiving and magnifi- Psalm CXI. [Ps. CXII. E. v.]
cence and his righteoufnefs endureth for

[Alleluya. Of the return of Haggai and Zech-

ever and ever. ariah. A Pfalm of Virtue, for Meditation. Of
He hath made a memorial of his mar- truft and fear of The Lord.]
vellous works, The Lord merciful and
pitiful : hath given food unto them that
fear Him. n his commandments. Oioueae.
He fhall ever be mindful of His Cove-
nant : He will declare unto his people the Beatus vir qui timet.

power of his works. "DLESSED is the man that feareth The

That He may give them the heritage of Lord : in his commandments he will
the heathen : the works of his hands are have great delight.
verity and judgement. Mighty upon Earth fhall be his feed
Faithful are all his commandments, they the generation of the faithful fhall be
are ftabliflied for ever and ever they are
done in truth and equity. Glory and riches fhall be in his houfe :

The Lord hath fent redemption unto his

and his righteoufnefs endureth for ever-
people He hath commanded his covenant more.

for ever. Unto the godly there hath arifen light

Holy and terrible is His Name: the in the darknefs he is merciful, compaf- :

fear of The Lord is the beginning of fionate, and righteous.

wifdom. Joyful is the man who is merciful and
A good underftanding have all they that lendeth; he will guide his words with
do thereafter the praife of it endureth for difcretion for he fhall never be moved.

ever and ever. The righteous fhall be had in everlafting

Glory be to The Father. remembrance he will not be afraid of :

As it was in the beginning. any evil tidings.

His heart is prepared to truft in The
278 The Lord's Day at Vefpers.

Lord ; his heart is eftablifhed : he will not The Lord is high above all the Gen-

be moved, until he may defpife his enemies. tiles and His Glory above the Heavens.

He hath difperled abroad, he hath given Who is like unto The Lord our God
to thepoor ; his righteoufnefs remaineth for that hath his dwelling on high yet re- :

ever and ever his horn mall be exalted

: gardeth the lowly things that are in Hea-
in glory. ven and Earth ?
The finner mall lee it, and mall be Railing the needy from the Earth and :

enraged; he mall gnafh with his teeth, exalting the poor from the dunghill
and confume away : the defire of linners That He may fet him with princes
mall perifh. even with the princes of his people.
Glory be to The Father. He maketh the barren woman to dwell
As it was in the beginning. in her houfe a joyful mother of children.

Glory be to The Father.

As it was in the beginning.


will have great de-light.

[O God the continual light of thofe who are

be blefled for evermore.
true of heart; grant that we may love Thee and be
joyful in Thy Glory, and lb to difperfe abroad in [Almighty God ! we praife Thy BlefTed Name,
this world, that we may be free from reproach in and intreat Thee ; that we who are placed in the
that which is to come, through Chrift our Lord. bofom of Thy Church, our Mother, may be fta-
Amen.] blilhed therein by thy love, through our Lord
Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
Psalm CXII. [Ps. cxiii. e. v.]
[AUeluya. A
Pfalm for praifing God. Pro- A
phecy, that from the riling of the Sun to the fetting [Alleluya. A
Pfalm for Meditation and Prayer.
thereof, One God only is to be worlhipped by the He commemorates the paft goodnefs of God, and
young, that is by them who are regenerate in heart 5 contemplates it, and prohibits Idols to be wor-
and although old that they may become young.] lhipped by thofe who know The Lord.]

LS e t The Name of The Lord.

e that are living. Oioueae.

In exitu Ifrael.
T Nthe going forth of Ifrael out of Egypt
Laudate pueri Dominum. of the Houfe of Jacob from a barbarous
DRAISE The Lord, O ye youths!: people
The Name of The Lord.
praife ye Judaea became his fancluary : and Ifrael
Let The Name of The Lord be Bleffed : his dominion.
from this time forth for evermore. The Sea faw and fled : Jordan was
From the riling of the Sun to the driven backward.
going down of the fame : worthy is The The mountains exulted like rams : and
Lord's Name to be praifed. the hills like the Jambs of the flock.
;: :

The Lord's Day at Vefpers. '79

What ailed thee, O thou Sea, that thou Ye are the blefled of The Lord Who :

fleddeft and thou Jordan, that thou waft

? :
made Heaven and Earth.
driven backward ? The Heaven of Heavens is The Lord's
Ye mountains, that ye flapped like rams : the Earth hath He given to the children
and ye hills like the lambs of the flock ? of men.
The Earth is moved before the face of The dead will not praife Thee, O Lord :

The Lord : before the face of The God neither all they that go down into Hell.

of Jacob. But we that are living give blefling to

Who turned the rock into pools of The Lord : from this time forth now and
waters : and the ftony crag into fountains even for evermore.
of waters. Glory be to The Father.
Not unto us, O Lord not unto us ! : As it was in the beginning.

but unto Thy Name give Glory. Antiphon.

For thy loving mercy and for thy truth's
fake : left the Gentiles fay, Where is now
their God ?

But our God is in Heaven all things :

E that are living give
whatfoever pleafed Him hath He done.
The idols of the Gentiles are filver and
gold : the work of men's hands. blefl" - ing to The Lord.
They have a mouth, and will not fpeak : [O God in Trinity Light ineffable at whofe
! !

eyes have they, and will not fee. appearing the floods of Jordan did tremble ; merci-
They have ears, and will not hear: fully grant, we befeech Thee, that thofe whom

nofes have they, and will not fmell. Thou haft renewed by the holy laver of Baptifm,
Thou wouldeft never fuffer to be polluted by the old
Theyhave hands, and will not handle
deceits of idolatry, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
feet have they, and will not walk neither :

will they fpeak through their throat. [Let the afore/aid Antiphons, with their
Let them that make them become like Pfalms, be /aid on all Sundays through-
unto them and all fuch as put their truft
out Advent ; and from the Firft Sunday

in them. after the O Slave of The Epiphany to

The houfe of Ifrael hath trufted in The Sunday in The Palm-Branches, and in

Lord : He is their fuccour and defence. that Sunday ; and from the Firft Sunday

The houfe of Aaron hath trufted in The after Trinity to The Advent of The Lord,
Lord : He is their helper and proteftor. whenever it is the Sunday Service.] j

They that fear The Lord have trufted

Chapter. 2 Theff. Hi.
in The Lord He is : their helper and
HE Lord direct your hearts
into the love of God, and
The Lord hath been mindful of us
into the patient waiting for
and He hath blefled us.
He hath blefled the houfe of Ifrael : He
the houfe of Aaron.
Thanks be to God.
hath blefled
He hath blefled all that fear The Lord :
This Chapter is faid at Vefpers on all Sun-
both fmall and great. days and Week-days, from the Firft
May The Lord add to you more and Sunday after the clave of The Epiphany
more : unto you and unto your children. to Septuagejimas and from the Firft Sun-

's From the Rubric for the Firft Sunday in Ad-vent.

z8o The Lord's Day at Vefpers.

day after Trinity to The Advent of The |[ And in like manner the following Hymn
Lord, whenever it is the Service for the is faid at VESPERS, on all SUNDAYS,
Time. It is alfo on Week-days from
faid from the Firjl Sunday after the Otlave
Septuagefima ^uadragefma, whenever
to of The Epiphany to 2>uadragefima y and
it is the ordinary Week-day Service. from the Firjl Sunday after Trinity
[Here follow eth the Refponfory when di-
to Advent, as well on Sundays as on
Week-days, whenever it is the Office for
rected by the Proper of the Time or of
the Time.
the Saints.]


U - CIS Cre-a-tor Op RE - A-TOR of the light

ti - me ! Lu - cem di - e - rum Su-preme ! Bright Pa - rent of the

pro - fe - rens ! Pri - mor - di - is morn-ing ray ! Who in the day-

lu - cis no - V£e Mun - di pa - fpring of new time, The pil - lars

rans o - n - gi - nem of the Earth didft lay;

Lucis Creator Optime Creator of the light Supreme !

Lucem dierum proferens Bright Parent of the morning ray !

Primordiis lucis novas Who, in the day-fpring of new time,
Mundi parans originem The pillars of the Earth didft lay ;

Qui Mane junttum Vefperi Who, blending Dawn

with dewy Eve,
Diem vocari praecipis Didft in thy wifdom name them Day ;
Tetrum Chaos illabitur Now o'er the Earth dull Night defcends
Audi preces cum fletibus. O hearken ! as in tears we pray.
Ne mens gravata crimine, Left the fad foul o'erwhelmed by fin,
Vita? lit exul munere :
Lofe thy reward of life divine :

Dum nil perenne cogitat, Eternity fade from our thought,

Sefeque culpis illigat. And fnares of guilt around us twine.
Ccelorum pullet intimum :
So may we knock at Heaven's own gate
Vitale tollat praemium The prize of life eternal win :

Vitemus omne noxium Shun every word and work of ill

Purgemus omne peffimum. And purge our fouls from every Jin.

k From S. Ambrofe, or of his School.

The Lord's Day at Vefpers. 281

Praefta Pater piiffime Thefe mercies, gracious Father grant, !

Patrique Compar Unice ! And Thou, Co-equal Only Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito ! Who with Thee, Spirit Paraclete !

Regnans per omne feculum. Reign throughout endlefs ages, One !

A - men. A
Up to The Purification is /aid
Gloria Tibi, Domine All Glory, Lord, be unto Thee
Qui natus es de Virgine ! Of Virgin mother purely born !

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye,

In fempiterna fecula. Amen. Until eternity be gone. Amen.

37". Let my prayer, O Lord ! be directed He hath done might with his arm He :

unto Thee. hath fcattered the proud in the imagination

J$. Like as incenfe in thy light. of their heart.
Verfe Vefpers on all Sun- He hath put down the mighty from
|[ This is /aid at
days and Week-days, from the Firft their leat and hath exalted the humble.

Sunday after the clave of The Epiphany He hath filled the hungry with good
to £>uadragejima s and from the Firft
things : and the rich He hath fent empty
Sunday after Trinity to Advent, when away.
it is the Office for the Time.
He hath holpen Ifrael his fervant : re-
membering his mercy.
[The Verficle having been faid, let the fathers : Abraham As He fpake to our
Conductor of the Choir give the Antiphon and his feed, for evermore.
on Magnificat to be begun by fome one of Glory be to The Father : and to The
the Superior Grade.'] Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

As was in the beginning, is now, and


Psalm. ever fhall be world without end. Amen.


Magnificat anima mea Dominum. [Then is fung the proper Antiphon.]

Luke i.
[The Lord be with you.
Y foul : doth magnify The And with thy fpirit.]

Let us pray.
And my fpirit hath re-
joiced in God my Salvation.
[Here follow the proper Collecls or Orifons
For He hath regarded the lowlinefs of and Commemorations for the Sunday, or
his handmaiden for behold, from hence-
Seafon, or Feftival. After which was
forth, all generations fhall call me blelfed. faid again
For He mighty hath done to me
that is The Lord be with you.
great things and Holy is His Name.
: And with thy fpirit.
And his mercy is from generation to Blefs we The Lord.
generations upon them that fear Him.
: Thanks be to God.

This is our Lady^s Song, and is faid every day at Evenjong." —Myrroure, Ixxx-v.
2 O
282 The Lord's Day at Vefpers.

If there be a Memorial of any Fejlival, or |[ The Fourth Tone.

any Common Memorial to be made, then
follows the Antiphon of the Memorial on
Magnificat ; then the Verfe y afterwards
My foul: doth mag-ni-fy The Lord
prefaced only by Let us pray the Proper
or Common Memorials. After the laft *-fm—+—*-*m d" 1-1— S-^-
Memorial, is repeated
The Lord be with you. And my fpi-rit hath re-joic-ed: in
And with thy fpirit.
Blefs we The Lord.
Thanks be to God.] God my Sal - va - tion.


C The Firjl Tone. My foul: doth mag-ni-fy The Lord

V"^ 1— "
+*~V*r**^ fe
^ ^ —— " -
My foul : doth mag-ni-fy The Lord ;

And my fpi-rit hath rejoiced : in God

And my fpi-rit hath re-joic-ed: in

my Sal-va-tion.
God my
% P.

Sal - va
^v-^ - ti - on.
|[ The Sixth Tone.
q !j
C The Second Tone.
My foul : doth mag-ni-fy The Lord
b - .
My ioul: doth mag-ni-fy The Lord; _. . . . .

* r a- » * - • - And my fpi - rit hath re-joic-ed : in

Ann my
xaiivj. fni - ill
ipi rif" hath
Jla ill r^_ir\ir--^>r1
1 CL/lV- CU.

ill b t-

* * " ' < ^-4 God my Sal - va - tion.

God my Sal - va - ti - on.

{[ T^ 7
Seventh Tone.

My foul : doth mag-ni-fy The Lord

My foul : doth mag-ni-fy The Lord
H -m—m-m — *m , _ m-m mm
And my And my fpi-rit hath rejoiced : in God
fpirit hath rejoiced: in God
^ _5_" :. 4
my Sal - va - tion. my Sal - va - ti - on.
— — — : -

The Lord's D ay at Vefpers. 283

<[ The Eighth Tone.

on the Earth Angels fing, Archangels

My foul : doth mag-ni-fy The Lord.

fe-**-H- ^--pi — .-
j-^-— 1 1 1
The Fifth difference of the Eighth Tone. re-joice : this day ex-ult the juft,

My foul

'-3_»-^-W —
doth mag-ni-fy The Lord.]

faying, Glo -
ry in

the higheft to
P1 — Pta

^ —— r '

C Select antiphons on God. Al - le - lu - ya.

tf' Vl T~» p i
On SUNDAYS at SECOND VESPERS. Pfalm. Magnificat.

[From The Proper of The Time.]

In The Epiphany.

In the Second Sunday in Advent.

P _ .•
L nB_
_" —
- " "* Mm

From the Eaft came the Magi in - to

15 1
g——— —— —
less - ed art thou, Ma-ry, that thou P" ? m\ =—
Bethlehem, To adore The Lord, and

S " ' "' -----

haft be-lieved there lhall be per -

g^r-*, . ?
having opened their treafures, pre -
^— . p^— —
- formed in thee the things told thee ^—^-^ ~*-f^ * "
£ ob
- cious - la - tions they of-fer-ed

by The Lord. Al-le-lu-ya. ^-^rrflps - " v

— H — -

Mtt^, Gold, as to a great King Incenfe, : as

Pfalm. Magnificat. p i p H—n n—Mr-i--^- —

to the true God : but Myrrh as for
On the Day of The Nativity.

V —~ —m+*— — ——- —
1 1 r* i

This day is Chrift born : this day His Bu-ri-al. Al-le-lu-ya.

V »— * :q pi_. . p ,-3-p-j- -
11 -a 1
The Saviour hath appeared : this day Pfalm. Magnificat.
— !

284 The Lord's Day at Vefpers.

In the Firjl Sunday in S>uadragejima.

B "
% . %-| F"
Who, triumphant this day, a - bove
The tempter left Him, and there ap-
I ".- .. . .^.^H H. ,,
mm m —ft - —

P* m 1-

all Heavens haft afcend-ed a-ban-

- proached Angels and miniftered to Him.

| ^LE^ttz+x Wrm^m
^- JT. 5- ^
- don not us or - phans but fend
Pfalm. Magnificat.

In the Day of Preparation.

the promife of The Father up-on us,

But when they were at fiipper, Je-lus

The Spirit of Truth. Al-le - lu-ya.
p *jc — —
Ba"a p. m tm

took bread, blefled, and brake, and

Pfalm. Magnificat.

—— * — — i: In the Day of Pentecoft.
gave to his dif - ci - pies.

^ _ »— —i—q_*_^_B^_^
A ^
| — 1
_| 1 his day are ful-fill-ed the days of
Pfalm. Magnificat.

On the Holy Day of Hafter.

Pen-te-coft. Al - le - lu - ya. This day

And they, look-ing, faw the Hone

* ^ '
- [V. flHE*
The Ho-ly Spi-rit in fire appeared to

roll-ed a-way, for
— —
it was very great.
p"-^--J-b — , ^ fm pn
R „_ r*

- t~ n P nil— Pi— nip*! unH npflriwpn nr% t\\&m

Al - le - lu - ya. z==-f —
- mm.
mm -
*- --"PIP"
L .

gifts of gra - ces, fent them in - to

Pfalm. Magnificat. fc
jm^.^.-'-ji',.^ 1%

the u-ni-ver-fal world to preach, and

In the Day of The Afcenjion.

—Pa Pa —^™-™"
O King of Glo-ry Lord of Hofts ! bear witnefs ; he who hath believed,

Monday at Vefpers. 285

and mall be bap - ti - zed, fhall


TN The Name of The Father, and of

be fa - ved. Al - le - lu ya. The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft,
(with the Jlgn of the CrofsJ. £<

Pfaltn. Magnificat.
QUR Father (fecretly).

In the Feaft of Trinity. JJAIL Mary (fecretly).

GOD ! make fpeed to fave

Thee, God The Father, un-be-got- ten ! me.
O Lord ! make hafte to
help me.

Thee, The Son, On - ly be - got - ten

LORY be to The Father, and
to The Son and to The

Holy Ghoft;
Thee, The Spirit Ho-ly Pa-ra - clete !
As it was in the begin-
ning, is now, and ever fhall
be : world without end. Amen.
Ho-ly and Un-di-vi-ded Trin-i-ty!
LLELUYA or, from Septua-
gefima Sunday to Thurfday in
The Supper of The Lord
with our whole heart and mouth,

RAISE to Thee, O Lord! we

we do con-fefs, we do praife, and fing,
Of Glory The Eternal

BEziE ,_ i m

we do blefs ; to Thee be Glo-ry

Psalm CXIV. [Ps. cxvi. e. v.]

[Alleluya. A Pfalm for giving thanks. The

Prophet declares that by humility he has been
freed from tribulation and grief, to lhew us the
path of our deliverance.]

-^-^^r + ipflfnt==
t. Magnificat, h e Lord hath. Oioueae.
286 Monday at Vefpers.

Dilexi quoniam. Psalm CXV. [Ps. CXVI. E. V.

WAS well pleafed, be-

[Alleluya. A Pfalm for giving
thanks. He
declares every man is lying who thinks he can
caufe The Lord will hear :
compenfate anything in return for the Divine
the voice of my prayer. Goodnefs. He beftows on us the Cup of Pafiion,
and believes that the death of his Saints is precious
That He hath inclined
in the eyes of The Lord, although in the fight of
his ear unto me : and I man it is vile.]
will call upon Him all

my days.
The forrows of death compafled me believed. Oioueae.
round about and the perils of Hell

found me. Credidi propter quod.

I found trouble and heavinefs and I :
T BELIEVED, therefore have I fpoken :
called upon The Name of The Lord. but I have been humbled exceedingly.
Lord ! deliver my foul ; The Lord I faid in my excefs : Every man is a
is merciful and righteous : yea, our God liar.

hath compaffion. What mall I render unto The Lord :

The Lord keepeth the little ones : 1 was for all the benefits that He hath done
humbled, and He delivered me. unto me ?
Be turned unto thy reft, my foul O !
I will receive the cup of falvation : and
for The Lord hath been bountiful to call upon The Name of The Lord.
thee. I will pay my vows unto The Lord in
For He hath delivered my foul from the prefence of all his people : precious in
death, mine eyes from tears : my feet the light of The Lord is the death of his
from falling. faints.

1 will pleafe The Lord : in the land of Lord behold I am thy fervant : I

the living. am thy fervant, and the fon of thine hand-

Glory be to The Father, and to The maid.
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
Thou haft broken my bonds in funder
As it was in the beginning, is now, and I will facrifice to Thee the offering of
ever mall be world without end. Amen.
Praife: and I will call upon The Name
of The Lord.
Antipbon. 1 will pay my vows unto The Lord in
the light of all his people : in the courts
of The Lord's Houle, in the midft of
HP HE Lord hath in - clin-ed
O Jerufalem
Glory be to The Father.

As it was in the beginning.

his ear un - to me.

[O Lord Who doft wafli out our offences do

! :
Thou quickly comfort us who faithfully call upon
Thee and we befeech Thee, that, delivering us
BELIEVED, and there-
from the dangers of Hell, Thou wouldeft blot out
our tranfgreffions, and reftore us from death to the
land of the living, through Chrift our Lord.
Amen.] - fore have I fpo-ken.
Monday at Vefpers. 287
[May the lives of thy fuppliants, O Lord, we Ad
befeech Thee, be freed from evil ; and, becaufe the
death of thy Saints is precious in thine eyes, may
we be accounted worthy of being delivered from
the chains of our fins, and poflefs everlafting joys
to me.
was in trouble I cried unto
The Lord and He hearkened un-

in the Heavenly Jerufalem, through Chrift our

Lord. Amen.]
Deliver my foul, O Lord ! from wicked
lips : and from a deceitful tongue.
What fhall be given to thee, or what
Psalm CXVI. [Ps. cxvii. e. v.]
fhall be done unto thee to the falfe tongue ? :

[Alleluya. A Pfalm for praifing God. All Sharp arrows of the mighty with coals :

nations are invited to praife The

Lord, becaufe of defolation.
over all is the mercy of The Lord ; for with the
heart man believeth unto righteoufnefs, and with
Wo is me that my fojourning is pro-
the mouth confellion is made unto Salvation.] longed ! I have dwelt with the inhabitants
of Kedar : my foul hath long been a fo-
With them that hated peace I was
raise ye. Oioueae. peaceable when I fpake unto them they

Laudate Dominum omnes. affailed me

without caufe.
DRAISE The Lord, all ye
ye Gentiles :
Glory be to The Father.
praife Him, all ye people. As it was in the beginning.
For his mercy towards us is ftablifhed :
and the truth of The Lord endureth for
Glory be to The Father.
As it was in the beginning.


- en - ed to me.
[O God the affuager of our tribulations, deliver

RAISE ye The Lord, all the fouls of us, thy faithful people, from the lips
of wicked flanderers ; fo that, protected by thy
fpiritual help, we may be overcome by no affaults,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
ye Gen - tiles.

[Almighty Ruler ! Who art praifed

by the mouth
Psalm CXX. [Ps. CXXI. E. V.]
of all nations : we pray Thee, that
wouldeft Thou
increafe thy truth in our hearts, and ftablifti thy [A Canticle of Degrees A Pfalm to pray a
mercy upon us, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] benediction. The Second Degree : The Lord
heard him among the mountains, praying that He
would punilh thofe who perfecute his people Ifrael.]
[A Canticle of Degrees. A Pfalm for Prayer.
He begins by commemorating the grace and good-
[Ps. CXX. E. V.]

nefs of The Lord for the Firft Degree lignines that

M help. Oioueae.

he was tried by the perfecution of Saul, and was a Levavi oculos.

wanderer among ftrangers.] T LIFTED up mine eyes unto the hills

from whence cometh my help.

My help is from The Lord Who hath :

cri - ed. Oioueae. made Heaven and Earth.

288 Monday at Vefpers.

May He not fuffer thy foot to be moved [O Lord God our Proteftor ! Thou, Who
flumbereft nor fleepeft, defend thy people Ifrael
nor He fleep that keepeth thee.
and, that we be not confumed this day, do Thou
Behold, He will neither flumber nor defend us from all the offences of this world,
fleep : that keepeth Ifrael. through our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who
The Lord is thy keeper, The Lord is with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of

thy protection : upon thy right hand.

The Holy Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.]
The Sun fliall not burn thee by day
neither the Moon by night. Chapter, z Thejf. Hi.
The Lord preferveth thee from all evil
The Lord keep thy foul. HE Lord direct your hearts
into the love of God : and
The Lord preferve thy coming in and
into the patient waiting for
thy going out from this time now and

for evermore.
Glory be to The Father. Thanks be to God.
As it was in the beginning.

Antiphon. f[ [Here follow the proper Refponfory and

mm Verfe, with Gloria Patri, throughout

Advent and £>uadragefima, and at other
timeswhen required by the Proper or
Y help is from The Lord. Common of the Time or of the Saints.']

|[ From the FIRST SUNDAY after the O Slave of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA,
whenever it is the ordinary TUESDAY Service / then at the VESPERS on MONDAY
is faid the following
Hymnus. m Hymn.
^ M

M MEN - - SE Cce - li RE AT Lord of Heav'n! Who

Con - di - tor ! Qui mix - ta ne con left for aye, Rude Chaos fliould the

- fun - der - ent, A - quae flu worlds confound, The floods of wa-
5E 3£
ta di - vi - dens, Cce - li de - dif •
ters didft divide, And made the Ikies

- ti lim - it - em ; their lafting bound
Immense Cceli Conditor Great Lord of Heaven Who, left for aye

Qui mixta ne confunderent, Rude Chaos fliould the worlds confound,

Aquae fluenta dividens, The floods of waters didft divide,
Cceli dedifti limitem And made the Ikies their lafting bound
From S. Ambroje, or of his School.
! !: :! : ! ; ! ::

Monday at Vefpers. 289

Firmans locum cceleftibus, Who gaveft clouds their dwelling-place,
Simulque terras rivulis Andcleft with circling Teas the land
Ut unda flammas temperet, So moifture might the heat afluage,
Terras folum ne diffipent And folid Earth abiding ftand ;

Infunde nunc, Piiffime In mercy pour upon our hearts,

Donum perennis gratias The gifts of thine eternal grace ;
Fraudis nova; ne caflbus Ne'er may our ancient fins revive,
Nos error atterat vetus. Nor guilt again our fouls deface.
Lucem Fides inveniat May Faith with light unfading mine,
Sic luminis jubar ferat And fpread abroad the beams of day
Haec vana cunfla terreat, Earth's vanities before her fly :

Hanc falfa nulla comprimant. No falfehood dim her quenchlefs ray.

Praefta, Pater piiflime Thefe gifts, Moft Gracious Father ! grant,
Patrique Compar Unice And Thou, Co-equal, Only Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito With Thee, Bleft Spirit Paraclete !

Regnans per omne feculum. Who reign through endlefs ages, One !

A - men. A - men.

37". Let my prayer, O Lord ! be directed Psalm.

unto Thee. Magnificat anima mea Dominum.
5?. Like as incenfe in thy fight.
Y foul : doth magnify The
Throughout the Summer is /aid the Lord.
Hymn — And my fpirit hath re-
joiced in God my
: Salvation.
Lucis Creator Optime
Creator of the Light Supreme !
For He hath regarded the lowlinefs
of his hand-maiden for, behold from
: !

[See Sunday at Vefpers.~\

henceforth all generations ftiall call me
37". Let my prayer.
Ifr. Like as incenfe. For He that is mighty hath done to me

great things : and Holy is His Name.

Antiphon. And his mercy is from generation to
generation : upon them that fear Him.
Hehath done might with his arm He :

hath fcattered the proud in the imagina-

ET my foul e - ver mag -
tion of their heart.
He hath put down the mighty from
their feat and hath exalted the humble.

He hath filled the hungry with good

- ni - fy Thee, O my God things and the rich He hath fent empty

He hath holpen his fervant Ifrael :

remembering his mercy.

2 p
290 Monday at Vefpers.

As He fpake to our fathers : Abraham O Lord fave the king

! And hear ! us
and his feed for evermore. in the day when we call upon Thee.
Glory be to The Father, and to The Preferve thy fervants and handmaidens.
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
: My God who ! put their truft in Thee.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and Save thy people, O
Lord and blefs !

ever fhall be : world without end. Amen. thine inheritance. And govern them and
lift them up even for ever.
[Almighty and Everlafting God Who, by the
revered and glorious ever Virgin Mary, haft willed

O Lord let there be peace in thy


to unite the Myftery of Thine Only Begotten Son ftrength. And abundance in thy towers.
to a mortal body ; we befeech thy clemency, that, Let us pray for the faithful departed.
by thy favour, we may be worthy of receiving the
remiflion of all our fins, which, venerating Her,
Grant them eternal reft, O Lord ! And
we afk. of Thee, through The Same Jefus Chrift may perpetual light fhine upon them.
our Lord. Amen.] °[For our brethren and benefactors.
Preferve thy fervants and handmaidens.
[Here follows the Antiphon upon My God who ! put their truft in Thee.
MAGNIFICAT at full length.,] For the and captives.
Deliver Ifrael, O
Lord out of all his !

[After the Antiphon upon MAGNIFICAT is troubles.

fnijhed, then follow PETITIONS as at the Alfo for our fins and negligences.
end of Lauds , all proftrate, kneeling.~\
Remember not our old fins, but let thy

T ORD, mercies fpeedily prevent us for we are

^ have mercy (thrice).
Chrift, have mercy (thrice). brought very low.
Help us, O God, our

Salvation and
Lord, have mercy (thrice). ! :

for the Glory of Thy Name deliver us.

UR FATHER [fecretly].
And be merciful unto our fins for Thy
Name's fake.]
[The Priejl repeating aloud,]
O Lord hear my voice wherewith I

And lead us not into have cried unto Thee. Have mercy upon
temptation. me, and hear me.
IJ;. But deliver us from evil.
Psalm L.
T HAVE faid, Lord ! have mercy upon Miferere mei, Deus.
me. Heal my foul, for I have finned
[To be faid without note.~\
againft Thee.
Be turned unto us, O Lord ! ; how long ? AVE mercy upon me, O God!
And be eafily intreated for thy fervants. according to thy great mercy.
Let thy mercy, O
Lord ! be upon us. And according to the mul-
Like as we have put our truft in Thee. titude of thy compaffions
[The eyes of The Lord are over the blot out mine iniquity.
righteous. And His ears are open to their Wafh me throughly from mine iniquity :

prayers. and cleanfe me from my fin.

Let all thy works praife Thee. And For I acknowledge mine iniquity and :

thy faints give blefling unto Thee."] my fin is ever before me.
Let thy Priefts be clothed with righte- Againft Thee only have I finned, and
oufnefs. And let thy faints rejoice. done evil before Thee that Thou mayeft

n From York Breviary. and Hereford

the From the York Breviaries.

Monday at Vefpers. 291

be juftified in thy fayings, and overcome Jland up and advance to the Jlep of the
when Thou art judged. Choir, repeating thefe Verfes,
For behold, I was conceived in iniquities]:
and in fin hath my mother conceived me.
A RISE, O Lord ! help us.
But lo Thou haft loved truth the
! :
O Lord God of Hofts convert us. !

uncertain and hidden things of thy wifdom

Ijk. And fhow us thy countenance, and
haft Thou manifefted to me. we fhall be faved.
Thou (halt fprinkle me with hyflbp, and O Lord ! hear my prayer.
I fhall be cleanfed Thou ftialt wafh me,
And let my crying come unto Thee.
and I fhall be made whiter than fnow.
[Thefe Petitions are to be faid thus at
To my hearing Thou fhalt give joy and throughout
Vefpers, in all Week-days,
gladnefs and the bones which are humbled
Advent; and from the Firft Sunday
fhall rejoice.
Turn thy face away from my fins :
after the O clave of The Epiphany to
The Supper of The Lord ; and from the
and blot out all my mifdeeds.
Firft Sunday after Trinity to The Advent
Create in me a clean heart, O God :

of The Lord, in the ordinary Week-day

and renew a right fpirit within me.
me not away from thy face and
Caft :
Service, except at Vefpers, from " O
Sapientia" to the laft "O," inclufwe.]
take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
Reftore to me the joy of thy falvation [But between E after and the Firft Sunday
and ftablifh me with Thy Chief Spirit. after Trinity there are no Petitions on

I will teach the wicked thy way : and Week-days at Vefpers.]

the impious fhall be converted unto Thee. "W. The Lord be with you.
Deliver me from blood-guiltinefs, O I£. And with thy fpirit.
God ! The God of my falvation and my :
Let us pray.
tongue fhall rejoice in thy righteoufnefs.
[Here follow the proper Colletls or Orifons
Thou fhalt open my lips, O Lord and ! :
for the Seafon or Feftival,for which See
my mouth fhall fhew forth thy praife. the Proper or Common of the Time or
For if Thou hadft defired facrifice I
of the Saints ; always concluding with
would have given it but Thou wilt not :
The Lord be with you.
be delighted with burnt-offerings.
And with thy fpirit.
The facrifice of God is a troubled fpirit
O God,
Blefs we The Lord.
a contrite and humbled heart,
Thanks be to God. Amen.
fhalt Thou not defpife.
Do kindly, Lord, in thy good pleafure If there be any Memorial or Commemo-
unto Syon : that the walls of Jerufalem ration of any Feftival, or any Common

may be built. Memorial to be made, then follows the

Then fhalt Thou accept the facrifice of Antiphon of the particular Feftival or
righteoufnefs, oblations, and burnt-offer- Memorial on MAGNIFICAT ; then, alfo,
ings : then fhall they lay young bullocks the Or ifon for the Commemoration, and

upon thine altar. the Proper or Common Memorial, pre-

Glory be to The Father, and to The faced only with Let us pray. After the
Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;
: laft Memorial, is repeated

As it was in the beginning, is now, and The Lord be with you.

ever fhall be : world without end. Amen. And with thy fpirit.
Blefs we The Lord.
The Pfalm bei?igjinijhed, let the Priefi alone Thanks be to God. Amen.]
292 Common Memorials at Vefpers.

3T. Behold, The Lord

<[ COMMON MEMORIALS AT the white clouds.
mall appear in

And with Him thoufands of His

LORD, we befeech Thee,

purify our confciences by thy
EAR not thou, Ma-ry, thou
Vilitation ; fo that when Jefus
_ Chrift, Thy Son, our Lord,
fhall come with All His Saints, He may
haft found fa-vour with The Lord. find in us amanfion prepared for Himfelf,
Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the
Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world
without end. Amen.
Behold, thou ftialt conceive and bring

* [:
<[ [At the Firft "O" the Antipbon Hail

forth a Son. Al - le -
Mary is faid, and there is no Memorial
lu - ya.
of All Saints.]

Pfalm. Magnificat. If At VESPERS, from the OCTAVE OF S.

W. There ftiall come forth a Rod from STEPHEN to THE PURIFICATION, a

the root of Jefle. MEMORIAL is made of S. MART every

day, whatever be the Service, as well at
5?. And a Flower from his root mail
grow up.
VESPERS as at MATINS, except in the
that day.
GOD ! Who, by the mefTage
of an Angel, didft will Thy And in FEASTS OF IX. LESSONS, and

in the
to take
grant to us, thy fuppliants, that
upon Him
of the Blefled
within the
O clave and
the Choir has Conduclors
at both
in the
and on
VESPERS, with this
O clave,

we, who truly believe her to be the Antiphon.

Mother of God, may with Thee be affifted
by her interceflions, through the fame our
Lord Jefus Chrift, Who with Thee liveth
and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy
Ghoft, God, world without end.
HEN Thou waft born

Memorial of all saints. 3 fm

in-ef-fa-bly of a Vir-gin, then
EHOLD, The Lord mail come,
and All His Saints with Him
and there mail be in that day
E-r ^> '

a great light. Alleluya. were ful-fil - led the Scriptures : like

Common Memorials at Vefpers. 293


OD, who by the fruitful vir-

the rain up-on a fleece Thou didft ginity of The Blefled Mary,
didft beftow the gifts of eter-
3 n nal falvation upon mankind
grant, we befeech Thee, that we may
defcend, to give falvation to the race perceive that She intercedes for us, through
whom we have been found worthy to ob-
tain The Author
of Life, our Lord Jefus
Chrift, ThyWho with Thee liveth
of man. We praife Thee, O our God!
and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy
Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.

Then let MEMORIAL be made of ALL THE

Pfalm. Magnificat. SAINTS, on WEEK-DAYS and on FEASTS

when the Choir has no Conduclors, both
at VESPERS and at MATINS [as given
On WEEK-DAYS, however, and in FEASTS hereafter (p. 2g6j for the Time without
with iii. Leffons, when the Choir has no Eafer] up to WEDNESDAY, THE HEAD
Conduclors, at VESPERS, this Antiphon OF THE FAST.
is /aid.
After THE PURIFICATION, and up to

Wednesday, the head of the

FAST, the Antiphons, Verfes, and Orifons
for the Memorial of s. mary are
HE bulh which Mofes be -
the fame as thofe ufed after the Slave

of HOLY TRINITY [as hereafter given

CP- *9SM
From MONDAY after the OCTAVE OF
held un-con-fum-ed, we acknowledge d

Memorial of the cross.

thine e - ver pre-ferv-ed and laudable Antiphon.

vir - gin - 1 - ty. Mother of God! HE Ho-ly Crofs He en

5E^» BT^r-w i

- dur'd, Who Hell hath cruflied : He

intercede for us.

And at VESPERS is /aid

is girded with might, He rofe

37". Beautiful is His form before the

fons of men.
Grace is poured forth upon thy lips. a-gain the third day. Al-le - lu - ya.
! J !

294 Common Memorials at Vefpers.

37". Tell ye among the nations :
Memorial of all saints.
That The Lord hath reigned from
the Tree. Antipbon.
~]OD, Who for our fakes didft
: -w-q—
0m will Thy
of The
to undergo the
Crofs, that N the celeftial kingdoms is

Thou mighteft expel from us

the power of the enemy ; grant to us, thy Bzizi:
fervants, that we may ever live in the joys
of His Refurreftion, through The Same the habitation of the Saints. Al-leluya.

Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

Memorial of s. mart. And for evermore is their reft. Alleluya.

3T. The voice of joy and exultation

s ~Sp.

Is in the tabernacles of the righteous.

HE gate of Paradife, through

RANT, we befeech Thee,
Eve, to all men was clof-ed : and Almighty God that in the

Refurreftion of our Lord

_ Jefus Chrift, with all His

through Ma-ry Vir-gin, a - gain was Saints, we may in very deed receive our
portion, Who
with Thee liveth and reign-
eth, in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft,

thrown o - pen. Al - le - lu - ya.

God, world without end. Amen.

Holy Mother of God ! Mary, ever On the MONDAY after the OCTAVE OF
Virgin TRINITY, and from thence toADVENT,
Intercede for us, unto The Lord as well on ordinary days as on Feafts of
our God. iii. Lefjbns, when there are no Conduclors
Orifon. of the Choir, are faid the following
LORD ! we befeech Thee, threeMEMORIALS— of THE CROSS, of
thy grace into our S. MARY, and of ALL SAINTS. If,
minds, fo that we, who however, the Feaft of any Saint falls on
have known the Incarnation a Feajl of iii. LeJJbns, then let the
of Chrift, Thy Son, by the melTage of an Memorial of the saint be firft faid,
Angel, by His Paffion and Crofs may be and then the above-named Memorials.
guided to the Glory of His Refurreftion, Throughout the OCTAVE OF RELICS,
through The Same our Lord Jefus Chrift, (i. e., belonging to the Church,) whether
Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in on Saints' Days or ordinary days, let the
The Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, Memorial of the cross be always
world without end. Amen. mentioned firft.
Common Memorials at Vefpers. l
Memorial of the cross, at vespers. Orifon.

Antipbon. OD, Who didft afcend Thy

Holy and enlighten
the darknefs of the world, do
Thou vouchfafe to enlighten
Chrift! our Sa> our hearts and bodies,O Saviour of the
world ! Who and reigneft with God

The Father, in the Unity of The Holy

viour, by the virtue of thy Holy Crofs: Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.

Or this Orifon.

Who didft fave Peter in the Sea, TZ~EEP, O Lord, we befeech Thee, in
perpetual peace, thofe whom Thou
S: haft redeem through the
vouchfafed to
wood of Thy Holy Crofs, O Saviour of
have mer-cy up-on us.
the world, Who liveft and reigneft with
3T. Let all the Earth adore Thee, O God The Father, in the Unity of The
God and praife Thee.
Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.
And fing pfalms unto Thy Name. Amen.
Or tbis Antipbon. Or this Orifon.

T) E prefent with us, O Lord, our God !

and thofe whom Thou doft gladden

with the honour of the Holy Crofs, do
y the lign of the Crofs, from our
Thou defend with its perpetual help,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.

mies de - li - ver us, Memorial of s. mart, at vespers.

51= Antipbon.

O our God !

3T. Let all the Earth.

Ijfc. And ling Pfalms. IO - LY Mary, Vir - gin !

Or this Antipbon.

w e a - dore Thee, O Chrift !


for the

, —
whole world,

thou didft bring forth The King

and we blefs Thee, for by Thy Crofs

of the globe.
3T. Holy Mother of God ! Mary, ever
Thou haft redeemed the world. Virgin
y. Let all the Earth. J$. Intercede for us, unto The Lord
And ling pfalms. our God.
296 Common Memorials at Vefpers.

Or this Antiphon. by the glorious intercelfion of the Blefied

Mary, ever- Virgin, caufe us to rejoice in
profperity, both now and hereafter, through
o - ly Mo-ther of God! Ma-ry our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.

|[ The Orifon Concede quefumus miferi-

cors Deus fragilitati. Grant, we befeech
ev - er Vir-gin ! intercede for us un-to Thee, Merciful God p is not /aid in the
Memorials of S. Mary, throughout the
year, but in Procefftons and at Compline

The Lord our God. of Her, only.

37". After thy bringing forth, thou didft Memorial of all saints,
abide a Virgin inviolate. at vespers.
IJ;. Mother of God ! intercede for us.
Or this Antiphon.

ISn ofF-fpring Mo-ther, in bear-ing

ALL ye Saints of God !

who are fel-lows with the heavenly

Vir-gin, be glad and re-joice, pi - ous

ci- ti- zens, in-ter-cede for us un-to
Mother of The Lord!

37". Holy Mother of God ! Mary, ever

Virgin ! The Lord.
Intercede for us unto The Lord
Rejoice in The Lord, and be glad,
our God.
O ye righteous
IJ;. And be joyful, all ye that are up-
Then the Orifon as above.
right of heart.
LORD! we Thee, befeech
pardon the
of thy fer- fins

mm vants ; that we, who cannot

pleafe Thee by our own
aftions, may find falvation through the

face of
Let the righteous exult before the
And be rejoiced with, gladnefs.

Mother of our Lord Jefus Chrift, through Or this Antiphon.

The Same our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.
-3— 1: :!jzz: J>— g
Or this.
L L ye e - left of God, make
ALMIGHTY and Everlafting God,
by the right
protect us, thy fervants,
hand of thy power, from all dangers ; and men - ti - on of us be - fore God,

P See the Office for the Firfl Sunday after Trinity.

Common Memorials at Vefpers. 297

|[ Thefe two Verfes, i. e., Rejoice in The

Lord and Let the righteous are never
fb that by your pray-ers aid-ed, we changed in the MEMORIAL OF ALL
SAINTS, except when the 37". Rejoice in
The Lord is /aid at FIRST VESPERS s
may be worthy to be join-ed to you. then at the Memorial of All Saints Jhall
be /aid, W. Let the righteous exult
and as before, Rejoice in The Lord which Jhall be obferved in the whole
or, Let the righteous exult. year, except in Advent and Eajler-tide.

Or this Antiphon. Orifon.

Ebefeech Thee, O Lord!

B y
the fup-pli-ca-tions of All Saints,
favourably regard our in-
firmities, and by the
interceffion of All thy
Saints, turn from us all

fal-va-tion be-ftow Thou of : bo-dy

thofe evils which we juftly deferve, through
our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.

Or this Orifon.
and of mind,

37". Rejoice in
Chrift, unto thy fervants.

The Lord, and be glad,

O LORD ! we befeech Thee, do
appeafed by the interceflions of All

thy Saints, beftow upon us pardon of our

O ye righteous
fins, and grant us everlafting remedies for
IJ?. And be joyful, all ye that are upright
them, through our Lord Jefus Chrift.
of heart.
Or this Antiphon.
Or this Orifon.

Lord our infirmities, and

All thy Saints interceding for us, fuc-

how glo-ri-ous is the king -
cour us fpeedily by thy goodnefs, througli
Chrift our Lord. Amen.

- dom, in which, with Chrift, rejoice Or this Orifon.

==i=^tesi- QRANT, we befeech Thee, O Lord

that All thy Saints may continually
All his Saints! Cloth-ed in white pray for us ; and do Thou vouchfafe ever
favourably to hear them, through our Lord
Thy Son, Who with Thee
Jefus Chrift,
and reigneth in the Unity of The
robes, they follow The Lamb, where-
Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.

• fo - ever He go - eth. C [Besides these Memorials, the

following are found in the Breviary, as
y. Rejoice in The Lord. mentioned in the Office for Lauds on
Ijb. And be joyful. Monday.}
2 Q
298 Common Memorials at Vefpers.

Memorial of the holy spirit. Of PEACE, at VESPERS.

Daily at VESPERS. Antiphon. Antiphon.
OME, O Holy Spirit ! fulfil the
IVE Peace in our days, O
hearts of thy faithful ones,
Lord ! becaufe there is none
and of thy love, kindle in them other that fighteth for us,
the fire ; Who, by diverfity of
except Thou, our God.
many tongues, the nations into the Unity
of Faith didft congregate. y. O Lord ! let there be Peace in thy

Alleluya. Alleluya. Alleluya. ftrength.

y. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they Tfy. And abundance in thy towers.

mall be created. Let us pray.

And Thou (halt renew the face of the
GOD, of Whom are all
Earth. Alleluya. Alleluya.
holy defires, all right coun-

Orifon. and all juft works give

lels, :

~ unto thy fervants that Peace

jOD, Who didft teach the
_ which the world cannot
hearts of thy faithful people
give ; that both our hearts may be fet to
by the enlightening of Thy
obey thy commandments, and we, being
Spirit, grant us by The
freed from the fear of our enemies, may
Same Spirit to have a right judgement in pafs our time in quietnefs, under thy pro-
all things, and ever to rejoice in his holy
tection, through our Lord Jefus Chrift,
confolation, through our Lord Jefus Chrift,
Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and
Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft,
reigneth in the Unity of The Same Spirit,
God, world without end. Amen.
God, world without end. Amen.
The Lord be with you.
Then a Memorial of THE SAINT in whofe And with thy fpirit.
honour the Church is founded, as in pre- Blefs we The Lord.
bendal and Parijh Churches, and then of Thanks be to God. Amen.
THE RELICS. y. We adore Thee, O Chrift ! and
we Thee.
HE bodies of the Saints are
IJ;. For
by Thy Crofs Thou haft re-
buried in peace, and their deemed the world.
names fhall live for ever,

y. BlelTed are they who LORD, Son of

Jefu Chrift !

O Lord The put Thy

living God
dwell in thy Houfe,


Thee Paflion, Crofs, and Death,

They fhall praife for ever and
between thy judgements and
our fouls in the hour of our death ; and
vouchfafe to grant mercy and grace to the
E favourable, O Lord, to us living, and pardon to the dead, reft to the
thy fervants, for the glorious Church, and peace and concord to the
merits of Thy Saints, whofe kingdom, and to us finners everlafting life
Relics are contained in this and glory, Who liveft and reigneft with
Church; that by their pious intercellions God The Father, in the Unity of The
we may be ever protected from all adver- Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.
fities, through Chrift our Lord. Amen. Amen.]
! ; : !

Tuefday at Vefpers. 299

TUESDAY [Almighty God vouchfafe to beftow upon us


who walk in thy Courts the abundance of thy

peace fo that, while with all readinefs of heart

confefs Thee, we may obtain thy good things

in the Heavens, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.J
Psalm CXXI. [Ps. cxxii. e. v.]
[A Song of Degrees. A
Pfalm for Meditation.
Third Degree : he afks peace for the tribes of Ifrael.] PsALM CXXII. [Ps. CXXIII. E. V.]

[A Song of Degrees. A
Pfalm for Prayer.
g»zj: Fourth Degree a man of perfeverance in fuppli-

cation, fince he is a good fervant of his Lord, who

to The Lord's Houfe. Oioueae.
every day befeeches mercy.]
La tat us fum.
glad at
unto me we will:
what was
T hou that dwelleft. Oioueae.
go into The Houfe of
The Lord. Ad Te levavi oculos meos.

Our feetwere Hand- T TNTO Thee have I lifted up mine

ing : in thy courts, O eyes: O Thou that dwelleft in the
Jerufalem Heavens
Jerufalem, which is built as a City : that Behold, as the eyes of fervants : look
hath compaftnefs in itfelf. unto the hands of their mafters,
For thither the tribes have gone up, the And as the eyes of a maiden unto the
tribesof The Lord the teftimony of Ifrael,
: hands of her miftrefs : even fo our eyes
to give thanks unto The Name of The Lord. unto The Lord our God, until He have
For there fate the feats of judgement mercy upon us.
the feats of the houfe of David. Have mercy upon us, O Lord have !

Pray ye for the things that are for the mercy upon us for we are greatly filled

peace of Jerufalem and abundance for

: with contempt.
them that love thee. Our foul is greatly filled with the fcorn-
Let there be peace in thy ftrength and : ing of the wealthy and with the defpite-

abundance in thy towers. fulnefs of the proud.

For my brethren and neighbours' fakes Glory be to The Father.
I have fpoken peace of thee. As it was in the beginning.
Becaufe of the Houfe of The Lord our
God I have fought to do thee good.
Glory be to The Father, and to The
Son, and to The Holy Ghoft
As it was in the beginning, is now, and
ever mail be, world without end. Amen.

______ Antiphon.

Heavens, have mercy on us.

N - TO The Lord's Houfe

[O God ! Who dwelleft in the Heavens to Thee !

we lift up our eyes, and intreat Thee, that Thou

wouldeft confound the reproaches of the proud,

re - joic - ing,
we will go.
and mercifully grant us thine entire pardon, through
our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
3oo Tuefday at Vefpers.

Psalm CXXIII. [Ps. cxxiv. e. v.] Psalm CXXIV. [Ps. cxxv. e. v.]

[A Song of Degrees. A Pfalm for Meditation. [A Song of Degrees. A Pfalm for Meditation.
Fifth Degree : Voices of Apoftles and Martyrs.] Sixth Degree : that he who abides unmoved in
tribulation fhall not be fubjedted to the wicked,
left, after probation, he put forth his hand to
u r help. Oioueae.

Niji quia Dominus. D o well, O Lord. Oioueae.

TJNLESS The Lord had
that been with
£>ui confidunt in Domino.
us, now may Ifrael fay : unlefs that
The Lord had been with us HpHEY that put their truft in The Lord
When men rofe up againft us : haply
A are as the Mount Syon he fhall not

they had fwallowed us up alive be moved for ever that dwelleth in Jeru-
When their fury was enkindled againft falem.
us the waters perchance had drowned
: The mountains are round about it, and
us. The Lord is round about his people
Our foul paffed through the torrent from this time forth now and even for
our foul perhaps had pahed through the evermore.
flood infupportable. For The Lord will not leave the rod of
Blefled be The Lord who hath not given finners upon the portion of the righteous :

us : for a prey unto their teeth. that the righteous put not forth their hands
Our foul is delivered as a bird : out of to iniquity.
the fnare of the fowler. Do well, O Lord ! : unto the good and
The fnare is broken : and we are de- upright in heart.
livered. But as for fuch as turn away into bond-
Our help is in The Name of The Lord : age, The Lord fhall lead them forth with
Who hath made Heaven and Earth. the workers of iniquity :peace be upon
Glory be to The Father. Ifrael.
As it was in the beginning. Glory be to The Father.
As it was in the beginning.


O well, O Lord, unto the

of The Lord.
good and up -right in heart.

O Lord the poifonous mouths of the

[Shut, !

wicked, who, with the cruel teeth of flander, ftrive [Defend, O

Lord the portion of the righteous

to devour us ; fo we, who truft not in our own from the of the wicked ; fo we, who truft
in Thee with our whole hearts, may not be fhaken
ftrength, may be defended by the help of Thy
Name, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] by any ftorms of temptation, through our Lord
Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
Tuefday at Vefpers. 301

with exultation bringing their fheaves

Psalm CXXV. [Ps. cxxvi. e. v.]
with them.
[A Song of Degrees. A Pfalm for Meditation. Glory be to The Father.
Seventh Degree the confolation of martyrs, for
: As it was in the beginning.
they believe, that, fowing tears in time, they will
obtain perpetual and eternal joys.] Antiphon.

e be-came. Oioueae.

In converten do Dominus.

VX7"HEN The Lord turned again the

" * captivity of Syon we became like
- fort - ed.

men comforted. [Comfort, O Lord thy people, and deliver us


from the captivity of Satan $ fo that, what we here

Then was our mouth filled with joy :
fow in tears, we, by thy gift, may joyfully reap in
and our tongue with exultation. life eternal, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

Then will they fay among the Gentiles

The Lord hath done great things for Chapter. 2 Thejf. Hi.

them. HE Lord direft your hearts

The Lord hath done great things for us : into the love of God and:

we are become joyful. into the patient waiting for

Turn our captivity, O Lord ! : as a Chrift.
torrent in the South. Thanks be to God.
They that fow in tears : fhall reap in
^[ [Here follow the proper Refponfory and
joyfulnefs. Verfe, with Gloria Patri throughout
Going, they wept as they went : calling Advent and Quadragejima, and at other
forth their feed. timeswhen required by the Proper or
But returning, they fhall come again Common of the Time or of the Saints.]


EL-LU-RIS in -gens Con-

di - tor ! Mun - di fo - lum Qui the worlds ! Who, forming Earth by

5 -
e - ru - ens, Pul - fis a - qua? thy command, Didft drive the cum
~" * I ,
- lef - ti - is, Ter - ram de - dif - bering floods a-fide, And fix unmov'd

. • -. 3
ti im - mo - bi - lem the folid land
302 Tuefday at Vefpers.

Telluris ingens Conditor Almighty Founder of the worlds !

Mundi folum Qui eruens, Who forming Earth by thy command,

Pulfis aquas moleftiis, Didft drive the cumbering floods afide,
Terrain dedifti immobilem And fix unmoved the folid land

Ut germen aptum proferens So thus the fpringing feed, with flowers

Fulvis decora floribus, Of faireft hue, might deck the field,
Fcecunda fruttu fifteret, Enrich with fruit the fertile bowers,
Paltumque gratum redderet And grateful food to mortals yield

Mentis perufta? vulnera The rankling wounds which wafte the foul,
Munda viroris gratia Cleanfe Thou with thy reftoring grace :

Ut facia fletu diluat With tears to efface our deeds of ill,

Motufque pravos atterat And calm our paflions into peace :

Juffis tuis obtemperet, That we may all thy will obey,

Nullis malis approximet, From

every path of evil flee :

Bonis repleri gaudeat, And, joying in thy bounteous gifts,

Et mortis aftum nefciat. By deadly fins unfcathed may be.

Prajfta, Pater piiffime ! Thefe mercies, Gracious Father grant, !

Patrique Compar Unice ! And Thou Co-equal, Only Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito With Thee, Bleft Spirit Paraclete

Regnans per omne feculum. Who reign through endlefs ages, One !

317". Let my prayer, O Lord ! be directed

unto Thee.
Like as incenfe in thy fight. in God my Sa - vi - our.

|[ Throughout the Summer is faid the

Hymn — — . |_B — 1-1
+ g-g
Lucis Creator Optime Oioueae.
Creator of the Light Supreme !
[See Sunday at Vefpers.]
Magnificat anima mea Dominum.
W. Let my prayer.
jy/JY foul doth magnify The Lord.
Like as incenfe.
[See Vefpers for Sunday and
Antiphon. Monday.]

Petitions, Prayers, and Memorials,

Spi - rit hath re-joic-ed as on Monday.
Wednefday at Vefpers. 303
[O God builder of our fpiritual houfe, we in-

WEDNESDAY treatThee to keep us, and to fulfil our defires

that fo we may be worthy to be joined to the

number of thine elect, through the merits of our

AT VESPERS. Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

Psalm CXXVI. [Ps. cxxvii. e. v.]

Psalm CXXVII. [Ps. cxxvm. e. v.]
[A Song of Degrees of Solomon. A
Pfalm for
[A Song of Degrees. A Pfalm for Meditation.
Meditation. Eighth Degree that The Lord not
Ninth Degree that : all who fear The Lord
building the houfe of the Synagogue, in vain do
flourifh like a wife, whofe children, like the Ihoots
they ereft it before God.]
of olive, furround his table, and fo the father fees
his fons and peace upon Ifrael.]

LESS - ED IS the man. Oioueae.

B less-ed are all they. Oioueae.
Nift Dominus.
Beati omnes.
XCEPT The Lord mall
have built the houfe DLESSED are all they that fear The
they have laboured in Lord who walk in his ways.

vain that build it.

For thou malt eat the labours of thine

Except The Lord mail hands : bleffed art thou, and well fhall it
keep the city : in vain he be with thee.
watcheth that keepethit. Thy wife mail be as the fruitful vine
upon the walls of thine houfe.
It is vain for you to rife before the light
rife ye after ye mall have fate down, ye
Thy children like the young olive plants
round about thy table.
that eat the bread of forrow.
Since He giveth his beloved fleep : lo
Lo ! thus fhall the man be bleffed : who
children are the heritage of The Lord feareth The Lord.

the fruit of the womb his reward. The Lord blefs thee out of Syon and :

mayeft thou fee the good things of Jeru-

Like arrows in the hand of the mighty
falem the days of thy life.
fo are the children of the exiled ones.
Bleffed is the man that hath filled his
And mayeft thou fee thy children's

he mall not be con children peace upon Ifrael.

defire with them :

Glory be to The Father.

founded when he fpeaketh with his ene-
mies in the gate.
As it was in the beginning.

Glory be to- The Father, and to The

Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and

ever mall be world without end. Amen

LESSED are all they that


fear The Lord.

LESSED is the man that hath
[O Lord grant thy perpetual blefling unto us

who fear Thy Name ; fo that fuch may be our

adlions, fuch our life, as may raife to Heaven the
35E!E merit of our good fruit, through Chrift our Lord.
ful - fill - ed his de - fire. Amen.]
! !

3°4 Wednefday at Fefpers.

Psalm CXXVIII. [Ps. cxxix. e. v.] PSALM CXXIX. [Ps. CXXX. E. V.]

[A Song of Degrees. A
Pfalm for Meditation [A Pfalm of Degrees. A Penitential Pfalm for
Tenth Degree contains the voice of Chrift to His
Prayer. Eleventh Degree: containing the voice
Father againft the Jews, Whom
they perfecuted and of Holy Peter, when, after having denied his
condemned to the Crofs, but Whom
they could not he wept.]

hurt when He rofe from the dead.]

ut of the depths. Oioueae.

e have bleff-ed you. Oioueae. De profundis.
Stepe expugnaverunt. QUT of the depths I cried unto Thee,
"V/f ANY a time have they fought O Lord Lord hear my voice.
! : !

againft me, from my youth up O let thine ears be intent unto the :

may Ifrael now fay. voice of my complaint.

Many a time have they fought againft If Thou, Lord, wilt mark iniquity O :

me, from my
youth up : but they have Lord who fhall abide it ?

not prevailed againft me. For with Thee there is propitiation :

Sinners wrought upon my back : they and becaufe of thy law I have waited for
prolonged their iniquity. Thee, O Lord
The righteous Lord will cut off* the My foul
hath endured in his word : my
necks of finners : let all be confounded hath trufted in The Lord.

and turned backward, that have hated From the morning watch, even to the
Syon. night let Ifrael truft in The Lord.

Let them become as the graft upon the For with The Lord is mercy: and
houfe-tops : which withereth afore it be with Him is plenteous redemption.
plucked up. _
And He fhall redeem Ifrael : from all

Whereof the mower hath not filled his his iniquities.

hand : neither he that bindeth up the Glory be to The Father.

lheaves his bofom: As it was in the beginning.

And who pafled by faid not, The

bleffing The Lord be upon you we
of :

have bleffed you in The Name of The

Glory be to The Father. QT of the depths I cri-ed
As it was in the beginning.

Antiphon. un - to Thee, O Lord

[Give ear, O Lord we
befeech Thee of thy

goodnefs, to the prayer of thy fuppliants, fince with

Thee is the propitiation for our fins ; and mark
not our iniquities, but beftow thy mercies upon us,
through Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

Psalm CXXX. [Ps. cxxxi. e. v.]

in The Name of The Lord.
[A Song of Degrees. David. Pfalm ex- A
[O Lord defend thy Church by the might of
preffive of humility. Twelfth Degree : the voice
thy right hand, from all the wickednefs of its of Holy Mary the Mother of our Lord Jefus Chrift.]
afTailants ; fo that, the enemy being turned back-
ward, it may be fulfilled by thy blefling, through
Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
L e t Ifrael. Oioueae.
; ;!

Wednefday at Vefpers. 305

D omine, non eft.

[O Holy Father Almighty
but do Thou, Who art meek
! fuffer us not to be
lifted up with pride
C\ LORD, mine heart is not lifted up :
and lowly of heart, teach us to be like Thee in

neither are mine eyes haughty. humble and peaceable converfation, Who liveft and
Nor have I walked in great matters reigneft in the Unity of The Father and Holy:

Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen.]

nor in wondrous things above me.
As if I was not humble minded but :

exalted my foul. Chapter. % TheJ. Hi.

But like as a child that is weaned from HE Lord direft your hearts
his mother fo is my reward in my foul.
into the love of God and:

Let Ifrael truft in The Lord from this :

into the patient waiting for
time forth, now and even for evermore. Chrift.
Glory be to The Father. Thanks be to God.
As it was in the beginning.

Antiphon. |[ [Here follow the proper Refponfory and

Ferfe, with Gloria Patri throughout
Advent and Quadragejtma, and at other
times when required by the Proper or
ET Ifrael truft in The Lord. Common of the Time or of the Saints.]

|[ From the FIRST SUNDAY after the O Slave of THE EPIPHANY to QTJADRAGESIMA.

Hymnus.i Hymn.

CE - LI De - us Sane - tif -

fi - me! Qui lu - cid - um cen of Heav'n ! Who doft with beauteous

^_M=i z= p^:ziZ^=:q— q=
trum po-li Can-do-re pin-gis ig light fupply, In fiery fpendour bright

BE 3=*
- ne - o, Au - gens de - co - ro lu ar - rayed, The fhin - ing cen - tre of

mi - ne the flcy ;

Cozli Deus SantthTime Most Holy God The Lord of Heaven

! !

Qui lucidum centrum poli Who doft with beauteous light fupply,
Candore pingis igneo, In fiery fplendour bright arrayed,
Augens decoro lumine The lhining centre of the Iky ;

1 From S. Ambrofe, or of hh School.

2 R
! ; :;
! :; ! ! ; ;: ;

306 Thurfday at Vefpers.

Quarto die Qui flammeam Who on the fourth great day didft fet
Solisrotam conftituens The Sun's orb in his radiant car
Lunag miniftrans ordini And to the changing Moon ordain
Vagos recurfus fiderum The courfe of each far wandering ftar

Ut no&ibus vel lumini, So to the night and lightfome day,

Direptionis terminum, Their bounds of feverance to declare,
Primordiis et menfium And to the rolling months affign
Signum dares notiffimum Their birth-place in the advancing year;

Illumina cor hominum Our hearts illumine with thy grace

Abfterge fordes mentium And purge the impurity within
Refolve culpae vinculum The fetters of our guilt unloole,
Everte moles criminum. Remove the burthen of our fin !

Praefta Pater piiffime ! Thele mercies, gracious Father ! grant,

Patrique Compar Unice ! And Thou, Co-equal, Only Son !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito With Thee, Bleft Spirit Paraclete !

Per fempiterna fecula. Who reign through endlefs ages One.


37\ Let my prayer, O

Lord bedirefted !
unto Thee. Magnificat anima mea Dominum.
Like as incenfe in thy fight. jyjY foul doth magnify The Lord.

Summer [See Sunday and Monday at

|f Throughout the is faid the
Hymn — Vefpers.]
Lucis Creator Optime
Petitions, Prayers, and Memorials,
Creator of the Light Supreme
as on Monday.
[See Sunday at Vefpers.\

37\ Let my prayer.

Like as incenfe.


TN The Name of The Father, and of

HOU haft re - gard - ed my 1 The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft
Cwith the Jign of the Crofs). ^
low - li - nefs, O Lord, my God QUR Father (fecretly).

PJAIL Mary (fecretly).

Tburfday at Vefpers. 3°7

GOD ! make fpeed to fave If I enter within the tabernacle of mine

me. houfe : if I climb up into the bed of my
O Lord ! make hafte to
and flum-
If I give fleep to mine eyes :
help me.
ber to mine eyelids
Or reft to my temples, until I fhall find
LORY be to The Father, and
a place for The Lord : a tabernacle for
to The Son : and to The The God of
Holy Ghoft; we
Lo we heard of
! it at Ephrata :

As it was in the begin- found it in the fields of the wood.

ning, is now, and ever {hall
We will enter into his tabernacle : we
be : world without end. Amen. will worfhip in the place where his feet
have flood.
LLELUYA, or injiead accord-
ing to the Time
Arife, O Lord ! into thy reft :Thou,
and the Ark of thy fanftification.
Let thy priefts be clothed with righte-
oufnefs and let thy faints rejoice. :

For thy fervant David's fake turn not :

RAISE to Thee, Lord! we away the face of Thy Chrift.
The Lord hath fworn truth unto David,
Of Glory The Eternal and He will not make it void of the fruit :

of thy body will I fet upon thy feat.
If thy children will keep my covenant
[None, however, of the above are /aid
during the three days next preceding and my teftimonies that I fhall teach them;
Eajier s nor in the Day of Souls, when
Then their children, even for ever-
it is the proper Service ; nor at Vefpers more fhall fit upon thy feat.

during Eajier week, except Our Father For The Lord hath chofen Syon : He
hath chofen her to be an habitation for
and Hail Mary which are fill to be /aid.]
This fhall be my reft for ever and ever
Psalm CXXXI. [Ps. cxxxii. e. v.]
here will I dwell, for I have chofen her.
[A Song of Degrees. A Pfalm for Prayer. The With benediction bleffing her widow :

Tenth Degree : the voice of the fathers to David,

I will fatisfyher poor with bread.
teftifying that of the fruit of his body He would
fet on his feat.]
I will deck her priefts with falvation :

and her faints fhall rejoice with exultation.

There will I bring forth the horn of
d all his. Oioueae. David I have prepared a lamp for my

Memento Domine.
I will clothe his enemies with confufion
ORD, remember David but upon himfelf fhall my fanftification
and all his meeknels. flourifh.
How he fware unto Glory be to The Father, and to The
The Lord and vowed Son and to The Holy Ghoft
: :

a vow unto the God of As it was in the beginning, is now, and

Jacob ever fhall be world without end. Amen. :

From the Rubrics for the Time, and the Arundel and Arlyngham MSS.
J : ::

3°8 Tburfday at Vefpers.

Antipbon. PsALM CXXXIII. [Ps. CXXXIV. E. V.]

is not faid at Vefpers.

[See Compline /.]

[A Song of Degrees. A
Pfalm of exhortation
to praife God. Thirteenth Degree the Apoftle

tellsthe fervants of God, I would that up

[O, our God Almighty remember us in all our
all lift
holy hands.]
walk, and clothe us with the righteoufnefs of thy
priefts ; that we may be worthy to enter into thy Ecce nunc benedicite.
celeftial tabernacles, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. BEHOLD, now, blefs ye The Lord:
all ye fervants of The Lord.
Ye who ftand in the Houfe of The
Psalm CXXXII. [Ps. cxxxiii. e. v.] Lord : in the courts of the Houfe of our
[A Song of Degrees. David. Pfalm for A God.
Meditation. Fourteenth Degree the voice of the :
By night lift up your hands in the
Church to her fons, that all Catholics mould unite
in one.]
fan&uary : and blefs ye The
The Lord blefs thee out of Syon : Who
made Heaven and Earth.
Psalm CXXXIV. [Ps. cxxxv. e. v.]
Ecce quam bonum.
[Alleluya. A Pfalm
of exhortation to praife
13 EHOLD ! how good and how pleafant God. Whofoever afcends the aforefaid Fifteen
it is : for brethren to dwell in unity. Degrees feeth The Lord, faying, Behold I know !

upon the head

how great The Lord is, and our Lord before all
It is like the ointment :

that ran down unto the beard, the beard
of Aaron ;

Which went down to the flcirts of his

as the dew of Hermon, which
L L what - fo - e - ver. Oioueae.
veftment :

fell upon Mount Syon. Laudate nomen Domini.

For there The Lord hath appointed DRAISE ye the Name of The Lord
bleffing : and life, even for evermore. A ye his fervants, praife The Lord.
Glory be to The Father. Ye who ftand in the houfe of The
As it was in the beginning. Lord : in the courts of the Houfe of our
Antipbon. Praife ye The Lord, for The Lord is
good : fmg pfalmody unto His Name, for
it is fweet.
For The Lord hath chofen Jacob unto
E - HOLD ! how good and Himfelf Ifrael for his own poffeffion.

For I have known that The Lord is

how plea-fant
it is.
great and our Lord above all gods.

All, whatfoever The Lord plealed He

hath done, in Heaven and in the Earth
[Pour, O Lord upon thy Church, the charity
in the Sea, and in all the abyfTes.
of brotherly kindnefs and peace ; fo that, fprinkled
Bringing forth the clouds from the ends
with the dew of thy benediction, we may be made
glad by thy Glory and grace, through Chrift our of the Earth He hath made lightnings

Lord. Amen. for the rain

; ::

Thurfday at Vefpers. 3°9

Who bringeth forth the winds out of [O God, of furpafling goodnefs Whom the !

round world with on« voice doth praife for thy

his treafures : Who fmote the firft-born
fweet benignity ; we pray Thee to remove from us
of Egypt, from man, even to the beaft the error which Thou haft curfed, that fo we may
And fent forth figns and marvels into perform thy will, through our Lord Jefus Chrift.
the midft of thee, O
Egypt : upon Pha- Amen.] !

raoh and upon all his fervants.

Who fmote many nations and flew : PsALM CXXXV. [Ps. CXXXVI. E. V.]

mighty kings. [Alleluya. A Pfalm exhorting to praife God.

Sehon, king of the Amorrheans, and Og, In this Pfalm the people are called to confeffion,
the king of Bafan and all the kingdoms
and to be mindful of The Lord and of his wonders.]

of Canaan.
And gave their land to be an heritage :

an heritage unto Ifrael his people. o r His mer - cy. Oioueae.

O Lord ! Thy Name is for evermore :

Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus,

thy memorial, O Lord ! from generation
to generation. /^IVE ye thanks unto The Lord, for
For The Lord will judge his people ^* He is good for his mercy is for

and be intreated for his fervants. evermore.

The images of the Gentiles are filver Give ye thanks : unto The God of all

and gold the works of men's hands.

: gods.
They have a mouth and will not fpeak : Give ye thanks : unto The Lord of all

eyes have they and will not fee. lords.

They have ears, and will not hear : Who doeth : alone great wonders.
neither is there any breath in their Who made the Heavens: in under-
mouth. ftanding.
Let them be like unto them that make Who ftablifhed the Earth: above the
them and all they that put their truft in
: waters.
them. Who made : great luminaries.
O houfe of Ifrael blefs ye The Lord ! The Sun to have dominion
: of the day.
O houfe of Aaron blefs ye The Lord.! The Moon and the Stars : to have

O houfe of Levi blefs ye The Lord ! : power over the night.

ye that fear The Lord, blefs ye The Who fmote Egypt: with their firft-

Lord. born.
Blened be The Lord out of Syon: Who brought forth Ifrael : from the
Who dwelleth at Jerufalem. midft of them.
Glory be to The Father. With a mighty hand : and a lofty arm.
As it was in the beginning. Who divided the Red Sea: into two

Antiphon. And led Ifraelthrough the midft of it.


And overthrew Pharaoh and his hoft :

in the Red Sea.

Who led out his people : through the
LL what - fo - e - ver The wildernefs.
Who fmote : great kings.
And He flew : mighty kings.

Sehon : king of the Amorrheans.

Lord pleaf - ed, He hath done. And Og : the king of Bafan.
! ; :: ! ; ::

3io Thurfday at Vefpers.

And gave away their land for How mall we ling The Lord's fong
heritage. in a ftrange land ?

An heritage unto Ifrael : his fervant. If I forget thee, O Jerufalem ! : let my

Who, in our humility : was mindful right hand be given to oblivion.
of us. Let my tongue cleave to my throat : if
And redeemed us : from our enemies. I remember not thee !

Who giveth food : to all flelh. If I make not Jerufalem : the beginning
Give ye thanks : unto The God of of my joy.
Heaven ! Remember, O Lord the children of

Give ye thanks unto The Lord of lords ! Edom : in the day of Jerufalem
for his mercy is for evermore. How they faid, Rafe it, rafe it even :

Glory be to The Father. to the foundation thereof.

As it was in the beginning. O daughter of Babylon, miferable !

blefled be he who mall recompenfe thee

the reward wherewith thou haft rewarded
Bleffed be he that mail take : and dalh
thy little ones againft the rock.
Glory be to The Father.
As it was in the beginning.

e - ver - more. Antipbon.

[O Almighty God ! remember our lowlinefs,
and have mercy upon us Who didft
and do Thou,

of old time give to our fathers the land of their EE

enemies for a pofiefiion, deliver us from our fins,
and reftore us to thine inheritance, through Chrift
ING us a hymn of the
our Lord. Amen.]

Psalm CXXXVI. [Ps. cxxxvii. e. v.]

fongs of Sy-on.
[Pfalm of Jeremiah to David. Pfalm for A [O moft mighty deliverer of our captivities !

Meditation. Prophecy of the Gentiles, who mould grant to us to fing thy praifes in fpiritual concert
come from Babylon, where canticles mail ceafe, fo that we whom the noife of fin hath banilhed
and the inftruments of pfalmody are hung up from Thee, the lifting up of thy right hand may
unufed.] reftore to the number of the heavenly citizens,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]

i ng us a hymn. Oioueae. Chapter. 2 Tbef. m.

Super Jlumina Babylonis. HE Lord direct your hearts
T) Y the rivers of Babylon there we fate into the love of God : and
down and wept : while we remem- into the patient waiting for
bered thee, O Syon Chrift.
Upon the willows in the midft thereof
our inftruments we hung up. f[ [Here follow the proper Refponfory and
For there they afked of us : who led us Verfe, with Gloria Patri throughout
away captive, the words of fongs Advent and Quadragefima, and at other
And they that carried us away : Sing times when required by the Proper or
us a hymn of the fongs of Syon. Common of the Time or of the Saints.]
Thurfday at Vefpers. 311


AG-N^E De us po - ten - ORD of all might! Who doft

- ti Qui ex a - quis or Su preme, Of tribes with which the

- turn ge Par-tem re - mit - tis waters teem, Leave fome within their

gur - gi - ti, Par - tern le - vas ocean lair, Some lift un-to the

fields of air;

Magnje Deus potential Lord of all might Who doft Supreme,


Qui ex aquis ortum genus Of tribes with which the waters teem,
Partem remittis gurgiti, Leave fome within their ocean lair,
Partem levas in aera Some lift unto the fields of air
Demerfa lymphis imprimens, Draw o'er th' abafed the cryftal flood,
Subve&a ccelis irrigans, And clothe the reft with iky and cloud
Ut ftirpe una prodita So born from one creative womb,
Diverfa rapiant loca Each fhould its diverfe place affume

Largire cunftis fervulis, O grant to all thy fervants, Lord

Quos mundat unda Sanguinis, Cleanfed by the fountain of Thy Blood,
Nefcire lapfus criminum, No guilty fall from Thee to know,
Nec ferre mortis tedium. To linger in no death of woe.
Ut culpa nullum deprimat, So crime may ne'er the confcience grieve,
Nullum levet jaftantia, Nor pride th' uplifted foul deceive :

Elifa mens ne concidat, The contrite fink not to defpair,

Elata mens ne corruat. The proud Thou mayft from ruin Ipare.
Praefta, Pater piiffime Moft Gracious Father hear our prayer,

Patrique Compar Unice Co-equal Only Son give ear !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito With Thee, Bleft Spirit Paraclete !

Regnans per omne feculum. Reigning through ages infinite. Amen.

i=fc SzE=iK=^=t
A -

From S. Ambrofe^ or of his School.

312 Friday at Vefpers.

Hf. Let my prayer, O

Lord be directed ! Confitebor Tibi Domine in toto.
unto Thee.
WILL give thanks unto
Jfr. Like as incenfe in
thy fight.
Thee, O Lord ! with my
Throughout the Summer is /aid the whole heart for Thou
Hymn — haft heard the

words of
Lucis Creator Optime ! my mouth.
Creator of the Light Supreme In the fight of the
[See Sunday at Vefpers.~\ Angels I will fing pfalms to Thee I will :

3T. Let my prayer. worlhip toward thy Holy Temple, and

Like as incenfe. give thanks unto Thy Name.
Becaufe of thy mercy and thy truth :
Antiphon. for Thou haft magnified above all things
Thy Holy Name.
In whatfoever day I call upon Thee,
hear me : Thou lhalt multiply ftrength in
my foul.
Let the kings of the Earth give thanks
to Thee, O Lord for they have heard
! :

migh-ty per-fe-cuting the Saints, and all the words of thy mouth.

And they ftiall fing in the ways of The

Lord : that great is the Glory of The
hath ex-alt -ed the hum-ble, Chrift Lord.
For The Lord is very high, and hath


- fefl*-
ing. Pf. Magnificat.
refpecT: unto the lowly : and He under-
ftandeth lofty things afar off.

Though walk in the midft of trouble,


Psalm. Thou fhalt quicken me and Thou haft:

Magnificat anima mea Dominum. ftretched forth thy hand upon the anger

M Y foul doth magnify

[See Vefpers for Sunday
The Lord.
of mine enemies, and thy right hand hath
faved me.
The Lord ftiall give recompenfe for me
O Lord thy mercy is for evermore de-
! :

Petitions, Prayers, and Memorials, fpife not the works of thine own hands.
as on Monday. Glory be to The Father, and to The
Son : and to The Holy Ghoft ;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and
FRIDAY ever ftiall be : world without end. Amen.

AT VESPERS. Antiphon.
Psalm CXXXVII. [Ps. cxxxviii. e. v.]
[To David himfelf. A Pfalm to give thanks.
Being fettled in peace, they, who before were filent
with fufpended inftruments, now promife to fing the fight of the An - gels
in the light of the Angels.]

n the fight of the An-gels. Oioueae. I will fing pfalms to Thee, my God.
; : :

Friday at Vefpers.

[Increafe, O Lord
thy truth in the fouls of us
Thee, but night be as bright as the day :

thy fuppliants ; fo that we, who continually wor-

as is its darknefs, fo is its light to Thee.
fhip in thy Holy Temple, may with thy holy Angels
be worthy to be glorified in thy prefence, through
For Thou haft poffeired my reins :

Chrift our Lord. Amen.] Thou haft upholden me from my mother's

I will give thanks unto Thee, for Thou
Psalm CXXXVII1. [Ps. cxxxix. e. v.] art fearfully magnified : marvellous are

[To the end, Pfalm of David. A Pfalm for

a thy works, and my foul fhall know them
Meditation. The Voice of Chrift conferring the right well.
omnipotence of God, Who is prefent in all our My bones are not hid from Thee,
fecret actions and thoughts, and pervades all the
which Thou haft made in fecret : and my
fubftance in the lower parts of the Earth.
Thine eyes did me, yet being im-fee
perfect; and in thy book all men fhall
Lord, Thou haft prov - ed.
be written day by day they fhall be

fafhioned, and as yet no one in them.

But unto me, O God thy friends are !
made exceeding honourable : their prince-
Domine, probafti.
dom very greatly ftrengthened.

f\ LORD Thou haft proved me, and

! I will number them, and they fhall be
known me Thou haft known my
: multiplied above the fand I rofe up, and :

down-fitting and mine up-rifing. am ftill with Thee.

Thou haft underftood my thoughts long Wilt not Thou, O God flay the tin- !

before : my path and my line Thou haft ners ? :depart from me, ye men of blood.
fearched out. For ye fay in your thought They fhall :

And Thou haft forefeen all my ways receive his cities in vain.
for there no fpeech in my tongue.
is Have not I hated them, O Lord that !

Behold, O Lord Thou haft known ! hated Thee : and have pined away be-
all things ; the lateft, and thole of old caufe of thine enemies ?

Thou haft fafhioned me, and laid thine them with a perfect hatred:
I have hated
hand upon me. they have become mine enemies.
Thy knowledge is become wonderful Prove me, O God, and know my heart
beyond me it is fo mighty that I cannot
: examine me, and underlland my paths.
attain unto it. And look if there be any way of wicked-
Whither mail I go from Thy Spirit nefs in me and lead me in the way ever-

and whither fhall I flee from thy face ? lafting.

If I climb up into Heaven, Thou art Glory be to The Father.
there : if I go down to Hell, Thou art As it was in the beginning.
there prefent.
If I take wings in the morning : and Antiphon.
dwell in the uttermoft parts of the Sea
Even there alfo fhall thy hand lead me : * r- —
and thy right hand fhall hold me.
And I faid, Peradventure the darknefs LORD, Thou haft

fhall overwhelm me : and night fhall be

my light in my pleafures.
But darknefs fhall not be dark with proved me, and haft known me.
3H Friday at Vefpers.

[O Eternal God ! Who beholdeft all things in The head of them that compafs me
Heaven and Earth byWhom, atthy death, Hell
was illumined : by

Whom, at thy Refurre£tion,

about : the labour of their own lips mail
the multitude of the faints were made glad : at overwhelm them.
Whofe Afcenfion the Angel hofts rejoiced ; we Let burning coals fall upon them, Thou
pray Thee, The Excellent Majefty of this Thy great wilt caft them down into the fire : in their
Glory, that we may be directed and defended in
mifery they mall not be able to ftand.
the eternal way, by that thy right arm wherewith
thy friends are honoured and glorified with Thee in A man full of words lhall not be rightly
Heaven, Who liveft and reigneft with The Father guided upon the Earth evil lhall catch :

in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world the unjuft man in deftruftion.
without end. Amen.]
I know that The Lord will do judge-
ment for the needy and avenge the poor. :

Psalm CXXXIX. [Ps. cxl. e. v.] Moreover the righteous fhall give thanks
[To the end, a Pfalm of David. Pfalm for A unto Thy Name and the upright: fhall
Prayer. Voice of the Apoltle Peter to Chrift, dwell with thy countenance.
againft the Jews and Gentile perfecutors, and Glory be to The Father.
againft evil fpirits.]
As it was in the beginning.

rom the wicked man. Oioueae.
Eripe me, Domine.
FJELIVER me, O Lord from the evil
man : and refcue me from the wicked

ROM the wick - ed man

Who have imagined mifchief in their
hearts allthe day long have they fet in
array the battle.
de - li - ver me, O Lord !

They have fharpened their tongues like [O God ! the ftrength of our falvation ! defend
thy Church from the deadly poifon of ftrife ; fo
a ferpent : the poifon of afps is under
that we, overfhadowed by Thee, may never be en-
their lips.
fnared by the wiles of the enemy, through our
Keep me, O Lord ! from the hand of Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
the finner : and refcue me from wicked
Who thought to fupplant my fteps: the

proud have privily laid a fnare for me. [A Pfalm of David. A

Vefper Pfalm for Prayer.
And they have fpread their cords for a Voice of the Church againft heretics : to be pro-
tected from the fnares they have laid for her, and
fnare they have fet a ftumbling-block for
from the offence of evil doers.]
me by the way-fide.
I faid unto The Lord, Thou art my
God : hearken, O Lord ! to the voice of
my fupplication.
O Lord! Thou Lord, the ftrength of Domine, clamavi ad Te.
my Thou haft overfhadowed my T ORD I have cried unto Thee hearken
health : ! !

head in the day of battle. to me and give heed unto my voice, :

Betray me not, O Lord from my de- when I call upon Thee. !

fire, to the finner they have plotted Let my prayer be dire&ed like as in-

againft me ; forfake me not, left haply cenfe in thy fight the lifting up of my :

they be exalted. hands as an evening facrifice.

Friday at Vefpers. 315

Set a watch, O Lord before my mouth: !

and a door furrounding my lips.

Incline not my heart to words of evil
e t my portion, O Lord ! Oioueae.

to make excufes in fins.

With the men that work iniquity : and

Voce mea ad Dominum.
with their chofen ones, I will not commu- T CRIED unto The Lord with my
nicate. voice : unto The Lord with my voice
The righteous fhall correft me in mercy, did I my fupplication.
and rebuke me : but the oil of the linner I my prayer in his fight
pour out : and
mail not anoint my head. I declare before Him my trouble.
For my prayer fhall be ftill againft the In the failing away of my fpirit from
things that pleafe them : their judges, me then Thou kneweft my paths.

have fallen upon the rock, and been fwal- In the way wherein I walked : they
lowed up. privily laid a fnare for me.
They fhall hear my words, for they I looked upon my right hand and be-
have prevailed like as the thicknefs of held
and there was no man that would :

the earth is broken up upon the ground. know me.

All our bones lie fcattered nigh unto Refuge hath failed me and there is no :

Hell but toward Thee,

: Lord are man to feek after my foul.
O !

mine eyes ; in Thee is my truft, O caft I cried unto Thee, O Lord I faid, ! :

not away my foul Thou art my Hope my ; portion in the

Keep me from the fnare that they have land of the living.
laid for me
and from the offences of
Be intent unto my intreaty for I am :

them that work iniquity. humbled exceedingly.

Let the finners fall into their own net Deliver me from my perfecutors for :

but I am left alone until I efcape them. they are ftronger than I.
Glory be to The Father. Bring my foul out of prifon to give
As it was in the beginning. thanks unto Thy Name the : righteous
wait for me, until Thou reward me.
Antiphon. Glory be to The Father.
As it was in the beginning.


Thee ; heark-en to me. E T my portion, O Lord

[Set a watch, O
upon our lips, that we
Lord !

fpeak not foolifh things and fo, by thy mercy,


we may be protected from all the offences of the

wicked, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.] be in the land of the liv ing.

[O Lord with humble voice we befeech and


PSALM CXLI. [Ps. CXLII. E. V.] fupplicate thy pity ; fo that, helped by hope in
[Underftanding. David. A prayer when he was Thee, we may obtain our portion with thine elect
in the cave. A Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of Chrift in the land of the living, through Chrift our Lord.
to the fathers, becaufe they would not leave Him Amen.]
in peace.]
316 Friday at Vefpers.

Chapter. 2 Theff. Hi.

|[ [Here follow the proper Refponfory and
HE Lord your hearts
direft Verfe, with Gloria Patri throughout
into the love of God and : Advent and Quadragefma, and at other
into the patient waiting for times when required by the Proper or
Chrift. Common of the Time or of the Saints.]
Thanks be to God.

^ The following HYMN is faid only at VESPERS on the FRIDAY next before the
FIRST SUNDAY in QUADRAGESIMA, when on the aforefaid Friday it is the ordinary
Friday Service.


LAS -MA -TOR ho -mi

- nis De - us ! Qui cunc - ta Heaven thy throne Who ordereft

1^ !
l^E 51:

So - lus or - di - nans, Hum - um all things : God A-lone ! By whofe

JU bes pro-du-ce-re Rep-tan-tis decree the teeming Earth, To rep-tile


et fe - ra; - nus and to beaft gives birth

Plasmator hominis Deus Maker of man ! from Heaven thy throne

Qui cunfta Solus ordinans, Who ordereft all things God Alone
: !

Humum jubes producere By whofe decree the teeming Earth,

Reptantis et ferae genus To reptile and to beaft gives birth

Qui magna rerum corpora Who, the huge forms, at thy beheft
Diftu jubentis vivida, with life, on Nature's breaft,
Ut ferviant per ordinem, Haft giv'n fubdued to human kind,
Subdens dedifti homini To ferve him in their rank afligned

Repelle a fervis tuis Drive far from all thy fervants, Lord !

Quicquid per immunditiam Whate'er of finful aft, or word,

Aut moribus fe fuggerit, This day our converfe hath defiled,
Aut attibus fe interferit. Or our unwary fteps beguiled.

u From Ambrofe, or School.

S. of /lis
!! ! -

Saturday at Vefpers. 3 l

Da gaudiorum praemia, Grant us thy joyous gifts to win,

Da gratiarum munera, Diffufe thy bounteous grace within,
Diffolve litis vincula, From chains of ftrife our fouls releafe,
Aftringe pacis fcedera. Bind fall the gentle bands of peace.

Prasfta Pater, piiffime Moft gracious Father grant our prayer,


Patrique Compar Unice Co-equal Only Son give ear, !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, Who with Thee, Spirit Paraclete,

Regnans per omne feculum. Reign throughout ages infinite !

A A - men.

37". Let my prayer, O

Lord be diretted ! Psalm.
unto Thee. Magnificat anima mea Dominum.
Like as incenfe in thy fight.
jy^Y foul doth magnify The Lord.
f[ Throughout the Summer is /aid the
Hymn — [See Vefpers for Sunday and
Monday. ~\

Lucis Creator Optime

Creator of the Light Supreme !
Petitions, Orifons, and Memorials,
as on Monday.
[See Sunday at Vefpers.]

37". Let my prayer. C Psalm CXLII.

Like as incenfe. D omine exaudi oration em meam.
Antiphon. LORD ! hear my prayer
is not faid at Vefpers.
[See Lauds for Friday.]

OD hath holp - en If

ra - el his fer-vant ; as He fpake AT VESPERS.

([ [On [the Firfi] Sunday [in The Advent

of The Lord] at Firfi Vefpers, according
un - to A-bra-ham, and to his feed
to the Ufe of the Church of Sarum, the
bells having been rung, and the ordinary
duties finifhed, and the neceffary lights
and He hath ex-alt-ed the hum having been lit, in the mean while let
two of the Second Form enter in filken
Copes to conducl the Choir, and let them
ble, e - ven for e - ver. place themfelves on the firfi ftep of the
Choir. Then let the little bell be rung,
which, for that fpecial purpofe, hangs on
Pf. Magnificat. the North fide of the Choir ; and let
3«8 Saturday at Vefpers.

Our Father and Hail Mary be /aid In the Choir let there be no whifpering
privately, fianding. among the Clerks, nor talking, except
what is neceffary for the Divine Offices.
And it is to be noted, that on every day
throughout the year, whatever be the This order is to be obferved in the beginning
Service, in the
of Vefpers, beginning all the Hours throughout the whole
Compline, Matins, and the other Hours year, but fo that in the beginning of
for the day, Jhould always be /aid Our Compline be added —
Father and Hail Mary privately, by the
Convert us, O God our Saviour
whole Choir, fianding.
been faid, let
Which having
the officiating Priejl begin And at Matins —
the Verfe thus : — O Lord ! open Thou my lips.

And the reft as explained elfewhere

GOD ! make fpeed to fave
except on the three firft days before
E after, at all the Hours ; and except
as he fays it, let him during E after week, at Vefpers only s
fign himfelf with the fign and except in the Day of The Commemo-
of the Crofs on his breaft or before his ration of Souls, when it is the Service
face ; and let the Choir Jland turned to for that Commemoration. In thefe,
the Altar until the Antiphon upon the O God ! make fpeed is not faid, nor
Pfalm be begun. And let the Choir anything of the foregoing, except Our
reply thus — Father and Hail Mary only.

O Lord ! make hafte to help me.

And whilft O Lord ! make hafte to help me
LORY The Father, and
be to is fung, let the Condutlor of the Choir

to The Son and to The :

on the Dean's fide, give the Antiphon
Holy Ghoft; to a Clerk of the Second Form, on
As it was in the begin- his part to be begun, who pall begin

ning, is now, and ever mail it thus : —

world without end. Amen.

LLELUYA Bleff-ed be.

And it Jhall be fnijhed with

Who, as he begins, let him ftand turned
Alleluya throughout the
to the Choir. At the end of the firft

whole year, except from Antiphon, let him incline himfelf toward
the Firft Vefpers of Sunday in Septua- the Altar ; and let this be generally
obferved throughout the whole year, in
gefima up to Eafter,™ for then Jhall be
faid in its place thus : — turning and inclining in the beginning of
all the Antiphons, by whatever Clerk
RAISE to Thee, O Lord! we the Antiphon be begun.
Of Glory The Eternal Let the Condutlor of the Choir take it up
King. and intone it in this manner —
v For the Mujical Intonation of the IntroduElory Sunday at Matins.
Sentences, fee
w Eajiertide included the period from Thurfday in The Supper of The Lord, inclufive, to Monday after the
Ocla-ve of Eajier, exclufve. It is fometimes ufed in an extended fenfe, for the period from fucb Thurfday
until Afcenfion Day.

Saturday at Vefpers. 3 l
4 BenediBus Dominus.
The Lord my God, Who teach-eth LESSED be The Lord
my God Who teach- :

eth my hands to war,

my hands to war, and my fin-gers and my fingers to fight.
My mercy and my
refuge my upholder

to fight. and deliverer.

And Jo let it be always, whenever the My prote&or, and in Him have I
Antiphon and its Pfalm has the fame trufted : Who fubdueth my people under
beginning in full exprejjion : but fo that me.
in the Antiphon Afterte Domino Bring Lord, what is man, that Thou haft be-
ye to The Lord, and the like, the Pfalm come known to Him ? : or the fon of man,
be taken up not at the fecond but at the that Thoumakeft account of him ?
third word, and fometimes, though feldom, Man is made like unto vanity : his days
at the fourth. pafs away like a fhadow.

The Pfalm being finifhed with Glory be to Lord bow thy Heavens, and come

The Father and As it was in the begin- down touch the mountains, and they

ning let the Antiphon be begun again lhall fmoke.

by the Precentor, and fung through by Caft forth thy lightning, and Thou lhalt
the whole Choir, and let this be obferved fcatter them fhoot out thine arrows, and

throughout the whole year in finging the Thou lhalt trouble them.
Antiphons after the Pfalms. Put forth thine hand from on high
refcue me and deliver me out of many
Let the fecond Antiphon be begun by his
waters and from the hand of ftrange
fellow on the oppofite fide to him who
begun the jirft Antiphon, and let the
Whole mouth hath fpoken vanity : and
fucceeding Antiphons in turn change from
one fide to the other.
their right hand is a right hand of ini-
After the third Pfalm, let three Boys,
having obtained leave from the Con-
1 will fing a new fong unto Thee, O
God ! : upon a ten-ftringed pfaltery I will
ductors of the Choir, go out to vefl them-
fing pfalms unto Thee.
felves, two to bring wax tapers, and the
Thou Who giveft falvation unto kings :
third to bring the thurible.*]
and redeemed David thy lervant from
the evil fword, deliver me.
Psalm CXLIII. [Ps. cxlv. e. v.]
And fave me from the hand of the
[A Pfalm of David againft Goliath. Pfalm A ftrange children, whofe mouth hath fpo-
for giving thanks ; fince the life of man paffes away
like a fliadow, he fays they are not happy who ken vanity and their right hand is a

have riches, but they who abound in the love of right hand of iniquity.
God.] Whofe fons are as new plantations : in
their youth.
Their daughters decked out adorned :

less - ed be. Oioueae. round about after the likenefs of a temple.

x From the Rubrics in the Arlyngham MS., and others. The order correffonds ivitb that given in the
Confuetudinary, fee ad fin. : which notes that the fame order is to be obferved in all other Sundays in the year,
•with fame few exceptions, when it is the Service for the Time, as in this Sunday.
32° Saturday at Vefpers.

Their ftore houfes are full : emptying the Glory of Thy Holinefs and they :

out from one to another. fhall tell of thy wondrous works.

Their fheep fruitful, abounding in their And they fhall fpeak of the might of
goings forth : their oxen are fat. thy fearful afts : and declare thy great-
There is no breach of wall, nor paffing nefs.
away nor complaining in their ftreets.
: They fhall utter forth the memorial of
They have called the people happy thine abundant kindnefs : and they fhall
that are in fuch a cafe : blefled the people rejoice in thy righteoufnefs.
whofe Lord is their God. The Lord is compaffionate and mer-
Glory be to The Father, and to The ciful : long-fuffering, and very merciful.
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
: The Lord is loving unto every man :
As it was in the beginning, is now, and and his mercies are over all his works.
ever fhall be world without end. Amen.
: Let all thy works give thanks unto Thee,
O Lord and let thy faints blefs Thee.
! :

Antiphon. They fhall tell of the glory of thy king-

dom and fpeak of thy power.

To make thy might known to the chil-

dren of men and the glory of the mag-

nificence of thy kingdom.

Thy kingdom is a kingdom of all ages
and thy dominion endureth throughout all
my God.
The Lord is faithful in all his words :

[O Lord ! teach our hands, we intreat Thee, to

and holy in all his works.
war in the fpiritual combat ; leftwe be fubdued to
worldly vanity, and banifhed from the dominion of The Lord lifteth up all fuch as fall

thy law, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.] and fetteth upright all that are caft down.
The eyes of all truft in Thee, O Lord!:
and Thou giveft them their meat in due
Psalm CXLIV. [Ps. cxlv. e. v.]
[Praife to David himfelf. A Pfalm for praifing Thou openeft thine hand : and filleft
God. Voice of Chrift to the Church.] every living creature with bleffing.
The Lord is righteous in all his ways
and holy in all his works.
o r e-ver-more. Oioueae.
The Lord is nigh unto all them that
Exaltabo Te, Deus. call upon Him : to all fuch as call upon

T WILL exalt Thee, O God, my King!: Him in truth.

and I will blefs Thy Name for ever- He will perform the defire of them that
more, and for ever and ever. fear Him He alfo will hearken to their

Every day will I blefs Thee and :

intreaty, and will fave them.
praife Thy Name for ever, and for ever The Lord keepeth all them that love
and ever. Him : and will fcatter abroad all the
Great is The Lord, and exceedingly to fmners.
be praifed and of his greatnefs there is
My mouth of The
fhall fpeak the praife

no end. Lord : and His Holy

all flefh fhall blefs

Generation after generation fhall praife Name, for ever, and for ever and ever.
thy works and declare thy power.
Glory be to The Father.
They fhall fpeak of the magnificence of As it was in the beginning.
Saturday at Vefpers. 321

Antiphon. The Lord fhall reign for ever, Thy

God, O Syon ! : from generation to gene-
Glory be to The Father.
OR e - ver - more, and for As it was in the beginning.


e - ver and e - ver.

[O Lord the Ruler of all things

doft ! Who
minifter fpiritual food to every foul in due feafon ;
grant to us, we befeech Thee, thy perpetual bleffing,
fo that we, with thine ele<ft, may ever faithfully
fliew forth thy power, through Chrift our Lord.
in my life.
Psalm CXLV. [Ps. cxlvi. e. v.]
Glorious and Almighty God in Whom
[O all

[Alleluya of Haggai and Zechariah. Pfalm A the fpirits of the blefled place the confidence of
for praifing God. Voice of the Apoftles to the their hope ; grant to us, that, by thy help, we may
people, not to truft in princes, but in The Lord, be able ever to ferve Thee with a pure mind,
Who binds up the broken-hearted, enlightens the through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
blind, and guides the juft.]

Psalm CXLVL [Ps. cxlvii. e. v.]

E will praife. Oioueae. [Alleluya. A
Pfalm exhorting to praife God.
Voice of The Holy Spirit to the Gentiles, to begin
Lauda anima mea. to fing to The Lord in confeffion.]

ORAISE, O my foul, The Lord : I will

praife The Lord in my life : I will
fing pfalms unto my God as long as I o our God. Oioueae.
have being.
Laudate Dominant, quoniam bonus.
Put ye not truft in princes in the :

fons of men, in whom is no falvation. O

RAISE ye The Lord, for pfalmody is
His breath fhall go forth, and he mall good to our God be joyful and

be returned to his Earth in that day fhall : comely praifing.

all their thoughts perifh. The Lord doth build up Jerufalem
Bleffed is he whofe helper is The God He will gather together the difperfed of
of Jacob ; his hope in The Lord his God, Ifrael.

Who made Heaven and Earth : the Sea, Who healeth the contrite of heart : and
and all that therein is. bindeth up their bruifes.
Who keepeth truth for ever ; executeth Who numbereth the multitude of the
judgement for them that fuffer wrong: ftars : them all by their names.
giveth meat to the hungry. Great is our Lord, and great is his
The Lord loofeth the prifoners The : power and of his wifdom there is no

Lord enlighteneth the blind. number.

The Lord lifteth up the fallen: The The Lord fupporteth the meek and :

Lord loveth the righteous. humbleth finners even to the ground.

The Lord keepeth the ftrangers ; the Sing forth unto The Lord with thankf-
orphan and widow He will fupport and : giving fing pfalms upon the harp unto

will deftroy the ways of finners. our God.

322 Saturday at Vefpers.

Who covereth the Heaven with clouds : Lauda, Hierufalem, Dominum.

and prepareth rain for the Earth. DRAISE, O Jerufalem The Lord ! :

Who maketh the grafs to grow upon 1 praife Thy God, O Syon
the mountains and herb for the fervice
For He hath ftrengthened the bars of
of men. thy gates : He hath blefled thy children
Who giveth their fodder unto the cattle :
within thee.
and to theyoung ravens that call upon Him. Who hath made thy borders peace : and
He will have no pleafure in the ftrength fatisfieth thee with the fatnefs of wheat.
of an horfe : neither in the legs of a man Who fendeth forth fpeech upon
will He delight. Earth : and his word runneth fwiftly.
But The Lord is well pleafed with Who giveth fnow like wool : and fcat-
them that fear Him : and in them that tereth mift like afhes.
put their truft in his mercy. He cafteth forth his ice like morfels
Glory be to The Father. who will abide the face of his froft ?
As it was in the beginning. He will fend out his word, and melt them:
his wind blow, and the waters flow.
Antiphon. Who word unto Jacob
declareth his :

his juftice and judgements unto Ifrael.

He hath not dealt fo with any nation :

and his judgements He hath not manifelted

our God be joy - ful,
unto them.
Glory be to The Father.
As it was in the beginning.
praif - ing.
[After the Pfalm, let the Antiphon be thus
[O God ! builder of the Heavenly Jerufalem !
again begun by the Precentor, and fung
Who telleft the number of the ftars, and calleft
through by the Choir.
them all by their names befeech Thee,
heal, we ~\

the contrite in heart, and gather together the out- Antiphon.

cafts, and enrich us with the plenitude of thy
wifdom, through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
Psalm CXLVII. RAISE, O Je-ru-fa-lem!
[Alleluya. A Pfalm exhorting to praife God.
Voice of The Holy Spirit to the Church, to praife
His Chrift.]
The Lord.
[O Lord ftrengthen the gates of thy Church,

and make her borders peace ; and vouchfafe to

raise. Oioueae. beftow upon her the flower of fpiritual wheat,
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
[Let the Conductor of the Choir purfue the
Pfalm thus — $[ [Thefe afore/aid Antiphons, with their
Pfalms, are faid at efpers, in the afore-
faid manner, on all Saturdays throughout
the whole year without Eaftertide, when
O Je-ru-fa-lem ! The Lord : praife
it is the Sunday Service. The laft
Antiphon, however, at thefe Vefpers,
throughout the whole year, as well in
thy God, O Sy-on !] Feafts as in ordinary days, Jhall always
Saturday at Vefpers.

be Jinijbed with a cadence (neupma), and |[ [Let two Clerks of the Superior Grade,
if there be but one Antiphon let the in filken Copes, at the Jlep of the Choir,
cadence be at the end of that.] begin the Refponfory (i. e., with the two
or three firft words), and let the Choir
|[ [ The Chapter
/aid in the midft of the

Choir, by the Prieft, without changing

take it up and continue it until the Verfe.
his place or veftment, but turned to the Here followeth the proper Refponfory?
Altar, not chanting, but reading as in
the tone of a reader, which is to be ob- Let the two before-mentioned Clerks fay
ferved throughout the whole year, even the Verficle (the Choir refponding with

in Double Feafts.] the lafl fentence of the Refponfory).

Chapter, z Cor. i. The two before-mentioned Clerks

^ggjFSSLESSED God, even The
be Glory be toThe Father, and to The
|I &||gf Father of our Lord JefusChrift, Son and to The Holy Ghoft.

e Father of mercies and

^^^^a The God of all confolation :
Let the Choir fay again the laft few words
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation. of the Refponfory.

[The Chapter being finijhed, the Choir Q Let the Conductor of the Choir begin
Jhall reply thus : — the Hymn as far as the fecond or third
Thanks be to God. word, and let the Choir on the fide of
the officiating Minifter take up and con-
[In this mode Jhall the Chapters be read and
tinue that Verfe, and the other part of
refponded to throughout the whole year,.] the Choir on the oppofite fide the other

|[ This Chapter is /aid on Saturdays at Verfe, and fo let them alternate each of
Vefpers, from the Firft Sunday after the the verfes of the Hymn to the end, which

O clave of'The Epiphany to Septuagefima, fhall be obferved throughout the whole

and from the Firft Sunday after Trinity year whenever a Hymn is faid. In the
to The Advent of The Lord, whenever laft verfe let the Prieft go out and put
it is the ordinary Sunday Service. on his filken Cope.']

f[ The following HYMN is faid at VESPERS, on SATURDAYS, from the FIRST SUNDAY
after the OCTAVE of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA, whenever it is the
ordinary SUNDAY Service.

E - US Cre - a - tor

om - ni - um God Moft High!

Po - li - que Rec - tor ! vef - ti - ens Great Ru - ler of the ftar - ry Iky !

y For thefe Refponfortes, fee after Saturday at Vefpers.

324 Saturday at Vefpers.

I —
Di - em de - co - ro lu - mi - ne, Robing the day in beauteous light,

zzzz-j — —

Noc - tern fo - po - ris gra - ti - In fweet repofe the qui - et night

Deus Creator omnium Maker of all things God Moft High


Polique Reftor veftiens ! Great Ruler of the ftarry Iky !

Diem decoro lumine, Robing the day in beauteous light,

Nodlem foporis gratia ; In fweet repofe the quiet night

Artus folutos ut quies That fleep may our tired limbs reftore,
Reddat laboris ufui And fit for toil and ufe once more
Mentefque feffas allevet, May gently foothe the care-worn breaft,
Luctufque folvat anxios And lull our anxious griefs to reft

Grates perafto jam die, We thank Thee for the day that's gone,
Et noftis exortu preces, We pray Thee now the night comes on
Votis reos ut adjuves, O help us finners, as we raife,
Hymnum canentes folvimus. To Thee our votive hymn of praife.

Te cordis ima concinant, To Thee our hearts their mufic bring,

Te vox canora concrepet Thee our united voices ling :

Te diligat caftus amor, To Thee our pure affeftions foar,

Te mens adoret fobria. Thee may our chaftened fouls adore.

Ut cum profunda clauferit So when the deepening fhades prevail,

Diem caligo noftium And night, o'er day hath dropped her veil
Fides tenebras nefciat, Faith may no wildering darknefs know,
Et nox Fidei luceat. But night with Faith's own fplendour glow.

Dormire mentem ne finas, O fleeplefs ever keep the mind

Dormire culpa noverit Our bind
guilt in lafting (lumbers ;

Caftos Fides refrigerans Let Faith pure Chaftity renew,

Somni vaporem temperet. And freftien fleep's lethargic dew.

Exuta fenfu lubrico, From every wrongful paflion free,

Te cordis alta fomnient O may our hearts repofe in Thee
Ne hoftis invidi dolo Nor envious fiend, with harmful fnare,
Pavor quietos fufcitet. Our reft with finful terrors fcare.
Chriftum rogemus et Patrem, Chrift, with The Father ever One !

Chrifti Patrifque Spiritum, Spirit of Father and of Son !

Unum Potens per omnia God over all of mighty fway,

Fove precantes, Trinitas Shield us, great Trinity ! we pray
Let the Choir reply Let the Choir reply


A - men. A - men.
Saturday at Vefpers. 325

|[ [The Hymn having been fang, let fome In the fame mode Jhall Refponfe be made to

Boy from the Choir, turned to the Altar, every Verfe after the Hymn, as well at
fay the Verficle, without changing vejl- V
Matins as at efpers and at Compline,
ment or place,.] throughout the whole year, except in the
37". May our evening prayer afcend up three week-days next before Eafter, and

unto Thee, O Lord in the Service of the Dead, but fo that

And may thy mercy defcend upon during Eaftertide they be finijhed with
Alleluya and in filence?

The following HYMN is faid on SATURDAYS, at VESPERS, from the FIRST SUNDAY
after TRINITY to ADVENT, whenever it is the ordinary SUNDAY Service.


LUX ! Be - LIGHT Thou Trin- !

- ta Trin i - tas ! Et prin - ci - pa - i - ty Moft Bleft ! Chief U- ni.

H f;

lis U - ni - tas ! Jam Sol re Su - preme and Bleft ! E'en as the

dit ne us, In - fun - fie - ry Sun de - parts, Out - pour

de lu - men cor - di - bus. thy light up -on our hearts.

O Lux ! Beata Trinitas O Light ! Thou Trinity Moft Bleft

Et Principalis Unitas Chief Unity Supreme and Beft !

Jam Sol recedit igneus, E'en as the fiery Sun departs,

Infunde lumen cordibus. Outpour thy light upon our hearts.

Te mane laudum carmine, Thee with our hymns at dawn we praife,

Te deprecemur vefperi To Thee the evening prayer we raife ;
Te noftra fupplex gloria, And Thou our glorious theme (halt be,
Per cunfta laudet fecula. Adored through all eternity !

[Jam noftis tempus advenit : Now darknefs falls on Earth, do Thou
Quietam nodlem tribue A night of quiet reft beftow : [throne,
Diluculo nos refpice When morning breaks : from Heaven thy
De Ccelo clementiflime! On us moft gracioufly look down
From the Rubrics for Advent. a D. xii., Cott. MSS., Brit. Mujeum.
; : ! ; : !

326 Saturday at Vefpers.

Tu Chrifte ! folve vincula : O Chrift ! the chains of fin unbind :

Abfterge noftra vitia : Wafh clean all vices from the mind
Relaxa prius crimina, From guilt that's paft our fouls relieve,
Et indulge facinora. And all our evil deeds forgive.

Oramus ut exaudias We pray Thee hear thy fuppliant's call

Precamur ut fubvenias ; O help us, Saviour ! e'er we fall
Chrifte Jefu Omnipotens ! ! Chrift Jefu King of boundlefs might

Tu nos a malo libera. Shield us from every ill this night.]

Deo Patri fit Gloria ! To God The Father, Glory be

Ejufque Soli. Filio ! And Only Son ! alike to Thee !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With The Bleft Spirit Paraclete,

Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now and through ages infinite !


W. May our evening prayer. For

is mighty hath done to me He that
I£. And may thy mercy. and Holy is His Name. great things :

And his mercy is from generation to

[The Verficle having been /aid, let the Con-
generation upon them that fear Him. :

ductor of the Choir give the Antiphon to

He hath done might with his arm He :
be begun to fome one of the Superior
hath fcattered the proud in the imagina-
Grade s and let this be done in general
tion of their heart.
throughout the whole year.
He hath put down the mighty from
Whatever be the Antiphon upon the Pfalm their feat and hath exalted the humble. :

Magnificat or upon the Pfalm Benediftus He hath filled the hungry with good
or upon the Pfalm Nunc dimittis let it things and the rich He hath fent empty :

be begun in the Superior Grade. Let away.

the Conductor of the Choir firft intone He hath holpen his fervant Ifrael:
the three firft words of the Antiphon?^ b remembering his mercy.
As He fpake to our fathers : Abraham
Psalm. and his feed for evermore.
Magnificat anima mea Dominum. Glory be to The Father, and to The
Luke i. Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

Y foul : doth magnify The As it was in the beginning, is now, and

Lord ever mail be world without end. Amen.:

And my fpirit hath re-

[Now is fung the Proper Antiphon.
joiced in God my Salvation.

For He hath regarded of [In the mean time let the Prieft return from
the lowlinefs
his handmaiden for, : behold from the Veftibule,
! and the Taper-bearers
henceforth all generations ftiall call me having received their tapers let them
bleffed. come to meet the Prieft at the ftep of the

b All the previous bracketed Rubrics are extraBed from the Arlyngham or Arundel MSS., the Firft
Sunday in Ad-vent, at Firft Vefpers.
Saturday at Vefpers. 327
Pre/bytery, and let the Boy with the
thurible offer him incenfe to blefs : and
let the Prieft fay, By Him may it be
h e Lord be with you.
fan&ified in whofe honour it lhall be The Choir reply thus : —
burnt, In The Name of The Father,
and of The Son, and of The HolyGhoft.
Amen. And let him put frankincenfe And with
— .

thy fpi
—- rit.

into the thurible and let him proceed to

the Altar, and make a genuflection be- The Prieft,

fore the Altar. Let him incenfe it firft
in the middle, then on the right fide, and
Let us pray.
then on the left ; then the image of the
Blejfed Virgin ; then the Jhrine in which
Let the Orifon follow [i. e. for the following
the Relics are kept : then let him walk
round the Altar, if he can do fo s but in
Sunday] as thus : —
other Churches let the Altar be incenfed
as aforefaid, and afterwards the image of a1 s e up, we be - feech Thee
the Saint in whofe honour the Church is

founded. This having been done, let the

Priefl bow
at the fartheft ftep which is be faved terminating thus, Who livefl:

before the Altar ; and then, the Taper-

bearers with the thurible preceding him, El-
——— 1 1

let him go to the Stall appropriate to and reigneft with God The Father, in
this office. Then the Boy fhall incenfe
the Prieft there, afterwards the Con-
p 1
— 1
ductors of the Choir, beginning with the the U-ni-ty of The Holy Ghoft, God,
Principal ; then the Upper Grade on the
fide oppofite
the Dean himfelf.
the Dean, beginning with — A h=*J
If he be not prefent, world without end. Choir. Amen.]
lethim begin there. Afterwards the
Upper Grade on the oppofite fide, namely, After this manner are faid all the Orifons
that of the Precentor in the fame way ; throughout the whole year at Vefpers
but fo that when he incenfes each the and at Matins, except on the three week
Boy bow himfelf. Let this be done days next before Eafter.
whilft the Antiphon on the Pfalm
Then let the Prieft fay
Magnificat is beginning and the Pfalm
Whilft the Antiphon upon the Pfalm h e Lord be with you.
Magnificat is being fung, let the Prieft
approach the ftep of the Choir, and the Choir,
Hebdomadary Boy ufual bring him
the Book, the Taper-bearers ftanding by
The Pfalm
And with thy fpi-rit.
the fide of the fame Prieft.
Magnificat being finifhed, let the An- Let one Boy fay
tiphon be fung through, which being
finifhed with its cadence, let the Prieft
fay Blefs we The Lord.
328 Saturday at Vefpers.
The Choir reply

like the rain upon the grafs. Alleluya.

Thanks be to God.
{[ // is to be known that Benedicamus S^W..-,
Blefs we
Jbould be /aid by one Boy only
Pfalm. Magnificat.
on all Sundays and Simple Feafis of Nine
Lejfons, and of Three Leffons when there
In The Nativity.
are Conductors of the Choir, and on
ordinary days throughout the whole year
— 1-» 1
* — 1—» -
Vefpers as at
1 1

as well at Matins. c
When the Sun fhall have arifen from
[Then follow the Proper or Common Memo-
rials as dire tied by the Office for the
P m
M. -_
rm —— _
^ " — —

Heav'n, ye mall fee The King of Kings

After the laft Memorial is faid
>-r-C* — — 1 (5 _ — , —F*— — —%—
—* r*u=— 1

h e Lord be with you. pro - ceed - ing from The Father, like

1 . I— 5 J— ^-piir ^ =-4:
And with thy fpi - rit.
a bride-groom from his cham-ber.

Blefs we
Let one Boy fay

The Lord.
— Pfalm. Magnificat.

Thanks be to God.] In The Epiphany.

C SELECT ANTIPHONS ON The Ma-gi, fee-ing The Star, faid

one to an - - ther, this is the Jign
In the Second Sunday in Advent.
jM* -— T*—
= Pfc- T=
of The Great King, Let us go forth
e fhall a - rife, like the Sun, The

* *
Saviour of the world, and fhall de - and fearch for Him, and of - fer to Him

. — ? l=m=*
* _

- fcend into the womb of the Virgin ob - la - tions, Gold, Frank - in - cenfe,

c The Rubrics and Mujical Notation above given are mainly from the Arlyngham MS., agreeing clofely

with the Arundel MS., 1 30, and the other MS. Bret iaries.
Saturday at Vefpers. 329

p |

and Myrrh. the other Ma-ry, to fee the Sepulchre.

——— i
i_p — i E -P m^-V

Pfalm. Magnificat. Al - le - lu - ya.

In the Fir/} Sunday in Quadragejima.

r ^8— — ll'l^i 1

1 1

Pfalm. Magnificat.
.. -.1 u. +
Be-hold! now is the time ac-cept-
In the Day of The Afcenfion at Firft

—— — — — —

U ,

a - ble,

- hold

now the day of


Fa - ther ! I have manifefted Thy

( —
1 ,

fal-va-tion. In thefe days, therefore, k _r

m Name to the men whom Thou

g-V-fl-J 1 . g m fm W[um haft

let us mew ourfelves as God's minifters, 12

" " fm~ _j _*__»—-5-
p— r—
~— Fa —i-
— 1

given to Me ; now therefore, for them

in much pa - ti - ence, in watch-ings,

I aft., not for the world, becaufe un-

in fallings, and in cha-ri- ty unfeigned.
* . -
" -—
—JU 1
t*-fm -j

- to Thee I go. Al - le - lu - ya.

Pfalm. Magnificat.
k—+m - ^mmu 1 _
_J ___t!^__
In the Holy Day of Eajler.
Pfalm. Magnificat.

P 5 — m X- u _ m — -_ —
In the Day of Pentecoft.
But on the Eve of the Sabbath, as

1 n_
h 1
^ ^— 1
— m 1
—— 1

it dawned to the Firft from the Sab- If a-ny one loveth Me, he will

£ —^ ? "v^-l
- bath, came Ma-ry Magdalene, and keep my word, and My Fa-ther
2 u
33° Refponfories at Vefpers


will love him, and to him will We
come, and our abode with him will [Let two Clerks of the Superior Grade, in
Jilken Copes, at the Jlep of the Choir
* begin the Refponfory]

We make. Al - le - lu - ya. EHOLD the days [and let the

Choir take it up and continue it

until the come,

IE Verfe,~\
The Lord, and I will raife up

Pfalm. Magnificat. unto David a righteous Branch. And a

King fhall reign, and He mall be wife, and
He fhall do judgement and juftice upon
In the Feajl of Trinity. the Earth ; and this is the Name which
they fhall call Him, Our Righteous Lord.
[Let the two before-mentioned Clerks fay
Thanks to Thee, O God ! Thanks the Ferfe.]
In thofe days Judah fhall be faved, and
Ifrael fhall dwell truftfully.

The True One

[Choir.] And this is the Name which
to Thee !

they fhall call Him, Our Righteous Lord.

[The two before-mentioned Clerks.]
Glory be to The Father, and to The
Tri - ni-ty, One and Su-preme
Son ; and to The Holy Ghoft.

[Let the Choir fay again,]

Our Righteous Lord.
De - i - ty, Ho ly^ and One
1 Let a Clerk of the Second Form begin this

U - ni - ty. Refponfory
Thou arifing, O Lord !

And let it be fung through by the Choir,

Shalt have pity upon Syon.
Pfalm. Magnificat. The Clerk. 3T. Becaufe the time of
pitying her, yea, the time hath come.
Thou fhalt have pity upon Syon.
The Clerk. Glory be to The Father,
and to The Son ; and to The Holy Ghoft.
d " As in this Sunday, jujl fo in each Sunday throughout the year, is the Service performed, when it is the
Time, except that a Refponfory
Office for the is not faid on every Sunday at Vefpers." —
From the Confuetudinary
of S. Ofmund, pojl.
Refponfories at Vefpers. 33

Choir. Thou arifing, O Lord! fhalt

have pity upon Syon.
Let this be faid daily at Vefpers through-
out the whole of Advent, in the afore/aid IJ?. There fhall not be taken away the

manner, up to O
Sapientia except in Sceptre from Judah, nor a leader from his

Saturdays and Feajis of The Saints : fo thigh, until He come Who fhould be fent.

that in week-days* it is faid by one Boy

And He fhall be the expectation of the
only in the Firft Form, without changing
veftmerit or place ; fo in Sundays by one W. Fairer are his eyes than wine, and

Clerk of the Second Form. his teeth than milk are whiter.
Choir. And He fhall be the expectation
of the Gentiles.
|[ In the SECOND SUNDAY in ADVENT. Clerk. Glory be to The Father, and to
The Son ; and to The Holy Ghoft.
Choir. And He fhall be the expectation
The Lord
J$l. lhall teach us his ways, of the Gentiles.
and we will walk in his paths. For from
Syon fhall go forth the Law, And the Word
of The Lord from Jerufalem.
3T. Come ye, let us go up to the Moun- Haften fo Thou tarrieft not, O
tain of The Lord, and to the Houfe of Lord And deliver thy people. !

The God of Jacob. W. Come, O Lord and tarry Thou !

Choir. For from Syon fhall go forth not. Loofe the evil deeds of thy
the Law, And the Word of The Lord people.
from Jerufalem. Choir. And deliver thy people.
Clerk. Glory be to The Father, and Clerk. Glory be to The Father, and to
to The Son ; and to The Holy Ghoft. The Son ; and to The Holy Ghoft.
Choir. And the Word of the Lord Choir. Haften fo Thou tarrieft not,
from Jerufalem. Lord O
And deliver thy people. !


He that fhould come, will come,
and fhall not tarry. Now fhall there not O Judasa and Jerufalem fear ye not

be any more fear in our borders ; For He To-morrow ye fhall go forth. And The
is our Saviour. Lord fhall be with you.
3T. He will rid us of all our iniquities, 3T. Be ye fteadfaft. Ye fhall behold
and cart away from us all our fins. the help of The Lord upon you.
Choir.For He is our Saviour. To-morrow ye fhall go forth; And
Glory be to The Father, and
Clerk. to The Lord fhall be with you.
The Son ; and to The Holy Ghoft. Glory be to The Father.
Choir. For He is our Saviour. And The Lord fhall be with you.

e " There is no Refponfory at Vefpers on Week-days, except in Ad-vent and Quadrageftma." — Consuetudinary
of S. OJmund, poji.
332 Refponfories at Vefpers.
Three were the precious gifts which
VESPERS on the SIXTH DAY, and in the the Magi offered to The Lord God on
SUNDAY within the OCTAVE, and in that day. In Gold is fliewn forth the
the VIGIL of THE CIRCUMCISION. power of a King. In Frankincenfe un-
The Word was made Flefh and derftand the Great Prieft. And in Myrrh
dwelt among us. Whofe Glory we be- The Lord's Burial.
held as of The Only Begotten from The 37". The Author of our Salvation The

Father, Full of Grace and Truth. Magi worlhipped in his cradle, and from
3T. In the Beginning was The Word, their treafures offered to Him the myftical
and The Word was with God, and The honours of gifts.
Word was God. In Gold is Ihewn forth the power of
Whofe glory we beheld, as of The a King. In Frankincenfe underftand the
Only Begotten from The Father, Full of Great Prieft. And in Myrrh The Lord's
Grace and Truth. Burial.
Glory be to The Father. Glory be to The Father.
Full of Grace and Truth. And in Myrrh The Lord's Burial.


The heart of The Virgin was f[ In the OCTAVE of THE EPIPHANY.
IJ;. ef-
tablilhed, in which, by the meffage of an In the form of a Dove The Holy
Angel, fhe conceived the divine myfteries. Ghoft was feen, The Father's voice was
Who conceived in her chafte bofom Him heard, This is My Beloved Son in Whom
Who was Beautiful in his form before the I am well pleafed. Hear ye Him.
fons ofmen. And blefTed for evermore, The Voice of The Lord is upon

me brought forth unto us God and Man. the waters. The God of Majefty hath
37". Her modeft bofom's pure abode thundered. The Lord is upon many
Becomes the temple of her God ; waters.
Inviolate, by man unknown, The Father's voice was heard, This is

She by a word conceived The Son. My beloved Son in Whom I am well

And bleffed for evermore, me brought pleafed. Hear ye Him.
forth unto us God and Man. Glory be to The Father.
Glory be to The Father. Hear ye Him.
And bleffed for evermore, Ihe brought
forth unto us God and Man. <[ The FIRST SUNDAY after the OCTAVE
TheKings of Tharfis and of the At FIRST VESPERS.
Ifles mail offer gifts. The Kings of O God Who fitteft upon the !

Arabia and Saba mail bring prefents To throne and judgeft equity Be Thou the :

The Lord God. refuge of the poor in tribulation ; For

37". And all Kings mall adore Him. Thou alone conlidereft labour and forrow.
All nations mail ferve Him. 37". For Unto Thee is the poor aban-
The Kings of Arabia and Saba mall doned. Thou lhalt be the helper of the
bring prefents To The Lord God. orphan.
Glory be to The Father. For Thou alone confidereft labour and
To The Lord God. forrow.

Refponfories at Vefpers. 333

([ Sunday in septuagesima. Regard, O

Lord ! and have pity, for we
At FIRST VESPERS. have finned againft Thee.

Therefore Heavens and the

y. We
have finned with our Fathers,
we have afted unjuftly, we have done
Earth were perfected, and all their gar-
niture ; and God completed on the Seventh
iniquity. Regard, O
Lord, and have
pity, for we have finned againft Thee.
Day his work which He had done. And
Glory be to The Father.
He refted from all his work which He
Regard, O Lord, and have pity, for we
had finifhed.
have finned againft Thee.
y. God faw, therefore, all things that
He had made, and they were very good. At SECOND VESPERS.
And He refted from all his work which T$. Be unto us, O Lord
He had finifhed. Let the Choir proceed. A tower of
Glory be to The Father.
And He refted from all his work which Let the Clerk fay. From the face of
He had finifhed.
the enemy.
Choir. A tower of ftrength.
|[ Sunday in sexagesima. Glory be to The Father.
At FIRST VESPERS. Be unto us, O Lord a tower of ftrength.

I£. Noah wifhing to know if the waters ^[ This Refponfory is faid daily at Vefpers
had yet abated, fent forth a dove, and for fifteen days.
bearing a branch of a green olive tree in
her mouth, fhe Returned to the Ark. |[ In the SECOND SUNDAY in QUADRA-
y. The dove then bearing the fign of
the mercy of God in her mouth.
Returned to the Ark. God give thee of the dew of Heaven,
and of the fatnefs of the Earth in abun-
Sunday in quinquagesima. dance. Let the tribes of the people ferve
thee. Be thou Lord of thy brethren.
y. And the fons of thy mother fhall
Abraham returning from the flaughter bow before thee.
of the four kings, meeteth the King of Be thou Lord of thy brethren.
Salem, Melchifedech, offering bread and Glory be to The Father.
wine. For He was The Prieft of God, Be thou Lord of thy brethren.
and He Hefted him.
3T. Abraham, blefled of The Moft |[ In the THIRD SUNDAY in QUADRA-
High God, Who created Heaven and GESIMA.
For He was The Prieft of God, and
Therefore Jofeph was led into
He blefled him.
Egypt, and The Lord was with him :
Through Whom he was a man in all
<[ First Sunday in Quadragesima.
things doing profperoufly.
At FIRST VESPERS. y. For his God had pity upon him,
Let us amend for the better wherein and direfted all his doings.
we have finned ignorantly, left fuddenly Through Whom he was a man in all
overtaken by the day of death, we feek things doing profperoufly.
fpace for penitence and cannot find it. Glory be to The Father.
334 Refponfories at Vefpers.

Through Whom he was a man in all Choir. The Lord led them out, and in
things doing profperoufly. great might He them with the fruit of
the fields. They drew forth honey from
At SECOND VESPERS. the rock, and oil out of the hard rock.

IJr. Bring out of prifon [Let the whole f[ This Refponfory is faid daily at Vefpers
Choir proceed] my foul, To give thanks until Sunday in The Paffion of The
unto Thy Name, O Lord ! Lord.
The Clerk. Refuge hath failed me.
There is no man to feek after my foul. Q In SUNDAY in THE PASSION OF THE
To give thanks unto Thy Name, O LORD, and in SUNDAY in the PALM
Glory be to The Father. THE LORD at VESPERS, inclufive, ex-
cept in Second Vefpers of Palm Sunday.
Let the Choir repeat the Refponfory.
Bring my foul out of prifon, to give
thanks unto Thy Name, O Lord Ijfc. Men of lies compafled me round about
without a caufe, with ftripes they lalhed
This Refponfory is faid daily throughout
the week.
me. But Thou, O
Lord my defender, !

avenge me.
37*. When tribulation is very nigh at
|[ In the FOURTH SUNDAY in QUADRA- hand, and there is none to help.
But Thou, O Lord ! my defender,
avenge me.
I£. Hear, O
Ifrael, the precepts of The Gloria Patri is not faid.
Lord, and write them in thy heart as if in
Let the Refponfory be repeated.
a book. And I will give thee a land
flowing with milk and honey. Men of lies compafled me round about
Obferve, therefore, and hear my without a caufe, with ftripes they lalhed
voice, and I will be a foe to thy foes. me. But Thou, O
Lord my defender, !

And I will give thee a land flowing avenge me.

with milk and honey.
Glory be to The Father.
And I will give thee a land flowing Ijfc. How long [Let the Choir proceed]
with milk and honey. fhallmine enemy be exalted over me.
Confider and hearken unto me, O Lord my
5?. The Lord The Clerk Y. They that trouble me
[Let the whole Choir
proceed] them out, and in great will rejoice if I be moved ; but I have
might He fed them with the fruit of the put my truft in thy mercy.
fields. They drew forth honey from the Confider, and hearken unto me, O Lord
rock, and oil out of the hard rock. my God
37'. He fed them with the fatnefs of Gloria Patri is not faid, but let the Re-
corn : with honey from the rock He fatif- fponfory be repeated. How long fhall mine
fied them. enemy be exalted over me. Confider, and
They drew forth honey from the rock, hearken unto me, O Lord my God !

and oil out of the hard rock. |[ This Refponfory faid throughout the

Glory be to The Father. week when it is the Office for the Time.

Refponfories at Vefpers. 335


~Bp. But the chief of the Priefts con- 1^. The Apoftles fpake in various

fulted how they might kill Lazarus alfo tongues : Alleluya : The wonderful works
Becaufe of whom many came and believed of God. Alleluya.
in Jefus. ~f. All were fulfilled with The Holy
317". The multitude, therefore, bore wit- Ghoft, and began to fpeak.
nefs, who were with Jefus, when He The wonderful works of God. Alleluya.
called from the fepulchre, and
Lazarus Glory be to The Father.
raifed him up from the dead. Alleluya.
Becaufe of whom many came and be-
lieved in Jefus. In the DAY of PENTECOST.
Let the Ufa. be repeated, But the chief of R^. The Holy Ghoft, proceeding from
the Priefts. the throne, penetrated invifibly the bofoms
of The Apoftles, a new token of fanftifi-

|[ In the VIGIL of THE ASCENSION. cation So that in their mouths

: all kinds of
tongues had birth. Alleluya.
J$p. Let not your heart be difturbed ; I
~f The divine fire, not confuming, but

go to The Father, and when I fhall have

illumining, inflamed them, and beftowed
been taken up from you, I will fend unto
on them the gifts of graces.
you Alleluya
: The Spirit of Truth,
So that in their mouths all kinds of
and your heart fhall rejoice. Alleluya.
tongues had birth.
37". I will alk The Father, and another
Glory be to The Father.
Comforter He will give unto you.
The Spirit of Truth, and your heart
mall rejoice. Alleluya.
Glory be to The Father. |[ In the FEAST of THE HOLY TRINITY.
Ity. Honour, Virtue, Power, and Em-
In the DAY of THE ASCENSION, and in pire, be unto The Trinity in Unity, The
the SUNDAY within the OCTAVE. Unity in Trinity, For the everlafting
duration of ages.
T$p. Go ye into the univerfal world
and preach, faying : Alleluya : He who 'f. To The Trinity
be everlafting

mail have believed, and been baptized,

light ; to The Unity
be perpetual honour.
For the everlafting duration of ages.
mall be faved. Alleluya, Alleluya, Al-
Glory be to The Father.
For the everlafting duration of ages.
3T. But The Paraclete, The Holy Ghoft,
Whom The Father fhall fend in my Name,
He fhall teach you all things, and fhall
fuggeft all things, whatfoever I fhall have Ity. Blefs we The Father and The Son,
faid unto you. with The Holy Ghoft. Praife Him and
He who fhall have believed, and been highly exalt Him For evermore.
baptized, fhall be faved. Alleluya, Alle- ~f. Blefled
Thou, O Lord! in the
luya, Alleluya. firmament of Heaven, and worthy to be
Glory be to The Father. praifed, and glorious
Alleluya, Alleluya, Alleluya. For evermore.
336 Refponfories at Vefpers.
{[ In the FEAST of CORPUS CHRISTI. dom. Upon the necks of the proud and
lofty I have trodden by mine own might.
y. I dwell in the higheft, and my
B^. A
certain man made a great fupper, throne is in the pillar of the
and fent forth his fervant at the hour of Upon the necks of the proud and lofty
fupper, to tell them that were bidden, to I have trodden by mine own might.
come, For all things are ready.
jt. Come ye, and eat my bread, and
drink the wine that I have mingled for
you. B^. BeforeIeat,Ifigh; and like as over-
For all things are ready. flowing water, fo is my roaring ; for the
Glory be to The Father. fear which I feared hath come upon me,
For all things are ready. and that which I was afraid of hath be-
fallen me. Have I not diflembled ?• Have
At SECOND VESPERS. I not kept filence ? And now am in
quietude, and thy indignation hath come
B^. Elias beheld at his head bread
upon me, Lord O !

baked in afhes, which, ariflng, he eat and

f. I would not that in much might
drank. And he went in the ftrength of
that meat, even Unto the mountain of
He fliould contend with me, left with the
bulk of his greatnefs He overwhelm me.
Let Him propofe equity againft me.
~jt. If any man ftiall eat of this bread,
Have I not diflembled ? Have I not
he fliall live for ever.
kept fllence ? And now am in quietude,
And he went in the ftrength of that and thine
indignation hath come upon me,
meat, even Unto the mountain of God.
O Lord
Glory be to The Father.
Unto the mountain of God.

The FIRST SUNDAY after TRINITY. Ify. At all times blefs God, and feek of
Him to diredl: thy ways. And ever let
thy counfel abide in Him.
B^. Fear God, and keep his command- Be mindful of thy fon ; lince we
ments, this is the complete man. pafs a life of poverty, thou flialt have
jfr. To them that fear God, nothing is many goods, if thou flialt fear God.
lacking, nor to them who love Him in And at all times let thy counfel abide
truth. in Him.
This is the complete man.
Glory be to The Father. The FIRST SUNDAYafter SEPTEMBER 20.
This is the complete man.
1^. O Lord King Almighty in thy
! !

dominion are all things placed, and there

is none who can reflft thy will. Deliver
B^. have gone about the circuit of us for Thy Name's fake.
the Heaven alone, and have walked on .
Hearken, O
Lord unto our prayer, !

the waves of the Sea, and in every nation and turn our grief into joy.
and in every people I have held the prince- Deliver us for Thy Name's fake.
! ! !

Hymns at Vefpers. 337


R^. Thine is the Power, thine, O Lord Ity.Behold, O Lord from thy Holy!

is the Kingdom. Thou art above all nations. Seat, and think upon us ; incline, O my
Give peace in our days, O Lord ! God! thine ear, and hear. Open thine
eyes, and behold our tribulation.
. God, Creator of all things, fearful
and mighty, juft and merciful. ~it. O Lord! from thy Sanc-
Look down,
tuary, and from the lofty habitation of
Give Peace in our days, O Lord !

the Heavens.
Glory be to The Father. Open thine eyes, and behold our tribu-
Give Peace in our days, O Lord ! lation.

[From The Proper of The Time.]

At FIRST and SECOND VESPERS, in the FIRST SUNDAY in ADVENT, and daily up
Hymnusj Hymn.

ON-DI-TOR Al-me fi-de- RIGHT Framer of the Harry

! E - ter - na Lux ere - den Heaven ! E - ter - nal Light of man

- ti ! Chrif - te Re - demp for- given ! O Chrift ! the world's

tor om - ni - um ! Ex - au - di Re-deem-er, hear ! And grant thy

pre - ces fup - pli - cum. humble fuppliants' prayer.

Conditor Alme fiderum Bright Framer of the ftarry Heaven !

Eterna Lux credentium ! Eternal Light of man forgiven !

Chrifte Redemptor omnium O Chrift ! the world's Redeemer, hear !

Exaudi preces fupplicum. And grant thy humble fuppliants' prayer.

Qui condolens interitu Who, grieving for the fatal curfe,

Mortis perire feculum, Which doomed to death the univerfe,
Salvafti mundum languidum, Didft thy difealed creation heal,
Donans reis remedium. And pardon to the guilty feal.
From S. Ambrofe, or of his School.
2 X

338 Hymns at Vefpers.

Vergente mundi vefpere, Earth waning to her evening hour,

Uti fponfus de thalamo, He like a bridegroom from his bower,
Egreffus honeftiflima His Virgin Mother's fpotlefs fhrine,
Virginis matris claufula. Came forth in dignity divine.

Cujus fortis potentiae To whofe Almighty Majefty,

Genu curvantur omnia, All things created bend the knee :

Cceleftia, terreftria, The realms of Heaven and Earth obey,

Fatentur nutu fubdita. And own content his fovereign fway.

[Occafum Sol cuftodiens, [The Sun, which knows his going down,
Luna pallorem retinens, Fixed in her fphere the pallid Moon :

Candor in aftra relucens And glittering Stars, which faithful move

Caftos obfervans limites.] In their appointed paths above.]

Te deprecamur Agie O Holy Chrift we pray Thee, hear

! !

Venture Judex feculi Who lhalt The Judge of men appear :

Conferva nos in tempore, Shield us, long as in time we dwell,

Hoftis a telo perfidi. From all the treacherous lhafts of Hell.

Laus, Honor, Virtus, Gloria, Laud, Honour, Virtue, Glory, be

Deo Patri, et Filio ! To God The Father ! Son, to Thee !

Sandlo fimul Paraclito, And to the Holy Paraclete,

In fempiterna fecula. Now and through ages infinite.

A men. A

|[ In the VIGIL of THE NATIVITY of THE LORD, at VESPERS, and on the DAY of

E - DEEMER of the na -

ti - um ! Of - ten - de Par - turn - tions, come ! Ap-pear, Thou Son of

— —H Si

Vir - gi - nis ! Mi-re - tur om - ne Vir-gin womb ! Af - to - nied be

? From S. Ambrofe.
Hymns at Vefpers. 339

fe - cu - lum ! Ta -lis de - cet Par - the realms of Earth ! For God-like is

- tus De - urn. his wondrous Birth.

Veni, Redemptor gentium Redeemer of the nations, come

Oftende Partum Virginis Appear, Thou Sonof Virgin womb !

Miretur omne feculum Aftonied be the realms of Earth

Talis decet Partus Deum. For Godlike is his wondrous Birth.

Non ex virili femine, He, of no mortal man conceived,

Sed myftico fpiramine, By myftic influence received,
Verbum Dei faftum eft Caro, The Word of God our flefh is made,
Fruclufque ventris floruit. O'er woman's fruit is honour lhed.

Alvus tumefcit Virginis, The Virgin's breaft an offspring hides,

Clauftra pudoris permanent Unharmed yet modefty abides :

Vexilla virtutum micant, There Virtue's banners ftiine abroad,

Verfatur in Templo Deus Within His Temple walks our God !

Procedens de thalamo fuo Proceeding from his chamber He,

Pudoris Aula Regia, That Royal Court of chaftity,
Gemini Gigas fubftantiae, Of two-fold fubftance, Giant Son,
Alacris ut currat viam. Prepares his mighty courfe to run.

Egreflus Ejus a Patre, Forth from The Father He proceeds,

Regreflus Ejus ad Patrem : Again unto The Father fpeeds :

Excurfus ufque ad Inferos, His goings e'en to Hell extend,

Recurfus ad Sedem Dei. And at God's Throne returning end.

Equalis Eterno Patri To Thy Great Father, Equal Son,

Carnis tropaso accingere O gird thy carnal vefture on !

Infirma noftri corporis The frailties of our mortal flefh

Virtute firmans perpetim. With thy unfailing ftrength refrefh.

Prsefepe jam fulget tuum, Thy manger, lo effulgent beams,


Lumenque Nox fpirat novum, Night with unwonted luftre teems,

Quod nulla nox interpolet, Which never more fhall darknefs know,
Fideque jugi luceat. But fhine with Faith's immortal glow.

Deo Patri fit Gloria ! Glory to God, The Father, be

Ejufque Soli Filio And Only Son ! alike to Thee !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, And to The Spirit Paraclete,

Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now and for ever as is meet.

A - men. A - men,

34° Hymns at Vefpers.

and daily throughout the O clave.
This Melody is ufed in the Day of The Epiphany, and the Sunday within the Oclave,
and in the O Slave.
Hymnus> Hymn.

OS - TIS He - ro - des HE - ROD ! im-pious

im - pi - e ! Chrif - turn ve - ni - foe ! de - clare, The coming Chrift

re quid ti - mes ? Non e - ri - pit why doll thou fear ? He takes a-way

mor - ta - li - a Qui reg - na dat no earth - ly crowns Who can beftow

coe - lef - ti ce - lef - ti - al thrones !

The following Melody is ufed within the clave (except on Sundays) and in the O Slave.

-!|= v " I
Hos- TIS He - ro - des im - pi - e O Herod ! im-pious foe ! de-clare,

-fm —i i
Tm J— —=— i r-

Chrif- turn ve ni- re quid ti-mes? The coming Chrift why doft thou fear ?

_ . -~r, v. •
I .--zzjrir

Non e - ri - pit mor - ta - li - a He takes a-way no earth-ly crowns

Qui reg - na dat coe - lef - ti - a ! Who can be - flow ce-lef-tial thrones !

Hostis Herodes impie ! O Herod impious foe declare

! !

Chriftum venire quid times ? The coming Chrift why doft thou fear ?
Non eripit mortalia He takes away no earthly crowns
Qui regnat dat coeleftia ! Who can beftow celeftial thrones !

h From Cornelius Sedulius

!; ; ^ ! : "

Hymns at Vefpers. 341

Ibant Magi quam viderant By Magi is the ftar defcried,

Stellam fequentes prasviam ; They follow ftraight the heavenly guide ;

Lumen requirunt lumine, To Light by light they feek the road

Deum fatentur munere. With pious offerings hail their God.

Lavacra puri gurgitis The limpid depths of Jordan's wave

CceleftisAgnus attigit The Lamb Celeftial gently lave
Peccata quae non detulit, Sins never his,from us that day
Nos, abluendo, fuftulit. His cleanfing Laver warned away.

Novum genus potential, In wondrous mode his power is ftiewn,

Aquae rubefcunt hydrias ; His might the bluftiing waters own ;
Vinumque jufla fundere To wine the cryftal ftreams outpoured
Mutavit unda originem. Tranfmute their nature at his word

Gloria Tibi, Domine Glory to Thee, O Lord be given, !

Qui apparuifti hodie : Revealed this day to Earth from Heaven :

Cum Patre et Santto Spiritu, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye !

In fempiterna fecula. Through ages everlaftingly.

A - men. A - men.



m Hymnus>


fo lemn courfe, as

myf - ti - co Ser - ve - mus hoc ho - ly lore Hath taught, keep we

— *
v Pi g

Je - ju - ni - um : De - no di - the Faft once more : The ten days'

- rum cir - cu - lo Due to no - ted or - der meet Four times in

qua - ter no - tif - fi - mo. myf - tic round com - plete.

From S. Ambrofe, or one of his School.

! : :; ;;

34 2 Hymns at Vefpers.

Ex more dofti myftico In folemn courfe, as holy lore

Servemus hoc Jejunium Hath taught, keep we the Faft once more:
Deno dierum circulo The ten days' noted order meet
Dufto quater notiffimo. Four times in myftic round complete.

Lex et Prophetae primitus The Law and Prophets firft made known,
Hoc praetulerunt, poftmodum This Earth in ages gone,
rule to
Chriftus facravit, omnium Which Chrift, of times Who doth abide
Rex atque Faftor temporum. Lord and Creator, fan&ified.

Utamur ergo parcius Now ufe we in abftemious mood

Verbis, cibis, et potibus, Difcourfe, and drink, and earthly food :

Somno, jocis : et ardlius Curtail fuperfluous mirth and fleep,

Perftemus in cuftodia. Strive clofe and holy watch to keep.

Vitemus autem peffima Far chafe all finful thoughts away,

pjuas fubruunt mentes vagas : Which roving hearts to ill betray :
Nullumque demus callido No place for Satan, tyrant foe !

Hofti locum tyrannidis. To fpread his crafty wiles allow.

Dicamus omnes cernui, Speak we in reverent awe to Heaven,

Clamemus atque fmguli Each cry aloud to be forgiven :

Ploremus ante Judicem, And, fo to appeafe his vengeful wrath,

Fledlamus iram vindicem. Our tears before The Judge pour forth.

Noftris malis offendimus How oft by fins we mould amend,

Tuam Deus clementiam O God thy goodnefs we offend

EfFunde nobis defuper Pour on us from thy throne above

RemhTor indulgentiam. The riches of thy pardoning love.

Memento quod fumus tui, Behold ! we here before Thee ftand

Licet caduci, plafmatis Frail creatures of thy forming hand ;

Ne des honorem Nominis O give not to a ftranger's claim

Tui, precamur, alteri. The honour of Thy Glorious Name.

Laxa malum quod fecimus, The flavifti bands of fin releafe,

Auge bonum quod pofcimus : And all the good we afk increafe
Placere quo tandem Tibi So us unto Thyfelf reftore
Poffimus hie et perpetim. To pleafe Thee here and evermore.
Prefta, Beata Trinitas Beftow our prayer, Bleft Trinity !

Concede, Simplex Unitas ! Grant this, Unfevered Unity !

Ut fru&uofa fint tuis So may the gifts thy Faft imparts

Jejuniorum merita. Be precious to our loving hearts.

A - men.
:! : ! — : ! :

Hymns at Vefpers. 343

<[ In the THIRD SUNDAY f 2}UADRAGESIMA, at FIRST VESPERS, and daily at


C - CE ! tern - pus i
E - HOLD ! the ac-cept - ed

p —==!j=Jr-Zlzz:«=zi—-e=*=
- do - ne - um, Me - di - ci - na time ap - pear, The medi-cine for

mi - num, Qui- bus De - um Where-by

pec - ca -

— —>
fin is here,

in heart,

of - fen - di - mus Cor - de, and work, and word, We have

ver - bis, o - pe - ri - bus. of - fend - ed Thee, our God.

Ecce tempus idoneum,

! Bbhold the accepted time appear,

Medicina peccaminum, The medicine for our fin is here,

Quibus Deum offendimus Whereby in heart, and work, and word,
Corde, verbis, operibus. We have offended Thee, our God.
Qui pius ac propitius How kind and merciful his care !

Nobis pepercit hactenus Who hath till now vouchfafed to fpare

Ne nos cum noftris perderet Nor would that loft and unforgiven
Tantis iniquitatibus. We ftiould from Him in guilt be driven.

Hunc igitur jejuniis, Before Him now, with flowing tear,

Cum precibus et lacrymis, With faft, and penitential prayer,
Multifque bonis aliis We fall, and works of mercy meet,
Placemus devotiffimi. Devoutly offer at his feet.

Ut nos a cunftis fordibus So may He purge us from all ill,

Purgans, ornet virtutibus So with adorning virtues fill
Angelicis et ccetibus And with the Angel hoft unite
Conjungat in coeleftibus For ever in the realms of light
Sit benediftusGenitor, Father ! all blefling unto Thee,
Ejufque Unigenitus, And to Thy One-begotten be !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, And to The Spirit Paraclete,

Trinus et Unus Dominus Triune, yet One Lord, as is meet.

A - men. A - men.
j From S. Gregory the Great.
! :
; : !

344 Hymns at Vefpers.

[At VESPERS, according to Wore efter Ufe, in the Third and Fourth Sunday in
Htmnus. Hymn.
Deus Pater piifiime O God O ! Father kind and beft !

Petenda nobis fuggere What we fhould alk of Thee fuggeft :

Et digna poftulantibus And when thy fervants rightly pray

Ne differas diutius. O ! ne'er thy loving gifts delay.

Da cor profunde penitens, A heart in penitence brought low,

Cum lacrymarum flumine : And ftreams of forrowing tears bellow :

Quo diluantur omnia To walh our finful confeience clear

Verenda confeientiae. From all the heinous guilt we fear.

Auge fidei gratiam, The grace of Faith in us renew,

Statuque firma perpeti And with unfailing ftrength endue

Ut non vacillet impetu So ne'er our conftancy lhall fail,

Nec Anti-chrifti pefiimi. Though very Anti-chrift aflail.

Da fimplicem prudentiam, Grant us pure wifdom to attain,

Et caritatem fervidam : And fervent charity to gain ;

Quo certius lignaculum O fureft, heaven-defcended lign

Non eft, Tibi placentium. Of them that pleafe thy will divine !

Te pollicente credimus, Now thy fweet promife we believe

Quod hasc piis credentibus How they that alk, lhall more receive

Addantur ultro cetera, So may thine own free mercy grant

Quae reftant nobis commoda. All other gifts thy fervants want.

Honor lit atque Gloria Honour and Glory, Might and Power,
In fempiterna fecula, Through countlefs ages evermore,
Tibi Patri cum Filio, To Thee, O Father ! Son, to Thee
Et Spiritu Paraclito ! Amen. And Spirit Paraclete, lhall be. Amen.

|[ At FIRST and SECOND VESPERS, according to York and Canterbury Ufes, in the

Third Sunday in ^uadragejima.

Hymnus* Hymn.
Jam ter quaternis trahitur Now twice four hours have pafled away,
Horis dies ad Vefperam : And unto Eve declines the day :

Occafu Sol prenunciat The finking Sun proclaims, o'er Earth

Nodtis redire tempora. That Night lhall once again go forth.

Nos ergo Signo Domini We therefore with the Holy Sign

Tutemus clauftra pedlorum Would fafely guard our bofom's Ihrine :

Ne ferpens ille callidus Left that deceiving Serpent dare,

Intrandi temptet aditum. To intrude his hateful prefence there.

k From S. Ambrose, or one of kh School.

Hymns at Vefpers. 345
Sed armis pudicitise Firm let the watchful foul be ftayed,

Mens fulta vigil libere, In chaftity's bright arms arrayed :

Sobrietate comite, Sobriety her comrade meet,

Hoftem repellat improbum. And all her baneful foes defeat.

Sed nec ciborum crapula O ne'er may furfeit clog the fenfe,

Tandem diftendat corpora Or ftir within the flefli offence :

Ne vi per fomnum animam Left fleep the unwary foul beguile,

Ludificatam polluat. And with unwilling guilt defile.

Praefta, Beata Trinitas Beftow thefe gifts, Bleft Trinity !

Concede, fimplex Unitas ! Grant this, Unfevered Unity !

Ut frucluofa fint tuis So may the grace thy Faft imparts,

Jejuniorum munera. Amen. Be precious to our loving hearts. Amen.]

|[ In SUNDAY in THE PASSION of THE LORD, at FIRST VESPERS, and daily up to


Hymnus) Hymn.

EX-IL-LA Re - gis pro- HE Roy-al Ban - ner for -

1 — — b

- de - unt, Ful - get Cru - cis - ward goes, The myf - tic Crofs


' * *
— . —
" *a — —— — uu

— j>

myf- te - ri - um : Quo Car-ne car - refulgent glows : Where He in Flelh,

- nis Con-di-tor, Suf-pen - fus eft our flelh who made, Upon the Tree

T+ - i a| — | .

Pa - ti - bu - lo. of pain is laid.

Vexilla Regis prodeunt, The Royal Banner forward goes,

Fulget Crucis myfterium The myftic Crofs refulgent glows :

Quo Carne carnis Conditor, Where He, in Flefh, our flelh Who made,
Sufpenfus eft Patibulo. Upon the Tree of pain is laid.
Confixa clavis vifcera, Behold the nails with anguifh fierce,

Tendens manus veftigia His outftretched hands and vitals pierce :

Redemptionis gratia Here, our redemption to obtain,

Hie immolata eft Hoftia. The Mighty Sacrifice is flain.

From Venantius Fortunatus.
2 Y
! : ! : ;; ! ; !! ! !! !

34 6 Hymns at Vefpers.

Quo vulneratus infuper Here, the fell rpear his wounded fide
Mucrone dirae lanceae, With ruthlefs onfet opened wide :

Ut nos lavaret crimine, To wafti us in that cleanfing flood,

Manavit Unda Sanguine. Thence mingled Water flowed, and Blood.

Impleta funt quae cecinit Fulfilled is all that David told

David fidelis carmine In true prophetic fong, of old :

Dicendo nationibus Unto the nations, lo ! faith he,

Regnavit a ligno Deus. Our God hath reigned from the Tree.

Arbor decora et fulgida ! O Tree ! in radiant beauty bright

Ornata Regis purpura With regal purple meetly dight
Electa digno ftipite Thou chofen ftem divinely graced, !

Jam Sanfta Membra tangere ! Which hath thofe Holy Limbs embraced !

Beata cujus brachiis How arms, beyond compare,

bleft thine
Pretium pependet feculi Which Earth's Eternal Ranfom bare !
Statera fafta eft Corporis, That Balance where His Body laid,
Praedamque tulit Tartaris. The fpoil of vanquilhed Hell outweighed.

O Crux ave ! Ipes unica ! O Crofs ! all hail ! fole hope, abide
Hoc Paffionis tempore With us now in this Paflion-tide:
Auge piis juftitiam, New grace in pious hearts implant,
Reifque dona veniam. And pardon to the guilty grant

[Salve Ara ! Salve Viftima ! wondrous Altar Viftim, hail

[Hail, !

De Paffionis Gloria Thy Glorious Paffion fhall avail

Qua Vita mortem pertulit, Where death Life's very Self endured,
Et Morte vitam reddidit.] Yet life by that fame Death fecured.]

Te, Summa Deus ! Trinitas Thee, mighty Trinity ! One God

Collaudet omnis fpiritus Let every living creature laud
Quos per Crucis myfterium, Whom by the Crofs Thou doft deliver,
Salvas, rege per fecula. O guide and govern now and ever !

A men.

{[ At FIRST VESPERS Sunday in the OCTAVE of EASTER, and

in daily up to
HYMNUS.™ Hymn.

HO - RUS No - v<e Hie Choirs of New Je

m From S. Fulbertus Carnotenfis. — In the Cott. MS., Vefp. D. xil.,this Hymn is appropriated to Prime
in Eaflertide.
Hymns at Fefpers. 347

- ru - fa - lem No - vam me - li dul - ru - fa - lem ! Be - gin a new and

ce - di - nem Pro - mat : co - lens fweet-er theme, And let the Paf -

Paf cha - le chal Feaft employ Your harps, with

cum fo - bri -

It 3*i
gau di ftrains of fo - ber joy.
Fef - turn -

Chorus Novas Hierufalem Ye Choirs of New Jerufalem !

Novam meli dulcedinem Begin a new and fweeter theme :

Promat : colens cum fobriis, And let the Pafchal Feaft employ
Pafchale Feftum gaudiis. Your harps, with ftrains of fober joy.

Quo Chriftus, invi&us Leo, When Chrift, the Dragon Fiend o'ercome,
Dracone furgens obruto, Rofe Lion Viftor from the tomb ! :

Dum viva voce perfonat, Far round his quickening voice is fpread,
A morte fundlos excitat. And unto life awakes the dead.

Quam devorarat improbus Hell vanquished, from her ravenous jaws

Praedam refudit Tartarus Difgorged, her ancient prey reftores
Captivitate libera Her captives freed, in glad array
Jefum fequuntur agmina. Their Jefus follow in the way.

Triumphat Ille fplendide, In glorious triumph o'er his foes,

Et dignus amplitudine Auguft in majefty He goes
Soli Polique patriam And far as Heaven and Earth extends,
Unam facit Rempublicam. All in one Commonwealth He blends.

Ipfum canendo fupplices Meekly let us in fuppliant lay

Regem precemur milites His liegemen, to our Monarch pray :

Ut in fuo clariffimo Within his palace, bright and vaft,

Nos ordinet palatio !
May He array us at the laft !

Per fecla meta? nefcia, Through endlefs ages, unto Thee,

Patri Supremo Gloria Father Supreme all Glory be ! :

Honorque lit ! cum Filio And Honour meet, unto The Son
Et Spiritu Paraclito And Spirit Paraclete, be done.

A - men.
34» Hymns at Vefpers.

C At SECOND VESPERS in the OCTAVE of EASTER, and daily (except on Saturdays)


In the DAYitfelf, and in all SUNDAYS, at VESPERS, up to THE ASCENSION —

to the following Melody.
Hymnus.* Hymn.

T this High Feaft The

pro - vi - di, Et fto - lis al - Lamb hath made, In mining robes

bis can-di-di, Poft tran-fit-um of white arrayed, The paflage of

Ma - ris Ru - bri, Chrif - to ca the Red Sea o'er, To Chrift our

na - mus Prin - ci - pi.

3E3E 73=
Prince we ring once more.


THE LORD, in the Week-day Service,-—to this Melody.


Ad Cce - nam Ag - ni pro At this High Feaft The Lamb

vi - di, Et fto - lis al - bis can hath made, In Alining robes of white

- di - di, Poft tran - fit - urn Ma - ris ar -rayed, The palfage of the Red

Ru - bri, Chrif - to ca - na - mus Sea o'er, To Chrift our Prince we

Prin - ci - pi.
iing once more.
n From S. Ambroje, or of Mi School.
! ; !

Hymns at Vefpers. 349

Ad Coenam Agni providi, At this High Feaft The Lamb hath made,
Et ftolis albis candidi, In lhining robes of white arrayed,
Poll tranfitum Maris Rubri, The paflage of the Red Sea o'er,
Chrifto canamus Principi. To Chrift our Prince we fing once more.
Cujus Corpus fanftiffimum Whole facred Body was for us
In ara Crucis torridum, Broken on the Altar of The Crofs :

Cruore Ejus rofeo And tailing of His rofeate Blood,

Guftando, vivimus Deo We live for evermore in God ;
Protetti Pafchae Vefpere Saved as on this great Pafchal Night
A devaftante Angelo : From the deftroying Angel's might :

Erepti de duriffimo And refcued a rejoicing prey

Pharaonis imperio. From ruthlefs Pharaoh's tyrant fway.

Jam Pafcha noftrum Chriftus eft, Now Chrift, The Lamb without a ftain,
Qui immolatus Agnus eft : To be our Paflbver is flain :
Sinceritatis Azyma And very Truth's unleavened Bread,
Caro Ejus oblata eft. His Flefti, is our oblation made.

O vere digna Hoftia ! O true ! O worthy Sacrifice !

Per Quam fratta funt Tartara, The infernal hoft defeated flies,

Redempta plebs captivata, Thy captive people are fet free,

Reddita vitae przemia. Life's bleflings all reftored by Thee !

Cum furgit Chriftus tumulo : For Chrift arifing from the tomb,
Viftor redit de baratro : From Hell's abyfs hath viftor come :

Tyrannum trudens vinculo, Abafed in chains the tyrant holds,

Et relerans Paradifum. The gates of Paradife unfolds !

Quefumus, Auftor omnium Author of all ! with us abide

In hoc Pafchali gaudio : In this our joy of Eaftertide :
Ab omni mortis impetu, Oft as th' aflaultsof death impend,
Tuum defende populum. Thy people ftrengthen and defend.

Gloria Tibi, Domine Glory, O Lord to Thee,

gracious !

Qui furrexifti a mortuis : Who from death triumphant, be

rofe :

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu, The Father and The Holy Ghoft,
In fempiterna fecula ! Amen. Long as eternity lhall laft ! Amen.

C In the DAY of PENTECOST at FIRST VESPERS, and at MATINS, the Hymn-

Jam Chriftus aftra afcenderat. Lo ! Chrift above the liars hath gone (p. 92).

HYMNUS." Hymn.

E - A - TA bis LEST Sea- fon ! which with

From S. Hilary.
350 Hymns at Vefpers.

gau - di - a An - ni re - dux - it gladnefs fraught, Again the circling

or - bi - ta : Cum Spi - ri - year hath brought: When bright

- tus Pa - ra - cli - tus Ef - ful - fit o'er each dif-ci-ple's head The Spirit

in dif - ci - pu - los. Pa - ra - clete was fhed.

Beata nobis gaudia Blest Seafon! which with gladnefs fraught,

Anni reduxit orbita : Again the cirling year hath brought
Cum Spiritus Paraclitus When bright o'er each difciple's head
Effulfit in difcipulos. The Spirit Paraclete was fhed.

Ignis vibrante lumine The lambent flames with flickering ray

Linguas figuram detulit The fhape of tongue -like forms difplay :

Verbis ut effent proflui, So eloquent their fpeech fhould be,

Et charitate fervidi. And fervid they in charity.

Linguis loquuntur omnium, God in all languages they praife,

Turbae pavent gentilium : The Gentiles liften in amaze :

Mufto madere deputant They mock as drunken with new wine

Quos Spiritus repleverat. Whom fills The Spirit's fire divine.
Patrata funt haec myftice, 'Tis done, in myftic figure meet
Pafchas peraclo tempore The Pafchal days are all complete :

Sacro dierum numero That facred number which fet free

Quo lege fit remiffio. The debtor by the Law's decree.

Te nunc Deus piiffime ! To Thee, Moft Gracious God ! this day

Vultu precamur cernuo, We bow the head and fuppliant pray,
Illapfa nobis ccelitus O'er us a Heaven defcending ftore

Largire dona Spiritus. Of Thy Good Spirit's graces pour.

Dudum facrata peftora Their bofoms in that feftal tide,

Tua replefti gratia : By thy fweet grace were fanftified
Dimitte nunc peccamina Now our tranfgreffions, Lord ! forgive,

Et da quieta tempora. And grant us in thy peace to live.

Sit Laus Patri cum Filio, Praife we The Father with The Son
Sanfto fimul Paraclito And Holy Comforter, in One :

Nobifque mittat Filius So may The Son to every heart,

Charifma Sanfti Spiritus. The Holy Spirit's gifts impart

A - men. A - men.
Hymns at Vefpers. 351


HTMNUS.v Hymn.

z$~ 3^
A - CRIS fo - lem - ni is, ET this our folemn Feaft

June - ta fint gau - di - a : Et With ho-ly joys be crowned : And


ex pre - cor - di - is Son - ent pre from each loving breaft, The voice of

co - ni - a : Re - ce - dant ve - te - gladnefs found ; Let ancient things de-

ra, No - va fmt om - ni - a Cor •

part, And all be new around, In

da, vo - ces, et o - pe - ra. every deed, and voice, and heart.

Sacris folemniis Let this our folemn Feaft

Junfta lint gaudia With holy joys be crowned :

Et ex precordiis And from each loving breaft

Sonent precoma The voice of gladnefs found :

Recedant Vetera, Let ancient things depart,

Nova fmt omnia And all be new around,
Corda, voces, et opera. In every deed, and voice, and heart.

Noftis recolitur Remember we that eve,

Ccena noviffima : That Supper laft and dread :

Qua Chriftus creditur When Chrift, as we believe

Agnum et azyma The Lamb and leavenlefs bread
Dediffe fratribus, Unto his brethren brought
Juxta legitima And thus the law obeyed
Prifcis indulta Patribus. Of old time to the Fathers taught.

P From S. Thomas Aquinas.

Hymns at Vefpers.

Poft agnum typicum, The lamb of types o'erpaft,

Expletis epulis, The banquet now complete,
Corpus Dominicum To his difciples laft
Datum difcipulis The Lord his Flelh to eat
Sic totum omnibus The whole to all, no lefs
Quod totum fingulis, The whole to each, doth mete
Ejus fatemur manibus. With his own hand, as we confefs.

Dedit fragilibus He gave the weak and frail

Corporis ferculum, His Body for their food :

Dedit et triftibus The fad, for their regale,

Sanguinis Poculum : The Goblet of His Blood:
Dicens, Accipite And faid, Take ye of this
Quod trado vafculum, My Cup, with life imbued,
Omnes ex eo bibite. O drink ye all this draught of blifs

Sic Sacrificium That Sacrifice fo He

Iftud inftituit To inftitute did will
Cujus officium And by his fure decree
Committi voluit That office to fulfil,

Solis prefbyteris : To Priefts alone confide :

Quibus fie congruit To whom pertaineth ftill

Ut fumant et dent ceteris. To take and to the reft divide.

Panis Angelicus Lo ! Angels' bread is made

Fit panis hominum The bread of mortal man :

Dat Panis Coelicus Shews Heavenly Bread

forth this
Figuris terminum The end which types began
O res mirabilis O wondrous boon indeed !

Manducat Dominum Upon his Lord now can

Pauper fervus et humilis. A poor and humble fervant feed !

Te, Trina Deitas, Thee, Deity Triune

Unaque ! pofcimus Yet One we meekly pray

Sicut nos vifitas O vifit us right foon !

Sicut Te colimus : As we our homage pay :

Per tuas femitas And by thy paths fo bright

Due nos quo tendimus Conduct us on our way,
Ad lucem quam Tu habitas TowhereThou dwell'ft incloudlefs light!

A - men, A - men,
Compline I. 353

fave me.
TN The Name of The Father, and of
O Lord make
1 The Son, and of The Holy Ghoft,
Choir. ! hafte to help me.

(with the fign of the Crofs). 1% LORY be to The Father,

and to The Son and to
QUR Father (fecretly).
The Holy Ghoft

As it was in the begin-

AIL Mary (fecretly). ning, is now, and ever mail
J-J world without end. Amen.
After Our Father and Hail Mary are LLELUYA. or, from the Mafs
faid,i let the Hebdomadary, or officiating immediately preceding Sunday
Prieft, begin Compline thus, [in a low in Septuageftma, until Thurs-
voice] r
day in The Supper of The Lord
RAISE to Thee, O Lord ! we
ON VERT- O Of Glory The Eternal
King according to the differ-
ence of the feafon.

God, our Salvation!

[Alleluya is omitted from the Vefpers pre-
ceding Sunday in Septuageftma, to the
Choir. Mafs on Eafter-Eve.']

-~ 1
—— i

n d turn away thine anger from us.


[This 37". and J$. are omitted from Com- [Let one of the Clerks of the Second Form
pline on Eafter-Eve and Eafter-Day, begin the Antiphon.]
fee Compline XII., XIII.]

The officiating Prieft in a

loud voice. mercy. Oioueae.

[And let the Pfalm be intoned by fome one

GOD! make fpeed to of the higher Grade.] »

<J It will be remembered that the afpiration " the Crofifing, " Our Father " and " Ha
In the Name,"
Mary" are repeated before every Compline, without exception fecretly, ft an ding.

r " Compline is the Seventh and

loft Hour of Divine Service, and it is as much to fay as a fulfilling : for,
in the end thereof, the Seven Hours of Divine Service are fulfilled ; and therewith alfo is ended and fulfilled

fpeaking, eating, and drinking, and labouring, and all bodily bujineffes ; Jo that after that time ought to be kept
great fiillnefs and ftrait filence, not only from words but alfo from all noifes and deeds, fave only privy and foft
prayer, and holy thinking, and bodily Jleep. For Compline betokeneth the end of mans life, or the end of the
world, when the chofen of our Lord fhall be delivered from all travail and woe, and be brought to endlefs
quiet and reft." —
Myrroure, Ixxix.
From Rubric for the Firfi Sunday in Advent.
the —
The " intonatio" feems to have been this : one of the
Clergy began the Pfalm by finging through the firfi half of the verfe by himfelf, after which precantation the
Choir took up the refl of the verfe, and followed with the refi of the Pfalm.
2 Z
354 Compline I.

Psalm IV. Psalm XXX. [Ps. xxxi. e. v.]

[To the end, in verfes, a Pfalm of David. A (To Verfe vii. only.)
Pfalm for This Pfalm appertains to the
Prayer. [To the end, a Pfalm of David for Deliverance.
Miniftry of Bread and Wine.] A Pfalm for Prayer. The Voice of Chrift on the
Cum invocarem.
In Te, Domine, fperavi.
HEN I called, The TN Thee, O Lord have I put
! my truft,
God of my right- I fhall never be confounded : deliver
eoufnefs heard me me in thy righteoufnefs.
in my tribulation Bow down thine ear to me : make
Thou haft enlarged hafte to deliver me.
Be Thou unto me a God proteftor, and
Have mercy upon me : and hearken a houfe of refuge : that Thou mayft fave
unto my prayer. me.
ye fons of men, how long will ye be For Thou art my ftrength and my re-
dull of heart ? Why do ye love vanity,
fuge and becaufe of Thy Name Thou

and feek after lying ? wilt guide me and nourifh me.

And know ye that The Lord hath made Thou fhalt draw me out of the fnare
wondrous His Holy One : The Lord will that they have laid privily for me for :

hear me when unto Him.I cry Thou art my protector.

Be ye angry, and fin not be ye grieved : I commend my lpirit
Into thy hands
for what ye fay in your hearts, and in Thou haft redeemed me, O Lord
for !

your chambers. Thou God of truth !

Offer the facrifice of righteoufnefs, and Glory be to The Father.

put your truft in The Lord many fay : As it was in the beginning.
Who fhoweth us good ? [Moft Gracious God We humbly intreat the!

There is mown forth upon us the light abundance of thy goodnefs ; that, while we fearch
of thy countenance, O Thou haft Lord ! : for thy truth, we may tread under foot the hateful

put gladnefs in my heart. fwellings of pride, through our Lord Jefus Chrift.
In the fruit of their corn, and wine, and
oil : they are multiplied.
Psalm XC. [Ps. xci. e. v.]
In peace in the very fame : I will fleep
and take my reft. ^[ [This Pfalm is omitted from Compline,
For Thou, O Lord fpecially in hope ! :
from Thurfday in The Supper of The
haft eftablilhed me. Lord, inclufeve, to the Saturday before
Glory be to The Father, and to The The O Slave of E after, exclufive. See
Son and to The Holy Ghoft
: Compline X. to XIV,.]
As it was in the beginning, is now, and [A Pfalm of Song on the day of the Sabbath.
ever lhall be world without end. Amen.
: A Pfalm God. Voice of The Lord to
for prailing

[Hear us, O Lord ! we

befeech Thee, and in our £>ui habitat.
tribulations pity us ; and do Thou, art alone Who TITHOSO dwelleth under the help of
magnified among the Gentiles, grant to us fpiritual V V The Moft High fhall abide under :

gladnefs, give us everlafting peace, and ftablifh us

the protection of The God of Heaven.
in the hope of future joys, through Chrift our
Lord. Amen.] He will fay unto The Lord, Thou art
my upholder and my refuge : my God I !

will put my truft in Him.

Compline I. 355

For He hath delivered me from the fnare PSALM CXXXIII. [PS. CXXXIV. E. V.]

of the hunter and from the harlh word.

[A Song of Degrees. A
Pfalm exhorting to
He will overlhadow thee with his praife God. Thirteenth Degree the Apoftle tells :

moulders and under his wings thou lhalt

: the fervants of God, I would that all lift up holy
Ecce nunc.
His truth mail compafs thee with a
buckler and thou lhalt not be afraid of
: "D EHOLD now, ye The Lord all
blefs :

terror by night. ye fervants of Lord. The

Of the arrow that flieth by day, of that Ye that ftand in the Houfe of The Lord :

which walketh about in darknefs of any

: in the courts of the Houfe of our God.
affault, or of the demon of noonday. By night lift up your hands in the Sanc-
A thoufand lhall fall at thy fide, and tuary : and blefs ye The Lord.
ten thoufand at thy right hand: but it The Lord give thee blefling out of
lhall not come nigh thee. Syon Who made Heaven and Earth.

Neverthelefs, with thine eyes lhalt thou Glory be to The Father.

confider: and behold the recompenfe of As it was in the beginning.
[O Almighty Lord we thy fervants blefs and
For Thou, Lord art my hope Thou

Thee, that Thou wouldeft blefs us who are

! :
haft made The Moft High thy refuge. now enveloped in the night of this Earth fo that ;

There fhall no evil thing approach thee : we may lift up our hands in good works, and from
neither lhall the fcourge come nigh thy
Thee obtain a plenteous bleffing, through our Lord
Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
For He hath given his Angels charge |[ The above Pfalms are /aid daily at
over thee :
to keep thee in all thy Compline throughout the whole year,
They lhall bear thee in their hands whatever be the Service, except from
left haply thou hurt thy foot againft a ftone. Thurfday in The Supper of The Lord, to
Thou lhalt walk upon the afp and the the Oclave of Eafter, [and are faid in a
bafilifk : thou lhalt tread down under low voice, without exalting any Pfalm.] 1
foot the lion and the dragon.
Becaufe he hath trufted in Me, I will Antiphon.
deliver him : I will proteft him, becaufe
he hath known Name. My
He hath called unto Me, and I will
hearken unto him yea, I am with him in :
AVE mer-cy up-on me, O
trouble, I will deliver him, and will glorify
With length of days will I fulfil him
lhew him my falvation. Lord ! and heark-en unto my prayer.
and I will

[Grant us, O Lord ! we intreat Thee, through

the invocation of Thy Name, to tread under foot
the noifome poifon of the afp and the dragon
fo that thy falvation may be ftiewn forth unto us,
and that we may be Iheltered by the defence of
<[ This Antiphon is faid upon thefe Pfalms
thy fpiritual Ihield from all the wiles of the enemy,
Amen.] throughout Advent, and from the mor-
through Chrift our Lord.

1 Arundel MSS., 130. Exalt undo. — 'this perhaps may refer to the Neuma or Cadence ivhich fometimes

concluded the Antiphon or " Gloria," but -which was not ufed at Compline ; or to the Intonation (Jeep. 353J.
35^ Compline I.

row of the clave of The Epiphany to CHAPTER. Jeremiah xiv.

S>uadragefima, and from Sunday in The HOU, O Lord! :

PaJJion of The Lord up to The Supper and we are called by Thy

of The Lord, and from the morrow of Holy Name ; forfake us not,

the Feaji of Trinity to Advent, except

O Lord our God !

Thanks be to God.
in Feajls, and in the O clave of The
Bleffed Mary, and in the Feaji of The c This C hapter isfaid at Compline through-
out the whole year, except from Thurfday
Relics, (i. e. of the particular Church), in The Supper of The Lord, to the O clave
and of All Saints. of Eajler.

Whenever the Choir has Conductors.

Hymnus.* Hymn.

m E, lu - cis an - te ter

O Thee, before the clofe

- mi - num, Re-rum Cre-a-tor ! pof of day, Cre - a - tor of the worlds !

- ci - mus : Ut fo - li - ta cle we pray: With all thy wont-ed

— "H —
-*— *

men - ti - a Sis pra? - ful ad cle- men -cy Our prince-ly guard

cuf - to - di - am. and keep - er be.

In all Week-days and Feajls without Conductors of the Choir.

Htmnus. Hymn.
" m m — 5*
Te, lu - cis an - te ter - mi - num, To Thee, before the clofe of day,

Re -rum Cre-a-tor! pof-ci-mus: Cre - a - tor of the worlds ! we pray

u From S. Ambrose, or of his School.
Compline I.

Ut fo - li - ta cle - men - ti - With all thy wont-ed cle- men - cy

Sis prae - ful ad cuf - to - di - am. Our prince-ly guard and keep-er be.

Te, lucis ante terminum, To Thee, before the clofe of day,

Rerum Creator pofcimus ! : Creator of the worlds we pray : !

Ut folita dementia With all thy wonted clemency

Sis pradul ad cuftodiam. Our princely guard and keeper be.
Procul recedant fomnia, Far may unholy virions fly,
Et nodtium phantafmata No midnight phantoms venture nigh :

Hoftemque noftrum comprime, Thine arm the infernal foe repel,

Ne polluantur corpora. No fin within our bodies dwell.

Prasfta Pater Omnipotens Almighty Father ! hear our cry,

Per Jefum Chriftum Dominum, Through Jefus Chrift our Lord Moft High,
Qui Tecum in perpetuum, Who with The Holy Ghoft and Thee,
Regnat cum Sanfto Spiritu. Doth reign through all eternity !

{[ [This Hymn /aid at Compline throughout the whole year, except in Double Feafts

and their Oclaves when there are Conductors of the Choir, and from 2>uadragefima
up to the morrow of The Holy Trinity. v ~\

RESERVE us, O Lord Which Thou haft prepared : before the

As the apple of an face of all people.
eye, protect us under the To be a Light to lighten the Gentiles :

fliadow of thy wings. and the Glory of thy people Ifrael.

Glory be to The Father, and to The
The canticle of simeon. Son and to The Holy Ghoft

As it was in the beginning, is now, and

ever ftiall be : world without end. Amen.

ome, O Lord ! Oioueae.
Nunc dimittis. Luke ii.

O W ktteft Thou, O
Lord ! thy fervant de-
part : in peace, accord- OME, O Lord! and vi-fit

ing to thy word.

For mine eyes have
feen : thy Salvation. in peace, that we may joy be-

From the Rubric for the Fir/} Sunday in Ad-vent.


358 Compline II.



- fore Thee with a perfect heart.
LORD let one of the Clerks of the Superior
[O Lord Who
didft fulfil the expe&ation of
grade begin upon the Pfalms this Antiphon.
the righteous Simeon, perfedt, we befeech Thee,
thy grace in us ; that, as he faw not death until
he was worthy to behold The Lord Chrift, fo we
may obtain eternal life, through The Same our Lord
Jefus Chrift, Who
liveth and reigneth with The E ye rea-dy, like un-to
Father in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, for
evermore. Amen.]
Here follow the Petitions and Orifons men ex-peft-ing their Lord, when
appropriate to Compline [with projlration
of the Choir].
he fhall return from the wed-ding.
|[ This Compline is not changed in Advent,
except in Double Feajls which happen
within Advent, and then the Hymn only Oioueae.
is changed, and the Hymn Salvator Psalm IV.
mundi Saviour of man is faid (fee Cum
below) i and except in the Conception of
The BleJJed Mary, when it is celebrated
within Advent, for then at the end of
And the
I called.

other Pfalms aforefaid.

the Hymn is faid — CHAPTER. Jeremiah xiv.

Lord ! Holy Virgin-born ! to Thee HOU, O Lord ! art in us,
Eternal Praife and Glory be, and we are called by Thy
With Father and with Holy Ghoft, Holy Name ; forfake us not,
Long as exhauftlefs ages laft. O Lord our God
Thanks be to God.

This Melody may be ufed at any time.


fu * —H*—
AL-VA-TOR mun - di A - VIOUR of man ! whofe

Do - mi - ne Qui ! nos fal - vaf - ti ho- kind-ly care Hath kept us in the day

di - e : In hac noc - te nos that's pall : Pro-tedl: us through the

pro te Et fal - va coming night, And fave us long as

om - ni tern - po - re. time fhall
Compline II. 359
Salvator mundi Domine Saviour of Man whole kindly care

Qui nos falvafti hodie : Hath kept us in the day that's paft
In hac nofte nos protege, Proteft us through the coming night,
Et falva omni tempore. And fave us, long as time mall laft.

Adefto nunc propitius, Thy gracious prefence now vouchfafe,

Et parce fupplicantibus And mercy to our prayers accord :

Tu dele noftra crimina, O blot out all our paft offence,

Tu tenebras illumina. And lighten Thou our darknefs, Lord !

Ne mentem fomnus opprimat, May {lumber ne'er the foul opprefs,

Nec hoftis nos furripiat No vexing foes our reft invade
Nec ullis caro, petimus, And by no fpot of lin, we pray,
Commaculetur fordibus. The guarded flelh impure be made.
Te, reformator fenfuum Reftorer of our every fenfe !

Votis precamur cordium, Our hearts we lift in prayer to Thee,

Ut puri caftis mentibus That when again from fleep we rife,
Surgamus a cubilibus. Our fouls devout and pure may be.
Deo Patri fit Gloria ! Glory to God The Father give
Ejusque Soli Filio And
His One begotten Son
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, With Thee, Bleft Spirit Paraclete !

Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now and while endlefs ages run.

A - men,

3T. Preferve us, O Lord !

of Corpus Chrifii, whenever the Choir
^J. As the apple of an eye protect us has ConduSlors.
under the lhadow of thy wings.

|[ This Hymn is /aid at Compline daily to

the OSlave of The Epiphany, and in the
O Slave ; a?id in all Double Feajls from ATCH
the O Slave of The Epiphany to the Firjl
Sunday in £>uadragejima ; and in all
Double Feajls, from Pentecofi to the
Feajl of The Nativity of The Lord.
It is alfo in the Vigil of Pentecofi,
and in the week of the fame, that is, on
ye, for ye know not when the
Thurfday, Friday, and Saturdays and
daily throughout the O Slave and in the
O Slave of The Affumption and Nativity
of The Bleffed Mary, and of the Dedi- time may be ; watch ye, there-
cation of The Church, whether the Ser-
vice be for the O Slave or for fome Saint, of
ix. Leffons s and throughout the OSlave - fore, for ye know not when The
! : !

Compline II.

Lord of the houfe mall come, at fleep mg.

e - ven, or in the midft of the night, P/ Now let-teft Thou, O Lord !

or at cock- crow-ing, or in the
-wP The canticle of simeon.
Nunc dimittis.
morning. left when he cometh fud -
XTOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy
^~ ^ z
Then let the Petitions and Oriforis appro-
den-ly He find you priate to Compline be gone through.

[In the York Breviary, from the Vigil of The Nativity of The Lord inclufive, con-
tinually up to the O clave of The Epiphany, complete ; alfo, in the Feajl of The
Purification of The Blejfed Mary (except that in that Feaft, if it fall within
Septuagefima, Alleluya is to be omitted) the Antiphons, Hymns, and Verficles, are
as follows.
Antiphon upon the Pfalms.
The Word was made Flefh. Alleluya. And dwelt among us. Alleluya.

Htmnus.™ Hymn.
Corde natus ex parentis Begotten of The Father's bofom
Ante mundi exordium Ere the worlds to being rofe
Alpha et £2 cognominatus ! Alpha and Omega His Name !

Ipfe Fons et Claufula He, the Fount the wondrous Clofe

! !

Omnium qua? funt, fuerunt, Of things that paft or prefent be,

Quasque poft futura funt Of all that time unborn fhall fee,
Seculorum feculis ! From age to age !

Ecce Quern Vates vetuftis

! Lo !He Whom
Seers primeval fung
Concinebant feculis : In glad unifon of old
Quern Prophetarum fideles Whom Prophets in their truthful page
Paginae fpoponderant, With prefaging lips foretold :

Emicat promhTus olim : Shines forth on his long promifed road :

Cunftaque collaudent Deum Creation ! hail thy coming God !

Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

From Prudentius.
; ; : :

Compline III. 361

O beatus Ortus ille ! Bleft Sunrifewhen the Virgin womb


Virgo cum puerpera Teeming with a noble birth,

Edidit noftram Salutem, Rich with The Holy Spirit's grace,
Fceta Sancto Spiritu Brought forth Salvation to the Earth;
Et Puer Redemptor orbis The world's Redeemer, Child benign !

Os facratum protulit, Revealed his countenance divine !

Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

Pfallat altitudo Coeli, Heaven utters forth a Pfalm on high,

Pfallant omnes Angeli All Angels wake the Pfalm of praife :

Quicquid eft Virtutis ufquam All Virtues, Powers, in one to God,

Pfallat in laudem Dei Loud the adoring anthem raife :
Nulla linguarum filefcat, No voice be mute His Name to tell,
Vox et omnis confonet, All tongues the mighty chorus fwell,
Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

Te fenes, et Te juventus, Thee, hoary age, Thee, gentle youth,

Parvulorum Te chorus, Thee, the lifping infant throng,
Turba matrum virginumque, The matron train, the virgin troop,
Simplices puellulae, Guilelefs maidens in their fong
Voce Concordes pudicis Extol; and with meek-founding voice

Perftrepant concentibus, Harmonious, in thy praife rejoice,

Seculorum feculis. From age to age.

Tibi, Chrifte fit cum Patre

! To Thee, O Chrift ! Father, to Thee !

Agiofque Spiritu, And The Holy Spirit, be

Hymnus, Melos, Laus perennis, Hymns, Worftiip, Laud, and Melody,
Gratiarum adlio Thankfgiving everlaftingly,
Honor, Virtus, et Viftoria, Honour, and Power, and Viftory,
Regnum eternaliter, Kingdom, and Might, eternally.
Seculorum feculis. Amen. From age to age. Amen.

W. Bleffed is He Who cometh in The Name of The Lord.

13p. God is The Lord, and He hath fhewn us light.

Antiphon to the Go/pel. [See Compline XXII.]

We glorify thee, O Mother of God ! becaufe Chrift was born of thee fave all
who glorify thee.]

of a Saviour, Who is Chrift The Lord,
LORD, at COMPLINE, the Antiphon

in the Ci - ty of Da - vid.

HERE is born to us this day

3 a
362 Compline V.

Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.

TX/-HEN I called.
* * And the reft, as above. An -gel Choirs fang forth, fay-ing,

Chapter. ^HOU, O Lord !

Sal-va-tion to our God, fit- ting on

HYMN. gAVIOUR of man !

37". Preferve us. the Throne, and to The Lamb.

J$p. As the apple of an eye as above.


Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.

\^THEN I called.
L - LE - LU - YA. The And the reft, as above.

Chapter. ^HOU, O Lord !

Word was made Flefh. Al-le-lu-ya.

HYMN. gAVIOUR of man !

And dwelt a - mong us. Al-le -

W. Preferve us.
IJ;. As the apple of an eye as above.

A- Antiphon.
- lu - ya. Al-le - lu - ya. A LLELUYA The Word was made
flefh repeated again, as above.
Psalm. Nunc dimittis.
Then follow the Petitions and Orifons ap-
\TOW letteft Thou, O Lord ! thy
propriate to Compline.

Then the Petitions and Orifons appropriate

to Compline.
This Compline is not changed until The C COMPLINE V.
Circumcifion. In the VIGIL of THE EPIPHANY, at
The Antiphon upon Nunc dimittis is /aid COMPLINE, upon the Pfalms is fung this
up to the Vigil of The Epiphany. Antiphon.


IGHT of Light ! Thou haft
THE LORD, at COMPLINE, the Antiphon
ap - pear - ed ! O Chrift ! to whom
H E Lord being born, the Ma-gi their gifts do of-fer. Al-le-lu-ya.
Compli 3 63



Al - le - lu - ya. - le - lu -
[i. e., of the OCTAVE\ Antiphon.


Pfalm. Oioueae. AVE mercy upon me, O

Lord !and hearken unto my
Psalm IV. Cum invocarem. prayer.

WHENAnd I called.
the reft, as above. Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.

Chapter. ^HOU, O Lord! WHENAnd I called.

the reft, as above.

HYMN. gAVIOUR of man!

Chapter. ^HOU, O Lord!

y. Preferve us.
As the apple of an eye as above. HYMN. 'HpO Thee, before the clofe ofday
[See above, Compline /.]
Antiphon. 317". Preferve us.
^. As the apple of an eye as above.

L - LE - LU - YA all they

^5 from Sa-ba lhall come, Al-le-lu-ya

AVE us, O Lord! whilft

waking, and keep us fleeping, fo that

bring - ing gold and frank-in-cenfe. 3=1:

we may watch with Chrift, and may

Al - le - lu - ya. Al - le - lu - ya.

repofe in peace. Oioueae.

Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

N OW letteft

Thou, O Lord ! thy

TSJOW letteft Thou, O Lord ! thy Then let the Petitions and Orifons appro-
^ fervant. priate to Compline be gone through.

Then the Petitions and Orifons for Com- This Compline is faid from the Morrow of
the O clave
of The Epiphany to ^uadra-
This Compline is not changed throughout gefima s and from the Morrow of the
the whole O clave Feaft of The Holy Trinity to The Advent

3 64 Compline VII.

of The Lord, except in Double Feafts,* are called by Thy

Holy Name ; forfake
and except throughout the Oclave of The us not, O Lord our God !

Vifitation, AJfumption, and Nativity of

The Bleffed Mary, and of the Dedication
Thanks be to God. $
of The Church; and except in
Commemorations of The Bleffed Mary.i
The Clerk replies ^jj^zrtzz: —^
n peace

The Choir proceeds In the ve-ry fame I
upon the Pfalms, the following Antiphon.

will fleep, and take my reft.

&=1 ~ _m +
HERE is (hewn upon us

y. If I give fleep to mine eyes,

the light of thy countenance, O Lord

and to mine eye-lids flum - ber.

God Thou! haft given joy to my Choir. I will fleep and take my reft.

heart. Pfalm. Oioueae.

Glory be to The Father, and to The

Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.
TyHEN I called.
And the reft, as above.
Son, and to The Ho-ly Ghoft.
Chapter. Choir. In peace, in the very fame
^pHOU, O Lord! art in us, and we I will fleep and take my reft.


HRIS-TE! Qui Lux

CHRIST The ! Light

es et Di - es! Noc - tis te - The cloudlefs day ! Thy beams chafe

See Compline XVIII., XXII. y See Note, p. 181. From S.Ambrofe, or of his School.
—— ! : ! !: ; ::! ! ! : : :

Compline VII. 365

—B —- 1-
ne - bras de - te - gis : Lu - cif- night's dark fhades a -way : Who art

F -
— -1
1 =F
que Lu - men ere - de - ris, Lu - men Thyfelf The Very Light, Proclaimed

— i « *
be - a - turn pre di - cans. by Thee, moft bleft and bright.

Christe ! Qui Lux es et Dies O Christ The Light! thecloudlefsDay!


Noflis tenebras detegis Thy beams chafe night's dark fhades away
Lucifque Lumen crederis, Who art Thyfelf The Very Light,
Lumen beatum predicans. Proclaim'd by Thee, moft bleft and bright.

Precamur, Sanfte Domine ! We pray, O Holy Lord ! thy power,

Defende nos in hac nofte May fhield us in the midnight hour
Sit nobis in Te requies, O grant us calm repofe in Thee,
Quietam noftem tribue A quiet night from terrors free ;

Ne gravis fomnus irruat, May deadly {lumbers ne'er opprefs,

Nec hoftis nos furripiat, No fecret foes our fouls diftrefs,
Nec earo illi confentiens Nor Satan's wiles the flefh allure,
Nos Tibi reos ftatuat. And make us in thy light impure.
Oculi fomnum capiant, Grant that our eyes due fleep may take,
Cor ad Te femper vigilet Our Thee be e'er awake ;
hearts to
Dextera tua protegat May thy right arm defend and guide
Famulos qui Te diligunt. Thy fervants, who in Thee confide.
Defenfor noftri, alpice Look down, O Thou ! our ftrong defence,
Infidiantes reprime And quell our foes' proud infolence :

Guberna tuos famulos DirecT: thy people in all good,

Quos fanguine mercatus es. The purchafe of thy precious blood.

Memento noftri, Domine Remember, Lord ! our griefs we pray,

In gravi ifto corpore : Pent in this cumbering corfe of clay
Qui es defenfor animae Thou Who doft e'er our fouls defend,
Adefto nobis Domine Be with us ! our Eternal Friend.

Deo Patri fit Gloria ! To God The Father Glory be

Ejufque Soli Filio And Only Son alike to Thee ! !

Cum Spiritu Paraclito, And to The Spirit Paraclete !

Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now and for ever, as moft meet.

A - men. A - men.

366 Compline VIII.

~Sf . Preferve us, O Lord !

¥ft. As the apple of an eye protect us
under the fliadow of thy wings. In the 'THIRD SUNDAY in QUADRA-
GESIMA, at COMPLINE. Antiphon.

HERE is fhown upon us the

light of thy countenance, O
Lord God ! Thou haft given
joy to my heart.

31: Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.

na - ked, co - ver him, and thine ^/"HEN I called.

And the reft, as above.

33 Chapter. ^HOU, O Lord
own flefh thou Ihalt not de-fpife;

S 37".
In peace.
Preferve us as a
then lhall break forth as the morn -

Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

AJOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy

- ing thy light, and the Glo-ry of ^ fervant.

3f m~ 3EEE
The Lord lhall be thy re - ward.

the midft of life we are

Pfalm. Oioueae.

Psalm Nunc dimittis.

Whom do we our
N OW letteft

Thou, O Lord ! thy
in Death. feek as

The aforefaid Antipbon, viz., There is

ftiewn upon us and the In peace help - er, but Thee, O Lord !

and the Hymn O Chrift The Light

are /aid daily at Compline up to The
PaJJion of The Lord, whatever be the

zz, — ^-fi i i»+ fr

Service. The Antiphon to Nunc di-
Who, becaufe of our fins art juft-

mittis for fifteen days.

Then the Petitions and Orifons for

Compline? - ly an - gry. Ho - ly

a In the York Office, Compline VII. is /aid for three weeks. The Refponjories and the Antiphons to
" Nunc dimittis," with their Verficles, are fame ivitb thofe which in the Sarum Breviary belong to
Compline IX., except that the Refponfory is divided equally— Clerk, " Into thy hands, Lord !" Refponfe,
" / commend my fpirit and two or three other verbal differences.
Compline IX. 3 67



God ! Ho-ly, Migh -

ty Ho-ly and mer-ci-ful Sa-

AVE mercy upon me, O
Lord ! and hearken unto my

-viour! Unto bitter Death de-li-ver us not.

Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.

^THEN I called.

And the reft, as above.

Pfalm. Oioueae.

Chapter. ^HOU, O Lord!

37". Caft us not away in the time of
our old age, when our ftrength faileth.
Forfake us not, O
Lord ! Holy God
The Clerk.
Holy Mighty Holy and Merciful Saviour
! J:
n - to thy hands,
Unto bitter Death deliver us not

W. Be not willing to lhut thine ears to

our prayers, Holy Mighty Holy and !
o Lord!
Merciful Saviour Unto bitter Death

deliver us not

37". Thou, Who haft known the fecrets

Choir. I commend my fpi - rit.
of our hearts, fpare our fins, Holy and
Merciful Saviour Unto bitter Death

deliver us not

Clerk. For Thou haft redeemed me, O Lord!

f[ This Antipbon is /aid upon the Pfalm
Nunc dimittis for fifteen days, but the
Verfes are not faid except on Saturdays
and Sundays, and on Feafls ofix. Leffons. Thou God of Truth
In Double Feafls let them be faid at
both Complines (i. e., of the Vigil and of Choir. I commend my fpirit.

the Feaft) in the Superior Grade, with-

out changing vejlment or place. Gloria Patri Glory be to The Father is
not faid, but the Clerk repeats again
Then the Petitions and Orifons for
Compline? Into thy hands, O Lord ! I commend
my fpirit.

b In the York Office this Compline VIII. is divided between VII. and IX.
3 68 Compline IX.

UL- TOR De - i! me - ER-VANT ofGodlremem-

men - to, Te Fon - tis et La - va - - ber thou, The fa-cred dew is on

cri Ro - rem fub - if - fe thy brow : In Font and La - ver

- fane - turn : Te Chrif - ma - te new ere - ate, By ho - ly Chrifm

in - no - va - turn. thou'rt ren - o - vate.

Cultor Dei ! memento Servant of God ! remember thou,

Te Fontis et Lavacri, The facred dew is on thy brow :

Rorem fubilfe fandlum : In Font and Laver new create,

Te Chrifmate innovatum. By holy Chrifm thou'rt renovate.
Fac,cum vocante fomno Think ! when fleep calls thee, ere thy head
Caftum petis cubile, Upon thy pallet chafte is laid,
Frontem locumque cordis Forehead and bofom duly fign
Crucis figura fignet. With the figured Crofs divine.

Crux pellit omne crimen, The Crofs from all pollution ftiields,
Fugiunt Crucem tenebrae ; To the bright Crofs the darknefs yields ;
Tali dicata figno And hallowed by the fymbol bleft
Mens flu&uare nefcit. The ftabliftied foul abides at reft.

Procul, 6 procul vagantum Ye vexing dreams, far diftant fly !

Portenta fomniorum Vifions of evil, rove not nigh

Procul efto pervicaci Thou Archdeceiver, hence avaunt
Praeftigiator aftu Ceafe with thy craft our paths to haunt.

O tortuofe Serpens Serpent of old ! by many a wile

Qui mille per mzeandros, And winding fold of mazy guile,
Fraudefque flexuofas, Who wouldft with fraudful art deceive,
Agitas quieta corda : And pious hearts with terrors grieve

From Prudentius.
Compline IX. 369

Difcede ! Chriftus hie eft Depart ! for Chrift Himfelf is near ;

Chriftus hie eft ! liquefce ; Begone ! Lo ! Chrift The Lord is here ;

Signum quod ipfe nofti, The Sign, which ye of old time knew,
Damnat tuam catervam. Condemns thee and thy rebel crew.

Corpus licet fatifcens Though now the body, fpent with toil
Jaceat reclive paulum : Sink to its wonted reft awhile
Chriftum tamen fub ipfo To Chrift our thoughts lhall faithful keep,
Meditabitur fopore. E'en in the languid hours of fleep.

Gloria Eterno Patri Eternal Father unto Thee


Et Chrifto Vero Regi And Chrift, True King, all Glory be !

Paraclitoque Sanfto, And to the Holy Paraclete,

Et nunc et in perpetuum. Now and through ages infinite.



y . Preferve us, O Lord !

Ijb. As the apple of an eye proteft us

under the ftiadow of thy wings. upon us ! forfake us not, O our God !

Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

N letteft

Thou, Lord! thy that in the day of judgement



wmm See mayeft vouchfafe to place us a-mong

mm KING ! Glo - ri - ous

thy Saints and thine e - left, O

a-mong thy Saints! Who e-ver King Moft Bleffed ! Pf. Oioueae.

p- — *^ W. King Moft
fervants into profperity.
Bleffed! direft thy

art to be praifed, and yet art in - ef I^r. Among thy Saints and thine eleft,

O King Moft Bleffed !

It is /aid to the end of the Antiphon.

- fa - ble. Thou art in us, O Lord
y. By pious fails to wipe out their fad
$ O King Moft Bleffed! direft thy
and Thy Ho-ly Name is call - ed fervants into profperity.

3 B

37° Compline X.

Another. Antiphon.
37". And may we celebrate purely the ^HRIST was for us made.
folemn myfteries of Eafter.
I^r. Among thy Saints and thine eleft, Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.
O King Moft Bleffed !

TX7"HEN I called. Ps. XXX.

In Te
To the end of the Antiphon. Domine. IN Thee, O Lord
have !

Iput my truft. Ps. CXXXIII. Ecce nunc

Then the Petitions and Orifons for BEHOLD, now. Ps. Nunc dimittis.
Compline. NOW letteft Thou, O Lord ! thy fervant
without Gloria Patri.

|[ This Compline faid daily up to Thurf-


day in The Supper of The Lord, in the After the Pfalms is faid the whole
manner above-mentioned, whatever be the Antiphon.
Service, except that in Week-days the
Verfes after Nunc dimittis are not faid,
but fo as that on the Saturday the erfes V
are faid in the Superior Grade, and on HRIST was for us made
the Sunday in the Second Form. In
Sunday in the Palm Branches they are
faid at each Compline in the Superior
Grade. So alfo in the Double Feajls o - be - dient, e - ven unto death : the
which happen below PaJJton Sunday
and they are faid on the Wednefday be-
fore Eaftertide in the Second Form.
death of the Crofs.

Then let the Prieft fay

The Lord be with you.

And with thy fpirit.


Or ifon.
LORD, at COMPLINE, [after dinner,
all thofe matters having been performed befeech Thee, EGARD, we
which appertain Commandment
to the Lord this thy family, O !

(i. e., the Wafhing of feet, the Cup for which our Lord Jefus
of love, &c, fee The Procefjional,) let Chrift was contented to be
them enter the Choir, and fay Com- given up into the hands of
pline without note, fecretly,] firft of injurious men, and to undergo the pain of
all let this Antiphon be commenced* the Crofs, Who with Thee liveth and
by the Officiating Minijler, without reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft
note. God, world without end. Amen.

d In the York Compline IX. begins on the Fourth Sunday Quadragejima. The Antiphon
Office, in before
the Pfalms is " Signatum eft. There is fbezvn forth the light" as in Sar. Compline VII. and VIII. The
jlefponfories, however, are nearly the fame as here.
e It -will be remembered that every Compline, ivithout exception, is commenced privately by the afpiration
" In The Name," ivith the Jign of the Crofs, " Our Father," and " Hail Mary."
Compline XI. 37 1

The Lord be with you. Let the Antiphons and all other things be

And with thy fpirit. done as on the Day of The Supper, with-
Blefs we The Lord. out The Lordbe with you, and without
Thanks be to God.
Let us pray. After the P/alms and
Antiphon, is /aid Our Father and Hail
Mary, and the P/alm Miferere Have
[The York Compline X. is thus :— mercy upon me without Gloria Patri
Tbur/day in The Supper of The Lord, with projlration.
at Compline. Antiphon.
And let the Compline be fini/hed by the

There is (hewn forth. Prieft /aying the Ori/on Regard, we

befeech Thee, O Lord ! this thy family
Psalm iv. Cum invocarem When I called. [as above, Compline X.] without The
Ps. xxx. In TeDomine In Thee, O Lord ! Lord be with you and without Let us
Ps. xc. Qui habitat Whofo dwelleth. pray and without Who with Thee and
Ps. cxxxiii. Ecce nunc Behold now. The Holy Ghoft and without Blefs we
and /o let it be fini/hed.
Chapter. Thou, O Lord ! art in us.

In peace as above with three

Call us not away.

[The York Compline XI. is as follows : —
~$F <
3T. Thou Who haft known. In Friday the Day of Preparation, at
Hf. Be not willing [fee Sarum Com- Compline, after dinner, let them fay,
pline Fill.] jhould be /aid. two and two, privately, the Antiphon
Lord have mercy [/'. e. the Petitions,]
The Lord as a fheep was led to the
without projlration and without Miferere.
flaughter, and He opened not his mouth.

And this Compline is to be /aid after the Psalm iv. Cum invocarem When I called.
The Supper
Firft Ve/pers of Thur/day in In TeDomine In Thee, Lord O !

of The Lord, and Compline XI. after Ps. cxxxiii. Ecce nunc Behold now.
both Ve/pers of the Day of Preparation.']
W. Chrift was for us made obedient
unto death.
Even the death of the Crofs.

C COMPLINE XL Our Father fecretly.

Hail Mary fecretly.
In FRIDAY the DAT of PREPARATION, And lead us not into temptation : But
at COMPLINE, let the Priejl begin, with- deliver us from evil. Amen.
out note, the Antiphon Chrift was for us
made [as above], and in the mean time Pfalm Ego dixi I faid in the midft of my
let there be kneeling in the Choir. days [p. 193], with the Pfalm Miferere

' By reference to the Rubrics to the Petitions it will be feen, that on this day, and Jo on to the OBave of
Eafier ( Compline XIV.), the ordinary Petitions were omitted ; and, from
the Proper of the Time, it appears
that the Antiphon in the Pfalms was to be begun, and the Refponfe faid, in the Second Form ; the Antiphon
upon " Nunc dimittis" was to be begun in the Superior Grades and that there was no projlration ; and the
Pfalm " Miferere " was not faid ; and that, on account0/ the folemnity of The Supper, the Pfalm "Ad Te leva-vi"
" Unto Thee ha-ve I lifted up mine eyes," with what follows, was omitted, and fo on till the Oclave of Eafier.
; — !

372 Compline XII.

Have mercy upon me, O God ! and Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.
after the Pfalms is immediately added
Tl/HEN I called. Ps. XXX. In
the Orifon Regard we beleech Thee, vv
O Lord! [Compline
Te Domine IN Thee, O Lord
X.~] Prefacing it
Ps. CXXXIII. Ecce nunc BEHOLD now.
with Let us pray.
Ps. Nunc dimittis NOW letteft Thou,
The bells Jhould not be founded?^ O Lord!

And thefe aforefaid Pfalms are faid in one

tone without exalting any Pfalm, which
Jhall be obferved daily at Compline until
C COMPLINE XII. the Slave of after. E
In HOLT SATURDAY, in the VIGIL of The Pfalms being finijhed with Gloria Patri
EASTER, after ringing the bells* with then the entire Antiphon is repeated.
two Jlrokes twice or thrice, let the Priejl
begin as ufual
Then is faid,

The Lord be with you.

GOD ! make Ipeed to fave And with thy fpirit.
Let us pray,
Lord ! make hafte to
help me.
into us, O Lord ! The
Spirit of thy Charity, fo that
us, whom Thou haft fatiated
LORY be to The Father, with thy Pafchal facraments,
and to The Son and to :
Thou mayeft keep in concord by thy
The Holy Ghoft goodnefs, through our Lord Jefus Chrift
As it was in the begin- Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and
ning, is now, and ever mall reigneth in the Unity of The Same Spirit
be : world without end. Amen. God, world without end. Amen.
And the reft as ufual, but without Converte
With The Lord be with you and Blefs we
nos Convert us.
The Lord without Alleluya by the
Let the Antiphon be begun officiating Minifter.
in the Superior
And it is to be remarked that this Orifon
is faid daily at Compline up to the O Slave
_|:zl! =;Pif: of E after.
LE-LU-YA, Al-le
{The York Compline XII. is asfollows :

In Holy Saturday in the Vigil of E after,

- lu-ya, Al-le-lu-ya, Al-le-lu-ya. at Compline.

|=^E5E^5E±gjg"Et:= O God make fpeed to fave me.


O Lord make hafte to help me.


Pfalm. Oioueae. Glory be to The Father.

S Signis.

Compline XIV. 373

Antiphon. When the Antiphon after the Pfalms has

Alleluya four times repeated. been repeated, immediately Jhall be begun

Psalm iv. Cum invocarem When I called. by the Precentor

Ps. xxx. In Te Domine In Thee, O Lord '"pHIS is the day which The Lord
Ps. cxxxii. Ecce nunc Behold now. hath made.
And let Alleluya follow immediately. 3T. We
will rejoice and be glad in it.

without mufic (neumate).

317". Let us confefs unto The Lord, for
He is good. Then let the Prieft fay, without changing

^J. Becaufe his mercy endureth for his vejiment or place, but turned to the

ever. Altar, h

Alleluya is not begun again : nor let the 3T. JN Thy Refurreftion, O Chrift.

Verfule [fee Compline XIII.] In thy

Let The Heavens and The Earth
Refurreftion, O Chrift ! be /aid before the
rejoice. Alleluya.
Day of The Refurreftion. The Collecl
follows The Lord be with you. And The Lord be with you.
with thy fpirit. Orifon. Pour into us, And with thy fpirit.
O Lord ! Amen, [as above.] Let us pray,
The Lord be with you. OUR into us, O Lord ! The
And with thy fpirit. Spirit of thy Charity ; fo that
Blefs we The Lord without Alleluya.] whom Thou haft fatiated
fkm us,
with thy Pafchal Sacraments,
Thou mayeft keep in concord by thy
goodnefs, through our Lord. In the Unity

C COMPLINE XIII. of The Same Spirit. With The Lord be

we The Lord without
with you, and Blefs

GOD ! make fpeed to fave In this fame mode Compline is faid through-
me. out thewhole of this week until the
O Lord ! make hafte to
help me.

LORY be to The Father.
I As it was in the begin- at COMPLINE.
[ After
In The Name of The Father the
Sign of The Crofs Our Father and Hail
Antiphon and Pfalms as on Holy Saturday. Mary as ufual]

ALLELUYA four times. And let

IONVERT us, O God our
Saviour !
the Antiphon be begun in the Upper
And turn away thine
! anger from us.

h Chevallon, Paris, 1531.

374 Compline XIV.

GOD ! make fpeed to fave

O Lord ! make hafte to Pfalm. Oioueae.
help me.

LORY be to The Father, Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.
and to The Son: and to W/"HEN I called. Ps. XXX. In
The Holy Ghoft vv Te Domine IN Thee, O Lord!
As it was in the begin- Ps. XC. Qui habitat WHOSO dwelleth.
ning, is now, and ever mall be world :
Ps. CXXXIII. Ecce nunc BEHOLD now
without end. Amen. [as in Compline I.]


CHAPTER. Jeremiah xiv.

HOU, O Lord art in us !

L - LE-LU-YA, Al-le-lu-ya, and we are called by Thy

Holy Name ; forfake us not,
O Lord our God
Al - le - lu - ya, Al - le - iu - ya. Thanks be to God.


E - S U ! Sal - va - tor
IE - SU! to Earth Thou

fe - cu - li ! Ver - bum Pa - tris Al- Sa-viour given ! Word of The Father

tif - fi - mi ! Lux lu - cis in - Lord of Heaven ! Light of The Light

ri - fi - bi - lis ! Cuf - tos tu - o in - vi - fi. - ble ! True Shepherd of

rum per - vi - gil. thine If - ra - el

Jesu ! Salvator feculi Jesu ! Earth Thou Saviour given

Verbum Patris Altiffimi Word of The Father Lord of Heaven !

Lux lucis invifibilis Light of The Light invifible !

Cuftos tuorum pervigil True Shepherd of thine Ifrael f

! ! ! ! !

Compline XIV. 375

Tu, Fabricator omnium, Thou Mighty Framer of the Spheres

Difcretor atque temporum, Divider of the times and years
Feffa labore corpora Our bodies worn with toil, once more
Nodlis quiete recrea. With night's foft quietude reftore.

Ut dum gravi in corpore So while in thefe dull frames of clay,

Brevi manemus tempore, Through life's Ihort feafon here we ftay,

Sic caro noftra dormiat, The flelh itsdue repofe may take,
Ut mens in Chrifto vigilet. The foul in Chrift be e'er awake.

Te deprecamur fupplices, Suppliants, thy mercies we invoke :

Ut nos ab hofte liberes : Free us from Satan's bitter yoke :

Ne valeat feducere To him ne'er be the fouls betrayed,

Tuo redemptos Sanguine. For which Thy facred Blood was lhed.

Quefumus Auftor omnium ! Author of all things ! Gracious Guide !

In hoc Pafchali gaudio, In our joy of Eafter-tide,


Ab omni Mortis impetu Oft as the affaults of death impend

Tuum defende populum. Thy people ftrengthen and defend.
Gloria Tibi Domine All Glory, Saviour Lord to Thee, !

Qui furrexifti a mortuis : Who rofe from death triumphant, be :

Cum Patre et Sanfto Spiritu The Father and The Holy Ghoft,
In fempiterna fecula. Long as eternity mall laft.

A - men. A - men.

37". Preferve us, O Lord Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

As the apple of an eye protect us VTOW letteft Thou, O Lord ! thy
under the ftiadow of thy wings. fervant.
Let the Petitions and the other things which
Antiphon. appertain to Compline be completed.

^[ This Compline is not changed up to The

Afcenjion of The Lord, whatever be the
when reference is made to
Service, unlefs
L - LE-LU-YA, The Lord
S. Mary, for then is faid at the end of
the Hymn Author of all things the Verfe
Gloria Tibi Domine
hath ri-fen, Al-le-lu-ya, as He faid Qui natus es de Virgine !

Cum Patre et Spiritu Sanfto,

In fempiterna fecula. Amen.
Lord, Holy Virgin born to Thee, !

- to us, Al - le - lu - ya, Al - le -
Eternal Praife and Glory be !

The Father and The Holy Ghoft,

Long as eternity mail laft. Amen.
- lu - ya. Pfalm. Oioueae. But fo alfo that the Antiphon on the
37 6 Compline XV.
Pfalms is repeated to the Feaft of The ufual] s and fo let Compline in general
Holy Trinity. be faid to The Afcenfion of The Lord.
After this day, let there be faid the
[In the York Breviary, after the Hymn Chapters, Hymns, Verficles, and Anti-
the remainder of Compline XIV. pro-
ceeds thus: —
Let thefe two Verfes be
phons, with muftc s the Refponfories to
the Hours, and Petitions at Prime and
faid at the end of all the Hymns, zvhofe Compline: and May the fouls of the
metre is fuitable to
Afcenfion of The faithful.]
The Lord, except in the Hymn Ye choirs
of New Jerufalem [faid at efpers on V
Saturdays between Eafter and The Af- <[ COMPLINE XV.
cenfion of our Lord] and whenever there In the VIGIL of THE ASCENSION of THE
is the Service of S. Mary, then at the
LORD, at COMPLINE, the Antiphon on
end of the Hymns of the fame metre jhall the Pfalms is the fame as in the clave
be faid Author of all
Holy Virgin-Born
things, with Lord
37". and
of Eafter, viz., —
to Thee.
^LLELUYA four times.

In thy Refurre&ion. Alleluya.

Antiphon Alleluya. Pfalm Nunc di-
mittis Now Thou, O Lord
letteft Chapter. 1
HOU, O Lord
and Lord, have mercy [Petitions as as above, Compl. I.


SU nof- tra re - demp- E - SU ! Re-demp-tion of

! A mor et de - fi -
our fouls ! Love and de - fire of

Sde - ri - um

De - us Cre - a - tor
rm ^- mm
eve - ry clime ! God The Creator

om - ni - um ! Ho of all worlds ! Man in the dole of

tern - po - rum !
wan-ing Time

Jesu noftra Redemptio Jesu Redemption of our fouls

! !

Amor et defiderium ! Love and de/ire of every clime !

Deus Creator omnium God The Creator of all worlds

Homo in fine temporum ! Man in the clofe of waning Time !

From S. Ambrose, or of his School.

! ; ; !; ! :

Compline X.V. 377

Quae Te vicit dementia, Thy kind compalfion, O how great
Ut ferres noftra crimina ? To take our hateful fins on Thee :

Crudelem mortem patiens, A cruel death of woe to endure,

Ut nos a morte tolleres. Our ranfomed fouls from death to free.

Inferni clauftra penetrans, Hell's prifons Thou didft penetrate,

Tuos captivos redimens, Thy longing captives to redeem

Viftor triumpho nobili, Triumphant viftor feated now !

Ad dextram Patris refidens. At God's right hand, o'er all Supreme.

Ipfa Te cogat Pietas, O let thy loving care prevail

Ut mala noftra fuperes Our fins and fickneffes to heal ; [hearts
Parcendo et voti compotes Spare them : our prayers perform : our
Nos tuo vultu faties. With thy kind countenance fulfil.

Tu efto noftrum gaudium, Be Thou our only hope and joy,

Qui es futurus praemium Who art our future great reward ;

Sit noftra in Te gloria, In Thee be all our glorying,

Per cundla temper fecula. Throughout eternity, O Lord !

Gloria Tibi Domine Glory and worlhip unto Thee,

Qui fcandis fuper lidera, Afcending o'er the ftars of Heaven
Cum Patre et Spiritu Sandto, Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye,
In fempiterna fecula. Amen. Through ages evermore be given. Amen.

y. Preferve us.
^J. As the apple of an eye.
Al - le - lu - ya. Pfalm. Oioueae.
[In Compline XV. the four firft Jlanzas of
Psalm. Nunc dimittis.
the York Hymn are the fame with thofe
in Compline XIV, the Verjicle is — XTOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy
The Lord hath gone up with a merry
noife, After this, the ufual Petitions and Orifons.
And The Lord with the found of
the trump. Alleluya.] After thefame manner isfaid Compline daily
to Pentecojl, whatever be the Service,
Antiphon. except when it is faid with Commemora-
tion of the Bleffed Virgin, for then after
the verfe Tu efto Be Thou, is faid,

Gloria Tibi Domine !

Qui natus es de Virgine :

Cum Patre et Spiritu Sanfto,
In fempiterna fecula. Amen.
afcending up on high, Al-le-lu-ya, All Glory be to Thee, Lord O
Of Virgin-Mother purely born j

Father and Holy Ghoft, to Ye !

captive hath led captivity : Allelu - ya, Until Eternity be gone. Amen.
3 c .
378 Compline XVII.


In the VIGIL of PENTECOST,at COMPLINE, all things: Allelu - ya, Al-le - lu - ya.
the Antiphon is
A LLELUYA four times repeated, as
-L* above in the Oclave of Eafter. Oioueae.

Chapter. ^HOU, O Lord! Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

XTOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy

HYMN. gAVIOUR of man ! fervant.

Let the Petitions and the other matters which

317". Preferve us.
pertain to Compline be fulfilled.
As the apple of an eye as above.

[In the York Breviary, inftead of the Hymn

Saviour of Man is faid the Hymn Jefu to
Earth Thou Saviour [Compline XIV.]

The 37". is The Holy Spirit mail teach In the DAY of PENTECOST, at COMPLINE,
you. All truth. Alleluya.] the Antiphon is

A LLELUYA four times repeated as
-—- Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.

L - LE-LU-YA, The Spirit VyHEN I called.

And the reft, as above.

Chapter. ^HOU, O Lord

Pa-ra-clete, Alleluya, lhall teach you

|[ On this day and the three following, inftead of the Hymn,

is faid this SEQUENCE.

L - MA Cho -rus Domi-ni nunc pan -gat Norn - i - na Sum - mi


OW let The Lord's fair Choir proclaim the Names of the Moil High

Mef - fi - as, So-ther, Em - man - u - el, Sa - ba - oth, A - do - na - i

Sa - viour, Mef - fi - as, Em - man - u - el, Sa - ba - oth, A - do - na - i

Eft U - ni - gen - i - tas, Vi-a, Vi - ta, Ma-nus, Om-o-ou-fi - on

The Way, The Life, and The Hand, Con-fub-ftan-tial, On-ly be-got-ten
Compline XVII. 379

Prin ci - pium, Pri-mo - gen - i - tus, Sa - pi - en - ti - a Vir- tus :

Firft - born, The Be - gin - ning of All Things, Wif - dom and Vir - tue :

Al - pha, Ca - put Fi - nif - que fi. - mul vo - ci - ta - tur et eft £1

Al - pha, The Head and The End He is called, and He is Great O - me - ga :

Fons et o - ri - go bo - ni Pa - ra - cli - tus ac Me - di - a - tor :

Fountain and Source of all Goodnefs, Pa - ra - clete and Me - di - a - tor

Agnus, Ovis, Vi - tu - lus, Ser - pens, A - ries, Le - 0, Vermis

Lamb, Sheep, Calf, Ser -pent, The Ram, The Worm, and The Li -on

Os, Ver - bum, Splen-dor, Sol, Glo - ri - a, Lux et I - ma - go

Mouth, Word, Splen-dour, and Sun, and Glory, Light and The I - mage :

Pa - nis, Flos, Vi - tis, Mons, Ja-nua, Pe-tra La - pif - que

Bread, Flower, Vine, Moun - tain, Gate, Rock, al - fo the Great Stone

An - ge - lus et Spon - fus, Paf - torque, Pro-pheta, Sa - cer - dos :

An - gel and Bride - groom, and Shep - herd, Pro - phet, and High Prieft

Atha - na - tos, Ky - ri-os, The - os, Pon - ton - era - ton Je - fus

Im - mor - tal, Lord God Al - migh - ty Rul - er and Je - fus :

Sal - vi - fi - cet nos Sit Cui fe - cla per om-ni - a dox-a. A - men.

O may He fave us ! to whom be Glory for e - ver and ever. A - men.

; ;! ; ;

3 8o Compline XVII.

[In the York Breviary the Sequence Alma Chorus is only /aid on the Day of Pentecoft
and on the Tuefday, but on Monday and Thurfday the following —
Laudes Deo devotas All laud and worfhip o'er the Earth,
Dulci voce ac fonora, Let the Church Catholic pour forth,
Plebs refultet Catholica With fweet and folemn voice to God
Spiritus Sanfti gratia This day to the Apoftles given,
Apoftolis die hodierna, The Holy Spirit's grace from Heaven,
In igneis linguis eft infufa. In tongues of fire was Ihed abroad.
Paracleti praefentia, Now prefent be the Paraclete,
Emundet nos a peccati macula, To cleanfe our fouls from every ftain of fin,
Pura Sibi aptans habitacula And fit us for his manfion pure within,
Charifmatum et munera And gifts and graces ever meet,
Peftoribus noftris pius infundat, May He unto our bofoms kindly pour,
Vita noftra ut Ei complaceat. That fo our lives may pleafe Him evermore.
Per feculorum fecula, Now for eternal ages long,
Conclamemus Alleluya, Alleluya be our fong,
Sit Deo Laus, Poteftas, To God all Praife and Majefty,

Honor, Virtus, et Gloria Honour, and Might, and Glory be.]

W. Preferve us. Praife be to Father and to Son,

~Sp. As the apple of an eye as above. And Holy Comforter, in One,
So may The Son to every heart,
On other days is faid the Hymn Saviour of The Holy Spirit's gifts impart.
man [fee Compline II.]
Let thefe two verfes be fubjoined [i. e., in
3T. Preferve us as above.
the room of Author of all things and
All Glory, Mighty Lord, to Thee !] to
all Hymns within the Qftave of Pentecojl,
[In the York Breviary the Hymn Jefu, to
to whofe metre they fuit.
Earth [fee Compline XIV.] with the
verfes — The 3T. is the fame throughout the O clave
Dudum facrata pedlora, as in the Vigil of Pentecojl.']
Tua replefti gratia,
Dimitte nunc peccamina, Antiphon.
Et da quieta tempora.
A LLELUYA, The Spirit Paraclete,
Sit Laus Patri cum Filio, Alleluya : fhall teach you all things :

Sanfto fimul Paraclito :

Alleluya, Alleluya [as above, in the Vigil].
Nobifque mittat Filius,
Charifma Sanfti Spiritus. Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

Their bofoms in that feftal tide,

MOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy
By thy fweet grace were fanftified
Now our tranfgrelfions, Lord forgive, !
Petitions and Orifons, as ufual.
And grant us in thy peace to live.
Compline XVIII. 38i

C COMPLINE XVIII. [The York and Hereford Anthem is the

fame as Compline VI.J
Psalm. Nunc dimittis.
COMPLINE, one of the Clerks begins the
Antiphon \TOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy
AVE mercy upon me, O Petitions and Orifons as ufual.
Lord ! and hearken unto my
prayer. This Compline is faid in all Double Feajls
from this day to The Advent of The
Lord s and from the O clave of The
Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.
Epiphany to the Firjl Sunday in Qua-
I called.
dragefma, except in the Feafts of The
" And the as above.
reft, Name of Jefus and of the BleJJed Mary,
and throughout their O Slaves ; and in
the Feafts of Relics and of All Saints.
HOU, O Lord ! art in us :
It Jhall be faid alfo in the Feaft of The
and we are called by Thy Dedication of the Church, and its O clave,
I Holy Name ; forfake us not, whatever be the Service, if it happen
O Lord our God !
without Advent and Quadragejima and
Thanks be to God. Eaftertide, and if it happen in the Sum-
mer, or at other times, where there can
HYMN. gAVIOUR of man ! be had the Slave with Conductors of
the Choir, as in the Feaft of the fame ;
W. Preferve us, O Lord !
but on Simple Feafts and Week-days
J$. As the apple of an eye protect us Compline VI. is faid.
under the fhadow of thy wings.
[The Hereford Rubric is: —And fo Com-
pline is faid in all principal Feafts,
Antiphon. Double and Semi-double, from this day
up to The Advent of The Lord ; and
5 after the Slave of the Epiphany up to
the Firft Sunday in Quadrageftma, ex-
HY Light, O Lord ! do Thou
cept in the Feaft of Corpus Chrifti, and
throughout the O Slave of the fame s and
except in the Feafts of the BleJJed Mary,

be-ftow up-on us, fo that, being rid of and throughout their Slaves. OIt pall
be faid alfo throughout all the folemn
O Slaves throughout that time.]

the darknefs of our hearts, we may [In the York and Hereford Breviaries, the
Feafts of Relics and All Saints are not
omitted from Compline XVIII. The
at-tain to The Light, which is Chrift.
following, however, muft be omitted from
both, and alfo, as appears from the
Proper of The Time, from the Sarum
Breviary: —
/. The Feaft of CORPUS
Pfalm. Oioueae. CHRISTI, wherein the York Breviary
382 Compline XIJC.
direcls that the verfe All Glory be to Nominibus his fignatur Jefus : lint

Thee, O Lord ! is to be /aid at the end Domino laudes. Amen.

of all the Hymns whofe metre fuits, With thefe Names is Jefus diftinguilhed :

throughout the Otlave, even if it relate Praife be to The Lord. Amen.

to the Saints, except to the Hymn The
Word Supernal forth proceeds [according Psalm. Nunc dimittis.
to the Sarum Rubric, whenever it is the XTOW letteft Thou, O Lord ! thy
Service of Corpus Chrifi]. fervant.

According Hereford Breviary, in
to the C\ KING, Glorious among thy Saints,
the Feajl of Corpus Chrifi, at Compline, Who ever art to be praifed, and yet
the Antiphon Have mercy ; Pfalms Cum art ineffable. Thou art in us, O Lord !

invocarem When I called, and the reft ; and Thy Holy Name is called upon us
Chapter Thou, O
Lord ! art in us forfake us not, O our God that in the Day

Hymn Saviour of man to be finijhed ! of Judgement Thou mayeft vouchfafe to

with this All Glory be to Thee,0 Lord place us among thy Saints and thine eleft,
3C. Prelerve us, O Lord Antiphon ! O King moft BlelTed !

My flelh is meat indeed, Alleluya, and [See Compline IF.]

My Blood is drink indeed, Alleluya,
Alleluya. Pfalm Nunc dimittis Now In the York, which agrees with the Proper
letteft Thou, O Lord In this man- !
of the Time of the Sarum Breviary, is
ner is Compline faid throughout the this Rubric: —
"This Compline is not
whole Otlave, whether it be the changed throughout the Otlave, when it
clave Service or no; this excepted, is the Otlave Service." In the Hereford
that on other days within the O clave —
Breviary: " This Compline Jhall not be
[i. e., when the Corpus Chrift i Service changed throughout the whole Otlave,
isnot faid] let the Hymn Saviour of man whatever be the Service."]
be finijhed with the verfes (vide p. 2j$J
O falutaris Hoftia ! O healthful faving
Sacrifice and Uni Trinoque Domino

To The Triune and Only Lord


In the FEAST of RELICS and of ALL

//. The FEAST of The NAME of JESUS,
SAINTS, at COMPLINE, upon the Pfalms
in which, as well in the Sarum as in the
this Antiphon.
York and Hereford Breviaries.
Y the prayers of all thy Saints
Antiphon upon the Pfalms. grant health of body and of
foul, O Chrift ! unto thy fer-
Have mercy upon me, Lord O ! ac-
cording to thy judgement of them that
love Thy Name. Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.
TXf HEN- I called.
HYMN {inftead o/Saviour of Man) Let the And the reft, as above.
fair Choir of The Lord fubftituting !

for the final verfe O may He fave us CHAPTER. ^pHOU, O Lord !

the following
Compline XXI. 383
HYMN. gAVIOUR of man ! Chapter. '"pHOU, O Lord!

Preferve us.
HYMN. gAVIOUR of man.
^p. As the apple of an eye as above.

Antiphon. 37". Preferve us.

HY light, O Lord, beftow ~Rp. As the apple of an eye as above.

upon us, fo that being rid of

the darknefs of our hearts we
may attain unto The Light,
which is Chrift.

[See Compline XFIIL]

glo - ri - fy thee,

Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

MOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy

fervant. Mother of God ! becaufe from thee

Petitions and Orifons [as hereafter given

end of Compline?^
at the
was born Chrift. Save all them

MARY, at COMPLINE, upon the Pfalms.
Antiphon. Pfalm. Oioueae.

Psalm. Nunc dimittis.

VIRGIN, by the Word

XTOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy

Then the Petitions and Orifons appropriate

to Compline.
conceived, a Virgin me remained ; a

Vir-gin me brought forth The King C COMPLINE XXI.

of the Same at COMPLINE upon the
of all kings. Pfalm. Oioueae. Pfalms. Antiphon.

Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.

OLY Mary Virgin, intercede
for the whole
world, for
^fyTHEN I called.
thou didft bring forth The
And the reft, as above. King of the Globe. s

j See Common Memorials, Monday at Vefpers,

384 Compline XXII.
Psalm IV. Cum invocarem Psalm. Nunc dimittis.
^^yHEN I called. MOW letteft Thou, O Lord! thy
And the reft, as above. fervant.

Chapter. ^jpHOU, O Lord! The aforefaid Antiphon, viz., Glorificamus

We glorify Thee is /aid in all Feafts
and throughout the O clave of the Blejfed
HYMN. gAVIOUR of man
Mary, and in Commemorations of the
y. Preferve us.
Same throughout the whole year, except
in Advent, and in the Annunciation, and
As the apple of an eye as above.
in Eafter-tide.
Petitions and Orifons as next follow.
PJOLY Mary Virgin! as above.

{Inftead of Compline XX.— XXII., The

Nunc dimittis.
Thou, O Lord! thy
York Breviary has this—
fervant. In the Commemoration of the Bleffed Mary
Virgin at Compline. Antiphon.
Petitions and Orifons.
With joy we celebrate the Commemo-
ration of the Bleffed Mary, that ftie may
C COMPLINE XXII. intercede for us unto The Lord our God !

In the NATIVITY ofthe Same at COMPLINE Pfalm iv. Cum invocarem When I
called and the reft, as above.
upon the Pfalms. Antiphon.
BLESSED Mother, yet un- Chapter. Thou, O Lord ! art in us.

defiled Virgin ! Thou glorious Hymn. To Thee, before the clofe of

Queen of the World, inter- day with Gloria Tibi. Lord ! Holy Virgin-
cede for us unto The Lord k born to Thee.

~W. Preferve us.

Psalm IV. Cum invocarem.
5?. As the apple of an eye as above.
I called.
* And the reft, as above.
We take refuge under thy guardianlhip,
Chapter. '"pHOU, O Lord!
O Holy Mother of God ! defpife not our
entreaties in our neceffities, but ever from
HYMN. gAVIOUR of man dangers deliver us, O Bleffed Virgin !

Pfalm. Nunc dimittis Now letteft Thou,

W. Preferve us.
O Lord ! thy fervant.
~Bp. As the apple of an eye as above.
Lord have mercy \the ufual Petitions]
in all Commemorations.
E glorify thee, Mother
of God ! becaufe from In the Commemoration of the Blejfed Mary
thee was born Chrift. in Eafter-tide.
Save all them that glorify Antiphon. Alleluya four times repeated.
thee. Pfalm iv. Cum invocarem When I
[See Compline XX.] called and the reft.

See Common Memorials, Monday at Lauds.

Petitions at Compline.
Chapter. Thou, O Lord ! [In the Hereford Breviary in the Com-
Hymn. Earth's Saviour.
memoration of the Bleffed Mary through-
Jefu !

out Advent, except the laft Verfe of

This Compline is not changed except only the Hymn, the Advent Compline is not
in the Verfe Gloria Tibi All Glory changed. After the Epiphany, however,
be to Thee after the Verfe Quefumus and (except Eafter-tide) throughout the
Audio r Author of all things [fee Com- year, on Nunc dimittis is faid the An-
pline XIV.~\ tiphon We glorify Thee, Mother of
God ! In Eafter-tide, however, as in
In the Purification of the Bleffed Mary Advent, it is not ufed.
at Compline
In The Affumption and Nativity of the Same
Antiphon. The Word was made Flelh.
and throughout the Otlaves, is faid on
[See Compline III.] the Pfalms the Antiphon Have mercy
Pfalm iv. Cum invocarem When I [Compline I.]
called and the reft.
Hymn. Saviour of man !

Chapter. Thou, O Lord !

~3T. Preferve us.

Hymn. Begotten of The Father's Bofom. Antiphon on Nunc dimittis We glorify

If it happen below Septuagefima let it be

without Alleluya.
With refpecl to The Vifttation this Breviary
is ftlent.]
In the Feaft of the Annunciation of the
Bleffed Virgin Mary at Compline as
the Time may require. And note that
at Eafter-tide at the end of the Hymns Here follow PETITIONS
whofe metre is fuitable, is
faid the Verfe
Quefumus Audio r Author of all things With proftration of the Choir
Gloria Tibi All Glory be to Thee
[To be begun on the part of the Choir 1

which in the York Breviary is faid alfo

below The Paffion.

In the Feaft of The Affumption of the

ORD, have mercy (thrice).
Bleffed Virgin Mary at Compline.
Antiphon. [Let the Choir reply,]
With joy we celebrate The Affumption
of the Bleffed Mary, that fhe may inter-
cede for us unto The Lord our God ! Chrift, have mercy (thrice).

In the other Feafts of the Bleffed Mary [So that the laft be faid thus,]
the word Affumption is changed into
Nativity, Conception, Vifttation, as the
Feaft requires.] Lord, have mercy (thrice).

From the Arlyngham and other MSS. The expreffion "ex parte Chori," "on the part of the Choir,"
•will, according to the Confuetudinary, mean " By the Officiating Prieft from that fide on which the Choir is
for that day Jlationed."

3 D
386 Petitions at Compline.

[Let the Prieft fay] 51:

UR FATHER (fecretly) Let us praife and highly ex-tol

Him, for ever.

PJAIL Mary (fecretly) Blefled art Thou, O Lord ! in the

firmament of Heaven.
Then aloud And greatly to be praifed, and Glorious,
and highly exalted for ever.

Prieft. And lead us not into temptation.

The Almighty and merciful Lord,

Choir. But deliver us from evil.

blefs and preferve us. Amen.

Prieft. I
N peace, in the very fame

H The Confeffton, The Mifereatur, and

The Abfolution, are faid by the Prieft of
my greateft dignity, throughout the whole
Choir. I will fleep and take reft.
year at Prime and at Compline, when
Then the Confiteor fhould be faid, and that in
a low voice, fo as fcarcely to be heard by
the Choir, thus

(fecretly, afterwards aloud)

317". [Let us confefs unto The Lord, for
He is good.
And his mercy endureth for

Prieft. The Refurreftion of the Flefh. The Prieft, looking towards the Altar

CONFESS to God, The

Bleffed Mary, and all the
J$. And Life eternal. Amen. Saints, [turning to the Choir]
and to you, I have finned ex-
1: 3=X ceedingly, in thought, word, and deed, of
3ST. Blefs we The Father, and The my own fault. \Jooking back to the Altar]
I befeech Holy Mary, all the Saints of
God, and [looking back to the Choir] ye,

Son, with The Holy Spirit. to pray for me.

m See pp. 15 and 118.

n For from Thurfday in The Supper of The Lord, incluftve, to Monday after the Otla-ve of Eafter, ex-
clufi-ve, there are no Petitions at Compline. —
Vide Compline X. —
From the York Bre-viary, and Sarum Mijfal.
Petitions at Compline. 387
The Choir replies turning to the Prieft Vouchfafe, Lord O ! in this night to

A LMIGHTY God, have mercy upon keep us without fin.

you, and forgive you all your fins, Have mercy upon us, O Lord !

deliver you from all evil, preferve and Have mercy upon us.

ftrengthen you in all goodnefs, and bring

you to everlafting life. Amen.
Let thy mercy, O Lord ! be upon us.
Then the Choir turning to the Altar

T CONFESS to God, The Bleffed

Mary, all the Saints and [turning to T$s. Like as we have put our truft in Thee.
the Prieft] to you, I have finned exceed-
my own
in thought,
fault, [looking
word, and deed, of
back to the Altar] O Lord God of Hofts !

convert us.
— 1_

I befeech Holy Mary, all the Saints,and

{turning to the Prieft] you, to pray for me.
H$l. And fhew us thy countenance, and
Then let the Prieft fay to the Choir in the
firft per/on if neceJJ'ary

iLMIGHTY GOD, have we fhall be faved.

mercy upon you, and forgive
you all your fins, deliver you

from all evil, preferve and O Lord ! hear my prayer.
ftrengthen you in all goodnefs, and bring
you to everlafting life. Amen.
The Almighty and Merciful Lord grant And let my crying come unto Thee.
you Abfolution and Remiffion of all your
fins, fpace for true penitence, amendment
of life, and the grace and confolation of The Lord be with you.
The Holy Spirit. Amen.
Then follow Petitions, by the officiating And with thy fpirit.
Prieft, after this manner.

o God ! be Thou turned, and

Let us pray.

3=1 En-light-en our dark-nefs, we

Thou fhalt quicken us.
be-feech Thee [See poft p. 389.]
IJr. And thy people fhall rejoice in Thee.
Thefe aforefaid Petitions are faid in this
form throughout the whole year at Com-
O Lord ! fhow thy mercy upon us. pline, as well in Double Feafts as in
Simple, even when there are no Con-
ductors of the Choir ; fo in ordinary
Tfr. And grant us thy falvation. Week-days, except from Thurfday in the
: :

3! Petitions at Compline.

Supper of The Lord to the Oclave of Caft me not away from thy face : and
E after y p fo, neverthelefs, Thy Holy Spirit from me.
that in all take not
Week-days throughout Advent, and from Reftore to me the joy of thy falvation :

the Firft Sunday after the Oclave of and ftablifh me with Thy Chief Spirit.
The Epiphany to Thurfday in The Sup- I will teach the wicked thy ways : and
per of The Lord, and from the Firft the impious fhall be converted unto Thee.
Sunday after Trinity Advent of Deliver me from blood-guiltinefs, O
to the
The Lord, in Week-day God The God of my falvation and my
the ordinary ! :

Service, after the 37". Let Thy mercy, tongue fhall rejoice in thy righteoufnefs.
O Lord be upon us let this imme-
! O Lord Thou fhalt open my lips and ! :

diately follow my mouth fhall fhew forth thy praife.

O Lord hear my voice wherewith
For if Thou hadft defired facrifice I
I have cried unto Thee. would have given it but Thou wilt not :

Have mercy upon me, and hear me. be delighted with burnt-offerings.
The of God is a troubled fpirit

Then let the Pfalm Miferere follow without a contrite and humbled heart, O God fhalt !

note. Thou not defpife.

^ AVE mercy upon me, O God !
Do kindly, Lord in thy good pleafure!

according to thy great mercy. unto Syon : that the walls of Jerufalem
And according to the mul- may be built.
titude of thy companions :
Then fhalt Thou accept the facrifice of
blot out mine iniquity. righteoufnefs, oblations, and burnt-offer-
Wafh me throughly from mine iniquity :
ings : then fhall they lay young bullocks
and cleanfe me from my fin. upon thine altar.
For I acknowledge mine iniquity and :
Glory be to The Father, and to The
my fin is ever before me. Son and to The Holy Ghoft ;

Againft Thee only have I finned and As it was in the beginning, is now, and
done evil before Thee that Thou mayeft :
ever fhall be world without end. Amen.

be juftified in thy fayings, and overcome

when Thou art judged. Let the whole of this Pfalm be faid with
For behold I was conceived in iniquities: Gloria and Sicut erat without note. And
and in fin hath my mother conceived me. then let every thing be done kneeling prof-

But lo Thou haft loved truth the

! :
trate, from the beginning of the firft Lord
uncertain and hidden things of thy wifdom have mercy until after the Orifon, and the
haft Thou manifefted to me. ConfeJJion, and the Mifereatur, and the
Thou fhalt fprinkle me with hyflbp and Abfolution, fo as neverthelefs that im-

I fhall be cleanfed Thou lhalt wafh me :

mediately after the Pfalm, the Prieft

and I fhall be made whiter than fnow. Jland up alone and fay the following
To my hearing Thou fhalt give joy and
gladnefs and the bones which are hum-

bled fhall rejoice. rise, O Lord ! help us.

Turn thy face away from my fins : and
blot out all my mifdeeds.
Create in me a clean heart, God O ! :

and renew a right fpirit within me. And deliver us, for Thy Name's fake.

P Compline X., et feq.

Petitions at Compline. 389


O Lord God of Hofts ! convert us. And with thy fpirit.

Blefs we The Lord.

Shew us thy countenance, and we

—i — — -
Thanks be to God.
fhall be faved.
f[ The afore/aid Orifon, with the Chapter
O Lord ! hear my prayer.
Thou, O Lord and the Verfe Prelerve

And let my crying come unto Thee.

us are /aid at Compline throughout the
The Lord be with you. whole year, except from Thurfday in The
And with thy fpirit. Supper of The Lord to the O clave of
Let us pray. Eafter.

NLIGHTEN our darknefs,
f[ The Orifons at the Hours, viz. : Prime,
we befeech Thee, O Lord Terce, Sext, None, and Compline, are
God! faid and finifhed in one tone throughout
the year, except from Thurfday in The
Supper of The Lord to the Vigil of
q 1 1— q_ Eafter, and except in The Day of Souls.
and all the perils of this night do
Every day throughout the year, after
Compline for the day and after Matins

Thou gracioufly turn away from us,

for the day, (i. e. Lauds,) [except in
Double Feafts, and throughout the Oc-
[Save us, Almighty O God ! and grant tave of Corpus Chrifti, and of The
us thy perpetual light,] 1 Vifitation, Affumption, and Nativity, of
The Mary, and of The Dedica-
tion of The Church, and of The Name
through our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy of Jefus, and in The Day of Souls,
and in the Vigil of The Nativity of
BEE The Lord, and from thence to the Firft
Son, Who with Thee liveth and Sunday after the O clave of The Epi-
phany^ is faid for the Peace of The
Church, without note, the following.*
reigneth in The U-ni-ty of The Holy
AdTelevavi. Psalm CXXII.
t— — fH
1 1 1.
~~NTO Thee have I lifted up
Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen. mine eyes : O Thou that
dwelleft in the Heavens
Behold as the eyes of fer-
The Lord be with you. vants : look unto the hand of their mailers,

1 Hereford Breviary.
From the Rubrics for the Proper of the Time in Advent ; Bre-viar : ad us : Sar. ed : Chevallon, Paris,
15 3 1. Morin, Rouen, no date.
39° The Tones for the Pfalms.

And as the eyes of a maiden unto the grant us thy peace in our time, through
hands of her miftrefs : even fo our eyes our Lord Jefus Chrift., Thy Son, Who
unto The Lord our God, until He have with Thee liveth and reigneth in the
mercy upon us. Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world
Have mercy upon us, O Lord ! have without end. Amen.
mercy upon us for we : are greatly filled
After Compline Prayer only
is faid this
with contempt.
Our foul is greatly filled with the fcorn-
May the fouls of the faithful, through the

and with the defpite-

mercy of God, reft in peace. Amen.
ing of the wealthy :

of the proud.
The Lord be with you.
Glory be to The Father. And with thy fpirit.
As it was in the beginning. Blefs we The Lord.

The Pfalm being finifhed, then follows, — Thanks be to God.

This being concluded, let the Priejls and all
Lord, have mercy.
the Clerks rife from their projlrate pof-
Chrift, have mercy.
ture, kifjing the Forms.*
Lord, have mercy.

UR FATHER (fecretly).


[Then let

aloud, but without note]

the Priejl fay
in the FIRST TONE is thus 4 —
-— —-
And lead us not into temptation.
The Lord faid un - to my Lord
[The Choir replying]

But deliver us from evil.

Arife, O Lord ! and help us. And de- Sit Thou on my right hand.
Thy Name's
liver us for fake.

O Lord God of Hofts ! convert us. And

Ihew us thy countenance, and we ftiall be
Glo-ry be to The Fa - ther, and to
O Lord hear my prayer.
! And let my
crying come unto Thee.
The Lord be with you. The Son, and to The Ho - ly Ghoft.
And with thy fpirit.
[Then let the Priejl fay aloud but without

Let us pray.
LORD, favourably receive
the prayers of thy Church;
that, being delivered from all
adverfity and error, it may
ferve Thee in fafety and freedom; and

" Thefe Petitions are repeated at every Compline except X., XL, XIL, and XIII.
From the Arundel and Arlyngham MSS.
The Tones for the Pfalms. 391

<[ The Second Tone.

?— Glo-ry be to The Father, and toThe
The Lord faid un - to my Lord

Son, and to The Ho - ly Ghoft.

Sit Thou on my right hand.


^ - _ _

Glory be toTheFather,andtoTheSon,

And to The Ho - ly Ghoft.

, , ^ E
C 7£* 7£^ 7W.
C 75k Fifth Tone.

The Lord faid un-to my Lord, b= . ? H

& _ — _ 1

The Lord faid un-to my Lord

Sit Thou on my right hand ir _3z=^- .,
Sit Thou on my right hand.

Glo-ry be to The Father, and to The

vjiu-ry uc lu jl iic ra - tficr, ana to J. nc

Son, and to The Ho - ly Ghoft.

Son, and to The Ho - ly Ghoft.



|[ 7fc* 7W.
lL— ^ —-_ ^_ ?f =B ._
The Lord faid un-to my Lord
C 7B* Fourth Tone.

The Lord faid un - to my Lord

Sit Thou on my right hand.

Sit Thou on my right hand. Glo-ry be to The Fa - ther and to

The Tones for the Pfalms.

The Son, and to The Ho- - - - ly

Ghoft. Oioueae.
.> - - -s -3 <[ 2T&^ Eighth Tone.

The Earth is The Lord's, and the 1 . . i ?

t=dt? The Lord faid un - to my Lord :

. . -V ^-i
fulnefs thereof : the compafs of the g=*=s=*— 1_n - -^-i=
—- — — — ^ Pj — F*t
Sit Thou on my right hand.

world, and all that dwell there-in.

— —
— —
n« •« ^
q Glo-ry be to The Fa-ther,

Glo-ry be to Father, and to The
— ————W q—
* -
k pj and to The Son, and to The Ho -

Son, and to The Holy Ghoft As : it s ^*-* -^ ^ »

ly Ghoft.

was m the beginning, is now and ever The Fifth difference of the Eighth Tone.
fc==— —
fhall be, world without end. A-men. In the going forth of If - ra-el out of

f[ The Seventh Tone.

* ^ 3-D *~
Houfe of Jacob from


my Lord,
— E-gypt: of the

The Lord faid - to

M Sit Thou
' — —^ '
on my right
H *
a bar - ba - rous peo - pie.

c — Oioueae.

Glo- ry be to The Fa-ther,and to The

{[ 0» S. Andrew's Day.
Son, and to The Ho - ly Ghoft

Glo-ry be to The Father, and to

Oioueae. The Son, and to The Ho - ly Ghoft.


Co lie Sis or Orifons. 393

€ THE COLLECTS OR might fuccour us that through the help


of thy grace, what our fins do hinder the

ORISONS favour of thy loving-kindnefs may haften,
FOR THE SUNDAYS AND PRIN- Who liveft and reigneft.


{[The FIRST SUNDAY in ADVENT. GOD! who makeft us
year by year to rejoice in
AISE up, we befeech Thee,
the expectation of our Re-
O Lord thy power, and

come that from the perils

demption Grant that Thy

of our fins, which threaten

Only Begotten, whom we
joyfully receive as our Redeemer, we may
us, we, through thy protection, may be
alfo without fear behold coming as our
refcued, by thy deliverance may be faved,
Who liveft and reigneft with God The Judge, our Lord Jefus Chrift, Thy Son,
Father, in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft,
Who with Thee liveth and reigneth, in
the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God,
God, world without end. Amen.
world without end. Amen.
The Second Sunday in Advent.
CJT1R up, O Lord our hearts, to make
ready the ways of Thy Only Begotten :
RANT, we befeech Thee,
fo that by His Coming we may be enabled
Almighty God: that the new
to ferve Thee with pure minds, Who with birth of Thy Only Begotten
Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of
through the flefh, may deli-
The Holy Ghoft, God, world without ver us whom the ancient fervitude de-
end. Amen. taineth under the yoke of fin, Who with
Thee liveth and reigneth.
The Third Sunday in Advent.
C\ LORD ! we befeech Thee lend thine In the Sunday within the O Slave.
ear to our prayers and enlighten the

darknefs of our minds by the grace of thy

ALMIGHTY and Everlafting God,
direct our aclions according to thy
vifitation ; Who liveft and reigneft.
good pleafure fo that in The Name of Thy

{Friday in the Third Week in Advent, Beloved Son we may be enabled to abound
in good works, Who with Thee liveth
at Lauds.
and reigneth.
(^RANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty
God, that the coming Solemnity of
our Redemption may both afford us fuc-
cour in this prefent life, and beftow on us The DAY of THE CIRCUMCISION.
the rewards of eternal bleffednefs, through A^OD, who permitteft us to celebrate
The Same our Lord Jefus Chrift, Who the Odlave of The Saviour Who was
with Thee.] born for us ; caufe us, we befeech Thee,
to be ftrengthened by His everlafting
The Fourth Sunday in Advent. Divinity, through whole converfe with the
V) AISE up, we befeech Thee, O Lord flefh we were reftored, Who with Thee
thy power, and come, and with great liyeth and reigneth.
3 e

Collecls or Orifons.
In the VIGIL of THE EPIPHANY. In the Second Sunday after the Oclave of
The Epiphany.
r\ LORD ! we befeech Thee, let the

brightnefs of the coming Feftival en- A LMIGHTY and Everlafting God,

lighten our hearts : be en-
fo that Who doft govern things in Heaven,
we may
quit of the darknefs of this as well as thofe that are on Earth : mer-
abled to be
cifully hearken to the fupplications of thy
world, and may attain to the land of
eternal clarity, through The Same our people,
and grant us thy peace in our
Jefus Chrift, Who with Thee. times, through our Lord Jefus Chrift.

In the Third Sunday after the Oclave of

In THE EPIPHANY, and the SUNDAY The Epiphany.
within the OCTAVE.
A LMIGHTY and Everlafting God,
OD, Who as on this day, by upon our infirmities
gracioufly look
the leading of a Star, didft and ftretch forth the right hand of Thy
manifeft Thy Only Begotten Majefty to proteft us, through Our Lord
to the Gentiles : mercifully Jefus Chrift Thy Son, Who.
grant that we, Who have
known Thee now by faith, may at length In the Fourth Sunday after the Oclave of
be brought even to behold the beauty of The Epiphany.
Thy Majefty, through The Same our Lord C\ God Who
Jefus Chrift Thy Son, Who with Thee
liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The
^ ! knoweft us to be
amidft fuch great dangers, that
reafon of human frailty we
cannot con-
Holy Ghoft, God, world without end. grant to us health of mind
tinue upright :

Amen. fo thofe things which

and of body, that
for our fins we fufter, by thy help we
In the Oclave of The Epiphany. may overcome, through Chrift our Lord.
/^•OD, whofe Only Begotten hath ap-
peared in the fubftance of our flefri :

In the Fifth Sunday after the Oclave of

grant, we befeech Thee, that by Him,
The Epiphany.
Whom we confefs to have been like unto
us outwardly, we may defire to be re-
formed inwardly, through our Lord, Jefus
O LORD ! we befeech Thee, with thy
continual kindnefs keep thy family

Chrift, Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and becaufe it leaneth only on the hope of
and reigneth. thy heavenly grace, may it ever be de-
fended by thy protection, through Our
In the Firft Sunday after the OBave of
r\ LORD ! we befeech of thy celeftial LORD! we befeech Thee
goodnefs, to fulfil the defires of thy favourably hearken to the
fuppliant people : that they may both prayers of thy people : that
perceive what be done,
things ought to we, who are juftly affli&ed
and may have power perform what to for our fins, through the Glory of Thy
they have perceived, through our Lord Name may mercifully be delivered, through
Jefus Chrift Thy Son, Who with Thee. our Lord.

Co lie els or Orifons. 395

In Sunday in Sexagejima. appointed for the cure of our fouls and

bodies, we may celebrate with a devout
C\ LORD Who ! feeft that we put not
fervice, through our Lord.]
truft any of our doings merci-
in :

fully grant that by the protection of The

Teacher of the Gentiles, we. may be de- In the FIRST SUNDAY in QUADRA-
fended againft all adverfities, through our GESIMA.
Q GOD ! Who
by the yearly obfervance of Lent
purifieft thy Church

In Sunday in Quinquageftma. grant to thy family, that what it ftrives to

r\ LORD ! we befeech Thee favour- obtain from Thee by abftinence, the fame

ably hearken to our petitions : and it may perform in good works, through
being abfolved from the chains of our fins, our Lord.
keep us from all adverfity, through our
Lord. [In Monday in the Firft Week.

A B SOLVE us, we befeech Thee, O

Lord from the chains of all our

offences and whatever on their account


RANT, we befeech Thee, we deferve, do Thou mercifully turn

O Lord, to thy faithful peo- away from us, through our Lord.]
ple : that they may under-
take with fuitable piety the
reverend folemnities of The [In Wednefday in the Firft Week.
Faft, and perform them
alfo in peace and
devotion, through our Lord. C\ LORD ! we befeech Thee, en-
lighten our hearts with the light of
ZJ EAR KEN, we befeech Thee, O thy clarity that we : may have power to
*~ *~
Lord to the prayers of thy fuppli- perceive what things ought
to be done,

ants, and fpare the fins of thofe who and may be enabled to do thofe which
confefs unto Thee : fo that of thy good- are right, through our Lord.]
nefs Thou mayft beftow upon us pardon
as well as peace, through our Lord.
[In Friday in the Firft Week.

[In Thurfday in Quadragefma. C\ LORD ! be favourable unto thy

people and whom Thou makeft

r\ GOD Who ! art offended by guilt, to be devoted to Thee, do Thou in pity

but appeafed by penitence : gra- cherifh with thy kind help, through our
cioufly regard the prayers of thy fuppliant Lord.]
people, and avert from us the fcourges of
thy wrath, which for our fins we deferve,
The Second Sunday in £>uadrageftma.
through our Lord.]
r\ GOD Who feeft that we
! are deftitute
of all ftrength, keep us both inwardly
[In Saturday in £>uadrageftma.
and outwardly that we may be defended:

DE prefent, O Lord with our fup-

! from all adverfities in the body, and
plications : and grant that this fo- cleanfed from all evil thoughts in the foul,
lemn Faft, which hath been healthfully through our Lord.
39 6 ColleBs or Orifons.

[In Tuefday in the Second Week. [In Wednefday in the Fourth Week.

Q LORD! we befeech
favourable to our {implications, and
Thee, be |^ET the ears of thy mercy, Lord,
be open to the prayers of thy fup-
heal the difeafes of our fouls fo that : pliant people: and that Thou mayeft
having received remiffion of fin, we may grant what they defire to their petitions,
rejoice in the hope of thy benediction, make them to afk fuch things as pleafe
through our Lord.] Thee, through our Lord.]

[In Wednefday in the Second Week. [In Thurfday in the Fourth Week.
f~\ GOD! The and lover of
reftorer QRANT,
we befeech Thee, Almighty
innocence, direct unto Thyfelf the God, that us, whom prayer and
hearts of thy fervants that having re- falling doth chaften, holy devotion may

ceived the fervours of thy Spirit, they may make glad fo that, earthly paflions being

be found both ftable in faith and fruitful alfuaged, we may the more eafily attain
in works, through our Lord.] unto things heavenly, through our Lord.]

The Third Sunday f[ In SUNDAY in THE PASSION of

in Quadragefima.
\X/"E befeech Thee, Almighty God, E befeech Thee, Almighty
look upon the vows of thy humble God, gracioufly look upon
fervants, and ftretch forth the right hand ;thy family
that through thy
of Thy Majefty for our defence, through bounty it may be guided in
our Lord. body, and by thy keeping be preferved in
mind, through our Lord.
[In Wednefday in the Third Week.
[In Monday in The Pajjion.
/^•RANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty
("JIVE, we O
God ! that we who leek the grace
of thy protection, delivered from all evils, ^ befeech Thee,
unto thy people, the fpirit of truth

may lerve Thee with a quiet mind, and peace that they may know Thee

through our Lord.] with an entire mind, and with pious de-
votion praftife thofe things which are
[In Friday in the Third Week. pleafing unto Thee, through our Lord.]

Q LORD! we befeech Thee, ac-

company, with thy kind favour, our
[In Wednefday in The Pafjion.

Falls fo that as we abftain from food in

: C\ GOD of pity enlighten the hearts

the body, fo we may alfo fall from vices of thy faithful ones by fanftifying
in the foul, through our Lord.] this Fall and to thy fuppliants, to whom

Thou doll grant devout affections, of thy

kindnefs afford a gracious hearing, through
The Fourth Sunday in £>uadragefima.
our Lord.]

f~l RANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty

God, that we who are afnifted ac- [In Friday in The Pafjion.
cording to the delert of our adlions, by the
grace of thy confolation may be relieved,
O LORD, we
befeech Thee, of thy
pour into our hearts the
through our Lord. help of thy grace fo that reltraining our

Colletts or Orifons.
fins by voluntary chaftifement, we may 4[ In THE HOLY DAT of EASTER.
rather be afflicled for a time, than given
over to eternal punifhments, through our GOD, Who haft willed

Lord.] that for our fakes Thy

Son mould undergo the
[In Saturday in the PaJJion. fuffering of The Crofs,
that Thou mighteft expel
O LORD! we befeech Thee,
thy people, fanftified by the fer-
enemy :
from us the power of the
grant to us, thy fervants, that we
vour of pious devotion, obtain favour with
may evermore live in the joys of His
Thee : fo that inftrufted in holy doings, as
Refurre&ion, through The Same our Lord
they become more acceptable to thy divine
Jefus Chrift, Who with Thee.
Majefty, fo they may be enriched by thy
choicer!: gifts, through our Lord.]
r\ GOD ! Who, as on this day, through

If In SUNDAY in the PALM BRANCHES. thine Only Begotten having over-

come Death, haft opened unto us the Gate
LMIGHTY and Everlafting of Eternity ; do Thou moreover make
God Who didft caufe our effe&ual by thy help, the prayers which

Saviour to take upon Him by thy prevenient grace Thou doft in-
flefh and to endure The Crofs fpire, through The Same our Lord.
as an example of humility for mankind to
imitate mercifully grant, that we may be
enabled to give example of his patience, and
of our fellowfhip with His Refurrettion,
we befeech Thee, Almighty
God that we, who celebrate the
through The Same our Lord Jefus Chrift,
folemnities of The Lord's Refurreftion, by
Who with Thee. the invocation of Thy Spirit may rife
again from the death of the foul, through
[In Wednefday in Holy Week. The Same our Lord.
QRANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty
God, that we who for our errors
are continually afflifted, may by The Paf- ^JOD, Who in the Pafchal Solemnities
fion of Thy Only Begotten Son be deli- haft beftowed healing on the world
vered, Who with Thee.] we befeech Thee accompany thy people
with thy celeftial gift : that they may be
enabled to obtain perfecT: liberty, and go
In Wednefday at Vefpers, and on Thurf-
forward unto everlafting life, through our
day in The Supper of The Lord, and in
Friday the Day of Preparation.


befeech Thee, Lord! O
this thy family, for which our Lord ^•OD, Who doft ever multiply thy
Jefus Chrift was content to be given up Church by new offspring, grant unto
into the hands of injurious men, and thy fervants, that in their
to life they may
undergo the pain of The Crofs, Who with hold faft Sacrament which by faith
Thee. they have received, through our Lord.
398 Co lie els or Orifons.

In WEDNESDAY in EASTER WEEK. the intent that they may return into the
way of righteoufnefs grant unto all that
f^OD, Who doft gladden us with the

are accounted of the Chriftian profeflion

annual folemnity of The Lord's Re-
that they may efchew thofe things which
furrettion mercifully grant that, through

are contrary to this name, and follow all

the temporal feafts which we celebrate,
fuch things as are agreeable to the fame,
we may be enabled to attain to eternal
through our Lord.
joys, through The Same our Lord Jefus
Chrift, Who.
In the Fourth Sunday after Eafter.
(^OD, Who haft united together the ^ makeft
the faithful to be of one will
the minds
diverlity of the Gentiles in the Con- unto thy people to love that which Thou
femon of Thy Name : grant to us, born doft command, and to defire that which
again in the Fount of Baptifm, that there Thou doft promife, that fo among the
may be one Faith in our fouls and piety in changes of this world our hearts may
our aftions, through our Lord. there be fixed where true joys are to be
found, through our Lord.
through Whom both Redemption
In the Fifth Sunday after Eafter.
cometh and adoption is beftowed r\ GOD from whom all good things
upon us, look upon the works of thy
mercy ; fo that on us, who are born again
^ !

do proceed, grant unto thy fuppliants

that by thy infpiration we may think
in Chrift, an eternal inheritance and alfo thofe things that be right, and by thy
true liberty may be beftowed, through governance may perform the fame, through
our Lord. our Lord.

In the SUNDAY in the OCTAVE of

/^RANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty /^RANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty
God : that we, who have completed ^J God, that the defire of our minds
the Feftal folemnities of Eafter, may, may there be ever fixed where Thy Only
through thy bounty, hold them faft in our Begotten Son, our Lord, the glorious Au-
lives and behaviour, through our Lord. thor of the coming Solemnity hath entered
in : and may in converfation attain that
In the Second Sunday after Eafter. end which it hafteneth by
to faith, through

OD, Who by the humiliation of Thy The Same our Lord.

^J Son, haft raifed up the proftrate
|[ In the DAY of THE ASCENSION, and
world : grant unto thy faithful ones per-
whom Thou in the SUNDAY within the OCTAVE.
petual gladnefs, that thofe
haft refcued from the danger of everlafting g#2gS|RANT, we befeech Thee,
death, Thoumayeft make partakers of Mgggl^J Almighty God, that we, who
eternal joys, through The Same our Lord. [^•1 believe Thy Only Begotten

^^^^^| Son as on this day to have

In the Third Sunday after Eafter. afcended into The Heavens, may ourfelves
C\ GOD Who dwell in the celeftial
^ ! fheweft to them that
be in error the light of thy truth, to
alfo in fpirit
fions, through The Same our Lord.
Collecls or Orifons. 399
/^RANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty LMIGHTY and Everlafting
God, that the radiance of Thy God, Who haft given unto us,

Brightness may fhine forth upon us : and thy fervants, in the confeflion
that the light of Thy Light, by the illu- of a true Faith to acknowledge
mination of The Holy Spirit, may con- the Glory of The Eternal Trinity, and

firm the hearts of fuch as are born

all in the Power of The Majefty to worftiip

anew by thy grace, through our Lord The Unity we befeech Thee, that by

Jefus Chrift, Thy Son, Who with Thee our fteadfaftnefs in the fame Faith we
liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The may ever be defended from all adverlities,
Same Spirit. Who liveth and reigneth God, world
without end. Amen.
GOD, Who as on this day In the FEAST of CORPUS CHRISTI.
didft teach the hearts of thy
GOD Who unto us in
mm people by the illu-
mination of Thy Holy Spirit:
grant to us by The Same Spirit to have

wondrous Sacrament haft left

the Memorial of Thy Paffion
grant to us, we befeech Thee,

rightwifdom,and evermore to rejoice in His

confolation, through our Lord Jefus Chrift,
fo to revere the Sacred Myfteries of Thy
Body and Blood, that we may evermore
Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and
perceive in fruit of Thy
ourfelves the
reigneth in the Unity of The Same Spirit.
Redemption, Who
and reigneft with

[In the Monday after Pentecojl. God The Father, in the Unity of The
Q GOD, Who
rit to
didft give Thy Holy
thine Apoftles, grant to thy peo-
Holy Ghoft, God, world without end.
ple the performance of their petitions : fo
that on them to whom Thou haft given faith, In the Firft Sunday after Trinity.
Thou mayeft alfo beftow peace, through our
Lord. In the Unity of The Same.
Q GOD! the ftrength of all fuch as
put their truft in Thee, gracioufly
affift our fupplications ; and becaufe with-
In the Tuefday after Pentecoji.
out Thee the infirmity of our mortal
XX7E befeech Thee, O Lord, let the nature can do nothing, grant us the help
virtue of Thy Holy Spirit ever be
of thy grace, that in fulfilling thy com-
with both to amend and purge our
mandments we may pleafe Thee both in
hearts, and
alfo to defend us againft all
will and deed, through our Lord Jefus
adverlities, through our Lord. In the Chrift.
Unity of The Same.]
In the Second Sunday after Trinity.
[In the Wednefday after Pentecoji.
C\ LORD, we befeech Thee, let The C\ LORD ! make us to have a per-
Comforter, Who proceedeth from petual fear as well as love of thy
Thee, enlighten our minds and lead us, Holy Name : becaufe Thou doft never
as Thy Son hath promifed, into all truth, leave deftitute of thy governance them
Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in whom Thou doft nurture in the fteadfaft-
the Unity of The Same Spirit.] nefs of thy love, through our Lord.

400 Co lieSis or Orifons.

In the Third Sunday after Trinity. hurtful things, and to grant all things
which may be profitable for us, through
f\ LORD ! we beleech Thee favour-
our Lord,
ably hearken to our entreaties and :

to them whom Thou doft endue with the

In the Ninth Sunday after Trinity.
grace of fupplication, grant the help of thy
defence, through our Lord. C\ LORD we ! befeech Thee ever gra-
v>^ beftow upon us the Spirit to
In the Fourth Sunday after Trinity. think thofe things which be rightful, and
C\ GOD ! the protedtor of all that truft to perform the fame that we who cannot

in Thee, without nothing is whom exift without Thee may be enabled to live

ftrong, nothing is holy multiply upon us: in accordance with Thee, through our
thy mercy, that Thou being our Ruler and Lord.
Guide, we may fo pafs through temporal
In the Tenth Sunday after Trinity.
good things as not to lofe thofe which are
eternal, through our Lord. T ET the ears of thy mercy, O Lord
be open to the prayers of thy fuppli-
In the Fifth Sunday after Trinity. ant people; and that Thou mayeft grant

f^RANT to us, O Lord ! we befeech what they defire to their petitions, make
Thee : that both the courfe of this them to alk fuch things as pleafe Thee,
world may be peaceably ordered for us by through our Lord.
thy governance, and thy Church may alfo
rejoice in tranquil devotion, through our
In the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity.

Lord. Q GOD power moft

! Who declareft thy
chiefly in
/paring and
In the Sixth Sunday after Trinity. fliewing pity, multiply upon us thy grace ;
C\ GOD Who ! haft prepared for them that fo, running after thy promifes, Thou
that love Thee the good things which mayeft make us partakers of thy heavenly
are invifible : pour into our hearts the af- bleffing, through our Lord.
feftion of thy love that loving Thee in

all things and above all things, we may In the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity.
obtain thy promifes, which exceed all our ALMIGHTY and everlafting God!
delires, through our Lord. Who in the abundance of thy good-
nefs doft exceed the deferts as well as de-
In the Seventh Sunday after Trinity.
firesof thy fuppliants, pour forth upon us
C\ GOD of Virtues of whom is all ! thy mercy ; that Thou mayeft forgive
that moft excellent : graft in our
is thofe things whereof our confcience is
breafts the love of Thy Name, and grant afraid, and add unto us thofe things which
us increafe of religion : fo that Thou our prayer dareth not to alk, through our
mayeft nurture thole things which be Lord.
good, and by the care of thy loving-kind-
In the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.
nefs, preferve what are nurtured, through
our Lord. A LMIGHTY and merciful God of !

whofe gift it cometh that thy faithful

In the Eighth Sunday after Trinity. people do unto Thee worthy and laudable
C\ GOD ! whofe providence in difpofing fervice grant to us, we befeech Thee,

never deceived
is : we thy fuppliants that we may run without ftumbling to the
intreat Thee, to put away from us all obtaining of thy promifes, through our Lord.
; ;

ColleEls or Orifons. 401

In the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. foul as well as body, may with free minds

ALMIGHTY and Everlafting God! accomplish thofe things which are of Thee,
grant unto us increafe of Faith, Hope, through our Lord.
and Charity and that we may be able to

obtain thy promifes, make us to love that In the Twenty-firft Sunday after Trinity.
which Thou doll command, through our r\ LORD! we befeech Thee bellow
Lord. upon thy pardon, and
faithful people
of thy forgivenefs, peace that they may:

In the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. be cleanfed from all their offences, and
TZ"EEP, we befeech Thee, O Lord thy likewife ferve Thee with !
quiet minds,
Church with thy continual favour through our Lord.
and becaufe without Thee the mortal na-
ture of man falleth, may it ever by thy In the Twenty-fecond Sunday after Trinity.
help be delivered from all things hurtful, TZ"EEP, we befeech Thee, Lord thy O !

and guided to all things profitable to fal- family with thy continual goodnefs
vation, through our Lord. that by thy protection it may be free from
all adverfities, and in well-doing may be
In the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity.
devoted to Thy Name, through our Lord.
C\ LORD may
thy continual pity

cleanfe and defend thy Church, and

In the Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity.
becaufe it cannot ftand in fafety without
Thee, may it ever be governed by thy C\ GOD our refuge and ftrength, Who

gifts, through our Lord. Thyfelf The Author of piety, be

prefent with the pious prayers of Thy
In the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Church, and grant that what we feek
TV/I" AY we befeech Thee,
thy grace, faithfully we may obtain effectually,

prevent and follow us : and

ever through our Lord.
make us continually to be intent upon
good works, through our Lord. In the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity.
A BSOLVE, we befeech Thee, O Lord
In the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. ^ the offences of thy people : and by
C\ LORD ! we befeech Thee grant to thy kindnefs may we be delivered from
thy people to avoid the pollutions of the fnares of the fins, which through our
the Devil and with pure minds to follow frailty we have committed, through our

Thee, The Only God, through our Lord. Lord.

In the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. In the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity.
C\ LORD ! forafmuch as without Thee CTIR up, we befeech Thee, O Lord
we are not able to pleafe Thee : let the wills of thy faithful people : that
the operation of thy companion we be- they more zealoufly performing the fruit
feech Thee, direct our hearts, through our of divine works, may of thy goodnefs
Lord. receive greater remedies for their fins,

through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Thy Son,

In the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in
ALMIGHTY and merciful God! of the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God,
thy goodnefs keep from us all kind world without end. Amen.
of adverfity : that we being ready in

3 f
4-02 The Seven Penitential Pfalms.

They were alfo with the fame Antiphon in

office ofThurfday in The Supper of The
Lord, after None, in the Reconciliation of
TIAL PSALMS. Penitents, and before the Mafs. Alfo (as ap-
pears from the Proper of the Time) through-
out the whole of Quadragefma, whenever it
was the ordinary Week-day Service, at each
of the Hours, (except Sext) in the Petitions
after Miferere was faid one of the Seven
Penitential Pfalms in its order, viz. : at
Lauds, Pfalm VI. ; at Prime, Pfalm
XXXI. i at Terce, Pfalm XXXVII.
at None, Pfalm CI.; at Vefpers, Pfalm
CXXIX. ; at Compline, Pfalm CXLII.
But at Sext, in order that Pfalm L. Jhould
not immediately follow itfelf, after that
Pfalm was immediately faid Pfalm LXVI.
Deus Mifereatur God be merciful unto us.
If a Feftival of ix. Leffons intervened,
then three only of the Seven were faid, and
that after None.]

Psalm VI.
[To the end in verfes, a Pfalm of David. In
the Oftave ; a Penitential Pfalm for fupplication.]
Againft Anger.

Domine, ne in furore.

[The Penitential psalms, (as ap- LORD ! rebuke me not

in thine indignation nei-
pears from the Manual and Proceffional),

with the Antiphon Ne reminifcaris Domine ther chaften me in thy

Remember not, O Lord ! followed by Peti- difpleafure.

tions, Orifons, and The Litany, (as in the Have mercy upon me,
Firft Monday in Quadragejima), were O Lord for I am weak

among the Offices of Monday in Rogations, heal me, O Lord ! for my bones are vexed.
at the end of the ProceJJion after None and My foul alfo is fore troubled : but Thou,
before the Mafs, when all was to be faid O Lord ! how long ?

without note. So the Seven Penitential Turn Thee, O Lord ! and deliver my
Pfalms were faid after the Sermon, if there foul : O fave me for thy mercy's fake.
was one, which followed Sext on AJh-Wed- For in death there is no man who re-
nefday or The Head of the Faft. [the Clerks membereth Thee and in Hell who will :

proftrating themfelves in the Choir, but the give Thee thanks ?

Prieft of greater dignity in a red filk Cope, I am weary in my groaning every :

the other Minifters of the Altar clothed in night mall I warn my bed with my tears :

Albs, who faid them at the ftep of the Altar mail I water my couch.
with proftration, with Gloria Patri and the Mine eye is vexed with fury I have :

Antiphon Remember not all without note.] grown old among all mine enemies.
The Seven Penitential Pfalms. 4°3
Away from me all ye that work vanity ftruft thee in the way wherein thou lhalt
for The Lord hath heard the voice of my go : and I will fix upon thee mine eye.
weeping. Become not like to horfe and mule
The Lord hath hearkened to my peti- which have no underftanding.
tion The Lord hath received my prayer.
: With bit and bridle confine their
All mine enemies lhall be alhamed and mouths who draw not nigh unto Thee.

fore vexed : they mall be turned back and Many are the fcourges of the finner:
put to fhame very fpeedily. but mercy fhall embrace him that trufteth
Glory be to The Father, and to The in The Lord.
Son : and to The Holy Ghoft ; Be glad, Oye righteous in The Lord,
As it was in the beginning, is now and and rejoice : and glory all ye that are up-
ever lhall be : world without end. Amen. right of heart.

[O Lord ! hearer of all men, give ear to the

Glory be to The Father.
fuppliant voice of our weeping, and grant per- As it was in the beginning.
petual foundnefs to our infirmities fo that whilft
[O Holy Lord Who, forgiving ! iniquity, beftoweft
Thou doll worthily receive the groans of our
benediction on them that confefs Thee, give ear to
Thou mayeft comfort us by thy mercy,
the petitions of thy family who fall down before
through Chrift our Lord. Amen.]
Thee : and breaking the fting of findo Thou fulfil
us with fpiritual joy, through our Lord Jefus Chrift.
Psalm XXXI. [Ps. xxxn. e. v.]

[To David himfelf. Underftanding. Pfalm of A

penitence, and inftruction.] Againft Pride. Psalm XXXVII. [Ps. xxxvm. e. v.]

Beati quorum. [A Pfalm of David, in remembrance of the Sabbath.

A Penitential Pfalm for prayer.] Againft Gluttony.
OLESSED are they whofe iniquities are
forgiven : and whofe fins are covered. D amine, ne in furore.
Lord hath not imputed
is the man unto
fin :
whom The
and in whofe
O LORD in thy wrath rebuke
not :

neither in thine anger chaften


fpirit there is no guile. me.

Becaufe I kept filence my bones grew For thine arrows are fattened in me
old : while I cried out all the day long. and Thou haft ftrengthened thine hand
For thy hand is heavy upon me day upon me.
and night : I turned myfelf in mine an- There is no health in my flelh before
guifh, whilft the thorn is fattened. the face of thy difpleafure neither is :

I acknowledged unto Thee : and my fin there any peace to my bones before the
mine unrighteoufnefs have 1 not hid. face of my fins.

I faid, I will confefs againft myfelf mine For mine have gone over my
unrighteoufnefs unto The Lord : and Thou head: and burden they are
like a fore
forgaveft the wickednefs of my fin. preffing heavily upon me.
For this every holy man fhall pray unto My wounds have become putrid, and
Thee : in a leafonable time. are corrupt : by reafon of my foolifhnefs.
But in the floods of great waters : they I am become miferable, and bowed
fhall not come nigh unto Him. down to the uttermoft : I walked in fad-
Thou art my refuge from the tribula- nefs all the day long.
tion which hath furrounded me O Thou, : For my loins are filled with illufions :

my exultation deliver me from them that

! and there is no health in my flefh.
compafs me. I am afflicxed and humbled exceedingly :

I will give thee underftanding, and in- I roared in the moaning of my heart.
! ::

404 The Seven Penitential Pfalms.

Lord before Thee

! is all my defire Psalm L. [Ps. li. e. v.]
and my groaning is not hid from Againft Luxury.
My heart is troubled, my ftrength hath
Miferere, mei Dew.
failed me
and the very light of mine eyes
TUT AVE mercy upon me, O God ! : ac-
A cording to thy great mercy.
is not with me.

My lovers and my neighbours drew : [See pp. 121, 134, 164, 290.]
near againft me and ftood.
They alfo that were near me ftood afar
off: and they did violence that fought Psalm CI. [Ps. cn. e. v.]

after my foul. [Prayer of the poor when he was in anxiety, and

And they that fought evil to me fpake poured forth his prayer in the fight of The Lord.

and imagined deceits

A Penitential Pfalm for prayer.] Againft Avarice.
vanities : all the day
long. D amine exaudi.
But I, like a deaf man, heard not C\ LORD ! hear my prayer : and let
and like a dumb man opening not his my
come unto Thee.
mouth. Turn not away thy face from me in :

I became even as a man that heareth what day foever I am in trouble incline
not having no reproofs in his mouth.
: thine ear unto me.
In Thee, O Lord have I put my truft
! : In what day foever I call upon Thee :

Thou lhalt hearken unto me, O Lord my O hear me fpeedily !

God! For my days have vanilhed like fmoke :

Becaufe I faid left at any time mine and my bones as it were a fire-brand are
enemies rejoice over me : and when my dried up.
feet are moved, they fpake great things I am fmitten like grafs, and my heart
againft me. is withered : for I forgot to eat my bread.
For I will declare mine iniquity : and For the voice of my groaning my :

I will think upon my fin. bones cleaved to my flefh.

But mine enemies live and are ftrength- I became like a pelican in the wilder-
ened againft me : and they are multiplied nefs : I became as it were an owl that is
that have hated me wrongfully. in a dwelling.
They alfo that reward evil for good I watched and am even as it were a :

detracted from me was follow- fparrow, folitary upon the roof.

: becaufe I
ing goodnefs. All the day long mine enemies reviled
Forfake me not, O Lord my God me and they that prailed me are fworn
! : :

depart not from me. together againft me.

Be intent unto my help O Lord God For I have eaten afties as it were bread
: :

of my falvation and I mingled my drink with weeping.

Giory be to The Father. From before the face of thine indigna-
As it was in the beginning. tion for lifting me up Thou haft caft me :

[O Lord mighty Phylician of the wounds and

of mortals! beftow thy health upon our

My days have fallen away like a lhadow:
infirmities ; fo that we, who pour out before Thee and I am withered like the hay.
all our mourning and grief, may be enabled to But Thou, O Lord abideft for ever ! :

overcome the affaults of the fins which mock us, and thy remembrance from generation to
through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.J
Thou arifing, O Lord, lhalt have mercy
The Seven Penitential Pfalms. 405
upon Syon for it is time : that Thou [O Lord ! Who heareft prayer, give ear to the
petitions of thy fuppliants ; fo that we, who, taken
have mercy upon her ; yea, the time is
captive by our fins, are as it were withered like
come. grafs, may be delivered by the regards of thy celeftial
For her ftones have pleafed thy fervants : mercy, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
and they fhall have pity on her land.
And the Gentiles mail fear Thy Name,
O Lord ! : and all the kings of the Earth PSALM CXXIX. [PS. CXXX. E. V.]
Thy Glory. [A Song of degrees. A penitential Pfalm for
For The Lord hath built up Syon : prayer.] Againft Envy.

and He mail be feen in his Glory. De profundis.

Hehath had regard unto the prayer of
{"\UT of the depths I cried unto Thee,
the humble and hath not defpifed their
O Lord ! : Lord ! hear my voice.
O let thine ears be intent : unto the
Let thefe things be written for another
voice of my complaint.
generation : and the people which mall If Thou, Lord, wilt mark iniquity :
be created fhall praife The Lord.
O Lord who fhall abide it ?

For he hath looked forth from His

For with Thee there is propitiation
lofty Sanctuary The Lord from Heaven and becaufe of thy law have I waited for

hath beheld the Earth.

Thee, O Lord
That He might hear the moans of the My foul hath endured in his word my :

bondmen and loofe the children of them

hath trufted in The
foul Lord.
that are appointed unto death.
From the morning watch, even to the
That they may declare in Syon The
night : let Ifrael truft in The Lord.
Name of The Lord and : his praife in
For with The Lord is mercy and :

with Him is plenteous redemption.
In the afTembling of the people together :
And He fhall redeem Ifrael from all :
and the kings alfo to ferve The Lord.
his iniquities.
He anfwered him in the way of his Glory be to The Father.
might declare unto me the fewnefs of my
As it was in the beginning.
Call me not away in the midft of mine [Give ear, O Lord ! we befeech Thee, of thy
goodnefs, to the prayers of thy fuppliants, fince
age : from generation to generation are
with Thee is the propitiation for our fins; and
thy years. mark not our iniquities, but beftow thy mercies
Thou, Lord ! in the beginning haft upon us, through our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]
founded the Earth : and the Heavens are
the works of thy hands.
Psalm CXLII. [Ps. cxliii. e. v.]
They fhall perifh, but Thou endureft
they all fhall wax old as doth a veft- [A Pfalm of David when Abfalom, his fon,
ment, purfued him. A
Penitential Pfalm for prayer.]
Againft Sloth.
And as a garment fhalt Thou change
them, and they fhall be changed : but D omine exaudi.
Thou art the Very Same, and thy years f\ LORD ! hear my prayer, give ear
fhall not fail. to my in thy truth
fupplication :

The children of thy fervants fhall dwell hearken unto me, in thy righteoufnefs.
and their feed fhall be guided aright for ever. And enter not into judgment with thy
Glory be to The Father. fervant for in thy fight fhall no man

As it was in the beginning. living be juftified.

406 The Litany.

For the enemy hath perfecuted my foul Antiphon.

he hath humbled my life in the duft.
EMEMBER not,0 Lord! our
He hath laid me in the darknefs as the offences, nor the offences of
men that have been long dead and my :
our forefathers, neither take
fpirit is anguilhed within me, and my
Thou vengeance of our fins.
heart within me is troubled.
I remembered the ancient days ; I mufed It is not /aid further when it is /aid in the
upon all thy works I meditated on the
: Choir.
doings of thy hands. Spare, O Lord ! fpare thy people whom
I ftretched forth my hands unto Thee :
Thou haft redeemed with thy precious
my foul like a land without water unto blood ; be not angry with us for ever ; and
Thee. give not up thine heritage to perdition
Hear me fpeedily, O Lord for my ! :
be not forgetful of us for ever !

fpirit hath waxed faint.

Turn not away thy face from me and I :

be like unto them that go down into the pit.

Make thy mercy heard of me betimes in
the morning for in Thee have I trufted.
Make known to me the way that I [THE LITANY, preceded by the XV.
mould walk in for unto Thee have Gradual Pfalms, viz., the CXIX. to

I lifted up my foul, O Lord the C XXXIII. inclufive, [CXX. to

Deliver me from mine enemies, I have C XXXIV. e. v.] was /aid for all the
fled unto Thee teach me to do thy will, people of God, after Terce in the Week-

for Thou art my God. days of 2>uadragefima, i. e., from the Firft
Let Thy Good Spirit lead me forth Monday after the Firft Sunday to Wednef-
into the righteous land for Thy Name's day before Eafter inclufive, all without

fake, O Lord! Thou (halt quicken me in note. But befides this, on every Wednefday
thine equity. and Friday in Quadragefima, (i. e., from
Thou (halt bring my foul out of trouble and after the Monday fucceeding the Firft
and in thy mercy Thou wilt deftroy all Sunday, up to The Supper of The Lord,
mine enemies. there was a Procejfion after None and before
Thou wilt cut off all them that vex my The Mafs to one fide Altar of the Church,
foul : for I am thy fervant. (unlefs a Feaft of ix. Leffons intervened,
Glory be to The Father. which fuperfeded it,) of the Priefts and
As it was in the beginning. their Minifters in Albs without The Crofsj
and after faying the Petitions given in the
[O God Who in the holy morning of Thy

RefurredYion madeft thy joy to be heard when re- Proper of The Time, in returning, Two
turning from Hell, Thou didft fill the Earth with Clerks of the Second Form, without chang-
which Thou hadft gloom: we ing their
gladnefs left
veftments, faid THE LITANY, as
befeech the ineffable Majefty of thy Power ; that
far as Holy Mary pray before the Altar,
as Thou didft caufe the holy company of the
Apoftles to rejoice in thy riling, fo Thou wouldeft and then proceeding, going
round the Pref-
vouchfafe to illumine this thy Church which with bytery, until it was finijhed at tbe ftep of
outftretched hands doth befeech Thee, with the the Choir, with note, as given below. On
radiance of thy celeftial fplendour, Who liveft and
thefe occafions, however, it was faid no
reigneft with The Father and The Holy Ghoft,
God, world without end. Amen.] further than All ye Saints ! pray when

u From the Rubrics for Sluadrageftma.

The Litany. 407
the Prieft, with his Minifters, departed, |[ It is to be noted that on every Week-
and began the Ma/s. day throughout the whole of Quadragejima
the Litany be faid as on the Monday, up
is to
Holy Saturday The Vigil of E after,
On to of the Martyrs, Be favourable
the order
after None, and after the Benediclion of the unto us and fo on to the end. And what-
Wax, the officiating Prieft food at the Altar, ever the Prieft Jays of the Litany, let the
and having kiffed it, fate down. His Two Choir repeat the fame fully and entirely up
Minifters remained ftanding with two wax to the paffageThat Thou wouldeft grant
tapers on wands, at each corner of the Al- us peace. Then let the Choir reply We
tar, until the Septiform Litany was finijhed ; beleech Thee hear us only : and in each
the Lefjbns were then read, and then the Son of God
cafe fo refpettively until ! we
Septiform Litany proceeded, which was faid beleech Thee hear us. Then let the Choir
by feven Boys in furplices in the middle of refpond the fame ; and Jo in each caje
the Choir. In the mean while the Prieft rejpeclively up to [the Jecond] Lord, have
put off his Chafuble, and put on his red mercy Chrift have mercy Lord have mercy
Cope, and flood before the Altar until the as above.
Litany was finijhed. When that was ended
the Quinqueform Litany was faid in like
manner by five Deacons of the Second Form, f[ IN MONDAY, THE LITANY.
in the midft
of the Choir, in Surplices, and
when they came to Holy Mary ! pray the [If there be a ProceJJion after Mafs, let
two Clerks of the Second Form, without
ProceJJion proceeded to the Fonts (" ad
changing their veftments,Jay this Litany,
fontes"), for the benediclion of them. In
and let them Jinijh it on the Step of the
thefe two Litanies was not faid the Petitions
Choir with its proper Chant.*]
O Father of Heaven nor Son Re-
! O !

deemer nor O Holy Spirit ! nor Holy

Trinity. r
rd ! have mer cy.
On Monday in Rogations, after None,
the ufual ProceJJion took place from the Ca-
thedral to fame Church in the City ; in the
end of which, preceded by the Seven Peni- Chrift ! have mer-cy.
tential Pfalms, was faid the full Litany,
with the Petitions and Orifons, without
note, unlefs it was a Feftival, when it was
otherwije. On Tuefday and Wednefday in O Chrift ! hear us.

Rogations the fame took place, except that the

Litanies then ufed varied in the invocations -—-
and mufical notation, and were chanted?
Befides thefe, Litanies were chanted in pro-
FATHER of Heaven!
cejjion at other times

famine, or for other caufes.]

: as
weather, in time of peftilence,for peace, in
for favourable
God Have mercy upon us.

v From the ProceJJionale ad ufum Sar. Valentin, 1555. See alfo Arundel MS., 130.
w The Mufical Notation and bracketed Rubrics are taken from the Arundel MS., 1
30, Brit. Muf. — See
alfo the printed Sarum ProceJJionale, 1555, i.e., where a different Notation is found for the fmaller and
other Litanies.
408 The Litany.

Holy Bartholomew Pray for

3S Holy Simon
Pray for us.
O Son Redeemer of the world God
! !
Holy Thaddeus Pray for us.
Holy Matthias Pray for us.
Holy Barnabas Pray for us.
Have mercy upon us.
Holy Mark Pray for us.
3E Holy Luke Pray for us.
All ye holy Apoftles and
O Holy Spirit ! God Have mercy

Evangelifts Pray for us.

All ye holy difciples of The
upon us. Lord and Innocents Pray for us.

3^ So far is faid in every Litany.

Holy Trinity One God Have mercy

! ! In the Firft Monday in Quadragefima.
OLY Pray
Stephen for us.

upon us.
Holy Linus
Pray for us.
Holy Cletus Pray for us.

3^ Holy Fabian
Holy Clemens Pray for us.
Ho-ly Ma-ry ! Pray for us. Pray for us.
Holy Sebaftian Pray for us.

[Here let the ProceJJion proceed, and let the

Holy Cofma Pray for us.

aforefaid with all the

Clerks follow,
Holy Damian Pray for us.

orders, fo many as may fuffice, up to the

Holy Primus Pray for us.

pronouncing of this claufe, All ye holy

Holy Felicianus Pray for us.

Holy Dionyfius, with thy
companions Pray for us.
LJOLY Mother of God Pray for us. Holy Viftor, with thy
Holy Virgin of virgins Pray for us. companions Pray for us.
Holy Michael Pray for us. All ye holy Martyrs Pray for us.
Holy Gabriel Pray for us. Holy Sylvefter Pray for us.
Holy Raphael Pray for us. Holy Leo Pray for us.
All ye holy Angels and Holy Hierome Pray for us.
Archangels of God Pray for us. Holy Auguftine Pray for us.
All ye holy orders of bleffed Holy Ifidore Pray for us.
Spirits Pray for us. Holy Julian Pray for us.
Holy John Baptift Pray for us. Holy Gildardus Pray for us.
All ye holy Patriarchs and Holy Medardus Pray for us.
Prophets Pray for us. Holy Albinus Pray for us.
Holy Peter Pray for us. Holy Eufebius Pray for us.
Holy Paul Pray for us. Holy Swithun Pray for us.
Holy Andrew Pray for us. Holy Birinus Pray for us.
Holy John Pray for us. All ye holy ConfefTors Pray for us.
Holy James Pray for us. All ye holy Monks and
Holy Thomas Pray for us. Hermits Pray for us.
Holy Philip Pray for us. Holy Mary Magdelene Pray for us.
Holy James Pray for us. Holy Mary of Egypt Pray for us.
Holy Matthew Pray for us. Holy Margaret Pray for us.
The Litany. 409
Holy Scholaftica Pray for us. rence, Vincent, Dionyfius with thy com-
Holy Petronilla Pray for us. panions, Mauricius with thy companions,
Holy Genoveva Pray for us. Thomas, Fabian, Sebaftian, Gervafius,
Holy Praxedis Pray for us. Protafius, George, Alban, Edmund, Eal-
Holy Soteris Pray for us. kardus, all ye holy Martyrs, Thomas,
Holy Prifca Pray for us. Silvefter, Leo, Damafus, Gregory, Am-
Holy Thecla Pray for us. brofe, Jerome, Auguftine, Martin, Bene-
Holy Afra Pray for us. dict, Nicolas, Edmund, Romanus, Au-
Holy Editha Pray for us. doenus, Dunftan, Cuthbert, Guthlacus, all

ye holy Confeflbrs, Anna, Mary Magda-

lene, Mary of Egypt, Felicitas, Perpetua,
All ye ho-ly Vir-gins, pray for us. Petronilla, Agatha, Lucia, Agnes, Cecilia,
Katherine, Margaret, Etheldreda, Mul-
burga, Faith, Fredflkyda, Ofytha, all ye
All ye Saints, pray for us. holy Virgins, all ye Saints, pray for us.]

[In the Tork Breviary the order and the Then forthwith follows
form is thus, without diftinclion or Rubric.
Holy Stephen, Linus, Cletus, Clemens, prat
Cornelius, Cyprian, Sixtus, Thomas,
E favour-a-ble, fpare us, O Lord!
Laurence, Vincent, Crifogomus, Fabian, The Choir of the Clergy the fame.

Chriftopher, George, Dionyfius with thy

companions, Mauricius with thy com-
panions, Euftatius with thy companions, From all evil deliver us, O Lord !

Blafius, holy John and Paul, Cofmas and

[The Choir the fame ; and fo on in each
Damian, Marcellinus and Peter, holy until pronouncing this claufe Sinners we.]
Alban, Ofwald, Edmund, all ye holy Mar-
tyrs, holy Silvefter, Leo, Gregory, Am- From the fnares of the Devil

brofe,Martin, Nicholas, Bafil, Germanus, Deliver us, O Lord

Auguftine, Paulinus, John, Wilfrid, Wil- From everlaftingdamnation Deliver
helm, Cuthbert, Swithun, Sampfon, Ed- From the perils of our fins
mund, Jerome, Edward, Leonard, Bene- which threaten us Deliver
dict, Eligius,Anthony, Hilarion, all holy From the aflaults of evil fpirits Deliver
Confeflors, all ye holy Monks and Her- From the fpirit of fornication Deliver
mits, holy Anna, Mary Magdalene, Mary From the appetite of vain glory Deliver
of Egypt, Pelagia, Felicitas, Perpetua, From all impurity of mind and
Agatha, Agnes, Cecilia, Lucia, Anaftafia, body Deliver
Sabina, Euphemia, Faith, Charity, Hope, [From the peftilence of pride Deliver
Katherine, Margaret, Julian, Scholaftica, From carnal defires Deliver
Petronilla, Auftreberta, Hilda, Eufrildis, From the perfecution of the
Deliver x
Etheldreda, all ye holy Virgins, all ye Pagans and all our enemies ]

Saints, pray for us.] From anger and hatred, and all

[In the Hereford Breviary it ftands thus: — ill will
[From the wrath to come Deliver y]
Holy Ethelbert, Stephen, Linus, Cletus, From unclean thoughts Deliver
Clemens, Sixtus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Lau- From blindnefs of heart Deliver

x From the York Breviary, y From the York Breviary.

3 G

410 The Litany.

[From lightning and tempeft Deliver That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to pre-
From fudden and unforefeen ferve [our Archbilhop and all the con-
[and eternal 2 ] death Deliver gregation committed to him a] [our Bifhop
By the myftery of Thy Holy and prelates, and us the congregations
Incarnation Deliver committed to them e ] in holy religion [in
Thy Nativity
By Deliver thy holy fervice f ] We befeech Thee
Thy Holy Circumcifion
By Deliver That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to be-
Thy Baptifm
By Deliver llow upon our king and princes peace and
Thy Falling
By Deliver true concord and vidlory We befeech Thee
Thy Crofs and Paffion
By Deliver [That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to vifit
Thy precious Death
By Deliver and comfort our habitation and all who
Thy glorious Refurreftion
By Deliver dwell in it We befeech Thees]
Thy wonderful Afcenlion
By Deliver That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to pre-
Bythe grace of The Holy ferve the congregations of all thy Saints in
Ghoft The Comforter Deliver thy fervice We
befeech Thee
In the hour of death Succour us, Lord O That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to pre-
[From the pains of Hell ferve all Chriftian people redeemed by Thy
Deliver us, Lord » O !
precious Blood We befeech Thee
In the Day of Judgement That Thou wouldeft render to all our
Deliver us, Lord O ! benefaftors everlafting benefits
1 ^ * ftt We befeech Thee
5 P*-* [That Thou wouldeft grant us remif-
inners, we befeech Thee hear us.
fion of all our fins We befeech Thee h ]
[The Choir of the Clergy the fame.] That Thou wouldeft deliver our fouls
s . _ ,- and fouls of our forefathers from
- 1
—3 eternal condemnation We befeech Thee
That Thou would - eft grant us
[That thy mercy and goodnefs may
ft ever preferve us We befeech Thee
peace [and concord.b] That Thou wouldeft bellow on us fea-

Let the Choir reply thus. fonable weather We befeech Thee*]

That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to give
k and preferve the of the earth
We be - feech Thee hear us. We
befeech Thee]
Andfo in each up to the Petition Son of God. [j That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to

That thy mercy and goodnefs may keep grant health of mind and body to all our

us We befeech Thee hear us brethren, and to all the faithful who are

That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to govern in licknefs We befeech Thee]

and defend thy [Holy c ] Church [That Thou wouldeft difpofe the way
of thy fervants in the profperity of thy
We befeech Thee
That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to pre- falvation We befeech Thee k]
ferve our Apoftolic Lord, and all orders of That Thou wouldeft vouchfafe to call
the Church in thy Holy Religion the eyes of thy mercy upon us

befeech Thee We befeech Thee We

* York Breviary. a York Breviary. b York Breviary. c York Breviary.
d York Breviary. e f
Hereford Breviary. Hereford Breviary. R York and Hereford Breviaries,
h York Breviary. k
» York Breviary. J York Breviary. Hereford Breviary.
i ! !

The Litany. 4.11

That Thou wouldefl. make reafonable UR Father (fecretly.)

the obedience of our fervice And lead us not into
We befeech Thee temptation.
That Thou wouldefl: exalt our minds to IJb. But deliver us from
heavenly defires We befeech Thee evil.
That Thou wouldefl: vouchfafe to re-
gard and relieve the miferies of the poor
! ftiew thy
grant us thy falvation.
mercy upon us.

and captives befeech Thee We O Lord ! let thy mercy come upon us.
That Thou wouldefl grant to all the Even thy falvation according to thy
faithful departed eternal reft word.
We befeech Thee [Be unto us, O Lord! a tower of
[ ' That Thou wouldefl: vouchfafe to ftrength.
bring us to everlafting joys From the face of the enemy. n
We befeech Thee [Be mindful of thy congregation.
That Thou wouldefl vouchfafe to Which Thou haft poflefied from the
hearken unto us We befeech Thee beginning.

We have finned with our fathers.

3^ We have done amifs and dealt wickedly.
[Remember not our old fins, O Lord
on of God ! we befeech Thee hear us.
Let thy mercies fpeedily prevent us, for
[The Choir of the Clergy the fame^ we are brought very low.
Help us, O God our Salvation, and !

for the Glory of Thy Name deliver us.

Lamb of God, Who tak-eft a- way the And be merciful unto our fins, for Thy
Name's fake.p]
O Lord deal not with
! us according to
fins of the world: Hear us, OLord! our fins.

Neither recompenfe us according to our

[The Choir the fame, and fo of the two
fucceeding Lamb of God and Lord have
Let us pray for every degree of the
mercy and Chrift have mercy.]
Lamb of God! Who takeft away the May thy Priefts be clothed with righte-
fins of the world. Spare us, O Lord oufnefs, and let thy Saints rejoice.
Lamb of God ! Who takeft away the For our Brethren and Sifters.
fins of the world. Have mercy upon us. O my God ! fervants and
fave thy
[O Chrift ! hear us. m ] handmaidens who put their truft in
Lord, have mercy. Thee.
Chrift, have mercy. For all Chriftian people.
Save thy people, O Lord and blefs !

[Let the Clerks with the whole Choir fay

thine inheritance and govern them and

the lafi]
lift them up even for evermore.


— [O Lord fave the king.


And hear us in the day when we call

Lord, have mer - cy. upon Thee. q ]
York Breviary. Hereford Breviary. n Hereford Breviary.
York and Hereford Breviaries. P York Breviary. 1 York and Hereford Breviaries.

4iz The Litany.

[A rife, O Lord ! help us. ftrong, nothing is holy : multiply upon us

And deliver us for Thy Name's fake. r ] thy mercy : that Thou being our Ruler,
O Lord ! let there be peace in thy Thou our Guide, we may fo pafs through
ftrength. temporal good things as not to lofe thofe
And abundance in thy towers. which are eternal.
[Let us pray for the faithful departed. ]
May the fouls of thy fervants and hand- Orifon.
maidens reft in peace. Amen. C\ GOD, Whom
every heart lieth
[Eternal reft, grant them, O Lord !
open, every will fpeaketh, and from
And may perpetual light lhine upon Whom no fecret is hid, purify the thoughts
them. 4 ] of our hearts by the infufion of Thy Holy
O Lord ! hear my prayer, Spirit that we may be enabled perfectly

And let my crying come unto Thee. to love Thee and meetly to praife Thee. v ]
The Lord be with you.
And with thy fpirit. Orifon.

Let us pray. A LMIGHTY and everlafting God, who

alone doeft great wonders : fend forth
GOD ! whofe property it is
upon thy fervants the Biftiops, [our Arch-
ever to have mercy and to
bifhop, w ] and upon all the congregations
fpare, receive our entreaty committed to them, The Spirit of thy
fo that thofe whom the chain faving grace
; and that they may pleafe
of their fins doth bind, the pitifulnefs of Thee in very truth, pour into them the
thy goodnefs may abfolve, through Chrift continual dew of thy bleffing.
our Lord.
[Let us pray. [Orifon.

CTRETCH forth, O Lord! unto thy

OD, Who, through the Grace of Thy
Holy pour the gifts of
Spirit, doft
fervants and hand-maidens the right
Charity into the hearts of thy faithful
hand of thy celeftial help : that they may
people grant to thy fervants and hand-
fearch forThee with their whole heart,
maidens [our brethren and filters*], for
and obtain what they worthily requeft."]
whom we befeech thy clemency, health
[Orifon. both of mind and body; that they may
love Thee with all their whole ftrength,
f\ GOD, them that put
the ftrength of
and with entire affection may perform
Thee, favourably be pre-
their truft in
thofe things which are pleafing to Thee. y ]
fent with our fupplications ; and becaufe
our mortal infirmity can, without Thee,
do nothing grant us the help of thy grace,

that in fulfilling thy commandments we DE prefent, O Lord with our fupplica-!

may pleafe Thee both in will and deed. and difpofe the way and actions
of thy fervants in the profperity of thy
Orifon. falvation that among all the changes of

in Thee
the Protector of
: without Whom
all that truft
nothing is
our way and of this life, they may ever
be protected by thy help. ]

York Breviary. * Hereford Breviary. Hereford Breviary.

Hereford Breviary. v York Breviary. w York Breviary.
x York Breviary.
Hereford Breviary only. y York and Hereford Breviaries.
The Litany. 4*3

Orifon. Orifon.

r\ GOD, of Whom are all holy defires,

f\ LORD we befeech Thee let

prayer of thy fuppliants profit

all right counfels, and all juft works :

give unto thy fervants that peace which fouls of thy fervants and hand-maidens
the world cannot give; that both our hearts that Thou mayeft rid them of all their

may be fet to obey thy commandments, fins, and make them partakers of thy re-

and webeing freed from the fear of our demption^

enemies, may pafs our time in quietnefs Orifon.
under thy protection.
f\ LORD! we befeech
goodnefs loofe the chains of
Thee of thy
all our
fins and the blefled and glorious ever
C\ LORD, we befeech Thee, of thy

Virgin Mother of God, Mary, interceding

clemency mew us thine unfpeakable
for us together with all thy Saints, keep
mercy and both rid us of all our lins, and
us thy fervants and all Catholic people in
mercifully deliver us from the punimments
all fanftity ; and all who are conjoined
which we deferve for them.
to us by confanguinity, friendlhip, or
profeifion, as well as all Chriftian people,
do Thou purge from fin and enlighten
WfE befeech Thee, O Lord ! humble with virtues ; beftow on us peace and
* the pride of our enemies, and over- health banilh our enemies, vifible and :

throw them by the ftrength of thy right invifible drive away peftilence, give :

hand. charity to our friends and our enemies

Orifon. and to all the faithful, living and departed,
LORD we ! befeech Thee [as above]. grant life and eternal reft in the land of
the living, through The Same our Lord
Orifon. Jefus Chrift. Amen.

JT^E prefent, O Lord ! \as above.~]


Orifon. f\ LORD!through
we befeech Thee let thy
the interceflions of
A LMIGHTY and everlafting God, the all thy Saints, ever protect us ; extend thy
eternal Salvation of believers, hear mercy univerfally to all Chriftians, living
us on behalf of thofe thy fervants, for and departed that the living, defended

whom we implore the help of thy com- from all aflaults, may be faved by thy
panion : that their health being reftored to help, and the departed may obtain re-
them they may return to Thee thankf- miffion of all their fins, through Chrift,
givings in thy Church.*] our Lord. Amen. May the fouls of the
faithful, through the mercy of God, reft
in peace. Amen. c ]
f\ GOD
^ ! the Creator and Redeemer of
grant remimon of all [Orifon.
all the faithful :

their fins to the of all the faithful

fouls r\ GOD! Who art the marvellous Bright-
departed fo that the pardon which they
and the ineffable
nefs of thy Saints,

have ever delired, by our pious fupplica- lifter up of thecaufe us thy fer-

tions they may obtain. vants to be evermore defended by the

a b Hereford Breviary. c York Breviary.

Hereford Breviary.
4H The Litany.

fuccour of the holy Mother of God, ever Holy Felicitas Pray for us.
Virgin, Mary, and of all thy Saints ; and Holy Perpetua Pray.
moreover to all who are conjoined to Holy Columba Pray.
us by friendfhip, eonfanguinity, or pro- Holy Chriftina Pray.
feffion, and to all Chriftian people, do Holy Eulalia Pray.
Thou, defeating all the fnares of the de- Holy Euphemia Pray.
ceitfulenemy, grant an entrance of return Holy Eugenia Pray.
into the heavenly country and to the fouls
: Holy Gertrude Pray.
of all the faithful departed, renewed by Holy Ragenflede Pray.
the facred water of Baptifm, the enjoy- Holy Batildis Pray.
ment of everlafting reft, through The Same Holy Anaftafia Pray.
Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. d ] Holy Etheldreda Pray.
All ye holy Virgins Pray for us.

On TUESDAY All ye Saints Pray for us.

Be favourable Spare us, O Lord !

The Order of Martyrs. From all evil Deliver us, O Lord !

OLY Thomas Pray for us From the fnares of the Devil
Holy Sixtus Pray. Deliver us, O Lord !

Holy Cornelius Pray. From damnation

everlafting Deliver.
Holy Cyprian Pray. From the dangers of our fins which
Holy John Pray. threaten us and the reft.
Holy Paul Pray.
Holy Marcellinus Pray.
Holy Peter Pray.
Holy Vitus Pray. LJOLY Laurence Pray for us.
Holy Modeftus Pray. Holy Tyburtius Pray.
Holy Adrian Pray. Holy Valerianus Pray.
Holy Nicafius, with thy companions, Holy Prothus Pray.
Pray. Holy Hyacinthus Pray.
Holy Euftachius, with thy companions, Holy Abdon Pray.
Pray. Holy Sennes Pray.
All ye holy Martyrs Pray for us. Holy Timothy Pray.
Holy Gregory Pray. Holy Apollinaris Pray.
Holy Auguftine Pray. Holy Saturninus Prav.
Holy Ambrofe Pray. Holy Mauricius, with thy companions,
Holy Remigius Pray. Pray.
Holy Donatianus Pray. Holy Gereon, with thy companions,
Holy Eligius Pray. Pray.
Holy Andomarus Pray. All ye Holy Martyrs Pray for us.
Holy Sulpicius Pray. Holy Hilary Pray for us.
Holy Paternus Pray. Holy Martin Pray.
Holy Patrick Pray. Holy Briccius Pray.
Holy Dunftan Pray. Holy Amandus Pray.
Holy Grimbald Pray. Holy Vedaftus Pray.
All ye holy Confeflbrs Pray for us. Holy Germanus Pray.

From the Hereford Breviary.
The Litany. A.I C

Holy Aufbertus Pray. Holy Laudus Pray.

Holy Volfranus Pray. Holy Machutus Pray.
Holy Arnulphus Pray. Holy Sanfon Pray.
Holy Sylvinus Pray. Holy Placidus Pray.
Holy Taurinus Pray. Holy Columbanus Pray.
Holy Cuthbert Pray. Holy Anthony Pray.
All ye holy Confeflbrs Pray for us. Holy Macharius Pray.
All ye holy Monks and Hermits Holy Richard Pray.
Pray for us. Holy Ethelwold Pray.
Holy Agatha Pray for us. All ye holy Confeflbrs Pray for us.
Holy Sufanna Pray. All ye holy Monks and Hermits
Holy Brigida Pray. Pray for us.
Holy Barbara Pray. Holy Cecilia Pray for us.
Holy Marina Pray. Holy Faith Pray.
Holy Martina Pray. Holy Auftreberta Pray.
Holy Felicula Pray. Holy Emerentiana Pray.
Holy Julita Pray. Holy Potentiana Pray.
Holy Sapientia Pray. Holy Opportuna Pray.
Holy Faith Pray. Holy Sophia Pray.
Holy Hope Pray. Holy Juliana Pray.
Holy Charity Pray. Holy Beatrix Pray.
All ye holy Virgins Pray for us. Holy Crefcentia Pray.
All ye Saints Pray for us. Holy Walburgis Pray.
Be favourable Spare us, O Lord ! Holy Ermenildis Pray.
From all evil Deliver us, O Lord All ye holy Virgins Pray for us.
[as above.] All ye Saints Pray for us.
Be favourable. Spare, as above.

"LJOLY Vincentius Pray for us.
Holy Gervaflus Pray. LJOLY Quintinus Pray for us.
Holy Prothafius Pray.
L1 Holy Chriftopher Pray.
Holy Timothy Pray. Holy Lambert Pray.
Holy Simphorianus Pray. Holy George Pray.
Holy Feliciflimus Pray. Holy Marcellus Pray.
Holy Agapitus Pray. Holy Theodorus Pray.
Holy Albanus Pray. Holy Valentinus Pray.
Holy Gorgonius Pray. Holy Chryfogonus Pray.
Holy Achilleus Pray. Holy Felix Pray.
Holy Hippolytus with thy com- Holy Adau&us Pray.
panions Pray. Holy Boniface with thy com-
Holy Lucian with thy com- panions Pray.
panions Pray. Holy Kylian with thy com-
All ye holy Martyrs Pray for us. panions Pray.
Holy Nicolaus Pray for us. All ye holy Martyrs Pray for us.
Holy Audoenus Pray. Holy Benedict Pray for us.
Holy Romanus Pray. Holy Maurus Pray for us.
416 The Litany.

Holy Maiolus Pray. Holy Marcellinus Pray.

Holy Egidius Pray. Holy Gordian with thy com-
Holy Wandregefillus Pray. panions Pray.
Holy Wolmar Pray. Holy Pancras with thy com-
Holy Philibert Pray. panions Pray.
Holy Bertinus Pray. All ye holy Martyrs Pray for us.

Holy Winnocus Pray. Holy Aldhelm Pray for us.

HolyJudocus Pray. Holy Anianus Pray.

HolyPetrocus Pray. Holy Enurcus Pray.
HolyBotulph Pray. Holy Bafil Pray.
All ye holy Confeffors Pray for us. Holy Maurilius Pray.
All ye holy Monks and Her- Holy Germanus Pray.
mits Pray for us. Holy Aulbertus Pray.
Holy Lucia Pray for us. Holy Mammertus Pray.
Holy Catherina Pray. Holy Willbrord Pray.
Holy Sabina Pray. Holy Leonard Pray.
Holy Juftina Pray. Holy Athanalius Pray.
Holy Eufraxia Pray. Holy Ofwald Pray.
Holy Faufta Pray. All ye holy Confeffors Pray.
Holy Monegundis Pray. All ye holy Monks and Her-
Holy Aldegundis Pray. mits Pray for us.

Holy Radegundis Pray. Holy Agnes Pray for us.

Holy Pientia Pray. Holy Benedidta Pray.

Holy Benigna Pray. Holy Martha Pray.
Holy Walburgis Pray. Holy Helena Pray.
All ye holy Virgins Pray for us. Holy Euprepia Pray.
All ye Saints Pray for us. Holy Candida Pray.
Be favourable. Spare, as above. Holy Bafiliffa Pray.
Holy Balbina Pray.
Holy Urfula Pray.
Holy Viftoria
JOLY Calixtus Pray for us. Holy Corona Pray.
Holy Urbanus Pray. Holy Sexburgis Pray.
Holy Magnus Pray. All ye holy Virgins Pray for us.
Holy Menna Pray. All ye Saints Pray for us.
Holy Rufus Pray. Be favourable. Spare, as above.
Holy Valerius Pray.
Holy Proceffus Pray.
Holy Martinianus Pray.
Holy Marcus Pray.

e It not be out of place here to add a notice of the extreme antiquity of this form of Litany in theje
IJlands. Mabillon (Analecl. Vetera 168J has tranjcribed a Litany from a very ancient MSS. at Rheims,
(which he decides muji have been ufed by the Anglo-Saxons in the feventh century, and -which Dr. Lingard
refers to the fame era, but fuppofes to have belonged to a Welfi people in fubjeclion to the Englifb,) which in
form and fubjlance bears the clofeji refemblance to that here tranflated. The principal difference is that the
petitions are jomewhat fewer, and that the " ora pro nobis " is fubjoined names of a large additional
to the

number of Welft and Armorican Saints, andfeveral of thofe contained in the Sarum Litany are not mentioned
in the other. Beda, in his commentary on S. Luke (Op. Col. v. 260), and Archbijbop Theodore in his
Vigils of the Dead. 417
Dilexi quoniam exaudiet Deus.
T WAS well pleafed, becaufe the Lord
will hear.

Let not the this Pfalm I will

lajl verfe of
pleafe be fung as part
of the Pfalm, but
forthwith let be chanted as an Antiphon
according to Sarum Ufe

WILL pleafe The Lord

in the land of the liv-ing.

Psalm CXIX. (/. 287.)

o e is me. Oioueae.

Ad Dotninum cum tribularer.

^^T'HEN I was in trouble I cried unto
The Lord.


o e is me that my fo-journ-ing
[This Antiphon, without O God make !

fpeed Jhould be begun by fome one of the is pro - long - ed.

Superior Grade'.f]

Psalm CXIV.
Psalm CXX. (p. 287.)
(/. 285.)

IS will h Lord. Oioueae.

pleafe. Oioueae. e

Penitential ( xhiii. I, 2 J, whilfl explaining the difference between the douleia -which is paid to God or man
indifferently, and the latreia ivhich is due to God only, -write thus : " We ought to adore The Trinity alone,
but to feek for the Saints as interceffors
for our fins ; hence the difiinElion between thefe two kinds of 'veneration

lifhed by Muratori, and the very ancient Gallican Liturgy, publiped by Cardinal Bona, alfo contain the exacl
expreffions above quoted. The fame are to be found in Greek Litanies offar earlier date.
It Jhould feem that every thing pould be omitted (as in the Office of the three days before Eafler) which
isbefore the firfl Antiphon : with the reft of the Hymns, the "
Gloria Patri," the Beneditlions of the Leffons,
and the conclufion " Tu autem" "But Thou.' 1 And the fame is the Ufe of the York and Hereford Breviaries.

3 H
418 Vigils of the Dead.

Levavi oculos meos. Antiphon.

LIFTED up mine eyes.

h e works of thine own hands,

O Lord ! def - pife not.

h e Lord keepeth Thee from all

37". From the gate of Hell.
e-vil, The Lord pre- ferve thy foul.

Psalm CXXIX. (/. 304.) I£. De-li-ver their fouls, O Lord

Psalm, (p. 281

Thou, Lord! Oioueae.
13 Oioueae.
De profundi; clamavi ad Te± heard a voice.

QUT of the depths I cried unto Thee. Magnificat anima mea Dominum.
jyjT foul doth magnify The Lord.
j^jgrji— Antiphon.

f Thou, Lord wilt mark in-i-qui-ty,


HEARD a voice from

O Lord ! who mail a - bide it ?

Psalm CXXXVII. (/. 312.) Hea-ven, fay-ing, blefTed are the

h e works. Oioueae.
dead which die in The Lord. h
Confitebor Tibi, Domine, in toto.

T WILL give thanks unto Thee, O

1 Lord!* o r d ! have mer-cy.

Antiphon chanted inftead. But,

ft "Gloria Patri" Jhould be omitted at the end of all the Pfalms, and the
according, to York Ufe, it would feem that, infiead of the
Antiphon, -was /aid at the end of each PJalm

Eternal reft grant them, O Lord ! Refponfe. And may perpetual light mine upon them.

h " It is to be obferved that whenever and in Anniverfaries and ^rentals oftheBifhops

the Corpfe is prefent,
well at "Placebo" ( i. e., Vejpers), as at "Dirige
of Salifbury Church, and in the Day of Souls, all the Verjes, as
(i. e., Matins), /ball be /aid by two Boys fianding together
turned to the Eafi, without change of veftment, in
the above tone, and the Refponfory /hall be in filence ; fo
that on Anniversaries and ^rentals of Bifhops, and
in the midfi, and whenever the Corpfe is prefent
in the Day of Souls, they be (aid at the fiep of the Choir
Trentals, and when there is the Service of the
at the head of the deceafed.—But in all other Anmverfaries and
Superior Grade, or by the
Dead on the lafi day before Eafter, all the Verfes Jhall be /aid by fame Priefi of the
and then the Refponfory pall be in this tone. —From
Officiating Minifter, without changing place or veftment,
the Sarum Manual, in loco.
! !

Vigils of the Dead. 419

Chrift ! have mer-cy. The Lord be with you.


Lord ! have mer-cy. And with thy fpi-rit.

UR Father (fecretly). 31:

Let us pray.i

Over the Corpfe, when prefent, is faid this

Orifon, both in the Office Placebo and
JIJAIL Mary (fecretly.) in that o/'Dirige.

Orifon the Greater.

Then without pronouncing And lead us not
into temptation is /aid GOD ! whofe property it

is ever to have mercy and

Psalm CXLV. (/. 321.) to fpare : we fuppliants

Lauda anima mea. intreat Thee for the foul

of thy fervant, [or hand-
pRAISE, O my foul, the Lord
maiden,] N., which this day Thou haft
commanded to depart from this world :

The Pfalm being finijhed, let the Officiating

that Thou wouldeft not deliver it into the
Minifter fay hands of the enemy, nor forget it finally,
but command it to be taken in charge by
the holy Angels, and to be conducted to
ter - nal reft, grant them,
the region of the living, and becaufe it
5E hoped and believed in Thee, may it be
O worthy to enjoy the fociety
Lord !

And may perpetual light mine 51=1!!:

upon them.
of thy Saints.
From the gate of Hell
Deliver their fouls, O Lord In the Trental for any perfon this Orifon
I believe to fee the good things of The
is faid at the Office Placebo.
f~\ GODwhofe property it is ever to

3E have mercy and to fpare be gracious :

In the land of the living. to the foul of thy fervant [or hand-

* " It is to be known that whenever the Corpfe is prefent, unlefs it be of the King or Queen, or fome other
great per on, the four Orifons, as well at 1 Placebo'' (Vefpers) as at ' Dirige' ( Matins), fhould be faid under the
following tone with one conclufion : the firjl for the Corpfe prefent, the fecond for the Bifhops, the third for
brothers and fifters, and the fourth general.
" But if on the fame day be the Anni-verfary or the Trental offome one not completed, then let the fecond
Orifon be for that Anniverfary or Trental, the third for brothers andfijlers, and the fourth general. But this

is not the cuftom in the Church of Sarum, for there thefe Solemnities are deferred, and each Solemnity is celebrated
by itfelf, although this cannot be in Parijh Churches.
" So on all Anni-verfaries and Trentals four Orifons are always faid with one conclufion, as well at 'Placebo''
as at 'Dirige,' whereof the firft pall be of that Anni-verfary or Trental, the fecond for the Bijhops, the thirdfor
brothers and jifiers, and the fourth general." From the Manual. —
420 Vigils of the Dead.

maiden] N., and forgive all his [or her] departed fo that the pardon which they

fins, that loofed from the bands of death, have ever defired, by our pious fupplica-
he [or me] may be enabled to pafs into tions they

In the Anniverfary of any perfon this Orifon

is faid at the Office Placebo.
may obtain. Who with God The
C\ GOD Lord of forgivenefies grant
! !

unto the foul of thy fervant [or hand-

Father and The Holy Ghoft liveft
maiden], the Anniverfary of whofe burial
we this day commemorate, an abode of
refrelhment, the beatitude of repofe, and
and reigneft God, world without end.

Sr^z=q=E=r=^=— =zz
the clearnefs of Light.

For deceafed Bifhops faid this Orifon at


the Office Placebo. A - men.

r\ GOD Who haft caufed thy fervants
f[ Let not Dominus vobifcum The Lord
to be numbered among the Apoftolic be with you nor Requiefcant May they
Priefts of Pontifical dignity : grant, we reft in peace be faid when the Office of
befeech Thee, that they may be rejoiced Dirige Matins] follows immediately. k
in Heaven by the everlafting fellowftiip of
thofe whofe office for a time they executed {[ Let the Matins of the Dead be com-
on earth. menced without any interval as after fet
forth. Neverthelefs, whenever Dirige
For Brethren and Sifters this Orifon is faid [Matins] is not faid immediately after
at the Office Placebo. Placebo \Vefpers] as in the Day of Souls
^f~\ !

The Author
the difpenfer of pardon and
of Eternal Salvation,
and ^uadrageflma, and when the afore-
faid Orifons are faid at Lauds, as from
we befeech thy clemency to permit the the Day of Souls to Wednefday before
brothers and Afters of our congregation, Eafler, then after the Orifon O God
who have pafTed out of this world, the the Creator is finifhed immediately let
Blefled Mary Ever Virgin and the Blelfed the officiating Prieft fay, without The
Archangel Michael and all the Saints in- Lord be with you thus
terceding for them, to attain the fellowftiip
of everlafting bleflednefs. j 1

General Orifon at the Office Placebo.

May they reft in peace. A - men.

of all the
The Creator and Redeemer
faithful: grant remiftion of
[In the daily obfequies of the Dead the Third
Leffon and Refponfe is ever faid without
all their fins to the fouls of the faithful note.]

J "In the Church of Sarum, where the Corpfe being prefent there was no thirty-day or Anniverfary celebration,

of the firji three Orifons, in a Solemn Celebration one, but otherwife none, but all the reft were Jaid. —In Parijh
Churches, either the Jame or the firji with the Jecond, third, and the two laft only, as occafion demanded, were
faid. Andfo in a Solemn Celebration always four, but without the Solemn Celebration

that is to Jay, in the daily
objequies of the Dead [fee the Proper of the Time for Advent, in Rubric after quoted,] always three Orifons
only." — From Note to edition of Sarum PJalter, publijhed by Lejlie, 1342. See aljo the Manual.
k Becauje in the
Office for the Dead, inftead of
" Blejs we The Lord," " Thanks be to God," is Jaid
"May they reft in peace. Amen."
! 1

Vigils of the Dead. 42

AT MATINS. Psalm VII. 36.)

[At MATINS of the DEAD, neither O

Lord open Thou my lips nor O God
! !
est He. Oioueae.
make fpeed are /aid, but without any In- D'omine Deus meus.
O come
and without
let the
the Pfalm Venite
Antiphon be begun by Q LORD, my God
fome of the Superior Grade, thus] Antiphon.
1" ft*^MO^m~MMl
Psalm V. {p. 165.) est He ra - vine my foul like a

D 1 - r ec t. Oioueae. li - on, while there is none to re-deem

Verba mea auribus.
^^J.IVE ear unto my words.
nor to give fal - va - tion.

Antiphon. W. From the gate of Hell

1$. Deliver their fouls, O Lord !

UR Father (fecretly).

I - RECT, O Lord my
[Then let the Prieft fay

SEE — ""b —- , - aloud in the ufual tone]

God! before thy face, my way. And lead us not into temptation.

[And let the Choir reply aloud in the fame

Psalm VI. (p. 34.)
But deliver us from evil.

T urn xi:
Thee. Oioueae.
[which is to be obferved throughout the
whole year in obfequies of the Dead, and
in The Day of Souls.]
D omine, ne in furore.
LORD ! rebuke me not. |[ [Let not Jube O
Lord bid a blemng !

nor Tu autem But Thou Lord! be O

Antiphon. faid, but let the Reader end with the
words of the Leffon.]

First lesson. Job vti. 16.

urn Thee, O Lord ! and deliver
PARE me, O Lord ! for my
days are nothing. What is

man that Thou magnifieft

my foul : for in death there is no man
? or why applieft Thou
thy heart unto him ? Thou
viliteft him early in the morning, and fud-
who remembereth Thee. denly Thou proveft him. How long doft
422 Vigils of the Dead.

Thou not fpare me, nor fuffer me J$. 2. Who didft raife up again Lazarus,
to fwal-
low my fpittle ! I have finned what though ftinking, from the tomb. Do Thou,

mall I do unto Thee ? O Keeper of men O Lord grant them reft and a place of
! !

Wherefore haft Thou fet me over againft pardon.

Thee, and I am become burdenfome to Jr Who . lhall come to judge the living
myfelf ? Why doft Thou
not take away and the dead, and the world by fire.
my fin, and wherefore doft Thou not re- Do Thou, O Lord! grant them reft
move mine iniquity ? Behold ! now I and a place of pardon.
fleep in the duft, and if early in the morn-
ing Thou ftialt feek for me Third lesson. Job x. 8.

'"pHINE hands have made me and

I ftiall not be.

falhioned me wholly round about,
and fuddenly doft Thou call me down ?
[In the fame tone are finijhed all the Leffons Remember, I befeech Thee, that Thou
except the Second.] haft made me as the clay, and Thou wilt
[Let not O Lord ! bid be faid.\ bring me back to duft. Haft Thou not
milked me as milk, and curdled me like
I believe that my Redeemer liveth,
cheefe ? Thou haft clothed me with Ikin
and that in the laft day I lhall rife
and flelh; with bones and finews Thou
from the Earth. And in my flelh I lhall
haft compared me. Thou didft bellow
fee God my Saviour.
on me life and mercy, and thy vifitation
Jf. Whom I lhall fee myfelf, and not
hath preferved my fpirit.
another, and mine eyes lhall behold.
And in my flelh I lhall fee God my 3. OLord! when Thou flialt come
to judge the Earth, where lhall I hide me
from the countenance of thine anger ?
Second lesson. Job x. i. For I have finned exceedingly in my life.
37". I am afraid of my mifdeeds, and I
A/TY is weary of my life
foul I will let :

my fpeech againft myfelf. I will blulh before Thee. When Thou flialt
I will come to judge do not Thou condemn
fpeak in the bitternefs of my foul ;

fay unto God, Do not Thou condemn me For I have finned exceedingly in my ;

tell me why Thou judgeft me thus. life.

Whether doth feem good to Thee that

and opprefs me, |[ Be known that when the Corpfe of any

Thou Ihouldeft flander
one is and in the Anni-
aclually prefent,
the work of thy hands and help the :

Whether haft verfary of Bijhops, only the iii. vi. and

counfel of the impious ?
ix. Refponfories Jhould be repeated.
Thou eyes of flelh and doft Thou alfo fee

as man feeth ? Whether are thy days as In the SECOND NOCTURN.

the days of man, and thy years as human
times? that
Thou Ihouldeft inquire after
and fearch out my fin, and
iniquity _
Psalm XXII. (/. 105.)
- — —
Ihouldeft know that I have done no wicked
thing, when there is no one who out of n a place. Oioueae.
thine hand me.
Dominus regit

!=*^^^^^^^=^= ^jpHE Lord is my Ihepherd.

Can de-liver.
. !!

Vigils of the Dead. 42 3

Antiphon. Fourth lesson. Job xiii. 23.

OW great iniquities and fins

have I ! Shew unto me my
crimes and offences. Why
N a place of pafture there Thou hide away thy
face and efteem me thine enemy ? Againft
a leaf that is carried away by the wind
hath He placed me. Thou fheweft thy power, and purfueft
a dry ftraw. For Thou doft write bitter-
Psalm XXIV. (/. 106.) neffes againft me, and wilt confume me for
1 — the fins of my youth. my Thou haft fet
H~ feet in the ftocks, and haft obferved all my
he of - fences. Oioueae. paths, and conlidered the footfteps of my
feet who muft be confumed as rottennefs,
Ad Te, Domine, levavi. :

and garment that moth

TTNTO Thee, O Lord have I
like a is eaten.

^ lifted up.

~Sp. Woe is me, O Lord ! for I have

Antiphon. finned exceedingly in my life. Miferable
What fhall I do ? Whither mail I fly,
nrcfe , _
unlefs unto Thee. My God ! have mercy
he of - fences of my youth and my upon me. When Thou fhalt come in the
laft day.
y. My foul is greatly difmayed ; but
ig - no - ran - ces, re - mem - ber not, do Thou, O Lord ! fuccour it.

When Thou fhalt come in the laft day.

Fifth lesson. Job xw. 1.

O Lord!
A/TAN born of a woman, living for a
Psalm XXVI.
fhort time, is filled with many for-
(/. 154.)
rows ; who as a flower cometh forth and

1^ is crufhed, and fleeth like a fhadow, and

believe to fee. Oioueae. never abideth in the fame ftate. And

doft Thou think it meet to open thine
Dominus illuminatio.
eyes upon fuch an one and to bring him
^HE Lord is my Light. into judgment with Thee ? Who can

make him clean that is conceived of un-

Antiphon. clean feed ? Is it not Thou, Who Alone
Short are the days of man ; the
V art ?
number of his months is with Thee. Thou
be-lieve to fee the good things of
haft appointed his bounds which cannot

3£ be pafled. Turn back, therefore, a little

from him, that he may reft, until his

The Lord in the land of the liv-ing.
wifhed-for day come as that of an hireling.
37". The juft mall be had in everlafting 1
Qs. 5. Remember not my fins, O Lord
remembrance. When Thou fhalt come to judge the world
IJ?. He fhall not be afraid of evil report. with fire.

424 Vigils of the Dead.

O Lord, my God ! direct my way

before thy face.
When Thou lhalt come to judge the
Lord ! to deliver me : O Lord ! look
world with fire.

Sixth lesson. Job xiv. \y down to help me.

'\X7'HO will beftow this on me that

Psalm XL. {p. 185.)
Thou mayeft protect me in Hell,
and hide me until thy wrath pafieth by,
and appoint me a time wherein Thou
wilt remember me ? Thinkeft Thou that eal, O Lord! Oioueae.
a man who is dead can live again ? All
Beatus qui intelligit.
the days wherein I am now militant
I wait until my change come. Thou
gLESSED is he that underftandeth.

lhalt call me and I will anfwer Thee.

Thou wilt ftretch out thy right hand to
the work of thine hands. Thou, indeed,
haft numbered my fteps ; but fpare Thou
my fins.
eal, O Lord! my foul, fori

O Lord ! according to my mildeeds

judge me not. I have done nothing have fin - ned a - gainft Thee.
worthy in thy fight. Wherefore I intreat
Thy Majefty, that Thou, O God ! mayeft Psalm XLI. (/>. 185.)
blot out mine iniquity.
37". Walh me throughly from mine un-
righteoufnefs, O
Lord and cleanfe me ! y foul. Oioueae.
from my guilt-; for againft Thee only
have I finned.
Wherefore I intreat Thy Majefty, that J^IKE as the hart.

Thou, O God mayeft blot out mine




Psalm XXXIX. 184.)

M foul hath thirfted for God the

living fountain : When fhall I come

e t it be thy. Oioueae.

ExpeSlans expettavi.
"^^7"ITH expectation I awaited. and appear be-fore the face of The

!lzi=i! 37". Eternal reft, grant them, O Lord
And may perpetual light fhine upon
E T it be thy pleafure, O Ijfc.

Vigils of the Dead. 425
[ ~W . May their fouls dwell in good iron, or in a plate of lead, and with a tool
things, be graven in the rock ? For I know that
And their feed inherit the Earth.] 1
my Redeemer liveth ; and that in the la ft
day I fhall rife again from the Earth. And
Seventh lesson. Job xvii. jt. again fhall I be clothed around with my
Y breath fhall be wafted ; my fkin, and in my flefh I fhall fee God my

days fhall be fhortened ; and Saviour Whom I fhall fee myfelf, and

the fepulchre alone remaineth mine eyes fhall behold and not another.
for me. I have not finned, yet This my hope, is laid up in my bofom.
mine eye abideth in bitternefs deliver me, IJr. 8. Eternal reft grant them, O

O Lord and fet me befide Thee, and let Lord And may perpetual light fhine
! !

the hand of any one fight againft me. upon them.

(v. xi.) My days have paffed away, my Y. Who didft raife up again Lazarus,
thoughts are difordered, tormenting my though ftinking, from the tomb. Do
heart. They have turned night into day Thou, O Lord grant them reft. !

and after darknefs I hope for light again. And may perpetual light fhine upon
If I wait, Hell is my houfe ; and in dark- them.
nefs have I made my bed. have faid to
I 8.™ O Eternal God ! in Whofe
corruption, thou art my father; and to power mankind ftandeth,
the condition of
the worms, thou art my mother and my abfolve, we befeech Thee, the fouls of all
fifter. Where is now, then, my expecta- the faithful departed from all their fins
tion and my patience? Thou, O Lord, fo that although overtaken by death, they
art my God may not lofe the fruit of that penitence

I£. The of death troubleth me,

which their wills defired.

finning daily and impenitent. For in Hell W. Thou, Who when hanging on The
there is no redemption ; have mercy upon Crofs, didft receive the thief, though late

me, O God ! and fave me. in his penitence : kindly blot out their fins,
we befeech Thee.
37". O God ! for Thy Name's fake,
So that although overtaken by death,
fave me, O Lord ! and in thy might de-
theymay not lofe the fruit of that peni-
tence which their wills defired.]
For in Hell there no redemption;

have mercy upon me, O God and fave !

Ninth lesson. Job x. 18.
Eighth lesson. Job xix. 20.
^THEREFORE haft Thou brought
me forth out of the womb who :

jyjY flefh is confumed: unto my fkin would had been confumed, that the
that I
my bones have cleaved, and my lips eye might not fee me. I fhould have been
alone are left about my teeth. Have pity as though I were not carried from the

upon me, have pity upon me at leaft ; womb to the grave. Whether fhall not
you my friends, for the hand of God hath the fewnefs of my days be ftnifhed fhortly ?
touched me. Why do ye perfecute me Let me go, therefore, that for a little
as God, and glut yourfelves with my flefh ?
while I may lament my grief before I go
Who will grant me that my words may and return no more ; to a land dark, and
be written ? who will give me that they covered with the gloom of death a land :

be marked down in a book with a pen of of mifery and darknefs, where is the

From the York Breviary. m From the York Manual.
! !

426 Vigils of the Dead.

ftiadow of death, nor any order : but ever- When Thou fhalt come to judge the
lafting horror dwelleth. world with fire.

I£. 9. Lord
Deliver me, from O ! y . O God ! Creator of all things,

death eternal tremendous day.

in that Who formedft me from the duft of the

When the Heavens rauft be removed and Earth, and haft wonderfully redeemed me
the Earth. When Thou malt come to with thine own blood, and wilt caufe my
judge the world with fire. body, corrupted though it be, to be raifed

day of wrath and again from the tomb in the Day of Judge-
y. That day, a
a great day, and very bitter.
ment : hearken unto
hearken unto me !
calamity ;

removed me and command my foul to be placed

When the Heavens muft be

in the bofom of Abraham thy Patriarch.

and the Earth. When Thou Ihalt come
to judge the world with fire.
When Thou fhalt come to judge the
world with fire.
y. What therefore, raoft miferable !

what mall I fay or what mall I do, when Let the Deliver me, O Lord! be
I can bring forward nothing before fo repeated.
great a Judge ?
|[ In all the Tuefdays and Fridays through-
When Thou malt come to judge the
out the year, when the Vigils of the Dead
world with fire.
are obferved with ix. Pfalms and iii.

3T. Now, O Chrift! we feek Thee,

Leffons only, in Feafts without Conductors
have mercy, we befeech Thee. Thou,
of the Choir and in Week-days, then
Who cameft to redeem the loft, condemn
Ufa. 3. Jhall be as follows p
not the redeemed.
When Thou fhalt come to judge the I£. Deliver me, O Lord ! from the
world with fire.
ways of death. Who didft break down the
gates of brafs,and vifitedft Hell, and gaveft
Then let the Refponfory Deliver me be re- light to behold Thee, to them that were
peated, which Jhould be obferved through- in the pains of darknefs.
out the whole year whenever this Re-
n y. Crying out and faying, Thou our
fponfory Deliver me is faid.
Redeemer haft arrived

Who down the gates of
didft break
|[ In the
brafs, Hell, and gaveft light
and vifitedft
y. The burning Souls walk ever to behold Thee, to them that were in the
through the darknefs, and fay, each of pains of darknefs.
them, Woe woe woe how great is this
! ! !
Let not this I£. be repeated.

n The Rubric
of Manual is Ms :
" Then let the Refponfory ' Deliver me, Lord! be repeated, which

jhould be obferved throughout the ivhole year whenever the Corpfe is prefent, and in Anniverfaries aud Trentals
of Bifhops, and of the four principal perfons, namely, the Dean, Precentor, Chancellor, Treasurer, and
in the

Day of Souls only. In all other Vigils of the Dead in ivhich the aforefaid Refponfory is [aid, then, when the

laft verje is finijhed, let not ' When Thou fhalt come" be /aid, but forthwith let the Refponfory 'Deliver me''
be again begun.
" Whenever the Corpfe is prefent, and in all Anniverfaries and Trentals, and when in the lajl place there

isService for the Dead, before Eafler and even in the Day of Souls, the above Refponfory * Deliver me
Jhould be the lajl, and is ever faid with the three aforefaid verfes, except only on the Day of Souls, for then it
pall be jaid with theje verjes * That day," ' When the Heavens.''
From Sarum Breviary Chevallon, Paris, 153 1, in loco. fo. liii.

P Ibid.
Vigils of the Dead. ^.zj

BEFORE LAUDS. Te decet hymnus.

[Let the officiating Priejl, without changing HYMN, O God ! becometh Thee.
his place or veftment fay q
Antiphon 2.

AY they reft in peace. eark - en, O Lord ! un - to my

A - men.
prayer un - to Thee
: lhall all
[Let this 37\ be always /aid before Lauds
as above, except from the Day of Souls
to Wednefday before Eajler, for then
Lauds do not follow continuoujly after flelh come.
Matins.* ]
Psalms LXII, LXVI. {pp. 58, 59.)
[In the Daily Obfequies of the Dead when
the Corpfe is not prefent

W. May it pleafe Thee, O Lord ! to

h y right hand. Oioueae.
deliver me.
5?. O Lord ! look down to help me. Deus, Deus meus.
without note.]

O G°D ! Thou art my God.

Deus mifereatur.
Psalm L. (p. 64, 121, 165.) ^J.OD be merciful.

Antiphon 3.
H E bones. Oioueae.

JJAVE mercy upon me. hy right hand hath up- hold -en

Antiphon 1

fc=== me, O Lord.

HE bones which are hum- (p. 193.)
Canticle of hezekiah.
Ifaiah xxxviii. 10.

- bled mall re-joice be-fore The Lord.

rom the gates of Hell. Oioueae.

Psalm LXIV. {p. 206.)

3W« J
Ego dixi in dimidio.
in the midft of my days.
"eark - en, O Lord ! Oioueae.

1 From the Sarum Manual. From the Rubrics for Advent.
— !

425 Vigils of the Dead.

Antiphon 4. Antiphon.

rom the gates of Hell de - li - ver,

AM The Refurreftion

O Lord ! my foul. 5:
and The Life : whofo believeth in

Psalms CXLVIII. CXLIX. CL. {p. 60.)

Me, even though he were dead, yet

e t eve - ry thing. Oioueae.

Laudate Do?ninum de Ccelis.

mail he live, and eve-ry man that

The Lord from the

Antiphon 5. liveth and believeth in Me lhall not


e t every thing that hath breath die for evermore.

praife The Lord. o r d ! have mer-cy.

317". E-ter-nal reft grant them, O Lord Chrift ! have mer-cy.

p ——— 1 1 1-

And may per-pet-u-al light lhine Lord ! have mer - cy.

^=-1=1= UR Father (fecretly).

up - on them. [then aloud.]

And lead us not into

Psalm (p. 65.) temptation,
Luke i. 68. But deliver us from evil.

Then pall be /aid,

am The. Pfalm. Oioueae. Psalm CXLIV. (/. 320.)

Benedict us Dominus. Exaltabo Te, Deus.

gLESSED be The Lord God. WILL exalt Thee, O God !

And when that is ended
Vigils of the Dead. 429

Eternal reft grant them, O Lord ! wouldeft fettle the fouls of thy fervants
And may perpetual light fhine upon them. and handmaidens, which Thou haft bidden
From the gate of Hell, to depart from this world, in the region
Deliver their fouls, O Lord of peace, and make them fellows with thy
I believe to fee the good things of the Saints, through Chrift our Lord.
[If there be obit, i. e. an Anniverfary Com-
In the land of the living.
memoration, let the following Orifons be
The Lord be with you.
And with thy fpirit.
Let us pray,
/^"RANT, we befeech Thee, O Lord!
When the Corpfe is prefent is /aid at Lauds
that the foul of thy fervant, the An-
this Orifon niverfary of whofe burial we commemo-
r\ GOD ! whofe property it is [i. e.
rate, helped by thefe our prayers, may ob-
the Greater, p. 419.] tain pardon as well as eternal reft.

In Anniverfaries five Orifons are faid.

GOD ! of whofe mercy.
r\ GOD
W Lefs.
! whofe property
p. 419.]
it is [/. e. the

In Trentals five Orifons are faid.
Q LORD ! let the Orifons. {p. 430.)

If the Corpfe be prefent, let the following

|LMIGHTY and Everlafting
Orifons be faid.
God Who art !
never in-
treated without the hope of Orifon.

mercy, be favourable to the (^RANT, we befeech Thee, Almighty

foul of thy fervant [or handmaiden] [or God ! that Thou wouldeft caufe the
Prieft] and fmce he hath departed this
of thy fervant, received by the Angelfoul

life in the confeflion of Thy Name, caufe of light, to be carried into the habitations
him to be gathered unto the number of of the Hefted prepared for him, through
thy Saints, though Chrift our Lord. our Lord.
For deceafed Bijhops at Lauds.
Orifon. O GOD ! of whofe mercy.

O GOD ! of whofe mercy there is no Orifon.

number, receive our prayers for the
fouls of thy fervants, the Pontiffs [and O LORD ! let the Orifons.

Priefts], and grant them a region of light,

For the Corpfe of a woman prefent.
and joy in the fociety of thy Saints.
For Brethren and
Sifters at Lauds.
\\TE befeech Thee, Lord of thy
goodnefs, pity the foul of thy hand-

C\ LORD maiden JV., and freed from the contagion

^ prayers,
! incline thine
wherewith we, thy fup-
ear to our
of mortality, reftore her to the region of
eternal falvation, through our Lord. ]
pliants, intreat thy mercy that Thou :

From the Hereford Breviary.
430 Vigils of the Dead.

[For Benefaclors. ceding day of that week which may be

open for it, namely the Sunday or the
Monday : and fo let the Service of the
"LJAVE mercy, we befeech Thee, O Dead be fulfilled to the Oclave of Eafter,
Lord ! on the fouls of all our de-
unlefs it happen that the Corpfe is prefent.
ceafed benefactors : and for the benefits
After the Oclave of Eafter there is no
which they bellowed upon us on Earth,
Service of the Dead in full afjembly
may they obtain eternal rewards in
(unlefs the Corpfe be prefent, or an An-
Heaven. 1 ]
niverfary, or Trental happen) up to the
morrow of Holy Trinity. In the mor-
Then let an Orifon be faid for friends pri-
row of Holy Trinity, and from thence
vately at pleafure. When that is finijhed daily, let there be Vigils of the Dead
let the following Orifon be faid audibly.
up to Advent of The Lord (except
Orifon. throughout the Oclaves, and in the Oc-

! let the
Orifons of thy fup-
the fouls of all the
taves of the AJJumption and of the Nativity
of the Bleffed Mary, and of the Dedica-
faithful departed : fo that Thou mayeft rid tion of the Church).
them of all and make them alio
their fins, The due Vigils of the Dead are interrupted
partakers of thy redemption, Who with
throughout the whole year by Double
God The Father and The Holy Ghoft, Feafts in the Firft and Second Vefpers,
liveft and reigneft God,
and in the Oclave of the Day of the
Epiphany, and the Oclaves of other days,
when the Hymn Salvator mundi Saviour
World with - out end. A - men. of man !
\j>. 359] is faid, unlefs the
Corpfe be prefent ; alfo in all other
Feafts of ix. and
Feafts of
Leffons, in

May they reft in peace. A - men. iii. Leffons, and in Oclaves in

which the
Choir has Conduclors, and in Sundays in
Here end the VIGILS OF THE DEAD. the Firft Vefpers only ; likewife in the
Commemoration of the Bleffed Mary,
and the Feaft of the Place.*]
f[ [Let the Vigils of theDead be faid
daily Advent] with a Mafs on the
morrow in the CHAPTER (except in the The COMMENDING of SOULS.
Firji Vefpers of Feafts of Nine Leffons)
|[ // is to be remarked, that whenever the
up to the Vigil of The Nativity of The
Corpfe is prefent, or it happen to be an
Lord, and in the morrow of the O clave
Anniverfary, or a Trental, throughout
of the Epiphany up to Tuefday before
the whole year the Commending of Souls
Eafter ; and on this very Tuefday let
is faid with note.
there be Vigils of the Dead with ix. Lef-

fons in full affembly [in conventu], and [Every day throughout Quadragefima up to
with Mafs on the morrow [cum miffa in The Supper of The Lord, when it is the
craft.], unlefs fome Double Feaft hinder ordinary weekly Service, immediately after
it, or happen on the Wednefday, and then Prime, before the Chapter [capitularem]
let the aforefaid Service be in fome pre- Mafs, is faid the Commending of Souls,

From the York Manual. u From the Rubrics for the FlrJl Sunday in Advent.
Vigils of the Dead. 43 *
except on the morrow ofa Double Fejlival, Then /~\UR Father is faid without pro-
and itfaid without note whenfoever
nouncing And lead us not.
Dirige Dire£l precedes without note. v]
And after is faid
Immediately after Prime before the Chapter Psalm CXXXVIII. (/. 313.)
Mafs for the departed, let the Antiphon Domine, probafti.
upon the Pfalm be commenced by fome
Clerk of the Superior Grade after
^ note.
! Thou haft proved without

The Pfalm being ended without Gloria

E - ter - nal reft. Oioueae.

Patri immediately
in the Chapter.
let the Mafs be begun

OFFICE. Requiem eternam Eternal reft.

Whenfoever, however, the Commending is
{pp. 109, 130, 140, 147.)
faid, it is always faidfitting, in the afore-
Beati immaculati. faid manner as far as the Antiphon to be
gLESSED are the undefiled. faid upon the Pfalms. When, however,
the Commending is faid apart without
As far as Pfalm CXIX. Ad Dominum. the full affembly [conventu], then imme-
diately after the Pfalm O Lord ! Thou
Antiphon. haft proved is faid the

:g— ~: : "a — W. Eternal reft grant them, O Lord !

1$. And may perpetual light fhine upon

TERNAL reft grant
37". From the gate of Hell.
Deliver their fouls, O Lord !

them, O Lord ! And may perpetual

I believe to lee the good things of the
In the land of the living.
light Ihine up - on them. The Lord be with you.
And with thy fpirit.
The Pfalms having been finifhed without Let us pray,
Gloria Patri let the whole Antiphon be O Thee, O Lord ! we com-
repeated, which having been done, let mend the of thy lervants
there follow and handmaidens, and of all

ord ! have mercy.
they may
the faithful
live to
from this world
Thee ; and thofe fins,
: that

which through the frailty of this world's
converfe they have incurred, do Thou, by
Chrift, have mer - cy.
the pardon of thy moft merciful loving-
kindnefs, wipe away, through The Same
Chrift our Lord. Amen. May they reft
Lord, have mer - cy. in peace. Amen.
v From the Rubrics for Quadragefima and the Manual.
432 Vigils of the Dead.

No other Commending is ever faid in the [After the DIVINE OFFICE.

Church of Sarum (whether the Corpfe
be prefent or no) but the aforefaid Com- Orifon.
mending. And let it ever be faid fitting '"TO The Moft Holy and Undivided
as far as the Antiphon. 1 Trinity to The Moft Sacred Hu-

From the Day of Souls to manity of our Lord Jefus Chrift

the Tuefday be- to the :

fore Eajler is faid Placebo I will pleafe very happy fruitfulnefs of the moft bleffed
and Dirige Direct up to Lauds only after Virgin Mary; and to the univerfal com-
the Vefpers of the Day and of S. Mary. pany of All the Saints, be everlafting
After Matins, however, of the Day and of Glory from every creature for infinite
S. Mary are faid Lauds of the Dead. ages of ages. Amen. w ]

w From " Horce beatijjima Virginh Maria ad legitimum Sarijb. Ecclejia rltum. F. Regnault,
Parijih, 1527.

Extracts from the Confuetudinary of Sarum. 433
|[ Of the Office of the Treafurer.
[FROM THE CONSUETUDINARY It is the duty of the Treafurer to keep in order
OF SARUM.] the ornaments and treafures of the Church. To
arrange the lights, as for inftance in the Firft Sun-
[For the purpofe of rendering more intelligible the
day in Advent four wax candles at either Vefpers
Rubrics contained in the Sarum PJalter, the following
and at Matins, and at the Mafs two, that is below
tranjlation is given offucb parts of the Confuetudinary
the Altar, and other two on the ftep before the
of Sarum as are relevant to the prefent volume, from Altar. The like is to be obferved in Sunday of
a MS. copy of the I e,th century, in the pojfejfion of the
the Palm-Branches, in all other Sundays in the
Rev. J. H. 'Todd, D.D., of Trinity College, Dublin,
year, and whenever the Choir has Conductors, and
and which formerly belonged to the Cathedral and the Invitatory is faid by two, there fhould be only
Collegiate Church of S. Patrick, Dublin.]
two at the leaft ; [and fo on as to the candles on
Whenfoever the Invitatory is faid by
^ The prefent Treatife explains the Perfons, and
and dignities, and the cufloms, by which the
other days.]
three, and on Thurfday, Friday, and Saturday of
their offices
the week of Eafter and at Pentecoft, the fame fervice
Church of Salijbury is ordered and governed, after
is required as to lights, as in the firft week in
of Ofmund, of happy memory, Founder
the inftitution
and Bifhop of the fame Church. Advent, [and fo on.]

Church of Salijbury. ^[ Of ordering the Choir.

^[ Of the principal Perfons in the
The Stalls of the Four principal Dignitaries of
There are four principal Perfons in the Church
Sarum are extremities. Entering the Choir on the
of Sarum, The Dean, The Precentor, The Chan-
Weftern fide, on the right is the Stall of the Dean,
cellor, The Treafurer, and four Archdeacons, to
on the left of the Precentor ; on the Eaftern fide,
wit, The Archdeacon of Dorfet, of Berkefhire, and
on the right of the Choir, is the ftall of the Chan-
two of Wiltfhire, befides the Sub-Dean and Sub-
cellor, on the oppofite of the Treafurer. Next to
the Dean ftands in the Choir the Archdeacon of
Dorfet, then the Sub-Dean. Next to the Chan-
^[ Of the duties of thefe Perfons.
cellor the Archdeacon of Wiltfhire. In the middle
the duty of the Dean * * *
It is No Clerk .

ftand the Canons who are prior in dignity. Then

of the Superior Grade, or of the Second Form, x is
the Priefts, Vicars, and a very few of the Deacons,
admitted into the Choir, except by the authority of
who, from the exigency of their age and behaviour
the Dean.
^[ Befides, in a Double Feaft, when may be raifed by difpenfation into the Superior
the Bifhop is abfent, and in the Firft Sunday in
Grade. Next to the Precentor ftands in the Choir
Advent, and in Sunday in the Palm-Branches, and
the Archdeacon of Berkfhire, then the Sub-Pre-
in the Head of the Faft, and in the Three Days
centor. Next to the Treafurer the other Arch-
before Eafter, and in the Vigil of Pentecoft, and in
deacon of Wiltfhire. Then the other Canons and
the Anniverfaries of Bifhops, and in the Dedication
Clerks are ordered in the aforefaid manner. In the
of the Church, it is he is bound to perform the
Second Form the younger Canons have precedence,
Divine Office.
then the Deacons, afterwards the other Clerks.
In the Firft Form the petty Canons have precedence,
Of the Duty of the Precentor. then the other minor perfons according to the
It the duty of the Precentor to regulate the
exigency of their age.
higher or lower key of the Choir and the Chant-
ing, and to arrange in the Table the Singers and
Minifters of the Altar. To him alfo belongs the CE Vft an ding
in the Choir at each of the Hours.

education and difcipline of the Boys, their inftitu- Moreover the Clerks of the Superior Grade are
tion, admiflion, and ordination. Befide, in every bound to ftand throughout the year at all the
Double Feaft he is bound to inftruct the Conductors principal Vefpers continuoufly in the Choir, whilft
of the Choir in fettingy and beginning the Chants $ theVerficle of the Refponfory is when there is
and all the Chants to be begun by the Bifhop, aRefponfory. The Clerks of the Second Form alfo
he is bound in his own proper perfon to fet for the muft behave in like manner ; fo that for inftance
Bifhop himfelf. they always ftand, except when the Verfe of the

x The feats were termed " Forma," or Forms; fo called, according to Ducange, becaufe
in the Choir
" Forms, or images carved work, or reprefented in drawings, were affixed to their backs," " or rather

becaufe above they were carved after the Jhape of the forms of aqueduils."

y (Injungendis.)

3 K
Extrafts from the Confuetudinary of Sarum.
Refponfory is fung, which is faid at the ftep. 7
aforefaid. But in the other Hours throughout the
The Boys, however, without any exception, are whole Hour the Choir carries itfelf thus after the
laft Verfe of the laft Pfalm. * * *
bound continually to Hand, except in Eafter Week,
for then they fliould fit at Vefpers, whilft the
Gradal Verfe and Alleluya is fung. At Compline, ^£ Of Projlration of the Choir.
however, all the Clerks indifferently are bound to In Week-days when the Petitions (preces) are
ftand throughout the whole of that Hour. In like faid at the Hours, the Choir lhould keep in prof-
manner at Matins all the time, except whilft the tration at all the Hours when the Petitions are
Leffons are read and the Refponfories with their faid from the time "Lord have mercy" begins
Verfesare fung. Neverthelefs, by difpenfation the
until " Through our Lord " be faid after the
Clerks of the Superior Grade and of the Second Orifon. And the Prieft alone rifeth from prof-
Form in whatever part of the Choir, may fit during tration when he fays " Arife, Lord help us." O !

the Pfalmody whenever a Nocturn is faid, and At Matins whilft The Lord's Prayer is faid, before
moreover in all Feafts of iii. LefTons which have the Leffons, until " And lead us not" be faid.
ix. Pfalms fo neverthelefs that when any one fits
In Lauds as at Vefpers. Moreover, in xl. a genu-
at one Pfalm, the next in the meanwhile ftands flection takes place in the beginning of every
and goes on with it. At Prime and the other Hour. The Choir alfo ought to be proftrate in
Hours all are bound uniformly to ftand. every week-day, when it is the week-day Service
without Eafter-tide. In the Vigils of the Dead at
the turning of the Choir to the Altar.
"Placebo" from the time "Lord, have mercy" is
^£ Of
faid until the laft Orifon is faid. At "Dirige"
The Clerks are bound to ftand turned to the until The Lord's Prayer is faid before the reading
Altar at Vefpers, from the time " O God make the Pfalm "Beatus ;" fo likewife after " Magnus"
fpeed to fave me " is faid, until the firft Antiphon at " Placebo."
upon the Pfalms be begun. Let their carriage be the
fame in the beginning of each Hour, and as often
^£ In what manner the Choir is ufed to be conducted
as " Gloria Patri" is faid. In finging Refponfories, in Feajls.
however, it is generally to be obferved that thofe
It is cuftomary that the Choir have Conductors
who fing the Verfe fliould always ftand until the
" be on every Sunday, and on every Double Feaft, and
Verficle with " Gloria Patri " if " Gloria Patri
The Choir too, in the on every Feaft of ix. Leffons throughout the year
ufed, be fung through.
and from the Firft Vefpers of The Nativity of The
beginning of the Refponfories, turns itfelf to the
There is a Lord up to the Octave of the Epiphany and in the
Altar as often as the Choir fings.
Octave ; except in the Vigil of the Epiphany when
fimilar obfervance in faying all the Chapters, and
it happens without a Sunday, and throughout the
in the end of all the Hymns, and in all the Ver-
" Benedictus," week of Eafter and Pentecoft, and in certain Feafts
ficles, and after " Magnificat," and
which happen in Eafter-tide ; in thefe, for inftance,
and "Nunc dimittis," from the time "Gloria
in the Feaft of S. Ambrofe and S. Mark and
Patri" is faid until the whole fervice be com-
S. George j and of the Apoftles Philip and James ;
pleted. There is a fimilar obfervance after the
and in the Finding of the Holy Crofs ; and in the
laft verfe of the laft Pfalm of every Hour, that
Feaft of S. John before the Latin Gate ; and of
the Choir always ftands turned to the Altar,
S.Dunftan, and S.Aldhelm, and S. Auguftine, and
until the Refponfe be begun, if there be a
S. Barnabas the Apoftle ; and throughout the Oc-
Refponfe, or a Chapter be faid. In like man-
tave of the Afcenfion of The Lord ; and in the
ner is it in Lauds. At Matins the Choir ftands
Day of the Octaves of the Apoftles Peter and Paul,
turned to the Altar in the beginning, until the
and the Octave of the Affumption and Nativity of
Invitatory be begun again for the laft time, and in
the Bleffed Virgin Mary.
each Nocturn, after the laft verfe of the Pfalm
until the Leffon be begun. But at the recital of
every Gofpel the Choir turn to the Reader himfelf ^ What Feajls are Double, what Simple.

whilft the words of the Gofpel are faid. In the It is known that fome Feafts are Double,
to be
beginning alfo of " Te Deum laudamus," in like fome Simple. The Double Feafts in the Church of
manner until the Choir fings, and whilft the laft Sarum are thefe :

The day of The Nativity of
Verfe is fung. When, however, " Te Deum laud- The Lord, and the four following and the day ;

amus " isnot faid, but the Ninth Refponfory is of the Circumcifion and of the Epiphany ; and the
repeated, then the Choir turns again to the Altar Purification of S. Mary ; and the Annunciation of
until the Antiphon upon the Pfalms be begun as The Lord ; and the firft day of Eafter, with the

i. e. Of the Choir, the Gradale.
Extracts from the Confuetudv.nary of Sarum. 435
three and the Feaft of The Holy
following ; U Of the Duty of the ConduEiors of the Choir.

Trinity; and of S. John the Baptift and of the ; In Sample Feafts the principal Conductor of the
Apoftles Peter and Paul ; and the Aflumption and Choir, at the beginning of Vefpers, fhall enquire
Nativity of the Blended Virgin ; the Feaft of Relics the Arntiphon on the Pfalms and the intonation of
and of S. Michael ; and of All Saints ; and of the Pfailm and the difference, from the Precentor,
a In thefe Double Feafts
S. Andrew, the Apoftle. and in what Grade it mould be begun having :

the Choir is conducted by four Clerks, of whom made the enquiry, let hirn fulfil it conformably to
the two principal mall always be of the Superior the anifwer of the Precentor. If the Antiphon on
Grade. Two Secondaries, fometimes of the Superior the Pfalms be more than one, let the Secondary
Grade, fometimes of the Second Form. They enquire: the fecond and fourth Antiphons, in the
ftiall be of the Superior Grade in the day
of The fame order and in the fame Grade. If, too, a
Nativity of The Lord, and the two following Refpomfory is to be fung at Vefpers, then let the
and in the day of the Epiphany ; and in the day Principal Conductor of the Choir fignify the Re-
of Eafter, and in Eafter Monday ; in the day of fponfory to the Secondary, and by whom it is to
the Afcenfion ; in the day of Pentecoft, and the be fung; on his part. But if it be to be fung by one
Monday in the Afiumption of the BlefTed Virgin.
; perfon, then the Principal Conductor, on his part,
In the reft the Secondaries mail be of the fhall emjoin it to whom he will. Afterwards let
Second Form. All Feafts, not called Double, in the fanne Conductor feek from the Precentor the
which the Choir has Conductors, are named Sim- Hymn, the Verficle, and the Antiphon upon "Mag-
ple. In fuch, therefore, the Choir is conducted nificat,"' and the Memorials and their order. Having
by two only of the Second Form. * * * enquired of all thefe things, let himfelf begin
the Hy mn and the Verficle ; if it be to be faid by
Alternation of the Choir £ two, by himfelf and the Secondary; let them
|f Of the
In alternate turns by weeks, the Choir mould be enjoin :it to two Boys in the two parts of the Choir.
one week on the fide of the Dean, the other on If by ome only, by himfelf alone. Then let him
the fide of the Precentor. In all Double Feafts enjoin ithe Antiphon on "Magnificat" and intone
the Choir ought ever to be on the fide of the Dean the Pfailm itfelf. Whilft the Orifon is being faid,
throughout the whole year, if there mall be there himi enjoin " Benedicamus" to whom he will;

that part prefent the Divine Office in

which fulfils andif it be double d the Secondary on his part.

thofe Feafts j except in the time of The Nativity, M

The emorials, however, let the Conductors them-
and in Eafter.tide, and the Week of Pentecoft; felves biegin together
; and the laft " Benedicamus"
for then in thofe continuous Double Feafts the let the Secondary ever enjoin on his part. If it be
Choir In certain times of Double:, both of them. It is to be known, how-
is changed each day.

the year the Table does not run by weeks, but ever, that the Choir has Conductors at Vefpers and
by days, namely, from the day next after The Matins and the Mafs only. At Compline, the
Nativity of The Lord, when in the preceding office of the Principal Conductor is to enjoin the

Saturday either Choir is perfected, up to the Oc- Verficlie and the Antiphon upon the " Nunc

tave of the Epiphany, if it happen on a Sunday dimittis" to whom he will. At Matins, the
but if it happen in any intermediate week-day, office of the Principal Conductor is, in the firft

then the fame mode mall be obferved up to the place, to enquire the Invitatory of the Precentor,

next Sunday following. If, however, on the and the Chant of the Pfalm "Venice;" then with
Sunday next before The Nativity the changing of his felllow lethim begin the Invitatory, and to-
each Choir mall not be completely alike, then gether chant the Pfalm. Afterwards let the prin-
from the Day of The Nativity to the aforefaid cipal Conductor enquire the Hymn of the Precentor,

term, let the Table run by days. So from The and the firft Antiphon on the Pfalms, then the
firft Antiphon at
Verficl es in their place, and the
Supper of The Lord to the Octave of Eafter the
Choir is varied each day. The weekly Conductors, Lauds and Compline ; and let all be fulfilled as
however, before Eafter-day are not changed. From above noted. (J At Prime, the office of the
Eafter-day, however, up to the Octave, they are principal Conductor is to enjoin the Antiphon on
varied every day. Let the like be obferved in the " Quiciunque vult" and the Refponfory "Jefu
Chrifte." * * * * Befides, in ordinary days
week of Pentecoft up to the Day of Trinity.

a To thefe
muft be added the day of The Afcenfion, the Firfi day of Pentecoft, the Feafts of Corpus Chrifti,
the Moft Siveet Nameofjefus, of The Vifitation, The Dedication, the Feaft of The Place, and of All
b By the word Choir here ferns to be meant the fnging men mnd boysftmply.
c Probably meaning the number of times is even on each fide.
i. e. To be faid by two.
436 Extracts from the Confuetudinary of Sarum.

throughout the whole week, his duty is at Vefpers

f[ Of the following Compline.
to enquire for the Verficle and Antiphon upon At Compline let the Firft of the Second Form
" Magnificat," and to enjoin it, and to enjoin the begin the Antiphon upon the Pfalms. Let fome
" Benedicamus ;" at Prime to enjoin the Refpon-
one of the Superior Grade intone the Pfalm. Let
fory. In Double Feafts however, let all the Con- fome Boy fay the Verficle. Let all this be done
ductors together ling the whole Invitatory before as the Hebdomadary Conductor Ihall arrange.
it be repeated by the Choir. The Principal Con-
ductor and his fidefman together intone the Pfalms At Matins of the fame in Sunday.
and begin the Hymns, and the Secondary with his
fidefman on his part aft in like manner and enjoin
On the fame day at Matins let the Firft of the
Firft Form begin the firft Antiphon on the Pfalms.
the " Benedicamus." * * * * Moreover, it belongs
Let the fecond Antiphon be begun by his fellow
to the office of the Conductors to take care that
on the oppofite fide. The third by the third op-
the Boys do not behave diforderly in the Choir, and
pofite to him. The fourth by the Sub-Dean or by
do not leave the Choir without leave. The Boys
iome other inferior in the Second Form. The
are bound to be prefent at Vefpers, Compline, the
fifth by a Deacon in the Second Form. The fixth
firft Hours of the day, and at The Mafs. At the
by fome one in the Superior Grade, as pleafes the
Vigils of the Dead, alfo, as often as the corpfe is
Conductor. In like manner the eighth and the
prefent, and in the Trentals and Anniverfaries.
ninth in order. Let each of the Verficles at Ma-
At Compline thofe Boys are not bound to be, who tins be faid hither and thither by fingle Boys.
are written in the Table. In Advent, however, and
in Septuagefima
After the commencement of the third Antiphon
Quadragefima the Hebdo-
up to
let fome Boy in the of a Reader bring the
madary Boy for the Refponfories is bound to be
Book of Leflbns to the proper place, who himfelf
prefent at Terce and Sext, to begin the Antiphons
may read the Firft Leflbn. * * * * I n Lauds let
and fing the Refponfories when it is the Office for
the firft Antiphon be begun by fome one in the
the Time. In Quadragefima, alfo, the fame is
Second Form, as the Conductor of the Choir pleafes.
bound to be prefent at all the Day Hours, and to
The Second by his fellow oppofite in the fame
do this in a holy manner.
Form. The others in the fame manner in order
in the fame Form. Let the Prieft himfelf fay the
^ Of the mode of performing the Office in the Firft Verficle before the Leflbn. Let all the reft be
Vfpers of the Firft Sunday in Advent. fulfilled as noted above at Firft Vefpers. In the
[See Saturday at Vefpers.] fame Sunday at Prime let the Antiphon on the
In the Firft Sunday inAdvent at Vefpers, after Pfalms be begun by the firft Clerk on the Second
chiming the bells, e let the Prieft of greater dignity Form. Let the Antiphon upon " Quicunque
who Ihall be prefent, having faid The Lord's vult" be begun by fome one in the Superior
Prayer, go through the office. Let the Antiphon Grade, as is ufual in every Feaft throughout the
upon the Pfalms be begun in the Second Form by year when the Choir has Conductors. In this day
the firft Clerk of that Grade. * * * * At thefe and every day except in Double Feafts, let the Re-
Vefpers two Clerks of the Superior Grade mail fponfory " Jefu Chrifte " be faid by fome Boy on
chant the Refponfory, in lilken Copes, at the ftep. the part of the Choir, as the Conductor mail pleafe,
In like manner Ihall the Refponfory be fung at without changing his drels or place. But in Dou-
Vefpers, in the Saturday before the Paffion and ble Feafts let the Refponfory be faid by fome one

Palm Sunday, but in other Saturdays throughout in the Second Form, and by the fame let the Verfe

the whole year when and Verficle be faid. Then in the Choir let the
it is the Office for the Time
and a Refponfory is chanted, let it be chanted by Petitions be faid with The Lord's Prayer. " Pre-
two of the Second Form in filken Copes. In the ciofa eft " " Right dear is," after the Verfe " Qui

laft verfe but one of the Hymn, let the Prieft go replet in bonis " " Who fatisfieth thy defire with
out to put on his filken Cope. When the Hymn good things."
is finilhed let one Boy on the part of the Choir fay

the Verficle, without changing veftment or place, Q Of the Arrangement of the Clerks in The Chapter.
turned to the Altar. Let the fame mode be ob- The Clerks fit in the Chapter in this order,
ferved by every Boy whenever alone he fays the firftfrom the Bifhop fits on the right hand the
Verficle or " Benedicamus." * * * * Dean, then the Chancellor, then the Archdeacon
of Dorfet, then the Archdeacon of Wiltfhire, then
the Sub-Dean. On the left the Precentor, the
f[ OfCenfmg the Choir.
Treafurer, the Archdeacon of Berkfliire, the other
[See Saturday at Vefpers.] * * * * Archdeacon of Wiltfhire, the Sub-Precentor. Next

Pulfato clajfico.

Extracts from the Confuetudinary of Sarum. 437

to thefe perfons the Canon Priefts, the Canon
fit and in the Exaltation of The Holy Crofs, and in
Deacons, and then the Sub-Deacons, then the the Feaft of S. Michael in Mount Tomb, and of
Priefts Vicar, then the other Vicars of the Superior S. Martin, and S. Nicholas. * * * *
Grade, then the Canons of the Second Form, then
the Deacons, Sub-Deacons, and Clerks in minor
orders of the Second Form. Let the Boys, how-
^ Of the mode offulfilling the Hours of the Day in
the Firft Sunday of The Advent of The Lord.
ever, whether they be Canons or not, ftand before
the aforefaid Sunday at Terce, let the prin-
the others in the Area, on either fide of the
Conductor of the Choir for the week begin
Pulpit, f arranged in their order. In the firft place
the Hymn, or caufe it to be begun by fome one of
let the Boy read from the Martyrology without
the Superior Grade, and let the Antiphon upon
" Jube Domine benedicere " " O Lord bid a
the Pfalms be begun by the fecond Choir h of the
blefling," and without " Tu autem Domine
Second Form on that fide, and fo let the other
" But Thou, O Lord! " in a furplice. The Leflbn
Antiphons at the other Hours run backwards and
finifhed, let him declare any obit. Let the Prieft,
forwards in fuccefiion. Let the aforefaid Con-
ftanding behind the Reader, if any obit be declared,
ductor of the Choir intone the Pfalm, or caufe it
reply " May their fouls and the fouls of all the
to be intoned by fome one of the Superior Grade,
faithful departed, through the mercy of God reft
for no beginning of any Hymn, or Pfalm, or
in peace, Amen." Then let him fay, " Right dear
Intonation, fhould be made throughout the year
in the fight of The Lord," and the reft which be-
in any Grade but in the Superior Grade when the
longs to that Hour, which finifhed, let the Boy
Choir has not Conductors. The Refponfory in
Reader begin another Leffon with "Jube Do-
the Second Form by the Clerk next to him who
mine," and fjnifh the fame with " Tu autem
began the Antiphon. Let the Prieft fay the
Domine." Let the Prieft, having given the Bene-
Chapter and Collects without changing veftment
diction, retire during the Leffon to his place. Let
or place. Let a like mode and order be obferved
the Boy, having finifhed the Leffon, defcend from
in faying the other Hours. On the fame day at
the Pulpit and read the Table.
Second Vefpers let the Antiphon upon the Pfalms
be begun by the firft Clerk Sub-Deacon. Let the
[Then follow particular dire&ions as to the Table, fecond be begun by his fellow oppofite. Let the
that is the written order in which each Member of reft in like manner run hither and thither in
the body was to take his part in the Service in turn. order. Let this order be obferved in all Sundays
The following are extraEls.~\ throughout the year in beginning thefe Antiphons.
It is to be known that the Hebdomadary Boys Let the Refponfory be fung by fome one of the
ought always to be on the part of the principal Second Form as the Conductor of the Choir pleafes,
Choir. But of thofe which are at the Candles, without changing place or veftment. In this fame
one on the part of the Choir, the other on the mode let the Refponfe be fung on every Sunday
oppolite. when it is the Office for the Time and there is a
Refponfory, except on Palm Sunday, for then the
|[ Of the Table of S. Thomas Apofile and other Feajls Refponfe is fung by fome one of the Superior
in which the Jnvitatory is Jung by Three.% Grade. It is to be known that only in Advent
In the Day of S. Thomas Apoftle the Table is and Quadragefima is a Refponfe faid on Sundays at
compofed thus. Let not the Hebdomadary Con- Second Vefpers. Compline is not changed.
ductors be fent out, but let a third of the Superior
Grade on the part of the Choir, as the Precentor ^£ Of adapting the Service in the Firft Sunday in

may pleafe, be affociated with them, for the Invi- Advent with others throughout the year.
tatory, in the Table. * * * * This difpofition of As in this Sunday, fo in each Sunday is the fer-
the Table takes place in every Feaft of ix. Leffons, vice fulfilled throughout the year when it is the

when the Invitatory is faid by three. It is faid, how- Service for the Time except that a Refponfory is

ever, by three in every Simple Feaft of any of the not faid in every Sunday at Vefpers, and except
Apoftles and Evangelifts, and in the Octave of that in Sundays in Quadragefima, at each Compline
The Epiphany and Afcenfion, and in the Odlave the Refponfory is faid by fome of the Second Form,
of Peter and Paul, and in the Feaft of the Bleffed at the pleafure of the Hebdomadary Conductor 3
Mary Magdalene, and S. Laurence, and in the and except that in the four laft Sundays of Quadra-
Octave of the Affumption of the Bleffed Mary, gefima three Verfes are faid after the Antiphon

Pulpitum, the Ambo or deft, from whence the Leffons were read.
8 They are all marked in the Calendar as having Invitatorium Triplex.
h would feem this means the fecond rank of the Choir, the phrafe " Principal Choir " occurs previoufty.

438 Extracts from the Confuetudinary of Sarum.

upon "Nunc dimittis" at either Compline, in by the Firft of the Second Form. Let the Re-
Saturdays in the Superior Grade, in Sundays in the fponfory be faid by fome one of the Firft Form
Second Form. Neverthelefs, in Palm Sunday they all the reft as in the preceding Sunday, except
are faid in the Superior Grade. In like manner that in this week-day, at all the Hours, there are
in every Feaft of ix. Leffons the Orifons, Verfes, Petitions with proftrations. At Terce, let the
Pfalms, Antiphon upon " Nunc dimittis," through Hebdomadary Boy of the Refponfory begin the
the four laft weeks in Quadragefima, are faid in the Antiphon on the Pfalms, and fing the Refponfory.
aforefaid manner except in The Lord's Annuncia-
Let the reft be as in the preceding Sunday. At
tion, for then let Verfes be faid at either Compline, Sext let every thing be juft as at Terce ; and at
except that in Sunday of The Lord's Paffion one None let the Antiphon on the Pfalms be begun by
Antiphon only is faid upon the Pfalms in each the Firft Clerk of the Second Form, and let the
Nocturn, of which the firft is begun in the Second Refponfe be fung by the next to him. For the reft
Form, the fecond in the Second Form, the third in the other Hours ; at Vefpers let the Firft of the
in the Superior Grade in like manner at Matins
: Firft Form begin the firft Antiphon, the fecond
one Antiphon only is faid upon the Pfalms, and Antiphon the oppolite to him of the fame Form.
that is begun in the Superior Grade and one only ; Let all the others run hither and thither in the
in Lauds but in the Odtave of Eafter five An-
: fame Form. Let the Hebdomadary Boy of the Re-
tiphons in Lauds are faid in the Superior Grade, fponfory fing the Refponfe, let the reft be as above
and in the Firft Sunday before The Afcenfion the at Matins.At Compline let fome one of the
fame five in the Second Form and certain things
: FirftForm begin the Antiphon on the Pfalms, as
which pertain to the Sunday Table of that Time, the Hebdomadary Conductor pleafes, the reft as in
and except the middle Sundays after the beginning Sunday, except that here there are Petitions.
of the Hiftories, for then one Antiphon only is faid
in Lauds and except Eafter-tide, for then in

Saturday there is faid but one Antiphon on the ^ Adaptation of the fame to other Week-days
Pfalms. throughout the year.

Let the mode and order of the Service of this

^ Of the mode offulfilling the Ferial Service
Firjl Monday in Ad-vent.
in the
Week-day be obferved in every other Week-day
throughout the year, when it is the Office for the
In the firft Monday in Advent the Invitatory is Time except that without Advent and Quadra-
fought from the Precentor; let fome one of the gefima, the Hebdomadary Boy of the Refponfory
Second Form fing it in the place of the Hebdoma- is not bound to be prefent at Terce, nor at the
dary Conductor. Let the Verfes be begun in the other Hours of the day, and except in Quadra-
Superior Grade as the Conductor fliall arrange. gefima, for then at None the Antiphon on the
Every thing elfe which pertains to the general duty Pfalms is begun by the Hebdomadary Boy, and
of the Conductor, the fame Conductor fhall per- let the Refponfory be fung by the fame ; alfo at
form, either by himfelf or another. Let the firft Vefpers, and at other times than in Advent and in
Antiphon be begun by the Firft of the Firft Form j Quadragefima no Refponfe is faid. Moreover, in
the fecond by his oppolite of the Firft or Second Eaftertide at Vefpers and at Matins only one An-
Form ; and the others run hither and thither in tiphon is faid, not even in Lauds nor are there

order, fo that the fifth be begun by the firft Clerk of Petitions with proftration. Moreover, in Quadra-
the Second Form on the part of the Choir. In Lauds gefima all the Hours of the day are faid before
let the firft and third Antiphons be begun by the Mafs, but after Mafs without interval " Placebo,"
aforefaid two Boys. Let the others be begun in the and the Vefpers of the day, then Vefpers of

Second Form. The order of Clerks which had before S. Mary. After dinner, however, an affembly
begun being continued, let all things which pertain being fummoned,' the Vigils of the Dead are
to Matins be fulfilled as in Sunday, except that on faid. Then is there reading in aflembly,j with-
a week day let all the Hymns be begun in the out change of drefs. Afterwards let Compline
Superior Grade. And befides, the Prieft, faying follow. k
the Collects, does not change place or veftment at
Vefpers and at Matins. Moreover, let not the Altar
^£ Of the manner of executing the Office in the Feajl
be incenfed in week-days at Matins, or Vefpers, at
" Benedidtus," or "Magnificat." At Prime let of S. Thomas the Apojlle.

the Antiphon upon the Pfalms be begun by the * * * At Matins let the Invitatory be fung by
Firft of the Firft Form on the part of the Choir three, in filken Copes, of the Firft and Second
let the Antiphon upon " Quicunque vult" be begun Form. * * *

Puljata Collatione, i. e. of the Chapter. j In Collatione.

Extratts from the Confuetudinary of Sarum. 439
the adaptation of the fame other Feajis when faid Feafts happen within Septuagefima, the Invi-
^£ Of

the In-vitatory is Triple. tatory fhall be Simple.

[It appears that on all Simple Sundays, i. e.
This mode and order of Service fhall be ob-
which were not Feaft days, the Mafs was cele-
ferved in all Feafts and O&aves of ix. Leflbns
brated after Terce.
when the Invitatory is triple * * * and all the
So alfo on Week-days. But on the Firft Mon-
reft at Vefpers and at Compline as in Feafts of
day in Advent Mafs was faid in the Chapter for
ix. Leflbns, when the Invitatory is faid by three.
the faithful departed before Terce. In Lent the
Mafs was after None, except in Feafts, when the
^£ Of the mode of executing the Office in Simple Mafs for the Feaft was faid before Terce.
Feajis of ix. Lejfons. In Chriftmas Day there were three different
In the Lefler Simple Feafts of ix. Leflbns let Mafles, one after " Te Deum" in Matins, another
mode and order be obferved of the Service of after Terce, and a third at what particular time is
Simple Sundays, which have the Refponfe in the not mentioned.
Second Form. * * *
" Afimilar mode of fervice is obferved in all

In Feafts of iii. Leflbns without Conductors of Double Feafts which are not continuous, and alfo
the Choir, and in every Commemoration of The in the continuous, except that it is not always the

Blefled Virgin, the Invitatory is faid by two, that Prieft of Superior Dignity who fulfils the Office,

is to fay in thefe * *
* but of the Second Degree. A
fimilar mode is kept
up alfo in every Feaft, and in Octaves, and in
Week-days within the Octave, with Conductors of
^ In -what Feajis of iii. LeJJbns the In-vitatory is
the Choir."
Jaid by Two. In Feafts of iii. Leflbns the mode is the fame as
* * * But is to be known that if thefe afore- in Week-days.]


The Hours of The Crofs . . i Saturday in Lauds . . 260
Excerptions of Archbifhop Ecgbert . 2 Hymns at Matins on Week-days 265
DireEiions to Priejis

Praife of the PJalms


... . . .3
The Lord's Day
The Tones for Magnificat
at Vefpers . . 276
Of The Hours [from
Orifons for The Hours
Orifons before the Di-vine Office
the Myrroure~\ .


8, 14

at Vefpers

Magnificat at Second
The Form of Bidding The Bedes .
Petitions at Vefpers 29O
Benedi&ions . . . .11 Common Memorials at Vefpers . . 292
Common Forms [The Lord's Prayer, The An- Tuefday at Vefpers . 299
gelic Salutation, The Creed,~\ and Note 14, . 1 JVednefday at Vefpers • 3°3
Invitatories . . . .16 Thurfday al Vefpers 306
Note thereon . . . 20 Friday at Vefpers . 312
The Pjalm Venite . . . .19 Saturday at Vefpers 3 J7
The Tones for Venite , . 20 SeletJAntiphons on Magnificat for Saturday at
The Lord's Day
Note on Antiphons
The Song of S. Ambrofe and
at Matins
... .

S. Augujline
. .


Refponfories at Vefpers

Hymns at Vefpers
. -,28

The Lord s Day in Lauds At Compline I. .
. .
Antiphons on Benedidtus
Tones for Benedi&us
Note on the Conclufion
... . .

of the Colle&s or Orifons

73 »

IV. and V.

Hymns for Lord's Days throughout the year VI. 363
» VII. 3^4
At Prime . . . . -97 . •

Petitions at Prime . . . 1 1
VIII. 366
At Terce .125 » IX. •

. . . .

At Sext X. . 370
. . .
At None 5J XI. • 37 1
Monday at Matins . . . 151 >» XII. 372

Monday in Lauds . . . .164 » XIII. XIV. • 373

Petitions in Lauds . . . 172 » XV. 376

Common Memorials at Lauds » XVI. XVII. . • 378

. . . 175
Tuefday at Matins . . . 181 n XVIII. 3"
Note on Commemorations . .181 » XIX. . . . . 38Z

Tuefday in Lauds . . . 192

XX. XXI. . 383

Wednefday at Matins
XXII. • 384
. . . .
JVednefday in Lauds . . . 206 Petitions at Compline ,385
Thurfday at Matins . . .211 Tones for the Pfalms • 39°
Hymns for The
Thurfday in

Friday at Matins
Lauds ....
Supper, The Afcenjion

. .


Orifons or Collecls in Sundays

The Seven Penitential Pfalms

The Litany

Friday Lauds The Vigils of The Dead •
in . . . . 243
Saturday at Matins Extratlsfrom the Confuetudinary of Sarum 433
. . . 247
Index to Hymns. 441

INDEX TO HYMNS Immenfe Coeli Conditor

Impleta gaudent vifcera
ADAM vetus quod polluit • H5 Laudes Deo devotas
Adefto fancta Trinitas . 94
Ad coenam Agni Lucis Creator Optime ,

• 348
Luftra fex Qui
Agnofcat omne feculum 103
Lux ecce furgit
Ales Diei nuntius . • *94
Alleluya dulce carmen 78 Magnae Deus potential
Alleluya piis • 76 Maria ventre concepit .

Alma Chorus Domini 378 Meridie orandum .

Anni menfibus
peradtis . 9s
A Patre Unigenitus 271 Nodte furgentes
A folis ortus cardine . 268 Nox atra rerum
Audtor Salutis Unicus 87 Nox et tenebrae
Audi benigne Conditor . 80 Nunc Sandre nobis .

Audi Redemptor Gentium 269

Ave colenda Trinitas . 96 O Lux Beata Trinitas .

Aurora jam fpargit 264 O Pater Sandte

Aurora lucis rutilat Optatus votis omnium .

O veneranda Trinitas
Beata nobis gaudia 350
Pange lingua glorioli praelium
Chorus Novae Hierufalem • 347 Pange lingua gloriofi Corporis
Chrifte Qui Lux es Plafmator hominis
Chrifte Redemptor . 266 Prefepe poni
Chrifte hac Hora Tertia . 128 Primo dierum
Clarum decus Jejunii . 82
Coeli Deus Sandt-iffime
Quern Terra Pontus
Conditor Alme fiderum • 337 Redtor potens verax
Confors Paterni luminis 182
Rerum Creator Optime
Corde natus 02, 360 Rerum Deus tenax
Corporis formam caduci 127 Rex Angelorum prepotens
Cultor Dei memento . 368 Rex Chrifte fadtor .

Rex eterne Domine

Dei fide qua 128
Deus Creator omnium • 3*4 Salvator Mundi
Deus Pater piifiime 344 Sacris folemniis
Sermone blando
Ecce jam nodtis 64, 171 Sexta aetata Virgine
Ecce tempus idoneum 343 Splendor Paternae .

Ecce Quern Vates . 137 Somno refedtis

Eterna Cceli gloria 24.6
Summae Deus clementiae
Eterne rerum Conditor 62 Summi largitor praemii
Eterne Rex Altiflime 213 Surgentes ad Te
Ex more docti myftico 34.2
Te lucis ante terminum
Hora nona quae canimus 146 Te lucis Audtor perfonent
Hoftis Herodes 340 Tellus et ethera jubilent
Hymnum canamus gloriae 215 Telluris ingens Conditor
Tu Chrifte noftrum gaudium
Jam Chrifte Sol 81 Tu Trinitatis Unitas
Jam Chriftus aftra 93
Jam lucis orto 101 Veni Creator Spiritus
Jam ter quaternis 344 Veni Redemptor Gentium
Jefu noftra Redemptio 376 Verbum Supernum prodiens a Patre
Jefu quadragenariae 83 Verbum Supernum prodiens nec Patris
Jefu Salvator feculi 374 Vexilla Regis prodeunt .

Jefus refulfit omnium . 270 Vox clara ecce

442 Index to Hymns.

ALLELUYA, fong of fweetnefs 78 Now the old Adam's . . . 145
Alleluyas found ye 76 Now thrice three hours . . . 146
All hail, adored Trinity 96 Now let The
Lord's fair Choir . . 378
All laud and worfliip 380 Now twice four hours . . .
Almighty Founder of the worlds 301
A year's fwift months .
92 O Chrift The Light . . . 365
Arife we in the nightly watches *53 O Chrift The Lord, in this third . . 128
At this high Feaft 34-9 O Chrift, Thou art our joy . . 209
Author of Light we raife 103 O Chrift, our King . . .85
O Chrift, Thou Sun of Juftice . . 81
Begotten of The Father's bofom 360
O Chrift, Redeemer . . . 266
Behold the golden dawn 230 O God of all the ftrength . . 143
Behold the accepted time 343 O God, O Father kind . . .
Be with us, Holy Trinity 9+ O Holy Father, gracious . .
Bleft feafon which with
3+9 O Herod, impious foe . 340
Bright Framer of the Harry .
337 O Jefu, hear the hymns . . 146
Bright honour of the Lenten 81 O King, Eternal Lord . . -85
Come, Holy Ghoft, Who ever One 126
O King of Angels, Lord . . 85
Creator of all worlds J95
O long defired of all . . . .214
Creator of the light 280
O Light, Thou Trinity . . 325
Creator, Spirit, Power Divine 129
O merciful Creator, hear . . .80
O pray we at this noontide . . 139
Difpenfer of the gifts 79
O Thou, juft Judge of quick . . 145
Dark night beneath . 211 O Trinity revered . . . 96
Our wearied limbs with fleep . .152
Eternal Founder of the worlds 62
Eternal Glory of The Heaven 246 Redeemer of the nations, come . . 338
Eternal Monarch, Lord 213 Redeemer of the nations, hear . . 269
Rehearfe, my tongue, the glorious . 83
Day of days
Firft 27
From climes which fee 267 Salvation's Author, Lord . . -87
From God The Father, Virgin-born 271 Saviour of man . . • -359
Great Lord of Heaven
See, in a lowly manger . . .138
See vanifti faft . . . . 64, 170
How glow their hearts . 93
Servant of God, remember . . .368
Six luftres paft, his life . . . 86
Jefu, to Earth Thou Saviour 374 Sing we triumphant hymns . . .215
Jefu, Redemption of our fouls 376 Speak, my tongue, the myftic . . 273
Jefus hath lhone 270 Supernal Word, Thou Effluence . .75
Jefu, who this our Lenten 83
The faith of God, wherein . . 128
In accents bland
The herald bird of day . . • J 94
In folemn courfe 34i
The Morn of light, its beams . , 88
Let this our folemn Feaft 35i The Star of light . . 97,101,102
Let Earth and Skies rejoicing 212 The Royal Banner . . • 345
Let the wide world confefs The Word Supernal forth . . . 274
Lo, a frail body's form . 127
Lo, Chrift above the ftars This Hour, when Chrift . . 139
Lo, He whom Seers Thou Brightnefs of The Father's . .169
Lo, He whom Earth Thou Confort of Thy Father's Glory . 182
Lo, what a thrilling voice 76 Thou Framer of Earth's fabric . . 248
Lo, morn is o'er the zenith 364 Thou, ere the Sixth great Age . . 138
Lord of all might, Who 311 Thou mighty Ruler, God . . .136
Thou Unity of Trinity . . .232
Moft Holy God, The Lord 3°S
Maker of man, from Heaven 3 16 Ye Choirs of New Jerufalem • • 346
Maker of all things, God 323 Ye glooms of night . . • 2,08


Page iia line I for "CXXX." read "CXXIX."
iia . . 25 for "everlafting Light" read "may perpetual Light fhine upon them."
i6a . . 19 to 23 dele from "and " to " Times" inclufive.
\%a . . 5 dele "in the Firft week."
zoa .. 4 for "Cond." rW'Choir."
20a .. 2 and 5 dele "the"
35^ .. 20 after " Chriftians" infert "are"
38a . . 13 /or "he hideth * * * he may" read "He hideth * * * He may"
56^ . . 10 dele the reference (°) after " Heavens " and infert it line 12 after " help me "
65 Note, line 6 from bottom, for "Cap" read "Cope"
jia line 22 and 1 line 12 dele "the light of"

83 inftead of
" =r ~~ read

no - bilem no - bilem
-um-phal lay -um-phal lay
jtf line \ for "defened" read " defend"
104a .. 4 for "denum" read "demum"
1 I
Si •• I 5 Z '' m the Vigil" read "except in the Vigil" and line 29 after "Eafter" infert
"and Vigil of The Nativity, and in the Vigil of The Epiphany,
in the "
if it be a Sunday
117a .. 5 from bottom, for " and " read " except

123^ . . 3 after "then" infert "let"

133A . . 13 before "O Lord" infert " and begin a new line
135a .. 7 from bottom, and 173a line 11 from bottom, inftead of "place" as in MSS., the
printed Breviaries read "ftep"
15CW .. 12 before "Ihew" infert "And"
158^ .. 5 and i6o« line 2 for " Praife" read "Praifing"
174a .. 17 for "or" read "and"
197a . . 17 for "and feek" read "or feek after"
197a .. 19 for "all become unprofitable" read "altogether become ufelefs"
198^ .. 9 for "eroded'' read "trodden"
207a .. 15 after "praife" infert "Thee"
213A .. 2 from bottom, for " Jefu " read "Jefus"
223^ .. 16 for "leadeft" read "leddeft"
20, 247 b, and 18a add Note to Invitatory :
" In all the lnvitatories that end ' O come, let us
adore ' the whole Invitatory is repeated by the Choir, not the latter claufe only."

253^ line 15 from bottom, for "rocks" read "rock"

269^ .. 2 for " Virgin Son " read " Virgin-born "
277a . . 12 for " counfel " read " council
310a add Note to Pf. CXXXV. "According to the York Breviary '
for his mercy is for evermore'
was repeated after every verfe in Double Feafts only. Whence it may be concluded
that the fame ufage was followed in the Church of Sarum."

316 for

et fer et fer
and to and to
Corrections and Additions.
Page 366a line 10 for "reward " read "rereward
.. 378 .. 2 from bottom, for " Unigenitas " read " Unigenitus"
. . 378 . . 4 from bottom, for " Pontoncraton " read " Pantoncraton
.. 387^ .. 1 fir " in this night to " read " in this night. To"
.. 389a .. 2 before " fhew us " infert "And"
.. 389^ ..11 from bottom, after " Epiphany" infert "and from Thurfday in The Supper of The
Lord to the Firji Sunday after Trinity.''''

. . 402^ . . 22 for " Pfalm IV." read " VI."

. . 403^ lines 14 and 15 from bottom, for " neither is there any peace " read " there is no peace

. . 417 Note, line 7 from bottom, for "Holy Peter, pray for us" read " Holy Peter, hear us."


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