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ETIOLOGY OF LABOR PAINS - These fibers respond to non-painful stimulus, like
• Anoxia in uterine muscle as the supply of non-painful tactile and cutaneous stimuli. Once
oxygenated blood is cut off activated, could close the pain gate inhibiting the
o During contractions, the uterine muscles are transmission of the pain stimuli.
unoxygenated, the lack of oxygen causes - There are fibers which recognizes both painful
pain. and non-painful stimulus, but can only process
o Pain felt during labor is similar to MI one at a time. When both painful and non-painful
o Chemicals released from the contracting stimuli is given at the same time, perception of
muscles of the uterus which make pain the painful stimulus is lessened.
receptors more susceptible to feel pain
• Stretching of the perineum and cervix PHARMACOLOGIC MEASURES
o At the end of the transitional phase in labor, Ø Analgesia – decreases awareness of pain but
when stretching of the cervix is complete and there is still pain
the woman feels she has to push, pain from Ø Anesthesia – partial or complete loss of
the contractions often disappears as long as sensation; blocks pain sensation
the woman is pushing, until the fetal ¬ Can cross the placenta
presenting part causes a final stretching of ¬ Be aware of the timing of administration
the perineum. and the condition of the fetus
• Pressure of the presenting parts to the organs » Preterms are prone to respiratory
depression because of immature
• Pain is a protective mechanism – it is a way of the Ø Not given: Aspirin, pain relief patches
body to alert itself when there is something o Aspirin given to mother in labor can cause further
abnormal or unusual happening bleeding tendencies to the newborn (cant
- In labor, pain alerts the uterus to contract to produce vitamin K yet)
expel the baby and return to pre- pregnant o Pain relief patches – teratogen causing respiratory
state problems
- Pain in peripheral terminals is automatically
reduced by the production of endorphins NONPHARMACOLOGIC PAIN RELIEF MEASURES
and encephalins, naturally occurring opiates • Support system
that limit transmission of pain from the end - It is promoted in unang yakap to have a
terminals. companion during labor and delivery
- Pain can be reduced further at these end • Breathing techniques
points by mechanically transmission. - Distracts the patient
- A major way to block spinal cord • Bathing
neurotransmitters (i.e., never allowing the - Hydrotherapy – submerged in water up
pain impulse to cross to a spinal nerve) is by to the abdomen; effective because
the administration of pain medications. another stimulus is picked up aside from
- In addition, the brain cortex can be distracted pain
from sensing impulses as pain by such - The temperature of water used should be
techniques as imagery, thought stopping, 37°C to prevent hyperthermia of the
and perhaps aromatherapy or yoga. woman and also the newborn at birth.
• Massage
Pain Gate Control Theory - Touch therapy – distracts the patient
- Perception of pain is affected by various factors - Effleurage, the technique of gentle
including psychological and emotional ones abdominal massage often taught with
- Subtantia Gelatinosa on the dorsal horns of the Lamaze in preparation for childbirth
spinal cord regulates the input and output of classes is a classic example of therapeutic
impulses similar to a function of a gate touch
- - Reiki can also promote healing.

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» The term Reiki consists of two yellow form before administration to
Japanese words: rei, which means make sure it will not be used illegally.
“God’s wisdom or the higher power,” • Demerol
and ki, which means “life force
» So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided BIRTH
life force energy.” - Blocking nerve pathways with the use of local
» If one’s life force energy is low, then a anesthetics (Chloroporocaine or Bupivacaine)
person is more likely to get sick or - Completely eliminate pain but still with
feel stress. If it is high, a person is contractions
more capable of being happy and - Woman stays completely awake
healthy. - Does not depress uterine tone but may make
pushing during 2nd stage of labor difficult
OPIOIDS (NARCOTIC) - SIDE EFFECT: may cause maternal hypotension -
- Causes respiratory depression Monitor BP
» Assess RR - TIME OF ADMINISTRATION: active phase of
» Ask pt to report signs of respiratory labor
depression Ø Epidural Anesthesia – anesthesia placed on
» SIGNS OF DYSPNEA: slowed, heavy vacant space outside dura mater at spaces L4-L5,
breathing (bradypnea) and awareness of own L3-L4, or L2-L3
breathing ¬ Blocks pain during labor and birth
- Most commonly given to pt in labor ¬ Pushing will be difficult because of the
- TIME OF ADMINISTRATION: give approx. 3 hrs absence of pain.
from birth (active phase of the 1st stage of labor – ¬ Pushing effort is better with pain,
3 to 4 cm) decreased when with epidural
§ If given too early in labor, slows down anesthesia.
labor (uterine contractions and cervical
dilatations are affected) EPIDURAL ANESTHESIA
§ If given close to 2nd stage of labor, - An anesthetic agent introduced into the CSF in
affects infant few hours after birth the subarachnoid space is spinal injection or
- EFFECT: reduces pain sensation but does not spinal anesthesia.
eliminate pain - An anesthetic agent placed just inside the
- SIDE EFFECT: N/V, euphoria, floating ligamentum flavum in the epidural space is called
- NARCOTIC ANTAGONIST: Naloxone epidural anesthesia. Anesthetic agents placed in
Hydrochloride (Narcan) for respiratory distress the epidural space at the L4–L5, L3–L4, or L2–L3
interspace block not only spinal nerve roots in the
Special Precaution: space but also the sympathetic nerve fibers that
• Nalbuphine (Nubain) – given IV or IM; causes travel with them.
Sedation - Therefore, these blocks can provide pain relief
- Given more frequently than Fentany during both labor and birth.
- Ensure safety: raise side rails and
endorse to relatives to look after the pt • TIME OF ADMINISTRATION: at least 3 to 5 cm cervix
• Morphine sulfate – administered intrathecal (active phase of labor)
(directly at the spinal spaces) prior to epidural - Pt is hydrated before administration, usually with
anesthesia; causes pruritus (itching) 1000mL fast drip PLRS/PNSS
- Causes bronchoconstriction § Do not use D5 (dextrose) containing
- Causes the most respiratory depression fluids to avoid increase in maternal
- Give antihistamine or benadril blood sugar which would increase
• Fentanyl – given IV the baby’s insulin and cause rebound
- Causes drowsiness hypoglycaemia
- Fentanyl is a controlled medication; it is § D5 is okay if not in fast drip
not normally prescribed and needs a
• Combined Method:

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BLOCK - The doctor looks for the pudendal nerve with
Ø Analgesic – nubain, morphine, fentanyl (choose the ischial spine as guide.
only 1) - Anesthetic is introduced at the sacrospinous
Ø Epidural block – chloroporocaine, bupivacaine ligament.
- If pure anesthesia only, there will be no sedation etc., - Ordinary syringe is used, but special needle
only hypotension. Other effects will depend on the (trumpet needle) is needed since the doctor’s
analgesic mixed. finger will be the guide and it has to be
- Up to level of umbilicus protected.
- INDICATION: heart disease, pulmonary disease, - Uses Marcaine or Lidocaine to anesthetize
gestational hypertension, preterm labor pudendal nerve
- SIDE EFFECTS: hypotension - Painless episiotomy and repair
¬ Assess side effects of the opioids mixed if
combined method is used EMERGENCY ANESTHESIA
- PREVENTION: hydration of 1000mL IV PLRS prior to SPINAL ANESTHSIA
induction of anesthesia - Administration is much simpler. Spinal needle is
¬ PLRS/PNSS > D5-containing to avoid used to inject anesthesia at the spinal column.
rebound fetal hypoglycaemia - ADMINISTRATION: Bupivacaine is injected using
lumbar puncture into the subarachnoid space
¬ Assess for pruritus - EFFECT: no sensation and control from umbilicus
¬ Assess for urinary retention/sensation to void to the legs
¬ Assess for postpartal dural headache (spinal • Immediately after administration, pt
headache) cannot move feet completely until the
o d/t sudden drop of CSF level anesthetics wear off
• NEVER place a woman in Trendelenburg
Touhy Needle is inserted most ideally at the level because it will cause anesthesia to rise
of L4 to L5 (end of spinal cord – best location). Epidural high in spinal column causing
space is reached once there is vacuum pressure at the uterine/respiratory effect
needle. Touhy needle is just a guide and will be pulled - SIDE EFFECT: hypotension
out, but the catheter of the epidural anesthesia will remain - PREVENTION: hydration of 1000mL IV PLRS prior
inside the epidural space and taped at the pt’s back. to induction of anesthesia
¬ Be careful in moving the pt as the epidural
anesthesia can easily be removed from the back. GENERAL ANESTHESIA
- Rarely used for delivery
Leg raise test – effective once if the client cannot lift the - Indicated if delivery of the baby must be done
leg: The goal is to block pain sensation, not to completely quickly and operatively
stop control on the leg, so that when this test is done, the - Pentothal:
pt can still lift the leg above the table, but only low. § Rapid induction but short- acting, allows
uterine contractions
PAIN RELIEF DURING BIRTH § Crosses the placenta quickly, fetus often
- Inject the Lidocaine solution into the vaginal - ROUTE: endotracheal administration (combined
mucosa, beneath the skin of the perineum and with O2)
into the perineal muscle § Mother is intubated
- Wait 2 minutes then pinch the incision site with § Via inhalation (others in the DR may inhale it
forceps. too)
- If the woman feels the pinch, wait 2 more minutes - SIDE EFFECT: severe respiratory depression in
then retest. fetus
» Only numbs the area § Emergency drugs for GA (p. 387) must be
» Lidocaine – local infiltration (at the available
cut only) using ordinary needle, wait - Teratogenic – if you are pregnant, try to excuse
for anesthetic agent to effect yourself

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- Part of care for the client - Because it is difficult for many couples to adhere
- Given as early as prenatal care, but sometimes to abstinence, the method has a high failure rate
given PP - Most effective way to prevent STIs

Reproductive Life Planning is all about: 2. LACTATION AMENORRHEA METHOD

• Decisions - 1-5% failure rate
o From mother AND father When a woman is breastfeeding, there is a
• Knowing consequences natural suppression of both ovulation and
o Physiologic – risks and dangers on the
- menses
body of the mother
- Effective on the first 6 months postpartum
o Quality of life of the children
- Effective if infant is frequently and exclusively
o Gaps – their focus on each children
breastfed (q4 during the day, q6 during the night)
- Effective if no return of menses yet
Considerations for Contraception
» Values – eg. Catholic
» Ability – can they understand the method, will
- (+) coitus but only until moment of ejaculation
- Spermatozoa are emitted outside the vagina
» follow religiously, is it doable
- About 12% failure rate due to:
» Sexual enjoyment – discomforts caused
a) Possibility of ejaculation before complete
» Financial factor
withdrawal from vagina
» Relationship – monogamous or polygamous
b) Pre-ejaculation fluid may contain sperm
» Prior experience – effectivity of previously used
» contraception
» Future plans
- Douching following intercourse, no matter what
solution is used, is ineffective as a contraceptive
measure as sperm may be present in cervical
- methods that involve no introduction of chemical
mucus as quickly as 90 seconds after ejaculation,
or foreign material into the body
long before douching could be accomplished.
- Others simply believe a “natural” way of planning
pregnancies is best for them, one that will involve
no expense, does not introduce a foreign
substance into their body, and has no risk to a
- requires a couple to abstain from coitus on the
fetus should they become pregnant.
days of a menstrual cycle when the woman is
- The effectiveness of these methods varies greatly
most likely to conceive.
from a 2% ideal failure rate to about a 25% failure
- To plan for this, the woman keeps a diary of about
rate, depending mainly on the couple’s ability to
six menstrual cycles.
refrain from having sexual relations on fertile days
- Periodic abstinence – be aware of fertility days
or days in which a woman is most likely to
and abstain on those fertility days
become pregnant
- Failure is due to irregular menstrual cycle
A. Observe menstrual cycle for 6 months
first to know shortest and longest
- Abstaining from sexual relation
B. Subtract 18 from the shortest cycle then
- 0% failure rate
subtract 11 from the longest cycle
- Failure is only due to in adherence
- Due to the natural human sexual drive, patients
may find it difficult to adhere to abstinence
because they may deny the possibility of sexual - BBT falls 0.5°F before ovulation then rises 1°F
activity and fail to plan for pregnancy and STI during ovulation
prevention. - Temperature taking (oral or tympanic) before any
- activity

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- Slight dip then increase means ovulation = refrain 3. DIAPHRAGM
from coitus - May be left in place for 24 hours (at least 6 hours
- Higher failure rate because post coitus)
a) Many factors can affect temperature - High risk of UTI and other infections
b) Sperm can survive for 72 hours after
Ø BILLING’S METHOD - soft rubber shaped like a thimble, which fits
- Changes in cervical mucus snugly over the uterine cervix
- Fertile on days when mucus is copious and 4 days - Easily dislodged
- after - May be left in place for 48 hours
- Abstain 4 days before mucus becomes copious - The failure rate is estimated to be as high as 23%
- then 4 days after (ideal) to 35% (typical use) because caps tend to
- Difficult to approximate dislodge more readily than diaphragms during
• Spinnbarkeit test Coitus
o Not ovulating: cervical mucus is thick and
does not stretch 5. ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES
o Just before ovulation: mucus secretion - Composed of estrogen with small amount of
increases progesterone
o Ovulation: copious, thin, transparent, and o Estrogen suppresses FSH and LH therefore
watery suppressing ovulation
o Progesterone decreases mucus permeability
BARRIER METHODS therefore restricts motility
- Chemical or latex barrier between cervix and - SIDE EFFECTS: nausea, weight gain, headache,
advancing sperm so sperm cannot reach and breast tenderness, spotting in between menses,
fertilize an ovum vaginal infection, depression
o Myocardial/Thromboembolic Symptoms:
1. SPERMICIDE chest pain, DOB, severe headache, severe
- acidifies vagina and causes death of sperms leg pain, blurred vision
- No protection from STIs - Not routinely prescribed for women with hx of
- Gel, creams, foam, and suppository CVA, TE disease, diabetes – it worsens these
- Side Effects: Vaginally inserted spermicidal diseases
products are contraindicated in women with o Hormones have steroids which increases
acute cervicitis because they might further irritate glucose
the cervix. Some women find the vaginal leakage
after use of these products bothersome. Vaginal DRUG INTERACTION
suppositories, because of the cocoa butter or 1. Reduces the effects of:
glycerin base, are the most bothersome in this » Acetaminophen
regard. » Anticoagulants
» Anticonvulsants
2. MALE AND FEMALE CONDOMS 2. Decreased effectiveness with the following:
- Protection from STI » Barbiturates, isoniazid, penicillin, tetracyclin
- Made of latex » If the pt will undergo an antibiotic therapy, to
- Female condoms must adhere to the cervical area secure protection from pregnancy, the pt and
- Male and female condoms should not be used partner must use secondary means of
together or there is an increased chance of contraception
tearing one or the other.
- The ideal failure and usual failure rate of female Combination Oral Contraceptives
condoms equals those of male condoms, 5% and - All of these contain both estrogen and progestin,
15% they all just vary in the amount of progestin,
frequency of intake, and at which part of the cycle
they will be taken

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1. Monophasic pills, which contain fixed doses of SURGICAL METHODS
both estrogen and progestin throughout a 21-day VASECTOMY
cycle • Vas deferens on each side is cut and tied
2. Biphasic, or preparations that deliver a constant • Can be done in an ambulatory clinic
amount of estrogen throughout the cycle but • Under local anesthetics
varying amounts of progestin • Does not cause impotence, only prevents sperm
3. Triphasic and tetraphasic preparations, which from passing through
vary in both estrogen and progestine throughout
• Fallopian tubes are cut, tied, or blocked
Progestin Only (mini pills) • Minor surgery, laparoscopic
- No estrogen • May be under General Anesthesia
- Oral contraceptives containing only progestins • Scheduled after a menstrual flow, before
are popularly called mini-pills and, like ovulation
combination types, must be taken conscientiously • Causes abdominal discomfort post-procedure
every day.
- Without estrogen content, ovulation may occur,
but because the progestins have not allowed the
endometrium to develop fully or sperm to freely
access the cervix, fertilization and implantation
will not take place.

Hormonal Contraception
- Oral contraceptives
- Can be taken 2 weeks after birth of PP mother
- 28 pill dispenser, 21 active, 7 placebo
- Not effective initial 7 days
- Start 2nd dispenser 1 day after finishing the 1st
o if you finished your first dispenser on a
Monday, on Tuesday, you won’t take
anything and on Wednesday, you’ll start
with your 2nd dispenser.

- Suggested not to be placed immediately PP as it
may be displaced during uterine involution, but
since IE is done before discharge, we can check if
the IUD is still in place.
- Can be hormonal or not
- Effective for 10 years
- Causes sterile inflammation reaction prevents
o If there is inflammation, implantation will
be impossible.
- Copper prevents sperm from crossing
- Woman must not be pregnant upon insertion
o May cause abortion when pulled out
- String protrudes to the vagina after attachment

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